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AMC: Wednesday

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Well, I'm still disgusted and devastated.

But there are a couple of good things going on today.

Highlight so far for me are the Di/Krystal scenes. I'm glad they are showing Di grieving...and they are finally remembering that Krystal and Di were once friends/jailmates. Makes sense at least.

The show started again with a shirtless Ryan - and I HATE to admit this, but it was pretty hot and flirty. This is the Ryan I can stand at least.

I'm TIRED of Babe - I was probably Babe's biggest supporter on SON (second to Skin probably) - but anyway she's annoying the hell outta me lately, and having her on EVERY single day in January and involved in EVERY single storyline going on right now...well it's too much IMO. Even Alexa has looked worn out and trashy lately bc she's being overworked. Time for a vacation girl! And of course today, Dixie's death is all about Babe. I'm tired of it!

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Okay this doesn't belong in this post but I'm beyond peeved that Kate Collins didn't get an emmy pre-nom. Was Frons scared she might actually win?

Also I noticed ABC's recap of yesterday didn't even mention Dixie's name! Maybe it wasn't a final slap in the face, maybe they were worried it would be posted early by accident but come on, anyone who buys groceries or goes online knew Dixie was going to die.

As for today's show (getting back on topic) I agree with all your comments.

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At first I was only hoping Kate would get a pre-nom, but deep down I KNEW she wouldn't bc she left in April and probably hasn't been thought of since. Plus her nom would take away from his precious Alicia, Alexa, Bobbie, and Eden.

But then I saw Genie Francis got a pre-nom and now I'm like WTF! Maybe it was bc Genie was on in November and so she was still fresh on everyone's mind...but she was only on for like 3 weeks in the entire year...and Kate was on for 4 months of the entire year.

If he would allow Genie to get a pre-nom, why not Kate Collins, who really deserved it? A shame!

ANYWAY - of course the Di/Krystal scenes were cut short for more Krystal/Babe :(

Jacob Young is doing a great job today though - when he tears up, he is so believable.

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Well - the only thing exciting might be this Ball coming up - to bring out the Satin Slayer. It's time now for us to see the conclusion of this storyline.

The previews - well hopefully we see some slaps or punches tomorrow between Kendall/Annie. I need to see some fire behind Annie ASAP.

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The coma thing isn't true. All we can really hope for is that she leaves this fall when her contract is up. Even though Frons will replace her with someone else as the centre of the show (Colby?).

If she signs a new deal someone else will have to be fired, as Alexa would be going from a cheap newbie contract to big bucks.

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I agree with most of your points. I loved that Rebecca Taylor remembered that Krystal and Di share a history together and that they were once friends when they were in jail. I love that they incorperated that into the show and I loved the dialouge scene for them in today's episode.

Ryan and Annie have been cute lately and I am starting to want them to be there own little nuclear family.

Even thou I think Alexa is getting to much airtime lately she needed to be on today interacting with her family. After Dixie's huge death. We all know everyone would be calling foul if Babe wasn't there to comfort JR or if she wasn't seen mourning Dixie. So she needed to be on today. So I felt her prescenes atleast today was needed for story.

Bite your tounge! this was the first time since Krystal came to Pine Valley that she actually acted like a mother!

Alexa is so out of here when her contract coems up in September. You can just tell. She has a strong desire to go to L.A. and she has been lining up moves for awhile now. This September she is just so gone. Just like Jennifer (ATWT) and Kristie (Days) were.

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I don't think they quite get how Babe is hated.

This is not a regular "Oh, I hate that guy!" kind of hate. This is an intense hate, like I know this bisch (since SON is run by Puritans), like she did something to me, like she stole my money. No, this is not a normal hate, this hate runs deep and long, like if the Nile and the Mississippi had a baby.

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