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Union Creek

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A crossover event

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Union Creek #23: Will Luke Snyder's relationship with Ben survive?

Written by: Nick M.   Ben is at his house getting dressed.   Someone is at the door. He walks out of his room and to the front door.   It is Luke   LUKE: Surprised? BEN: I have to say I am. LUKE: I know you are the one usually doing the surprising, but I thought I would for once. BEN: This is a pleasant one. LUKE: I just wanted to come and say that I really enjoyed your visit last night. BEN: I had a great time too. LUKE: But I also wanted to say that well…not to



Union Creek #22: Danielle Manning and Malik get hot and heavy as the teen party breaks down!

Written by Nick M.   Luke is at his place typing up a story on his laptop.   He has a visitor at the door. It is Ben   BEN: Surprised to see me? LUKE: Yes I am actually. BEN: I know I have been a bit busy and distant the last few days. LUKE: Yes and you kind of blew me off today. BEN: I didn’t blow you off. I was busy. LUKE: I know. I know.   BEN: I’m sorry if I seemed to brush you off. LUKE: It is alright, really. BEN: Alright enough for you to invite me in?



Union Creek #21: As a party rages on...someone shocking is alive!

Written by: Nick M   Greg has arrived in Union Creek Colorado after running away from Paradise New Mexico.   He has parked his car near a creek. There are a group of young people sitting near the creek hanging out.   GREG: I don’t know if this place is far enough away from Paradise, but I don’t have enough cash to drive away too far.   He gets out of the car and looks around.   He flashes back [Just Paradise #17]   Outside, Greg is about to get in the car with Cha



Union Creek #20: Todd Manning Learns all!

Written by: Nick M     At the café:   Zack walks in to see Sam and Trinity there sitting together.   ZACK: Are you two still writing for the paper? SAM: Nah, we finished our last article already. We are having a celebratory hot cocoa. ZACK: Hot cocoa? Woah now! Don’t go too hardcore. TRINITY: Hot cocoa is the sh*t. ZACK: The summer flew by. Feels like it just started. SAM: That is so true.   ZACK: You know I am trying to get the summer to go out with a bang tho



Union Creek #19: Luke Snyders disappointment

Written by: Nick M   Zack and Sam are hanging out together.   Zack seems excited about something.   SAM: Why are you so giddy today? Did you kiss Anne or something? ZACK: Not yet, but that may be in the plans. SAM: Oh yeah? And how are you going to manage that? ZACK: My friend Jasper and I have a plan? SAM: The Jasper from school? ZACK: Yeah.   SAM: I met him a few times. Seemed like a prick. ZACK: Jasper is cool. We are planning an end of the summer blow out party



Union Creek #18: Did Blair Manning do it?

Written by: Nick M   Camella is With Trinity at the Davis household.   CAMELLA: So that article you wrote is on point, Trinity. TRINITY: Happy that you dig it. CAMELLA: It was real. Proud of you getting’ real with America. TRINITY: I just hope it makes people think. CAMELLA: It sadly won’t make too many white people think. They will try and block it out.   TRINITY: You think it’s that cynical? CAMELLA: Fo sho. These cops are not stoppin’. TRINITY: Sure doesn’t seem like



Union Creek #17: Will Todd Manning find out the truth?

Written by Nick M.   Reva is home from the supermarket.   The mysterious car is parked a little away from the ranch again.   The person inside is watching Reva as she is taking groceries in.   Reva comes back to her car and closes the car door.   REVA: Wonder if we got any mail.   She goes to check her mail box.   All of a sudden the mysterious person in the car starts it up and goes speeding right towards Reva!!!   Reva is barely able to get out of the way. She falls to the gro



Union Creek #16: Trouble is brewing for Reva

Written by: Nick M.   Danielle and Malik walk out of Chic Spirit Designs together.   DANI: Yet another short day for us models. MALIK: I think they are still getting things all figured out at this new company. DANI: Yeah I guess so. MALIK: It’s been easy for us at least. DANI: That’s one way to look at it. MALIK: Yeah. I mean we are on salary so we have it made. DANI: We lucked out somehow for being two rookies to this game. MALIK: Its our fresh attractive faces.   Danielle gigg



Union Creek #15: Blair makes friends. Trinity shocks Sam.

Holden and Lily are together at a bar. Holden takes a swig of beer while Lily messes with the straw to her drink. HOLDEN: Is your drink okay? LILY: Yeah it is good. HOLDEN: Then what is wrong? Hard first day of work? LILY: It wasn’t bad, actually. Stressful, of course, but I think it was a success for Marah and I. HOLDEN: Do you know how soon production will be? LILY: Probably in a couple of weeks. HOLDEN: That long? LILY: Going to take some time at the start. Li



Union Creek #14: Jack wants a job/Sex is in the air

At the police station:   Elijah is walking down a hall   COP#1: Hey how was your fourth? ELIJAH: It was good. Went to a good barbecue.   Elijah walks into his office and closes the door.   ELIJAH: A great barbecue…with Eartha.   He sits down and has a flashback:   A young Elijah is at his high school.   He approaches a Young Eartha at her locker.   YOUNG ELIJAH: Are you ready for prom tonight? YOUNG EARTHA: I am. What time will you be picking me up? YOUNG ELIJAH: Around six



Union Creek #13: 4th of July Drama

Cut to a 4th of July BBQ set up outside of the Davis house.   Lily, Holden and Luke are also over from next door.   They sit at a table with Trinity and her little sister.   LILY: I wish your parents would let us help with something. HOLDEN: Yeah I would certainly help. I feel like bringing over chips isn’t enough. TRINITY: They are overachievers.   Morris meanwhile is at the grill grilling some burgers and some chicken.   Eartha brings him over some lemonade.   EARTHA: Here you



Union Creek #12: Summer jobs/The Davis family crumbling

Malik is at home He is looking over some of his modeling pictures from the modeling contest. MALIK: I am shocked that they chose me. I look straight up goofy! He hears some arguing going on from the other room. MALIK: Every time those two come home they bicker…not today! Malik gets up and enters his parents bedroom. Morris and Eartha stop arguing and look at him MALIK: Look I know you have never liked us in your room, but— MORRIS: --Oh it is not OUR



Union Creek #11: Luke and Ben alone pt 2/Sam reaches out to Danielle

Danielle closes her door. Sam has arrived. DANIELLE: Hello Lil bro. SAM: Hey big sis. DANIELLE: It is good that you finally came and visit me. A welcome visit compared to some of the others. SAM: My mom and Todd meant no harm. DANIELLE: Anyway… how have you been? SAM: I am doing good. School is out for the summer. Probably going to get a summer job. DANIELLE: Good for you. I just got a new job myself. A modeling job. SAM: You a model? Do they know it’s all make up… DA



Union Creek #10: Luke and Ben alone time/Reva & Blair Round 2

Luke is at the union Creek chronicle. He is walking out of the building when he gets a call on his cell. He looks at his phone and its an incoming call from Ben. LUKE: Hello BEN: Luke…I am glad you answered. I was afraid you were busy at work or something. LUKE: I was just about to take a late lunch break actually. BEN: Perfect. You should come and eat here. LUKE: Um…and where is that? BEN: At my new place in town. LUKE: You moved in already? BEN: Yup and I would



Union Creek #9: Todd questions Jack/The modeling contest

At School: The bell rings. School is out for the day as students are rushing out of classes. Anne is with her friend Mandy. MANDY: Girl could you stare at Cory any harder in there? ANNE: I do not know what you are talking about. MANDY: I can tell you are crushing on Cory Sutter. Don’t try and lie. ANNE: He is cute, but there is no crushing. MANDY: Sure. Elsewhere Sam and Trinity are still in a class room. Miss Morgan is the teacher. SAM: Than



Union Creek #8: Eartha and Elijah meet up while Todd has an idea

Malik is at the Davis household home alone. MALIK: Boredom…boredom. So much boredom. He looks at his watch. MALIK: I really should apply for that po po job like Elijah wants me to. There is a knock at the door. It is Marah . MALIK: Hey! This is a pleasant surprise. MARAH: Happy to hear you say that because I feel like a stalker. MALIK: A stalker? MARAH: Well I remembered your family lived here next door to Lily so I tracked you down here. MALIK: Tr



Union Creek #7: Josh and Reva visit Jack

At the ski resort: Luke and Ben are sitting down over lunch. LUKE: I was so surprised to run into you yesterday out of the blue and it turns out you were one of the people on my list to interview. BEN: I am glad you did and that I will get a part in your newspaper. LUKE: Well lets start this off then. Tell me about how you got into Skiing? BEN: It actually didn’t happen until I was an adult and I found this hobby. It made me feel alive again. LUKE: Are you from around here?



Union Creek #6: Luke is admired/Elijah investigates

Eartha and Morris are out for dinner. They spot Lily and Holden Snyder there. LILY: Hey Neighbors! You should join us. MORRIS: We don’t want to bother you. HOLDEN: It is really no bother. EARTHA: We would love to join you. The 4 neighbors sit together. HOLDEN: We love this place. LILY: Yeah it is our favorite. EARTHA: It is ours too after a long day of work. MORRIS: I just come for the cold beer. Holden laughs. LILY: How was work today? EARTHA



Union Creek #5: Jack Deveraux speaks / plus enter Union Creek High

Cut to Union Creek High School Sam Manning is at his first day of school there. A boy named Zack approaches. ZACK: You are Sam, right? SAM: Yeah ZACK: I could tell by your lost puppy look. SAM: Hey whatever ZACK: Just joking. I’m Zack, I’ve been assigned to show you around. SAM: Oh cool. Can you show me my locker first so I can put all of these books away. Killin my back. ZACK: Sure He and Zack walk to a locker. ZACK: This one is all yours. SAM: Cool ZAC



Union Creek #4: The big reveal!

Cut to some candles lit on a table. The lights are dim. Holden and Lily Snyder seem to be having a romantic dinner. Lily sips on some wine. LILY: This all came together so great. Thanks for this. HOLDEN: I just want our new life here to continue to be so good. LILY: I truly am glad you love it here In Union Creek as much as I do. HOLDEN: I love this new glow you have. They grab each other’s hands and pull in for a kiss. However their kiss is soon i



Union Creek #3: Todds falling World

The Mystery man has just collapsed. He made his way over a hill and is now just entering the city. He looks on towards the city. MYSTERY MAN: So close…I must get back up… The man struggles to get back to his feet. He is able to… -- Cut to a nearby park. Marah Lewis is out for jog. Malik Davis is also out for a jog. The two end up getting in each other’s way and Malik almost knocks her over. Marahs shoe comes off in the process. MALIK:



Union Creek #2: Reva vs. Blair. Todd vs. ?

Reva Shayne and Blair Manning are having a stare down in front the the Mannings new house… Josh looks on at the tension filled stare down slightly embarrassed. REVA: You’re really saying we cannot park here for 20 minutes? BLAIR: I believe that is what I said without stuttering, yes. REVA: Can you believe this chick Joshua? JOSH: Reva, we can just park next to the Snyders. It’s not a big deal. REVA: I just don’t like a b*tch being a b*tch for no reason! BLAI



Union Creek #1

Union Creek Colorado Cut to a long winding Creek of water. -LEWIS RANCH- Josh and Reva Lewis are sitting on the porch of their ranch. REVA: We have the most beautiful home, Bud. JOSH: We do. This move here has been one of our best ideas. The two embrace and kiss gently and then look into each others eyes. REVA: And we don’t come up with many good Ideas do we? JOSH: We sure don’t. REVA: And the best part is we are country folk that are still way



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