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Blog Entries posted by King

  1. King
    Episode #134 - Thursday, June 15th:

    - Austin continues to romance Carrie.
    - Greta and Alice bond further. Alice catches Greta up on everything that has been happening in Salem.
    - Lexie tells Celeste that she knows the truth because Stefano sent her a video tape telling her that Celeste killed Lexie's guardians (and the people she thought were her parents) years ago! Celeste begs for the chance to explain everything.
    - Mickey and Caroline re-call their greatest times with their dead spouses, Maggie and Shawn Sr.
    - Megan and Kate make the plans to send Shawn and Jan on their honeymoon to Mexico...while away, Megan and Kate plan to make sure Belle pays for trying to win back Shawn and for divorcing Phillip while he is in his coma.
    - Lexie tells Celeste to get out of her life and tells her that she will never forgive her. She tells Celeste to stay out of her life AND Theo's!
    - Sami and Annie discuss their plans to nab Carrie's baby and sell it on the black market.
    - Frankie looks through the Horton family photo album and finds picture of Melissa with Pete Jannings, Emilio Ramirez, and Jack. Frankie begins to remember the details of Melissa's turbulent past from the 80's.
    - Celeste tells Lexie that she was tricked by Stefano and didn't know who she was leading into Stefano's trap! Lexie tells Celeste that she doesn't want to hear it. She physically throws a devastated Celeste out of the house.
    - Eric and Annie meet up for a mid-day date.
    - Frankie meets up with Alice and Mickey, who tells Frankie that Melissa moved to Nashville about 15 years ago and married a man who has now divorced her, used her checkered past against her, and taken their child from her. They explain that Melissa is devastated and can't return to Nashville to face her memories.
    - Lexie is stunned when Hope is stand-offish towards her. Hope explains that she doesn't condone infidelity and tells her that she loves Abe like a brother and stands by him. Devastated over all of the events of the past few weeks and realizing that she does not have a friend to her name, Lexie vows to get revenge on all of Salem.
  2. King
    Episode #133 - Wednesday, June 14th:

    - Lexie opens her mail to find a video...sent to her by her father.
    - Austin tells Greta that he is not sure if now is the best time to reveal herself since Marlena is having such a delicate pregnancy. Greta decides to back off for now until Marlena can get stronger.
    - Frankie volunteers at the Horton Foundation, unaware that Melissa will be there.
    - Abby is worried about Max and Erika's bond, but Max is worried that Erika's father might be near Salem...waiting to kill him!
    - On the video, Stefano apologizes to Lexie for scheming behind her back to ruin her marriage. He tells her that he never had anything in mind but the best intentions.
    - Austin suggests to Greta that she should make herself known in Salem, but not reveal her paternity quite yet.
    - Celeste has a premonition that she needs to get to Lexie's right away. Meanwhile, at Lexie's, Stefano reveals to Lexie on the video that someone close to her is keeping a huge secret from her.
    - Megan and Kate decide to surprise Jan and Shawn with a month long honeymoon opportunity in Cabo! When Shawn and Jan accept it, Megan and Kate scheme to do away with Belle once and for all while they are gone.
    - Frankie asks Melissa on a date, but she refuses.
    - Eric sees Greta! But then he realizes his mind is playing tricks on him.
    - Greta sees the woman Eric has been seeing! She runs into Annie at Salem Place. Annie has no idea who Greta is. Annie bumps into an old woman who happens to be Mrs. Alice Horton! Annie yells at Alice to watch where she is going. Greta grabs Annie and tells Annie to back off and get some manners! Annie leaves, embarassed and offended. Alice is overjoyed to see her old friend, Greta! Greta asks Alice to keep arrival in town a secret for a little while.
    - Frankie decides to wander into the Horton Living room and do some research on Melissa by looking through the family photo albums.
    - Austin makes major headway in winning back Carrie. They have a romantic date together.
    - Celeste runs into Lexie's house. Lexie cocks back and punches Celeste. Celeste falls to the ground. Lexie screams..."MURDERER!"
  3. King



    DrewHamilton and PhoenixRising's pick - Scott Holiroyd (ex-Paul, ATWT):

    UKBoi's pick Grayson McCouch (Dusty, ATWT):

    psychofan's pic - Jacob Young (JR, AMC):

    Bree's pick - Thad Lukinbill (J.T., Y&R):

    King Reilly's pick - Greg Vaughn (Lucky, GH):

  4. King
    Episode #132 - Tuesday, June 13:

    - Will's arrival at home causes Lucas and Sami to emerge from the bedroom where they've just made love. Will gears up to come out of the closet to Sami and Lucas.
    - During post-coital bliss, Liam and Hope grow closer than ever. Meanwhile, Bo and Billie make plans for their future.
    - Belle re-calls her relationship with Phillip as she prays for his recovery and shares her remorse over everything that happened with Phillip. But there is a knock at the door - it's Kate!
    - Victor comforts Caroline. Caroline tells Victor that if he has hidden intentions to leave. She tells him that she can never be with Victor now!
    - Jan's mother, Megan, vows to destroy Hope....and Bo!
    - Austin and Carrie go to the penthouse to spend some time with John and Marlena. Marlena and Carrie bond over their pregnancies again. Meanwhile, Austin, who is on a mission for Greta, asks John if he ever hears from Greta. John is intrigued.
    - Kate tells Belle that she is the worst wife imaginable. Kate tells Belle that hell will freeze over before she and Shawn re-unite while her son lies in a coma.
    - Will cannot get the courage to tell Sami and Lucas about his being gay.
    - Victor silently vows to help Caroline through her grief over Shawn Sr. He also promises to keep Caroline in his life - even if it is just as friends. He says that he cannot imagine life without her.
    - Megan and Kate try to scheme to come up with a way to keep Shawn and Belle apart. They bond over their hatred of Belle. But then they realize that they have something else in common....a hatred of Hope!
    - Billie can't shake the feeling that Liam is not whom he says he is, no matter what the evidence says.
    - Annie and Eric get kinky in bed! Eric realizes that Annie Douglas is one of a kind. Meanwhile, Greta sneaks around the apartment complex and hears Eric and Annie having fun in the bedroom. Greta has a flashback about catching Eric and Nicole together.
    - John tells Austin that he never hears from Greta. Austin gets the sense that John thinks Greta's return will cause stress to his relationship with Marlena, but that he has nothing but admiration and love for Greta.
    - A mysterious package arrives for Lexie...it has the Phoenix crest on it.
  5. King
    Episode #131 - Monday, June 12th:

    BLOG BONUS: Lori Carson & Paul Haslinger - "I Want to Believe You"

    - Eric Brady and Annie Douglas finally go on their date and grab coffee at Salem Place.
    - Bo and Billie have a passionate night of lovemaking.
    - The person who nabbed Austin is revealed! IT’S GRETA!
    - Annie opens up to Eric about her traumatizing relationship with her father and some of her turbulent times in Sunset Beach.
    - Max comes to. Abby and Erika ask him why he fainted, but Max lies claiming that it must be the heat or dehydration. They nurse Max back to health.
    - Celeste has a terrible premonition of Lexie finding out that she was responsible for the deaths of her sister and her brother-in-law, the people who raised Lexie.
    - Caroline and Alice tamper with the idea of playing matchmaker between Frankie and Melissa.
    - Greta explains to Austin that she is back in town to reveal herself to her father. She tells Austin that she was planning on meeting up with Jack and ask his help in getting around town and in revealing the truth to her father, but she says with Jack gone, Austin is the only friend she has now. Austin agrees to help her.
    - Max, Erika, and Abby board a plane for Salem.
    - Eric opens up to Annie about her dysfunctional relationship with his parents, as well. He also tells of some of his past. He says that he isn’t sure why he has decided to stay in Salem or what is keeping him here this time, but he is at a very strange time in his life and wants to try new things.
    - Caroline and Alice think it would be nice to have another Brady and Horton couple find happiness together. Caroline says that she knows Frankie and knows that he has some kind of feelings for Melissa.
    - Sami and Lucas almost make love, but are interupted.
    - Hope realizes that her love for Liam runs deeper than she could ever imagine. She plans a romantic dinner for him so they can finally celebrate their reunion the way it should be.
    - Belle and Phillip’s annulment comes through. Shawn surprises Belle with Claire. He tells her that joint-custody is OK with him. He says he believes that she had no idea Claire was his and believes that she found out the way she did - very publically at his wedding to Mimi. Shawn tells Belle that their affair can never happen again.
    - The mothers-to-be, Carrie and Marlena, have a night of fun and bonding as they talk about their fears and hopes for their unborn babies.
    - Max is horrified when he pieces together everything and realizes that this Chelsea look-alike is on the hunt for her father, the man who is out to kill Max!
    - Hope and Liam share a dinner, a dance, and a passionate kiss.
    - Jan romances Shawn. Shawn thinks of Belle as he pulls his wife, Jan, into a steamy kiss.
    - Georgia and Cassie almost convince Will to confess his homosexuality to Sami and Lucas.
    - Megan Spears bumps into Hope. Hope is shocked to see her alive and well. Megan lies and explains that she has been recovering in a hospital in Europe with no memory. Hope tells Megan that she is not happy with their children’s relationship and if Jan is up to something, then Shawn will figure it out and leave her. When Hope leaves, Mrs. Spears vows revenge on her for everything she’s done.
    - Annie and Eric share a romantic kiss outside Sami’s apartment where Annie is staying, but Annie soon turns up the heat and begins to tear of Eric’s clothes. The two fall into Sami’s apartment and have sex on the couch.
    - Listen to the BLOG BONUS! Now!: Annie and Eric, Shawn and Jan, Sami and Lucas, John and Marlena, Bo and Billie, and Liam and Hope are all shown making love.
  6. King
    Episode #130 - Friday, June 9th:

    - Max realizes that Erika might be the daughter of the man from his past whom he thought shot Abby.
    - Billie tries to find evidence that Liam is not who he says he is. Kate learns what Billie is doing.
    - Frankie asks Caroline and Alice details on Melissa, claiming he didn't really get to know her too well the last time they were both in Salem 18 or so years ago.
    - Bo tells Billie that he is happy that fate has brought them back together. He says that he will always love Hope, but that he feels like this is right for some reason...now, he and Billie can be a family with Paige, and Hope and Liam can be a family with Mason.
    - Abe refuses to forgive Lexie.
    - Max makes a phone call and realizes that the man from his past has also been missing for months.
    - Kate tries to convince Billie to let Liam and Hope be a happy family with their son, Mason.
    - Max asks Erika to see a picture of her father.
    - Greta continues to hide out in Salem. She is disappointed to hear that Jack has left town. She was planning on making contact with her former best friend first before springing herself on John, Marlena, and Eric.
    - Austin and Carrie grow closer again. They share a kiss.
    - Cassie urges Will to tell Sami and Lucas that he is gay. She says that she knows Lucas will understand and thinks Sami will too. Paige joins them. Cassie, Paige, and Will begin to bond and open up to each other about their shared family.
    - Alice explains to Frankie that Melissa has had her heart broken.
    - Kate doctors evidence so Billie will stumble across it. Billie is happy when she finally finds proof that Liam is who he says he is. Meanwhile, Kate gets a lead on finding one of her twin babies with Stefano from over thirty years ago.
    - Paige makes a shocking announcement at the Brady Pub - she explains that she has talked to her uncle Frankie about having her name LEGALLY changed to GEORGIA BRADY. Billie and Bo are moved to tears when Paige announces to everyone, including Will and Cassie, that she will be going by the name, Georgia, now.
    - Max faints after seeing a picture of Erika's father. Abby is horrified and runs to his side.
    - Austin is grabbed and pulled into an alley at Salem Place!
  7. King
    Episode #128 - Wednesday, June 7th

    - Erika is shocked and confused when Abby and Max ask her how she survived the blast.
    - Frankie hears Belle drowning in the river. He jumps in to save her.
    - Erika explains to Max and Abby that her name is Erika and that she has never heard of Salem.
    - Melissa runs back to the pier when she hears a commotion. She and Frankie resuscitate Belle.
    - Megan Spears tells Jan about her deep hate for Bo Brady and Hope Brady.
    - Lexie realizes that Abe will never forgive her for sleeping with Tek, no matter what the circumstances are. Later, Lexie has a horrible nightmare that Abe will turn to Faye Walker, his old flame, again like he did the first time they were separated.
    - John and Marlena discuss baby names for their baby. They discuss the name John Jr., but they recall the Kristen debacle and decide against it.
    - When Abby and Max further examine Erika, they realize that there are differences in her appearance than in Chelsea’s, but she still bares a shocking resemblance to Chelsea.
    - Celeste has a horrible nightmare that someone is going to die on the fourth of July.
    - Max and Abby explain to Erika that she looks exactly like Max’s deceased girlfriend.
    - Paris bonds with Marlena and John even further.
    - Belle tells Shawn that she feels like her falling into the river was a murder attempt.
    - Jan asks her mother why she hates the Brady’s so much. Megan says it’s because of what happened when Jan was pregnant and Shawn pretended to be the baby’s father and how they treated Jan.
    - Erika explains that she is on a hunt for her father who disappeared months ago. She received a tip that he was last seen in Key West, which is why she is there.
    - Lexie dips into a hidden savings that her father had set up for her that she has kept hidden for all of these years. Lexie offers Faye Walker $3 million dollars to leave town and never come back. Faye takes the money and agrees to leave town. She tells Lexie that she can’t believe Abe would fall for such a manipulative woman. Lexie remarks that Abe didn’t fall in love with this Lexie…but he will, no matter WHAT the cost.
  8. King
    Episode #129 - Thursday, June 8th:

    - Lexie tells Celeste that she will do anything to get Abe back. Celeste tells Lexie that she is scaring her.
    - John and Marlena enjoy a carefree and romantic day at the park.
    - Hope bonds with Mason and Liam while Bo and Billie get to know Paige.
    - Abby and Max offer to help Erika find her father, but she tells them she just got a tip that he was last tracked to Chicago.
    - Paige opens up to Bo and Billie about how Stefano passed her off as his daughter and how kindly he treated her and how he was a good man until recently.
    - Celeste fears that Lexie will somehow find out that she killed Lexie’s parents accidentally while on a mission for Stefano.
    - Eric and Annie both bend down to pick up the contents of Annie’s purse, and they almost share a kiss.
    - Sami recalls the details that she and Annie made to steal Carrie’s baby.
    - Abby and Max tell Erika that Salem is near Chicago so she should come back to Salem with them.
    - Billie remains concerned that Liam is not who he claims to be, but Bo tells her to let it go. Bo tells Billie that he is glad that they found their way back to each other.
    - Abby is worried about Max’s connection to Erika.
    - Lucas and Sami share a passionate kiss.
    - Cassie and Will bond as he over his coming out to her. She tells him that a lot of people have the wrong idea about her, and she wants to be a good
    - Max recalls how he is in the clear as long as Avalon stays out of his life. He remembers his conversation with Ivy where she asked him about Avalon and how he thought he was the one who shot Abby at the Valentine’s Day dance. Meanwhile, Erika books a flight to Salem on her credit card. When they ask her name, she says Erika Avalon. Max drops his water glass.

  9. King
    Episode #127 - Tuesday, June 6th:

    - Melissa Horton and Frankie Brady bump into each other at the park.
    - Abby and Max speculate how Chelsea can be alive. They think it's a Dimera trick.
    - Jan awaits Belle at the pier.
    - Will asks Cassie if he could confide in her.
    - Sami has a nightmare about Shawn Sr. Lucas comes into her room to comfort her. They share a kiss.
    - Annie has a scandalous fantasy about Eric Brady.
    - Abby and Max search the hotel for Chelsea. Meanwhile, the Chelsea-lookalike arrives in her room. She is a rich debutant named Erika Avalon who is on a search for her missing father.
    - Once Belle walks into Jan's trap and is perfectly alligned with the ropes on the pier floor, Jan tightens the knots and throws her off the pier!
    - Melissa and Frankie recall how she ran into him while trying to expose Bonnie at her wedding to her father as they walk around Salem together.
    - Abby and Max convince the hotel desk to give them the room number of "Chelsea." Abby worries what Chelsea's re-arrival can do to her and Max.
    - Will hints to Cassie that he needs to open up to someone and he's afraid to tell his parents. He says why it is run away. He opens up to his friend and relative, Cassie, about his depression over his secret.
    - Belle begins to sink to the bottom of the Salem River. Jan rejoices.
    - Eric and Annie bump into each other again - quite literally. Annie shows interest in Eric, who asks Annie out on a date. Meanwhile, Greta sneaks throughout Salem and spots Eric....with Annie! Greta acknowledges that Eric must have moved on.
    - Sami and Lucas almost make love.
    - Cassie shows a softer side of herself when she tells her nephew, Will, that he can tell her anything. She sensitively asks Will if his secret is that he is gay. Will shakes his head yes. Cassie hugs him.
    - Melissa tells Frankie that she is sorry about his foster father, Shawn Sr. She comforts him when Frankie shares an emotional memory. Melissa and Frankie arrive at the pier and find a purse on the ground. Frankie tells Melissa that he feels comfortable opening up to her. They exchange a look as they stare into each other's eyes. This makes Melissa ansy. She tells Frankie that she has to go and rushes off, leaving Frankie at the pier.
    - Belle lays unconscious at the bottom of the river.
    - Abby and Max come face to face with "Chelsea!"
  10. King
    Episode #126 - Monday, June 5th:

    - Sami and Annie recall how they both have baby-snatching experience and set the stage to steal Carrie and Austin's baby.
    - Greta touches down in Salem and heads to the Salem Inn to hide out for a few days and muster her courage.
    - Max loses the girl who looks just like Chelsea.
    - Marlena tells John that she has a bad feeling about their future. John eases her worries.
    - Kate and Megan make plans to keep Shawn and Belle apart.
    - Sami tells Annie they can find some poor soul in Salem who can't have children and give her the baby. Annie says not to do that because, in her experience, that leads to nothing but trouble.
    - Greta has a fantasy of John and Marlena accepting her as his daughter when she reveals the truth.
    - Jan has a daydream about killing Belle by attaching weights to her feet and throwing her off the pier.
    - Sami and Annie decide it is best to sell Carrie and Austin's baby on the black market. Sami shows hesitation. Annie tells Sami that she isn't doing this unless Sami is 100%. Sami has memory flashes of all the times she cried when she was little because she was jealous of Carrie, she remembers Alan raping her because she couldn't have Carrie, she remembers losing Austin to Carrie many times, she remember's Lucas' one time love Carrie, she remembers Roman recently leaving town with Carrie's mother, and she remembers most recently when Carrie punched Sami when her latest plot was revealed. Sami tells Annie that she is in with the plan.
    - Abby begs Max to make love to her, but Max tells Abby that he has some shocking news.
    - Paris tells Marlena that she will be fine. She tells Marlena that she won't be happy and will not rest until Marlena has a healthy baby.
    - Jan has a man call Belle and lure her to the pier.
    - Megan guilts Shawn into staying with Jan. Shawn tells Megan that he has no intention of giving up on their family.
    - Cassie runs into Will and Paige. Cassie explains to Will how she is Marlena and Tony's daughter, in actuality, and that she is glad that even when she was posing as Roman and Kate's daughter, that she was still his Aunt. She notices something is bothering him and asks him to open up. Cassie gets a phone call. Paige urges Will to open up to Cassie about him being gay.
    - Sami tells Annie that maybe Annie should take the baby back to Sunset Beach with her when she leaves after Carrie gives birth and sell the baby there. Annie has flashes of Eric Brady and tells Sami that she's actually planning on staying in Salem.
    - Paris tells John and Marlena that she, too, once had a very difficult pregnancy and also lost her baby. She said she is determined to make sure that does not happen to any mothers on her watch.
    - Max tells Abby that Chelsea is alive and staying at their hotel in Key West!
  11. King
    Episode #125 - Friday, June 2nd:

    BLOG BONUS: Sufjan Stevens – “For the Widows in Paradise.”

    - Lucas and Sami begin to make headway in their reconciliation. Sami begins to realize that she should put her plan with Annie on permanent hold and try to rebuild her life and her relationships, especially with Carrie.
    - Kate vows revenge on Belle and Sami and takes steps to get it!
    - Eric and Annie recover from the awkwardness that occured when he saw her naked. Eric tries to get to know Annie better she's very agitated and allusive about revealing details of her past. She explains that she was in love many times, and she thought this one time it was the real thing, but he couldn't accept her for who she truly is and she had to say goodbye to her lover, Jude Cavanaugh, when he left her. She said it was heartbreaking and caused her to swear off love. Sami calls and interupts them. She tells Annie the plan is off! She is not huring Carrie this way.
    - Will and Paige meet and go for ice cream. They are excited that they are related. Will tells her that she is his cousin through his dad and her mom, who are siblings. But he also says that she is a cousin to his mother, Sami. They laugh about the craziness of it all.
    - Belle, Shawn, and Kate are shocked when Megan lies to them and tells them of the horrible story how she and her husband were in the avalanche together and how she's been presumed dead for two years, but she's really been in a coma in a hospital in Europe!
    - Max and Abby wonder what Chelsea would think of them being together. They both agree that she would want them to be happy. They take a few moments to remember Chelsea’s memory.
    - Roman shares an emotional goodbye with Carrie, Sami, and Eric. Sami is pissed that he is not reconciling with Marlena, but instead has reconciled with Carrie’s mother and is leaving town with her. Sami is infuriated. She decides the plan is back on! She calls Annie and tells her to meet her at the pier.
    - Jan and Megan are shocked when Shawn and Belle buy Megan's story.
    - Kate tells Megan that her daughter, Jan, is going to get her heartbroken if she doesn't watch her daughter's back.
    - Abby and Max decide to have a romantic night after their great day of exploring Key West and their sexy day on the beach. Abby tells Max that she has thought a lot about it and that she really wants to make love to Max.
    - Roman goes to the loft to share a touching farewell with Marlena. He tells her that he will always love her. Marlena cannot picture what Salem is like without Roman. They share a goodbye filled with tears as they recall their lives together.
    - John and Roman call a truce and say goodbye. John says that he wishes Roman all of the best. Marlena asks Anna to take good care of Roman.
    - Max plans a romantic night that includes Abby’s first night of lovemaking.

    Listen to the BLOG BONUS now!

    - Max leaves Abby in the hotel room and goes down to the restaurant in the lobby of the hotel to pick up their romantic dinner. He turns and is shocked to see THIS FACE!
    - Back in town, a thick fog takes over Salem on this warm, muggy summer night.
    - Eric looks at a picture of Greta. Unbeknownst to him, Greta's plane touches down in Salem. She holds a photo of John and Marlena.
    - John and Marlena are seen in bed holding each other.
    - Roman, Kimberly, and Anna board a flight to Europe.
    - Kate and Megan decide to team up to keep Shawn and Belle apart and seal the deal with a handshake.
    - Paige tells Will that he should tell his mother and father that he is gay. Will ponders the notion.
    - Sami and Annie meet at a secret location at the docks. They discuss the plan to steal Carrie’s baby and tell her it died! Sami looks heartbroken at the idea, but she knows it is the best way for revenge on Carrie.
  12. King


    Liam Alcantar - Grant Aleksander
    Erika Avalon - Rachel Melvin
    John Black - Drake Hogestyn
    Bo Brady - Peter Reckell
    Carrie Brady - Christie Clark
    Caroline Brady - Peggy McCay
    Eric Brady - Jensen Ackles
    Frankie Brady - Billy Warlock
    Hope Brady - Kristian Alfonso
    Jan Spears Brady - Heather Lindell
    Max Brady - Darrin Brooks
    Paige Brady AKA Georgia - Peyton List
    Sami Brady - Alison Sweeney
    Shawn Brady - Jason Cook
    Abe Carver - James Reynolds
    Lexie Carver - Renee Jones
    Annie Douglas - Sarah Buxton
    Cassie Dimera - Alexis Thorpe
    Marlena Evans - Diedre Hall
    Alice Horton - Frances Reid
    Maggie Horton - Suzanne Rogers
    Maggie Horton's Mystery Man - Alan Dale
    Melissa Horton - Lisa Trusel
    Mickey Horton - John Ingle
    Belle Black Kiriakis - Martha Madison
    Victor Kiriakis - John Aniston
    Celeste Perault - Tonya Boyd
    Austin Reed - Austin Peck
    Billie Reed - Julie Pinson
    Kate Roberts - Lauren Koslow
    Lucas Roberts - Bryan Dattilo
    Will Roberts - Taylor Handley
    Megan Spears - Gina Tognoni
    Greta Van Amburg - Julianne Morris


    Mason Alcantar - Matt Czuchry
    Claire Brady - Unknown
    John Thomas Barber Brady AKA "J.T. Brady" - Unknown
    Shawn Brady III AKA "Trey Brady" - Unknown
    Zach Brady - Unknown
    Theo Carver - Unknown
    Paris - Michelle Stafford
  13. King
    The FINAL TWO Casualties of the "Ides of May" REVEALED!

    Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) and Leann Hunley (Anna DiMera) are leaving the show on Friday, June 2nd, marking the end of the "Ides of May" storyline! Roman and Anna will be leaving town together after a devastated and grief-stricken Roman realizes that Salem has nothing much left to offer him and Anna, his last chance at love, is leaving for Europe. This marks the eleventh and twelvth shocking exits from the show this sweeps period. But the blog has decided to focus on a narrow number of cast members for the summer and the fall. "When we brought Anna back on to the canvas in March/April, we knew it was temporary. We wanted Anna to have a hand in Sami's downfall this time around and mix things up there. We also wanted to have her on hand to help Roman exit in the summer. We knew we didn't have room for the character of Roman, and we wanted to write him off in a way that would give some type of closure for fans of the character. He is a character seeped in the history of the show. We wanted to give him a better exit than just having him leave or phase him out! Of course, both characters have strong ties to the show, so the possibility of them returning is always there."

    In other news, Mary Beth Evans (Kayla Brady) has last aired on Thursday, June 1st, but the show is feverishly working to write Kayla back onto the canvas on a more permanent basis soon. Patsy Pease (Kimberly) last airs on Friday, June 2nd and will leave town with Roman and Anna. "Anna and Roman are going to Europe where we now have Kimberly living with her family. Kimberly could be back sporadically, but we're not working a return for her like we are with Kayla."

    This marks the end of the sweeps-long umbrella storyline of "The Ides of May!"

    1. Thomas "Tek" Kramer "Tek" (Rhasaan Orange)
    2. Bonnie Lockhart (Judi Evans)
    3. Kim Johnston Ulrich (Ivy Crane)
    4. Wayne Northorp (Stefano Dimera as Alex North)
    5. Frank Parker (Shawn Brady Sr.)
    6. Jamie Lynn Bauer (Laura Horton)
    7. Missy Reeves (Jennifer Rose Horton Devereaux)
    8. Matt Ashford (Jack Devereaux)
    9. Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart)
    10. Eric Winter (Rex)
    11. Josh Taylor (Roman Brady)
    12. Leann Hunley (Anna DiMera)

    Don't miss Friday, June 2nd, when Taylor, Hunley, and Pease last air! And a shocking face returns to the canvas that will send one couple into a tizzy!
  14. King
    Episode #124 - Thursday, June 1:

    - Anna tells Roman that she wants a future with him. And he reciprocates this.
    Kayla and Kimberly feel awful about leaving their mother in Salem while grieving, but they make plans to return to Salem A.S.A.P. Caroline insists they get back to their lives.
    - Megan comes to Jan and Shawn’s loft. She pretends like she hasn’t seen Jan in years since she was presumed dead. When alone, Megan and Jan recall how they killed Jan’s father because he was drunk and abusive and that they had to make it seem like he died in the avalanche that thankfully happened the same night of the accidental killing.
    - Will struggles with whether or not to tell his father he is gay when Lucas asks Will to open up to him.
    - Max and Abby touch down in Key West! Max promises her a romantic time to get her mind off of everything she’s been going through lately.
    - Eric considers tracking down Greta, who unbeknownst to him is planning a return to Salem! Eric is daydreaming about Greta when he accidentally bumps into Annie Douglas! Annie freaks out on him for spilling her drink all over her. Eric says she looks familiar and asks if she is the woman his twin sister, Sami, brought to town. She says yes. He asks her to come to his apartment to dry her clothes.
    - Anna tells Roman that she only really came back to town to sell either Basic Black or Titan her new fashion line…and she ended up staying because he was in prison for Tony’s murder. But she tells Roman that she has to be getting back to her life in Europe. Roman is shocked.
    - Max and Abby have a great day on the beach. Everyone seems to stop and take note how much in love Abby and Max are.
    - At the Brady’s, Eric tells Annie she can do her clothes in the laundry, but she remarks that she has no idea how to wash clothes and tells him to do it. Annie slips into a towel and gives him the clothes. He is taken aback. But he throws her clothes in the washer. Meanwhile, Annie’s towel slips, and Eric is shocked to turn around and see Annie’s naked body! Annie screams.
    - Before Kayla boards a plane, she asks Sami and Carrie to forgive each other and move on. Sami is moved to tears. Carrie tells Sami that she wants to work things out. Kayla boards the plane. Sami and Carrie hug it out. Later, when alone, Sami recalls how her plan with Annie Douglas is going to shake up everything in Salem…especially Carrie’s life.
    - Caroline accidentally overhears Roman and Anna. Caroline tells Roman that she has waited ten plus years to see him happy again and how she wants him to follow Anna to Europe!
  15. King
    Episode #123 - Wednesday, May 31:

    - Hope, Liam, and Mason begin to bond as a family, as do Bo, Billie, and Paige.
    - John and Marlena have a passionate night of lovemaking.
    - Cassie and Jan bump into each other and recall how they schemed together to expose Mimi at her wedding. They both agree that they need to spend more time together and get to know each other better.
    - Megan cooks up a scheme to reveal herself to Salem.
    - Shawn tells Belle that they are over for good.
    - Kate reels from the news that Belle has started the procedure to get an annulment from a comatose
    Phillip. Kate vows revenge on Shawn and Belle.
    - Billie still doesn’t feel like all is right with Liam.
    - Max surprises Abby with a trip...to the Florida Keys!
    - Annie and Sami recount their awful plan. They don’t say much about it except that it is despicable!
    - Jan and Megan cook up a plan. Megan tells Jan her plan of revealing herself to Salem. Later, Jan tells Shawn and Belle that she just got a shocking phone call from the police in Europe! Shawn asks Jan what is wrong. She says that the authorities in Europe found her mother at a local hospital! Jan says that her mother somehow survived the avalanche that supposedly killed her parents two years ago!
    - Kayla and Kimberly break the news to Caroline that they must leave town and get back to their daily lives. But they both tell her that they are going to try and come back to Salem soon.
    - Austin and Carrie begin to grow closer and bond with each other and their unborn baby. But Carrie cannot shake the fact that Austin didn’t believe her over Sami!
    - Billie tells Kate that she doesn’t think Liam is who he says she is. Kate says that Billie already had the I.S.A. investigate everything, and it all checked out. Kate tells Billie to let it go! Kate tells Billie she finally has the chance to be happy with the man she loves. But Billie cannot shake the image of Liam pushing Mason, his son with Hope, to interrupt Bo and Hope while Hope was comforting him over Shawn Sr.’s death.
    - Anna asks Roman if she really does forgive her for all of the things she did the last time she was in Salem in the 80’s when she used Carrie against him and was working for Stefano. He swears that he does. Roman tells Anna that he wants a future with her, but Anna is hiding something.
    - Jan tells Shawn and Belle that her mother only recently regained her memory and will be coming to Salem shortly. Meanwhile, Megan hides out in a room at the Salem Inn and vows revenge on those who wronged her in Salem! But for what?

  16. King
    Rex and Mimi GONE!

    "Ides of May" victims #9 and #10 are revealed! Farah Fath (Mimi) and Eric Winter (Rex) have last aired as Rex and Mimi, respectively. The blog has been planning Mimi's exit for some time and reveals that Rex's return was catered for this purpose. "The Ides of May storyline had ripple effects for everyone in town and on the show. Rex, of course, was affected by this greatly, as well. He found out that Roman and Kate were not his parents and that his twin sister knew all along that Marlena and Tony were his real parents like originally conceived."...says the writer. "It's a big thing for him. He's had his life turned upside down a lot. It makes sense that he doesn't want to live in this town anymore where he knows that he will never ultimately be happy. As for Mimi, with her brother and mother gone, and Shawn having his hands full with Jan and Belle, there isn't much for her to do around town. This is all in an effort to give stories suitable resolutions but also bring the show/blog in a new direction and focus on a core group of characters. However, I definitely wouldn't rule out a return for them in the future."

    1. Thomas "Tek" Kramer "Tek" (Rhasaan Orange)
    2. Bonnie Lockhart (Judi Evans)
    3. Kim Johnston Ulrich (Ivy Crane)
    4. Wayne Northorp (Stefano Dimera as Alex North)
    5. Frank Parker (Shawn Brady Sr.)
    6. Jamie Lynn Bauer (Laura Horton)
    7. Missy Reeves (Jennifer Rose Horton Devereaux)
    8. Matt Ashford (Jack Devereaux)
    9. Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart)
    10. Eric Winter (Rex)
    11. ?????????
    12. ?????????

    Only two casualities left...who will be the final two victims!?
  17. King
    Episode #122 - Tuesday, May 30:

    BLOG BONUS: Kate Havnevik - "Nowhere Warm"

    - The Brady’s have a party at the pub after the funeral to celebrate Shawn’s life the way he would have wanted.
    - Back at the penthouse, Paris gives Marlena her pre-natal vitamins and tells Marlena that she might want to consider a bed-rest pregnancy since anything else is causing her dizziness and nausea.
    - Belle tells Mickey to go ahead with the annulment from Phillip even though Shawn says he will not leave Jan and their baby, Trey.
    - Bo and Billie try to familiarize Paige with life as a Brady even though they don’t know for sure who she is.
    - Liam and Hope grow closer than ever and bond with their sixteen year old son, Mason.
    - Jan and Megan, meanwhile, recount how Phillip can never wake up at that facility in Chicago or he will expose Jan and how Trey is not Shawn’s baby!
    - Annie and Sami talk further about their plan outside the pub. Kate grows suspicious of Sami.
    - Kate asks Victor if he is in love with Caroline. Victor tells her that he has always been in love with Caroline and always will be, but it’s not necessarily romantic. Kate says that she can’t be with a man who is in love with another woman. She tells him that they are over. He responds that if they are over, it is because she is still keeping a secret from him after all of these years, not because of his love for Caroline.
    - Austin and Carrie show signs of hope when he comforts her over Shawn, and they kiss.
    - Rex and Mimi slowly tell people one by one that they are engaged. They recall their first kiss and how it was in this very pub. Rex tells Roman and Kate that he will always thank them for taking him in as their own…when they thought he was their child. Kate and Roman wonder what the meaning of this sentimentality is. Rex and Mimi tell them, along with Shawn and Belle that they are leaving town together.
    - Kayla and Kimberly wonder if they should stay in Salem to be with their mother. But, they decide maybe it would be best to return home and wrap up their lives there and then consider a move back to Salem.
    - Hope asks Shawn, Belle, Abby, and Max to take Paige and Mason under their wings until they can get used to Salem.
    - Eric wishes that he could have one more chance with Greta. Meanwhile, in Europe, Greta packs her bags and makes plans to come back to Salem.
    - Kate learns that Belle is planning an annulment from a comatose Phillip. Kate declares war on both Belle AND Sami!
    - Sami introduces Annie as a woman whom Will and Paige encountered in California in a town called Sunset Beach. She says Annie is going to be staying with her.
    - Megan and Jan try to cook up a plan to have her revealed as being alive.
    - Belle and Mimi begin to cry as they say goodbye to each other. They re-call all of their times together. They say that through everything with Claire and Shawn and Rex/the baby/abortion reveal, they’ve always managed to be friends and always will!
    - Cassie begs all of the Brady’s for forgiveness. And they offer it to her saying that thank goodness that she came forward when she did. They say it will take time, but they will get through it.
    - Lexie tells Bo and Billie that Paige is indeed, beyond a SHADOW of a doubt, that Paige is their baby. The three share an emotional moment and come together as a family. Hope sees it and realizes now more than ever that Bo should be with Billie and that she should be with Liam and Mason.
    - Cassie and Rex share an emotional goodbye, despite his anger towards her. On their way out of town, Rex and Mimi stop by the penthouse to say goodbye to Marlena. Marlena says that she cannot believe Rex and Cassie are her children and she had no idea all this time. He asks her to watch out for Cassie. She says that she will. They share a goodbye, as well. Mimi thanks John and Marlena for being surrogate parents to her when she needed it.
    - BLOG BONUS: Rex and Mimi leave town to a montage of their greatest times together.
  18. King
    Episode #121 - Monday, May 29th:

    BLOG BONUS: "Say Hallelujah" by Tracy Chapman

    - Lucas, Billie, Hope, Paige, and Will are shocked when Sami boards
    Kate's private jet to Salem with Annie! Sami explains that the only
    way Annie agreed not to have Will and Paige arrested was if she took
    Annie away from Sunset Beach to Salem and gave her a place to stay for
    a few months. Lucas and the others are shocked. Meanwhile, Annie and
    Sami individually recall how they've struck a deal.

    - Rex is moved almost to tears. He tells Mimi that he cannot believe her.
    Rex tells Mimi that he is proud of her for learning her lesson after
    lying to him and Shawn and is glad that she has come forward and told
    the truth about knowing that her mother had killed Tony before the
    rest of Salem knew.

    - Mickey tells Belle that he's found a way to get her an annullment from a
    comatose Phillip.

    - Shawn tells Belle that they can't be together and that he wants to focus
    on his marriage to Jan because it's what his grandfather would have wanted.

    - Megan Spears vows revenge on some Salemites.

    - John and Marlena attend the funeral, but must leave early when Marlena
    experiences dizziness due to her pregnancy.

    - Rex gets down on one knee and tells Mimi that he has always loved her
    and always will. He asks Mimi if she will marry him! She agrees.

    - Sami, Lucas, Will, Paige, Billie, and Annie get to Salem in time for
    the funeral. Billie and Paige go to the hospital and have DNA samples
    taken. Then, they arrive at the church where the Brady's are all in
    attendance already.

    - Billie introduces Paige and Bo. Bo takes her in
    his arms with tears in his eye. He tells her that he believes she is
    his daughter and that she is everything he imagined his daughter with
    Billie would be like and look like. Paige is overcome with emotion. Bo
    and Billie introduce Paige to the rest of the Brady's. Caroline
    explains that if the tests come back positive then she is her
    grandmother. She explains that her husband recently passed away and
    that is whose funeral they are at right now.

    - BLOG BONUS: Each Brady takes turns recounting their favorite and best times
    with Shawn Sr. during his funeral. Appropriate flashbacks are provided. Later, at
    the cemetary, everyone takes a turn placing a flower on Shawn's grave while
    "Danny Boy" is sung.
  19. King
    have no fear! anyone who is wondering about the blog! LOL. Memorial Day caught up with me!

    the blog is still going on. i will never end it!

    i will post three episodes wednesday some time!
  20. King
    Blog Announces BLOG BONUS!

    Following in the footsteps of NBC soaps, ‘Days of Our Lives’ and ‘Passions’, the blog will be featuring a BLOG BONUS. Beginning Monday, May 29th, the show is going to be featuring a music recommendation at the beginning of each episode for the reader/viewer to download. When the words “BLOG BONUS” appear in the episode, that is when the song would kick up and play, if this were all really to unfold onscreen.

    “This is another way for readers to get more involved in the blog. The songs and their lyrics are going to provide insight into certain characters’ thoughts, feelings, and emotions.”…says the blog. “Shows like Grey’s Anatomy and One Tree Hill and the O.C. have been integrating music into their shows and proving how powerful the link can be between what we see on screen and what we hear while we see these things unfold. With things like Limewire and I-Tunes, music is more accessible than ever. We hope the readers do download the songs and come along for the ride. If they can get enjoyable music out of the blog, as well as some great DAYS stories, then it’s that much better!”

    The show is planning on using three songs a week, starting this Monday when the show says goodbye to beloved character, Shawn Brady Sr., during his funeral episode.
  21. King

    John/Marlena: They will definitely be the front burner couple of the summer! They’ve recently received shocking medical news – Marlena’s pregnant! And secondly, Greta’s return will hit them hard. John and Marlena have had a tough year, but unfortunately for them, it won’t be getting any easier as Greta reveals that John is her father! Thirdly, there’s also a huge surprise that will be revealed on the 4th of July, but we shouldn’t say anymore!

    Billie/Bo/Hope/Liam and Mason, Paige, Zach, J.T.: Everyone will soon know that Paige is the real Georgia. Billie is going to go back to her roots more and more. She is going to be classic Billie. She loves Bo, but she can’t let lying dogs lie when it comes to Liam and Hope. She will continue to try and uncover Liam’s secret. Billie and Hope are going to work hard to try and be friends like they were all of those years ago. On the fourth of July, someone will die – one of the kids. It’s going to be a big story that will take everyone into the fall. Mason, Paige, Zach, and J.T. are all vulnerable. I can tell you that it will be one of them. The real show is doing a story like this, and we aren’t going to do EXACTLY the same thing, but it will have big repercussions for Bo and Hope, nonetheless.

    Sami/Lucas/Will/Cassie: This is going to be a great story. Lucas and Sami will grow closer, but Will will come between them. As readers now know, WILL IS GAY! He is now being played by newcomer, Taylor Handley (see previous press releases). This secret is really going to tear Sami and Lucas up when they find out. Cassie is going to be worked into this story in an interesting way. This is the first time DAYS has done a gay storyline with one of the show’s core family members. It’s going to be great. Meanwhile, Sami will embark on her most evil plot YET. It's unthinkable. She strikes up an unholy alliance with Annie Douglas (Sarah Buxton) from SUNSET BEACH to do so.

    Lexie/Abe and Celeste: We know now that Celeste was indirectly responsible for killing her sister and her brother-in-law, Lexie’s guardians, all of those years ago, while she was on a mission for Stefano. Lexie is still reeling from the fact that her own father hired Tek to seduce her and break up her marriage. EVIL LEXIE WILL BE BACK! She's lost her husband. She knows it's because of her father, a person she thinks she should be able to trust. She learns her mother has kept this awful secret. All of this will culminate in the evil Lexie returning. Lexie will really go over the edge! It’s going to become clearer and clearer that Lexie has lost it. She is going to be one of the more interesting characters of the summer as she finds herself once again spiraling down this terrible path.

    Carrie/Austin: Carrie will continue to be disappointed in Austin for not believing her over Sami. They have trust issues they need to work out before the baby arrives in late August. There’s a huge twist coming to the pregnancy storyline. It will propel Austin/Carrie into the next phase of their lives. You won’t BELIEVE it!

    Caroline/Victor/Kate: Kate’s secret has been revealed to the audience – she had twins with Stefano Dimera – thirty-some years ago – which makes these twins her eldest children! Kate and Victor are doomed. She is going to become her vengeful self again. Kate is going to learn the identity of at least one of her children, and it’s really going to change her life. Long-time DAYS viewers are in for a treat.

    Abby/Max/Erika: Abby and Max will have a nice reunion. It will be a love-fest. Cute and romantic. But their lives will be forever changed when the look-alike of her dead best friend, his ex-girlfriend, comes on the scene. Her name is Erika and will be played by the same portrayer of the recently deceased Chelsea – Rachel Melvin.

    Belle/Shawn/Jan: Jan is going to continue her quest to try and kill Belle as Shawn and Belle grow closer and closer. Don’t expect Jan to go anywhere. She is here to stay. The show is cooking up something *HUGE* for Jan! It’s going to build into the fall. Jan might not be exposed for a while, but she when she is, there is another big story coming her way! The show is bringing on the role of her previously presumed-dead mother, Megan Spears.

    Melissa/Frankie: Among all the chaos and crisis, another set of Horton/Brady will find love together - Melissa Horton and Frankie Brady! It will build slowly. They will be the cute couple and the saving grace of the summer – proving that at least one couple can find happiness in Salem…for now!

    Mickey/Maggie/Mystery Man: This storyline is actually going to be back-burnered until the fall. We know Maggie is off recuperating with this strange man (played by Alan Dale) and thinks that Bonnie and Mickey have this wonderful life together in Salem. She doesn’t want to be with Mickey if he didn’t believe her about her drinking. When this story kicks back up in the fall, Maggie will have grown very close to this man!

    New characters: Michelle Stafford is playing the role of “Paris,” a nurse/caretaker, who has been assigned to John and Marlena by Lexie to care for Marlena during her pregnancy. Gina Tognoni has joined the show as Megan Spears who will impact the storyline of her daughter, Jan, and many others as it is revealed that Mrs. Spears has some plans of revenge.

    Returning Characters: Eric Brady and Greta Van Amburg have returned on their own terms and for separate reasons, but they’ll slowly find themselves drawn to each other. As for some other returns, we want to focus on the cast we have right now, but we’re planning on F-O-U-R___H-U-G-E returns in August around back-to-school time.
  22. King
    Episode #120 - Friday, May 26th:

    - Jack goes to the house to see Jennifer and convince her to give him another chance. He is shocked when he pulls up the driveway to see Abby and Max moving boxes out of the house.
    - Mimi prepares a romantic dinner for Rex and braces herself for telling Rex the truth…
    - Jan asks her mother, Megan (Gina Tognoni), what she is doing back in Salem! She says if anyone finds out that she is here then she is done for! She tells her mother that everyone in Salem thinks she is dead.
    - Billie tells Paige that she thinks she knows who her parents are. Billie explains that she and Stefano have a history and that he has a history of torturing her and the people she loves. Paige says that Stefano is a monster and how she never knew it until she overheard a conversation Stefano had with a woman he was keeping hostage. Paige explains that Stefano said he was working for the I.S.A. and since she thought he was her father, she had no reason to doubt him. Billie shows Paige a picture of Marlena. Paige confirms that she is the woman Stefano was holding hostage. Billie explains that works for the REAL I.S.A….and then she tells Paige that she had a daughter years ago and Stefano stole her from her and told her it was dead. Paige is shocked and puts the pieces together. She asks Billie if she is her mother. Billie tearfully confesses that she thinks so.
    - Lucas and Sami reunite with Will and tell him never to do something so foolish ever again. Sami says that she understands the harsh words and thoughts that he directed towards her. She says that she knows what screwed up childhood can do to a person. She understands and relates to him. She says that Will can tell them anything and he shouldn’t feel like has to run from any of his problems. Will asks if that is true, and Sami says that it is.
    - John and Marlena tell Nurse Paris (Michelle Stafford) that they are surprised because they weren't expecting Lexie's nurse to show up so soon. Paris says that is fine. She says just show her to her quarters and she will begin unpacking and let John and Marlena continue their romantic night!
    - Eric, Caroline, Roman, Kayla, Bo, Kimberly, and Frankie mourn Shawn Sr. and recall their fondest memories and times with him.
    - Abby and Max tell Jack that she is moving in with Alice. Jack is confused. Abby hands Jack a letter and tells him that Jennifer, Laura, and Jack Jr. have left town in order to get away from him.
    - Mimi wines and dines Rex and then tells him she has something to say.
    - Megan and Jan recall how Megan’s husband, Jan’s father, was an abusive bastard who deserved to die. They recount in flashbacks how they accidentally killed him one night when he came home drunk and abusive. They thank God they are loaded with money and could pay off the right people to make it look like he and Megan both died in an accident.
    - Paige hugs Billie. Hope and Billie are both shocked to see how different Paige’s reaction was from Chelsea’s. They are both pleased. Hope explains that she is Paige’s stepmother. Paige is somewhat bothered that her biological mother and father are not married, but she does not let it get to her. Hope and Billie explain that she has two loving families waiting for her at home – the Brady’s and the Reed’s/Robert’s. They tell Paige they need to get her back to Salem and run some tests to confirm all of this is true.
    - Lucas, Billie, Hope, Paige, and Will go back to the airport to board the plane and wait for Sami, who must deal with Annie. Annie explains that Will and Paige not only stole her money, purse, and shoes, but also caused a lot of emotional trauma. Annie tells Sami that she expects to be financially reimbursed for this. Sami laughs in Annie’s face. Annie grabs Sami and says that she’s not kidding. Sami throws Annie’s arm off of her and tells Annie to back off because she has fried bigger fish than her!
    - John tells Marlena that she is going to have a healthy pregnancy this time. And they are going to have a new baby and how excited he is that they are finally back together!
    - Eric opens up to Bo about Greta. He says that he still to this day feels terrible that he cheated on Greta with Nicole. He says he hasn't talked to either Nicole or Greta in years. Bo tells Eric that it is never too late to get the woman you love.
    - Jack is devastated as he reads Jennifer’s goodbye letter in which she says that she needs to get away from Salem and get away from him because she can’t believe he would work for Stefano. She begs Jack not to follow her and tells him that if he does follow her that she and her mother and Jack Jr. will continue to run from him until they get the closure they are seeking.
    - Mimi tells Rex that she is grateful to have another chance with him and after lying to him about the baby she aborted and after lying to Shawn about Claire’s paternity that she has learned her lesson. She tells him although she did not know that Rex was Marlena and Tony’s son….that she did know her mother killed Tony weeks before anyone else did. Rex looks at Mimi with deep emotion in his eyes…
    - Megan tells Jan that is planning on springing herself back to Salem! She says that she is going to tell everyone that she somehow miraculously survived the avalanche that supposedly killed the Spears’. She tells Jan that she is going to have to act as surprised as everyone else. Jan fights Megan on the issue, but Megan tells her that she has to suck it up and deal with it. When she is by herself, Megan says that has big plans for the good people of Salem!
    - Annie tells Sami that she can take Sami on and has dealt with bigger baddies than her! Annie and Sami get into a physical scuffle and have to be separated by the Java Café attendant. Annie tells Sami that she has faked her own death to get out of a murder charge, she’s drugged a lady into thinking she was drinking again, she’s made deals with witch doctors,, she conned a billionaire into marriage, and she convinced a lady that her baby died and gave it to someone else. Sami tells her that is nothing. She says she’s drugged her sister’s boyfriend into bed, got pregnant with his baby, found out it wasn’t his, passed it off as his when it was really his brother’s, went to death roe for a murder she didn’t commit, falsely accused her son’s father of child abuse to get custody, broke up her sister’s marriage, masqueraded as a guy in order to torture everyone in her hometown, and kidnapped her baby sister and sold her on the black market! Sami says that is the shortened version. Annie says she knows when she’s found a worthy-adversary and knows when to back down. Annie also says it’s a pity they are enemies and that they live across the country from each other because they could make one hell of a team. Just then, something hits Sami. She asks Annie if she would be willing to re-locate to Salem to help her with a project. Annie says that she is intrigued. Sami says that she has a very rich stepfather and that her son’s grandmother is Kate Roberts. Sami says that she can have access to a lot of money and will pay Annie very well for her services. But Sami warns that what she wants Annie to do is very illegal and very immoral. Annie tells Sami that has never stopped her before and asks Sami when she should plan to move to Salem!
    - Eric decides that it is best for him and for Greta if he does not contact her and lets her carry on her life in Europe or wherever she is.
    - John and Marlena take comfort in the fact that they are finally together and happy and how nothing can take away from their happiness!
    - Meanwhile, Greta Van Amburg is in a posh hotel in Europe. She recalls her mother whispering something in her ear before she died. She says that the time has come to tell her father the truth about her paternity and how she has known for almost five years now who it is. She takes out a picture of John and Marlena. "I feel awful..."....she says. "I know how good of a person Marlena is. And I don't want to hurt her. But she and John have to know the truth. They have to know that John is my father."
    - Jack begs Abby for her forgiveness. She refuses. He explains EVERYTHING about how Stefano posed as Alex and administered the cure to him and then threatened her, Jennifer, and Jack Jr. Abby finally breaks down and tells her father that she forgives him. Jack and Abby cry and hold each other. Jack tells Abby that he has to go after her mother. She says she understands and she hopes that he finds her and gets her to understand. Jack says a tearful goodbye to Abby and heads out of town in search of Jennifer. On his way out of town, he recalls his fondest memories of Salem with Jennifer, Abby, and all of his friends. Jack Deveraux says goodbye to Salem!
  23. King

    Three more victims of the "Ides of May" storyline have been revealed, including the names of the supercouple who were marked for an exit in April! This move is sure to shock and appaul fans. As we revealed then, a supercouple has been let-go from the show due to storyline purposes. "We thought this was a unique way to write them out. We have every intention of one day bringing them back. As fans know, this is a VERY open-ended exit."....says a source with the show. "That's deliberate. This is an excellent story to tell. And it involves them leaving and having this time apart. They are not getting the RIDE OFF INTO THE SUNSET ending. He did this awful, awful thing in an effort to protect her and their family. He has to pay the price for fifteen years of his impetuousness."

    Who is the supercouple, you ask?

    Yes. It's true. The curse of Jack and Jen has struck again, and Matt and Missy are out! "It all started with the rumors that Missy was leaving the real show. We wanted to re-evaluate and see if we wanted to keep her on after that. We had big plans for her and Jack. Readers might remember the rumor a few months ago that we were going to do a social issue/disease storyline with one of the characters. It was originally a breast cancer storyline intended for Jennifer after she and Jack had re-united. We understand that this re-write will upset readers, but we have kept J&J front-burner since the blog began, and we are planning to have them return someday to resolve their storyline and face more ups and downs and trials and tribulations together! I promise you that blog readers have not seen the end of Matt and Missy!"

    Unfortunately, as well, the recently-returned Laura Horton (Jamie Lynn Bauer) will be leaving town with the heart broken Jennifer. They last aired together on Thursday, May 25th. Matt Ashford (Jack) will last air Friday, May 26th.

    Fans of the supercouple can still see their lovechild, Abby. Ashley Benson will stick with the show and portray their angst-ridden daughter, Abigail, who is in for a BIG shock when a girl who is a dead ringer for her dead best friend/her boyfriend's dead ex-girlfriend, Chelsea, pops up in June. "Rachel Melvin is returning to play a character who is ten times more lovable and interesting than Chelsea was. Melvin is a talented actress, and we're glad she's back. Her character, Erika, is going to really stir Salem up!"...previews the source.


    1. Thomas "Tek" Kramer "Tek" (Rhasaan Orange)
    2. Bonnie Lockhart (Judi Evans)
    3. Kim Johnston Ulrich (Ivy Crane)
    4. Wayne Northorp (Stefano Dimera as Alex North)
    5. Frank Parker (Shawn Brady Sr.)
    6. Jamie Lynn Bauer (Laura Horton)
    7. Missy Reeves (Jennifer Rose Horton Devereaux)
    8. Matt Ashford (Jack Devereaux)
    9. ??????????
    10. ?????????
    11. ?????????
    12. ?????????

    Who will be the final four casualties of May?
  24. King
    Episode #119 - Thursday, May 25th:

    - Will and Paige aim a gun at Annie and ask her for all of her money. Annie scoffs and asks if they are joking. She asks them…”How old are you!? TWELVE?!” But the insist and point the gun in her face. She hands over all of her money and credit cards. Paige tells Annie to hand over the shoes. Annie refuses claiming that they are Minolo’s. Will jabs the gun closer and closer to her face. Annie squeals and hands over the shoes and runs away. Paige and Will make a getaway from the alleyway. They throw their water gun into their bag and continue to make their getaway.
    - Jennifer tells Jack that she is indeed leaving Salem and how he is not coming with her.
    - Mimi decides to learn from her past mistake of lying to Rex…she decides to tell him that she has known for a while what her mother has done – she knew her mother killed Tony his father!
    - Marlena asks Lexie if she is sure she is pregnant. Lexie says that she is sure. Lexie asks if Marlena had sex while she was away or has had sex with the man she thought was Alex in the last few months. She says the only man she has been with is John, but she is just worried about her health, especially after the pregnancy last summer. Lexie says that it will be a very difficult and delicate pregnancy, but she will recommend a very committed and talent caretaker for her.
    - Annie makes her way into the Java Café with bare feet and messy hair. Sami, Hope, Billie, and Lucas are there showing images of Paige and Will. They ask Annie if she’s seen them. Annie freaks out and screams and rips the picture from Sami’s hands and tears it up.
    - Jack says that Jennifer cannot take Jack Jr. from him! Jennifer says that she is looking out for Jack Jr.’s best interests because he will not be safe near Jack – not if Jack has ties to Stefano Dimera. Jack explains how Stefano blackmailed and threatened him. But she does not want to hear it. She tells Jack that she is leaving the day after tomorrow no matter what he says. Jack takes comfort in the fact that he has 48 hours to convince Jennifer to stay in Salem and give him another chance!
    - Shawn tells Jan that he is going to be a great father to their child and be a good husband because that is what Grandpa Shawn would have wanted. Meanwhile, a mysterious woman watches Jan and Shawn from afar.
    - Sami lunges towards Annie and tells her that this is the picture of her missing son she just ripped up! Annie tells Sami that her missing son just held her up in the alleyway! Sami and Billie dart out of the Café and look for Will and Paige, who happen to walk into the Café at the moment to buy food with Annie’s money.
    - Laura, Jennifer, Abby, Mickey, and Alice have a frank talk about Jack and Jennifer. Abby tells her mother that she wants to stay in Salem if she really is going to leave. Jennifer says that she will let Abby stay with her grandmother and great-grandmother, Laura and Alice. Laura tells Jennifer that she wants to go with her. The Horton’s tell Jennifer that if she wants to leave as soon as possible that the Brady’s will understand. Frankie arrives and confirms this. As a result, Jennifer decides that she will leave town immediately. Jennifer says goodbye to Alice, Mickey, Frankie, and Melissa. She says a tearful, tearful goodbye to Abby.
    - Annie screams and points towards Will and Paige. Lucas turns and runs and grabs Will and Paige before they can leave. Hope is blown away at the beauty of Bo and Billie’s daughter, Paige. Lucas grabs and hugs Will. He tells Will he loves him and asks him never to do anything so stupid ever again. Will promises never to and is moved to tears. Sami and Billie enter after having no luck finding Will and Paige. They are shocked to see them there with Hope and Lucas! Sami hugs Will, who does not look pleased. Annie interrupts the moment and tells everyone that she wants her money back and her purse and her shoes. And she tells them all that she is pressing charges. Will explains that it was a water gun. Annie calls him a little brat and has to be held back by Lucas. Meanwhile, Billie and Hope pull Paige aside and confirm with her that she was a guest on Stefano’s plantation and how she is in search of her parents whom she believes are in Salem. Billie and Hope give each other a knowing look.
    - Marlena prepares John a dinner. She and John recall their adventure during which they both got amnesia and they remember how their love was strong enough to get them to remember. Marlena and John feed each other strawberries and whipped cream. Then, she confesses to John that she is pregnant!
    - Shawn leaves the loft and goes to Belle’s apartment. Belle tells him that she is going to have her marriage to Phillip annulled and how she wants to be with Shawn. Shawn says that will never happen because he has to be a provider and a father to Jan and Trey.
    - Jennifer writes a goodbye letter to Hope. Then, she writes a goodbye letter to Jack. She fondly recalls all of their times together.
    - Meanwhile, back at the loft, someone breaks into the apartment through the fire escape. Jan is shocked and grabs a fire poker to attack the person. The person jumps up from the floor. Jan screams… “MOM!?” Megan Spears (Gina Tognoni) reveals herself to Jan!
    - John takes Marlena in his arms with tears in his eyes. They are overjoyed. Marlena tells John that Lexie says the pregnancy will be very delicate and difficult and that she will be confined to bed rest for most of second trimester and all of her third! Just then, the doorbell rings. When Marlena answers it, a beautiful redheaded woman walks in. She introduces herself as Nurse Paris (Michelle Stafford.) She explains that she is the nurse that Lexie has assigned them.
    - Jennifer, Laura, and Jack Jr. finish packing up. She tells Laura that she can’t believe her life has come to this point. She tearfully explains that she didn’t think there was anything Jack Devereaux could ever do to make her truly think they could never be together. But she explains that his working for or being blackmailed/threatened by Stefano was the final straw. She tells Laura that she does not know how she is going to live without him. Laura tells her that they will get through it together. Laura takes Jack Jr. out to the car. Jennifer turns to face the Devereaux house one more time before turning off the lights and closing the door. “Goodbye, Jack.”….she says to herself.

  25. King
    Episode #118 - Wednesday, May 24th:

    - Kate feels as though she can breathe now that Ivy has left town.
    - Marlena continues to feel faint. John asks her what is wrong, but she refuses to say.
    - Jennifer opens up to Alice and Laura about what happened with Jack working for Stefano.
    - Caroline, Kayla, and Kimberly make all of the funeral arrangements as the Pub gets packed for the viewing of Shawn Sr.
    - Jan escapes to outside the Brady Pub where she calls her Mother back. She feverishly asks her what she wants. Then, Jan screams into the other end of the phone that she cannot return to town!
    - Mickey tells Belle that he will look into annulling her marriage to Phillip.
    - Cassie and Jack arrive at the Pub and are greeted with silence.
    - Jan recalls how she tried to kill Phillip when he learned the truth about her and how he ended up in the coma because she through him off the hospital roof.
    - Marlena fears that she could be fatally ill. She asks Lexie to run a battery of tests.
    - Abe and Roman reveal that Alex/Stefano has left town and will live to strike another day. They also reveal that Bonnie is the one who killed Tony. When Mimi walks into the pub, Salem stands and salutes Mimi with boisterous clapping. They tell her that her mother should be given an award for finally offing a Dimera – for good.
    - Kate tells Bo, Billie, Sami, and Lucas that her private investigator has a surveillance tape of Will and Georgia…TOGETHER! She says the tape shows them boarding a bus for a seaside California town called Sunset Beach. Bo, Billie, Lucas, and Sami decide to fly to California on the Kiriakis jet and be back in time for the funeral. But Caroline, Roman, Billie, and Sami convince Bo that Bo should stay and let Billie, Lucas, and Sami bring Georgia back. Bo feels better when Hope says she’ll go with them.
    - Hope, Lucas, Billie, and Sami board a plane immediately so they can be back in time for funeral. A few hours later, they touch down in Sunset Beach and decide to head to the Java Café, where Kate’s private investigator said he began to lose their trail. Meanwhile, red-headed sexy and sassy, Annie Douglas, walks down the street in Sunset Beach sporting the finest clothes, handbag, and shoes money can buy. She’s pulled into an alleyway and told to give up all of her money. She is being held up by a homeless Paige and Will!
    - Jennifer tells Jack that she has consulted Laura, Abby, and Alice about the decision, and they support her. He is confused. She says that she is divorcing Jack. But in the meantime, she is leaving Salem and taking Jack Jr. with her!
    - Lexie tells Marlena that she doesn’t know how to tell her this, but she’s pregnant…again!
    - Kate says that there is something that Ivy did not know…and that she can never know….she and Stefano….had TWINS!
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