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Blog Entries posted by King

  1. King
    Episode #242 - Tuesday, November 14th, 2006:


    STOP! If you have not read episode #241 posted TODAY RIGHT below this, then proceed to that episode first!

    - A fire tears through the fashion show, lighting up the blacked out building! Vivian and Kate begin screaming, as do other employees, spectators, and models who begin running for their lives as the fire spreads quicker and quicker. Victor is horrified as he prays that his handyman is not responsible for this.
    - Max and Cassie argue as she tells him she had no idea he was back with Abby. He tells her he wants a paternity test, but she tells him that isn't neccessary. She explains that she's been in ISA protection since May because of how she betrayed Stefano during Caroline and Shawn's vow renewal ceremony. Cassie explains she's been under the watch of Shane and the I.S.A., and it's impossible she had sex with anyone after she left Salem!
    - Belle is stuck in the fire with no where to turn!
    - Steve has a reunion with Shane. They catch up. Steve can sense something is off with Shane.
    - Marlena, Bo, and Hope rush to the hospital to be with Lexie. Marlena is confused as to why Bo and Hope are there because of Lexie suing and winning custody of Zach. Hope explains that right before the explosion, Lexie signed over her rights of Zach to Bo and Hope and realized she was wrong for doing this.
    - Kristen hands John the baby. Kristen smiles and laughs and begins jumping up and down saying she's free, but John grabs her and throws her against the wall. Kristen's smile drops.
    - Shane manages to get Steve away from Kayla for a few moments. Steve asks Shane why he is being so weird. Steve asks Shane if he knows Steve's secret!
    - Georgia, Kate, and Vivian manage to make it out of the Fashion Show without being injured. Vivian and Kate both begin to worry when they can't find Victor. Belle remains stuck inside the building, fighting off the flames.
    - Abe arrives in London and re-unites with Marlena, Bo, and Hope. The doctors tell Abe that they have bad news.
    - John explains to Kristen that she may have immunity, but that won't stop him and Marlena from finding another way to make her pay for what she has done to everyone she has hurt. Kristen throws John off of her and tells him they better go find his precious Doc and tell her the good news.
    - Max and Abby have a bunch of near misses all over Salem as he searches for her.
    - Belle is rescued from the flames by a mysterious man.
    - Shane confirms Steve's suspicions and tells Steve that he does know Steve's secret. Steve asks him what it is! Steve tells Shane that he has been sensing lately that something is going on inside him and has pushed Kayla away because of it.
    - The doctors tell Abe that due to a miracle, Lexie did manage to escape the fire without any severe burns, but they explain that she suffered a severe head injury when the building collapsed. They go on to tell Abe that Lexie had severe hemmoraging in her brain that they are now trying to stop. They tell Abe if she recovers, she'll never be the same person again.
    - Victor emerges from the fire and meets with his henchman who apologizes to Victor over and over for what he has done. Victor tells him that he is an idiot and that he better pray no one is hurt by this.
    - Shane tells Steve that his secret coming out will have big reprecussions for him and Kayla. Steve says that he doesn't care and wants to know. Shane tells Steve that Kayla may never want to look at him ever again!
    - Once they are safe from the flames, Belle comes face to face with her rescuer....SHAWN DOUGLAS BRADY!
    - Victor re-unites with Vivian and Kate who are overjoyed to see him. Victor is taken aback by how worried Kate and Vivian seem to have been. Victor finds the paramedics and ask if anyone was hurt in the fire. The firefighters and paramedics tell him that the building was safely evacuated except for one victim who is being taken to the hospital right now. The victim is wheeled by Kate, Vivian, and Victor. Victor screams "No!" as the victim is shown. (click there.) FREEZE FRAME.
  2. King
    Episode #241 - Monday, November 13th, 2006:


    - John waits on the call from the I.S.A. letting him know if the deal is done....meanwhile Kristen speaks to John and Marlena's baby boy and recalls how John has asked the I.S.A. to grant her immunity for all of her past crimes so he can get his and Marlena's baby back!
    - Kayla and Steve have an emotional reunion at the site of the explosion. They share a passionate kiss, and he does not turn away as he has been doing recently.
    - Bo and Hope also have a touching reunion at the site of the explosion. Hope tells Bo that she knows now more than ever that they are meant to be together.
    - In Salem, Jack accompanies Billie to the hospital for her check-up since she has received her final chemotherapy session.
    - Abby awakens. Max and Abby are shocked to see a very pregnant Cassie standing in the doorway.
    - Shawn (Brandon Beemer) continues to lurk in the background at the fashion show while he watches Belle who relishes in the fact that her designs are being modeled so beautifully!
    - Marlena and Shane help get Bo, Hope, Kayla, and Steve back to the hotel where they wait on word of Lexie who is still lost in the explosion. Shane gets a call about Lexie's fate.
    - The doctor tells Billie that she has big news for her.
    - John gets a call from the I.S.A. saying that the ISA has followed through on their end of the bargain and has granted Kristen immunity for all of her past crimes.
    - Shane tells Marlena that Lexie's body was recovered from the explosion. She's alive...but he tells Marlena that they need to get in touch with Abe as soon as possible.
    - Abby and Max ask Cassie what the hell is going on. He asks Cassie if this is his baby and says that it can't be. Cassie tells Max that she is six months pregnant and that the timeline matches up perfectly. Abby is devastated and says that it can't be. Cassie tells Abby that it's true and to get used to her because her boyfriend is the father of her baby! Abby runs from the room crying, her dreams of making love to Max ruined. Max demands a paternity test immediately!
    - Georgia (Peyton List) blows everyone away as she is one of the most beautiful and natural models Kate, Vivian, Belle, and Victor have ever seen. As the Alamain Fashion Show continues and nears its climax, Victor picks up the phone and says "Now" into the phone. One of Victor's henchmen arrives at the circuit breaker of the building and hits it with a pipe. The lights go out. Everyone gasps and wonders what is going on. Victor is pleased that he has ruined his rival's fashion show. Kate and Vivian order a techie to fix the lighting, but he explains someone smashed the circuits. He tells them the fashion show must end. Just then, the circuits spark. They spark more and more. Unbeknownst to everyone in the building, a fire begins.
  3. King
    Important Dates!

    The blog will come ROARING back tomorrow! Don't miss it!

    (Please note: Tomorrow (Monday) I will post two episodes a day to make up for this past week. So, the dates start with last Monday's date/episode which will be posted tomrrow.)

    Monday, November 13, 2006: Lexie's fate is revealed.
    Tuesday, November 14, 2006: Victor's makes the biggest mistake of his life. Shawn and Belle come face to face.
    Wednesday, November 15, 2006: Steve's secret finally revealed. A new man for Jan.
    Thursday, November 16, 2006: A couple in Salem calls it quits.
    Friday, November 17 2006: Hopeless future for Hope!

    Monday, November 20, 2006: Cassie has a secret.
    Tuesday, November 21, 2006: Frankie makes a shocking discovery about Greta.
    Wednesday, November 22, 2006: It's over for John and Marlena.
    Thursday, November 23, 2006: Celeste tells Greta about her shocking future.
    Friday, November 24, 2006: Tony Dimera returns, but you won't believe how!

    Monday, November 20, 2006: Eric Brady makes love with someone you won't believe!
    Tuesday, November 21, 2006: One supercouple consummates their relationship...officially!
    Wednesday, November 22, 2006: An arrest in Alan's murder....Look out, Salem!
    Thursday, November 30, 2006: A shocking storyline for Georgia!
    Friday, December 1, 2006: Alan's killer is REVEALED!

    Monday, December 12, 2006: One year Anniversary for the BLOG!!!
  4. King
    Episode #240 - Friday, November 10th, 2006:


    - Eric and Annie re-unite now that he knows her "secret."
    - Max plans a wonderful night of lovemaking for Abby.
    - Sami wonders what to do with the new knowledge that Austin and Carrie do not have alibis.
    - Vivian, Kate, and Belle have a meeting to prepare for the fashion show. Vivian and Kate are blown away by Belle's designs.
    - Kayla grieves the death of Steve for a second time. Hope and Shane help her grieve.
    - John agrees to Kristen's deal if it means re-uniting Marlena and the baby. John asks Kristen for his cell phone so he can make the call.
    - Eric and Annie have a passionate night of lovemaking.
    - Shane tells Hope the chances of finding Liam, Bo, or Lexie alive is slim to none. Hope breaks down.
    - Sami taunts Carrie with her new knowledge.
    - Abby is excited to lose her virginity to the man she loves.
    - Kate, Vivian, and Belle are in shock when Georgia walks through the door wearing one of Belle's dresses. They are blown away by her raw beauty and elegance. Kate explains to Belle that one of the models was injured and that they needed someone last minute.
    - Victor makes sure that his plan to ruin the fashion show is in place. Victor and Nico discuss the details of what is going to go down. Victor explains that Titan's fashion show is first, followed by Alamain. He tells Nico the time to act is during the intermission.
    - Max and Abby have a romantic dinner and evening at his apartment. They dance and kiss. They begin to make love.
    - John makes the call! Kristen is overjoyed. John feels awful. He tells Kristen that she really better have changed this time or he will see to it that she pays. Kristen assures John that she will stay away from his "Precious Doc!"
    - Hope and Kayla grieve Steve and Bo. Shane has called Marlena who arrives and helps them through this terrible time.
    - The fashion show begins. Titan's designs are sexy yet elegant. They are geared towards the modern working woman who still wants to be hip and trendy. The intermission arrives. Nico knows what he has to do!
    - Belle is putting the finishing touches on the dresses. She then walks out onto the runway with Kate and Vivian who introduce her as the person behind the designs they'll see today. In the back of the venue, a man watches the fashion show. He wears a hood. The hood moves out of his face slightly...to reveal THIS FACE!
    - Max and Abby are unable to start their lovemaking when they hear a knock at the door. Abby opens the door. She faints. Max rushes to her on the ground calling her name. He looks up. "No....."...he says as he comes face to face with a VERY PREGNANT CASSIE DIMERA!
    - Shane and Marlena urge Hope and Kayla to leave the scene of the explosion and go home to the hotel for some rest. Hope refuses to leave without Bo. Shane and Marlena tell her that she has to, and Bo would want this. Hope is devastated at the thought of telling Zach, J.T., and Shawn that their father is dead. Kayla is speechless and in still in shock and denial. Marlena gasps. Hope turns to see....BO! He struggles to make it to Hope, but he does and he falls to the ground at her feet. She throws herself on the ground and embraces him. "Sweetness"....says a man's voice through a cough. Kayla turns to see STEVE! She runs to him, and they embrace.
    - John asks Kristen when he is allowed to leave with his son. Kristen tells John that he can leave when they get official word from the person who was on the other end of that phone call. John recalls the deal he made with Kristen in order to get his baby back - the I.S.A MUST GRANT KRISTEN IMMUNITY FROM ALL OF HER PAST CRIMES!
  5. King

    “John and Marlena, Bo and Hope, Austin and Carrie, Steve and Kayla, and Max and Abby are going to be encountering the greatest obstacles of their lives this winter."

    Max/Abby: "Cassie is back on the scene, and she is pregnant. Very pregnant. Max is going to learn that his actions have consequences. But there is a twist, of course! Things are never as they seem in Salem, especially when you're dealing with Cassie Dimera. This will cause a rift between Max and Abby. Abby begins to find a friend in someone very surprising - Jan Spears! And you know that can't be good....."

    John/Marlena: "John will do something he thinks is in the best interest of Marlena, and it is going to shatter their relationship like never before. This is going to be a good storyline. It was set-up nicely, but the fall out is going to be even bigger. This is the beginning of big things for John and Marlena. And there will not be a third party interfering."

    Steve/Kayla: "Steve's secret will finally be revealed. It's very interesting because not even Steve knows his secret, but when Shane reveals it next week, Kayla and Steve's relationship will be over. This is going to cut Kayla to her soul. She'll never be able to look at him the same way. It is a whole new story for Steve and Kayla. No third parties - just two people in love and dealing with their flaws."

    Bo/Hope: "The explosion will really cause Bo and Hope to ask what the hell they are doing with their lives. For the better part of a year now, they have been apart. But he does love Billie, as well. She is his fiancee, and he plans on marrying her. Bo loves Hope, but he also has a spark of jealousy when he sees Billie and Jack growing closer and her opening up to Jack over her cancer instead of him. Expect something big in this story. One of the four actors in the story is going to be taking a four month sabatical. His or her exit will be written into the show, but you won't believe how."

    Austin/Carrie: "The good news is that they'll get their baby back. The bad news is Mike Horton (Roark Critchlow) will be returning in December. There are rumors around the set that things are not looking good for Austin and Carrie."
  6. King
    What is to come with the Horton’s?

    “Well, as fans know, Mike Horton (Roark Critchlow), Laura Horton (Jamie Lynn Bauer), Doug Williams (Bill Hayes), and Julie Williams (Susan Seaforth-Hayes) will be returning this December for a big event. December will be the month of the Horton’s. There will be a lot of things going on in them this month. Everyone is going to be coming back for their own reasons. But when they’re all in Salem, they’re going to be united in a way none of them could have imagined. Frances Reid (Alice), John Ingle (Mickey), Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton), and Lisa Trusel (Melissa) will be seen quite often that month. Death will bring the Horton’s together in a way like never before. But I promise you that it‘s not who you think.”

    In other news, Blake Berris will be joining the show that month, as well, on recurring status, as Nick Fallon, the grandson of Marie Horton and the great-grandson of Alice. Berris will be joined by Maree Cheatham who played Marie Horton from 1965 to 1968, 1970 to 1973, in 1994, and in 1996. The stints are temporary.
  7. King

    As readers now know, Alan Dale (Lance Avalon), Scott Holroyd (Alan Harris), Grant Alexander (Liam Alcantar), and Michael Sabatino (Lawrence Alamain), have recently been written out of the show recently during sweeps. What they may not know is that Renee Jones (Lexie Dimera) has recently been written out, as well..

    “I have tried to up the ante this month. Things are really heating up!”…exclaims the writer. “I don’t think many readers will miss Liam or Lance. Maybe a few. But for the most part, fans should enjoy the characters’ departures. Lawrence’s return was meant to be temporary. When he joined, we announced he’d be leaving in November.”

    The departure of Renee Jones is probably the most shocking. “She’s a great talent, but there is no place for Lexie in the blog right now. The good news is James Reynolds (Abe Carver) will be returning during November Sweeps to help see Lexie off, but it's not what you might think.”

    “As for Holroyd, he was great as Alan. Perfect. But his exit was mandatory. He was the nastiest, most evil man to hit Salem in a long, long time. He did sick, twisted, dark, evil things, and he had to pay! His exit is going to kick off quite a storyline. There are events in everyone's life that separates the first part of their life from everything that follows that big event. Will, Sami, and Lucas will look back on their lives and say that this was the turning point of their lives."
  8. King

    Here are some things readers can look forward to when the blog returns on Monday!

    - A disaster at the fashion show that leaves someone in Salem fighting for his or her life.
    - Shawn returns and sends the lives of Belle and Jan into a tizzy.
    - James Reynolds returns for Renee Jones' exit.
    - Shawn may be back, but Jan finds someone else who catches her eye.
    - Find out who killed Alan Harris!
    - Shane reveals Steve's long-lost secret. It is a shock to everyone, including Steve!
    - Hope gets some sense "knocked" into her.
    - A special moment for JILLIE.
    - Cassie's pregnancy sends ripple effects through Salem.
    - Marlena's emotional reunion with her baby boy, but there is a price to be paid.
  9. King

    The blog will be taking a one week hiatus, beginning yesterday. It will return Monday, November 20th and will continue on with the multiple cliffhangers from Friday's episode. This week will still have postings of casting news and backstage gossip but no new episodes.
  10. King

    Check out the blog's new promo - "Nobody Does Villains Better Than DAYS OF OUR LIVES!" It features some of the show's greatest villains and villainesses - and some new faces too!



  11. King
    Episode #239 - Thursday, November 8th, 2006:


    - Annie realizes Austin and Carrie don't have alibis.
    - Hope and Kayla are in shock and horror as they look at the warehouse explode and fall crashing into to the ground. They clutch each other and scream for the loves of their lives. Bo, Shane, Steve, Liam, Lawrence, and Lexie all remain missing.
    - John and Kristen strike up a deal. As he holds his baby in his arms and has an emotional meeting with his son, John agrees to Kristen's deal.
    - Sami and Annie manage to cover in front of Lucas and Eric. Annie begs Eric to give her another chance. Eric tells Annie that the only way he'll give her another shot is if she confesses her and Sami's secret to him.
    - Shane emerges from the flames with.......LAWRENCE! Lawrence is in handcuffs. An emotional Kayla runs to Lawrence and begins hitting and pounding him. Shane comes between them as he places Lawrence in the hands of other I.S.A. agents. Kayla breaks down in Shane's arms saying that she can't believe she has lost Steve once again. Shane holds Kayla, and they fall to the ground.
    - John asks Kristen what the details of their agreement are.
    - Annie asks Sami to help her win Eric back, but Sami tells Annie that their partnership is over. Annie tells Sami that she has information about Carrie and Austin that Sami wants to know. Sami agrees to Annie's deal. Sami and Annie concoct a fake secret for Annie to tell Eric.
    - Lawrence is taken away by the I.S.A. Agents, but first, Kayla and Hope each have choice words for him. They explain that if anything has happened to their husbands, then they will track him down in whatever prison he is in and kill him themselves. Lawrence warns them they haven't seen the last of him. Fiesty Hope snarls back that it's the other way around...Lawrence hasn't seen the last of THEM!
    - John is horrified when he learns of the terms of Kristen's deal. John tells her there is no way he will do this. Kristen calmly explains to John that he needs to do this if he wants to keep his baby and if he wants to re-unite Marlena with their son. John refuses.
    - Sami "confesses" Annie's secret to Eric....Sami tells Eric that Annie thought she was pregnant! Eric does not believe that this was the secret, but when he calls the lab technician who ran her pregnancy tests, he confirms it. Unknown to Eric, this is the same man Annie and Sami blackmailed into helping them declare Carrie's baby "dead." Eric and Lucas feel guilty as they realize they assumed the worst about Sami and Annie.
    - Kristen snatches the baby from John's arms. John has a tearful goodbye with his baby. He can't take it. John agrees to do the mysterious task that Kristen has asked of him.
    - A body burned beyond recognition is pulled from the flames and pronounced dead on the scene. Shane approaches Hope and Kayla with a horrible look on his face. Each woman shakes her head no. Shane takes Kayla's hand and places something inside it. Kayla begins screaming and flailing her arms. Hope tries to calm her. Through the flailing, Kayla drops the item. Hope picks it up....Steve's dog tags. Kayla's high-pitched shrieks can be heard throughout the streets of London. FREEZE FRAME.
  12. King
    Episode #238 - Wednesday, November 8th, 2006:


    - Hope runs to Bo and Lexie and tries to free them from the beam that has buried them. She sees Steve and Kayla who are unconscious. Steve begins to wake up. Hope screams for Steve to hurry!
    - Annie interrupts the confrontation between Sami and Carrie. When alone, Annie asks Sami where the hell she has been! Annie says she has been trying to get in touch with Sami for DAYS! Sami asks Annie what the hell is going on.
    - John asks Kristen what the one condition is.
    - Jack takes Billie to her last cancer treatment. He stands by her side as Billie breaks down over the entire experience. Billie tells Jack that she just got Georgia back and just became engaged to Bo and that she's not ready to lose either. Jack assures her that she won't.
    - Steve awakens. Hope tells Steve that she'll get Kayla out of the warehouse, but he must save Bo and Lexie!
    - Kristen tells John that he must agree to the condition before she says what it is.
    - Kate and Georgia have a reunion. Georgia explains that Shane and the I.S.A. have given her the O.K. to return to Salem! Georgia asks Kate where her parents are. Kate is afraid of what to tell her and calls Billie.
    - Annie and Sami fear Lucas and Eric have heard what they are talking about. Annie tries in vain to win Eric back.
    - Billie and Jack arrive at Titan. Billie and Georgia have a reunion at Alamain International. Georgia can sense that something is wrong and asks Billie what is going on.
    - Hope manages to get Kayla out of the warehouse. They are both shocked when they come face to face with SHANE! Shane arrives and brings ISA and Emergency Medical Technicians with him.
    - Steve is unsuccessful in saving Bo and Lexie, but he continues to try.
    - Carrie and Austin recap how they've decided to be each other's alibis. Unfortunately for them, Annie overhears them!
    - Will has a nightmare and shoots up in his bed.
    - Billie informs Georgia of her cancer. Georgia is immediately shaken and very upset. Billie tells her that everything will work out for the best - she promises her. Georgia breaks down in Billie's arms. Billie hugs her and assures her that she'll be ok. But Billie has a look of doubt in her eyes.
    - Shane braves the flames and enters the building to save Steve, Bo, and Lexie. Kayla awakens outside the warehouse, and Hope tells her that Steve and Bo are inside.
    - John tells Kristen that he does not trust her, but he will do anything to re-unite Marlena with his baby. John and Kristen MAKE A DEAL!
    - Hope and Kayla wait as firefighters approach the warehouse that has Bo, Steve, Lexie, and Liam inside. Suddenly, the entire warehouse ERUPTS in explosion. Kayla screams in horror. Hope's eyes widen as she also lets out a horrific shriek. They clutch each other as they let out their ultrasonic screams! FREEZE FRAME.
  13. King
    Episode #237 - Tuesday, November 7th, 2006:


    - Steve remains pinned underneath the fiery beam. He joins Lexie, Liam, Lawrence, Bo, and Hope who lay unconscious while the warehouse falls apart from the flames.
    - John begs Kristen to give him a chance to meet his son.
    - Sami tells Ausin and Carrie to cut their crap and drop their high and mighty attitudes!
    - Kristen tells John that she is not the monster she thinks she is. She says the only motivation she has ever had is love - her love for him!
    - Vivian and Kate struggle to find a model for their runway show with only a few hours left.
    - Sami informs Austin and Carrie that they could have just as easily killed Alan if they thought he kidnapped their baby, which they DID think! Carrie and Sami continue to get into it. Sami is a drunken mess and insults Carrie telling her she would have been an awful mother anyway. Carrie SMACKS Sami in the face.
    - Kristen introduces John to his baby boy! John breaks down as he holds the baby in his arms.
    - Hope awakens amidst the flames. She sees Liam, Lexie, and Bo unconscious next to each other. She rushes to their sides. She cannot wake Bo and Lexie up!
    - John tells Kristen that there is no chance for them now. He tearfully asks her to understand this. Kristen also breaks down and through tears, she tells John that she knows she will never be with him now.
    - Sami charges Carrie, but Lucas and Eric keep her away. Eric tells them that they need to figure out what to do because the Alan's shooter is someone in this room! They all look at each other in suspicion. Meanwhile, Will has a terrible nightmare.
    - Liam awakens and grabs Hope! Liam explains to her that he will get her out of the building in time and get them to safety.
    - Vivian and Kate's problems are solved with a refreshed Georgia Brady (Peyton List) walks into her Grandma Kate's office after having just returned to town! They approach Georgia about being their star model in the Titan vs. Alamain Fashion show.
    - Kristen informs John that she and Lexie have both decided to give back the babies they have taken from their rightful parents. Kristen explains that she was going to give the baby boy back before he found her. John doesn't believe her. Kristen explains that he should ask Lexie if he has any doubts, but John explains Lexie is just another evil Dimera. Kristen tells John she will let him walk out of here with his baby right now on ONE condition.
    - Liam and Hope struggle as he tries to remove her from the building, but she tells him she isn't leaving without Bo and her family and friends! Hope breaks free. Liam grabs her once again. She uses her training as a police officer to force him off. They struggle. Hope tells him that she doesn't know how she ever fell for a man like him, even if she was Princess Gina! Liam tells Hope that he will do anything to hold onto her. Liam sees Lawrence's gun. He grabs it and aims it at Hope. Back in Salem, Celeste wakes up and screams DEATH, DEATH, DEATH! The nurses come and sedate her from her violent rage. Suddenly, a huge fiery pillar falls down on Liam, setting him on fire. Liam screams in pain and agony. Hope turns to see the ceiling collapse in on Bo and Lexie. Hope lets out a blood curtling scream!
  14. King
    Episode #236 - Monday, November 6th, 2006:


    - John grabs Kristen and the baby!
    - The fire ROARS through the warehouse. Steve grabs Kayla and throws her to the ground and throws himself on top of her between her and the flames. Lexie goes flying backwards towards Liam. Lawrence is thrown by the blast. Hope lies unconscious, as does Bo who was knocked unconscious right before the blast.
    - Victor, Kate, and Vivian meet to prepare for the Titan and Alamain Fashion Show.
    - Carrie calls a meeting between Eric, Lucas, Austin, and Sami. But Sami is no where to be found. Carrie tells them all that they need to figure out what happened to Alan the night he was hot.
    - Kristen fights of John and manages to escape with the baby. John and Kristen continue the chase, and Kristen manages to escape with the baby.
    - Celeste mumbles in her sleep. She sits up and screams "ALEXANDRA!"
    - Lexie, Bo, Hope, Kayla, Steve, Liam, and Lawrence all lie lifeless as the flames grow closer, and the warehouse begins to fall apart.
    - Sami shows up to Carrie's meeting DRUNK and with a champagne bottle in her hand! Lucas grabs Sami and tells her to knock it off. She won't. She continues on about how glad she is that Alan is dead.
    - Kate and Vivian discuss how Belle Black is their secret weapon ans is the key to their successful winter line. Kate hates to admit it, but she says that she must confess that her ex-daughter-in-law is an EXCELLENT designer.
    - John realizes that he has lost Kristen once again. But suddenly, he sees her enter a building. He follows her. John is shocked to see his baby sitting on the floor of an abandoned building in London. He rushes to be with the baby, but suddenly a door slams shut separating him from the baby. Just then, John turns to realize that he is enclosed in a room!
    - Victor vows the ultimate revenge on Vivian and Kate for plotting revenge against him. He recalls how when he learned who the mysterious C.E.O. and President behind Sophistique was Vivian and how she was secretly working with Kate, he had a heart attack. He also re-calls how they sent Ivan's neice, Simone, as a spy into Titan to steal his clients. Victor swears to claim his revenge on them at the fashion show today.
    - Kate and Vivian get word that their most important model broke her leg in a biking accident and can't take part in the show!
    - Lucas, Austin, Carrie, and Eric confront Sami and ask her if she killed Alan!
    - Celeste wakes up in her hotel room and screams out the word "DEATH!"
    - Steve wakes up and sees everyone around him so helpless and lifeless. He runs to them, but a fiery beam falls from the ceiling and crushes Steve.
  15. King
    Episode #235 - Friday, November 3rd, 2006:


    - The clock on the bomb ticks down from 25 minutes as Bo and Steve struggle to break free.
    - Lawrence informs Steve that sixteen years ago they were in very similar circumstances.
    - Liam tells Bo that he loves Hope and that he'll do anything to be with Hope even if means killing him.
    - Hope and Kayla remain stuck in traffic on the streets of London trying to get to the men that they love.
    - John goes to the location he has traced Kristen to.
    - Lawrence tells Steve that it is a pity that he'll never learn who stole his memory. Steve fires back that he knows it was Lawrence. Lawrence swears that it wasn't. Steve tells him that his words mean nothing to him.
    - Hope and Kayla grow frustrated and realize that they will be too late to save Bo and Steve. They ditch the car and make a run for the warehouse. Lexie sees them running on the streets of London. Lexie follows them to tell Hope the good news that she has decided to give Zach back to her and Bo.
    - The clock ticks down to 15 minutes.
    - Kristen sees John snooping around in the secret hideaway that she, Stefano, Megan, and Lexie are staying at. Kristen grabs John and Marlena's baby boy and makes a run for it! John sees her, and a chase begins!
    - Lawrence explains to Steve that the day he "died," Steve found papers that incriminated Lawrence in a series of shady, business crimes in Salem. Lawrence admits that he has no idea where Steve stashed them, but they've managed to stay hidden for 16 years and that he is going to make sure they stay that way.
    - Kayla and Hope arrive at the warehouse. Lexie arrives right after them. Hope and Kayla accuse Lexie of setting a trap for their husbands. Hope slaps Lexie!
    - John and Kristen go on a chase throughout the streets of London!
    - Lexie swears that she did NOT set a trap for Bo or Steve! Lexie hands Hope over the papers that give Hope custody of Zach back. Hope apologizes to Lexie. Lexie says that they need to rescue Bo and Steve so the three women enter the warehouse.
    - The clock ticks down to 8 minutes. Bo and Steve struggle to break free.
    - Lawrence and Liam explain that they both travel in the same social circles in Europe and that Lawrence DID encounter Hope when she was masquerading as Princess Gina in the early 90's. Lawrence explains that he and Liam are also business partners, as well. Lawrence and Liam tell them that it's time for them to leave and it's time for them to die.
    - John finds Kristen and grabs her and the baby!
    - Kayla knocks Lawrence unconscious! Hope swings a hook that hangs from the ceiling and hits Liam in the head knocking him out. Bo and Steve are ecstatic to see Hope and Kayla. They explain that there is a bomb and that Lawrence has a key on him to free them from the chains. Kayla grabs the key and begins to undo the shackles. Hope rushes to Bo. They embrace. Bo asks what Lexie is doing there. Hope explains that Lexie has given them back custody of Zach. Kayla undoes one of Steve's arms. And then the other. Hope frees Bo. They are shocked when they realize Lawrence is missing. Bo, Hope, Kayla, Steve, and Lexie see that the bomb has 4:00 minutes left on it. They make a run for it. They run towards the entrance, but Lawrence jumps out and blocks the entrance. Steve approaches Lawrence to fight him. Lawrence tells Steve to back off and pulls out a switch from his back pocket. Steve backs away. Bo and Steve tell Lawrence that this is suicide and that they all need to get out before the building explodes. Lawrence tells them all to prepare to die. Liam approaches from behind and knocks Bo unconscious. Lawrence detonates the bomb with the switch. AN EXPLOSION ERUPTS IN THE WAREHOUSE! BALLS OF FIRE LEAVE DESTRUCTION IN THEIR WAKE.
  16. King

    "Readers can expect a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE November! The theme for this sweep is BIG!"...exclaims the writer. "Big pay-offs! Big stories! Big returns! Big exits! Big everything!"...jokines the headwriter.

    EUROPEAN ADVENTURE: "This is one of the month's biggest stories. Kristen, Marlena, John, Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, Shane, Liam, Lawrence, Stefano, Megan, and Lexie are all in London on a collision course with one another. There is going to be a warehouse explosion very similar to the one that 'claimed Steve's life' 16 years ago. Not everyone is going to be coming back to Salem. Four people (plus guest actor, Charles Shaugnessy - Shane) will be leaving the show. I CAN tell you when they go back to Salem, John and Marlena - Steve and Kayla - Bo and Hope will have all new obstacles between them. Big obstacles. John and Marlena, Kayla and Steve will not be dealing with third party obstacles. They'll be obstacles created by people within the couple. So it's so much harder to deal with."

    Jan/Shawn/Belle and Cassie/Max/Abby and Jeremy: "I don't want to say quite yet how these two stories will merge, but they will. Shawn will return in a very 'dramatic fashion.' "...teases the writer. "Fans will understand that line this week. Brandon Beemer will be playing the role. SHELLE is going to head in a whole new direction. Cassie is also back and very pregnant. This is going to be a big, big, big obstacle for MABBY, but there's a twist, of course! Readers are probably going to be very shocked by this, but Jan will be getting over her obsession with Shawn Brady. Slowly, but surely. Baby steps. With her unknowingly being a Dimera, there are more things to explore with her outside of Shawn. Jeremy is going to be a huge character for Salem. He was already instrumental in exposing Alan's lies which propelled a WHODUNIT! But readers will love what he does to these people's lives."

    TITAN VS. ALAMAIN: "This story erupts at the fashion show. Victor makes a move to strike against Alamain. It's going to be one of the biggest mistakes Victor has ever made. He will look at this event as one of the turning points in his life. Jan/Shawn/Belle, Georgia, and Jeremy are going to have interesting things happening at the Fashion Show, but the fashion show is going to be a huge turning point in the war against Titan and Alamain. Keep your eye on Georgia. I do not plan on wasting Peyton List. She's talented. She's beautiful, and she's back! And she has her OWN storyline! And no she will not scheme to keep Billie and Bo together!"

    WHO SHOT ALAN?: "Fans are very interested in this story, and I'm glad. Unfortunately, I must stay tight-lipped about it. Alan's body won't be found, but for our purposes, he is as dead as a doornail, and there are zero plans to bring him back. Holroyd will be appearing in flashbacks of the night of the murder for the next month. There will be an arrest at the end of November. Readers will learn who killed Alan the first week of December. Unfortunately, the character will be leaving the show that week. Forever. That will not spell the end of the story, however! It's only the beginning. I will say this: Sami....honey, you're screwed."

    Billie/Jack: "Love is in the air for these two. Billie will receive huge news. It will lead to a huge moment between the two of them. There's no going back now. But wait....she's finally engaged to the man she's been pining over for 13 years! Well, Bo will be back. And he won't be happy by what he finds."

    Eric/Greta/Frankie/Melissa: "This story is just heating up. A turning point for Melissa. A big event for Greta and Eric. A choice for Frankie. There will be a fifth person coming into play here. It's a woman. It's not Nicole. Fan's mouths will be on the floor."

    EXITS: "Between October and November, the cast has definitely gotten a makeover. A bunch of more cast members will be cut. Fans won't miss most of them."

    RETURNS: "Tony and Nicole are coming home to Salem. Tony comes back in an awesome way! Nicole will come back in a tamer way, but damn, Salem's vixens better look out. Nicole has always been somewhat strong, but this time around she will be NOBODY'S victim. Shawn, Georgia, and Cassie have already or will make their returns from their brief hiatuses."
  17. King
    Episode #234 - Thursday, November 2nd, 2006:


    - At the hideaway, Lexie and Kristen both begin to shed tears when they realize what they have done. They both grieve the decent people they used to be when they first came to Salem. Kristen asks Lexie what has happened to them. Lexie says..."One word - Stefano."
    - Bo enters the warehouse. The bomb ticks down. Bo is smashed on the head and knocked unconscious! The man who hit Bo turns...it's Liam.
    - Steve waits outside and keeps checking his watch - following Bo's commands. But he decides not to listen to Bo anymore and to call John right now and tell him where they air. The phone is hit out of his hand. Steve is slammed from behind by a crate and knocked unconscious....by Lawrence.
    - Kayla and Hope run into each other and begin to worry when neither of them can find Bo OR Steve!
    - Lexie and Kristen wonder how they can rectify what they've done. Lexie tells Kristen that she is going to sign custody of Zach back over to Bo and Hope and then beg Abe to come home and give her another chance. Kristen also agrees to give John and Marlena back their baby.
    - When Steve and Bo wake up, they are chained to a metal railing in a warehouse! Bo and Steve panic when they realize they are right next to a bomb that reads....45:59...and counts down.
    - Kayla and Hope begin an intense search for Steve and Bo.
    - When alone, Kristen begins to stew in her own thoughts. She picks up the phone and calls....John! John is shocked to hear from his ex-lover and the kidnapper of his baby.
    - Bo and Steve struggle to break free from their chains.
    - Hope and Kayla search for them, but to no avail.
    - Lawrence and Liam come face to face with Bo and Steve. Bo laughs under his breath that he should have known. His laugh turns into a gritting of his teeth and his wriggles in his chains. Steve demands Lawrence let him out of the chains so they can have a real fight. Steve tells Lawrence that he KNEW Lawrence was behind his memory loss. Lawrence assures Steve that this is not what this is about. Lawrence tells Steve that he is about to die so there's no point in lying now. Lawrence swears that he had nothing to do with Steve's memory loss.
    - John asks Kristen where she is. Kristen breaks down on the phone telling him the only thing she ever wanted was him. John says that he knows, but it wasn't in the cards for them. John is taken aback by what seems like a rare vulnerability in Kristen's voice.
    - Hope and Kayla stumble upon a note in Bo's room with the address of the warehouse on it. The letter is signed from Hope. Hope and Kayla realize Bo is in terrible danger and set off to find him.
    - John tells Kristen that this sound like the old woman he fell in love with ten years ago. Kristen says that it is. Kristen says that's always who she has been, but Marlena made her do terrible things. She says it's the only way she could have held onto John. Kristen asks John if he could ever forgive her for everything she's done. John lies and says that he can if she returns his son. Kristen tells John that she doesn't know what to do. John pressures Kristen. Kristen panics. She hangs up the phone. John calls the I.S.A. "Got it?"...he asks. John takes out a pen and paper. He writes down an address. He hangs up the phone. "Check Mate."
    - Liam draws a gun on Bo and Steve and tells them to stop trying to get out of the chains.
    - Kayla and Hope are angered when an accident in downtown London forces a traffic jam. Kayla and Hope sit in the car in frustration trying to get to Bo and Steve.
    - The bomb next to Bo and Steve reads 25:42.
  18. King
    Episode #233 - Wednesday, November 1st, 2006:


    - Lexie shows signs of her old self and tells Kristen that she needs to give John and Marlena's baby back to them.
    - Bo asks Hope to back off of him out of respect for Billie and his relationship with her. A devastated Hope runs off, leaving Bo. Later, Bo gets a letter that he thinks is from Hope, asking him to meet him at a warehouse in downtown London.
    - Steve pushes Kayla away telling her that he isn't going to tell her again - they can't be together until the uncover the secrets of his past! A heartbroken Kayla leaves Steve alone. Later, Steve also receives a letter asking him to meet him at a warehouse in downtown London. The letter is signed Kayla.
    - Liam and Lawrence are pleased that Bo and Steve will soon be walking into their trap.
    - Lexie reaches out to Kristen. She reminds Kristen that she was not always a bad person and asks Kristen to remember the days of old when she was a social worker and worked with Alice Horton at the Horton Foundation.
    - Shane rushes to make it to London to talk to Steve about his secret!
    - Lexie tells Kristen that she is not an evil person. She urges Kristen to give John back the baby, claiming that she's hurt Marlena - she's gotten her revenge! But enough is enough, and soon John will find her. It's better to give the baby back on her own terms, Lexie says. Lexie also tells Kristen that she is also hurting John in all of this, and that's something she knows Kristen would never want to do. Lexie asks Kristen to remember how she felt when they took John Jr. from her. Lexie asks Kristen why she's inflicting that pain on Marlena, but most importantly - John.
    - Bo and Steve separately prepare to meet Hope and Kayla, respectively, at the location on the note.
    - Lawrence and Liam set up a bomb at the warehouse.
    - Kristen turns the tables on Lexie, saying that she could say the same thing about her. Kristen asks Lexie why take Zach away from Hope? Kristen reminds Lexie of the pain when Abe took Theo away. Lexie's eyes begin to tear, and it begins to hit her what she has done. Lexie admits that she did it out of pain and anger after the custody trial and because Hope and Bo turned their back on her for cheating on Abe.
    - Bo and Steve run into each other outside of the warehouse. They each tell the other about the note they received. Both are suspicious of this, and neither thinks of it as a coincidence.
    - In a rare form, a sorrowful and tearful Kristen asks Lexie if thinks John would ever be able to forgive her for her evil deeds. Lexie tells Kristen that she thinks John could forgive her if she handles the situation correctly. Lexie tells Kristen if she is ever caught, Stefano won't help her because he did not concoct or approve of her plan to steal the baby. Lexie tells Kristen if she still wants revenge on Marlena to do it another way that doesn't involve an innocent baby.
    - Steve reminds Bo about the last time he walked into a warehouse under these shady circumstances...he ended up "dying," and sixteen years later, here he is. Bo reminds Steve that he was not the intended target of that explosion - Bo was. Steve tells Bo that he holds not ill feelings towards Bo about that event. Bo wonders if the note could be a trap set up by Kristen. Steve is confused and doesn't think so, but Bo tells Steve their whole purpose in London is to find her. Steve suggests they leave, but hot-headed Bo insists he goes in and confronts Kristen. Bo tells Steve to wait outside for him, and if he isn't out in a few minutes to call John and Marlena. Bo enters the warehouse. The bomb's digital clock counts down.
  19. King
    Episode #232 - Tuesday, October 31st, 2006:


    - Kristen and the baby have a bunch of near misses on the streets of London with John, Bo, Hope, Marlena, Steve, and Kayla.
    - Megan tells Stefano and Lexie that they need to do something about Hope because SHE wants Bo back in her life no matter what the cost. And if they don't do something about it soon, then she'll take care of it herself.
    - John, Bo, and Steve make a call to Shane asking for his help in finding Kristen. Shane tells them that he is actually in Salem right now escorting Cassie back to town.
    - Steve tells Kayla that until they learn the secrets of his past they can't be together. He tells her that he just feels like there is something very big he can't remember that could tear them apart so he wants to spare her pain. Kayla tells him there is nothing that he could be keeping from her that could tear them apart. She tells him their love is the greatest love that Salem has ever seen, and it can conquer anything.
    - Kristen meets up with Stefano, Lexie, and Megan at their secret cottage. Stefano tells Kristen that she is a FOOL for kidnapping Marlena's baby! He reprimands her on being such a careless fool. He tells her that they won't stop until they find the baby and her. Stefano tells Kristen that he did not approve of this plan and that he won't bail her out WHEN not if she gets caught.
    - Shane is shocked when John tells him that he is with Steve! John is shocked and says he thought Shane would have known by now...or heard from one of his ISA contacts.
    - Hope warns Bo that she will stop at nothing to win him back. She acknowledges that her relationship with Billie is the best it has ever been, but she says Billie has played dirty for Bo before, and now, she is going to play dirty for him, as well.
    - When alone, Lexie, Megan, and Kristen do some sisterly bonding over their plights. Lexie and Megan tell Kristen that they both want to see Hope pay for what she's done to them. Lexie says her winning custody of Zach is just the beginning.
    - Liam asks Lawrence when their plans to kill Steve and Bo will start. Liam declares to Lawrence that he wants Hope back in his life. Lawrence explains to Liam that they need to kill Steve and Bo quickly because Steve is on the verge of remembering everything. Lawrence tells Liam once again that the day Steve "died" that he uncovered very important documents that could incriminate Lawrence in a laundry list of unsolved crimes from the 1980's in Salem. Lawrence and Liam decide to set a trap for Steve and Bo, luring them to a deserted building in London's warehouse district...where they plan on killing the both of them.
    - Shane drops Cassie off in Salem. Shane tells the driver to get him to the airport immediately. Shane exlaims that he must get to London and see Steve before he remembers the shocking secret that could tear him and Kayla apart forever!
  20. King
    Episode #231 - Monday, October 30th, 2006:


    - Cassie and Shane sit in the back seat of the ISA car while driving back to Salem. Shane and Cassie re-call how she betrayed Stefano in May and attempted to thwart his plan to kill Shawn Sr. Shane tells Cassie that her safety and her life depended on getting her out of town then. Cassie thanks the ISA for all that they have done, but she says that she has things she need to take care of back in Salem now as she rubs her very pregnant belly.
    - Max plans a romantic evening for Abby. Abby dreams of Max making love to her that night.
    - Mickey and Maggie enjoy their happiness.
    - Will has another nightmare about arguing with Alan on the docks the night he died.
    - Lucas, Sami, Austin, Carrie, and Eric appear to have big secrets about the night Alan died.
    - It pains Roman to do so, but Roman vows to discover who killed Alan, even if it is someone in his family.
    - Steve and Kayla remain at odds from when he pushed her away due to a subconscious urge.
    - John swears to Marlena that he'll get their baby back no matter what. Marlena makes him swear that it's true.
    - Greta and Melissa fight over Frankie. Greta assures Melissa that she does not have feelings for Frankie and that it's just a business arrangement.
    - Victor plots to destroy Kate and Vivian's runway show.
    - Max prepares a romantic dinner to romance Abby for her first lovemaking.
    - John, Bo, Hope, Marlena, Steve, and Kayla search the streets of London for Kristen. Little do they know, but they are only mere FEET from Kristen (Eileen Davidson) and their baby boy!
    - When alone, Sami sees the local news that is covering the death of Alan. She smiles wickedly. Sami takes bloody clothes out from underneath her couch where she stashed them. She burns them!
  21. King
    30 Year Old Virgin!

    This fall and early winter, Salem's resident virgin, Princess Greta Von Amurg Von Leuschner, will be handing her "V-Card" to one of Salem's hottest hunks. "She just celebrated her thirtieth birthday in September. It's time."...says the headwriter with a laugh. "Greta has this idea of losing her virginity in this magical way to a magical man - the perfect man - at the perfect time in the perfect way. Greta, however, has learned that particular scenario might not be in the cards for her. She knows now if she waits for that, she could be waiting forever!"

    The real question now is...........who will be the one to take Greta's special gift?

    SUSPECT #1 - FRANKIE BRADY - Greta's new husband of convenience. Frankie HAS been falling for Greta at a rapid pace since his true love, Melissa Horton, has pushed him away after he came up with the insane plan to marry Greta to help her inherit the Von Amburg family billions.

    Greta comforted Frankie through the almost-death of his brother, Max, and they have locked lips on more than one occassion. They tell themselves it's all a part of the ruse and for the sake of their lawyers, but anyone in Salem can tell you that these two are playing their parts a little *TOO* well.

    SUSPECT #2 - ERIC BRADY - Greta's first love. Eric has recently broke up with his baddie girlfriend, Annie Douglas, who has come all the way from Sunset Beach, California. Greta is still heartbroken over Eric's infidelity with his ex-Nicole while she (Greta) and Eric were dating. There will be, however, a big event that brings Greta and Eric together, much to the shagrin of Greta's fake paramour, Frankie.

    If Eric *IS* the one to share this special moment in Greta's life, their happiness will be short-lived. Look for Ari Zuker to reprise her role as Nicole Walker in December.

    SUSPECT #3 - AUSTIN REED - Greta's best friend. Greta has confided a lot of things in Austin Reed. He's the only one whom she has told about the identity of her real father, John Black, and he was the first person she told of her inheritance bind - that she needed to marry a prince before her thirtieth birthday or she would lose her fortune forever!

    It seems unlikely that Austin would ever stray from love of his life, Carrie Brady, but those two have been having some troubles due to the "death" of their baby boy. Not to mention the mere mentions of the names Sami Brady and Mike Horton, who is expected to make a December return.

    SUSPECT #4 - JACK DEVERAUX - Greta's best friend and former crush. In May, Jennifer learned that Jack was tricked into helping Stefano achieve his ultimate revenge on the Brady's. As a result, she left town and Jack in the dust.

    After an unsuccessful mission to find Jennifer, Jack has once again returned to Salem a single man. He has found himself daydreaming of his best friend, Billie Reed, whom he is helping deal with her devastating battle with cancer. Jack and Greta will be growing close once again over the next few weeks, but can they really grow close enough to go to that level of their relationship?

    "The lovemaking event is going to take place in December. But the build up to the event begins now!"...says the headwriter. "It's going to be fun and cute. Greta's going to do something spontaneous for once in her life. But she's going to realize the 'mistake' she makes could actually be what was meant to happen - that perfect fairy tale - that she's envisioned all along."
  22. King

    Don't miss our newest Promo on Youtube entitled "We're Bringing Hortons Back." The blog is making a big attempt to bring the show back to its roots to the core family of DAYS and Salem - The Horton's. The music is courtesy of Death Cab For Cutie. It features the Horton's currently on the cast and those returning for the BIG EVENTS in December!

    PLEASE NOTE: Lisa Trusel (Melissa Horton) is not featured in the promo, but she is still very much a part of the cast!


  23. King

    Episode #230 - Friday, October 27th, 2006:


    - Max and Abby remain at odds when he says that he can't be with her because he loves her too much and that he'll only hurt her and endanger her.
    - Maggie admits her love for Mickey to him.
    - Carrie and Austin discuss how they think Alan had something to do with their baby's disappearance.
    - Will has a nightmare about arguing with Alan on the dock.
    - Abby and Max are shocked beyond words when they realize that they both had the same dream during their comas!
    - Maggie tells Mickey that she forgives him.
    - Lucas and Sami discuss how they are glad Alan is DEAD. Lucas asks Sami if she shot Alan. She counters him by asking him the same thing.
    - Max realizes that if they both had the same dream that they must have a connection that goes beyond what either can imagine. Max sweeps Abby into his arms. He lifts her onto the hospital bed and kisses her passionately.
    - Mickey and Maggie kiss and declare their love for each other. They vow not to let anything come between them again. They retreat to the bedroom.
    - It is evident that Sami and Lucas both have secrets about tonight.
    - Annie calls Sami and tells her that she needs to meet with her NOW to discuss how they stole Carrie's baby, but Sami hangs up on her and tells her that she'll talk to her in the morning.
    - Will's nightmare about arguing with Alan on the docks continues...and he shoots up out of his sleep.
    - Max and Abby stop their almost-lovemaking and laugh when they realize they were about to give into the throws of passions in the hospital. Max tells her that her first time needs to be special. Abby tells Max that she wants to lose her virginity to Max...tonight. Max promises to make it special for her.
    - Meanwhile, a bellhop loads luggage onto a cart at a posh hotel. The girl in the room thanks him. She is wearing a scarf and sunglasses. She gets into an elevator with the bellhop and walks down to the lobby. There is a car waiting for her. Shane Donavan (Charles Shaugnessy) stands at the car. "Miss Dimera"...he says as he opens the door. "Is it safe now?"...the girl says. After Shane assures her that she is safe, she removes the scarf and sunglasses....it's CASSIE! But the biggest shock of all is when she turns to reveal that she is VERY much PREGNANT!
  24. King
    Episode #229 - Thursday, October 26th, 2006:


    - Max and Abby start talking about their relationship, Cassie, Erika, and Lance. Abby explains to Max that she found proof that Lance was the one who killed Erika in an attempt to kill Max, but then she and Lance got into a fight and fell off the balcony, which is how she ended up in the hospital.
    - Mickey surprises Maggie with a romantic dinner.
    - Victor plans for the joint runway show with Alamain International.
    - Roman demands the six suspects tell him where they really were tonight.
    - Frankie, Caroline, and Jack explain that Lance was pronounced dead a few days ago. When alone, Max apologizes to Abby for his drunk driving accident. He tells her that after she got shot during the Valentine's Day party and after that happened to Erika, he just feels like anyone he gets close to is in danger of losing their lives.
    - Maggie tells Mickey that she isn't ready to forgive him for believing Bonnie over her when Bonnie made it look like Maggie was drinking again.
    - Carrie, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Eric, and Will remain tight-lipped. Roman is angered that his family would obstruct justice this way.
    - Victor discusses how his plan that is set to kick off during the fashion show is going to ruin Alamain International.
    - Abby tells Max that is silly and that he should bear no responsibility or guilt for what happened to her or Erika. She kisses Max tenderly, but he pushes her away.
    - Mickey gives Maggie a surprise.....a box containing a pair of red dancing shoes.
    - Kate and Vivian argue over how Vivian deceived her and hired Belle as the designer for the winter fashion show, but even Kate must admit that Belle is very talented.
    - When Roman leaves, Will has a breakdown over the fact that Alan is dead. Lucas, Austin, and Sami try to comfort him. Lucas and Austin get into a fight over who should really be comforting Will. Lucas tells Austin that he isn't the boy's father anymore! Carrie tells Lucas to calm down and that Austin was only trying to help. Sami and Will bond when they are alone in his room. Sami tells Will that he was manipulated and that his feelings for Alan were based on lies and deceit. Will says that he knows that now.
    - Maggie is overcome with emotion at Mickey's gesture. Mickey and Maggie discuss how the red shoes are such an important part of their relationship and history together. Mickey apologizes to Maggie for doubting her. He declares his love for her, and he says that he will never give up on her and that he'll fight for her no matter how long it takes.
    - Sami breaks out a bottle of champagne and decides to celebrate Alan's murder. Carrie, Austin, Lucas, and Eric are shocked that she is happy about this. She gives them all glasses. Carrie reminds her that they are all murder suspects now. Sami says that she doesn't care as long as the bastard is dead. They also admit that none of them really have alibis....Roman is at the door, eavesdropping.
    - Victor talks to pictures of Kate and Vivian. He tells them how he is going to destroy them and make them wish they'd never been born. He says they are going to regret the day they ever decided to mess with Titan Industries! He takes out a lighter and sets both pictures on fire!
  25. King

    Episode #228 - Wednesday, October 25th, 2006:


    - Kayla is more determined now than ever. She realizes Steve is pulling away from her because of a subconscious persuasion. She has no idea what could be keeping Steve from wanting to make love to her.
    - Roman tells Carrie, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Will, and Eric that Alan Harris was shot tonight!
    - Lawrence tells Liam that he needs to make sure Steve does not remember the incriminating evidence he has on him. Lawrence tells Liam that the day Steve "died" and walked into the trap/explosion in the warehouse that day that was meant for Bo, Steve stumbled upon incriminating documents against Lawrence and that he has never discovered where Steve has stashed these papers! Meanwhile, when alone, Liam vows to kill Bo Brady in order to win Hope back.
    - Steve wonders what could be deep in his memory that is making him pull away from Kayla.
    - Roman continues to tell the six of them that Alan can be seen getting shot three times, in what looks like the face, on a surveillance tape of the docks. He says they have yet to find a body because he fell off the dock and into the ocean, but he thinks it is safe to say that no one could survive, and that Alan is dead!
    - Bo and Hope fight the sexual tension between them while in the bedroom of the Dimera Estate in London.
    - Jack realizes his feelings for Billie run deeper than he originally thought.
    - Sami, Carrie, Austin, Lucas, Will, and Eric are shocked at the news about Alan. Roman tells them to cut the crap. Roman says he loves them all more than they'll know, but he knows one of them killed Alan, and he wants to know who RIGHT NOW.
    - Abby and Max make love in their hot island fantasy that they both seem to be having while they are in their comas.
    - Victor vows to ruin Alamain International's Fashion Show.
    - Frankie has a sex dream about Greta that he i svery confused by. But he still longs for Melissa, who will have nothing to do with him.
    - Melissa and Greta run into each other at Salem Place and get into a fight over the same dress. Melissa tells Greta that she stole her boyfriend, the least she could do is let her have the dress. Greta is insulted.
    - Bo tells Hope that he is determined to make it work with Billie.
    - Billie realizes Jack is all of a sudden nervous around here. Jack tells Billie that if she feels Bo belongs with Hope over her then she needs to make it happen. But if she wants to be with Bo and believes Bo wants to be with her, then she needs to be with him and be happy.
    - Sami, Eric, Lucas, Austin, Will, and Carrie all vow to Roman that they did not kill Alan.
    - Victor asks Kate and Vivian if they would like to have a joint fashion show or if they are that intimidated by him and Titan that they refuse some friendly competition. They agree to the joint fashion show and fall right into his trap.
    - Max and Abby continue their fictional lovemaking. But later, they both come out of their comas. Jack reunites with Abby. Frankie and Caroline reunite with Max.
    - Sami and Will say that they were together all night. Eric and Lucas say the same. And Austin and Carrie say the same. But Roman says he knows them all like the back of his hand and that he knows they are lying!
    - Hope tells Bo that she's closer to Billie than she has been in ten years, but she tells Bo that she loves him. She says that keeping her secret (that she was secretly married during her years as Princess Gina) was a mistake, but it should not be what keeps them apart. She tells Bo that she made a horrible mistake falling for Liam's lies. Hope tells Bo that she loves him now more than ever, that she wants a future with him, and that she is going to fight Billie for his heart!

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