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Everything posted by Days22

  1. Once again you are tying all these stories into the party and building them up. That is something really hard to do imo. We have Carl being the main point of the party but we have some great interactions between Matthew and Mitch. Then we have Felicia seemingly about to take a turn for the worst. Paulina and Jack being built into the party arrival as well but that looks like it may not end well. Interested to see what Grant and Jack do to each other in the next episode. Good stuff as always.
  2. While my Another world history is iffy at best I like that it seems you are using it so well in this Carls last days story. A lot of history packs a punch here. Carl playing a final game with Grant is pretty great. I also like how this episode was weaved together as in a way all the scenes had to do with the others. The emotional impact on Carls children is being played well. You have brought this party and are weaving it together very nicely. You are great at building events!
  3. Genoa City the City of Hot Messes Esther is gonna get herself in deep [!@#$%^&*] hanging out with drunken messy Karynn. I don't know if this massively drunk driving is gonna end well. It looks like Phillip is gonna be a mess now and addicted to drugs. I wonder if and how Soctty will approach Phillip in this. You also have a knack for introducing interesting minor characters like old ass Driver and now Rufus lolol The Newmans are also a mess! Like beebs said Nick just thinks he is a boxer now taking out his anger punching people rofl. I see that this is how he will get his grief out. ENTER victor Newman Can vic of all people get his family back on track or just make even more of a mess?! Should be interesting.
  4. First off your dialogue is always very strong! Second off wow would sheri Anderson and Leah Laiman be proud of this build to this umbrella story! So many people are being tied into this web. Jenn, Daniel, Billie Laura now all tied to Liam through EJ who is tied to Gabi and sami and then theres kate and nick and hope and etc etc SO GOOD Will is crushing hard! Im concerned he may need to change his pants soon! This seems to be heading to the dinner party with vic. This should be interesting... I love that you are doing this major umbrella story tho. Reminds me of Days of old for sure. Everyone is coming into this tangled web and you don't know what is gonna happen next. I really love it.
  5. Well sh*t! Im pretty surprised by the Eric and Kirkland scene. I wasn't so sure Eric had it in him. But the apple certainly doesn't fall short for either of his parents trees. I thought Eric my not like his father alive and well in Colorado but after reading this episode I think they will get along very well! Very edgy stuff here. I really enjoyed it. Kirklands life just keeps getting messier and messier and as one of my fave characters on here I want to see how he will get out of it. Maggie is also in trouble. Cass better get out of his denial and listen to the gut of Frankie! Very suspense packed episode!
  6. Wow this ep really captured everything a soap opera should be. The balance of romance with Jack and Paulina and treachery with Grant and Christy. Both the drama and sexiness with Kirkland and Charlie. The intrigue with Devin and the love and sadness with Carl and Rachel. Friggen awesome! Good on Jack and Paulina seeming so happy. I still want carly to come back with a vengeance tho tbh. Carls kids will start to know each other and I think like us they want to know more about Devin. Christy is a hoot. I don't think Grant has anything on her ways. Charlie stopping Kirkland from telling her the truth. I like that the drama keeps building so well here! And great last scene with Carl and Rachel. The song well done and it all comes together to seep in that sadness about this whole situation with Carl fading.
  7. Im glad Avery is finally exposed and every bit of the exposing is coming out. Shocks all around for everyone there. lmao at the Karynn and Nina interactions. Karynn had some fantastic lines! You are always right on with the one liners. Its so wonderful to Victor Newmans world crashing down. Something you never see on ol cbs. And Michelle Baldwin of all people rofl. Sister Patterson was all over him. Im glad Jack at least pseudo owns everything of Vics. Im sure that will crash down for Jack soon tho. Oh no here comes John Silva looking like an old bloated washed up porn star to get Victor out of jail! Welp goodbye Michael Baldwin. Nice knowin you.
  8. ROFL at that pic of Hope Nice friendly moment with Hope and Rafe. Its nice seeing a soft side of Rafe. Nosey Billie listening to Dan and Laura. All and all I hope this just leads to Dans death of course lol. I still love that Nick seems to always just be 1 step or even half step ahead of foes. Well except for Ari who is having none of him lolol. Eric really has quite the inner struggles going on and who better to talk to then Marlena. I like him putting it all on the line and you nailed Marlena perfectly. It was just like her. Some really great stuff in that scene.
  9. John and Sharlene finally happy. Me thinks that wont be lasting long. I still feel sorry for Gregory and the rift with Lindsay tho. I think John may have the right idea being a bit anti Lind. Charlie is trying to give Lindsay some sound advice but who knows if she will listen. Eeeek love this ending tho! All the layers are coming together. What will Eric actually do? Will Kirkland tell the truth or will it all come out blowing up in his face?! Im looking forward to finding out.
  10. Trying to emerge myself back into this world. I had a vague idea who Taylor Benson was. Glad you explained it further tho. Brianna here to seek her mothers revenge. Good job on the casting too. John and Sharlene wont know what is lurking.
  11. Since its been awhile since I read I like starting off with a flashback to refresh my memory. Nothing like Sami and Nicole squabbles! Good to see they will be in each others orbits a lot with this new twist. Some good lines there as always. Also EJ there in the middle, again. Also Good to see that Eric and Marlena will be talking their problems out together. Ive been looking forward to the next step in Erics story. Valerie and Jerome interacting was good. Val knows Jerome she says, so will be interesting to see what Jerome says. Also interested to see how good she really know him. Idk if I like Laura going to Dan for help but it looks like he will want to. All I could think while reading that scene was I hope this leads to Dan in danger with Liam...I hope this leads to Dans death....Dan's brutal bloody death
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