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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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All the above, except I highly doubt story input.

It's not an either/or though. The AMC PR department (and the dumb-as-bricks soap press) have created this illusion of a false dichotomy: It was either Eden or Vincent.


AMC could easily have had both. There are many other ways to save money. Most posters here would agree half the AMC cast could be fired and nobody would care or even notice!

The fact of the matter is ABC has had no use for Vincent for years. They saw a chance to get rid of him using Eden as a scapegoat and they took it.

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Errol said "vet" and TK. though not a teen ... is NOT an AMC vet. He's a newbie. Susan is a lifer. My f/m rumor picks are Barr (having been shoved out of nearly everything - might as well put her on recurring as NuMyrtle) and Willey (now, that would be a surprise.)

But really. Back to the topic. Interim ... were the other annoucements by jackie confirmed? Megan's relative off the writing staff, etc?

Been deleting AMC from my TiFaux for awhile now.

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PASoapfan/Robert already said it's not Susan Lucci, David Canary, Michael E Knight, Walt Willey, or Julia Barr for now.

The only frontburner character that is important enough to the show to cause an impact, imo, is Kendall, but I hope it's not Alicia Minshew. Now, if it were Alexa Havins (Babe) on the other hand, I'd be jumping for joy!

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Not exactly.

The script writers are only listed when they write the show. Rebecca Taylor and Courtney Bugler's names will continue to appear. They may just be their final scripts (which are written well ahead of time so if they were fired last month they still have a few more left to air) OR they were never fired to begin with.

I realize everyone wants to believe this. So do I. But, objectively, it's not looking too promising at the moment.

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ITA. There's no way a new headwriter is taking over within the next month and it has not been announced by ABC yet. Maybe it was true at one point, maybe it still is but has been pushed back, someone here claimed they knew Kaye Alden was coming to AMC and Burton Armus was going to One Life so maybe that is true. But if MM is not gone by the end of October then she'll be around for a long time to come because they aren't going to fire her in November and pay her for another 13 or 26 weeks, whichever it is, when they could have gotten rid of her a few days earlier at no extra cost!

The show still sucks (this week has been good thus far though), the actors are still miserable according to this week's Soap Opera Digest magazine and looking to jump ship to other shows, and there is no proof of any salvation on the way. And I have a nagging suspicion that this is all from the same person who leaked the Jeff Beldner and Amanda L. Beall "story".

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I still think that McTavish is leaving. I have to believe that or I won't ever watch AMC again. I think that it is very possible she was given until the end of her contract cycle which, according to LookingGlass, is in Oct. I assume that it is toward the end of Oct. Jackie could have been correct and McTavish could have been given her notice several weeks ago.

I don't think we will hear an announcement until McTavish is gone. And if she is leaving at the end of Oct., we may not even hear anything until Nov/Dec. It took a long time for Days to announce the new writer so I think it is very possible we won't hear anything for a while.

I also think that it is possible plans changed and that Burton Amos could be headed for OLTL and Alden (former Y&R) writer is headed for AMC. That may have created more of a delay.

Either way, I am hoping that McTavish is gone. AMC would be foolish to count on her to compete against Days now.

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Soap Opera Digest says "more than a few" AMC-ers are currently talking to other shows.

Do Brian Frons and Julie Hannan Carruthers not care about this? Are they not embarassed?

I'm actually starting to believe Frons wants AMC to be cancelled. And people can believe "nah, he wouldn't do that" all they want. Sure it wouldn't look great if this classic institution got canned under his tenure at ABC, but this kind of intentional sabatoge happens all the time in business.

He admitted himself when he took over that he was totally unfamiliar with AMC, it wasn't his kind of show. It means nothing to him. It's just taking up space where he'd like to put a Big Brother type of show.

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Maybe that's the plan. Frons LOVES DOOL. He does not like AMC. So if he can help DOOL out a little driving its competition into the ground he probably would.

After all, he apparently lent his prized protege [s.W.S.N.B.N.] to DOOL. He knew she was a great writer and he lent her to a show that is in direct competition with one of his shows.

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Sadly, I think you're right. I remember when Frons first came to ABC and in an interview in SOW he was naming his favorite male and female characters from each soap. For GH & OLTL, he picked people who actually mattered (sorry that I can't recall who they were now, I think GH's Sonny & OLTL's Todd for the men) and for AMC, he picked Aiden & Simone! He really has no clue what this show is about and he would probably love for it to fail.

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I can take or leave Aiden, but Simone is just about my favorite female AMC character right now. Maybe it's because she's rarely onscreen and hasn't been decimated by the horrible writing? Even my beloved Kendall is bugging me these days. I also like Di, and even Julia some days...but SIMONE is the character I really want to see more of. Terri Ivens is awesome, and deserves to be more than scene filler at Fusion. I guess I should be thankful that she still has a job since Frons likes her, but I'd almost rather see her move on to a show that would use her.

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