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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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I think it's a given Megan is out ... it's just a question of "when"

I notice no changes for GH ... Frons must really love Guza and Phelps. Not that GH is the worst of the ABC three anyway (believe it or not) ... although GH needs a fresh perspective in a bad way.

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Hey K-Man...I just seen your turkey icon.

Just made me think that the fat turkey is like Megan.

I'm just waiting for her head to get chopped off,

so I can get to the good dinner part.

I'm sorry if that's mean.

It's not my fault she might be fat.

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So it's now November 7th.

Dare I say I told you so? lol

At least one staff writer has tossed some story proposals Frons' way but that doesn't mean he's interested. I have to make it clear that this writer was not approached, he/she approached Frons. So there is still no evidence he is shopping around.

I don't know much about this particular writer so I don't know what it would mean if anything happened. It's all rather irrelevant anyways because I doubt it will lead to anything.

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I have to admit, God forgive me, but I am enjoying a touch of self-righteousness, too. :P

And Jackie packed up her fortune telling hut as well as her crystal ball and moved along with the rest of the traveling circus. I hope nobody paid her $5 to read their palms, too. :unsure:

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