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Are you ready for a black President?

Dr. Jay S.W.

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Well, to be technical, Obama is only have black.

But, I have to agree that large parts of America are not ready for a black President. The more conversative areas in the middle of the country aren't ready for anyone other than a white male as President.

However, the tide is beginning to change...after all, we now have the first woman ever to serve as Speaker of the US House of Representatives, making her second in the presidental succession line after only the Vice President. Who would have thought that would have ever happened?

And we also have the first Muslim ever elected to Congress as well.

So, change is beginning to happen....but I think it might be awhile before this country elects a black man or woman as President. They may sooner elect a woman than a black man.

But let's all thank the Lord that Bush can't run again in 2008....if he could, many misinformed Americans would vote for him again. And then we'd be counting down the days to January 20, 2013...instead of January 20, 2009.

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It's one thing when you have the Senate and the House of Representative. The presidency is a whole different can of worms. Even then, can one really say that progress is being made when there's all of TWO black people (Ellison and Obama) in Senate?

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I am most certainly ready and I would vote for him.....it's just I don't think America is ready for a black president or a woman president yet. Especially with all the racism and Iraq.

Assassination would be a possibility....especially with Iraq and all.

So, I'm ready, but America's not. Not yet at least.

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You also have to wonder just how many blacks do run for political office.

Baltimore just got their first black female mayor, after the previous one was elected governor. She will hold the seat for a year, then she plans to run again. Baltimore also has quite a few blacks in the city council. Michael Steele did run for Senate, but lost. However, I felt that had nothing to do with his color---he had support from many conservatives of both races. I think what did him in was his stance on issues and that Maryland is a majority Democratic state save for a few of the wealther counties.

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I guess I'm not as cynical as everyone else (which is a surpise.) I think Obama can win if the youth actually get off their lazy asses and votes. But I think that with the political situations in the country, more and more young people are becoming aware of what's really going on. A significant amount of young adults voted in the 2004 election (unfortunately, though, not enough), so I think the tide is turning.

I'm actually going to be doing an internship in New Hampshire during the summer because of the primaries. I'm not going to be working on a specific campaign; instead, we want to get both Republicans and Democrats to stress the importance of environmental issues in the country. We want to make the 2008 election, a "green year" in terms of what the focus is about, and a lot of students in colleges and universities across the nation have declared that saving the environment is the #1 cause of our generation.

Yeah, no way!! He's not even from Massachusetts, he's from Utah. Yet somehow our state voted for him?? For a very liberal state, we actually have a record number of Republican governors who have been really moderate, but Romney was super-conservative. He took away a ton of money from public education in our state. My friends at UMass say that their school is in severe debt because he took away funding last year. :(

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honestly, ive been reading a lot about him and others and doing reserch and stuff since this is the first election i can and will vote in. and i will def vote for him so far. i agree with a lot about what he has said and such. however, if he ran and/or won i do think he would be killed.

i do think that if it happend and he got killed ... in fact mayhbe even if he just actually runs.. there will be a major race war among us again. maybe im being over dramatic but i think that a lot of people that just dont speak up would start. people would become much more passionate about issues and that would be a good thing - but people would take it to far and it would turn bad.

american dreams anyone? yeah, that wouldnt suprise me if it happend.

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My vote goes to who I feel is what we need. I do not care if they are man or woman, black or white. Its too bad that some people would vote that way.

As for Obama. He is too new, too fresh to be running. He is only going on press right now and that will not win him the nomination or election. I am not saying he would not be capable, but he is a virtual unknown.

There are too many strong names on the DEM side for him to overcome. If he had more than two years experience in DC, things might be different.

The bad thing with him is, he portrays himself as a centrist, but has never made it to the center in his voting record or comments.

That will hurt him as well.

I think he is intelligent (god I hope that is not considered a wrong thing to say about him~~~), but really I doubt he has a chance. But I have been surprised before.

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What I find funny is everyone including the medias questions about Obama's lack of experience when the most experienced politicians followed Bush blindly into Iraq while Barack Obama was on the otherside protesting saying it was wrong. While experience may good, It doesn't always make you 'RIGHT'.

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Its obvious the US isnt ready, I am tired of reading is Obama black enough? Why is his color even in question and why does it matter if he is black enough in the first place. He seems very intelligent, has a way with words, and I would gladly vote him in over someone like Hillary CLITon. I will be honest I don't know many of Obama's views but I would definitely listen what he has to say if he ends up on the ballot for the Dems.

Living in Tennessee, I know countless people who won't vote for Obama just for the simple fact he's black. I just don't see a black individual as the president of the US happening just yet, which I think is sad IF Obama happens to be the best chocie come election time.

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