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William H. Macy Calls Out Linsday Lohan


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Macy Calls Out Lohan, Disrespectful Actors

Says Lohan's 'charming,' but her actions are 'inexcusable'

By Daniel Fienberg

At 55, William H. Macy has been working in film and television for more than 25 years and in the theater for even longer, so when the consummate professional called out Lindsay Lohan on Thursday (Aug. 24), it was striking.

Macy was speaking to reporters about his vocal turn in the computer animated "Everyone's Hero" when the subject turned innocently to upcoming projects. Macy, one of the business' most prolific actors, has a number of films in the can, including Emilio Estevez's "Bobby," a period piece that co-stars oodles of A-list performers including Lohan.

The question was a simple one: Did you enjoy working with Lindsay because we know she also co-starred with [Macy's wife] Felicity Huffman in "Georgia Rule"?

Long pause.

Very long.

"She's uh... She's completely charming," Macy replied, giving the question thought. "Felicity says she's a huge talent, that girl can act."

Another pause.

"But you can't show up late. It's very, very disrespectful."

Lohan's professionalism was never directly raised by any reporter, but it became an issue earlier this summer when James Robinson, head of "Georgia Rule" producer Morgan Creek, sent the "Mean Girls" star a letter criticizing her repeated on-set lateness. The letter, in which Robinson accused Lohan's behavior of leading to hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages, made it onto the Internet. But Macy wasn't done.

"I think what an actor has to realize, when you show up an hour late, 150 people have been scrambling to cover for you and there is not an apology big enough in the world to have to make 150 people scramble," Macy continued, with obvious passion and concern. "It's inexcusable. It's nothing but disrespect. And Lindsay Lohan is not the only one. A lot of actors show up late as if they're God's gift to the film. It's inexcusable, and they should have their asses kicked."

But that wasn't a problem on "Bobby," right?

"She was pretty late."

Macy, who became a familiar face well into his 40s, thinks it's a case of actors experiencing too much fame too quickly.

"I worry about these young kids -- 15, 18, 20 years old -- who in the span of one year become millionaires and powerhouses. It's too much power for a kid that age to handle and when these young actors are spiraling out of control and taking drugs and drinking too much, I think their managers and their agents are morally bound and perhaps legally bound to do something about it."

It must be noted here that although Robinson's letter to Lohan specifically mentioned her "all-night heavy partying," Macy was speaking of general young actors in the previous quote and not specifically about the "Herbie: Fully Loaded" star. Asked for his solution to these raging actors, though, Macy was quick to answer.

"Fire 'em."

More and more it's seeming like even the most powerful of celebrities aren't immune to public criticism. Earlier this week, Viacom chief Sumner Redstone showed no hesitation to tell the press that Tom Cruise's off-screen behavior was directly related to the end of his production deal with Paramount. Macy, though, refused to rise to the bait when Cruise's name was mentioned.

"He's not late."

"Everyone's Hero" opens on Friday, Sept. 15. "Bobby" will play at next month's Toronto International Film Festival.

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I LOVE William H. Macy and I agree with him about these young actors. Most of them aren't even that talented.

If they had asked me, I would have said Lindsay is a gross-looking skank who needs a good kick in the ass and a cheeseburger to boot.

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WTG William H Macy! I think Lindsay is very talented, but agree with Roman when he said she's going to end up in a "Where Are They Now" type of show if she doesn't get her act together soon. :mellow:

After I saw those pictures on Perez of Lindsay looking all coked up in her room, I believe that more than ever. And shame on her mother for encouraging her and not trying to stop her behavior!

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