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AMC: Filming style staying for good?

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Sorry, I didn't describe it very well. From what I've read he voiced his opposition to the Lily/Jonathan pairing and Jack's opposition to it (booed)...mentioned his son who is autistic, but still hates how Jackson was written. They could have written Jack's opposition without him coming across as a raging short-tempered ass*ole.

He defends Jack's oppositon to Jon/Lily but the writing was sh*t.

And I agree. They could have done a real emtional story with this showing all sides equally. Instead everyone is propping Jonathan and Jack is the devil. RealErica would never have defended Jonathan. He almost killed Kendall!

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Erica hates Zach because he's the brother of the man who raped her daughter, but loves Jonathan even though he murdered her ex-brother in-law and held her other daughter and two stepdaughter's hostage in a cave with explosives and terrorized Bianca and her baby by cornering them in a storage room at the Miranda Center?

This makes no sense. All the characters on this show serve two purposes - Prop All Things Lavery and Prop All Things Carey.

I dread Bianca's return if it's under McTavish. She'll be Jon Boy Propping in no time.

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I remember it took 6 months for The City to grow into their similar camera style--butt hat was ten years ago when it was cutting edge. I hope it doesn't take as long (I agree a few days it works better than others)

One thing no one has mentioned are the mostly rather good all (I think) new musical cues for the background score that came in to replace the VERY old prior ones around the same time as the cameras


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What I haven't seen addressed is why there appears to be almost a stacccato or visual effect/artifact upon motion, for example on sudden arm movements, etc during this new look.

I don't mind thes film look so much though I find it general grainier than the usual videotape.

I don't mind hand-held camerawork in general but there is something off about the particular methods or styles they're using.

I still wonder if there is not some digital filtering/effects being added either in camera or post-production. I've seen two instances of handheld, moving through 3D space camerawork from Early 2003 during an time when AMC experimented with new styles and looks. The camera moved a lot but there was no camera sitting in a floating rowboat feel to it. So I'm not yet convinced there's not some other factor making the picture nausea-inducing in viewers.

Anyone know?

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Case in point, everyone!

(FYI: I said "I think the filmed look rocks!" before tina's post)

This helps prove my point. People don't hate "the filmed look" itself, but because it has gone hand in hand with handheld camera work (which bring 'the shakes') it's being blamed as the culprit of bad aesthetics. It's being lumped in a negative comment toward the handhelds and I really don't think the problem is with the filmed look itself. It's just the handhelds. (which will get better wtih time and experience).

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The new camera/film style really is good for the Terry/Lily stuff on the Tuesday, Aug. 22 episode. It really captures the creepiness of it all....and Conal O'Brian (or whatever his name is) is the director - he has this new camera thing down. Looks good IMO.

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Double eek I hope I'm not alone here. For the most part I've loved all thenew cues and find them more interesting... oh well (yes I knwo ideally we're hardly supposed to notice the music but look at the state of the show right now)

As for the "stacato" effect on diagonal lines etc--I have noticed that and another board mentioned it. The same thing happened with The City and with the first 6 months of SUnset Beach both of which used a digital process that gave the video a more "film like" look. I find it annoying cuz of that staccato effect which I usually have a hard time eplxianing to those who don't see it... Anyway I'm certain they're using it here again too.

(and RK is right that in 2003 AMC attempted some similar techniques).

Also I wouldn't blame the directors too much, I think since they use the same camera operators (I imagine) they have to get used to operating VERY different cameras in very different ways


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Whoa, back off there. It's fine if you like it, I don't, people are allowed to have different opinions. I'm sure a lot more people like it as opposed to people who don't. They're keeping it, it's not going away, I just don't like it. Don't know what the problem is.

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The "shakiness" of the show is not the fault of the directors. The directors are in the booth and give commands to their camera operators. They are not on-set actually HANDELING the camera, y'know?

But, anyway, it's all becoming moot, because according to the latest SOW per New Beginnings (Told ya so!)

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