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AMC-Major storyline spoiler

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thank you, but talk about insane. a day player being given a contract. Ok let see babe didnt get to do him that night, so he needs to hang around until the deed is done

Or let see maybe he is erica's other son, the one that she lost with Phillip. Or Zarf is really tad sonm from his days of being Ted..

what is going on.

Brooke is gone and this crap person is hired

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Yeah and all of us AW fans remember how well Dr.Fax and Frankie's death worked out for that show.........:angry:

Good lord this is just insane.......... :blink:

I hate serial killer storylines, it always seems like a last ditch effort kind of way to go.......

This won't get me to tune back in, with the exception of Simone or Brooke's funeral.......... :(

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I'm so conflicted with this news...I'm not sure how I feel about it yet.

On one hand I'm kind of excited.

Erin will be gone soon...

Maybe more people I hate will follow...

A new storyline that will involve the whole show...

If Teri and Julia are going to leave (more or less) on their own then so be it...kill 'em off.

I would never enjoy watching other actresses playing their parts.

As sad as it might be to see them murdered, it would be easier to see than a recast.

If the door is going to close on them...might as well slam it shut.

But it's a different story if it's all vet's that are getting fired and killed.

I say the ones off limits should be:

Erica (No duh)


Palmer (No killing of Grandpa)

Myrtle (No killing of Grandma)





...and Ryan, Kendell and Bianca.

And keep Aidian, Di and Lily too cause I just like them.

Everyone else is fair game in my eyes.

Anybody that has less than 3 years on the show could go.

Kill Jamie. Kill Zack. Kill Amanda...I don't care about them.

Babe...Krystal...JR...I don't like them.

All the recent newbies could all die right now and I wouldn't even blink.

Josh...Del...the teens...Annie...make 'em all worm food.

But it's not the victims that make a good murder mystery. It's the writing.

Will this story play good?

So far my expectations are low at this point. Who seen ATWT's 'killer' summer? Boring and dumb.

OLTL's both killing sprees tanked towards the end...

'General Homicide' on PC was confusing...Days blew it by having the murders turn out to be fake...

And so far it looks like it's all women that's going to be killed.

Which doesn't surprise me. <_<

I watched the LOVING Murders back in the day and that was a great story.

Because the writing was great.

I will tune back in when this story starts...but I'm not sure I will stay after this stunt is all over.

This is the story I wished for.

I complained and moaned about just wanting half the cast killed off...so now here it comes.

So I'll at least take a peak at it.

For all I know this could be the shows last storyline.

But death for the holidays?

That's just sick.

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And as you can see he's full of shiit. He says the words to keep the base in line (not unlike political parties) then fufills whatever the actual agenda is, which is about ABCD branding as a package, moving into new media, increasing the visibility of SOAPnet, seeking new merchandising opportunities and other extra streams of revenue and getting that elusive demo (the say it's 18-49, but I think 18-34 is probably as or more imprortant to them) by changing the format in whatever ways they believe the shiny will attract new and younger viewers.

Look the credit he took in the article Bianca's transcendence into more than just a lesbian...he forgets to mention she's not a lesbian at all now really, not a least onscreen. Same thing with Bianca and Maggie bloviating. A love story that never really happened onscreen (not that I am complaining because I can't stand Maggie), but he's just selling, always selling (when he's not putting his foot in his mouth). I like to call him the PT Barnum of Daytime.

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Oh, it would not suprise me.

The killer is going to be someone incredibly stupid, that is for sure with McTavish writing this story.

I hope they do not plan on bringing some lost viewers back because of this storyline, because they are not getting me back by doing some serial killer story. If Brooke gets killed I would only watch her last airdate and maaaabye the funeral, but killing Brooke would lose me as a viewer forever at the same time, so either way, this story has not succedded in getting me back as a viewer.

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You all know I don't care much for 'spoilers', but considering the CONFIRMATION I just received

about this MAJOR STORYLINE that begins at the end of November.

Pine Valley is going to have a 'Serial Killer' storyline...Yeah, I know, how original is that?

The first victim will be Terri Ivens' Simone.

It will 'appear' that Simone takes her own life.

But, a few who knew her will believe Simone wasn't

capable of doing that.

The next victim will be Connie Fletcher's Erin.

Vincent Irrizary's David MAY be a victim too... He already taped his final scenes, but they're

being kept under such tight guard, I don't know for sure...yet.

And...prepare yourselves...

The next will be Julia Barr's Brooke!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's STRONG RUMBLINGS that a couple more LONG- TIME Pine Valley residents will be killed off as

this story builds to a close in February 07.

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Jesus Pete. No offense EK4L, but I HOPE to God, you are wrong, too. They have no idea what kind of firestorm and viewer revolt they'd get.

And I hope to God, David doesn't get it either because I want him to come back some day. Unforturnately, I have little hope Brooke ever would in the current ABCD climate.

The hits just keep on comin',,,,and I do mean HITS.

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