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Blog Entries posted by King

  1. King
    Episode #204 - Thursday, September 21, 2006

    - Greta and Frankie remain at the church wondering what to do.
    - Kate and Vivian tremble in fear at the "new" Victor.
    - Carrie and Austin continue to grieve their baby boy, Roman Roberts Reed.
    - Bo and Jack remain by Billie's side.
    - Hope continues to push Liam away.
    - Max and Lance get into a fistfight over Erika's death.
    - Frankie recalls Melissa interupting his wedding to Greta to declare her love. Meanwhile, Greta recalls the chandelier falling and killing Erika in the middle of the ceremony.
    - Victor warns Vivian and Kate that this is not the "new" Victor, but the old Victor that neither has encountered before.
    - Roman and Anna surprise Austin and Carrie with a visit to help them through this tough time.
    - Bo and Jack find themselves competing to make Billie more comfortable. Jack decides to leave the engaged couple alone.
    - Lance can't believe that Erika died!
    - Frankie and Greta realize the hours of September 15th deadline are dwindling.
    - Victor tells Kate and Vivian that he will put Alamain International out of business and make each of them beg for mercy.
    - Austin tells Roman that he hasn't had a chance to tell Kate yet. Roman tells Austin that he will take care of it for him.
    - Lance breaks down when he realizes that Erika was the target of his murder attempt on MAX!
    - Billie tells Bo that he can be with Hope now since she knows she does not have a child with Liam and that it was all lies, but Bo tells Billie that she is the one he wants.
    - Frankie and Greta wonder if they would be selfish to carry on their ceremony, given what has happened tonight.
    - Sami and Annie worry when Roman realizes all is not right with them. They fear he has overheard them talking about how they kidnapped Carrie's baby!

  2. King
    Episode #203 - Wednesday, September 20:

    - Carrie and Austin grieve their baby boy.
    - Abby tries to comfort Max, but he pushes her away...and heads straight for Lance!
    - John launches a plan to find Kristen and his and Marlena's baby.
    - Annie and Sami cannot believe they've pulled off their baby heist.
    - Carrie asks Kayla if she can see their son, but Kayla says that it is not a good idea. Carrie insists. Austin says no, but Carrie stands her ground.
    - Max bursts in on Lance, and they engage in a fist fight. Lance is shocked to see that Max is alive!
    - Victor wraps Kate and Vivian in a blanket of comfort.
    - Jack realizes that he has feelings for Billie!
    - Carrie breaks down when she sees her baby boy's body. Austin can't take the pain either and also breaks down. Carrie and Austin comfort one another.
    - Kayla calls her brother, Roman, who is traveling in Europe. Kayla tells Roman that Carrie's baby has passed away and that he and Anna must return to be with her.
    - Max asks Lance if he is shocked to see him alive. Lance brushes Max's words off.
    - Abby finds comfort in her father and tells him everything that's been going on with Max and Erika and how she died.
    - Out of nowhere, Victor picks up Vivian and Kate's plates off the tables and hurls them across the room of the private Penthouse Grille. Vivian and Kate scream.
    - Carrie and Austin stay by their baby's side. Carrie and Austin discuss names for the baby.
    - Hope continues to push Liam away and tells them that there relationship is over for his lies about Mason being her son, but he explains that they did have a great love once
    - Jack opens up to Abby about how he loves her mother and wishes she was here with them now. He says that he will never give up on their love and prays she will return someday soon.
    - Max reveals to Lance that ERIKA is DEAD! Lance refuses to believe it.
    - Carrie and Austin sign their baby's death certificate....Roman Roberts Reed.
    - Victor tells Vivian and Kate that he knows all about their mole at Titan and how SHE is how Kate and Vivian are managing to steal Belle's stories for Sophistique. Victor tells them both that he did not expect such deplorable behavior - not even from whores like them! Victor tells Kate and Vivian that the war is on, the old Victor is back, and that he is going to make both of their lives a living HELL! Vivian and Kate tremble with fear.

    Congrats to UKBOI and DAYSFANJEAN for their choice in the Austin and Carrie baby name contest!! Thanks, everyone, for your submissions. They were all excellent and made the choice a tough one!
  3. King


    The blog can now announce one of its plans for a big return this fall. As previously speculated, Emmy Nominated Eileen Davidson will be returning to the role she originated, Kristen Blake! She will be replacing the current re-cast, Michelle Stafford. Stafford has been playing, on a recurring basis, the post-surgical Kristen, who has been posing as Marlena and John's pre-natal baby nurse.

    Davidson has signed a contract, and big storyline is planned for Kristen. "Kristen will be hitting the sheets with someone who is NOT John! I have big plans for Kristen when we next see her. The baby-snatching storyline will not mean the end for her. She's not written into a corner. She's just getting started!"

    There is no word on her first airdate. It seems the blog would like to keep readers on their toes, but we can confirm that Stafford has last aired as Kristen on Monday, September 18th when she was last seen leaving town with John and Marlena's baby boy.
  4. King
    EPISODE #200 PART TWO, PRIMETIME EPISODE - Friday, September 15:

    - Hope demands Liam tell her what Billie is talking about. Liam denies it. Billie tells Liam to cut the crap! "The truth is out!"...she screams. Liam calls Billie a liar and a whore! Bo is outraged, but before Bo can jump to his fiancee's defense, Jack does! Bo is taken aback by Jack defending Billie so valiantly.
    - Marlena awakens and is shocked to see that she has been tied up!
    - Melissa confesses her love to Frankie and begs him not to marry Greta. Frankie remains torn on what to do.
    - Carrie asks Annie what she is doing there. Annie lies and said that she stumbled upon her giving birth, but Carrie says that she doesn't remember any of this.
    - Hope grabs Liam by the collar of his jacket and shakes him and demands that he tell her the truth! She screams..."Tell me the truth, Liam! He wasn't my son, was he? TELL ME!" Liam replies...."NO! Alright!? NO! He wasn't your son!" Hope and Bo are shocked beyond words.
    - Kristen/Nurse Paris emerges from the shadows in Marlena's room. "What's up....DOC?" Marlena is puzzled. She rattles around in her ropes. Marlena demands to know what the hell is going on. Paris/Kristen laughs maniacally. "Oh, Doc, you're more clueless than ever." Marlena begins to piece everything together. "That laugh....so evil. Those eyes.....oh my no! KRISTEN!" Kristen laughs and smiles wickedly.
    - Annie makes a call to her male nurse whom she is blackmailing. She tells him to get to the address immediately.
    - Abby pulls Max aside and tells him that she loves him and wants to be with him no matter what. Max tells Abby that he loves her too, but with Erika in the picture things are complicated. Max explains that he loves Abby, but he cares for Erika as well and her looking like Chelsea, whom he also had strong feelings for, doesn't help.
    - Greta and Melissa both agree that Frankie needs to take some time and figure this out before he does anything drastic.
    - Carrie's contractions grow closer and closer. Carrie tells Annie to call Austin. But Annie refuses. Carrie gets confused. Carrie tries to wait for Austin, but she cannot and gives birth to a beautiful baby boy! Annie secretly calls Sami and tells her to get the airport to meet her there.
    - Sami leaves Lucas after their lovemaking session on the roof while Alan continues to flatter and romance and manipulate Will.
    - Max makes a decision...and he chooses Abby! Max gathers Abby and Erika near the altar of the church to make his decision. Meanwhile Frankie is in the back of the church by himself wondering who to choose.
    - In the foyer of the church, Hope hits and slaps Liam over and over again for making her think she had a son with him. Hope says how she thought she had an obligation to Liam and Mason for not being there when he was growing up! Hope explains that is why she chose Liam and Mason over Bo, Shawn, Zach, and J.T.! Hope lashes out at Liam saying that she blames him for her losing Bo AND for Bo now being with Billie. Billie and Bo are shocked...and they both know what this means for them now!
    - Kristen begins torturing Marlena. Kristen tells Marlena all about how she was left in that Harem prison to be tortured all thanks to Susan. Kristen says how she spent every second of every day plotting revenge against Marlena. She tells Marlena that she knew the only way to seek revenge is through her children. Kristen tells Marlena..."This war between you and I, Marlooney, is not about love. This war...is NOT about John ANYMORE. This is about me and you and my revenge on you. And how I am going to steal this baby from you, Marlena." Marlena replies by screaming "No" over and over and trying to riggle free from her ropes. Kristen injects Marlena with a pregnancy inducing drug.
    - Frankie makes his decision.
    - Alan convinces Will to leave the party and come back to Alan's room at the Salem Inn. Alan lavishes Will with many gifts at the room for his eighteenth birthday. Meanwhile Lucas cannot figure out where Will has gone.
    - Hope cannot believe Liam let her think that Mason was hers during his death. She says that losing a child is the worst thing a mother can go through, and Liam has put her through the worst pain imaginable! Liam explains that he and Princess Gina WERE in love and when Princess Gina "died," he needed something to remind him of their love so he adopted Liam and raised him as if would have raised their own child. He explains that for all intents and purposes, Mason WAS Hope's! Hope slaps Liam across the face. Once Liam regains his balance, Bo grabs him and punches him in the face.
    - Carrie has a joyous meeting with her baby boy. She sheds tear after tear of happiness. Annie then drugs Carrie into unconsciousness. Annie then injects Carrie with the memory-erasing drug. The male nurse arrives. Annie explains to him everything that he needs to do...pass the John Doe baby at the hospital off as Carrie's and claim that it died during birth while he helped her give birth here on the side of the road. Annie takes off with the baby.
    - Marlena goes into labor. Marlena tells Kristen not to do this, saying that she can't get away with this. Kristen explains that she can and will get away with it. Kristen says that Marlena and Susan took John Jr. from her...and now she is going to take Marlena's baby away! Kristen tells Marlena that she wants her to be awake and to remember every detail of what is going on. Kristen says that this is the perfect payback. Nothing is worse than the loss of a child...Kristen says, and now Marlena will experience it, first hand....again! Kristen cites when Marlena lost her first baby, DJ, to SIDS. Kristen takes great pleasure in knowing Marlena will feel that pain at her hands.
    - Frankie breaks down in the back of the church and makes his gut-wrenching decision between Melissa and Greta. He says either way he is choosing his love for Melissa. He tells Melissa that this wedding was all for her so she can get her kids back. He says that money is key in their future together.
    - Will finally musters up enough courage to tell Alan, whom he only knows as his parents' old friend, that he is gay and has some sort of romantic feelings for him. Meanwhile, Alan recalls how he is the one who attacked Will not long after coming out of the closet in order to trap him in this sensitive emotional state so he could take advantage of Will like this...for the perfect revenge on Sami! Will is shocked when Alan says that he returns Will's feelings.
    - Billie tells Bo and Hope that this must mean they are getting back together. Hope looks to Bo with a look of hope and optimism. Billie realizes that she's lost Bo for good.
    - Annie meets with Simone, Ivan's niece and Vivian's assistant. They meet at the airport. Annie tells Simone to go away for a few weeks and then return and everything should be fine. Simone wonders why Annie is being so emotional, but Annie manages to convince Simone that she gets emotional around babies. Simone boards a flight with Carrie and Austin's baby and leaves Salem. Meanwhile, Sami arrives, and Annie tells her that it is done. Their plan has been hatched. And it's over. Sami has an emotional breakdown as she realizes that she's done her most evil deed yet, and to her sister, no less. Sami breaks down like Annie has never seen.
    - Bo tells Billie that it took courage to come out with that secret knowing it could re-unite him and Hope. But everyone, including Hope, Billie, Jack, and Liam, are shocked when Bo announces that he loves Billie, he's in love with Billie, and that he wants Billie to be his wife as planned. Bo says that he would never leave Billie while she is fighting her cancer, and when Billie tells Bo that she doesn't want him to be with her out of obligation because of her cancer, he swears that is not the case. He cites the mistakes that he and Hope have both made. And that they did not trust in their love. A devastated and tearful Hope must agree. She wishes Billie and Bo all of the best.
    - Alan plants a passionate kiss on Will's lips. Will asks Alan to make love to him, claiming that he wants Alan to be the first man he has sex with. In the most shocking scenes ever on Days of Our Lives, Will Roberts and Alan Harris have sex!
    - Marlena screams for John. But Kristen tells her that her hero, John, is not saving her this time. Kristen goes on to say that she earned her and John's trust perfectly by posing as her baby nurse. Marlena asks how she pulled this off, and Kristen explains about her surgery to get a new face. Then, Kristen explains how she arranged the death of Edmund, Susan's one true love, for the perfect revenge. Marlena screams as she can't take it anymore and begins giving birth.
    - Frankie breaks Melissa's heart and chooses to marry Greta. Frankie explains that he is doing this for Melissa and one day they will re-unite. Melissa tells him that it's over if he marries Greta today, and he can take his money and his greed and have a nice life with Greta! Greta tries to explain to Melissa that nothing romantic is going on, but Melissa doesn't want to hear it. Frankie chooses to marry Greta once and for all. Melissa storms out of the church in devastation.
    - Max gathers Erika and Abby for his decision at the altar. Lance's plot for death unravels as the chandelier comes crashing down on Abby, Erika, and Max, killing one of them!
  5. King
    Shawn Brady Returns!

    Shawn Brady will return during an unforgettable November Sweeps, but he will not be in the form as fans know him! Jason Cook last "aired" as Shawn a few weeks ago when Shawn learned that Shawn Brady III AKA Trey was actually not his and Jan's child like he previously thought. Shawn left town and took Shawn's portrayer, Jason Cook, with him!

    When viewers next see Shawn in November, he will be played by Brandon Beemer, who will first air as Shawn on the real show next week. "We're very excited for Brandon to step into the role. A lot happened to Shawn in his last few months in town - he found out his sister, Georgia, was still alive and he met her as well, he learned Trey was not his, he learned Claire WAS his, his marriage to Mimi fell apart on the altar, his parents are divorcing, Bo and Hope lost custody of Zach to Lexie, Belle tried to commit suicide - needless to say, Shawn will return a slightly changed man. He has matured. And he is less of an optimist and more of a realist. Some may say he's kind of a skeptic now. Naive Shawn is a man of the past. The new Shawn will find his edgy roots much like his father had."

    Beemer will first "air" in November.
  6. King
    Episode #202 - Tuesday, September 19:

    - Max continues to grieve at the church. Abby tries to comfort him, but he pushes her away.
    - Kayla enters to see Carrie and Austin, and they know something is wrong. Carrie begins to cry. Austin pulls her close, despite the problems between them lately.
    - John continues to comfort a hysterical Marlena as Marlena explains everything to John once again. The police realize that Kristen/Paris boarded a private plane under the name "MERADI" at the airport. John says that is one of the Dimera's pseudonyms.
    - The police tell Max and Abby that the chandalier falling was no accident.
    - Kayla explains to Carrie that a nurse at the hospital found Carrie on the side of the road outside of town. Carrie says she doesn't remember that, but she was on an errand for Sami to get Will's birthday present. Kayla explains that the nurse found Carrie in labor and that Carrie gave birth to a stillborn baby boy. Carrie and Austin are griefstricken. Kayla apologizes and excuses herself wanting to leave them alone. Once alone, Kayla breaks down at the fact that she just gave her neice the worst news a woman could ever receive. Austin comforts a shattered Carrie who has a breakdown in Austin's arms. Austin and Carrie console each other over their loss.
    - John and Marlena cannot believe that Kristen has been parading right under their noses and in their house as their pre-natal nurse. Marlena is devastated and broken. John has never seen Marlena like this in their twenty years of knowing each other. John vows to Marlena that they will find Kristen and bring their baby back to them!
    - Lance learns that someone died at the church. He assumes his plan has been executed like expected and that Max has died. Lance toasts to his victory.
    - Max realizes that he was the intended target of the chandalier falling.
    - John tells Marlena that this is not a normal kidnapping. They know who the culprit is, and they will find her! Marlena agrees with John, claiming that Kristen wanted her to know every nitty gritty detail. Kristen wanted Marlena to remember every painful second of the birth and the kidnapping. The police take Marlena to get her statement. John and Marlena share an emotional goodbye even though it is just for a few seconds. When alone, John smashes his fists against the desk and wall...when he is sure that he is alone, John sheds tears over the kidnapping of his baby boy.
  7. King
    Episode #201 - Monday, September 18:

    - Frankie and Greta's wedding lies in shambles as the chandalier has come crashing down, killing one of the wedding guests. When Greta and Frankie re-gain their footing, Greta looks to see a mangled body under the chandalier. Greta begins screaming at the grotesque scene. Greta places her trembling hand over her mouth as she screams and screams. Frankie comforts her.
    - Annie and Sami re-call how they stole Carrie and Austin's baby and gave it to Simone.
    - Carrie wakes up at the hospital and is greeted by the male nurse whom Annie is blackmailing.
    - Victor asks Vivian and Kate to come to a special private dinner at the Penthouse Grille to form a truce.
    - Alan and Will continue their passionate and scandalous lovemaking.
    - Marlena wakes up in the spa...and Kristen is no where to be found.
    - Bo, Billie, Hope, and Jack hear Greta's screams and enter the church. Billie and Bo are appalled, and she seeks comfort in his arms. Hope runs to her purse, takes out her phone, and calls 9-1-1. Bo and Billie are shocked to see that the dead ringer for their daughter, Chelsea, is buried underneath the church's chandalier. Abby and Max awaken. Max is devastated and begins screaming and crying. He tries to remove the chandalier from on top of Erika, but Frankie warns him that he could injure Erika further.
    - Austin comes rushing into Salem University Hospital after getting a call that Carrie is there. Austin joins Carrie in the hospital room. They await Dr. Kayla Brady.
    - Jack is shocked to find himself a little perturbed by the fact that Bo is comforting Billie. When alone, Jack asks himself what he is thinking/doing. He begins to wonder if he has feelings for his best friend, Billie.
    - Vivian and Kate show up for Victor's private dinner party.
    - Marlena realizes that she's given birth! Marlena begins screaming and falls into a hysterical fit.
    - The emergency medical technicians arrive as well as the police, and they are able to free Erika's body from underneath the chandalier. Abby comforts Max. Bo comforts Billie. Liam tries to comfort Hope, but she tells him that he has no place here or in Salem anymore. She tells him to get out of her sight!
    - Billie opens up to Bo about how even though Chelsea did not turn out to be Georgia, she still loved her as if she was, and seeing Erika underneath that chandalier brought back the memories of Chelsea dying in the explosion at the Pub at Christmas.
    - Post-coital, Will and Alan bond as Alan "opens up" to him about how he was maimed, but Will has no idea Alan is lying and keeping what actually happened a secret. Alan knows his only chance of continuing to manipulate Will is to keep the fact that he raped Sami all of those years ago a secret!
    - Victor charms Vivian and Kate and lures them into a feeling of comfort and safety during the dinner.
    - Marlena continues to scream for someone to help her. The Spa Staff enter to help Marlena. Marlena asks them to call the police and her husband, John Black, right away!
    - Kayla talks to the nurse and gets all of the details on what happened to Carrie's baby. The nurse explains how he saw her on the side of the road outside of Salem on her way to picking up a gift, she was in labor when he found her, and they were stranded. He explains how the baby was stillborn. Kayla struggles with what to tell her neice, Carrie.
    - The police realize the chandalier was tampered with.
    - The E.M.T.'s pronounce Erika dead on the scene of the church. Max is devastated and breaks down. He falls to his knees on the altar of the church and buries his head in his hands.
    - John arrives at the spa. Marlena tells him about Paris really being Kristen and how Kristen lured her here to steal her baby! John is confused. A hysterical Marlena explains that Kristen has drugged her, induced her labor, and stolen her baby! A broken Marlena falls into John's arms, as he sheds tears, wondering what he should to comfort Marlena...knowing there is nothing he CAN do. Meanwhile, Kristen is on a private jet bouncing a beautiful baby boy on her knees.
  8. King

    As usual for Sweeps, the blog has some major casting plans for the fall period. "We will definitely have some returns - Cassie, Georgia, Celeste, and Shawn will all be returning and cause huge explosions in the lives of those around them. Shawn will be back with a new portrayer. And readers can of course expect some other, slightly more unexpected returns."

    But the blog isn't waiting until November to keep the action going. "November's going to be life-changing and action-packed, but October is going to be a key month in getting all of the stories into place where went them. Episode 200 breathed new life into all of the stories. And October will be a key month for everyone on the show. All of the stories have reached the point of no return now."

    In other news, Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) and Leann Hunley (Anna) will be returning in late September to interact heavily with Carrie Brady who will have recently suffered a huge loss in her life. They are expected to be back for a handful of episodes.
  9. King

    As fans can probably deduce from the shocking and action-packed anniversary episode #200, the character of Erika Avalon (Rachel Melvin) has been killed off in a dramatic turn of events. The blog recently reported that a young starlet was out. "Erika's quasi-boyfriend, Max Brady, and her father, Lance (played by Alan Dale of the OC fame), had a huge beef. And Lance plotted to kill Max at his brother, Frankie's, wedding. But unfortunately for Lance...and Erika, she is actually on the receiving end of his plot to kill Max. I love Melvin. I am a huge fan. She's a great talent. The character of Chelsea wasn't working when I took over so I wrote her out, and I brough her back on as this character. I had big plans for her, but readers just weren't feeling her. It's all about the readers and the fans, and when they are not happy with a story, I am not happy with it! Erika's exit is going to spell big things for Max and Abby. But I can't elaborate on that now. Of course, Alexis Thorpe's return in November will also spell big things for the couple. We're going to revist the Abby/Max/Cassie triangle from the spring, but there's going to be a twist on it." Melvin last aired on Friday, September 15th.

  10. King
    EPISODE # 200 PART ONE - Friday, September 15:

    - Carrie remains on the outskirts of Salem waiting for the store to open so she can get Will's present like Sami has asked. Annie waits in the shadows to put her and Sami's plans into action.
    - Melissa wonders what to do about Frankie as Frankie and Greta's wedding behinds. Bo, Hope, Liam, Max, Caroline, Frankie, and Greta all are gathered at the church. Hope and Greta finally get a chance to bond.
    - Hope continues to be manipulated by Liam. Liam continues to use his recently deceased son, Mason, as the key to Hope's heart. Little does Hope know that Mason is not her son from her missing years as Liam has claimed!
    - Jack and Billie search all over Salem for Hope and Bo to tell them the truth about Liam.
    - Marlena settles into the spa and begins to relax...thanks to baby Nurse Paris. Little does Marlena know that Paris is really Kristen plotting to steal her unborn baby!
    - At Will's birthday party, Alan and Will eye each other all night.
    - Abby and Melissa both separately contemplate going to the church to tell Max and Frankie how they feel, respectively.
    - Annie dabs a handkerchef with Ether and sneaks up behind Carrie and places it over her mouth. Carrie falls unconcious and into Annie's arms.
    - Sami and Lucas warn Alan to stay away from Will! Alan swears that he has changed and that he is not out to get anyone. Lucas and Sami do not buy Alan's story. But Alan uses psychological warefare with Will to keep himself at the party.
    - Lance's hitman losens the chandelier at St. Luke's and rigs it to fall on the best man...MAX!
    - Lance recalls his history with Max and how when Max refused to lose the race all of those years ago that Lance lost millions and was forced to go underground to escape his business partners. Lance re-calls the fight he and his daughter, Erika, over Max.
    - Kristen waits to pounce on Marlena.
    - Sami is on edge because her plan with Annie to steal Carrie's baby is being hatched...right NOW! Lucas picks up on Sami's intensity and tension. He questions her as to what is going on.
    - Frankie and Greta recall how they must get married in order for her to inherit her multi-billion dollar inheritance from the Von Amburg Estate. Meanwhile, Frankie recalls how he is only doing this in order to take Greta's payoff and help his real love, Melissa Horton, in getting financially stable enough to win her kids in a custody battle against her ex-husband.
    - Sami and Lucas ascend to the roof so he can question her more on what is going on with her. Their back and forth banter continues until they end up kissing each other passionately.
    - Annie injects Carrie with the pregnancy-inducing drugs.
    - Billie and Jack burst into the church right in the middle of Frankie and Greta's wedding. Billie quietly walks to Hope and Bo and tells them that she needs to talk with them out in the foyer, immediately. The wedding continues.
    - Melissa and Abby run into each other, and they realize that they are both on their way to St. Luke's to see Max and Frankie. They decide to go with each other to the church.
    - Annie brings Carrie out of her unconcious state, revealing that she needs her conscious for the birth, but she will give her memory erasing drugs at a later time.
    - While Marlena is blindfolded at the spa, Kristen sneaks into the room and pretends to be giving Marlena a massage. Kristen then injects Marlena with a drug that knocks her out.
    - Carrie's contractions get closer and closer.
    - Alan manages to get a moment alone with Will and tells him that he has a surprise for him tonight.
    - Billie, Bo, Jack, Hope, and Liam gather in the foyer of the church. Billie tells Liam to tell Hope and Bo or SHE WILL! Liam plays dumb. Billie tells Liam not to test her. Hope and Bo are confused and demand to know what is going on.
    - Melissa and Abby burst into the church and run past Bo, Hope and the others. Melissa bursts through the doors and DEMANDS the wedding be stopped! Frankie and Greta are shocked. Max sees Abby standing beside Melissa. He is confused. Abby is shocked to see Erika in the pew as Max's date. Meanwhile, the rigged chandalier wavers above Max's head.
    - Hope demands to know what is going on. Billie gives Liam one last chance to tell the truth.
    - Melissa tells Frankie and Greta that they can't get married because she loves him, and this is a mistake.
    - Billie shocks Bo and Hope when she reveals that Hope has been grieving for months for a child who is not even hers! Billie tells Hope that Liam is nothing but a liar. She tells Bo and Hope that Hope does not and DID not have ANY children with Liam! Hope and Bo are shocked when they realize that Mason was NOT Hope's son and that Hope chose Liam over Bo under false circumstances!

    Stay tuned for the primetime conclusion of this episode.


    - The truth about Liam is out.
    - A death rocks St. Luke's.
    - Frankie makes his choice.
    - Victor declares war.
    - The most shocking Salem couple ever has sex for the first time!
    - Carrie and Marlena give birth to their babies, and you won't believe what happens next!
  11. King
    Episode #199 - Thursday, September 14:

    - Max, Frankie, Caroline, Bo, Hope, Greta, and Erika gather at the church for Frankie and Greta's wedding.
    - Sami and Lucas are unnerved by Alan's prescence at Will's birthday party.
    - Kristen and Stefano have a reunion during which Kristen tells Stefano of her plans to steal Marlena's baby from the spa.
    - Melissa wonders if she should stop the wedding in a last ditch effort and admit her love for Frankie to him.
    - Alan gives Will strange looks during the party that re-enforces Will's feelings for Alan.
    - Eric ponders his feelings for Annie and Greta.
    - Billie and Jack look all over Salem for Liam, Bo, and Hope.
    - Will vows to tell Alan how he feels by the end of the night.
    - Abby contemplates going to the church and fighting for Max like she's never done before.
    - Stefano begs Kristen not to hurt Marlena this way, but Kristen convinces Stefano that Marlena will be weak and susceptable and his for the taking once this is all said and done.
    - Lance's hitman arranges for the chandelier at St. Luke's to fall on Max during the ceremony.
    - Annie awaits Carrie's arrival at the store where Sami has told Carrie to pick up Will's present.
    - In the deep dark dungeon of the Dimera Mansion where Kristen has locked her, Celeste has a premonition that within minutes, Salem is going to experience pain and heartbreak like it never, ever has before in over 40 years.

    Next on DAYS: Do not miss the special TWO-HOUR EPISODE #200!!!!!!!!
  12. King
    Episode #198 - Wednesday, September 13:

    - Steve and Kayla meet up and talk things out.
    - Eric begs Greta not to make a mistake like marrying Frankie. Greta asks him why...why does he feel this way. Eric says he just doesn't want to see someone who believes in love like her marry for anything less.
    - "Nurse Paris" aka Kristen Blake arranges for a nice day at the Spa for Marlena.
    - Bo and Hope grow closer. Bo continues to help Hope mourn Mason.
    - Steve and Kayla are out of luck and don't know what to do now that they have proof that Lawrence is not behind Steve's amnesia.
    - Stefano continues to assemble his army of Lexie and Megan to do battle against Bo, Hope, and the rest of Salem.
    - Frankie tries to get Melissa to understand why he and Greta had to share that passionate kiss.
    - Kristen breaks into the hospital and steals birth-inducing drugs. Coincidentally, the male nurse that Annie and Sami are blackmailing sneaks into the pharmacy only seconds later to steal the same drugs for Annie and Sami.
    - Victor wonders how to execute his plan for revenge on Vivian and Kate.
    - Liam and Lawrence are able to cause a huge rift between Bo and Hope.
    - Eric runs into Greta and begs her not to marry for any other reason than love. Greta tells Eric that he knows nothing about love since he settled for sex with the likes of Nicole Walker over love with someone like herself.
    - Erika and Max grow closer than ever. Erika asks Max to make love her. Since Erika is a dead-ringer for Chelsea, Max has flashbacks of how Chelsea begged Max to make love to her. He then remembers Abby's reaction when she found out that secret months later.
    - Melissa has a nightmare about Frankie and Greta's wedding.
    - Hope ends up back in the arms of Liam, but little do they know that Jack and Billie are on their way back to Salem to expose Liam.
    - Max refuses to sleep with Erika, but he holds her all night. The growing connection between the two is more apparent than ever. Meanwhile, Lance envisions Max's murder at the wedding.
    - Carrie goes on the errand for Sami to get Will's birthday present outside of Salem. Meanwhile, Marlena visits the spa. Little do both know that they are falling into the traps that have been set for them....the traps that revolve around the individual plans to steal both women's babies!
  13. King
    Episode #197 - Tuesday, September 12:

    - The plans for Will's birthday party.....and Frankie and Greta's wedding are finalized.
    - Lance meets with his hitman who tells Lance that he has unique plans to kill Max during the wedding.
    - Steve inadvertantly lashes out at Kayla during his stress and frustration over the lack of his memories that are returning.
    - Sami and Annie finalize the plans to steal Carrie and Austin's baby.
    - Eric takes Marlena's advice about Annie and questions Annie on why she is being so secretive.
    - Jack continues to be a shoulder for Billie to lean on while she receives treatment.
    - Alice and Caroline urge Melissa to forgive Frankie for his deal with Greta and beg him to re-think it.
    - Erika confronts Lance on his dirty business dealings with Max. They get into a terrible fight.
    - Kristen decides the time has come to get revenge on Marlena and decides to steal her baby is NOW!
    - Steve and Kayla get into a fight when his session with Marlena yields no results.
    - Annie manages to cover in front of Eric, but he remains suspicious.
    - Will plans to confess his love for Alan on the night of his eighteenth birthday.
    - Alan grows giddy over the chaos he is causing in everyone's lives.
    - Erika tells her father, Lance, that she feels betrayed by him and feels as though she does not know him anymore and that her childhood has been a lie.
    - Eric runs into Greta and begs her not to marry for any other reason than love. Greta tells Eric that he knows nothing about love since he settled for sex with the likes of Nicole Walker over love with someone like herself.
    - Kate and Vivian are happy that Victor has his health back in order and that Titan and Alamain can go head to head for real.
    - Kristen realizes that she's falling for John once again, but she tries to push her feelings for him out of her mind so she focus on her plan for revenge.
    - Lawrence and Liam try to scheme and plot to keep Bo and Hope apart.
    - Lance and Erika's fight reaches a level that neither anticipated. Erika tells Lance that she never wants to speak to him again. Once Erika is gone, Lance solidifies the plans to kill Max.
    - Victor learns that Simone is the mole at Titan! Victor plans revenge on Vivian and Kate.

  14. King
    Episode #196 - Monday, September 11:

    - Sami, Lucas, and Will finalize the plans for Will's birthday party.
    - Greta and Frankie re-call their steamy kiss, but how it was for their lawyer's benefit.
    - Erika confronts Max on the information about Lance and his connection to Max.
    - Jack asks Billie why she kissed him.
    - Carrie and Austin's relationship spins further out of control.
    - Liam and Lawrence bond as it is revealed that Liam is Lawrence's Mole!
    - Steve and Kayla try to figure out who could be behind Steve's memory loss.
    - Max lies to Erika, but she tells him that she is through with his lies.
    - Billie explains that she has been on a roller coaster of emotions and that it was just a friendly peck.
    - Carrie and Austin get into it when Austin sides with Greta in the Frankie situation, while Carrie sides with family friend, Melissa.
    - Liam and Lawrence discuss how they traveled in the same social circles in Europe and that is how they became best friends.
    - Steve and Kayla have a trip down memory lane to try and jog the rest of his memories to the forefront of his mind.
    - Jack re-locates to the floor of the room in the Green Mountain Lodge while Billie stays on the bed. Later, Jack awakens in shock when he has a fantasy about kissing Billie...but not in a friendly way.
    - Erika demands that Max tell her the truth! Max agrees, but he warns her that it doesn't bode well for her father........
    - Marlena has a session with Steve and tries to hypnotize memories from his subconscious. But to no avail.
    - Melissa remains crushed over Frankie's upcoming wedding.
    - Alan and Will grow closer than ever.
    - Marlena gets a bad vibe from Annie and tells Eric about it.
    - Austin worries that he and Carrie may never make it down the aisle. Meanwhile, Carrie opens up to Marlena about how she fears that she and Austin may never pull it together in time for the baby's arrival.
    - Lawrence remembers being very friendly with Liam and "Gina" in Europe. He also remembers being a big fan of keeping "Gina" in Europe since it meant keeping Hope away from Salem...and that "bastard, Bo Brady!"
    - Max tells Erika the truth about how he was supposed to lose the race years ago in order for Lance to gain millions on the bet he made on the race.
    - Later, Lance worries at how close Erika and Max are getting. Lance finalizes the plans to kill Max at Frankie's wedding.
  15. King

    During episode #200, Carrie will be giving birth......to a baby boy! Readers of the blog now have a chance to name the baby! Please include a First and a Middle name for Austin and Carrie's son.

    The lucky winner's choice will be revealed the week of September 18th.
  16. King
    Episode #195 - Friday, September 8:

    BLOG BONUS: "Stop Swimming" by the Porcupine Tree.

    - Melissa tells Frankie and Greta that she can't forgive either for going through with this. And she can't believe either would be so stupid as to ruin the sanctity of marriage.
    - Sami finalizes the plans to steal Carrie's baby tomorrow during Will's birthday party.
    - Lawrence gets violent with Annie. Steve and Kayla decide to save Annie and give up the search in the Alamain Mansion.
    - Max realizes that he has deep feelings for Erika.
    - Billie and Jack attend her first cancer treatmeant while Bo seeks comfort from Hope about Billie's cancer and her pushing him away.
    - Will plans to confess his love for Alan tomorrow on his eighteenth birthday.
    - Frankie hopes that when he and Greta split the inheritance and Frankie returns Melissa's children to her, she will forgive him and move forward with their love.
    - Sami asks Carrie if she can pick up her birthday present for Will before the party outside of town. Carrie agrees.
    - Steve and Kayla are pleased when Eric is the one to come to Annie's rescue! Lawrence doesn't know what is going on, but he tells Annie and Eric to get out of his sight! Once outside, Annie tells Eric that it was all part of a plan to help Steve and Kayla that they came with. Eric realizes his aunt and uncle are still inside the mansion!
    - Abby and Max have a talk about their future since their separation was supposed to be temporary.
    - Jack takes a weakened Billie from the hospital to her house, but once they get there, Billie tells Jack to take her far away from Salem.
    - Melissa has a talk with Maggie, Alice, and Caroline. They try to get her to face up to how much she loves Frankie and admit how much this is hurting and bothering her. They urge Melissa to be totally honest with Frankie before the wedding since she has never told him the extent of her feelings.
    - Sami confronts Jan and reminds her about their deal from a few months earlier...if Jan gave Sami the goods on Nicole being behind Victor's murder, then Sami would keep Jan's recovery a secret from Belle. Sami tells Jan they can work together again and that she needs her help.
    - Lawrence has many near/misses with Kayla and Steve!
    - Lance finalizes his plans to have Max killed.
    - Max tells Abby that he has deep feelings for Erika; Abby is devastated.
    - Billie tells Jack that she can't be in Salem right now. Jack abides by her wishes. They head for the Green Mountain Lodge.
    - Liam is outraged to see Bo and Hope together. He recalls Billie's ultimatum about telling Bo and Hope the truth by today or her doing it herself.
    - Alan reveals that the next stage of his plan for Will begins after his birthday party.
    - Melissa decides to lay it all on the line with Frankie. Melissa has a fantasy about declaring her deep love for him and him doing the same to her. Meanwhile, realizing the September 15th deadline is approaching, Melissa and Frankie move up the date of their wedding....to tomorrow!
    - Lance learns his plans to kill Max may hit a snag since Max will be very pre-occupied with his brother's wedding.
    - Jan agrees to help Sami and gives Sami the goods she has on the Horton Family Doctor who lied to Shawn and told Shawn that Trey was his baby and also that Jan had a brain tumor that forced her to act so maliciously. Sami confronts the doctor.
    - Steve finds shocking evidence that proves Lawrence might very well be telling the truth about not having anything to do with his memory loss!
    - Lawrence decides to have an emergency meeting with his Mole, the person who has been sharing invaluable information about the Brady's.
    - A weak Billie thanks Jack for always being there for her. She is more weak than she ever could have imagined. She is also very cold. Jack builds a fire and gets in bed with her and tries to keep her from shivering.

    Listen to "Stop Swimming" by the Porcupine Tree now!

    - A devastated Abby cries in her room as she rips up a picture of her and Max.
    - Later, Max and Erika meet at the pier. It is clear that each is falling for the other.
    - Eric comforts Annie over her dangerous encounter. Later, she sneaks out to meet Sami.
    - Sami blackmails the same doctor Jan did and tells him that she needs his help in declaring her sister's baby dead or else she'll ruin his life, the life of his wife and kids, as well as his career! Sami meets up with Annie as they give each other knowing looks...realizing they can't go back now.
    - Steve and Kayla comfort each other as they realize they've hit a major roadblock in their quest for the truth.
    - Lance realizes that Max is going to die no matter what....only now....he will die at Frankie's wedding!
    - Trying to keep Billie warm, Jack also tells Billie humorous stories of old times to keep her spirits up. Taking them both off guard, Billie turns to Jack...and they share an innocent peck on the lips.
    - Frankie and Greta's lawyers question the validity of Frankie and Greta's love. In order to throw them off, Frankie and Greta must share another steamy and passionate kiss to convince them. Unfortunately for Frankie, Melissa walks into the Pub just in time to see the kiss!
    - Lawrence goes to the dock's to meet with his Mole............the Mole.......is LIAM !





    *fast edits of Carrie, Hope, Melissa all devastated and crying. screams can be heard.*


    *sounds of a fight. Man's voice: "YOU BASTARD!" sounds of more punching and breaking.*

    "A WEDDING!"

    *Greta walks down the aisle to meet Frankie.*

    "A BIRTH!"

    *brief clip of newborn baby crying.*

    "AND DEATH!"

    *sounds of a loud crash and screaming. Greta puts her hand over her mouth and screams in horror.*
  17. King

    - This Just In! Charles Shaughnessy is joining the long list of familiar faces of the 80's to return. The blog has now dislosed that Charles is set to return to the very popular role of Shane Donovan for an action-packed November Sweeps! Unfortunately, he will only be reprising the role for five to ten episodes, but the blog is very happy to have him. "He is going to have a huge impact on one of the show's main stories. One of the show's biggest supercouples will not be the same after his visit."

    - In other news, readers may not have noticed, but the blog has done a major re-write! "We promised a big murder mystery kick-off at the end of August. I was all ready to kill off this one character. It was set to be a big murder mystery, but the character and the story have caught on like wild fire. As a result, I re-evaluated the story and found a way to keep the character on. A contract might even be headed the person's way!"

    - Expect a few players to be gone during November Sweeps. "Contracts are up. The time has come. Some characters have run their course. Sometimes, the bad guys have to pay!"

    - Michael Sabatino will be leaving during November Sweeps, as well.

    - Expect a young starlet to bite the dust next Friday during episode #200. "The poor character won't know what the hell hit her!" Ashley Benson (Abby), Martha Madison (Belle), Heather Lindell (Jan), and the recurring Lauren Ambrose (Stephanie) are all rumored to be the one to go. There's only one way to find out for sure.
  18. King
    Episode #194 - Thursday, September 7th:

    - Lance makes arrangements to have Max murdered.
    - Annie drugs Lawrence and calls Steve and Kayla and gives them the word.
    - Billie pushes Bo away. Bo is shocked, hurt, and confused. Billie tells Bo that she needs to battle her cancer alone, but Bo insists he be there for her. Billie tells Bo to fight for Hope. He is going to need her when she's dead!
    - Melissa comes face to face with Greta and Frankie.
    - Steve and Kayla enter the Alamain Mansion and begin searching for clues to Steve's past.
    - Bo breaks down and tells Billie that he doesn't understand why she is acting this way. He says he doesn't understand what she is going through, but he wants to try to understand it. He says that he chooses HER not Hope! Billie can't believe she's finally gotten the man of her dreams, the man she's always loved, and now she is going to lose him because she's going to lose her life. Bo tells Billie not to give up hope. Hope arrives.
    - Erika confronts Max about the truth about him and Lance. Max admits everything. Abby is disturbed to see Max and Erika in an embrace.
    - Greta asks Melissa for her forgiveness, but Melissa says that she can't forgive either of them for their stupidity. She can't believe they are entering into a marriage as a lie.
    - Hope tries to give Billie the strength she needs to beat her cancer. Billie shocks everyone when she says that she wants Jack to be the one to take her to her treatment.
    - Bo breaks down in Hope's arms over Billie's cancer.
    - Thanks to Greta, Eric is on the hunt for Annie whom he thinks is now cheating on him. Little does he know, she's working with Steve and Kayla to get the goods on Lawrence! Eric follows clues to the Alamain Mansion.
    - Billie and Jack go to the hospital to get her treatment. Jack and Billie grow closer than ever.
    - Thanks to Eric causing a ruckus at the Mansion, Lawrence awakens from his drugged stupor and grabs Annie in a violent rage. Steve and Kayla must decide whether to save Annie and blow their cover or keep searching the mansion for clues!
  19. King
    DO NOT MISS EPISODE #200!!!!

    The blog will once again be doing a two-hour special episode as it did for episode #100. Part one will "Air" normally, and part two will be aired in primetime. As fans may or may not recall, Episode #100 was an episode that changed everything. "This episode is not going to be any different. Every storyline is going to be thrusted forward in ways no one could have ever imagined. As I have already started hinting about in the episodes, Will's Eighteenth Birthday Party is going to be the center of a lot of drama. Fans are going to be blown away. The episode is already written. I think it's one of the best the blog has done!"

    "Fans can expect huge climaxes in the Carrie/Austin/Sami/Annie baby snatching storyling, the Alan/Will storyline, the Lance/Max/Erika/Abby storyline, Liam/Hope/Bo/Billie and the Melissa/Frankie/Greta storylines. We're laying it all out on the line. It's like a mini-sweeps!"

    Part one can be found on the day of Friday, September 15th. Part two will be posted later that night.
  20. King
    Episode #193 - Wednesday, September 6th:

    - Stefano tells Lexie that she and Megan can work together because Megan wants Bo and Hope kept apart...which will actually work to her advantage for keeping Zach.
    - Kristen is shocked to see the meeting between Stefano, Megan, and Lexie. Kristen can't believe Stefano is alive.
    - Annie "accidentally bumps" into Lawrence. They begin to show their stories and flirt.
    - Greta and Frankie see Annie flirting with Lawrence. Later, when they run into Eric, they tell him Annie was flirting with another man and left the bar with him.
    - Erika gets closer to the truth about Max and Lance. She decides to set up a meeting between Max and Lance and hide while they discuss their relationship.
    - Little does Simone know that she has played right into Victor's hands. Victor waits to see if Simone has taken the bait so he can figure out if she is the Mole at Titan.
    - Sami and Lucas discover that Alan has been spending time with.....WILL!
    - Max and Lance fall into Erika's trap and unknowingly expose their connection to each other - how Max was supposed to throw the Pocono 500 race two years ago so that Lance could ensure his winning of millions of dollars. But Max costed him those millions...and his business. And forced him to go underground.
    - Maggie and Mickey remain at odds as she goes further along with the divorce.
    - Steve and Kayla's plan goes like clockwork when Annie makes it behind enemy lines - right into the Alamain Mansion! Annie drugs Lawrence's drink.
    - Sami and Lucas both confront Alan and tell him to stay AWAY from Will! Lucas and Sami threaten to kill Alan if he doesn't.
    - Stefano tells Megan and Lexie that Liam is not what he appears and that Liam has a secret that, if exposed, may re-unite Bo and Hope.
    - Austin and Carrie remain torn apart by Alan's manipulations.
    - Once Sami and Lucas are done working together for the good of Will, they return to fighting....things get even worse when Lucas realizes that Sami is up to something. Little does he know it's Sami's biggest scheme ever - STEALING HER OWN SISTER'S BABY!
    - Billie tells Liam that she has had it with her crap. She tells him that she knew before she was diagnosed with her cancer what she had to do, but this has really pushed her to the brink. She picks up the phone to call Bo and Hope, but Liam grabs her. Jack enters and forces Liam to let go of her. Jack tells Liam that the jig is up and that he is going to be exposed. Liam tells Jack and Billie that they don't know who they are messing with.
    - Lance makes plans to have Max killed!

  21. King
    Episode #192 - Tuesday, September 5th:

    - Kristen is shocked when she thinks she sees Stefano roaming around Salem.
    - Megan and Stefano continue to plot against Bo and Hope. Stefano decides the time has come to introduce Megan and Lexie.
    - Belle tries to face life with Shawn AND Phillip.
    - Alan strategically places a picture of him and Will in his wallet.....and leaves the wallet where Will can find it.
    - Erika gets closer to discovering the truth about Max and her father, Lance.
    - Kayla and Steve decide on the perfect plan to expose Lawrence.
    - Billie vows to tell Bo and Hope the truth about Liam and Mason by Friday if Liam does not do it first.
    - Austin and Carrie fear for their future as a couple.
    - Steve meets Annie and realizes she is going to work perfectly for his and Kayla's plan.
    - Will finds the picture of him and Alan in Alan's wallet and realizes that Alan returns his feelings!
    - Billie asks Bo if he would re-unite with Hope if she ever wanted to. Bo swears that he loves Billie now more than ever. He says that he and Hope had numerous, numerous problems, claiming they both kept secrets from each other, and none of it had anything to do with Billie.
    - Kayla and Steve offer Annie a significant amount of money if she is willing to seduce Lawrence Alamain into a potential love affair....as long as it gets her behind the doors of the Alamain Mansion.
    - Stefano introduces Lexie and Megan, and Lexie is shocked and confused as to why Stefano is doing this.
    - Jack comforts Billie once again. When alone, Billie finally faces the news of her cancer and smashes all of the pictures of herself with Kate, Austin, Lucas, Phillip, Jack, Jen, Bo, Chelsea, and Georgia. She falls to the ground amidst the shattered glass and pictures and picture frames.
    - Kristen follows Stefano and spies the meeting between Stefano, Megan, and Lexie. Stefano reveals to Lexie that Megan Spears....is her sister, Megan Hathaway!
  22. King
    Episode #191 - Monday, September 4th:

    - Greta is shocked when Frankie pulls her into a hot kiss in front of their lawyers in order to keep the charade going.
    - Erika learns that Max had his first race win during the Pocono 500.
    - Simone tells Annie that she'd like her friend's baby if friend is still looking for a good home for her.
    - Frankie and Greta try to plan a HUGE royal wedding before the September 15th Wedding.
    - Max and Lance get into a heated argument.
    - Billie tells Liam that he has until Friday to tell Hope and Bo the truth, or she will!
    - Steve, Jack, and Kayla formulate a plan to try and get the goods on Lawrence.
    - Stefano individually tutors his daughters, Lexie and Megan, about how to torture Bo and Hope.
    - Alan tells Will that he is VERY....VERY accepting of Will's sexuality.
    - Melissa is devastated as the news of Frankie and Greta's nuptials hit the newspapers.
    - Frankie writes Melissa a heartfelt letter saying that he is doing this for her and for her children. He tells her that he knows some day soon that he will re-unite her with her kids.
    - Lawrence calls in a favor with his mole about getting information on Steve and Kayla.
    - Annie seduces a mortician at the hospital and drugs him. Sami arrives. Chaos and hilarity ensue, but Sami and Annie ARE able to take compromising pictures of the mortician and Annie in bed together.
    - Billie tells Liam that nothing will keep her from telling Hope the truth this time.
    - Will wonders if Alan means that he could also be gay.
    - Lance and Max re-hash their connection. Lance reveals how he bet millions of dollars on the outcome of the Pocono 500. Max assured Lance that he would lose, leaving the grand prize to the other front-runner. Lance tells Max that when Max betrayed him and actually won the race, he costed Lance MILLIONS of dollars, forcing him to forfeit his business and go underground. Lance tells Max that he will make Max pay for this with his life.
    - Lawrence continues to make plans with his mole.
    - Will decides to tell Alan the truth about his feelings for him on his eighteenth birthday.
    - All of the plans are set for Annie and Sami's baby-snatching scheme! They plot to steal Carrie's baby during Will's birthday party.
    - Thanks to Alan, Carrie and Austin get into a terrible fight over Mike...and then Sami. The result is....Austin moving out!
  23. King

    "Well, after releasing ten back to back episodes, the blog is all caught up! It's back and better than ever! All the stories are going to heat up in September and October, and as usual, November Sweeps will prove to be unforgettable and life-changing for every character."

    Alan/Will/Sami/Lucas/Austin/Carrie/Annie/Eric/Simone: "This is probably going to be the biggest story of the fall. Alan (Scott Holiroyd, above.) and Will's potential pairing is definitely sick and twisted, and I'm aware of this. It is kind of Nip/Tuck-esque. We are pushing the envelope here, but it's such a f*cked up dynamic! It was screaming to be told. Alan will break up Sami and Lucas AND Austin and Carrie. Unfortunately for Carrie, Sami and Annie's baby-snatching scheme will unfold. They want to give the baby to Simone who is generally disconnected from everyone else in Salem since she is new. Their plan will work. There's the Will/Alan secret relationship. There's Eric and his connection to the Greta story. There is so much to play out here so this set will be heavily featured. Everything will build to a shocking, shocking, shocking climax during November."

    Melissa/Frankie/Greta: "This love triangle is going to spin out of control as the September 15th deadline approaches. Melissa must wonder if she wants to fight for Frankie, forgive him, and stop that wedding, or if she should let Frankie carry on and ruin the sacrament of marriage in order to get enough money to bribe her ex for kids. She loves her kids more than anything, but she is a Horton through and through and does not want to resort to such amoral acts. Of course, Greta and Frankie will grow closer and closer. They are in for some shocks. We will be casting the role of Melissa's ex eventually, but it probably will not be until after the New Year. Expect the shocks to keep coming with these three."

    Jack/Billie/Bo/Hope/Liam: " This is going to be a huge story for the next two months. We have Liam's secret and Billie's cancer and the friendship (or is it something more?) between Billie and Jack. Not to mention, we have the Megan factor and the fact that Bo and Hope now lost custody of Zach....to Lexie! The truth about Mason is going to come out. There is a lot more to Liam that we have not seen. The next three months are going to be huge. Grant Aleksander's (Liam) contract is up in November so there will be some huge story developments during September and October. There's something big coming up with Liam that I don't think most readers will see coming. Not to mention, they will be helping Steve regain his memory, as well. (See below.)"

    Steve/Kayla and Lawrence: "Fans now know that Lawrence wants Steve dead for something Steve discovered about Lawrence the day Steve 'died.' But Lawrence is NOT responsible for Steve's memory loss and his 'death.' We know Lawrence knew about it, but he was not responsible. And neither is Stefano. There is a big obstacle coming up for Steva and Kayla. Their fans will be shocked. And it is not a third party. There will be no triangle here. Michael Sabatino's stint as Lawrence will not last long. Hope, Bo, Billie, and Jack will continue to be there to help Steve regain his memory."

    Kristen/John/Marlena: "We have another baby-snatching scheme here, but there is one big difference...Kristen isn't keeping anything hidden. When she steals Marlena's baby, she wants Marlena to know all the gory details - who, why, where, and how. She wants Marlena to suffer....and she will! Celeste and Stefano will figure prominently in here. Look for Tonya Boyd (Celeste) to return to the canvas in October where will see her pick up right where we saw her leave off...in a Dimera dungeon, thanks to Kristen. Stefano will be a big factor, of course. There is a big adventure coming up for John And Marlena."

    Erika/Max/Abby and Lance/Maggie/Mickey: "Two triangles here that will collide in a big way. Lance and Max's connection to one another will be revealed. Maggie will continue to fall for Lance while Max will continue to fall for Chelsea-lookalike, Erika. Maggie just cannot forgive Mickey for not believing her when Bonnie framed her for drinking again. Abby and Mickey will only be able to stand on the sidelines, helpless. Lance will be a big villain and huge force to be reckoned with. Alan Dale (Lance) can really shine in this role."

    Stefano: "Stefano attempted to ruin Salem last time by assembling an army of Jack, Cassie, and Tek. But he found that he could not trust them. So, now he has moved on to family ties, people he KNOWS he can trust - Lexie, Kristen (Michelle Stafford, above right.), and Megan (Gina Tognoni above, left.)! He will assemble his army of Dimera Daughters and send them into Salem swinging. The plans are still on to have Eileen step into the role of Kristen at some point, but Michelle will continue playing Nurse Paris, who is really Kristen post-surgery, for a least a few more months."

    Titan vs. Alamain: "Screw love triangles! Kate/Victor/Vivian is so much delicious when revenge is involved. It's Kate and Vivvy vs. Victor. It's only just begun!"

    Miscellaneous: "Cassie, Georgia, Celeste, and Shawn have been temporarily written out, but they will be back in October. Until Shawn returns, Belle and Jan will be backburnered. Jeremy Horton will return."

    Umbrella: "All of the big stories are going to SLOWLY come together. Fans will be able to guess how during September and October. All will be revealed in November. It will link all the big stories together, and when they come together, they will explode, leaving lives in the wake. Not everyone will be here after November."
  24. King

    Tom Pelphrey, the Emmy-winning actor of "Guiding Light" fame, has been tapped to play the role of Jeremy Horton! Jeremy is the son of Alice Horton's grandson, Mike Horton, and has been living in Israel with his mother for many, many years. "Pelphrey is the most talented younger actor on soaps right now. He's perfect for the role. He will first air in September when he comes town in a very interesting way. He's really going to be a thorn in one couple's side. But not in a romantic way. It's not going to be a triangle. It's going to be fresh."

    Pelphrey has a dark edge about him, and Jeremy will have some of that, but he is not nearly as disturbed as Tom's GL character, Jonathon. "Jeremy is going to be a black sheep and a strong young man, but he is also a Horton, as well, so he will have soft spots and a tender side. He's going to be very complex. Nothing, whether it is questionable or commendable, will be out of character for him."

    He will first "air" in early September.
  25. King
    Episode #190 - Friday, September 1st:

    - Jack hears about Billie and rushes to the hospital to be there for his best friend.
    - Megan tells Stefano that she's still in love with Bo and that she wants him back....even if it means eliminating Billie and Hope - for good!
    - Belle tries to adjust to life without Shawn and Phillip.
    - Lawrence and Kayla come face to face, and Kayla slaps him!
    - Annie tells Simone that she may be able to get her a baby. She asks Simone if she is ready to be a mother.
    - Erika asks her father how he knows Max. Lance says that he doesn't but Erika says that she's seen the intense interactions between them.
    - Melissa continues to ignore Frankie over his assanine decision to marry Greta for her inheritance.
    - Abby tells Max that she still cares for him and loves him, but she feels so betrayed over his lie.
    - Hope comforts Bo as Bo breaks down over Billie's cancer.
    - Jack comforts his best friend, Billie, over the news about her cancer.
    - Stefano tells Megan that one of his main goals is breaking up Bo and Hope.
    - Belle attends therapy for her suicide attempt. She begins to get her life back on track.
    - Simone tells Annie that she's ready to be a mother, but she is taken aback by Annie's shady deal. Annie tells her that she knows a woman who is going to be giving birth within a few days who would like to see the baby have a good home. Simone tells Annie that this is a big decision and that she has to think about it.
    - Greta and Frankie plan their nuptials. But the Von Amburg lawyer remains skeptical about the integrity of this marriage.
    - Max tells Abby that they need to be apart right now. Abby asks if it is because of Erika or something else. Max tells Abby that he would be lying if he said there is no connection between himself and Erika.
    - Stefano is taken aback when Megan asks questions about her mother. But Stefano says nothing except that her mother passed away during child birth. Meanwhile, he re-calls his love affair with Kate and how it resulted in the birth of twin girls, whom Kate put up for adoption.
    - Billie opens up to Jack about how she knows a truth that could re-unite Bo and Hope. Jack tells Billie that she has to be honest. But Billie says that she knows and was on the verge of telling Hope when she got the news of the cancer.
    - Frankie pulls Greta into a hot and steamy kiss in front of the Von Amburg attorney in order to convince him of the motives behind their marriage.

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