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ANOTHER WORLD 213 Carl gets some mysterious information from Lorna
Days22 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
oooo a twist within a twist. I like it. Brianna is sure gettin on workin fast. Wonder what has Matt getting sick. Is Brianna there to kiss it all better? Idk if Amanda should be trusting of this deal with Iris, but I guess we will find out, but then throw in Devin who is in cahoots with Iris, but no wait, he and Carl are conspiring. I like this conglomerate of sides. Makes it very intriguing how it will all play out and who will come out on top. A very good way to tell a business story.- 4 comments
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Just Paradise #23: Jesse has an important meeting. Paul Ryan has a surprise one.
Days22 posted a blog entry in Just Paradise
Written by: Nick M. At the women’s shelter: Miss Cho has pulled Ali and Charlotte aside. CHARLOTTE: Something wrong Miss Cho? MISS CHO: One of the girls you two have gotten close to has decided it is time to leave here. ALI: Really? CHARLOTTE: You are not talking about Jacy are you? Jacy walks into the room. JACY: She do be talkin’ bout me. ALI: You are leaving? JACY: It is the right time… Ali and Charlotte are surprised… -- Jesse and Angie are together having lunch. JESSE: How was the hospital today? ANGIE: That hospital is always buzzin with accidents as you know. Stabbings, shootings, and over doses. You name it. JESSE: Yeah, this is the real city that never seems to sleep or have peace. ANGIE: I know how badly you wish to change that. JESSE: I do, Angie. I do. ANGIE: I think it can end up working with some dedication. JESSE: I will need help. You and your friend, Kayla. ANGIE: Kayla seems to be having a hard time in her personal life, but she seemed happy to help you. JESSE: I will need all the help I can get. Just like this city itself. -- Hunter and Miranda are hanging out in the park. HUNTER: Did all of your classes go good today? MIRANDA: They did. Most are coming easy to me which is a huge relief. HUNTER: Coming easy? You must be a genius. MIRANDA: Some might say so…I kid. Are you taking any classes? HUNTER: No, Not at the moment. MIRANDA: How come? HUNTER: I just am kind of enjoying doing my own thing.. MIRANDA: The barista job? HUNTER: That among other things. I do have some aspirations. MIRANDA: What are you ambitious about? HUNTER: Saving the world. MIRANDA: I see I have an idealist on my hands. -- Eliza shows up at JJ’s apartment. ELIZA: You don’t call. You don’t text. Hell, I would even take a written letter like its 1990. JJ: Sorry, been busy. ELIZA: Are you busy right now? JJ: A little. ELIZA: Well…you should still come and eat with me while I’m on my lunch break. Eliza smiles wide. ELIZA: Please. JJ: Okay fine. ELIZA: (excited) Yes! -- Paul is in his office….and in walks Todd Manning PAUL: Welcome Mr. Manning. TODD: Happy that you could pencil me in. PAUL: This seemed important. TODD: Oh, more than you know. PAUL: Welcome to BRO. TODD: Thank you. You know, you seem very familiar to me… PAUL: Hm…not sure why TODD: Not sure, but regardless. Nice to meet you. Todd Manning and Paul Ryan shake hands. TODD: We have so much to talk about… At the womens shelter: CHARLOTTE: Is it safe for you to leave here, Jacy? JACY: Actually it is. You see, my abusive ex-boyfriend has finally been thrown in prison! ALI: Really? For what? JACY: Always trying to be a hardcore thug and sh*t. ALI: These boys. What is wrong with them? JACY: Too many damn screws loose. ALI: I wish I could head home. CHARLOTTE: Me too. JACY: When you do, get in touch with me. I’ll give Miss Cho my info when I can. CHARLOTTE: I definitely will. JACY: I am so ready to get back! Can’t wait! Jacy smiles with nothing but elation. -- Cut to a frustrated Vin He is with Chavo CHAVO: I wish you would not work yourself up. VIN: That is a bit impossible. CHAVO: Why? VIN: Because it is so frustrating that we still cannot track down Ali nor Greg. They both deserve so much revenge done to them. CHAVO: Why are you even doing this? Why do you care? VIN: Are you serious right now bro? Because they both disrespected me so damn hard! CHAVO: No I mean why do you even care about this kind of life? We both know that you-- VIN: --Do not question me Chavo! Just shut up and let me focus. -- At the park: MIRANDA: So tell me how you plan on saving the world? HUNTER: Can we not talk about that right now. I think we need to have more fun. MIRANDA: What kind of fun? HUNTER: See those sprinklers on over there? Let’s run through them. MIRANDA: I didn’t realize we were eight. HUNTER: Oh come on! Feel a little free. MIRANDA: I do not want to get my clothes all wet. HUNTER: Well you can be boring and stay here. I am going on through! Hunter gets up and walks to the sprinklers. Miranda ends up following him. They both start to run through them getting wet. HUNTER: See! This kind of feeling is something people should not lose.. -- Jesse is still with Angie but he gets up. JESSE: Sorry, but I really need to get to the city council meeting. ANGIE: Already? JESSE: It is an early one. ANGIE: And I don’t get no smooch? Jesse kisses her on the cheek. ANGIE: That is not going to do it! JESSE: Oh yeah? ANGIE: Nope. Angie kisses his lips. Jesse then starts to kiss her all over her face. ANGIE: Okay, okay! You win. JESSE: I hope those kisses were good luck. ANGIE: Me too, baby. -- Cut to Todd and Paul’s meeting. TODD: So I am a journalist and that is how I came across this company. PAUL: And you want to do a big piece on BRO? TODD: Something like that. I’ll need you to come to Colorado for this piece though. PAUL: I checked out your paper and it has a strong online following so why do I need to go to Colorado? Can’t you just interview me right here right now? TODD: It is not that easy. I do a more hands on approach. PAUL: Thank you for the offer and all, but I am not too keen on going to Colorado right now. I have a company to run. TODD: You are not seeing the bigger picture Paul. You may want to see if you need glasses. Where I live, in Union Creek Colorado there is some new big competition for you that just opened. PAUL: Are you talking about that little small stream Chic Spirit Designs? TODD: You are not giving them enough credit. I am offering you a step ahead on this competition. Do not take them lightly. PAUL: It would be a good publicity for us. TODD: I thought you may see things my way. PAUL: But….I still don’t want to go to Colorado. Todd becomes obviously frustrated. -- At the women’s shelter: Charlotte and Ali are now alone. CHARLOTTE: I think maybe we both can leave here too. ALI: I do not need to go run into Vin and probably get killed. CHARLOTTE: We live in a big city we can move somewhere far away from our exes. ALI: There is still always a chance. CHARLOTTE: A small one. We came move in together and be roommates. Split everything. It can work. ALI: I like the idea and wish I could, but I don’t know if I want to chance it. CHARLOTTE: Well at least think about it. ALI: Okay… -- Vin is still agitated. CHAVO: I am going to go get us some weed so you can calm down. VIN: No! I would rather we take my frustrations out another way. CHAVO: Yes I know you want to kill Greg, but I don’t know where he is. VIN: There is something else we can do. CHAVO: What’s that yo? VIN: Let’s go rob another gas station! -- At the park: Hunter and Miranda are now soaked. MIRANDA: That was crazy. You are crazy. What are we doing? HUNTER: Having fun. I am at least. MIRANDA: Nah, I am too. HUNTER: I really do have fun every time I hang out with you. MIRANDA: Aww I do too. You and all of your craziness. HUNTER: I’m the least crazy person in this town, probably. MIRANDA: I’ll be the judge of that. HUNTER: Ready for round 2 in the sprinklers? MIRANDA: No. HUNTER: (Laughs) I’m kidding. -- Eliza and JJ are eating lunch together. ELIZA: Have you been avoiding me JJ? JJ: I am going to be if this continues to be a grill JJ day. ELIZA: But for real. You do seem to be. JJ: Just been busy with school. ELIZA: I think I know what is wrong… JJ: Tell me oh wise one. ELIZA: Back when we played strip poker….my booty game was too strong. I get it. JJ: (laughs) What? ELIZA: Don’t deny it. And now you are intimidated. JJ: You are crazy. ELIZA: But I got a laugh out of you. JJ: Yeah you are good for that. ELIZA: I am good for a good time. I wish you would stop fighting it and just admit you have good times when you hang out with me. JJ: You are never not entertaining that is for sure. Never a dull moment with Eliza. ELIZA: And don’t you forget it! I’ll take that as a yes you do have a good time. JJ: I do. It’s true… -- Todd is frustrated with Paul. TODD: Are you sure about this? PAUL: I just do not have the time right now. I’m sorry. I do appreciate it. Todd has a flashback: [Union Creek #21] He is with Gary and an alive James Stenbeck… TODD: And when I find him? JAMES: Bring him to me. GARY: But don’t let him know why you want him here. Make it seem like something for the paper. JAMES: Honestly, I don’t care how you get him here. Just get him here and soon! Back in the present: TODD: You really should reconsider…because I know thing about you. Paul gives his a questioning glance. TODD: Things about you that you would definitely not want out. Paul’s face becomes flushed. PAUL: So what the hell is this? Blackmail? TODD: It could be if you do not come to Union Creek Colorado with me. Paul smirks and tries to play it all off with a poker face. TODD: You are acting way to smug for guy who could lose everything. I know what you have been doing. PAUL: What do you think you know, Mr. Manning? TODD: Enough games. I know that you have been forging documents. PAUL: Oh…. TODD: Yeah. So let me ask you again. Have you reconsidered Mr. Ryan? PAUL: Yes I will come to Colorado and do the stupid article…or whatever it is you really want from me.. TODD: Atta boy! -- Jesse has arrived at the City council meeting. He has a folder with him and tries to find a seat. He finally finds one and sits down. He looks on towards the people on the city council. JESSE: This looks like a group that will hear me out. Pan across the members of the city council…. One of the members of Paradise, New Mexico’s city council is… Katsu Itami FADE TO BLACK *WHY CANT VIN FIND GREG? BECAUSE HE IS IN COLORADO…AND FIND OUT JUST WHAT AWAITS PAUL RYAN….ON UNION CREEK!* *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics -
Union Creek #23: Will Luke Snyder's relationship with Ben survive?
Days22 posted a blog entry in Union Creek
Written by: Nick M. Ben is at his house getting dressed. Someone is at the door. He walks out of his room and to the front door. It is Luke LUKE: Surprised? BEN: I have to say I am. LUKE: I know you are the one usually doing the surprising, but I thought I would for once. BEN: This is a pleasant one. LUKE: I just wanted to come and say that I really enjoyed your visit last night. BEN: I had a great time too. LUKE: But I also wanted to say that well…not to be needy, but I really hope you won’t pull away again like recently. BEN: I apologized for that. LUKE: I know, but still… -- Elijah is also home. And he also gets a surprise visit at the door. It is Eartha! ELIJAH: I’ll be damned. Look who is showing her face here. EARTHA: Don’t act too astonished. ELIJAH: It’s always touch and go with you on if you want to see me or not. EARTHA: Well right now I do. ELIJAH: May I ask why? EARTHA: Because I have been thinking about you a lot lately. Elijah cannot help, but smile wide when she says this… -- Blair is calling Todd Todd is on his Bluetooth in the car. TODD: You again Blair? BLAIR: Don’t sound so angry about it. TODD: I am not angry, but you are getting bothersome. BLAIR: I just want to make sure you get to New Mexico okay. TODD: Your concern is cute and all, but I will be fine. BLAIR: Just text me when you get to Paradise. TODD: I will. BLAIR: Thank you. I love you. TODD: I love you too. Blair hangs up. She then grabs the file that she has with info on Reva Shayne. BLAIR: Guess I will read more info on Reva Beast. She smirks as she goes back to reading the file… -- James Stenbeck is with Gary GARY: I’m nervous. JAMES: Why the hell are you nervous? GARY: We need Todd Manning to be successful on this. JAMES: Yes I do need him to be successful. GARY: Are you not nervous? JAMES: I’ve lived through so much, my nerves are shot. GARY: Well this plan has not been smooth sailing but it has reached this important point. JAMES: My son Paul will not get away trying to take money that belongs to me. GARY: I sometimes wonder about your relationship with your family. JAMES: Don’t. That money is rightfully mine, not Paul’s. He thinks he is getting the last laugh, but I always do. Holden Snyder is at the City Hall. He is starting his new job. Holden is surprised to see a door with his name on it. HOLDEN: My own office even. Pretty fancy. He opens the door and walks inside. HOLDEN: And it looks like plenty of work already too. He walks to his desk where there is a stack of papers. HOLDEN: This is quite a load. He picks some of them up and glances over them. Just then Mayor Woods walks in. MAYOR WOODS: Welcome to day 1. HOLDEN: Thank you sir. MAYOR WOODS: I hope you will find your office very accommodating. HOLDEN: I do. Thank you. MAYOR WOODS: You have a lot of numbers to crunch for this city. HOLDEN: (Glances back at his desk) I see that. -- Cut to Ben and Luke BEN: Let me apologize again. LUKE: You don’t have to. I was half joking. BEN: No, I am sorry I got distant and kind of rude. I have been preparing for a ski trip in the future. LUKE: Back to the slopes? BEN: Yes. Going to be fun. Maybe you can tag along. It is where we met after all. LUKE: I would happily go if I can get the time off. BEN: Hey, how about I make things up to you by taking you out to breakfast? LUKE: I am not going to turn that down. -- Eartha is With Elijah. ELIJAH: So…you have been thinking about me huh? EARTHA: First off you can wipe that sh*t eating grin off of your face. ELIJAH: That was subconscious. EARTHA: But yes I have…I…I miss you. I wish we could just be closer. Like way back in our youth. ELIJAH: You know I have wanted that for a long time now. To be closer to you… EARTHA: We can be great friends. ELIJAH: Then what is stopping us from being closer friends? You have been back in Union Creek for damn near fifteen years now. EARTHA: Frankly because I am afraid. ELIJAH: Afraid of me? I am a cop now, not an almost gangster like when we dated. EARTHA: I am not afraid of you. I am afraid of those intense feeling we use to have for each other. I am afraid of them coming back. Elijah grabs her hand and that causes her to react nervously. EARTHA: I am running late for work. I should go. She pulls her hand away. ELIJAH: No wait. We were actually getting somewhere. EARTHA: Sorry, but I have to go. -- JAMES: I need to put an end to whatever plans Paul and Barbara have. GARY: They reopened their company. JAMES: Yes I know. Using some of my money! They always think they know what they are doing… James has a flashback: GARY: What are you thinking about, boss? JAMES: Just how stupid the people I’ve called my family can be. All of my sons and their mothers have different ticks. My youngest…I am sure his mother Christy will keep him in line for now. However Paul and Barbara never know what is good for them. I have tried to love my family, but I always have to stay one step ahead of them, because I am the one that know what is good for them. GARY: I am sure you do. JAMES: And don’t worry, Gary. When I put a stop to Paul’s theft, you and I can continue what we started when we came here to Union Creek in the first place… -- Blair is sipping on a glass of wine. BLAIR: This is quite the read on Reva beast. She is giggling with some glee. BLAIR: Reva was Amish for many years? She cracks up laughing. BLAIR: And treated like royalty on some island? What were they smoking? Must have been good! She laughs again and finishes off her wine. BLAIR: Reva Shayne sounds nuts. I think I can use that to my advantage. She smiles… -- Eartha is now at the hospital arriving for work. Morris approaches her and pulls her aside into an empty hospital room. MORRIS: So my dear…why did you take the morning off? Morris eyes her suspiciously. EARTHA: I just needed more rest. MORRIS: More rest? EARTHA: Yup. MORRIS: So you are saying you stayed in bed late? EARTHA: Yup. MORRIS: That’s funny, because even though we may have separate rooms now….I know you were not home this morning before I left. EARTHA: Oh at that time I must have been out clearing my head. MORRIS: Changing your story already? EARTHA: What is this 3rd degree all about? MORRIS: What were you clearing from your head? EARTHA: It is none of your business! MORRIS: I am your husband, of course it is my business. EARTHA: Starting to become husband in name only… Eartha walks out leaving Morris alone in the empty room. He shakes his head. -- Holden is in his office. HOLDEN: This town has a mess going on with their budget. He seems to be getting frustrated. HOLDEN: I think I have been hosed into this job. He is going over the paperwork trying to crunch some numbers. HOLDEN: Man where are we going to start to get this budget back on track? -- Luke and Ben are at breakfast. They are having fun as Luke is laughing about something. LUKE: You are shady with that waitress. BEN: Sorry, but her limp is cracking me up! Ben’s phone rings. Ben pulls it out. BEN: Sorry but I do have to take this. It is Gary on the other line. BEN: How can I help you? GARY: Actually we won’t need your help any longer. BEN: What do you mean? GARY: We have completed our task which means you have completed yours. Your service of keeping Luke distracted is no longer needed and you have received your last check for it. Whatever you do now is up to you. Ben looks across the table at Luke who smiles back at him… FADE TO BLACK *DON’T MISS AS TODD MANNING ARRIVES IN PARADISE LOOKING FOR PAUL RYAN ON “JUST PARADISE”* *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics. -
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Victor Newman and Sister Patterson strike an "Unholy" Alliance?! #175
Days22 commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in The Young and the Restless
Very sad and emotional opening with Noah. I enjoyed it and I enjoy him a lot these days. Vic and Sister P. What a combo! lmao. That was quite the prayer she got off and Vic seemed to be amused by her to say the least. Interesting alliance over Kay. Idk where this will go at all. Dru had the best lines again! Her contract of having the best lines must be iron clad. I LOL's at her rollin on the river line. The news for the Winters clan keeps getting worse as Lily finds out about Canes death. They have a dark cloud over them. Phyllis was being her usual annoying self gettin extra loud for Avery and she is already loud as hell. Avery was finally busted for her cocaine use. Ah how the mighty fall. Good episode. I really enjoyed the flow and the revelations for these characters keep on coming, -
Just Paradise #22: Can Bo get loose before Stefano's next step?
Days22 posted a blog entry in Just Paradise
Written by: Nick M. At the high school: Marcino is in class looking miserable. He has a flashback: Just Paradise #19 Greg has kissed Marcinos who is caught off guard Marcino starts to get into the kiss…but then abruptly pulls away and stands up! MARCINO: What are you doing, Greg! GREG: What do you mean what am I doing? Kissing you. Marcino wipes her mouth MARCINO: Um…why? GREG: Because the moment was building to that. MARCINO: I have no idea what you are talking about. GREG: This is crazy. MARCINO: This IS crazy dude! I am not into dudes. GREG: Uh, yeah you are. MARCINO: How are you going to tell me what I am into? GREG: You have been giving me signals for so long now. You know you have. Don’t even try and deny it! Back in the present Marcino sighs. MARCINO: I hope you are okay Greg. Wherever you are. A girl sits down in the desk next to him. MARCINO: Hey Claire CLAIRE: What up Marcino? You look upset. MARCINO: I guess I just don’t want school to be starting already. CLAIRE: Join the club. MARCINO: Hopefully I’ll shake off these first day of school nerves… CLAIRE: I hope you do too. -- Paul meanwhile is in his office at BRO and makes a phone call to Katsu PAUL: Hey I just wanted to see how everything is going. KATSU: So far, so good. PAUL: That is nice to hear. KATSU: I am in the beginning stages of getting this in motion. PAUL: Sounds good. This will be a big weight off of my shoulders. KATSU: Glad I can assist you this. PAUL: Thank you for all of your help. KATSU: It is no problem, really. Katsu smirks. -- Emily shows up for her first day of work at Mad World. Lucas is there. LUCAS: Welcome to your new job. EMILY: Thank you. The pleasure is all mine. Looking quite forward to being in business mode again. LUCAS: That ah-girl. EMILY: So like, do I get my own office? Lucas chuckles. LUCAS: You think you are ready to move up to your own office already? EMILY: I like to think so. LUCAS: Think again, but maybe someday. EMILY: I’ll take on that challenge. -- Daniel comes in to see Stefano DANIEL: It is a little dark in here. STEFANO: Keeps people from looking in. DANIEL: Good point. STEFANO: What brings you by? DANIEL: I come with some good news. Something I think you will be pleased with. STEFANO: You know how to come through Mr. Jonas. Paul is lost in thought in his office. He flashes back to when he was much younger… PAUL: I thought I had killed my damn father way back then, but that nine lived cat was still alive. Now I am happy his life went on longer, because it let him set up this secret bank account in someone else’s name. Now that he really is dead, I can get my hands on this stash. Paul lets out a smile. PAUL: I hope Katsu pulls this off soon. That secret stash is mine. -- Cut to Daniel and Stefano STEFANO: So please, by all means tell me this good news. DANIEL: I think you know what it is. Suddenly, Stefano’s phone rings. He looks and sees that it is a call from Greta. STEFANO: I have to take this. DANIEL: Take this too. I have to get back home. Daniel hands Stefano a little box… …Elsewhere in the house, Bart meanwhile is putting on a mask. He heads downstairs with some water for Bo A weak Bo looks up. BO: I am thankful for that water. The only reason I have the little energy I have left. BART: Well drink up. You’re welcome. BO: You know what else I would be thankful for? BART: What’s that? BO: Is if you would let me the hell out of here! -- Billy is at Brittany’s house hanging out. BRITTANY: You are still not bored here in Paradise, yet? BILLY: Is this your nice way of telling me I should get a job? BRITTANY: Maybe… (giggles) Someone pounds on the door! BRITTANY: Geez hold your horses! BILLY: Who the hell is that? BRITTANY: I don’t know. Brittany opens the door and it is Greg’s father, Bubba BUBBA: Where is your son?! BRITTANY: Uh, at school. BUBBA: Well where is my son then? BRITTANY: Your son? Greg? Why would I know? BUBBA: Greg and your son are like best friends. He ran off somewhere and I am sure your son knows where! BRITTANY: I doubt he does. Bubba starts to get increasingly angrier. BUBBA: Listen here you dumb blonde! BILLY: Don’t talk to her like that! BUBBA: I don’t know who you are and I don’t care. Billy walks up to him and points at him. BILLY: You need to calm down, sir. BRITTANY: Yeah you do. We have no idea where your son Greg could be. Bubba swats Billy’s finger away and walks off BUBBA (Muttering) Whatever. -- At Mad World: Lucas is giving Emily a tour. EMILY: You have some nice offices here. LUCAS: That is why we made the move. Was a perfect fit. EMILY: I am going to love it here. LUCAS: I just hope that you can help our advertising. EMILY: That is the plan. In fact the plan is to do big things here! LUCAS: Well then what are you doing standing around? Get to work! Lucas lets off a grin. EMILY: Ha-ha Very funny. Meanwhile, Paul is trying to call Emily. He has called her but it went straight to voicemail. Paul hangs up. PAUL: Those old thought reminded me of how much I use to worry about her. Care for her. These days we hardly even talk. Maybe we really are headed for a divorce… -- Daniel comes home and he and Jennifer embrace. JENNIFER: How was work? DANIEL: It went well. A great success even. JENNIFER: Nice positivity. DANIEL: How was your day? JENNIFER: Could have been better. DANIEL: What’s wrong? JENNIFER: I went through some of the boxes I haven’t unpacked yet…saw some old things of… Jacks. DANIEL: Oh. JENNIFER: Sorry. Don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. DANIEL: Not uncomfortable at all. Daniel kisses her on the cheek and walks off. DANIEL: I am famished. As he walks away, the expression on his face is that of being annoyed… -- Masked Bart is still downstairs with Bo. BART: You know I cannot let you go. BO: It was worth a shot. Bart walks back upstairs quickly. BO: That is okay, because I am somehow going to get out of here. He guzzles his water and then yanks at his chains. BO: Getting more loose every day. He yanks at the chains again. -- Stefano is on the phone with Greta GRETA: I want to come and see you, father. STEFANO: I don’t think that is a good idea. GRETA: We have so many years as father and daughter to catch up on. STEFANO: This is just not a good time, Greta. GRETA: It will be a short visit. STEFANO: Fine you can come for a short while. GRETA: I look forward to it. STEFANO: Yeah… GRETA: See you soon, father. Stefano hands up and is very annoyed. STEFANO: I hope whatever is in this stupid box will cheer me up! He opens it and Stefano is pleased. Bart walks into the room and takes off his mask. STEFANO: Very good. BART: What is that? STEFANO: The drug concoction that Daniel used on Jack Deveraux. Stefano pulls out a full syringe. STEFANO: We will now use it on Bo Brady. FADE TO BLACK Credits roll *Don’t miss what Greg is up to in Union Creek as well as what bad news is looming for Paul Ryan. Union Creek: Weekly on SON* *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics -
DAYS #79: Nicole's Worst Nightmare Come True
Days22 commented on beebs's blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
Ohhhh sh*t. The last three episodes including this one have been one great build together. VERY sweet scenes with Victor and Maggie. You can make couples I normally don't care about very emotional which is great. There was a lot of investment from me in those scenes and I feel for ol Vic. Already loving Valeries addition to the hospital and her now being a part of this Roman story. Once again lots of emotion involved and I am invested on this outcome fro Roman. I love the Roberts/Reed clan all working together as a family.They really could be a force to be reckoned with. Love that. And then sending Nicole and Sami to clash. Brilliant! Brings back some fond memories of the two of them going at it. This is gonna be awesome. Good stuff as always! Love all the layers you always have.- 3 comments
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Written by Nick M. Luke is at his place typing up a story on his laptop. He has a visitor at the door. It is Ben BEN: Surprised to see me? LUKE: Yes I am actually. BEN: I know I have been a bit busy and distant the last few days. LUKE: Yes and you kind of blew me off today. BEN: I didn’t blow you off. I was busy. LUKE: I know. I know. BEN: I’m sorry if I seemed to brush you off. LUKE: It is alright, really. BEN: Alright enough for you to invite me in? LUKE: Of course. Come on in. Ben enters. -- At the Manning house: Blair walks up to Todd BLAIR: Something is bothering you. What’s up Todd? TODD: You look a little nervous yourself. BLAIR: Yeah, because Sam is out very late. TODD: I’m sure he is at his new friend’s house. BLAIR: Zack? TODD: Yeah, the goofy looking kid. BLAIR: I should call his mom and find out. TODD: You are going to call his mom this late and probably wake her up? BLAIR: I guess I shouldn’t. TODD: He’s fine. He knows how to take care of himself. BLAIR: Now can we talk about what has you bothered. TODD: I just have to go out of town for a story. BLAIR: What story? TODD: I don’t want to get into that right now. BLAIR: Where are you going? TODD: To Paradise, New Mexico. BLAIR: A wild city. Can’t you send someone who works under you? TODD: Not for this story. Blair looks at him suspiciously. -- Danielle and Malik are making out and Danielle’s couch. He starts to run his fingers through her hair as they are kissing lustfully. However there is a knock at the door. DANI: Oh not now. They have to stop making out. MALIK: Who could that be so late? Dani gets up and looks through the peek hole. DANI: My mother. MALIK: Oh wow. Malik shoots up off the couch. Danielle tries to fix her hair before opening the door. Tea walks in. TEA: I saw the lights on so I knew you were still up, Danielle. DANI: Yes, I am.. Tea then spots Malik before looking back at Danielle. TEA: Oh…I didn’t interrupt something did I? Malik smiles while Dani is miffed. -- Meanwhile at the big teen bash: Greg and Dee arrive at the party. They walk inside the house. GREG: This is one big party. DEE: Yes. The more the merrier. GREG: If you say so. Greg is clearly nervous to be there. DEE: Let’s mingle so you can meet people here in Union Creek. -- Zack is dancing with Anne Cory is looking around for her. Cory sees Anne and Zack dancing together and does not look happy. CORY: What the hell is this?! Anne stops dancing which causes Zack to stop dancing. ANNE: Hey Cory, Something wrong? CORY: Yeah who is this twerp? Cory puts his hand on Zacks shoulder. ZACK: Don’t touch me! Zack slaps his arm away! -- Outside of the party: Sam is with Trinity SAM: It is nice out here. TRINITY: It is and the sky is beautiful tonight with a nice summer breeze. SAM: True. Not the only thing that is beautiful out here though. Trinity is taken off guard by that comment. SAM: Sorry that just kind of came out. TRINITY: Don’t apologize. Thanks for the compliment… Both are smiling and looking into the others eyes. Sam and Trinity start to lean in for a kiss… They close their eyes as their pair of lips are about to touch… However right before they kiss they hear rowdiness and shouting from inside! This causes them both to open their eyes and turn to look towards inside. TRINITY: What is going on inside? They hear a voice shouting “I said don’t touch me dammit!” SAM: Oh lord that’s Zack. What is he up to now? Sam rushes inside and Trinity follows… BLAIR: I wish you would just tell me what story is so important that the owner of the newspaper has to travel out of time. TODD: Such is the life of a journalist….anyway, did you like the research I did on Reva Shayne? BLAIR: I have only been able to go over some of it, but thank you. TODD: I found a nice source. BLAIR: I can see that. I hope I can find something to use against her to get her off of my back. TODD: Just don’t do anything stupid. BLAIR: I won’t. TODD: I know you didn’t run over her and I do not like how she keeps coming at you. So that is why I dug up all of this info. BLAIR: I’ll take care of Reva Beast. TODD: Good to hear. Blair picks up the folder with all the info on Reva and smirks. -- At Danielle’s place: TEA: I really am sorry if I interrupted something! DANI: It is fine mom. I just was not expecting you. Especially this late. TEA: I was going to get a hotel, but I decided to see if you were still awake first. DANI: Well let me introduce you to my coworker, Malik. MALIK: Hello Mam. They shake hands. TEA: Ah you are her co worke?. A model too I take it? DANI: Can’t you tell? TEA: I can. MALIK: Trying to make me blush doesn’t always work but I can feel my cheeks burnin’. DANI: What brings you to town tho, mom? TEA: Well your father— DANI: --We do not refer to him as my father in this house, remember? TEA: Todd… needs my help. DANI: Of course. TEA: But I was thinking that maybe I’ll actually be staying in town. DANI: Oh… -- At Luke’s: BEN: I am sorry to distract you from your work there on your laptop. I guess that kind of makes me a hypocrite being too busy earlier. LUKE: It is okay. I can finish writing it tomorrow. I am happy to see you and get to hang out with you. BEN: It was a rough few days without you. LUKE: That feeling is mutual. I was just going to pour myself another glass of wine. Want one? BEN: Would love one. -- Sam has ran inside the party house to see Zack and Cory getting into each other’s face. ANNE: Is this really necessary? Rourke and Jasper get in-between Cory and Zack. ROURKE: That is enough Zack. ZACK: Shut up bro, this Neanderthal started it. CORY: He doesn’t want a piece of me. JASPER: You need to stop. This is meant to be a fun party. Sam walks up to Zack. SAM: Come on let’s walk this off. ZACK: Fine. Sam pulls Zack away. Anne doesn’t know how to take what just happened. CORY: Sorry, Anne. ANNE: Yeah, whatever. Anne walks off. ANNE: I am so embarrassed. Mandy hears her say that and rolls her eyes. -- Cut to Greg and Dee in another part of the house. GREG: I think maybe I should leave and try and find a cheap motel or something. DEE: No come on, stay! GREG: This is the kind of scene I left my hometown to get away from. DEE: Those two guys were just being dumb. Fighting over a girl. GREG: I wish some people showed more fight towards those they want… DEE: Take a shot with me. She pours herself a shot and downs it. DEE: Ah gotta love tequila. She pours another shot and hands it to Greg. GREG: No thanks. He sets it down. DEE: Fine more for me then. She downs that shot too. -- Back to Zack and Sam. ZACK: I need to go find Anne. SAM: I don’t think that is such a good idea right now. ZACK: Yeah it is. Zack walks off to Anne across the room. ZACK: I’m sorry our fun got interrupted. ANNE: Me too. I think I am just going to go. ZACK: No please, don’t. ANNE: It’s for the best. This party seems to be winding down anyway. See you in school. She exits. Zack is upset. He and Cory turn towards each other across the room and exchange glares… -- At Dani’s apartment: MALIK: I should head home, but thank you Dani for a good time tonight. DANI: Thank you for chillin with me. We’ll have to do it again. MALIK: Definitely. Malik exits. Tea gives Dani a smile… DANI: What mom? TEA: I am so sorry for interrupting you two. DANI: You didn’t interrupt anything. TEA: Oh Danielle, we both know that I did! Dani breaks a smile -- Cut to Ben finishing up his glass of wine. Luke is rubbing Ben’s shoulders. LUKE: You are very tense you know. BEN: It’s from being so active with skiing and all probably. LUKE: I think I can work all those kinks out. BEN: I am just a tense individual too, but I know that you help for sure. LUKE: And you are a tense individual for sure. Luke continues to massage him. Ben looks up at Luke and they kiss. -- At the party: ROURKE: I know just how to calm everyone down here! He pulls out his bag of weed! JASPER: That just might work. MANDY: I am down for some more. ROURKE: Where is my brother? He is the one that can use a hit. JASPER: I don’t know where he went. …Dee is now drunk as she takes yet another shot. GREG: You love that stuff a little too much. DEE: (slurring) It’s tha be-best. GREG: I think I better take you home. DEE: You’ll have to sneak me in, but hey I’ll sneak you in my basement. There is a room down there you can stay in. GREG: Really? DEE: Yeah. GREG: That would be cool. They start to walk off, but Dee almost falls over so Greg has to help her walk. …Sam and Trinity are sitting together again. Camella is giving them both side eyes. TRINITY: Can we leave yet? CAMELLA: I think we probably should. SAM: I don’t know if I should leave Zack but hopefully his step brother or Jasper will make sure he is still not upset. CAMELLA: I don’t know why I come to white parties with ya’ll always actin’ a fool. TRINITY: Oh stop. CAMELLA: Can I get a ride home too? SAM: Sure. The three exit. -- Meanwhile, an upset Zack is behind the house. He downs a beer. ZACK: Dammit! I am so tired of all of my plans getting ruined. He sighs. ZACK: It was going so well and fun before Cory had to ruin it. Damn, damn, damn. He throws his bottle against the wall in anger shattering it. Zack stares on upset… FADE TO BLACK Credits roll *DON’T MISS OUT ON WHY TODD MUST GO TO PARADISE IN “JUST PARADISE”* *I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures.
ANOTHER WORLD 212 Devin Lucas Hutchins meets Lindsay Winthrop
Days22 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
Amazing episode. Loved every bit. I like Jake and Staceys concern. I think Lindsay will push Jake away like she has most everyone else tho. Devin and Lindsay have met alright. Gregory felt it as much as them it seems! lol. He did go into defensive mode right away and claiming his territory. I feel for him tho and how she really is pushing him away with all the turmoil. Christy with Cass and Frankie were my fave part. Christy is such a bullshiter and Im glad Frankie and Cass are somewhat onto her about her real intentions. Loved cass saying what would mean so much to us is you getting out of this house! LOL Carl feeling remorse as he inches towards death. Getting very excited for this big party tho. You are building it awesomely!- 5 comments
- lindsay winthrop
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AMC #26 - Did Brooke English Figure It All Out?
Days22 commented on Y&Rbiggestfan's blog entry in All My Children (AMC)
I'm glad Adam is protective of JR a bit there with David. David and his dire plans for him. I enjoyed Lizas little visit to Caleb. Claiming her man. I did enjoy the drama with them before. I am totally confused by Annie giving Emma back. It seemed abrupt. She does seem to have other plans. Looks like she wants to steal someone elses baby and Idk what the hell she wants to do with this bomb but interested in seeing where this leads. I am so glad Brooke busted them! I dont know how adam and skye are going to explain this one. Lots of mystery going on here which I love. Def looking forward to these four in the next episode. Some of the stories seem to be transitioning in this episode. What will Annie do next? And what will David, Adam and Liza do with Brooke? hmmm -
Written by: Nick M. At the college: Miranda and JJ see each other in the hallway. JJ yawns a tad over dramatically. MIRANDA: Is that your way of saying you are tired? JJ: I am pretty beat. MIRANDA: I did not mean to keep you up last night. So sorry about my scream. JJ: I thought you were under attack. MIRANDA: I practically was by that rat! JJ: Did you buy a trap yet? MIRNADA: Haven’t gotten around to it. JJ: You better or it might pop back out at you! MIRANDA: Don’t say that! -- At BRO: Eliza is downing a cup of coffee. Barbara walks up to her. BARBARA: Slow down there Eliza ELIZA: I need all the caffeine I can get. BARBARA: You didn’t sleep good last night? ELIZA: Last night? Grandma, I haven’t slept well since I started this job. BARBARA: Honey, you cannot let this place stress you out. ELIZA: Not just this place. My dad is a big part of it. BARBARA: Paul is stressed out himself. We all are. ELIZA: I just feel like I am always doing a jumbled bad job as my father’s secretary. BARBARA: It will probably just take time to get the hang of it. ELIZA: I just need a good pep talk. BARBARA: I’m not the best coach, but get to those phones and kick some a**! Eliza laughs -- Brittany is with Marcino eating breakfast. BRITTANY: You barely touched your food. MARCINO: I know BRITTANY: Are you not hungry? It is going to get cold. MARCINO: I am just not in the mood for breakfast. BRITTANY: You love breakfast, son. MARCINO: I know. Just not today. BRITTANY: Something must be wrong. MARCINO: No. I’m fine. BRITTANY: But are you sure? MARCINO: Yes, I am fine! BRITTANY: Sorry, but I don’t believe you. Something is obviously bothering you. Marcino huffs and puffs -- Steve is pleased when Terrance meets with him. STEVE: I didn’t think you would actually meet me. TERRANCE: Of course. We are partners. STEVE: Well not anymore since I quit the ISA. TERRANCE: Yeah, but we have come too far to stop working together now. STEVE: That’s a true bud right there. They shake hands. TERRANCE: I plan on seeing this case through. STEVE: So do I dude. TERRANCE: What is the next step? There is a knock at the door. STEVE: That is the next step right there. Steve opens the door and it is Hope HOPE: Hello STEVE: Come on in. We need your help. Hope enters. AT BRO: Barbara is still talking with her granddaughter. ELIZA: I’m not improving though. BARBARA: You are totally new to the job. ELIZA: Totally new to working in general. BARBARA: Give it time, Eliza! You’ll get the hang of it. ELIZA: I’m losing hope. Barbara’s office phone rings. ELIZA: I bet that’s my dad. Barbara answers it. BARBARA: Hello. Yes…okay. She hangs up. BARBARA: That was Paul. He wants you at your desk ready to work. ELIZA: Yay (rolls eyes) BARBARA: good luck. ELIZA: We need to have these talks more often. BARBARA: Whenever, hon. As Eliza exits Barbara’s office, Henry enters it. BARBARA: Henry! Didn’t you get enough of me last night? HENRY: I never get enough of you pudding pop. Henry kisses her. -- At the college: JJ: So…Miranda…I have a question for you.. MIRANDA: What is it? JJ: It is a little personal… MIRANDA: Okaaay… JJ: So I saw you and that guy that works at the coffee shop looking real chummy. MIRANDA: Hunter? JJ: Yeah, him. MIRANDA: What about him? JJ: You two dating or something? MIRANDA: Um, No. We’re just friends getting to know each other. JJ: Oh… MIRANDA: Why do you ask? JJ: Oh because he…just seems like a really good guy and all. MIRANDA: Yeah he seems to be. So…you saw us? You were watching us? -- BRITTANY: Please Marcino, open up to me son… MARCINO: I wish you would take my word for it that I am fine. BRITTANY: But you are obviously not. Marcino takes a big bite of his breakfast. MARCINO: There. See. I am fine. BRITTANY: No need to be a smarta** MARCINO: I just don’t want to talk about it and if you keep nagging me you will be bothering me. Brittany is becoming frustrated. BRITTANY: Is this all because School is about to begin? MARCINO: Sure mom. -- HOPE: What is it that you need me to do, Steve? STEVE: We are going to trap Stefano. TERRANCE: We are? STEVE: Yes. HOPE: How are we going to go about that? STEVE: First, you must contact Greta. She is this key to this. HOPE: Okay I will then. TERRANCE: She is the one that may be Stefanos daughter? Will she help? HOPE: She has no love loss with Stefano. TERRANCE: They could be close now. STEVE: I don’t think so. At least I hope not. Her help will be huge in trapping him. -- At the college: MIRANDA: I find it weird if you were watching me and Hunter. JJ: Watching is not the right word. It is not like I was staring, I just happened to see you both having fun and thought..those are two good people…having fun…how cute. MIRADA: Alrighty. JJ: Sorry if it was a weird personal question. MIRANDA: It is okay. I should get to class. JJ: Okay. Good luck. MIRANDA: I am starting to think all of our encounters are always going to be awkward.. She walks off. JJ sighs. -- Steve gets home and Kayla is there. KAYLA: Any luck? STEVE: I hope I am doing the right thing not using the ISAs help. KAYLA: You will do the right thing. STEVE: I hope this is not all for nothing. I hope Bo is really still alive and out there somewhere. KAYLA: We all are hanging on to that. STEVE: I feel like time is running out either way. KAYLA: I believe my brother is still alive. Hope does too. You are not doing this for nothing. STEVE: We’re about the take the next step. It will involve Stefano if all goes right. KAYLA: You better be careful. STEVE: You know I will, sweetness. The two kiss and embrace. -- Hope meanwhile makes a phone call. HOPE: Let this go right. HOPE: Hello…Greta -- At BRO: Eliza is at her desk hanging up a phone. ELIZA: That one didn’t go so bad. Maybe Grandmas talk helped. The phone rings again. ELIZA: Please god, not another busy day. She answers. ELIZA: Hello this is the office of Paul Ryan. The person on the other line has a deep voice. “I need to set up a meeting with Paul Ryan.” ELIZA: His schedule tomorrow is almost wide open. What time can you meet him? “Perfect. The meeting is not for me. It is a meeting for him to meet with a Todd Manning.” Eliza writes down Todd Manning onto her note pad. FADE TO BLACK *DON’T MISS OUT ON GREGS STORY AS WELL AS JUST WHAT TODD MANNING FINDS HIMSELF INVOLVED IN ON UNION CREEK* *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics.
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DAYS #78: Caroline and Kim say goodbye to Kayla, Roman isn't Chris?
Days22 commented on beebs's blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
First off, Awesomeee follow up from the last episode! Touching moments from Kay, Kim and later Caroline. I wonder what kind of good news Kayla may come home with. I figure it will be awhile until we find out but looking forward to it! The whole Nicole/Noelle/Eric stuff was just great. Rofl at all of Nicole's manic reactions. She is becoming quite the stress ball again. I wonder who Noelle is married to. I also wonder how Eric will deal with his current struggles. Good stuff here. This whole Marlena/Roman/Chris/Val stuff is also very intriguing. I have absolutely no idea where you are going with this but I like it that way. and that what de hell cracked me up lmao. Nice to get to know more about Jerome and Jordan. They will not be getting along. And what an ending. Kate and Lucas do know more than they let on. Love that too. I love how you set up all these sides and who is one step ahead of the other and who should you root for. It is one of my favorite things about your show.- 3 comments
- days of our lives
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ANOTHER WORLD 211 Christy makes an unexpected visit
Days22 commented on cnathanielrichardson's blog entry in BACK TO ANOTHER WORLD
Great focus in this episode. A lot of the characters focus was on Eric Stenbeck. Good timing as I think Eric would be interested in the current happenings in Paradise and Union Creek lol. I love KC. Another one of my faves on this show. She has the fire. Allen also had fire in this episode trying to lay down the law with Eric. Interested on seeing how Eric reacts. Very nice to see Kirkland and Charlie. Good married couple argument. Eric clearly in both of their minds. I also liked Charlie and Lindsays talk. You are truly great at those kinds of moments. Wow at Scotts text to Kirkland. Thats not a good development for him. Another cool visit from Ryan though. Im liking these little visits. Christy showed up at Cass and Frankies. I wonder what she has to say. Solid as always. Your focus is always tremendous! I've really come to love a lot of these characters dude -
Union Creek #21: As a party rages on...someone shocking is alive!
Days22 posted a blog entry in Union Creek
Written by: Nick M Greg has arrived in Union Creek Colorado after running away from Paradise New Mexico. He has parked his car near a creek. There are a group of young people sitting near the creek hanging out. GREG: I don’t know if this place is far enough away from Paradise, but I don’t have enough cash to drive away too far. He gets out of the car and looks around. He flashes back [Just Paradise #17] Outside, Greg is about to get in the car with Chavo but hears Ali scream. He hears Ali say “No! Please!” Greg turns around and goes to the house. He looks inside to see Vin about to hit Ali. He has a flash of his dad and then has a flash of his mom with a black eye. GREG: Dammit Vin! Greg rushes inside. GREG: Don’t! VIN: This doesn’t concern you, Greg! GREG: Oh yes it does. Greg goes at Vin and with all his might punches him square in the jaw knocking Vin out cold!! Vin hits the ground. Back in the present: GREG: If Vin finds me that wannabe hardcore gangster will want to kill me. …but where am I going to stay? I guess I can just sleep in my car tonight. All of a sudden someone taps him on the shoulder from behind. A stark look of fear flushes Greg’s face… *CATCH UP ON GREGS STORY IN THE FIRST 20 EPISODES OF JUST PARADISE!*-- Malik is at Danielle’s place. MALIK: You have a nice place. DANI: Thank you. MALIK: Thank you for inviting me over. DANI: Well you know, just wanted to get to know my coworker better. MALIK: We probably should keep getting to know each other. Will make the photo shoots we do together that much better. DANI: So true. Want anything to drink? MALIK: Just a glass of water will be fine. DANI: Coming right up. Danielle pours two glasses of water and then hands one to Malik and sits next to him. DANI: So go ahead. Tell me all about yourself. MALIK: Putting me on the spot I see… -- Trinity and Sam arrive together at the big teen end of summer bash going on at Zack’s friend Jaspers house. TRINITY: I don’t like being around this many people. SAM: You’re around this many people at school. TRINITY: Yeah and they are annoying enough there. Here they will probably be on drugs and alcohol and ten times more annoying. SAM: We can always join them with the drugs and alcohol. TRINITY: No thank you. Trinity feels a little relieved when she sees that Camella is also there. TRINITY: Thank god for a familiar face. CAMELLA: Hey girl! Camella and Trinity hug. CAMELLA: You came with Sam? SAM: Yes. Yes she did. Camella gives Sam a bit of a dirty look. SAM: We are neighbors you know. It is natural to come together. CAMELLA: Must be nice. I just have to drag her to these parties it seems. TRINITY: Can I drag you all to find somewhere to sit. The three start to try and get through the large group of people. Elsewhere at the party: Mandy and Zack are chatting. MANDY: I hear you helped throw this party with Jasper? ZACK: Yes I did. Not surprised that you found out that bit of information. MANDY: I find out everything going on with my peers. ZACK: Because you are always yappin! MANDY: Yes I know that’s why they call me motor mouth. You really enjoy calling me that don’t you. ZACK: It fits so well. Zack becomes completely distracted as Anne arrives at the party. MANDY: We should go dance like last time. Mandy takes notice of him being distracted. MANDY: Here we go. Earth to Zack. Mandy rolls her eyes. Zack turns back to look at Mandy. ZACK: Sorry. What? MANDY: Nothing. -- Todd and Gary are in the abandoned warehouse. Suddenly the person from the other room walk inside this room! The person stands in the shadows of the room. TODD: Now what is this?! The person speaks with a deep voice: “Find him. And if you see his mother Barbara…tell her hello for me…” Todd looks on towards the person in the shadows… TODD: Who even are you trying to be all mysterious over there? Out from the shadows walks James Stenbeck!! JAMES: That isn’t important. TODD: I happen to think it is very important. Gary what games are you playing> GARY: This is the old owner of the paper. The one that needs the document. TODD: Why is this document so important? JAMES: It’s all about the money. It seems likes you of all people can appreciate that. TODD: Okay duly noted on that. So this Paul Ryan is involved with your money? JAMES: You see, Paul and I go way back. Back to his birth you can say. He has somehow found out about my secret stash of money and is now trying to steal it all for himself. TODD: Can’t you all, you know, call the freakin’ police? JAMES: It is not that simple. TODD: I can tell it’s not simple if it involves the ISA and it sure must not be that simple to involve the new owner of the newspaper yours truly. JAMES: You are more than just the owner of the newspaper. I know all about you. TODD: I don’t like this Gary. This may cost you your job! JAMES: All I need is for you to find the document that Paul is going to use. So get it done. TODD: I do not take demands well, mister wannabe mystery. JAMES: Well get used to it! James glares at Todd. A young girl (Dee) is the one that tapped on Greg shoulder. DEE: I didn’t mean to scare you. GREG: You, you didn’t. DEE: Oh, well I am Dee by the way. GREG: Hi I’m Greg. DEE: It seems like my friends ditched me. I went to go pee in the woods and now they are gone. GREG: Pee in the woods? Greg can’t help but laugh DEE: I know that is probably kind of gross, but— GREG: --no I just already like how this place seems way more free than where I am from. DEE: Oh well cool, but I was going to ask a favor…if you could give me a ride to a party that is going on. GREG: Oh. I don’t know if I can I just want to find a place to stay for the night. -- Cut to Malik and Danielle MALIK: I don’t know if there is much to say about me. I was raised by doctors, but now not going to college myself. Aren’t I great? DANI: We all must do our own thing. So both of your parents are doctors? Sweet. MALIK: Yeah they are. It is not as great as it sounds. DANI: I don’t know it sounds pretty great to me. MALIK: They’re good doctors and love their jobs…if they still love each other is a whole different question though. DANI: Oh. Sorry to hear that. Beats my parents. My mom is a lawyer and my dad is a professional d*uchebag. MALIK: Ouch DANI: It’s true. MALIK: Tell me more about yourself. DANI: I think all there is to know about me right now is that I so want to do this… Danielle kisses Malik! -- At the party: Zack and Mandy walk up to Rourke ZACK: Hey I wanted to introduce you two. Zack looks around to see where Anne went. ROURKE: Yeah? ZACK: Yes, Rourke this is Mandy. Mandy this is my step brother. MANDY: Didn’t even know you had one. Guess I don’t know everything. ROURKE: I use to go to a different school until now. ZACK: Excuse me I have to find…Jasper. Zack walks off. MANDY: You know your brother has issues. ROURKE: You’re telling me. Zack is looking around. ZACK: I have to get to Anne before Cory does. Zack spots Anne and walks to her. ZACK: Anne! ANNE: Hey Zack. ZACK: So glad you could make it to our party! ANNE: I love it. This is a big one. Zack smiles …Sam meanwhile is at one of the coolers getting a beer. JASPER: Enjoying the party Sam? SAM: Trying to. JASPER: I saw who you arrived with. SAM: Yeah…and… JASPER: I hope you are not with her…you know? SAM: No… I don’t know what you mean actually. JASPER: Forget it. Sam gives him a questioning look as Jasper walks off. …Rourke pulls out bowl of weed that he is smoking. ROURKE: It’s pretty much done but do you want a hit? MANDY: I think that is just what I need. Mandy smokes some of it and coughs. Rourke throws the resin into the trash. MANDY: That all you have? ROURKE: I have more, but I think we should hit the dance floor first. MANDY: I would love to. Rourke grabs her hand and they go and dance. …Sam heads back to where Trinity and Camella are sitting with his beer. Camella is also drinking a beer. SAM: Are you sure you don’t want one Trinity? TRINITY: Maybe if it was just us three I would drink. CAMELLA: You look miserable. TRINITY: I am not. SAM: You are not having fun at all. TRINITY: I think I just need to go outside for some air. She gets up and heads outside. Sam gets up and follows her out as Camella shakes her head. SAM: I don’t think you should be outside here alone. Trinity smiles -- Cut to Todd, Gary and James JAMES: I am not trying to get bossy with you. TODD: Yeah you are. JAMES: It just comes natural to me. TODD: I get it. Some of us are natural leaders. Others are Gary. GARY: I am the best kind of help. JAMES: He is good help. Don’t take him for granted at the paper. Now can we focus on Todd going to Paradise and finding Paul? TODD: And when I find him? JAMES: Bring him to me. GARY: But don’t let him know why you want him here. Make it seem like something for the paper. JAMES: Honestly, I don’t care how you get him here. Just get him here and soon! TODD: I am only doing this for my next cut of money. JAMES: Gary, write him the damn check. Todd gives James a fake smile. TODD: Thank you. -- “Lean on” by Major Lazer and DJ Snake starts to play [:01] At the party, Mandy and Rourke have hit it off as they are dancing it up together. Rourke is clearly high but Mandy is enjoying his sway as she is up on him. [:11] Zack is with Anne. ZACK: I am just happy you made it. You know last time we were at that party together, I had so much fun dancing with you. ANNE: It was a good time. ZACK: I know you just got here, but now is the time to go have some fun again. ANNE: That is why I am here, to have fun. Let’s go. Zack and Anne make their way out to dance. Right next to Rourke and Mandy which Mandy does not seem too pleased about and throws her out of her groove with Rourke. Cory meanwhile is looking around. CORY: Anne should be here by now… [:40] Cut to Dani and Malik kissing at Danielle’s place MALIK: Wow! That was some unexpected greatness. DANI: I know you wanted it too. I just beat you to it. MALIK: I’m not complaining about that. DANI: Should we be doing this as co workers though? MALIK: I don’t see why not. Malik kisses her. The two fall back onto the couch and start to make out intensely. [:59] Cut to Greg and Dee DEE: Please give me a ride to this party. GREG: You look my age! What kind of party is this? DEE: This big blow out end of summer party. You should come too. You may like it and make some friends in a new town. GREG: I would like to do that. I also need to find a place to stay though. DEE: I am sure I can help find you a place to crash after. So what do you say? GREG: Sure why not. DEE: awesome this will be a fun party I promise! Greg doesn’t seem too convinced but they get into the car and Greg drives off… [1:30] Outside of the party… Sam is with Trinity TRINITY: I don’t mean to be a killjoy. I really don’t. SAM: Don’t worry about it. I know this isn’t your kind of thing. TRINITY: It is not. SAM: Besides, it is nice out here. TRINITY: It is and the sky is beautiful tonight with a nice summer breeze. SAM: True. Not the only thing that is beautiful though. Trinity is taken off guard by that comment. SAM: Sorry that just kind of came out. TRINITY: Don’t apologize. Thanks for the compliment… Both are smiling and looking into the others eyes. Sam and Trinity start to lean in for a kiss… [1:57] Back inside the party to all the teens drinking and dancing. Rourke and Mandy are still dancing and so are Zack and Anne. Zack leans in on Anne’s ear ZACK: We have some great dancing chemistry if I do say so myself. ANNE: We do. I agree. Anne starts to grind on Zack. Meanwhile Cory has made his way closer to the two. Cory sees Anne and Zack dancing together and does not look happy. [2:20] Cut to Todd arriving home. He looks a bit stressed out. Blair greets him with a hug. BLAIR: Everything alright? TODD: Yeah I am fine. BLAIR: Are you sure? I can tell something is wrong. TODD: It’s fine. Just work stuff. Todd makes his way to their room. He takes out the picture of Paul Ryan and looks at it. TODD: Looks like you are the prey man. Time to find you… FADE TO BLACK Credits roll *DON’T MISS SEEING GREGS STORY UP TO THIS POINT AND SEE WHAT PAUL RYAN IS REALLY UP TO ON JUST PARADISE!* *This show tapes many years in advance much like NBCs days of our lives so that is how the late great Anthony Herrera can grace us with his presence. *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics -
Sharon Newman is DEAD! #174
Days22 commented on aMLCproduction's blog entry in The Young and the Restless
The literal hits just keep on coming! Leslie smackin up Rox. I knw she is her daughter but I wouldnt mind Rox retaliating with some hits of her own. The one thing I didnt like was Nicks punch lolol. Nick had quite the strong reaction to the bad news I get. But Paul did not have a strong enough reaction to the punch itself. But I guess he was just being nice with the bad news. I get it. I'm so glad Noah called Nick out tho! Noah is becoming a fave. Nice jail scenes. Victor as Victor as ever. nd Drucilla still cracks me up. She gets the best lines! I'm looking forward to Vics plans for Michael. Cool of Rafe to get Roxannes charges dropped. Of course she wont take anger management courses lolol. Which I like. Sometimes i feel like I like your characters to be unhealthy with their issues but it makes them so entertaining dammit! lol I wonder what Dru will go and explain to Paul. Nice set up. I liked the change of pace here. Its been a very intense show for awhile now so I feel like this is the deep breath afterwards. I'm very interested in seeing where you take this show from here. -
DAYS #77: Valerie & Marlena catch up, Daniel talks Kim down
Days22 commented on beebs's blog entry in Days of our Lives: The Alternate Timeline
I loved the reintroduction to Salem to Valerie and to Noelle. Noelle and Eric came across very well but Nicole made those scenes. Rofl I could picture her with that reaction so much. Good stuff there. OMG Daniel STFU! Mr wannabe know it all is at it again. If anyone can take me from Billies side back to Kim's it is his. I have a hard time believing Billie will stay out of Theresas room and if she doesnt I so hope Kim finds out and Daniel loses his job. I love all the tech talk with Sheryl and Jerome and slow to get it Jordan. And of course I love me some Lucas so I am very happy that he caught them in this interesting meeting. I'm sure they will explain it away but I look forward to seeing how Mr Ex schemer himself Lucas responds. Okay so lmao at this ending with Valerie and Roman and her thinking he is Chris. Valerie was being quite nosy before with Marlena without Marlena asking about what Valerie has been up to. Quite the twist of a cliffhanger. Very interested in seeing how this is explained in the next episode. Awesome ep. You are so great and interactions coming across so real. I love that. I also love how pretty much every story ended in a cliffhanger from Nicole getting riled up and Lucas catching the three and Valerie and Chris. Awesome!!!- 3 comments
- kim brady
- billie reid
- (and 5 more)
Just Paradise #20: JJ hears Miranda scream/Will Greg get away?
Days22 posted a blog entry in Just Paradise
Written by Nick M Cut to Jeremy He meets with two people, Rina and Gus Rina is British and Gus American. GUS: About time you show up. JEREMY: I have been busy working on something. GUS: I can only imagine what you are cookin’ up now. JEREMY: Don’t be annoying. RINA: Yeah, don’t be daft, Gus. Gus rolls his eyes JEREMY: I am happy to see you two though. We have much to discuss. RINA: We do? JEREMY: Oh yeah. GUS: Can we have fun while we discuss? JEREMY: Sure why not.. -- Miranda is dressed in her pajamas. MIRANDA: I need some H2O before bed. She makes her way to the kitchen. She turns on the light and sees a rat scatter by! Miranda screams! Cut to JJ in his apartment next door. Miranda’s scream wakes him up. JJ: Miranda?! What is wrong? JJ jumps out of bed! -- Henry shows up at Barbara’s hotel suite. BARBARA: Henry! I was just getting ready for bed. HENRY: Well wake up baby! I am back in town. BARBARA: It is great to see you. The two embrace! HENRY: I come bearing gifts…well…food. BARBARA: It is much too late to eat! HENRY: It’s healthy, not fattening food Babs. BARBARA: What is it, carrots and ranch dressing? HENRY: Well actually, yes. BARBARA: Oh Henry. HENRY: I’ll feed them to you. BARBARA: Fine. Let’s eat.. -- At BRO: Paul walks in the empty building. He makes his way to his office. PAUL: I hope Katsu gets here soon. Paul walks into his office and Katsu is sitting there in Paul’s desk in Paul’s chair. KATSU: I am already here. PAUL: You don’t disappoint do you? KATSU: Of course I don’t. Not when it comes to business. PAUL: Excellent. KATSU: So should we start? PAUL: Yes we should. -- Cut to a nervous Marcino pacing in his bedroom. He calls Greg’s phone, but there is no answer and it goes to his voice mail MARCINO: I know this is like the fifth time I have called in the past hour, but you need to pick up your phone and talk to me! Cut to Greg who is in his room. Greg looks at his phone and sees he has another voice mail from Marcino. GREG: You had your chance to stop me. I must leave town before Vin finds me! Greg is packing up a suitcase. GREG: I’ll use to the money I helped stupidly steal with Vin and Chavo to find a place to go. Greg takes a deep breath. He then hears a noise outside of his window… GREG: Oh god… He turns towards the window in fear. Jeremy sits down with Rina and Gus RINA: So what is it you have to tell us? JEREMY: I just want you both to know that you will be included in what is coming up. GUS: Always the vague one. RINA: Sounds exciting to me. GUS: Anything mysterious is exciting to you. JEREMY: I promise much excitement. It is all we have ever wanted, really. GUS: You know what I want right now? JEREMY: What is that? GUS: What you brought in the bag. Jeremy lifts up a bag he brought and sets it on the table. JEREMY: Here. RINA: Bloody hell! One of you just open it already! -- JJ who is shirtless and in his Pajama bottoms is pounding on Miranda’s door! JJ: Everything okay in there?! I heard you scream! Miranda opens up and walks out into the hallway with him. MIRANDA: JJ, thank you for coming over! JJ: Well what happened? MIRANDA: There is a mean and disgusting rat in my kitchen. JJ: Oh…this is because of a rat? MIRANDA: Yes. Kill it. Please kill it. JJ looks inside. JJ: In your kitchen? MIRANDA: Yes. I’m not going in there, but you can… -- In Barbara’s hotel room: Henry is feeding Barbara a carrot stick. HENRY: Aren’t I just a romantic? BARBARA: Nothing says romance like carrot sticks. HENRY: Amen. BARBARA: Thanks for coming back to town, truly. HENRY: Anything for my little puddin’ pop. He kisses her cheek. HENRY: How is BRO by the way? BARBARA: Off to a good start. I hope you feel more positive about it now? HENRY: I am trying. BARBARA: Thank you. Henry sets down the tray of carrots and ranch dressing on the bottom of the bed. They then share a kiss -- AT BRO: Katsu pulls out a piece of paper from a folder. KATSU: Here we go. This could be the key to a fortune. PAUL: It is the key to a fortune. KATSU: Why yes, that is true. PAUL: I am glad we were able to connect on this business. I knew I needed the best in faking a document. KATSU: You came to the best and now you are getting the best. PAUL: I just hope it works. We need this money. I need this money. KATSU: Just a little more patience and you will have the money you want. Katsu looks over the document. KATSU: I think it is some of my best work. PAUL: You will get your share of the cut once this goes through. KATSU: I had no doubts that I would not take my cut. (smirks) -- Greg has heard something outside of his window and he is afraid. GREG: Should I look out…or run. If I run I’ll wake up my bastard father though. Greg slowly makes his way to the window. GREG: (Whispers) Don’t be Vin…don’t be Vin… He pulls his curtain aside and peeks out… It is just a cat who sees Greg and runs off meowing. Greg sighs in relief. Greg’s phone then rings and he jumps! GREG: God I’m such a freakin’ scaredy cat right now. It is Marcino calling yet again. Greg decides to answer this time. GREG: Hey… MARCINO: Thank you for finally answering! GREG: What do you want? MARCINO: You know what I want. I want you to not go off and run away. GREG: You had your chance to stop me and I respect that you felt uncomfortable and didn’t want to own up to your feelings but now you have to let me own up to mine. MARCINO: Where are you running off to then? GREG: Don’t know for sure, but I will find somewhere. MARCINO: Please just stay. GREG: I am sorry, but I cannot. I am leaving town right now. Greg hangs up. -- Jeremy opens his bag for Rina and Gus. GUS: You brought the good stuff again didn’t you? JEREMY: I always do. Jeremy has busted out a baggie of cocaine! RINA: Come to mama. Both Rina and Gus look to be in joy! RINA: Absolutely posh. JEREMY: Get to work on it, Gus. Gus starts to cut it up. He makes it into three lines. Jeremy, Rina and Gus all snort their lines… -- JJ is in Miranda’s kitchen. JJ: You can come in now Miranda is still in the hallway. MIRANDA: You killed it already? JJ: No but It is gone. Miranda reluctantly comes back in. MIRANDA: But it is still in here somewhere?! JJ: You need to by some mouse traps. MIRANDA: How am I going to sleep knowing it is in here still? JJ: I don’t know but I need to head back to bed as well. MIRANDA: Okay. Fine. Thank you so much for rushing over here though! So cool of you. She hugs him. JJ: It was no problem. I hope the rat doesn’t bother you any longer. -- Henry and Barbara are now making out on the bed. The carrots and ranch dressing tray is still on the bottom of the bed. Henry’s foot accidently knocks the tray to the ground! BARBARA: Oh no! HENRY: I’m sorry Babs. BARBARA: I hope that dressing doesn’t leave too much of a stain. HENRY: I am sure the maids will take care of it. BARBARA: They are going to hate me. HENRY: They’ll live! Henry goes back to kissing Barbara.. -- AT BRO: KATSU: I want to know the answer to something? PAUL: What is that? KATSU: Before your father died why did he go to great lengths to hide this money from you or from everyone? PAUL: Besides the fact that he was a crazed individual? KATSU: I guess… PAUL: My father and I had a tumultuous relationship. KATSU: Sorry to hear. PAUL: Don’t be. Because I am about to have the last laugh! Katsu hands Paul the fake document. Paul looks on at it smiling. -- Greg is sneaking around his house in the dark as to not wake anyone up. He goes into his little brother’s room. The fourteen year old is sleeping. GREG: (whispers) Hang in there little bro. I will be back for you. I promise. He exits his brothers room and walks past his parents room. He looks in at his mom and his dad. GREG: Sorry mom, but I have to leave for now. He then exits the house and gets to his car. He puts the suitcase in the backseat Greg gets inside and starts the car. GREG: Colorado here I come… FADE TO BLACK Credits roll **FOLLOW GREGS STORY AS HE HEADS TO COLORADO…UNION CREEK COLORADO! IN UNION CREEK #21! Coming soon *I do not own any non-original characters nor any pics. -
AMC #25 - David Hatches His Doppelganger Plan!
Days22 commented on Y&Rbiggestfan's blog entry in All My Children (AMC)
I think the scenes with Colby, JR and AJ came off very well. They were nice and felt like family scenes. At least JR does get to enjoy this moment. I'm going to have to see how this doppleganger story plays out. Its been so overplayed on the current Y&R Seems like Brooke plans on leaving Adam! Good for her. I wonder how Adam will react. I look forward to seeing how. I enjoyed the closeness of Bianca and Marissa as well. Nice 80s crime drama line lolol Adam and Skye are getting in deep with David. Idk know how long they can work together. I guess time will tell. Some nice scenes in this episode. It felt like families were actually interacting. Good work.