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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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Ya, but really, where does that leave us? You were probably right, and? AMC is still dying slowly and painfully, only now, we have no hope in sight. I wanted to believe that something could be coming. I had to. For AMC. But now that's gone. And we're forced to just sit idlely by and watch AMC die. A little hope never hurt. :(

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All of this makes me feel even worse for AMC. I feel sorry for the actors being stuck on a show that has such horrible writing. I feel even worse for the fans. I just don't know what it will take for ABC to make better decisions and fire some of these people. There is just nothing left of AMC.

I am still going to hold onto hope that if AMC tanks during sweeps the affiliates will put a ton of pressure on ABC to make some changes. And maybe all the negative feedback from the fans will help too. I doubt it though, they never listen to us.

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First of all this is straight to LookingGlass, although you were right, you really dont have to mock or make fun of that fact, because all you were right about, is a show that I love, going away. So being happy that you were right with a little more class, would of been better.

And to R Sinclair, I think that it has been said by Errol that Jackie reported what was what she knew at the time, so i think she is known by people here at SON and is consider a good source.

And now for in general. I guess that I am someone that is weird. Because it really bothers me that there is no hope for AMC. There is no AMC as I once knew it. And I guess giving time, I might think of it like Speed Racer, a fond memory. But for now it still cuts like glass. And I find no laughter in the fact that AMC is lost. So for those of you that find me weird, its true I am .. AMC was my show.. I never missed it .

SO no one loses except the fans that found the thought, and hope of MMTrash being gone as a start to renewing the show.

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I feel your pain Theresa. Even though I am not watching AMC anymore, I still am holding out hope that something will be fixed on the show. And I trust the info that Errol and this board puts up. But I think things change quickly behind the scenes. I still think it is up to the affiliates to pressure ABC to make changes on the show. Frons isn't going to do it.

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Sylph I believe that Frons quote was from January 2005!

Amazing isn't it. Look at all of the lies. There was never a Bo/Nora story. The viki Dorian feud lasted a week and it involved Dorian getting Viki fired from Lllanview University after Dorian forged a check.

Oh well.

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I am trying to think of something witty to write, but i am empty, and it really doesn't matter because these words will push this back to page 1.

and yes i know this thread should die, but i can't let it go just now.

i plan on seeking help for that though.

Right after they take the trash out!

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