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Blog Entries posted by King

  1. King
    Episode #150 - Friday, July 7th:

    - Celeste apologizes to everyone in the waiting room and runs off. She is horrified to see the Reaper at the hospital.
    - Kayla emerges from the E.R. All the parents wait with baited breath. Kayla tells Abe and Lexie that Theo is unconscious right now, but all the tests show that he should make a swift and clean recovery when he wakes up. Abe and Lexie take a big sigh of relief, but they are still devastated over the day's events.
    - Billie and Liam are perturbed, but understand when Bo and Hope comfort each other over J.T. and Zach's health.
    - Kayla vows not to let any of these kids lose thier lives on her watch.
    - Paris urges Marlena to return home, but she refuses to leave Sami and Will.
    - Meanwhile, back at the Salem Inn, Kate surfs a website on her laptop. She says that business forums are abuzz with news that a new publishing company is launching a new glamor and fashion magazine that is set to send Titan and Bella scrambling. Kate is pleased, given recent events.
    - Eric, Annie, and Greta arrive at the hospital once their ambulance arrives, and all three are checked out by the medics.
    - Sami and Lucas fear Celeste's prediction of Will's death will come true.
    - Hope and Liam try to deal with the fact that there son was driving the car that could have killed all of them.
    - Abby tells Bo that she thinks Mason might have been drinking.
    - Kate speculates who could be behind all of this with Titan and Bella and Countess Wilhemina. Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Victor and Caroline comfort each other over their grandkids' uncertain futures.
    - Kayla confirms to the police and the others that Mason's alcohol level was only a few drinks from having a blood-alcohol level of .30 which puts average people in coma's. Hope is devastated. Liam is outraged, as are Bo, Lucas, Sami, and everyone else. Liam declares that Mason has never acted this way. Georgia says she remembers Mason suggesting that they should get drunk because has never been drunk before and felt that he's been shut out from normal childhood experiences.
    - Celeste tries to stop the Reaper from going near the E.R.
    - Kayla gives Bo and Hope good news about J.T. - he will be just fine.
    - Celeste begs the Reaper to leave Will and others alone! The Reaper tells Celeste that he never told her that Will would die, but she conjured that up from her own vision.
    - Lexie and Abe have a touching reunion with Theo.
    - Will, Mason, and Zach hover near death. Hope tries to deal with all of the devastating news that she's received. She tells Liam that she can't lose her son, Mason, because she's just found him.
    - The Reaper enters an E.R. cubicle, but whose?
    - Sami and Lucas fear that Will will die like Celeste predicted. Cassie, Austin, and Georgia all separately comment on how Sami and Lucas have no idea that Will is gay, and how if he dies now, that he will die with them not ever knowing who he truly and fully is.
    - Bo and Hope each have shocking glimpses into what receiving news of Zach's death would be like.
    - The Reaper closes in one of the boys' bodies. He touches the patient's arm. The boy's soul jumps from the body laying on the hospital bed to the Reaper's body.
    - Kate gets a call from the main desk telling she has a visitor. She wonders who it could be. Meanwhile, black shoes approach Kate's door. There is a knock. Kate answers. She yells....."Oh, God, NO! YOU!?!?!" (click.) "Yes, Kate, dear! I'm baaaaaaaack."...the familiar face teases.
    - Back at Marlena's, Nurse Paris returns and enjoys having the Penthouse to herself. She pours herself a glass of champagne. She comments on how nicely she's fitting in with John and Marlena. Just then, she stares at the pictures of John and Marlena. She throws her glass at the pictures. "I should be given an Oscar for pretending to put up with precious, sweet, little John and Marlena. Disgusting!" Paris stares into the mirror. "Although, I have to admit. I'm getting used to this face. But the time will come...."....she says as she walks to her purse. She takes a picture out. "Oh, yes, Marlena, the time will come when I get my revenge on you." She stares at the picture. (click) "You'll be looking at the real me soon enough, Marlena. You BITCH!"....she screams as she runs her hands along John and Marlena's table and knocks all the pictures of them off of it.
    - Back at the hospital, the Reaper leaves someone's room. The heart monitor goes off. The boy flatlines. Kayla enters and tries to resuscitate him with the rest of her medical crew. Kayla says....."Time of Death: 8:24 p.m."
    - Kayla enters the waiting room. Sami and Lucas, Bo and Hope, and Liam sll stare at her with fear in their eyes. Kayla walks up to one of the couples. "I'm so sorry. We did everything I could. We just couldn't save him. I'm so sorry, Hope." It's revealed that Kayla is talking directly to Hope and Liam. Hope breaks down in Liam's arms, screaming. Kayla turns with tears in her eyes.
    - Meanwhile, Mason's lifeless body lies in the hospital room as the nurses begin to fold down his bed.
    - Hope's screams are heard echoing throughout the hospital.
  2. King
    Episode #149 - Thursday, July 6th:

    - When the smoke clears, Bo, Austin, John, Abe, Frankie, and Max work with the rescue workers to save the children. Austin finds Sami laying unconscious and carries here to safety in the front of the house. Lucas declares his love for Sami and tells her that he can't lose her. Meanwhile, Belle, Hope, Marlena, Carrie, Melissa, Erika, Alice, Caroline and the others wait in the front of the house and are terrified at what has happened. They pray for everyone's safety. Sami awakens.
    - Everyone is shocked to see Kayla emerge from the street. She is shocked to see what has happened. Kayla explains to her mother that she was coming to the the Fourth party to announce that she's moving to Salem for good! The doc immediately throws off her blazer and runs to the back of the house to tend to the victims.
    - Belle is hysterical and uncontrollable. Carrie tells Marlena that it is understandable given the fact that Claire is missing. But Marlena tells Carrie that this behavior is outrageous and pathological. She fears that Belle is still suffering some side-effects of post-partum or has had some type of breakdown. Little does she know that Kate and Megan are gaslighting her.
    - Will, Mason, Zach, J.T., and Theo are loaded onto stretchers and taken to the front of the house and put in ambulances. Sami, Hope, Bo, Lucas, and Abe are petrified for their children's lives. Kayla accompanies her nephews in the ambulance.
    - Caroline asks Celeste who will live and who will die. She says she doesn't know. Caroline says that she doesn't believe her and begs and pleads for her to be honest. Celeste admits that one of the kids of Salem will die. The Salemites are upset and outraged when they accidentally overhear Celeste and Caroline's conversation.
    - Sami, Bo, Hope, Liam, Lucas, and Abe all fear that it could be their child that dies. An angry and upset Sami lashes out at Celeste and DEMANDS to know who will die, telling Celeste that she knows she's an expert liar since she used to work for Stefano Dimera.
    - Kayla and the kids come barreling into the emergency room. Everyone is slowly right behind them. Kayla asks the nurse for scrubs and lab coat. Bo and Sami asks Kayla what she's doing. She tells them that she's been hired at Salem U. Hospital and was also going to tell them this that night at the Fourth of July party. Bo tells her that he wouldn't want anyone working on his sons except for her. Kayla retreats to the Emergency Room.
    - Abby, Georgia, Sami, Claire, Carrie, and Marlena are all given clean bills of health. But Marlena still worries about Belle. Paris urges Marlena to get some bed rest. But Marlena says that she has to stay at the hospital.
    - Bo and Billie are relieved about Georgia, but they still worry about Bo's kids - J.T. and Zach.
    - Abe lives his greatest fear when he must call Lexie and inform her to get the hospital right away. Lexie panics when he tells her it's about Theo. She rushes out the door with tears in her eyes.
    - Max asks if he can talk to Abby. Abby says this isn't the time and worrying about their problems right now would be trivial. He agrees.
    - When Lexie arrives, Abe tells her everything. She breaks down in his arms. They put their baggage aside to comfort each other during this terrible time.
    - Liam and Hope, Lucas and Sami, Bo and Billie, and Abe and Lexie await news in the waiting room. Hope, Sami, and Lexie all demand to know what happened. Bo is hesitant to say, but Hope blasts him telling him to 'fess up. Hope is then floored when Bo reveals that Mason was the one behind the driver's wheel. Hope is devastated.
    - Sami once again lashes out at Celeste and demands to know who will die. They go back and forth, and every sentence grows louder and louder with upset and anger and grief and worry and emotion, and then, finally, Celeste confesses. "Yes! Yes! It's Will! I saw Will! His lifeless body! It's him! Are you happy now!?" Sami lets out a deafening shriek. Lucas holds her with tears also in his eyes. Everyone in the waiting room stands with teary eyes and opened mouths.
  3. King
    Episode #148 - Wednesday, July 5th:

    Blog Bonus: Download "To Be Alone With You" by Sufjan Stevens now!

    In this special, action-packed episode filled with little dialogue, begin the Blog Bonus NOW!

    - Frankie and Melissa and Bo and Billie rush to the backyard where they just heard the crash. They find their loved ones lying lifeless all of the yard. The smokey car rests half inside of the house and half out of it.
    - Melissa rushes into the house and calls 911 for help.
    - Bo worries for Zach, J.T., Claire, and Georgia. Bo and Billie cannot find anyone in the smoke.
    - John and Austin emerge from the flames and meet up with Bo and Billie.
    - Frankie finds Max and Erika and gets them to the front of the house, but Max says he has to go back to make sure Abby left and to find the children! Frankie and Max rush back into the fire, leaving Erika worried in the front of the yard.
    - John and Austin search the smokey haze for their respective pregnant loves. They find each find Carrie and Marlena unconscious and carry them to safety.
    - The car begins to leak a fluid.
    - Abe and John manage to get Alice, Mickey, Caroline, and Victor to safety.
    - Belle is rushed to the front of the house by a fireman who carries her while she's unconscious. When she wakes up, she begins screaming for Claire, but Marlena and Carrie hold her back with tears in their eyes.
    - Sami and Lucas both awake in each other's arms and realize what has happened. They begin screaming for Will. Lucas finds Celeste and Cassie and gets them to safety. He also thinks Sami is safe, but she sneaks back into the rubble to find Will.
    - Billie finds Hope and drags her to safety! Later, she reconvenes with Bo in the backyard, and they begin looking for Georgia. Billie finds Georgia in the back of the car. Billie calls out for Bo. Max and Bo come running. Max finds Abby in the car and pulls her to the safety of the medics. Bo is able to pull Georgia from the wreckage. The car fluid mixes with the little flames from the grill that are scattered throughout the yard, and a small fire ignites and goes unnoticed.
    - Austin and Max find the bloody bodies of Zach, J.T., and Theo. John finds baby Claire who is crying hysterically. Meanwhile, Lucas demands to know who was driving the car and asks if it was Will. Frankie sees that Will is in the back of the car and realizes the door is stuck. Lucas begins screaming and running towards the car. Firemen remove him from the back of the yard. Hope wakes up in the front of the house and begins screaming for her children - Zach, J.T., and Mason. Mickey must hold Hope back from entering the wreckage. Austin and Max try to resucitate Zach, J.T. and Theo. Bo and Abe stumble upon them. Bo begins screaming and crying for his boys, but Frankie runs to him and holds him back from his kids by hugging him, telling him that he doesn't want to see them like this, while Bo screams "No" over and over again. John hands over baby Claire to a fireman and helps Austin comfort Abe. Medics begin to work on the three little boys while rescue workers work on breaking Mason and Will from the car. Sami is outside the car screaming and crying for Will. She rushes to the door and tries to undo it, but she is interfering in the rescue workers' mission and is literally carried away kicking and screaming. Suddenly, the small fire catches and catches and catches all over the yard spreading and spreading until it hits the engine of the car and the gas tank of the grill. The backyard erupts in an explosion while Bo and Sami's screams radiate.

    Don't miss tomorrow afternoon (Friday) when Thursday and Friday's episodes will be posted back to back, and you'll find out which Salem Child will perish. And find out in a special press release that will feature NINE announcements of cast members who will be returning!
  4. King
    Episode #147 - Tuesday, July 4:

    Blog Bonus: Download "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heep now!

    - Cassie talks herself out of her awkwardness with Lucas and Sami when she realizes they don't know WHAT she is talking about.
    - Liam and Hope AND Bo and Billie grow closer than ever.
    - Cassie gets into another raging fight with Abby. Cassie tells Abby that she knows something she doesn't. Abby is intrigued.
    - Melissa and Frankie share a delicate kiss under the fireworks.
    - Victor tells Caroline that he will find whoever is trying to run Bella and Titan out of business, and he'll destroy them.
    - Celeste begs the Reaper to leave the kids of Salem alone, but he refuses.
    - Abe flashes back to special moments in Theo's life that he shared with Lexie as he can't believe that his marriage to Lexie is over.
    - Cassie tells Abby that she just found out that Max and Chelsea were intimate. Abby doesn't believe Cassie, but Cassie says she just heard Max telling Frankie. Abby is shocked, but she doesn't want Cassie to know that it bothers her. Abby has a "so what?" attitude. Cassie says that if "virgin" Abby can live with the mental images of her boyfriend having dirty, passionate sex with Cassie AND her dead best friend, then to have at it! Abby can't take it anymore and runs off.
    - Bo and Billie re-count all of their times together during a romantic night under the stars and the fireworks.
    - Belle confides in Marlena that sometimes she feels like she shouldn't be raising Claire and sometimes resents her. Belle is unaware that is the effects of Megan and Kate's hypnotic suggestions.
    - Abby confronts Max, who confesses that what Cassie told her is the truth. Abby lashes out at Max saying that she can't believe that Max would not have mentioned this in the last 7 months and would let her go on thinking that they hadn't been intimate. Abby says this changes everything and runs off. Max tries to run after her, but Erika suggests maybe she should go. Max says that is a bad idea because it was a fight over Chelsea, whom she looks almost exactly alike. Erika gives Max a comforting hug.
    - Carrie remembers how she first cheated on Austin about 6 or 7 years ago today when she shared a kiss with Mike. It helps her remember her deep love for Austin. She grabs him and kisses him when she sees him. He asks what that was for, and she tells him that she just never wants to lose him again and that she's sorry it took her so long to forgive him for believing Sami over her. But she asks one thing. Austin promises anything. She says if Carrie ever accuses Sami of something again, then Austin must side with Carrie and believe her over Sami, or their relationship is over for good. Austin agrees, and they kiss.
    - Bo proposes to Billie as they flashback on their greatest times with one another, and Billie is overcome with joy. She accepts Bo's proposal!
    - Georgia and Will find Mason at the front of the house and are unaware that he is drunk. Before they really get a chance to talk to him, Abby comes racing around the house crying. Will asks her what is wrong. She refuses to talk about it and just begs that someone drive her home because she's too upset to drive. Georgia and Will say they don't have their lisences so Mason volunteers. Will, Georgia, and Abby all get into the car, and Mason drives off. The Reaper warns Celeste that the time of the child's death is upon them. Celeste hears a car getting closer to the backyard. Celeste screams "No!" Everyone turns to look at her as a hush falls over the party. Mason begins scaring Abby who quickly realizes that Mason is drunk, but before she can get him to turn the car off, the car barrels into the backyard.

    Listen to the BLOG BONUS now!: The car crashes the party in slow motion. Everyone screams and yells and runs for cover. The car heads straight for Erika/Max and the children. Caroline screams for someone to save the kids. The last thing Abby sees before she throws her hands over her face is Erika and max hugging. The car plummets into the house. Mason lies on the steering wheel. The horn blares. Abby is shown unconscious in the car. Georgia and Will also lie unconscious in the back seat of the car. Claire is no where to be seen. Theo is shown crying. Zach and J.T. lie unconscious and bloody. Pregnant ladies, Carrie and Marlena, are also unconscious. The rest of the party lies in ruins.

    Come Back on Thursday Night for Wednesday and Thursday's Shocking Episodes!

    Don't Forget Friday's *SIX* Casting Announcements that Will Leave You Jumping For Joy!

    And Also on Friday, the blog's shocking 150th episode with so many cliffhangers and shocks that it will leave your head spinning!

  5. King
    Episode #146 - Monday, July 3:

    - Lucas and Sami announce to Will and Austin that they are back together. Cassie interupts. Will pulls Cassie aside and tells her that he's about to come out to his parents. She lets Will re-join Austin, Sami, and Lucas. Will prepares to tell them the truth.
    - Billie once again reaches out to Hope and asks for her friendship. Hope is reciprocal once again. Billie tells Hope that she loved when they used to be friends. And Billie says that she only ever wanted Hope to be happy even if it was with Bo - that is why she played matchmaker for Bo and Hope when Hope thought she was Gina. Billie apologizes for the lapses in judgement she has made since then and when she did manipulate and lie to steal Bo. Hope offers her forgiveness, telling Billie that she knows that is out of character for Billie. They hug. Bo is taken aback.
    - Mason and Georgia get to know each other better. She fills him in on her turbulent past with her parents and Stefano Dimera while he says that he's led such a squeaky clean life and sort of resents it, saying he never got a normal childhood. She says that she also missed out on a bunch of experiences because she was sequestered at Stefano's hideaway and passed off as his daughter.
    - Bo takes Hope aside and prepares her for what he is about to do. Hope is very supportive of Bo and Billie and their impending engagement. Hope tells Bo that she will always love him, but he and Billie deserve to have a family with Georgia as she does with Liam and Mason.
    - Annie tells Greta to back off her man and tries to intimidate Greta. Greta tells Annie that she's dealt with someone like her before. Her name was Nicole Walker...she says. And she adds that she's not going to put up with it this time! Greta tells Annie that if she can't keep her man's eyes off of her then it's Annie's fault, NOT hers.
    - Max, Erika, and Abby have fun while playing with the kids at the party. They bond with Theo, J.T., Claire, and Zach.
    - Will decides to back out from telling his parents that he's gay when he sees how happy they are. He thinks maybe coming out in such a public forum is not a good idea.
    - Cassie tries to reach out to Max recalling her deep feelings of love and lust for him. He rejects her saying he can't forgive her for working for Stefano and infiltrating the Brady Family for the Dimera's! Later, Cassie and Abby get into a scathing fight.
    - Liam and Hope set the party on fire when everyone is taken aback at the passion and attraction these two have with one another in such a short period of time once Liam toasts to Hope and shares his affection and love for Hope for all of the Brady's and Horton's to see.
    - Mason suggests to Georgia that they steal one of the coolers and get drunk. He claims never to have had a drop of alcohol in his life and thinks its time he starts experiencing life as a normal teenager. But Georgia tells him that it isn't a good idea. Mason steals the cooler anyway.
    - Max and Frankie open up to each other about their lives. Max tells Frankie that he's keeping something from Abby, and he's worried. Max confesses that he had sex with Chelsea the night before she died and that Abby has no idea. Max says that Abby would be devastated if she knew that he and Chelsea had sex and that he kept it from her all of this time! Cassie overhears.
    - Victor, Caroline, Mickey, and Alice have a humorous encounter with a drunk Mason, but they are all unaware that he is intoxicated.
    - A few seconds later, Cassie runs into Sami and Lucas. She assumes that Will has come out to them. Cassie tells Lucas and Sami that they are taking it better than she and Will thought they would. Lucas is baffled and asks Cassie what she is talking about.
  6. King
    Episode #145 - Friday, June 30, 2006:

    - Max worries what Abby will do when she learns his secret.
    - Frankie asks Melissa if she will attend the Brady/Horton Family 4th of July Bar-B-Que with him.
    - Max and Erika share an awkward moment. Max realizes that he is drawn to Erika and has to confess his secret to Abby.
    - Bo decides to pop the question to Billie on the Fourth of July.
    - Mason asks Georgia to be his date to the BBQ, and she agrees.
    - Will decides that he needs to come out to his parents A.S.A.P. with Austin's help.
    - Carrie and Caroline discuss Shawn Sr. and how much they miss him.
    - Belle opens up to Marlena about her depression.
    - Melissa agrees to be Frankie's date to the BBQ.
    - The Brady's welcome Cassie to the Bar-B-Que and welcome her back into the family.
    - Erika asks if she could tag along with Max and Abby to the BBQ. They don't know what to say so they agree, but Abby is secretly bothered by it.
    - Eric introduces Annie as his girlfriend. Everyone is a little taken aback. Meanwhile, Alice and Caroline try to make Annie feel welcome, and hilarity ensues.
    - John and Marlena introduce Nurse Paris to everyone at the Fourth of July party.
    - Greta arrives. And Annie declares war in her mind! Eric feels drawn to Greta.
    - Lexie is shunned when she arrives and Hope asks Lexie to keep Abe's best interests in mind. Lexie snaps at Hope and leaves. Later, she sheds a single tear and vows revenge on everyone in Salem.
    - Erika, Max, and Abby volunteer to watch the kids - Claire, Theo, Zach, and J.T. Meanwhile, Celeste demands the Reaper tell her whose soul he is going to take.
    - Victor and Caroline continue to brainstorm as to who could have founded and who could be running the new magazine. Meanwhile, someone reads an issue of BELLA Magazine, laughs, and throws it in the garbage.
    - Max recalls his secret.....that he and Chelsea had sex the night before she died in the explosion at the Pub!
    - Austin and Will show up at the BBQ and tell Sami and Lucas that they have something important to say.
    - Celeste has a prediction of the Reaper stealing Will's soul....right before Will DIES!
  7. King
    This week on "Days of Our Lives".............

    Announcer: "Fireworks explode all over Salem this Fourth of July!"

    *Clips of the Brady/Horton Fourth of July Bar-B-Que. Everyone is in attendance.*

    Victor: "I don't know who could be trying to deep six Titan, but I'll find out, and I'll destroy them."

    *Clips of Caroline having a troubled look.*


    Announcer: "Three big returns!"

    *A quick shot of Scott Holiroyd as Alan Harris. A shot of Mary Beth Evans' Kayla Brady hugging Caroline at the hospital. A shot of someone's shoes approaching a door and knocking on it. Someone says..."YOU!?"*


    Announcer: "A secret revealed!"

    *Clips of a teary-eyed Abby staring at Max with hurt and pain in her eyes.*

    Abby: "How could you? How could you keep this from me!?"

    *Clips of Abby running off.*


    Announcer: "And then, the party comes to a crashing hault!"

    *Clips of a car crashing into party. Everyone runs out of the path of the car.*

    Caroline: "The children!"

    *The car heads right into the area where Max and Erika are watching J.T., Theo, Claire, and Zach play.*

    Voices: Screaming.

    *Clips of Celeste and the Reaper arguing.*

    Celeste: "Leave the children ALONE!"

    *Clips of the Reaper touching someone's arm as the person lays in a hospital bed. The arm shimmers. Clips of the heart monitor flatlining.*

    Doctor's Voice: "I'm sorry. We did everything we could. Your son didn't make it....."

    *A familiar voice lets out a deep, loud, bone chilling scream.*

    Announcer: "Don't Miss This Unforgettable Week on Days Of Our Lives!"
  8. King

    On Friday, July 7th, the Blog is going to drop a HUGE casting bomb on readers. The show has lured back S-I-X faces that are going to have fans smiling from ear to ear!


    Feel free to speculate!
  9. King
    Episode #144 - Thursday, June 29, 2006:

    - Will awaits Austin's reaction.
    - Victor vents to Caroline about how someone is trying to put Titan out of business.
    - Celeste begs the Reaper to leave the kids of Salem ALONE!
    - Marlena and John bond with their unborn baby.
    - Caroline asks Victor if it could be John, now that Titan put Basic Black out of business, he could be wanting to get back at Titan. Victor says that Basic Black was just a cover for John's I.S.A. operations and that he wouldn't really care enough to want to go to the hassle of starting another business while Marlena is having a delicate pregnancy. Caroline asks if it could be Kate. Victor says he thought it was her too, but it just doesn't make sense that Kate would be able to get away with starting and running her own magazine right under Victor's nose.
    - Austin hugs Will. Will is relieved at Austin's reaction. Austin tells Will that he wants this to be a lesson for him that in the future, he (Will) can come to him (Austin) with anything, and Austin will be there for him.
    - John and Marlena get great news from Lexie - they are most likely going to have a healthy pregnancy from here on out!
    - Caroline asks Victor if he thinks it could be Vivian Alamain. Victor said he just heard from Vivian's lawyers a few months ago about selling Victor back her 49% of the Titan shares so it can't be her since she obviously wants out of the publishing and fashion businesses. Caroline asks if it could be Austin trying his hand at a company again. But Victor says that Austin is content working at Titan since Titan overtook Austin Reed & Company in March. He, like John, is also busy being a daddy to his unborn child.
    - Austin tells Will that he won't ever truly be happy with himself and won't find true happiness in life unless he is being himself 100%. But Will says that it isn't that easy in his case. Will tells Austin how difficult it is to grow up gay, even in this day and age - especially in a small town like Salem.
    - John and Marlena thank Nurse Paris for everything she has done the last month to help get Marlena's health under control.
    - Victor and Caroline are at a loss as to who could have started this new up and coming magazine.
    - Austin tells Will that regardless, Will must be himself and be true to himself if he ever wants to lead a happy, fulfilling life. Austin tells Will that it won't be easy to do, but nothing ever worth achieving is easy. Will says that he fears what Sami and Lucas will do. Austin asks if this is the reason Will ranaway. Will confesses that it is. Austin tells him that Sami and Lucas would rather go through anything as tough as it is if it means that Will is happy and healthy and home where he belongs. Austin tells Will that he will stand by his side when he tells Sami and Lucas and that he will help them understand.
    - Caroline comforts Victor, and they hug. Kate walks in on the hug. She exits and sees Marie's desk. Filled with anger and rage, Kate trashes Marie's desk. Victor and Caroline walk into the hallway. Victor asks Kate what the hell she thinks she's doing! Kate replies..."You bastard! You and I haven't been broken up for, what, five minutes, and you're already running into your 'true love's' arms?! And you, you whore!"...she gestures to Caroline. "Shawn's corpse isn't even cold!" Victor interupts with a fierce command, telling Kate to shut up. Caroline tells Kate that she has the wrong idea. Victor says...."Get out. You're fired!" Kate fires back...."No, you arrogant bastard! I QUIT!" Kate storms out leaving Caroline and Victor with the shambles of Marie's desk.
  10. King
    Episode #143 - Wednesday, June 28, 2006:

    - Bo, Hope, Billie, and Kate re-act to "Chelsea." Erika explains that she is NOT this Chelsea person! Max and Abby explain that they ran into this girl in the Florida Keys.
    - Cassie and Georgia continue to urge Will to tell his parents about being gay.
    - Victor gets word that a Publishing Company is gunning for Titan by releasing a new magazine geared towards Fashion, Glamor, and Makeup, and that it is even launching a cosmetics line to compete with Titan's.
    - Eric and Annie have sex, but he can't get Greta off of his mind.
    - Bo, Hope, and Billie tell Erika they'd like to have DNA tests run on her, if she doesn't mind. They'd like to compare it to Chelsea's to see if this is another Dimera trick.
    - Austin can tell something is plaguing Will so he urges Will to open up to him.
    - Victor demands that his people find out who is behind this new magazine that is going to give Titan's publishment, Bella Magazine, a run for its money.
    - Austin tells Will that he thought he was his son for 3 years and how he will love him no matter what - as a nephew and as a son. Austin urges Will to open up to him.
    - Mason and Georgia continue to bond.
    - Belle sinks further into depression thanks to Megan and Kate's hypnotic suggestions while she slept. Megan plots Belle's downfall.
    - Bo, Billie, and Hope can't get past Erika's resemblance to Chelsea, but as they spend more time with her, they see subtle differences in her appearance. Georgia meets Erika, and it freaks her out to see the person who looks like the person Bo and Billie thought was their child. Mason comforts Georgia.
    - Victor asks Kate if she is behind the new company. Kate tells Victor that is silly since she is working for Titan now. Victor tells Kate that if she is the one behind it then she will be fired, immediately. Kate asks Victor what happened since they were so close only such a short time ago. Victor tells Kate her jealousy of Caroline and her unwillingness to confess her secret to him is what drove them apart.
    - Max says to himself that if Abby knew his secret that she might never forgive him. Max, meanwhile, can't shake his feelings of affection for Chelsea, and subsequently, Erika.
    - Austin asks Will if his problem has to do with a girl. Will says that is definitely not the case. Austin is taken aback by how he says that. Austin asks Will if he is gay. Will confirms Austin's suspicion. Austin is floored.
  11. King
    Episode #142 - Tuesday, June 27, 2006:

    Blog Bonus: "Run" by Snow Patrol

    - Mason and Georgia continue to bond.
    - Bo and Hope see their children bonding, and they talk about they remind Bo and Hope of themselves when they were younger - only reversed. Mason is proper and polished and naive and innocent like Hope was while Georgia is rough around the edges with a lot of life experience like Bo was.
    - Celeste tells the Reaper to stay away from the children of Salem.
    - Erica and Greta stare at each other in shock. Meanwhile, Annie wonders why Eric stopped looking for her during their playful escapade at Salem Place.
    - Mason asks Georgia out on a date, and she agrees.
    - Max is keeping something else from Abby, but what could it be?
    - Eric asks Greta what she is doing back in town. She says that she can ask him the same thing, citing that he's the one who left town first. Annie walks in on the tense moment between them. She can feel the romantic tension.
    - Belle wakes up from her sleep with a deep depression. She asks John to come and take Claire for the rest of the night. Kate and Megan relish in their victory that their plan is working. Kate is glad that Belle is going to see some pain for finally hurting Phillip.
    - Abby and Max ask Bo, Hope, Liam, Billie, Caroline, and Kate to meet them at the pub.
    - Austin finally convinces Carrie to give him another chance!
    - Greta tells Eric that she's back for good. Eric says that he is too. Greta tells Eric that she really needs her space right now because she's dealing with a lot. Eric asks if he can help, but she says that she does need his help. Eric says that she must not have forgiven him yet for sleeping with Nicole. In her head, Greta says that she has and that she loves Eric more than she ever thought possible.
    - Lucas romances Sami while Will interupts them to come out of the closet to them.
    - Lexie tries in vain to win back Abe.
    - Annie interupts Eric and Greta and puts her hands all over Eric. Intimidated, Greta tells Eric that she'll see him around and leaves.
    - Abby and Max try to brace Bo, Hope, Liam, Billie, Caroline, and Kate for what they are about to see. Bo tells Max to spit it out. He asks what is going on. Max then goes into the back of the Pub and brings out Erika, the Chelsea lookalike!

    BLOG BONUS! Listen now!: Eric and Greta separately remember their times together. Austin and Carrie have a night of lovemaking. Will backs out of confessing to his parents and lets them continue their night of romance. At the Pub, everyone is shocked. Liam is confused. Hope and Caroline stand with their mouths open. Kate is confused, but overcome with joy. Bo begins to tear up. Billie begins to cry and loses her footing. Bo grabs her and holds her as they stare at Erika and overcome with emotion that they girl they once thought was their daughter is alive once again (or so they think.) Freeze.
  12. King
    One of the Children of Salem is Going to Die!

    But Who Will It Be?

    J.T. Brady?

    Zach Brady?

    Theo Carver?

    Georgia Brady?

    Mason Alcantar?

    Will Roberts?

    Abby Devereaux?

    Find out Tuesday, July 4th!
  13. King
    Most Popular Supercouple in 'DAYS' History Returns!

    As promised, the big announcement for Tuesday is HERE! As first hinted in the summer previews seven weeks ago on May 9th, two HUGE characters of DAYS past are returning this summer! Their idenitities are now revealed.

    Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans will be reprising the roles of Steve and Kayla this summer. "This is big news. I've really enjoyed their time on DAYS thus far and am looking forward to writing for them! Kayla was just back in May for Shawn and Caroline's wedding, and we hinted around a lot that her return will be permanent. Kayla will be back for the funeral of the the Fourth of July victim and will stay put in Salem. Steve will first air later in July sometime.

    "All I can say right now is that the weeks of August 21st and August 28th will be changing weeks in the history of DAYS, and they will grant two decades of wishes for DAYS' fans. We still have four more characters/familiar faces coming back this summer. I can't say anything right now because it will give it away, BUT fans will be OVERWHELMED with joy."

    As to how Patch will be written back in, the writer says this..."It involves an island....of DAYS' past. And NO, it's NOT Melaswen!" "It's going to be romantic and magical!"

    "Five more big returns await the show this summer. Two will show up on Episode #150. The last five minutes of Friday July 7th's episode should leave readers' mouths open all weekend."

    "As for the show right now, all I can say is the next week and a half is the calm before the storm.....July and August are going to be an absolute sh*tshow!"
  14. King
    'DAYS' Blog Celebrates #150!

    On Friday, July 7th, the Blog will be celebrating its 150th episode! WOW! The show has some big plans to commemorate the event. Here's how!:

    - A shocking twist for John and Marlena!

    - A death of a child of Salem!

    - Three familiar faces will return that will have fans JUMPING for JOY!
  15. King
    Episode #141 - Monday, June 26:

    - Billie wonders who could have mugged her, but she comes to the conclusion it was a random act.
    - Bo and Hope sign the divorce papers.
    - Eric enjoys another amazing date with Annie. He is shocked at himself for having such a good time with such an unconvetional girl.
    - Max is keeping something big from Abby!
    - The Reaper spies the Brady Nanny watching Theo, J.T., and Zach, and he smiles wickedly.
    - Frankie Brady and Melissa Horton finish their fun date at the Cheatin' Heart.
    - Kate is shocked to learn from the P.I. that one of her daughters was Megan Hathaway who died in Salem during the 1980's. She reads up on Megan's file and puts the pieces together based on things she's heard about her in Salem. Unbeknownst to Kate, her daughter is alive and in Salem - it's Megan Spears!
    - Hope runs into Georgia and bonds with her. Meanwhile, Bo runs into Hope and Liam's son, Mason, and hits it off with him.
    - Lucas and Sami both get a mutual feeling that Will's life is going to be in danger at some point in the near future.
    - Annie wonders what is happening to her as she feels like Eric is bringing out the best in her, a side that she's never allowed to come to the surface.
    - While Belle sleeps, Megan breaks into the loft and plants a speaker in her bedroom that she plans to gaslight Belle with.
    - Kate grieves her daughter, Megan, unaware that she is still alive. Kate tells the P.I. to find her other twin daughter!
    - The Reaper sees Georgia and Mason and stares at them. They see him and leave, discussing how creepy he is.
    - Megan and Kate meet up to talk about their gaslighting plans for Belle. They take turns using the microphone - talking into it giving Belle hypnotic suggestions that she can't get past her post-partum depression and she feels like she is going crazy.
    - The Reaper bumps into Will on the pier. The Reaper smiles. Celeste sees the Reaper smiling at Will and screams.
    - Annie and Eric get into a fight with their ice cream cones at Salem Place. She runs from him, and he runs after her. Eric runs into a woman and knocks her over. He picks her up. It's Greta!
  16. King
    OLTL Sensation Joins 'DAYS!'

    Trevor St. John has been tapped to play the role of "The Reaper" whom Celeste will encounter. "He first showed up as a faceless image in the spring to take Phillip. Celeste made a deal with him not to kill Phillip so he obliged, but the plans were already set in motion so Phillip was still critically injured. But the Reaper is back, and he will have some chilling interactions with the cast this summer."....says the writer. "The role is going to be VERY short-term. Someone is going to die on the fourth of July. One of the children of Salem. It will be sad, but it won't necessarily be as it sounds or how fans are probably going to envision it after reading this. He will last appear on Friday, July 7th. But death is always a part of DAYS and Salem so he could be back."

    "The blog will be taking the show back to its supernatural roots, but in a good way."...says the writer. "The way it used to be and the way it SHOULD be. It will be used rarely like a nice spice. This is the first of many ways. A supernatural storyline is being planned right now for the fall. Shades of the Possession. It should have fans in a tizzy but loving it - the way it should be."

    In other news, the blog is expected to make a huge announcement on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 27th.
  17. King
    Episode #140 - Friday, June 23:

    - Kate arrives at the Private Investigator's office.
    - Bo and Hope meet with Frankie and Mickey to draw up divorce papers.
    - Megan knocks Billie unconcious.
    - Melissa and Frankie go out on a date. Frankie tries to impress Melissa with a dinner a Chez Rouge.
    - Maggie thanks Avalon for fishing her out of the river.
    - Celeste begs the Reaper not to kill anyone else in Salem. She says they have been through enough!
    - Melissa tells Frankie to stop impressing her. She says she likes to let her hair down like everyone else. She decides to end dinner at Chez Rouge early and takes over the plans for the rest of the night. She takes Frankie to The Cheatin' Heart. On their way there, they accidentally thwart Megan's plans to kill Billie. Frankie and Melissa want to take Billie to the hospital, but Billie says that she is fine and thinks she was just the victim of a botched mugging.
    - Megan Spears recalls once more how she is really Megan Hathaway - biological daughter of Stefano Dimera, adopted daughter of Maxwell Hathaway. She says that she loved Bo in the 80's and will do anything to win him back once more and how she will kill Hope and Billie and anyone else who gets in her way.
    - Celeste fears the Reaper has come to Salem to take Will's soul.
    - Maggie tells Avalon that she does not want to return to Salem because she has no reason to.
    - Bo and Hope sign the divorce papers as the re-call all of the fondest memories between them.
    - Kate asks the Private Investigator who her twin daughters are. The investigator says that he talked to people who worked at the hospital that Kate gave birth to. He says one woman in particular is still working at the hospital. She claims very strange things went on the night Kate gave birth, including a blackout. When he did more digging, he found that two babies were admitted to an local adoption agency that night - twin girls. Kate is overcome with emotion. He says he has learned the identity of one of the girls. Kate asks for a name so he can track her down. He hands her a folder and tells Kate that he is sorry, but the daughter he found is dead. She breaks down in his office. He goes on to say that died in Salem so he might know her. He says the man that adoped her was Maxwell Hathaway....and that her daughter is the deceased Megan Hathaway.
  18. King
    EPISODE #138 - Wednesday, June 21:

    - Bo and Hope talk as a result of Alice and Caroline's scheming.
    - Megan realizes that Billie Reed will be a problem in winning back Bo Brady so she plots to kill her.
    - Billie has an encounter with Liam that leaves her wondering if she's made the right decision to give on her search into his past.
    - Celeste has a premonition of Will's lifeless body.
    - Will wonders about Celeste's premonition that he is danger.
    - Bo and Hope talk and realize that maybe this really is best for everyone even though it's not really what either wants. Bo and Hope do each admit that they love Liam and Billie, respectively. They agree to go ahead with the divorce.
    - Sami and Lucas enjoy post-coital bliss.
    - Austin and Carrie share a sexy kiss.
    - Marlena agrees not to tell Eric that Greta is back in town for one day. Marlena apologizes to Greta but says that she cannot keep this from her child. She says Eric would want to know and she also telsl Greta that she's not supposed to be under any stress.
    - Lexie gets papers informing her that Abe is suing her for custody. Lexie realizes that she has indeed lost everything in her life.
    - Sami lashes out at Annie once she finds out that Annie and Eric are dating! Annie tells Sami that she can't possibly hurt her brother more than Sami is planning to hurt her sister. Sami backs off.
    - The Grim Reaper visits Celeste and tells her about their deal they made in the spring that he would not take Phillip's life and soul if she sacrificed her happiness. He explains that moment set into motion Lexie finding out about Celeste accidentally killing Lexie's parents. He explains to Celeste that she won't be able to save the next victim....he takes human form (click here) and tells her that a child of Salem will perish on the Fourth of July.

  19. King
    EPISODE #137 - Tuesday, June 20:

    - Alice, Mickey, and Hope probe Melissa about how she feels about Frankie, but she grows frustrated with them and takes them aback with her behavior.
    - Megan plans to split Bo and Hope even further apart than they are already.
    - Billie finally decides to let the search into Liam’s past go since Kate has doctored the Private Investigator’s dossier on him and made it look like he is clean.
    - Greta tries to keep her intentions hidden from Marlena and John.
    - Megan and Kate talk about their plans to gaslight Belle!
    - Alice and Caroline talk about their frustration over Bo and Hope not being together. Caroline says that she thinks maybe Bo is better off with Billie and Georgia while Hope might be better off with Liam and their son, Mason. Alice agrees it might be best and it might be what is right, but it doesn’t mean it is what either wants.
    - Greta asks Marlena if she could possibly not tell Eric she is back for a few days.
    - Melissa tells the Horton’s that she is not ready for a relationship right now – no matter whom it is with.
    - Kate opens up to her Private Investigator about how she gave birth to her first born children – twins – and was told that they both died at birth because of complications due to her promiscuous and scandalous lifestyle that caused harm to the babies. Kate said that she’s had suspicions for years that they are really alive and wants to know for sure. He promises to do what he can.
    - Sami asks Austin to give her one more chance to repair their relationship. He refuses.
    - Celeste runs into Will. She says she senses much pain and angst in his life. He tells her that he is going through something very serious and doesn’t know what to do. Celeste says that she sees that Will’s life will be in danger!
    - Lucas finds out that Sami asked Austin for forgiveness. He confronts her about having feelings for Austin still. They fight. The anger turns to passion and they have sex - on the kitchen counter!
    - When Melissa lays down for a nap, she wakes up moments later – shocked that she is having a dream about Frankie Brady romancing her!
    - Thanks to Alice and Caroline’s scheming, Bo and Hope both end up locked in the back room of the Brady Pub to see if they can patch things up one last time.
  20. King
    EPISODE #139 - Thursday, June 22:

    - After her dream, Melissa finds Frankie. He is taken aback by her sudden change of heart.
    - Billie gets a call from Jack (off-screen.)
    - Abby and Max help Erika search for father while Max worries what will happen to him if the man Erika says is her father, Avalon, finds him.
    - Melissa tells Frankie that she would like to take him up on his offer to go on a date.
    - Jack asks Billie for her help in finding Jennifer.
    - Max recalls his shady past with mobster, Avalon. He presumes that Avalon got himself into trouble and has gone into hiding somewhere.
    - Billie makes some calls and gets in touch with some of her contacts and helps Jack locate Jennifer.
    - Max probes Erika as to what her father does for a living. Erika is baffled, but Max's worries frow when Erika cannot say for sure what her father does.
    - Kate gets a call from her private investigator who informs her that he has found one of her children.
    - Mickey and Melissa re-call their love for Maggie and fond memories of her. Mickey says that he will forever regret their last few weeks together and wishes he stuck by her and helped her overcome her alcohol addiction again.
    - Max focuses on the picture of Avalon and re-calls Avalon threatening his life. Meanwhile, Maggie Horton is seen in bed at a cabin in a coma. She slowly awakens and sees a man at her bedside nursing her back to life...the man....is....Avalon.
  21. King
    King Reilly - OUT!?

    After reporting that the blog was not going anywhere for a very, very long time, there comes shocking word only TWO days later that King Reilly is now looking into hanging up his SON hat...for good. The writer cites a lot of personal changes, decisions, and growth as the reasons for wanting to cut back on his SON time - TREMENDOUSLY. "It's a time of great change in the life of King Reilly. He's losing the love for his old soaps, he's gone spoiler-free which has also contributed to the lack of time spent on SON, he's embarking on his senior year of college, amongst other things."...says an insider. "KR is as baffled as anyone else because he cannot picture his life without SON, but that is how the chips have to fall, sometimes."

    The writer is currently taking time to re-evaluate things and see if this is a passing feeling. It is unclear at this moment what would happen to the blog if KR leaves. There are two solutions: KR visiting SON only to update the blog daily, or the blog would have to end. But have no fear - if the blog does indeed end, it will run until Friday, September 1st, and it will be a shocking end. "Ideas have been tossed around as to how it would end. Some storylines would be wrapped up. Others would be left open in a way that would really blow people's minds."
  22. King
    EPISODE #136 - Monday, June 19:

    BLOG BONUS: "How Good It Can Get" by the Wallflowers

    - The Salem Spectator announces a Dancing Contest down at the docks. The couples of Salem each get their newspaper one by one and decide it might be fun to participate.
    - Megan reveals how she used to love Bo and how she tried to win him back from Hope. When that didn't work, she tried to kill Hope, but Larry Welch spoiled her plans and tried to kill her (Megan) when she discovered discriminating evidence against him
    - Marlena is excited and happy to see Greta when she opens the door. Greta remembers what Austin said about Marlena's delicate pregnancy and decides not to say anything.
    - Eric asks Annie if she will dance with him in the dance contest. She is taken aback. She bluntly tells him that he is good in bed and likes when they are together, but she doesn't want to keep seeing him as a date. She prefers physical encounters and thinks dating and love is for fools. Eric persists, and Annie gives in.
    - Max assures Abby that he has no feelings for Erika, the girl who is a dead ringer for the deceased Chelsea.
    - Kate uses her sex appeal to give the Private Investigator an extra incentive to find her twin daughters by the end of the week.
    - Megan re-calls how she asked her father to pull strings and have her pronounced dead at the hospital, but really whisked her away and had minor surgery done on her face to make her unrecognizable to Salemites. She remembers how she met Robert Spears and fell in love with him, gave birth to Jan, and moved to Salem to be near Bo and love him from afar. Megan reveals her plan to get to know her sister, Lexie, without revealing her identity to her because that is too risky.
    - Melissa tells Hope that she can tell Hope is not over Bo. Hope says that this is best for everyone and that she has a child with Liam that needs her. Melissa tells Hope that she has Zach and JT and Shawn with Bo! Hope says that she has been their for them, but now she needs to be there for Mason.
    - Max and Cassie come face to face. She begs him for forgiveness, but he refuses. He tells her that he will never forgive her, let alone speak to her again.
    - Greta sees John. They share an embrace. Paris, Marlena, and John all find the hug and its length very odd.
    - Frankie asks for Hope and Alice's help in getting Melissa to participate in the dance contest with him. Melissa can't disappoint Alice so she agrees to it.
    - Will tries to cheer his Aunt Cassie up by asking her to participate in the dance contest.
    - Kate and Megan meet to figure out how to get revenge on Belle while Shawn and Jan are gone. They decide to gaslight Belle and drug her back into the deep depression she felt after Claire was born.

    - Listen to the BLOG BONUS now! Eric and Annie, Hope and Liam, Bo and Billie, Sami and Lucas, Austin and Carrie, Frankie and Melissa, Will and Cassie, Abby and Max, participate in the dance contest. Everyone is eliminated one by one until Sami and Lucas, Frankie and Melissa, and Austin and Carrie are left dancing. Frankie and Melissa are named the best couple. Frankie is pleased. Melissa looks at Frankie and the crowd, apprehensively.
  23. King
    Episode #135 - Friday, June 16th:

    - Kate tells her private investigator to step up the investigation of finding her twin daughters from all of those years ago with Stefano.
    - Lexie vows revenge on all of Salem for turning their back on her.
    - Frankie has a steamy fantasy about Melissa Horton.
    - Shawn explains to Belle that he IS going on the second honeymoon with Jan that Megan is sending them on. Belle is devastated, but Shawn says that what they had is over and how he needs to be loyal to his family.
    - Lucas and Sami embrace their newfound happiness with a day of lovemaking.
    - Will struggles with being gay. Georgia and Cassie counsel him and tell him that his family will understand.
    - Sami shows remorse over what she is planning on doing to Carrie.
    - Paris tells Marlena that she will ensure that Marlena has a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
    - Frankie asks Melissa out on a date again, but she refuses. Frankie tells Melissa that he won't hurt her the way the other men in her life have. Melissa slaps Frankie!
    - Shawn says goodbye to Claire and asks Belle to take special care of her. Belle says that she will, but she begs him not to go. He and Jan say goodbye to Trey and leave him with Hope for the time they are gone. When Megan Spears learns that Hope will be watching their grandson and not her, her hatred of Hope increases.
    - John, Marlena, and Paris share a night of relaxation and movie watching. John thanks Paris for getting Marlena's mind of her delicate pregnancy. Greta prepares to knock on John's door and muster up the courage of telling him that he is her father...she rings the doorbell. When Paris and John are too busy in the other room to answer it, Marlena breaks Paris' strict orders and gets off of the couch to answer it.
    - When Jan's mother, Megan Spears, is alone, she takes out of pictures of Bo and Hope. She rips up the picture of Hope, calling her a whore and a bitch! She kisses the picture of Bo. She recalls her great love for Bo. She, then, takes out a picture of Stefano. "Don't worry, Daddy."...she says. "I am going to make the good people of Salem pay for what they have done to our family. Starting with Hope!" IT IS REVEALED THAT MEGAN SPEARS IS THE PRESUMED DEAD MEGAN HATHAWAY!
  24. King

    As revealed in Friday's shocking cliffhanger, Jan's mother, Megan Spears (Gina Tognoni, above.), is actually the presumed dead Megan Hathaway! But some of you might be wondering who Megan Hathaway actually is. Here is a brief character history:

    Megan came to Salem in 1984 with her adopted father, Maxwell Hathaway. Megan was an ex-girlfriend of Bo Brady and would stop at nothing to win him back! She lied and schemed and tried to pass off a child as hers and Bo's. She was filled with hatred for Bo's love, Hope Williams. She tried to kill Hope in 1985 by attempting to electrocute Hope in a hot tub. Unfortunately for Megan, before she could execute her plan, she stumbled upon Larry Welch making some shady business dealings and became the murder victim of Larry Welch, suffering the same fate that she intended by Hope. Larry dumped her body in the hot tub, and Hope was the prime murder suspect in Megan's death. Biologically, Megan is the daughter of Stefano Dimera.

    "This was the plan all along. It isn't a coincidence that I named Jan's mom Megan. I thought maybe it was a little risky, and some readers would put the pieces together before we revealed the truth. But, it worked out nicely. I will, of course, explain in time how Megan survived Larry Welch's murder attempt."...says the writer. "But for now, we have bigger things to do. Megan has a sister in town, Lexie, who is also hell-bent on getting revenge on Salem right now. Also, Jan is now a Dimera. She is the grand-daughter of Stefano, which is huge. A few months ago when I promised that something else was in store for Jan after she gets exposed, this is what I was alluding to. Unfortunately for Hope, Billie, and Belle, Jan and Megan are here to stay."
  25. King
    The Future of the Blog!

    Many of you have PM-ed and IM-ed asking why the blog hasn't been new everyday. It's just the usual craziness! I assure you I won't ever stop doing the blog! Not for a looooong time, anyway! Between December and May, I finally have the cast in the place that I've wanted it, so everything is REALLY JUST kicking off. Be patient and check back often, and the episodes will be out.

    As a reward for your patience and proof that the blog is not slowing down, here are some things to look forward to:

    Friday, June 23rd - Kate learns the shocking identity of one of her twin daughters.

    Monday, June 26th - Greta and Eric come face to face.

    Tuesday, July 4th - Fourth of July fireworks explode ALL over Salem. A shocking death ROCKS one of the show's greatest supercouples when one of the children of Salem DIES. Also, look out for a big shock in the
    John and Marlena story. In another storyline, one character will attempt suicide!

    Thursday, July 6th - One of the most beloved characters of DAYS' past makes a PERMANENT return!

    Friday, July 7th - Alan Harris returns. Scott Holiroyd has won the role, as voted on by YOU, the readers.

    Monday, July 10th - Hope's world is rocked to the core.

    Friday, July 14th - One character learns a shocking truth.

    Friday, July 21st - Will Roberts comes out to his parents, Sami and Lucas.

    Friday, July 28th - August kicks off with a bang when the most recognizable face in DAYS history returns.

    And in August...........

    - Carrie and Austin's baby is born...will Sami and Annie go through with their devious plot?
    - Maggie and her mystery man are back on the scene.
    - Will's life is forever changed.
    - The Erika/Max/Abby storyline kicks into overdrive.
    - The blog is planning to bring back one of the characters that it has written off in the past.
    - A huge adventure storyline set for the fall will begin and involve THE most popular people on the show - John, Marlena, Bo, Hope, and a few surprising faces who have yet to join the show!
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