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Y&R Discussion: Week of January 22nd

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I can only hope that the show will eventually do JT and Victoria. I loved the scenes with them dancing today. They are both way more interesting together, but I don't mind if it takes another year or two to happen. The scene I want to see most is Victoria finding out that Brad slept with Sharon right after their wedding. I hope she goes Newman on his ass. He's dragged her into "Brad's world" and all the lies and danger that goes with it and meanwhile he's all about Sharon.

I'm still way more interested in Phick than another go around with Jack, but I do wish the show would give Phyllis and Nick a good story together. I hate it that Jack is leading Sharon on when he's really not that into her.

I liked the idea of the reliquary story just because it's original. The idea of another WTD makes me really want to zzzzzzzz. But I have to say the execution is beyond boring. I wish they had ended it after they got Sharon back from the kidnappers. I wonder if whatever is special about the relequiry is going to set of another branch of this story.

I like Cane. He's cute, I hope they use his character well.

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Loving the return of the Fast Reply fucntion :D

Anyway, on to Y&R:

-The show is becoming the Colleen hour. This must have been how the fans of the 80s/90s felt about Christine :lol: Colleen is the new "Bug!" The differences is that Adrienne Leon can act, while Laurlee, on the other hand, couldn't. But even if you have the ability, seeing you all the time gets old. I used to like Colleen. Sure, she was boring as paint, but I didn't hate her. That's changed, now that she's the slut of GC :lol: (Not really, but yeah).

-Always loving me some DAILY :D They're nice to see, now that we actually get to see just them. The spark is back!

-Enjoyed Victoria and JT, like always. Who knew two of the most boring characters on Y&R would entertain me while together?

-Jana brings Kevin down, IMO. Last week, when Keven told JT about Colleen's crush on Adrian, I thought we were getting the old Kevin back. But now, he's back to being nothing, but a prop to Jana. Why?

-The highlight of today's show was definitely Pheila/Lauren/Michael/Paul. Lauren is taking no prisoners when it comes to Pheila, and who could blame her? I was surprised Lauren didn't slap that sh*t out of Pheila. I thought it was coming when she sat next to her. Then, once back in Fenmore's room, Lauren had her breakdown. Tracy did a magnificent job.

-A day without Amber? My God! Hell has frozen over!

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Tracey and Christian did a marvellous job with their angst today.

Why is Maggie so stalkerish?

Daniel was loads of hot today. Looks like someone gave their teacher a little more than an apple. I bet I know one little girl who's gonna be getting an "A+."

How cute did Christian look with little Fen :wub:

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Oh, please. Tracey can't even rise to crap she's given, much less stuff that's written well.

Kimberlin Brown is where it's at. Fortunately, she doesn't have to play out this crap, and someday she can bring back HER character untarnished.

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Regardless, I hope the storyline has something that ends well... So far we have a repeat of a storyline we saw before (Carmen possibly not being dead, reminds me too much of the Cameron Kirsten storyline)...we have a storyline where they botched up history (Kay and Jill) and we have one tha should have ended a long time ago (Brad and his past).

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