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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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Consider the source...

All of these writers have had on-air credit all throughout the last three months, so it's kind of hard for me to believe they've already written their last work by late August/early September (when 'Jackie' posted this on 9/9/06) if their work is still being shown 10 weeks later. :rolleyes:

But this was all coming from 'Jackie' who said that McTavish was out by October and Burton Armus would be head writer, writing material that would ideally start airing in the next couple of weeks. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Then, as soon as October came, 'Jackie' disappeared and all of his/her inside scoop as well.

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Well, I have to admit I'm very disappointed. Part of me wants to still hold out hope that McT will be gone by the end of the year. I guess at the very least I can hang my hopes on the rumor that next spring when her one-year contract expires (per Errol) that McT will finally be given the boot.

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I believe another poster stated that they thought her contract may be up around April/May. I am not sure that it is known exactly when her contract is up though. But she may be on a thirteen weeks cycle meaning she could be fired at the end of the those thirteen weeks. I think her next cycle would be around Jan/Feb. I am crossing my fingers that she will be replaced early next year.

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QUOTE(kzinlove06 @ Nov 28 2006, 02:23 PM)

Well, I have to admit I'm very disappointed. Part of me wants to still hold out hope that McT will be gone by the end of the year. I guess at the very least I can hang my hopes on the rumor that next spring when her one-year contract expires (per Errol) that McT will finally be given the boot.

thanks KZinlove06 for the reference about where you found this that Errol reply too.

I personally have pulled that thread up 4 times because I love reading that no matter what she will be gone once her contract is up.

But no where on there has Errol said a yr that I seen. Because I also thought 13 weeks cycle. I still have to believe that after the holidays she is gone because if she isnt, then i lost all hope for this show.

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Zarf is another example of what is wrong with ABCD -- and there are many! Instead of an intelligent story they resort to gimmicks -- a transgender teen and rock store. How about an intelligent story about a gay teen-ager. How long did the big bold GH story last -- two episodes?

Frons sucks. Another gimmick when an intellligent story could have been done and should have been done.

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How is a gay teen storyline intelligent and a transgendered teen storyline a stunt? The fact Zarf is transgendered doesn't mean it can't be intelligent. We haven't even seen the storyline yet...so how can you say it isn't good or not intelligent?

Btw, Zarf isn't a teen.

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Zarf isn't real. He's this alien rock star character who strips nude in the offices of a cosmetics company, writes songs about death and the underworld -- thinks Babe has a soul :unsure: -- and is channeling energies and auras and vibes and spirits and crystals and wizards and witches...

THAT'S the sensationalistic stunt part of the whole transgendered storyline. That, and his name is fuking ZARF!

Megan can't simply write realism. She has to write sensationalism.

I'm a GLBT viewer, and believe me, I know a few trans-anything people, and they're not this larger than life, unrelatable, cartoonish entity.

McTavish is already starting this storyline off on the wrong foot. This dude is feeling like he's been assigned to wrong gender? Um... coulda fooled the hell out of me, with him being buck ass naked in Fusion! Transitioning people have serious body image issues! Women who transition into men grow up detesting their breasts. They do everything the can to cover them up, tape them down, make them go away. They don't just sprawl out with their boobs hanging out for all the world to see.

They didn't even get out of the gate and missed a MAJOR dramatic point for this storyline. Playing up the self-hatred Transgendered people feel when it comes to their bodies or their looks. How that one thing alone can color their entire outlook on life. Now, after all of this free love and nudity, we're supposed to believe Zarf has issues with the body he was born in?

Research with GLAAD my ass! :rolleyes:

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