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Everything posted by Days22

  1. Written by: Nick M At the café: Zack walks in to see Sam and Trinity there sitting together. ZACK: Are you two still writing for the paper? SAM: Nah, we finished our last article already. We are having a celebratory hot cocoa. ZACK: Hot cocoa? Woah now! Don’t go too hardcore. TRINITY: Hot cocoa is the sh*t. ZACK: The summer flew by. Feels like it just started. SAM: That is so true. ZACK: You know I am trying to get the summer to go out with a bang though. TRINITY: How so? SAM: He wants to have this huge end of the summer bash. ZACK: Yes sir! Tonight! And I hope you two will be coming to it. TRINITY: A little late on the invite. SAM: You have other plans? TRINITY: Nah. I just don’t want to go truthfully. ZACK: Oh come on don’t be boring! TRINITY: I am far from boring. Trust. SAM: I’ll go if Trinity goes. TRINITY: Don’t put all this pressure on me, Sam. ZACK: I’ll give puppy dog eyes if I have to. Zack gives his best go at puppy dog eyes. TRINITY: Oh please stop. I will go if you stop. You look like you are about to burst into a seizure. SAM: Looks like I have a party to get ready for.. -- Marah arrives at her parents ranch. Reva is there. REVA: Hey sweetie. MARAH: Mom. I heard what happened! Thank god you are okay. REVA: Yeah she really wanted to mow me down. MARAH: Dad said that you think it is Lily’s neighbor Blair Manning? REVA: I believe so. MARAH: That is crazy if true. I hope the cops will handle this. REVA: I hope they will as well. I’ve told them that it was her. MARAH: And your ribs are doing okay? REVA: These old bones of mine are sore, but I’ll be fine. I’ve been through much worse. MARAH: That you have. -- Blair meanwhile is arriving home. BLAIR: I swear life in this town is turning into a hassle. She closes the door in a huff. BLAIR: And Todd is always at work. Never here when I need some comfort. She goes through some mail that is on the table. There is also a file that is on the table. BLAIR: He even left some of his work here at home. I just hope he helps me take down Reva Beast. I know she is trying to set me up for this alleged hit and run. What a psycho! Blair walks into a different room in a huff. Zoom in on the file on the table. On the file, it reads: Reva Shayne -- At the Union Creek Chronicle: Todd and Gary are with Luke and Jack TODD: I have a special assignment for you two He points to Luke and Jack. JACK: My first assignment. I have to say I am excited…but nervous too. GARY: Luke here is one of the best we have. He will help you out. LUKE: I hope it is something juicy. I am sick of the fluff pieces. TODD: I need you both to look into the almost hit and run on Reva Shayne that was in the police blotter. I know my wife had nothing to do with it so I want her off the hook. JACK: Now I am more nervous. LUKE: Why is that? JACK: I’ll tell you later. GARY: Help our boss man out. LUKE: We will try. TODD: Good. Jack and Luke walk off. TODD: So can we talk about this info I found out about? I want to know exactly what is up!! GARY: Then come with me. TODD: Come with you where? You know I can’t say I trust you. GARY: This isn’t stranger danger. We have to go now. I know more info too. It is all about to come out… Todd looks on intrigued… At the Café: TRINITY: I should go and get ready for this party. SAM: You really do look fine the way you are now. TRINITY: But still. ZACK: This is perfect. I will see you there then. SAM: At Jaspers house? ZACK: Yup. TRINITY: Where is that? SAM: I’ll give you a ride there. TRINITY: Coo. Zack gets a call from Jasper ZACK: Hey man! Are you pumped for this party or what? I know I am. JASPER: Of course I am bro. Got the house to myself and everything is set up. ZACK: Great. I knew you would come through. JASPER: Let’s get this party started! ZACK: I’ll be right over! -- At the Union Creek Chronicle: Jack and Luke are working together. LUKE: Why are you nervous about looking into this hit and run? JACK: Well you see, this Reva Shayne that was almost hit by the car…I kinda sorta live with her and her husband. LUKE: Oh…wow, but that’s great. You have an inside scoop. JACK: Yeah, but she is so convinced that Todd’s wife was driving the car. I do not want to cause ruffles with her. LUKE: The job of a journalist is never easy in that regard these days. JACK: She has been so nice to meet. LUKE: I understand. You know, this isn’t much of a story they have gave us. They have been giving me these long drawn out stories all summer. I don’t get it. JACK: That sucks. I will take the fluff. I need the practice…or re-practice.. LUKE: I can’t shake the feeling that Gary and Todd are up to something I mean where did they leave to in a hurry? JACK: I have no idea. -- Gary has taken Todd to what seems like an abandoned building of some kind. TODD: And we came here because why? GARY: It is a safe place to meet. TODD: Safe place? Are we in danger that I don’t know about? What the hell are you dragging me into? Pan up to the ceiling of the room. There is a camera watching them… TODD: Look I read your info and the ISA is involved in this somehow. They deal with high profile criminals. GARY: I have no idea why they would want this document. TODD: I don’t know if I believe that…but you said you found some new info. What is it? GARY: It is big. TODD: Just spit it out! GARY: I believe I have located the document. TODD: You know where it is? How? GARY: My source— TODD: --What source? GARY: I have good sources and they have found out who may have this document and where the person who has this document lives. TODD: Okay who and where? GARY: The where is Paradise, New Mexico. The who, is the man in this picture. Gary hands Todd a picture… -- Zack is at Jaspers house for the party. ZACK: How did you get so much booze? JASPER: My older cousin came through! ZACK: This is epic. I am so excited for the first time all summer. JASPER: You needed this didn’t you? ZACK: What I need is for this night to play out in my favor. Zacks happiness fades away ZACK: And this is not a good start. His step brother Rourke walks in. ZACK: What are you doing here? ROURKE: It is a party. You know I love parties. ZACK: Just don’t be annoying. ROURKE: No, no. I leave that to you. Rourke smirks and walks off. Zack then sees Cory arriving outside. ZACK: Who invited these damn people? Zack takes a deep breath and looks at his watch. ZACK: It is okay. It will all be right when Anne shows up. I will make it work tonight. -- Cut to Reva and Marah MARAH: I hope you will be safe. REVA: I can take care of myself, you know that. MARAH: Where is dad? And… Jack? REVA: Your dad is being a gentlemen and doing some grocery shopping and Jack got a job at the Union Creek Chronicle. MARAH: I am not leaving then. I don’t think you should be alone right now. REVA: I promise you do not have to worry about me. MARAH: What if someone is after you, mom? REVA: Someone is after me, but I can handle her. MARAH: Blair Manning? REVA: Yes. She is crazy. I know it was her who did this and I hope the cops are able to prove it. -- Blair finally sees that the file on the table has Revas name on it. BLAIR: What do we have here? Reva opens the file. BLAIR: Todd dug up some background info on Reva. Blair smiles BLAIR: He came through. She starts to go through the file and is very fascinated… -- Meanwhile, someone is watching Todd and Gary on camera from the abandoned building… But turns out the building is not so abandoned. The person is in the room next to the one Todd and Gary are in! The person walks towards the door and peeks in at the two. Gary has handed Todd a picture A picture of Paul Ryan. TODD: So this is the man with the document? GARY: I believe so. His name is Paul Ryan. He is who you need to find? TODD: Who I need to find? GARY: Yes you need to go to Paradise New Mexico and find him. TODD: This all feels too strange. Am I being set up? GARY: Nope you are helping the old boss of the chronicle get back what is his. TODD: This document? GARY: That is a part of it, yes. TODD: No. I don’t trust you right now. I’m not doing it. GARY: Just find that man! Find Paul Ryan. TODD: What is in it for me? GARY: A nice fat check. TODD: Well this can be arranged then… Suddenly the person from the other room walk inside this room! The person stands in the shadows of the room. TODD: Now what is this?! The person speaks with a deep voice: “Find him. And if you see his mother Barbara…tell her hello for me…” Todd looks on towards the person in the shadows… FADE TO BLACK Credits roll *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics.
  2. Wait...what? Nick punched Paul in the face? lmao. He better be arrested idc how much he's grieving! Freakin nick newman Really loved that Chance flashback. I got some goosebumps from it. I like that you dive into this war story. Phillip and Nina working together to find the children. This is good. So both Hillary and Mary are preggo. And anyone can be the father of Marys baby. Awesome. Love that twist. Neil lives!!!! Phew thank god. Sucks is Sharon is really dead, but Adam was not found either so hmmmmm
  3. I freakin love this story! You dont even know. Of course the timing is perfect for Michele to find out that Cory just laid the pipe on her sister. Poor Michele. I really feel for her. I do hope she gets some revenge on Bridget it is necessary! That was good though. I loved the dialogue with Bridget and Donna. And the used condom. Perfect. Lindsay continues her troubles and depression. Poor girl. I liked the talked between Stacey and Michael as well. Nice touch with Ghost Ryan visiting Vicky. It seems like he may be in the next episode too. I wonder what else he will have to say. Good stuff and I continue to be addicted to this Michele vs Bridget story.
  4. Solid episode! JR manipulating Colby was good. Though I guess he really wasnt totally manipulating since he was speaking the truth. Thats what makes it so good. Enjoy David and Adam being their villain selves! Interested to see more of what they are conjuring. Absolutely love the Brooke and Skye scenes. Two divas going at it. Some excellent stuff. I like the dynamics with Brooke/Adam/Skye. I also love that Skye turned to what I assume as fake passing out to get Brooke off her back. LOL love this. Marissa and Krystal was very intriguing. I want to know what Krystal was talking about as that was all very dramatic but well done. This was a good episode. Really making things interesting for the future!
  5. Written by: Nick M. At the hospital: Terrance is walking out of a room. NURSE: Did it go well? TERRANCE: Perfect. NURSE: Hope you feel better. TERRANCE: I plan on it. Terrance walks around the corner of the hallway and there sits Natalia NATALIA: Hey! TERRANCE: We should probably try and stop running into each other at a hospital of all places. NATALIA: Yeah, that is true. Are you feeling okay? TERRANCE: I am doing fine. And how are you doing with your physical therapy? Natalia stands up and starts walking. TERRANCE: No sh*t! Look at you! NATALIA: It is so good to be able to move again. TERRANCE: So happy for you. I knew you could do it! Both smile at the other.. -- At BRO: Paul is the last one at the offices. Or so it seems. Katsu walks into Pauls office. PAUL: Thank you for coming Katsu KATSU: I figured it had to be important if you wanted to see me this late. PAUL: I hope I didn’t take you away from any business. KATSU: I am always involved with some business. PAUL: A business man through and through. That’s why I came to you. Came to the best. KATSU: What can I help you with? PAUL: I think you may already know. KATSU: So soon? PAUL: Yes. I need your help again… -- At the womens shelter: Ali is with Charlotte and Jacy ALI: I should have listened to you, Charlotte. CHARLOTTE: Please don’t start beating yourself up of all things. JACY: I want to know what happened, girl? ALI: Well I did see Vin…and when I did I slapped him. Gave him a taste of his own medicine. JACY: That is what I like to hear! Good on you. ALI: It went bad from there though. I stupidly listened to him. I met him in public because I knew he couldn’t hurt me there, but he convinced me to go back to his place. Said his friends were there so we wouldn’t be alone. CHARLOTTE: They were not really there? ALI: They were, but as soon as we got there he had them leave and that is when he just changed. Changed back to his abusive self. He was going to hit me. Thank god his friend came back in and hit Vin! JACY: Vin still got what he deserved then! ALI: Yeah, but why did I even agree to meet with him. What is wrong with me? -- Cut to Vin looking at his mouth and lips in the mirror. Chavo is also there. VIN: Cannot even believe this sh*t. CHAVO: I am shocked by Gregs actions. VIN: I told him it was none of his business and he comes in here..and …and sucker punches me! How dare him! CHAVO: I’ll have a talk with him. VIN: Oh I will do much more! CHAVO: I can tell how angry you are about this. VIN: Anger doesn’t even begin to describe what I am feeling. So many mixed emotions. There is only one thing to do. You need to find him. CHAVO: I’ll try and get a hold of him. VIN: Good. Because when we find him. I am going to kill that bastard. Vin pulls out his gun! - Greg is with Marcino in Marcinos room. MARCINO: Dude, what is wrong? GREG: I have been messing up for a while now, man. MARCINO: What do you mean? GREG: I don’t want to tell you. I don’t want you to judge me. MARCINO: I would never judge you. You know that. GREG: Well I have been hanging out with some rather, shady guys for a lack of better term. A gang I guess you can say and I think I just pissed the leader off. MARCINO: A gang? What the hell?! GREG: Yes I know, but I said, don’t judge. MARCINO: Not judging. Just shocked is all. How did you piss him off? GREG: Punched him in the face and knocked him out. MARCINO: Oh…well I can see why he is pissed! GREG: I had a good reason. He was about to hit his girlfriend. MARCINO: Sounds like scum. GREG: I don’t know why I befriended them. They live in my neighborhood and reached out and now I am all caught up in this. He is going to kill me! MARCINO: I would hope he wouldn’t go that far. GREG: You don’t understand! He is not the most stable guy in the world! He is going to come after me and I do not know what to do! Marcino puts his hand on Gregs shoulder as they sit together on Marcinos bed. MARCINO: First you have to calm down. Greg pleads into Marcinos eyes. GREG: I’m…I’m really afraid of what Vin will try and do to me. MARCINO: I know, but we can think of something. Greg continues to gaze in Marcinos eyes. GREG: You really have a calming effect on me. Suddenly Greg kisses Marcino! At the hospital: TERRANCE: You finished with physical therapy here for the night? NATALIA: Yes. It went well. TERRANCE: You know, even though we keep running into each other here at the hospital we don’t have to stay here. NATALIA: If you have somewhere to go, you should. TERRANCE: No I mean we should go somewhere and hang out together. NATALIA: I would like that. TERRANCE: How bout some drinks? We can go celebrate your great recovery! NATALIA: Let’s do it! -- At BRO: KATSU: Are you sure it is time for this? PAUL: I am sure KATSU: You know we have to time this perfectly. PAUL: I know, but we are running out of time. KATSU: Yeah you’re right. PAUL: I have complied with all of your demands. You even get your own shipment which could be something that could get me in deep trouble. KATSU: Don’t worry about what I am having shipped in. PAUL: I am not worried. KATSU: You don’t have to tell me how much you have done. You do not have to prove your trust. You already did that. So far I have held up my end of the bargain too. I got you the money to reopen this company. PAUL: I know, but now I need more. I am ready for step two. KATSU: Step two.. Katsu smirks. -- At the womens shelter: CHARLOTTE: Are you ready to stop beating yourself up, Ali? ALI: I just wish I wouldn’t be so dumb sometimes! JACY: You really should give yourself a break. ALI: I know. I am just mad at myself for getting sucked in again. CHARLOTTE: It has happened to us all. Charlotte hugs Ali. ALI: I am glad you girls are here. JACY: We gotchoo. CHARLOTTE: This is all a learning process. For all of us. Miss Cho is trying to get us back on track. ALI: I think I have awhile to go till I find that track. -- Greg has kissed Marcinos who is caught off guard Marcino starts to get into the kiss…but then abruptly pulls away and stands up! MARCINO: What are you doing, Greg! GREG: What do you mean what am I doing? Kissing you. Marcino wipes her mouth MARCINO: Um…why? GREG: Because the moment was building to that. MARCINO: I have no idea what you are talking about. GREG: This is crazy. MARCINO: This IS crazy dude! I am not into dudes. GREG: Uh, yeah you are. MARCINO: How are you going to tell me what I am into? GREG: You have been giving me signals for so long now. You know you have. Don’t even try and deny it! -- Terrance and Natalia are at the casino sitting at the bar. Brittany is the bartender BRITTANY: Would you both like another? NATALIA: Why not one more. TERRANCE: I do. I have been working hard lately and not getting time for fun like this. BRITTANY: Coming right up. NATALIA: This was a good idea. TERRANCE: hang around me more and you will find that I am full of those. NATALIA: Better to be full of that than full of something else. Brittany hands them both their drinks. NATALIA: Thank you. TERRANCE: Ill make a toast. For your great recovery to continue and for you to get back to work on the force soon! NATALIA: Thank you so much! Cheers! Natalia and Terrance clink glasses -- Cut to Paul and Katsu: PAUL: So can we get this done? KATSU: I think we sure can. I’ll work on it tonight. PAUL: Fantastic. KATSU: You look a little nervous. PAUL: Of course I am. This has to get done. KATSU: No need to worry. I will pull this off. PAUL: Don’t get me wrong, I believe that you will. KATSU: I will. I have many connections in this city. Katsu smirks again. KATSU: We must meet here again early in the morning. PAUL: I’ll me back here in just a few hours then. KATSU: Won’t your wife ask questions? PAUL: My wife may still staying at a hotel tonight. KATSU: Oh PAUL: Don’t ask. -- Cut to Chavo still with a pissed off Vin who is still tending to his bloody and bruised mouth. VIN: Have you reached Greg? CHAVO: He is not answering my texts. VIN: Of course not, the coward. Keep trying. CHAVO: I can go by his house and see if his car is there. VIN: Good call. Go find out. Do all that you can to find him! CHAVO: On my way. Chavo exits. CHAVO: Greg, you have really done it this time. Back inside, Greg takes out his gun again. VIN: Nobody does this to me. He stares at the gun… -- Cut to Greg and Marcino. MARCINO: I am not into dudes! GREG: What about all the signs, man? Confiding your problems in me all the time? MARCINO: That is what friends do. GREG: What about the hug at the pond before we found the burnt car? MARCINO: It was just a hug! GREG: It was not just a hug, but if you want to be in denial, fine! MARCINO: I’m sorry if I…If I gave signs or whatever.. GREG: It was a mistake coming here. I have to go. MARCINO: What about the crazy gang guy after you? Where are you going to go? GREG: I don’t know but I need to leave here. This is just awkward now. MARCINO: Don’t feel like that. GREG: I’m leaving. In fact, I’m leaving town! MARCINO: You cannot just run away. GREG: Watch me. Greg starts to leave, but Marcino grabs him and pulls him back in holding his arm. They are now face to face. MARCINO: Don’t leave. GREG: Why not? If you don’t want me to leave admit that you have been giving me signals and feel the same way I do… Greg looks Marcino in the eyes and Marcino shifts his eyes downward. GREG: If not then let me go. Marcino lets go of Gregs arm. Gregs walks off and exits MARCINO: Dammit Greg! Why did you have to go and do all of this? Marcino looks on worried… FADE TO BLACK *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics.
  6. Well Im kinda surprised EJ actually did join Sami for therapy. Maybe he is finally ready to actually deal with their dark past together. Still very pleased that you are dealing with the real issues between them. Very realistic and I like it. Will dishin all to Gabi. Will certainly seems nervous about his attraction to his new boss. I liked how real this scene was between friends. Will feelings seem very real and natural and I like how he is questioning that maybe he is just angry with Sonny. Already loving the new dimension that Jerome adds to Sheryl and Jordan. I'm verrrrry interested in this story to see where it fgoes from here. And once again I guess the theme of my comment this time is real. Kims reaction to Daniel and Billie getting close is very real and while Ive been on Billies side I am most certainly on Kims side over her worries that Dan could sneak Billie in. And lets be honest Daniel is no upstanding citizen that he thinks he is so he probably would. Solid character driven episode. Real reactions. Excellent stuff.
  7. Written by: Nick M Zack and Sam are hanging out together. Zack seems excited about something. SAM: Why are you so giddy today? Did you kiss Anne or something? ZACK: Not yet, but that may be in the plans. SAM: Oh yeah? And how are you going to manage that? ZACK: My friend Jasper and I have a plan? SAM: The Jasper from school? ZACK: Yeah. SAM: I met him a few times. Seemed like a prick. ZACK: Jasper is cool. We are planning an end of the summer blow out party! SAM: That should be wild. ZACK: That is the plan, Sam. SAM: I hope you know what you are getting into.. -- Malik is outdoors with a big beautiful mountain in the back ground. MALIK: These are going to be beautiful. A photographer is setting up. Lily and Marah arrive. LILY: You picked a great spot for these. MARAH: I wanted these to be the best possible. MALIK: Hello bosses. I am surprised you came all the way out here? MARAH: This is an important start to the campaign. Of course we did. MALIK: I just hope my modeling will do this justice. LILY: I’m sure it will. MARAH: This is bound to be a success with you in it. MALIK: Wow thank you for such high regards. -- Holden is sitting in someones office. HOLDEN: Meeting with the Mayor. This should be interesting. He looks around the room at all the American memorabilia around the office. In walks Mayor Woods . Holden stands up. MAYOR WOODS: Holden Snyder, good to finally meet you. HOLDEN: Also good to finally meet you, sir. The two men shake hands. HOLDEN: I must say that it is still a surprise to know this job offer came right from you. MAYOR WOODS: I always have my pulse on the right people to help this city. HOLDEN: I wasn’t even aware that you knew me though. What makes me the man for this job? Mayor Woods looks on with a grin on his face -- Luke calls Ben Ben answers BEN: Hey Luke LUKE: Ben…good to hear your voice. BEN: Yeah…always good to hear yours too.. LUKE: I was hoping to come over and see you. BEN: Ah I wish you could. LUKE: Oh, are you busy? BEN: Yeah I have some errands I have to run. LUKE: OH…well that sucks. Maybe tonight then? BEN: Yeah, maybe tonight. Talk to you later. LUKE: See you Ben hangs up… Luke is disappointed. -- Meanwhile, Todd is in his office at the Union Creek Chronicle: He is on the phone with Blair . BLAIR: Please tell me you called Tea. TODD: I did. She was busy but she will be here. BLAIR: Thank you so much. I cannot believe both Reva and the police are after me for this. TODD: They have no proof. There is nothing to worry about. BLAIR: That hardly ever stops the police. They really think I am out to get Reva Beast or something. TODD: It will be okay. Just trust me. I have to do some work now. BLAIR: Okay fine. Don’t be too late tonight. Love you. TODD: Love you too. Todd hangs up. He then turns to his desk to look at a bunch of papers. TODD: Hopefully there is something here in all the info Gary has uncovered that will help me find this illusive document… Malik is posing for his pictures. Lily and Marah are watching. LILY: I’m happy he is not being stiff today and listening to the photographer. MARAH: A quick learner. I like that. Lily notices Marah staring extra closely at Malik. LILY: I can tell you do like that.. MARAH: He is good. LILY: And you are his boss… MARAH: What is your point? LILY: I am just saying. MARAH: I just think he was made for this. Nothing more. LILY: Good. Marah starts to watch Malik pose again…staring again…with lust in her eyes…. -- Cut to Holden and Mayor Woods. MAYOR WOODS: It is fairly simple how I knew you were the man for the job. HOLDEN: I would truly like to know why? MAYOR WOODS: Some of the city council members know you because of your wife and her new company here in Union Creek. As soon as I looked at your past job credential I just had a gut feeling. HOLDEN: I guess I should be thankful for your gut feeling. MAYOR WOODS: As long as you really will be good at this public funding job. HOLDEN: I still find it odd that I was reached out to for this, but I am ready to do the job. MAYOR WOODS: I have faith that this will go well. We need to start getting together funds for this city’s future.. -- Luke sits down at his cubicle at Union Creek Chronicle: He stares towards Todds office LUKE: Todd sure has been in his office nonstop the last few days. Wonder what he could be working on. I know I haven’t seen him work this hard since he took over. Meanwhile, Amnesiac Jack Deveraux has arrived. LUKE: Are you the new guy? JACK: Jack whatever my last name may be, at your service. LUKE: Hello I am Luke. Welcome to your first day at this lovely place. JACK: I hope I can get the hang of this journalist stuff. LUKE: You have no experience? JACK: Well see I think I do in the past, I just don’t remember my past per se. LUKE: Ah yes. I do recall your amnesia. This should be interesting. -- Todd is in his office still looking over the info that Gary gave him. TODD: There has to be something in here. Some kind of clue to this document. He flips a page over. TODD: Wait a minute… He reads the paper… TODD: Wow…this changes everything. He looks on stunned from whatever he just read… -- Ben has met with… Gary BEN: I didn’t think you were going to show up. GARY: I barely got away from work and was starving. I had to get something to eat. BEN: I’m not here for your excuses. GARY: I know. I know the only reason you are here. BEN: And you better deliver. GARY: No worries. You have been doing good work. Garys phone rings. It is a call from Todd. GARY: Damn I have to get back to the office. Gary hands Ben an envelope… GARY: There you go. BEN: Thanks. Gary rushes off. -- Cut to Zack and Sam. ZACK: I hope that you will be coming to this end of summer blow out party. SAM: Ummm I don’t know. ZACK: Why not? SAM: This seems like trouble. ZACK: You hardly even know Jasper. SAM: It not totally about him. I just don’t like huge parties and this one will probably be huge. ZACK: Yeah probably, but don’t be a spoil sport. SAM: Wow. I didn’t know people still said that. ZACK: You could even invite Trinity. SAM: Yeah that’s true. ZACK: mmhm.. -- Maliks photoshoot is now finished. Marah walks up to him. MARAH: Great job! MALIK: The clothing made it. MARAH: You helped immensely. MALIK: Thank you. You are too sweet. MARAH: You were a perfect hire. MALIK: I just want this mens line to be a success. MARAH: We all do and we are on the right track. Marah smiles. -- In the Mayors office: MAYOR WOODS: The contract is ready for you to sign. Holden looks it over. HOLDEN: I may be second guessing this. MAYOR WOODS: Why? HOLDEN: I still find the mystery of me getting this job offer is odd. MAYOR WOODS: It is just because we have confidence in you. There is nothing to be concerned about. This is for the greater good. HOLDEN: I do need a job and I like that this will help the community. MAYOR WOODS: Then by all means, please sign the contract. Holden indeed signs the contract… -- At Union Creek Chronicle: JACK: Is it okay if I go and talk to Todd. Let him know I am here. Maybe even get a first assignment. LUKE: You can, but he has been super busy with something. JACK: I don’t want to interrupt him, but I should see what he wants me to do. He is the boss afterall. LUKE: Well, good luck. Jack knocks on Todds door. TODD: What is it? JACK: Hey Its Jack TODD: Oh come in. Jack enters Todd office. JACK: Hey, it is just my first day and all, and I was wondering what I should do. TODD: I’ll tell you what you can start with/ JACK: Great TODD: You can start by getting me some coffee. JACK: Oh Jack is not pleased to hear this. JACK: Okay. Will get on that, boss. Jack exits and closes the door. Todd then looks back at one of the papers on his desk and seems nervous. TODD: This can’t be good…this seems to involve the ISA. Government agents. Has bad news written all over it. What the hell does Gary have me involved with? If the ISA is also looking for this document it must involve some kind of high profile criminal… Todd sits there becoming worried… FADE TO BLACK *I do not own any non original characters nor any pictures
  8. Man LOVE the opening with Mary/Van and the memories of her sexcapades! That was so well done and I loved them all making that connection. Amazing job with that, really. The police were busier than the doctors in this hospital! Rox gets arrested first. And still threatening Hillary. I really liked the interaction with Paul and Dru. Felt real and genuine. And then more confrontations. The action never stops in GC! Im kinda glad Leslie got one over on Sister Patterson and she was one of the arrests! LOL. "May god have mercy on that wig!" LMAO quote of the week. And then I was not expecting this cat fight with Phyllis and Dru. Hell that wasnt even a cat fight that was a knock down drag out fight. UFC eat your heart out. A nice culmination of a build for those two. I am glad Dru learned about Neil for a moment and looks like we may learn the fate of Nate but man I'm more so interested in the fate of Neil. I really gotta know this. He flatlined two episodes ago! Even after all of the climaxes in V Lou and Malcolms shooting this may be the most intense episode yet! Loved it. Especially the way you crafted the opening.
  9. oooo did I love this one. Good to see a little brotherly love with Allen and Tyrone. A lot of the focus was on Bridget and Michele and this story interests me so much. I can always feel the layers and its awesome. Poor Vicky thinking about Jake before Michele walked in. I believe Michele is genuine about not wanting to hurt her sister but of course she was and maybe still is so angry and imo rightfully so. I really love Donna and her interest for what is best for the family. The similarities bewteen marley vs Vicky and now Michele vs Bridget continue to be awesome. LOL at Michael still learning how to text. Poor ol chap. Niceeee sex scenes with Cory and Bridget! Condoms and all. The scenes were really well done and also go to show the vixen and Bridget and Michele showing up to the house at the end after all this sex. Im both looking forward to but afraid of what Bridgets next step is about to be.. Great ep. I love this story!
  10. Enjoyed the scenes with Krystal and Marissa. Krystal being very ominous with her daughter. I wonder if Krystal really is predicting her own future. Hmmm. Intrigued. I was hoping that Brooke would get to go see Skye but Adam is trying to be controlling. This all might start backfiring in his face and I hope that it does. I hope Adam doesnt stop her this time and she gets to confront Skye. Awesome cause for Lily to be involved this. A nice thing to touch on! I like the use of history. JR wants visits with AJ. I doubt Colby will help him but I guess we shall see. I liked how most of these scenes were character driven. Good job
  11. Written by: Nick M. Jesse walks into an office. The office of Police Chief Jones . CHIEF JONES: Welcome Jesse JESSE: Hello Sir They shake hands. CHIEF JONES: What brings you by this evening? JESSE: I have been trying to get this one on one meeting with you for a while. CHIEF JONES: Sorry it has taken so long. I took a much needed vacation. JESSE: Do you feel rested? CHIEF JONES: Ready to take on the city! JESSE: Wonderful then I hope you will like my fundraiser Idea. CHIEF JONES: Fundraiser? The forces fundraiser already happened earlier in the year. JESSE: Not that fundraiser. A different one. I want the city to put on a fundraiser for the city itself and I was hoping you would help out. CHIEF JONES: That is certainly…different. JESSE: The rough part of the city would become better with some help. CHIEF JONES: You really think that? JESSE: I do. They need their own community center. CHIEF JONES: You really don’t think a community center would put a stop the gangs or something do you? JESSE: I most certainly do chief. Chief Jones looks on doubtful… -- Lucas is home. He takes a seat and lets out a sigh of relief. LUCAS: Good to be home. What a day. His phone rings. He answers. It is Emily EMILY: Hello Lucas… LUCAS: Hey… EMILY: Are you busy? LUCAS: Not really. EMILY: Good because I need to see you quick! LUCAS: I didn’t plan on going anywhere. EMILY: Are you home? I can go see you there. LUCAS: I don’t know about that. EMILY: Come on. Please. I need to talk to you. LUCAS: Only if it is an emergency! EMILY: It is. LUCAS: Fine. 326 Dayton Street. EMILY: Be there shortly. They hang up. LUCAS: I guess I won’t be getting to rest. -- Steve returns home. Kayla , Hope and Carly are there. KAYLA: Any Luck? STEVE: Sorry to say, but no. Not at all. HOPE: The ISA doesn’t have any information? How is that possible? STEVE: Because something dirty is going on! CARLY: You really think so? STEVE: I am sure of it. That is why I quit! KAYLA: You quit?! STEVE: I had to sweetness. KAYLA: You know that I am happy you finally did. HOPE: How will we find info on Bo then? CARLY: Yeah. Good question. STEVE: We will have to do it on our own. It is not like the ISA was much help anyway. -- Cut to Daniel and Stefano STEFANO: We have a lot of important things to discuss. DAN: We sure do. STEFANO: We must go over what our next step will be. DAN: I was hoping we can discuss Jennifer. STEFANO: I said important things to discuss. DAN: She is very important to me. STEFANO: I do not know why. DAN: I do love her you know. STEFANO: She is not good luck for the ones she loves, you should know. DAN: I plan on changing that. STEFANO: Do not let Jennifer Horton get in our way. DAN: You do not have to worry about that. -- Meanwhile, Greg looks inside Vins house. He sees Vin about to hit Ali He has a flash of his dad and then has a flash of his mom with a black eye. GREG: Dammit Vin! Greg rushes inside. GREG: Don’t! VIN: This doesn’t concern you, Greg! GREG: Oh yes it does. Greg goes at Vin and with all his might punches him square in the jaw knocking Vin out cold!! Vin hits the ground. Chavo comes rushing in. CHAVO: What are you thinkin’ bro? What are ya doin’? GREG: He should not have his hands on Ali. ALI: Thank you, Greg. GREG: I don’t know what came over me. ALI: I should not have trusted him again. Why am I so stupid? GREG: You are not. CHAVO: When Vin comes to, he is going to want to kill you, Greg. GREG: Yeah he will. ALI: He is going to be livid. We have to get out of here. CHAVO: I am not leaving him. Vin starts to move a bit. ALI: I have to go. GREG: Come with me. Ali and Greg run out of the house… At the police station: CHIEF JONES: I’m not sure you are thinking hard about this fundraiser. JESSE: Listen, my daughter was shot by a gang member. This is really all I can think about. CHIEF JONES: We need to stop the gangs by cracking down on them harder with arrests. JESSE: …and a lot of them get off or get slaps on the wrists and go right back to the gangs. We need to take care of these kids before they turn to gangs. A community center and a lot of help will work. CHIEF JONES: I respect your drive to help, but these are just ideals. Dreams, really. JESSE: We won’t know until we try. CHIEF JONES: You have my support. JESSE: Thank you. CHIEF JONES: BUT, you are going to run into problems JESSE: How so? CHIEF JONES: You need to learn about this city more. JESSE: I know it has its share of problems. CHIEF JONES: More than you know. You better start to learn something about city politics. -- Emily is now at Lucas place. EMILY: Thank you for inviting me over. LUCAS: Wasn’t quite an invite. EMILY: I know. I’m sorry. LUCAS: Well what is this big emergency? EMILY: My husband and I had a huge fight yesterday. LUCAS: How exactly can I help with that? EMILY: I don’t even want to stay there with him tonight. LUCAS: Sorry, but I am not going to invite you to stay here… EMILY: I wouldn’t ask that. LUCAS: Phew. EMILY: The thing is my marriage could really be ending and if it is I do not want to be left with nothing. LUCAS: I don’t think he can take you for everything. EMILY: The Ryans will try. I just want and need a job. LUCAS: You don’t give up do you? EMILY: I will beg if I have to. LUCAS: Like on your knees begging? (smirks) EMILY: Here goes nothing LUCAS: No! I’m kidding. I’m not Daniel Jonas. EMILY: Just please give me that job! -- Cut to Daniel and Stefano DAN: You know, I heard about Jennifer way back. I had some talks with Peter before his incarceration. STEFANO: I didn’t know you two stayed close when you got older. DAN: We did get out of touch, but I’m glad we reconnected. He loved Jennifer too. STEFANO: Yeah at one point he did. That didn’t turn out well for him either. DAN: I can now just say that I understand why he loved Jenn. STEFANO: He would not be happy to hear you two were an item. DAN: I think he would understand. STEFANO: Well Daniel I am glad that you are in love and all, but I would like to get down to business and figure out the next step in keeping myself a free man. DAN: Fine. Any ideas? STEFANO: Always. -- At the Johnson house: KAYLA: There is still a possibility that Roman will find some info for us. STEVE: Not if he is using ISA contacts. CARLY: You are really down on the ISA right now. STEVE: I think someone has infiltrated them. Probably Stefano himself. KAYLA: I should warn Roman. STEVE: Roman isn’t listening. HOPE: This is just ridiculous. I cannot believe all of this is happening and at Bos expense. Hopes phone rings. CARLY: That your boyfriend, Aiden? HOPE: Don’t worry about it. Hope looks at her phone. HOPE: I don’t know this number. She answers. It is Greta GRETA: Hope…this is Greta Von Amberg. HOPE: Greta? Wow. Long time. GRETA: It has been. I have been trying to get ahold of Bo but cannot. I called the Brady pub and Caroline gave me your number. HOPE: Why were you trying to get in touch with Bo? GRETA: Because Stefano has been here in England. HOPE: Stefano? This perks Steve, Kayla and Carlys ears. GRETA: Yes. He has been trying to say he is my father. HOPE: I hope that is not true. GRETA: Oh me too. I do suspect he is back in the states now though. I wanted to let Bo know. HOPE: Are you sure of that? GRETA: Almost certainly. HOPE: Greta you are a miracle caller. We could use your help… -- Greg is dropping Ali back at the womens shelter. ALI: Thank you for the ride…and for everything really. GREG: I am sorry if Vin has been abusing you all of this time. ALI: I can’t believe I have put up with it. GREG: You have to promise me not to fall for his words anymore. ALI: I know now. I guess I just learn things the hard way. GREG: It is great that you are in a shelter. I wish my mom would come here. ALI: Does your father do something to your mom? GREG: It is a long story. ALI: I am sorry if so. GREG: Yeah me too. I better leave though and figure out where I am going to go myself. ALI: Thank you so much. Good luck. I hope Vin doesn’t come after you GREG: Good luck to you too. Ali hugs him. -- Jesse is still with Chief Jones. CHIEF JONES: I think you should discuss this with the city council, though You will probably get turned down. JESSE: I would hope they wouldn’t do that. CHIEF JONES: I want a pair of your rose colored glasses. JESSE: I guess this town is worse than I thought. CHIEF JONES: It can get worse, but I wish you luck. This is commendable. JESSE: Thank you. I’ll see what happens. I am determined. -- At Lucas House EMILY: So do you want me to beg for the job or not? LUCAS: You do not have to beg. EMILY: So I am hired? LUCAS: I do like this tenacity of yours. EMILY: I hoped you would. LUCAS: You have a job! EMILY: Thank you so much, Lucas. She hugs him tight. EMILY: I will be a great employee and I hope to be a good friend to you like you are to me. LUCAS: I guess I’ll go to you when I have an (puts his hands in air quotations:) emergency. EMILY: Yes. Please do.. -- Greg meanwhile has shown up outside of Marcinos house. GREG: I hope he is here. Answer my texts man! Greg texts Marcino again to please come outside. Marcino does come outside. GREG: Can we please talk? MARCINO: Of course, man. Something wrong? GREG: Yes, very. I need your help. MARCINO: Come inside. We’ll talk in my room. They go inside.. -- At the Johnson house: KAYLA: What exactly did Greta say? HOPE: Stefano has been in England and says he is her father and now she seems sure that he is back in the states. STEVE: I wonder if he could even be near. CARLY: He could be. STEVE: I don’t know who to go to with this info since I quit the ISA. I’d rather they not know anyway. HOPE: What about Roman? STEVE: I’ll discuss it with him. CARLY: Can we even trust Gretas word? HOPE: Yes we can. You do not even know her so don’t make any assumptions. CARLY: I just want us to do the best for Bo. HOPE: We will do the best for him because I think he is still out there….somewhere… KAYLA: Greta really could be a great help. STEVE: Do you think she will help with whatever we need her to? HOPE: I think so.. CARLY: She better. -- Back to Daniel and Stefano DAN: I do wonder why you do not just kill these people that get in your way. STEFANO: That is too simple, my friend. Nothing is worth it unless it is a part of the game. If I am going to win I want to win my way. Besides, I do not get my hands dirty. DAN: You could just have Bart kill them. STEFANO: Please, Bart is practically a puppy. He is only good to have around because he listens well. DAN: Well I have an idea you will like. I know just how to get Bo out of your hair and stay a free man. STEFANO: What do you have in mind? DAN: It is simple, really. We just use my drug concoction again. STEFANO: The drug you used on Jack Deveraux? DAN: Precisely. I have come up with an amazing drug right there. STEFANO: Yes, it fried all of Jacks memories. DAN: And we can do the same to Bo. STEFANO: I love it, Daniel. Make more of your drug and get ready. Stefano cackles FADE TO BLACK *I do not own any non original characters nor any pics.
  12. Written by: Nick M Camella is With Trinity at the Davis household. CAMELLA: So that article you wrote is on point, Trinity. TRINITY: Happy that you dig it. CAMELLA: It was real. Proud of you getting’ real with America. TRINITY: I just hope it makes people think. CAMELLA: It sadly won’t make too many white people think. They will try and block it out. TRINITY: You think it’s that cynical? CAMELLA: Fo sho. These cops are not stoppin’. TRINITY: Sure doesn’t seem like. CAMELLA: They aren’t. There was just another shooting of an unarmed black teen down in Texas. TRINITY: Sickening. CAMELLA: Almost like a race war. The more things change the more they stay the same for us. TRINITY: Have any positive news? CAMELLA: Well, there is a party going on that we should go to. TRINITY: I don’t know if I feel like partying. CAMELLA: Oh come on it will be fun. We can get our drink on. TRINITY: Fine because I know you will bug me until we go! Meanwhile, Downstairs: Eartha has arrived home. Malik and Morris are sitting down having some beers. MALIK: Hi mom. EARTHA: Hey guys…that is not a beer is it… MORRIS: It’s not going to hurt him. EARTHA: He is underage. MALIK: Please do not start a fight about this. Eartha gives Morris a dirty look. Morris uses the moment to take a swig of his beer. MALIK: I will be twenty one very soon. EARTHA: I won’t be the Debbie downer. MALIK: Thank you. Eartha hastily walks upstairs. She has a flashback: Young Eartha is with Young Morris . He is having a beer while she drinks a bottle of water. YOUNG EARTHA: Must be nice to be the older man on campus getting to drink whatever you want? YOUNG MORRIS: You wouldn’t even like this beer. YOUNG EARTHA: True, but it’s about the freedom. YOUNG MORRIS: Well, you are almost my age. Almost legal. YOUNG EARTHA: Then we can party together! YOUNG MORRIS: If that’s what you want. YOUNG EARTHA: It is. They kiss. YOUNG EARTHA: Loosen up. Why are you stiff? YOUNG MORRIS: The beer should loosen me up soon. YOUNG EARTHA: You should be chill with me already. If this is about our relationship, I told you we are official. YOUNG MORRIS: I know. It’s all good. Don’t worry. He kisses her again. YOUNG EARTHA: I’m not worried. Eartha comes back down to the present. -- Reva and Josh get home. Reva is still in pain and walking sorely. REVA: It’s the sh*ts getting old, Joshua. I am so sore already. Tomorrow I probably won’t even be able to move. JOSH: I will do whatever I can to help Jack walks in. He sees that Reva is in pain. JACK: Hello…something wrong? REVA: I am in pain and the pills have not kicked in yet. JACK: What happened? JOSH: Someone tried to kill her. JACK: What?! REVA: A car sped right at me earlier today. JACK: That’s crazy. JOSH: Would you happen to know who would do something like that? JACK: Wait…you don’t think this had something to do with me do you? Josh stares down Jack… -- Elijah has arrived at the Manning house. Blair opens up. BLAIR: Hi officer, I hope this has something to do with the charges I tried to press against Reva Shayne? ELIJAH: This does have something to do with Reva but not about charges against her. BLAIR: What is she up to now? You know she attacked me at the store today! ELIJAH: Oh yeah? BLAIR: Yes. She is too much. ELIJAH: You wouldn’t have happened to try and get revenge did you? BLAIR: Just what are you getting at Officer Smith? ELIJAH: Someone tried to run over Reva with a car. Camella and Trinity arrive at the party. TRINITY: I am not going to like this. CAMELLA: Please stop complaining. TRINITY: I don’t like being around a lot of people. Let alone drunk people just stumbling around and being obnoxious. CAMELLA: You are being over dramatic. This is one of the cool parties. I know the people. They walk near some coolers. CAMELLA: Grab a beer. TRINITY: No thanks. CAMELLA: Well grab me one then, please. Trinity gets one for her. Zacks teenage step brother Rourke is also there. He sees Camella. ROURKE: Hey you, long time no see. CAMELLA: Rourke, how is life on the north side? ROURKE: The same as ever. TRINITY: How do you two know each other? ROURKE: She use to come to my school. Funny thing is I may be going to your guys school this year. CAMELLA: That will be trouble. TRINITY: What is that smell? ROURKE: Not me, I hope. CAMELLA: I think it is you. Sure smells like weed. Don’t tell me you brought some here! ROURKE: Of course I did! -- Eartha goes back in time again in her memory: Young Eartha is now with Young Elijah . YOUNG ELIJAH: I am so happy you are back in town for a while this summer. YOUNG EARTHA: Really just two weeks before I have to head back. YOUNG ELIJAH: Any time with you will be amazing. It’s been a long year without you. YOUNG EARTHA: I’m sorry to say, but we won’t be spending much time together this summer. YOUNG ELIJAH: What do you mean? I’ve waited so long. YOUNG EARTHA: I don’t know how to tell you this. YOUNG ELIJAH: Tell me what? YOUNG EARTHA: Elijah, you know I love you but I cannot do this to you. YOUNG ELIJAH: Do what? Spit it out! She turns away from him nervously. YOUNG EARTHA: I have to break up with you. YOUNG ELIJAH: What the hell are you talking about? He yanks her back around. YOUNG ELIJAH: Oh my god my worst fear came true didn’t it! You met someone else? Young Eartha starts to tear up and shakes her head yes… Back in the present: Eartha deep sighs… -- At the Lewis Ranch: REVA: This didn’t have anything to do with Jack. I know who was driving that car. JOSH: I am just saying that Jack thinks he is being looked for and someone may have found him here. JACK: I hope not. REVA: Why would they come after me? JOSH: For helping him. JACK: I knew I shouldn’t have moved in here! REVA: No, dammit. Stop this. This wasn’t about Jack. I told you and Elijah who did this. JOSH: But how could you be sure. You only saw the hair. REVA: I saw enough of the hair to know who tried to hit me. JACK: Well what’s with the suspense? Tell me who it was? REVA: It was that b*tch, Blair Manning! -- Elijah is with Blair. BLAIR: This is ridiculous! ELIJAH: I am sorry you feel that way, but her memory of the driver and the description seems to fit you. BLAIR: She could just be saying that. Are you sure she was even almost hit? She seems like the type that could be making that up. ELIJAH: She has been medically examined and is actually hurt. BLAIR: Well I would like to get a lawyer if you are really accusing me of this. ELIJAH: Do you have an alibi? Where were you between 4 and 5? BLAIR: I want to call my lawyer. ELIJAH: I am just asking some questions. If you want to go down to the station that can be arranged. BLAIR: No, no okay. I was visiting my husband at work. ELIJAH: And he can verify that? BLAIR: I’m sure he can. Blair looks on worried… -- At the party: CAMELLA: Why did you have to bring weed? TRINITY: The smell is awful! CAMELLA: I hate it. ROURKE: Don’t be a couple of haters. CAMELLA: I’m not hating. Just sayin. ROUKE: I came here to chill out. TRINITY: Who comes to a PARTY to chill out? ROURKE: Me, bro. TRINITY: Bro? Who is this guy? CAMELLA: He’s an oddball. TRINITY: Tell me about it. CAMELLA: Let’s go drink. TRINITY: I mostly just want to go home. -- Malik walks into his mothers room, Interrupting her memories. MALIK: Mom… EARTHA: Something wrong Malik? MALIK: Just wondering if you want to join me and dad for some pizza and wings? EARTHA: Um, I’ll take you up on that offer, actually. MALIK: Great. They go downstairs Eartha sits next to Morris. Morris smiles… -- At the ranch: JACK: Todd’s wife did this? REVA: It had to be her. JACK: This is going to make my new job awkward. JOSH: You got hired at the newspaper? JACK: I did! REVA: Congratulations. I just hope Todd is not as bad as his wife. JOSH: I am happy to hear you got a job though. JACK: Maybe I’ll be out of your hair in no time. REVA: No hurry. JACK: If it really was Blair tho, I hope she is taken down. REVA: I hope she is being arrested as we speak. -- Todd arrives home to see Elijah with Blair. TODD: Blair why is a police officer here? BLAIR: He thinks I did something absurd. TODD: What do you think she did? ELIJAH: She has been identified in a possible attempted murder? Todd chuckles. TODD: You can go. (he points to the door) ELIJAH: This is no laughing matter. Reva Shayne could have been killed. TODD: Reva? ELIJAH: …and I won’t be going until I know if your wife was with you at your job between 4 and 5 PM. TODD: She did come over for a visit. ELIJAH: I hope your cameras there will prove that it was between the time period in question. TODD: I’m sure they will. ELIJAH: If evidence is found you will have to come to the station, Blair. BLAIR: And this time my lawyer will be with me. Call Tea, Todd! Call her now. Elijah exits. BLAIR: Well are you going to call her? TODD: Wait Blair, when you came by my office you wanted me to look up info on Reva Shayne Lewis. Why is that? BLAIR: Certainly not because of this! She looks on… FADE TO BLACK *I do not own any non original character nor any
  13. Greenlee is lashing out in her ranting which is understandable but is not going to help her out. I wonder if she and Annie will have a showdown comin Nice talk with Angie and Joe about Opal. Im glad Angie has all of this faith in the treatment and I hope she is right. A new Lily has arrived back into town. I wonder what she will bring to the show. This Skye stuff is very interesting. It has me intrigued just why she is back in town. I also like that Brooke is being nosy about it. Looking forward to their next scenes together and of course Adam is always in the mix too so this is interesting...
  14. I loved this. Gotta love this power struggle with Nick and Sami. Wonder what is up with Nicks head pain though. Maybe all this trying to out think everyone is getting to him. Or it could be a lot worse than that. As always, great Nick scenes. Valerie! Yes. I really enjoyed that whole redebut for her. Awesome board meeting. Wonder what Steve is doing in Africa tho hmm. I also laughed at Marlenas line about it being a very very long story for her and Roman. This will be fun. I have to say you did awesome with that Rafe and Jordan scene. Nice and steamy. Loved it. And then enter Jerome. Adding yet another great element to this show. Looking forward to finding out this history between Jordan and Jerome. As always you do a fantastic job of weaving together these stories and I am quite excited for what lies ahead.
  15. I'm glad you gave a lot of background on Maggie from the past to let me know a little bit about her. I wonder what she will bring to the table. I like the closeness with Sharlene and John and her supporting him to be the chief of staff. Russ also going for the job is a nice twist. I do know some of the history there with those 3 from youtube episodes. So this could be fun. Im not as clear on the history with Russ and Iris and their grandson. I do like every time someone mentions Iris Spaulding money tho lolol I like how giddy Felicia is about this newly found grandson...her drink she had should be kicking in any moment now tho... At least Devin and Carl got to have this moment. That should be good for Devin, right? Tho i have a feeling he will be quite rough around the edges.
  16. Helluva hectic family scene to start the show! I dont know why but I love Rox kicking Hillarys ass. Granted, Im sure she went too far but I liked it. I wonder how Spencer and Leslie will deal with what just happened between them. And what an awesome video opening to go with it.. It was nice to see Daniel and Phyllis and Daisy. I found Phyllis her obnoxious self with both her reaction to Daisy and to finding out the news about Avery. Damn Scotty is just horny AF right now. Nice use of flashback. That was a good scene back then to really describe how Scotty was feeling. He is such an interesting character. I like these struggles he is going through and look forward to seeing where they lead. Checking out Noah too, yikes. Poor Dru will someone tell her that Neil just flatlined FFS! At least Nick and Noah finally found out about Sharon. I liked Daisys reaction to Lily showing shades of her mommy Sheila. Im glad Mary is still alive! I really dig that Ho. Great stuff and some great dialogue as always! and thank you very much for the shout out!
  17. This was a solid episode. Some sweet scenes with David, Cara and their kid. At least this gives a human side to David who always seems to be up to something like he is now. Lovedddd the skye and Brooke stuff. Really glad that you had Skye looking for Stuart. Nice touch there and a nice touch up on her past. Is she really changed? I guess we as well as Brooke will see. Jesse wants to combine cases. Hmm interesting. I wonder how Jesse plans on finding Emma and Annie. I do want to see where this goes and if the cases do combine. Happy that Joe has found a drug that could work for Opal. Hopefully it actually does!
  18. Written by: Nick M. At BRO: Paul knocks on Barbaras office. BARBARA: Come in? PAUL: I can’t do this. BARBARA: What do you mean? What’s wrong, son? PAUL: It has been chaos today. So many shipments of possible materials. BARBARA: Material is important. We need the right ones. PAUL: I know. I know that you want your designs to be perfect in every way. BARBARA: I sure do. PAUL: I just did not get much sleep at all. BARBARA: Why not? PAUL: Emily. BARBARA: Trouble in paradise? Why am I not surprised? PAUL: A lot of trouble. We had a giant fight. BARBARA: I don’t know why you put up with that woman. She has not supported you one bit with this company. PAUL: I let her have it. BARBARA: Good. -- Cut to Vin who is looking at his watch. Vin is outside near a busy park. VIN: Where is she? He looks around. VIN: She wanted to make sure and meet in public, well here I am! Ali has arrived at the park as well. VIN: There is my beauty. Ali slowly walks up to him. VIN: Can I hug you? ALI: No. VIN: Okay… ALI: Thank you for agreeing to meet me in public. VIN: Thank you for agreeing to meet me, period. It is so good to see you. ALI: Yeah, I am glad to see you to so I can give you this… Ali slaps Vin hard right across the face! Vin looks on shocked… -- JJ is with his mother, Jennifer . JJ: You didn’t have to bring me over a whole meal. JENNIFER: You ate like a king though didn’t you? JJ: I did. Thanks mom. JENNIFER: I’m sure school work doesn’t give you a chance to cook your own meals. JJ: Not at all. JENNIFER: Then I am happy to help.. JJ: Now don’t get sad or anything but at first I was a bit disappointed that you were moving here too, but I think it’s really cool that you and Daniel came here. JENNIFER: That’s sweet son. She hugs JJ. -- Cut to Steve and Terrance . TERRANCE: Are you sure he is meeting us here? STEVE: Yes. Agent Donnelly should be on his way. TERRANCE: And you are sure he was the one in charge of Bo’s mission to find Stefano? STEVE: That is the info that Roman was able to get. TERRANCE: Well then Agent Donnelly has some explainin’ to do. STEVE: I just hope he has some info that we can work with. TERRANCE: That is the idea. STEVE: I just hope he gets here soon. -- Bart has arrived at the house that Bo is being held in. Bart hears a voice… “Hello Bart” Bart jumps as he turns and sees Stefano standing inside! Bart drops his keys. BART: Stefano! STEFANO: I told you I was coming. BART: We-welcome sir. STEFANO: And as promised I am not alone. One of the people that has helped us immensely has come to meet us here too. The person walks into the room… That person is Doctor Daniel Jonas. BART: Wait…what? DANIEL: Stefano, good to see you back. Daniel and Stefano shake hands. BART: Doctor Jonas has been helping you? DANIEL: I have indeed. STEFANO: And what a great help he has been. (Cackles) Jennifer is still with her son at his apartment. There is a knock at the door. It is Eliza . ELIZA: Hi JJ…and JJs mom. JENNIFER: Hey there! I am still thankful that you helped us around when we first got to town. ELIZA: It was no problem. JJ: What brings you by? ELIZA: Well I just got off from a stressful day at work and wanted to see if you would like to go out for some coffee? JENNIFER: Sound good to me, I was just about to head home and wait for Daniel to get off of his first day at the hospital. Jenn winks at JJ. JJ: Well then I guess I am all free for coffee. ELIZA: Awesome! JENNIFER: I will see you both later. ELIZA: Shall we head out now too? JJ: Works for me. -- Agent Donnelly is now with Steve and Terrance. AGENT DONNELLY: This is about Bo right? STEVE: Of course it is. TERRANCE: Were you in charge of his mission? AGENT DONNELLY: I was the go to agent at the top, yes. STEVE: We want to know all about Bo’s case. AGENT DONNELLY: I am certain they have debriefed you on the important parts. TERRANCE: What do you consider the non important parts? AGENT DONNELLY: Are you two grilling me like I have something to hide? STEVE: I just want to know everything that Bo was doing. If you were the agent he kept going to with all his info, then you will know. AGENT DONNELLY: I brought my computer for this very reason. I can show you all of Bos log journals that I have. TERRANCE: Perfect! STEVE: Do other higher ups in the ISA know that you are willing to give this info? AGENT DONNELLY: I just want to show that I have nothing to hide. He clicks on some files that pop up. But what pops up is: ITEMS NOT FOUND. AGENT DONNELY: No damn way. They’ve been deleted! -- Cut to Daniel with Stefano and Bart. BART: When did this partnership begin? Blows my mind. STEFANO: Don’t lose what little of it you have left. DANIEL: I would say our partnership goes way back. STEFANO: You see, Bart, I have known Daniel since he was a child. He had been adopted by some friends of mine who lived in Aremid. DANIEL: Oh yes. The people of Salem just think I am Maggies damn egg baby and I am, but I was adopted by some folks who were close to Stefano and the Blakes. I was good friends with Peter when he was a child. STEFANO: It has been brilliant, Bart. They have no clue of this connection between Daniel and me. DANIEL: I have even duped everyone in Salem with them practically thinking I am like a god. STEFANO: This man right here, took care of one problem in Jack Deveraux. DANIEL: I sure did. Found out he was on the look for Stefano and locked him up in Colorado. I started drugging him up and now the guys head is completely fried. BART: I thought he escaped. DANIEL: He did, but he is no problem now. I saw on the article from the Union Creek Chronicle that this John Doe at their hospital has amnesia. It was about him I am sure. The drugs worked better than I ever imagined. STEFANO: Brilliant. -- Vin holds his face from Ali’s slap. VIN: Have you been practicing that or something. Sure does sting. ALI: I felt like I had to do that. VIN: I understand. ALI: …You do? VIN: Yes. I understand your need to do that to me. I have not been kind to you. ALI: No you have not. VIN: I just want to prove I want to change. The old Vin would have become an angry monster after that slap. ALI: Yes…true… VIN: Please just come back to my place so we can talk this out. ALI: I don’t want to be alone with you. That is why I wanted to meet in public. VIN: We won’t be alone. Chavo and Greg are there waiting for me. You get along with them. ALI: I just cant trust you. VIN: Please Ali. Look at me. I am not mad. I just want to talk… ALI: Fine… -- Katsu arrives at BRO. He sees Barbara and Paul talking in Barbaras office. KATSU: Perfect. Katsu goes downstairs and walks outside through a back door. There is a semi-truck parked outside. Derrick is out there too. KATSU: I am glad you made it on time. DERRICK: Of course I did. We have been working towards this. KATSU: Well let’s unload. DERRICK: Make it quick. Derrick goes into his truck and pulls in near the semi. Derrick and Katsu start to unload boxes from the semi onto the back of Derrick’s truck… -- JJ and Eliza arrive at the coffee shop. JJ: Ladies first. JJ opens the door for her. ELIZA: You really think I am a lady? Pffft. JJ: Perhaps not. ELIZA: But thank you. Glad to see chivalry isn’t completely dead. They walk inside. Miranda is also there! JJ spots her right away. His heart seems to sink to his stomach. It sinks even further down when he sees that Miranda is laughing it up with the barista, Hunter . MIRANDA: You are pretty funny. HUNTER: Happy to amuse you. MIRANDA: Amused I am. JJ stares on at the two and Eliza notices… -- Cut to a frustrated Steve. STEVE: What the hell do you mean that Bo’s log journals have been deleted? AGENT DONNELLY: I seriously do not know what happened. TERRANCE: You know this just looks sketchy. AGENT DONNELLY: I am sure it does, but I really don’t know how this happened. TERRANCE: You best be playin’. STEVE: You better not be some kind of double agent. Steve grabs him but his collar. TERRANCE: Don’t get worked up Steve. STEVE: No. This is ridiculous. The ISA is supposed to be this hi tech government associates and this kind of stuff keeps happening. TERRANCE: I know it is frustrating. AGENT DONNELLY: Maybe I can get the log journals to be found somehow. STEVE: I don’t even know what to say anymore. I am sick of this sh*t! I cant even trust the ISA anymore. I quit! Both Terrance and Agent Donnelly cannot believe hearing this.. -- STEFANO: I just could not let Jack nor Bo find me. BART: Thank sweet baby Jesus they didn’t. STEFANO: And all over tax fraud. DANIEL: The great Stefano Dimera was not going to go down for that. STEFANO: I am glad we are taking care of our problems. BART: How are you going to take care of Bo downstairs? STEFANO: I will think of something. DANIEL: We are in a good place right now with all of this. STEFANO: Yes we are. There is no chance in hell that I am going down because of f*cking taxes! -- Katsu and Derrick continue to unload boxes from a semi behind BRO into the back of Derricks truck. DERRICK: Is that all of them? KATSU: I believe so. DERRICK: Tremendous. KATSU: You should get out of here. DERRICK: Yeah, but you need to check it first. Katsu and Derrick get into the back of Derricks truck. Katsu opens one of the boxes a bit. He pulls out…a brick of cocaine! KATSU: Looks perfect to me. DERRICK: We are on the brink. KATSU: Aren’t we though? DERRICK: Going to own this town… -- Chavo and Greg are at Vins place. GREG: Do you really think he will be able to get Ali to come here? CHAVO: Probably. GREG: I kind of hope not. CHAVO: If he does I bet he wants us to leave. Just then Vin and Ali arrive. VIN: Hey bros. ALI: …Hi guys GREG: Hey Ali CHAVO: How are you two? VIN: I am hoping we are going to be really good. Can you two give us some privacy? CHAVO: I told you, Greg. GREG: Yeah. ALI: I would like it if they stay. CHAVO: We probably should go though. VIN: Yes, we will be fine. Fear starts to come across Ali’s face. GREG: See you guys later. Greg and Chavo leave… Ali: I thought you would respect my wishes to not be alone with you. VIN: Shut up. Vins whole demeanor completely changes. VIN: How dare you slap me and then try and disrespect me by not wanting to be alone with me! Vin grabs her. Ali screams! Outside, Greg is about to get in the car with Chavo but hears Ali scream. He hears Ali say “No! Please!” Greg turns around and goes to the house. He looks inside to see Vin about to hit Ali. He has a flash of his dad and then has a flash of his mom with a black eye. GREG: Dammit Vin! Greg rushes inside. GREG: Don’t! VIN: This doesn’t concern you, Greg! GREG: Oh yes it does. Greg goes at Vin and with all his might punches him square in the jaw knocking Vin out cold!! Vin hits the ground. FADE TO BLACK *I DO NOT OWN ANY NON ORIGINAL CHARACTERS NOR ANY PICS
  19. Written by Nick M. Reva is home from the supermarket. The mysterious car is parked a little away from the ranch again. The person inside is watching Reva as she is taking groceries in. Reva comes back to her car and closes the car door. REVA: Wonder if we got any mail. She goes to check her mail box. All of a sudden the mysterious person in the car starts it up and goes speeding right towards Reva!!! Reva is barely able to get out of the way. She falls to the ground with a hard impact and a thud. The car speeds off down the street screeching its tires. Reva lets out a yell of pain REVA: Oh…my…god. She holds her ribs in agony… -- Zack is at the café. He is sipping on his coffee and texting on his phone. He is texting someone named Jasper: Zack is smiling. ZACK: I hope he comes through on that party. Anne and Cory walk into the place together. That of course upsets Zack. ZACK: Why did they have to come in… He stands up and puts his coffee cup in the trash and walks out in a frustrated huff. He takes one last look inside at the window to see Cory and Anne ordering. ZACK: I cannot let them hook up! -- Lily comes home and Holden hugs her. HOLDEN: I missed you. How was work? LILY: It went well today. HOLDEN: Great, Lily! Holden kisses her. LILY: You taste delicious. HOLDEN: Don’t I always? They kiss again. LILY: Oh, oh! HOLDEN: Whats wrong? LILY: Nothing is wrong. I just have a great idea that I am excited about! -- At the Union Creek Chronicle: Gary walks into Todds office. TODD: please take a seat. GARY: It is weird that you are being nice to me. TODD: You know what they say, Money talks. GARY: What is the money telling you? TODD: It is telling me to find this document so I can get another check from you. GARY: Not from me. From the old boss. TODD: Ah yes, this secretive old boss. GARY: So…do you have a game plan to finding this document TODD: I have been looking over some of the info you gave me. GARY: It is about time! TODD: Yes, well I find the randomness of your info perplexing, but I am not going to ask questions about that right now. What I want is for you to go back to your source, because I think you are narrowing down the place that this document originated. GARY: I am hoping to do just that. -- Josh arrives home. He pulls up and sees Reva hurt on the sidewalk. JOSH: Reva! He gets out of his car and runs to Reva and tends to her. REVA: Joshua…I am in pain. My ribs might be broken. JOSH: Did you fall? REVA: Someone…tried to run over me. It was… JOSH: What the hell are you talking about? REVA: I think….they were… trying to kill me. …I cant take deep breaths Joshua. JOSH: I will call 911. He takes out his phone as he holds her… Zack arrives home. Another teenager named Rourke is there… Zacks bad mood can be seen on his face. ROURKE: Home so soon? ZACK: Shut up. ROURKE: Who sh*t in your coffee? ZACK: None of your business. ROURKE: So somebody actually did that in your coffee? ZACK: You are not funny. ROURKE: I find myself amusing. ZACK: Well you are the only one. ROURKE: You need to find a hobby and cheer up. ZACK: And you need to just shut up before I shut you up. ROURKE: Listen Bro, Whatever is wrong you can tell me, you know? ZACK: No thank you. -- HOLDEN: What is your idea Lily? LILY: I really want to make a video for chic spirit. An online video. One that can hopefully go viral. HOLDEN: That would be fantastic for the current market. LILY: It would have to be a small project but one that I want to be really well done. HOLDEN: If you have a big picture idea, you should give it a shot. LILY: I would need someone really good to shoot the video. HOLDEN: I have a suggestion. LILY: What would that be? HOLDEN: You could always call up Noah. LILY: Noah? As in Luke’s ex boyfriend, Noah? HOLDEN: Yes. Noah Mayer. He is becoming quite the hit in Hollywood. You should ask him to come and help with the video before he gets too big and in demand. LILY: That would be great… -- AT UCC: GARY: My source has been a lot of help. TODD: Do you have some kind of private investigator or what? GARY: Maybe. I don’t give out sources. TODD: More mysteries from you. GARY: It works. TODD: I hope your source does work and comes through. GARY: I don’t know how I keep being the one doing all the work. TODD: Because I am your boss and just supervising. GARY: Yeah that does seem to be what you are good at. TODD: It runs in the family. -- At the hospital: Eartha is with Reva and Josh. REVA: I am in a lot of pain here. EARTHA: We are hoping it just majorly knocked the wind out of you. JOSH: Are the cops on their way? EARTHA: Yes, Elijah should be here any moment now and Morris should be back with the x-ray. JOSH: Good. I am glad this place is on it. EARTHA: We have a good hospital here. Morris walks in. EARTHA: I’ll leave you all. She exits. REVA: What’s the word, doc? MORRIS: Good news. No broken ribs. They are just bruised. They will however continue to be sore for probably the next few weeks. Meanwhile outside in the hallway… Eartha runs into Elijah . ELIJAH: Always a pleasure to see you. EARTHA: Thank you. ELIJAH: Too bad you don’t think the same though… EARTHA: Please don’t start. The patient is in the room down the hall. Elijah walks towards Revas room. Eartha meanwhile has a flashback: A young Eartha is packing some suitcases. A young Elijah walks in. YOUNG ELIJAH: I guess this is it. YOUNG EARTHA: This is not it. YOUNG ELIJAH: Are you really going to stay with me while living across the country? YOUNG EARTHA: Yes. YOUNG ELIJAH: I hope you are serious. YOUNG EARTHA: I am. I do love you. We have to keep this going even if its long distance. YOUNG ELIJAH: I love you too, babe and I am so happy to hear you say this. YOUNG EARTHA: Besides, I will be way too busy with classes to meet someone else. She comes back to the present staring down the hall... -- Cut to Zack and Roarke ROARKE: What is your problem man? ZACK: It is you when you bug me like this. ROARKE: You are my brother— ZACK: --Step brother! ROARKE: Fine. You are my step brother. Either way I am sick of you always treating me badly. ZACK: I do not treat you badly. ROARKE: What do you call this? ZACK: I call it having a bad day. ROARKE: Then, Bro, you must have a bad day every damn day! -- Cut to Lily and Holden: LILY: Do you really think it is a good idea to try and contact Noah? HOLDEN: I do. We know someone who is becoming a hit in Hollywood. To get him to help you with your video would be huge. LILY: You are right. It would be, but… HOLDEN: But Luke? LILY: Yeah. I am sure that Luke would not like us contacting him. HOLDEN: Don’t they stay in touch? LILY: I don’t know. They use to. I don’t want to upset him though. HOLDEN: You never know. He may actually enjoy seeing Noah again… -- At UCC: Gary is back at his cubical. He looks around and then makes a phone call on his cell. GARY: Hey….yeah. I think we have finally hooked him in. Yes. Yeah I may bust this wide open. I do think it is almost time to pull the trigger with Todd… Meanwhile, Blair has walked into the Union Creek Chronicle building. She knocks on Todds office and walks in. TODD: Blair. Surprised to see you here. BLAIR: Hi Todd. TODD: Is everything okay? BLAIR: No. No it is not. TODD: Then come on over and sit on my lap. Blair gives Todd a questioning look. Todd pats down on his lap. BLAIR: Are you serious? TODD: Yes. Blair sits on his lap and he brushes her hair aside and then kisses her. TODD: Feel better? BLAIR: Almost… TODD: You want something don’t you? BLAIR: I would like a little favor….I would love for you to use your journalistic skills to find info on that beast, Reva Shayne Lewis. Todd looks at her straight into her eyes as if he is examining her. BLAIR: Please. TODD: Hm. Fine. -- At the hospital, Eartha flashes back again: “End of the Road” by Boyz II Men starts to play… YOUNG ELIJAH: I will help you to your car with your suitcases. YOUNG EARTHA: Thank you Eli. YOUNG ELIJAH: You know I hate it when you call me that. YOUNG EARTHA: Get use to it. I’m going to call you that for the rest of your life. YOUNG ELIJAH: In that case, maybe it will grow on me. He helps bring her suitcases outside. YOUNG ELIJAH: This really robs me of my gangsta card and all, but I am going to miss you so damn much. YOUNG EARTHA: You didn’t even wear your do-rag today. YOUNG ELIJAH: I tried to be good. He sets her suitcases in her trunk. YOUNG EARTHA: I am going to miss you too. YOUNG ELIJAH: Are you sure you have to go to college? YOUNG EARTHA: Yeah, and you should too. YOUNG ELIJAH: Maybe someday. She starts to try and hold back tears. YOUNG ELIJAH: Well don’t start crying. YOUNG EARTHA: This is hard. YOUNG ELIJAH: This feels like a goodbye doesn’t it. YOUNG EARTHA: It does. YOUNG ELIJAH: I hope we make it through despite the distance. YOUNG EARTHA: Don’t worry. I will always love you. They hug ever so tightly and then kiss as Eartha starts to cry. YOUNG ELIJAH: Good luck in college, baby. YOUNG EARTHA: Thank you. SONG STOPS She comes back to the present as Morris is walking up to her. MORRIS: Are you okay? You look like you need to sit down. EARTHA: I’m, I’m fine.. -- In Reva’s hospital room. Elijah is with her and Josh. ELIJAH: What do you remember about the car that almost hit you? REVA: Not much. It is a blur right now. A scary event and it happened so fast. JOSH: Damn I wish I was there! ELIJAH: You don’t remember anything about the car? REVA: Not really. ELIJAH: What about the driver? Did you get a glimpse? REVA: I…I don’t know…..actually… She has a quick flashback as the car pulled away and seeing some long dirty blonde hair. REVA: Wait a second. The driver had some light brown hair. Almost dirty blonde. JOSH: It was a woman? REVA: I think it may have been. ELIJAH: Are you sure about this? REVA: Oh my god! It had to be Blair Manning! FADE TO BLACK Credits roll.
  20. I really dig this Nicole and Nick little rivalry and all their squabbles. Nick is too smart for his own good. Now he is going at Sami too. May be pushing his luck. Will and Alex feeling some heat between them. Quite literally even too. Sonny better watch out. This could turn bad for the kiriakis clan quickly. I wonder if Anita can be trusted like ML. I am pointing towards not even tho I ike her because I like the actress. I suspect something much bigger is going on with this Brady story tho. A Maxine sighting and her interaction did sound a whole lot like Maxine. Laura seems to be becoming a nervous wreck and it looks like Kayla is about to head off for now. I like the complication with some of these crossover stories. Nick, Nicole, Victor, Hope, Gabi and now Will and Alex and there more too. I cant help but like Nick and wish he and Nicole were more of a tag team even though I guess they really are a tag team begrudgingly. Is Vic really going down? hmmm
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