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http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!!! (EXT: London, England- Edmund's Castle) ----Edmund stares into Sophia's eyes, trying to figure out for sure whether his techniques have brought back his beloved Loretta. "Edmund..........darling, why are you looking at me like that?" "Like what?" (she laughs) "It's as though you're seeing a ghost....." "Am I?" (she laughs again) "Of course not. What's gotten into you this morning for Heaven's sake?....." She stands up from the bed and begins walking up to him. Edmund becomes overwhelmed with emotion and freezes in place, unable to touch her. Instead, he continues to just stare at her. She senses his nervousness and takes his hand and slowly brings it up to her face. "See" she says, gently. "I'm real, baby. I'm right here, standing in front of you." "It's just....I....I.....don't believe it......." Edmund's eyes begin to well with tears. "I'm hearing your voice right now.....it's you, Loretta, it's you, after all these years......" She smiles at him. "Of course it's me.....Wait a minute, what do you mean, after all these years?" (EXT: Baja, Mexico- PIERS) ----Eden, Julia, Santana, Adriana, and Steve all continue wait for further word from the search party and the head of operations as they continue combing the waters. Eden pulls Adriana aside and asks her just who Steve is. Adriana covers, saying he's an old friend from school that she just happened to run into. Eden looks Steve over, seeing his earrings, black Rancid t-shirt, wallet chain, and grey dickies. She remarks that he doesn't look like anyone Adriana ran around with in High School. Eden tells Adriana that she thinks she ought to head home, that she could be in real danger. "I don't think so mom. I'm not going anywhere- besides, what would they want with me now? They got what they wanted- Dad. He's GONE and I'm not leav...." "Hold it right there. We don't know anything for sure yet...." "They found his wedding ring. He never took that off- " her voice begins to crack. "How can this be happening? Who would do this?" Eden takes her daughter in her arms, attempting to comfort her while keeping her emotions in check herself. "We've got to keep up hope. Sobbing and breaking down doesn't do your father any good right now." She pulls her daughter away from herself. "You and I, A. You and I need to be strong for him right now. If you're gonna stay here, you've got to promise me you can do that." ----Julia and Santana continue going over everything that transpired between she & Angel. Julia compliments Santana on her bravery and level-headedness through it. "Surpised?" Santana smiles. "Quite frankly, Santana, I'm more pleased than surprised. The Santana I knew before didn't allow herself that kind of strength." "Cruz has done a lot for me Julia. He stood by me when noone else did and I'll forever be grateful to him. I wasn't about to let him go down without a fight. I just wish......I just wish I could've done something more....." Eden and Adriana walk back up and Eden tells her she did everything she could. "I do, however, have one question Santana, something that's been bothering me.......Why would you send Julia and I to the wrong pier? Why didn't you give us the directions to the same pier you were going to?" Santana explains that Angel never told her which map was real and which was bogus. In order to cover their bases, she followed the directions on one map and gave Eden and Julia the directions from the other map. She says that she was trying to explain to them on the phone when the service cut out. All of their attention is re-directed when they see the head investigator, Detective Torres, pulling up with a passenger in his car. The two men get out, both well dressed in suits and ties, Det. Torres in black and the other man in grey. "Who's that he's with?" Julia asks as the two men approach. As the men gets closer, Julia, Santana, and Eden realize one by one who he's with. "My God." Santana says "It Can't be" says Julia. "Oh it is. I'd know him anywhere. Kirk Cranston." (EXT: West Palm Beach, Florida- Captain Joe's Restaurant) ----Mason and Mary sit absolutely stunned by what Sherri has just told them. Mary looks into Mason's eyes, as they well up. "Nurse Rhodes, you're sure, positively sure she was a full..." (he stumbles on his words as he chokes up, unable to get them out. "a full-grown, healthy baby girl?" "I was positive she was a full-grown baby girl, yes. But healthy.........healthy, she wasn't I'm afraid." Mary asks what was wrong and Sherri explains that Mark kept the baby incubated for too long while Mary's blood was infected. As a result, this caused an infection in the child, and she was born with an extremely high fever. Immediately, Mark and she began treating her, trying to bring the fever down. Mark insisted that only the two of them work on the baby. He called the rest of the doctors on staff, many of whom were volunteering their time, and for the first time, allowed them to work on Mary without his presence. Not only did he allow it, he insisted on it. In the meantime, he and Sherri worked alone and diligently on the baby. Sherri insists that they tried everything, even wrapping the baby in cold towels and putting her on ice. Mary is shocked when she hears that they put her on ice, saying that could have shocked her system beyond repair, especially as a newborn. "He was desperate Mary- we both were. I felt as if it were my own baby I was working on, that's how close to the situation I'd become. I wouldn't have done anything to endanger her Mary....I promise you that. But the problem was, nothing worked. And then.......the poor thing, her little body just couldn't handle the trauma of it all. She was just born and to come into the world the way she did.....that short, painful existance....it was too much for her to bear. Mark- he held her the whole time, and wept, quietly telling her it was okay to let go. After that, he wrapped her in blankets, and took possession of her. He buried her, alone, without any loved ones or even myself present......And that day, he vowed that he'd never walk away from you, that he wouldn't lose you both......He loved you so much, Mary..." "I've hurt just about enough of this. LOVED her? Mark was OBSESSED with her, fixated on her. He let his obsession kill her and my child and you sit here and tell me he LOVED her? Mark is incapable of anything like that. My God.....my girl...my poor, baby girl. I should have been there for her, I should have been there for both of you. When I think of what he did.....to you, Mary and to that little girl.....our innocent little baby.......When we find him, When I find him..........God help him....." Mason stands up and storms out of the restaurant. Mary asks Pearl to go after him and apologizes to Sherri for his outburst. Mary thanks her for having the courage to meet with them and be honest about everything that happened. Sherri tells Mary that even though the baby was further along than he expected, Mark still led on that the baby was his. Had she had any idea that it were someone else's, she would have done everything in her power to track them down long before. "I just can't believe I trusted him.... I was so dumb...." Sherri says. "You weren't dumb, Sherri. You were young, and Mark can be quite charming and manipulative when he wants to be. You had no way of knowing....." Sherri looks at her watch and realizes she needs to get going home, since she's working an early shift in the morning. Mary thanks her again for meeting with them and Sherri apologizes for not being able to give them better news. Mary nods and Sherri leaves. The camera zooms in on Mary, who begins softly rubbing her stomach as her eyes well up. "My girl. My poor baby girl......" she says, as she continues rubbing her belly. (EXT: London, England- Edmund's castle) ----Edmund explains to Sophia that she's been in a coma for a long time, one he thought she may never wake up from. "That explains why I feel so well-rested" she jokes. Edmund says that there was a time where he had given up hope at all, as she seemed so content in her sleep, he thought she'd never wake. "But here you are....in front of me. As radiant and pure as you ever were. My darling Loretta." "I don't know about radiant....I could probably use to freshen up some, no? I'm so sorry I put you through all of that, dear. But I'm awake now, I'm here. And frankly, I can't remember when I felt better than I do right now...." "I'm so pleased to hear that. Can I get you anything? A cup of tea? Some breakfast...." "I'd love a cup of tea.......and a muffin, you know how I love them. But first, as I said, I could really use a shower...." "Of course, of course, I'll show you the way...." He smiles as he leads Sophia down the hallway. (EXT: Baja, Mexico- PIERS) ---Eden walks straight up to Det. Torres and Kirk. "Hello, Eden. Det. Torres told me about Cruz. I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do...." Eden immediately raises her hand and slaps Kirk square across the face. "Go to hell Kirk- you can do that." Adriana looks the man over that she's heard about throughout her life. Steve whispers to her, asking who he is. "Bad news" she whispers back. "I take it you two know each other..." Det Torres says. "You call yourself a detective? I was married him, he tortured me, blackmailed me, kidnapped Cruz and myself on numerous occasions......Just what is he doing here anyway?" Det. Torres explains that Kirk owned the boat that exploded. Eden is floored by this, and jumps to the conclusion that Kirk murdered Cruz. "Why the HELL isn't he in cuffs then? So help me God Kirk, if he's dead, if you killed him, I will tear you apart piece by piece. Mark my words, you mark my words." "Will you calm yourself Eden. If you'd listen to the Detective for a minute, you'd realize I have absolutely nothing to do with this. A lot's changed since I last saw you and I'm not the man you knew before....." Eden lets out a frustrated laugh. "What do you take me for Kirk, a fool? You honestly expect me to believe it's some kind of COINCIDENCE that my husband was lured to a boat that YOU own and it exploded with him on it? After everything you've done to us? You BASTARD- I could KILL YOU! I could KILL YOU!!" She starts beating furiously on his chest, until he grabs her hands and forces her to look at him. "LISTEN TO ME- I had nothing to do with this and I'm fully cooperating to help you find out who did." "And why should I believe you Kirk?" "Because I have reason to believe that someone is doing all of this to set me up. Renting my yacht.. Luring Cruz down here. Eden, if I were going to kill your husband, do you honestly think I'd be dumb enough to lure him down here, where practically the entire city knows me thanks to my businesses, onto my own yacht and blow it up with him on it, knowing full well that you, my ex-wife, will be down here in no time? Think about it...." Eden looks at Det Torres, who seems to agree. He tells her that there are plenty of people in Baja that would benefit by getting Kirk out of the way and that this would be the perfect way to do it. "You see?" Kirk says. Eden ignores him and asks Det. Torres what they've found out about the body that they discovered. "I thought you knew it was Cruz's" Santana says "Didn't they find the wedding ring?" "I want to be sure, Santana. This is my husband we're talking about and if he's out there.....I'm going to find him...." Det Torres explains that the body has been taken in to the coroners office for examination, though is badly burned and decomposed. He tells her that they're working on getting a tissue sample from the body as they speak and will do a comparison with Cruz's DNA, to be sure that it's a match. Eden asks if the tests are 100% accurate and Det. Torres guarantees they are. As they continue talking, a nervous look comes over Santana's face, which only Kirk seems to notice. Their eyes meet and Santana realizes that Kirk is reading her. She acts as though she can listen to no more and walks off alone. Kirk walks a bit away from the group as well, staring at her looking off the pier. "What is she up to?" Kirk says, quietly. THE END...............FOR TODAY
Yayy to Frankie & Melissa's connection. I'm holding out hope. So you blew up University Hosptial, King? Have you no SHAME? I like the twist of Kate being Megan's mother....neat. And LOVED that Kate called her a fool for trusting Stefano DiMera. Solid episode all-around King.
Cruz Castillo- DEAD?!? Sophia Capwell- PRESUMED Dead!?!? Mary Duvall- Back From The DEAD?? All in a day's work on SONBC's highest rated blog serial, Return to Santa Barbara. Once again, SONBC sits down with 'RTSB's (re-)creator, juniorz (he insists we call him this, though those in the know may refer to him as 'Greg') SONBC: Let's get down to business. Do you hate the supercouples of 'Santa Barbara'? juniorz: (laughs) Good God, no, quite the opposite- I care very deeply about the core couples of 'SB', which is why they are featured in the three main stories on 'RTSB' at the moment. Yes they may be miserable.... SONBC: or dead. juniorz: (laughs) Yes, or dead. But the fact of the matter is that CC & Sophia, Mason & Julia, and Cruz & Eden are the root of each story being told for them. You have to go through the rough times so that the good times are that much sweeter. SONBC: Tell that to the Cruz & Eden fans. juniorz: The Cruz & Eden fans are an intellectually superior bunch. I'm sure they're keen enough to smell a rat.... SONBC: So he may not be dead after all..... juniorz: Well we do have a body now. I guess we shall see, won't we? SONBC: You seem to have a pre-occupation with death..... juniorz: I was thinking the same thing when I was mapping out my original stories when this began. But what you (and I) have to remember is that 'Santa Barbara' always had a pre-occupation with death. Sophia faked her death and was separated from her family for 20 years. Mary was killed, Amy Perkins, Hayley, Eden died a couple of times, the list goes on and on. Honestly, I don't think RTSB's emphasis on death is at all disproportionate to that on SB. We do have two major characters that are dead right now, one of which we know for a fact is not. However, the two stories are very different from one another and the fallout will be as well. SONBC: Changing the subject, there are some characters on 'RTSB' that are all but MIA. The Lockridges and Joann come to mind..... juniorz: I said from the beginning that it would be a slow build with Joann. She has some stuff coming up right now and I have a long-term story in mind for her. However, the timing isn't quite right yet to kick that off, as it would involve the return of a former SB character. I'll say that you'll be seeing her interact with more people in town in the coming weeks. As for the Lockridges, it's kind of the same answer- Lionel & Augusta were originally only supposed to be recurring because of the lack of story planned for them in the early months of 'RTSB'. You'll be seeing more of them soon and I hope to have them back in town sooner rather than later. Julia needs her sister right now..... SONBC: She could use her husband too, if you ask us! By the way, we saw your choices for the SONBC Awards pre-nominations and color us stunned! No A? No Marcy? What gives? juniorz: My A & Marcy really didn't have the material to submit from 2006. Jed, Lane, Nancy, and Judith did, it was as simple as that. By the way, I still haven't picked the episodes for those four, so any last-minute suggestions would be appreciated! I'm finalizing everything sometime this week though. SONBC: Any category that you found particularly tough to decide on? juniorz: I have a gold mine of supporting actresses on 'RTSB'- Robin Mattson, Louise Sorel, Carmen Duncan, Harley Jane Kozak, Deborah Adair, Kim Rhodes, it goes on & on. That category was pretty tough to pick, but I'm happy I settled on Carmen & Harley. As far as 2006 goes, I truly believe those were the right choices. I should mention supporting actor was a tough choice too, considering I switched one of my original submissions, Bernard White (Angel), replacing him with Michael Brainard (Ted). I couldn't find an episode from 2006 that was strong enough for White, since his best stuff has come this year. SONBC: That's unfortunate, because we're growing to kind of like and even sympathize with Angel, much of the credit going directly to White himself. We're almost out of time. So- we'll go to the lightning interview- quick questions, short answers. READY? juniorz: Shoot SONBC: What's up with this Steve Hall kid you introduced? juniorz: I thought it was about time I bring on a young man for Adriana, Marta, and Samantha. Don't you? SONBC: Is Cruz alive? juniorz: Not telling. SONBC: Is Sophia completely brainwashed now or what? juniorz: Tune in Monday. SONBC: What's up with this Ashton guy? We don't trust him at SONBC.... juniorz: There's a lot of layers to this character and the mystery surrounding him. I view him kind of as the 'RTSB' version of EJ Wells. SONBC: That sounds.......scary. Why is Kelly so unlucky in love? juniorz: Who says she's unlucky? If there ever were a woman who could reform a damaged man, it's Kelly Capwell. SONBC: Maybe with Robin Wright in the role..... juniorz: I take exception with that. Carrington and I have talked at length about what our vision for Kelly is. Robin Wright's performance and Bridget & Jerome Dobson's writing are the two points we keep keying in on. She's very much aware of who she is playing in this go-round. She's quite energized that an intelligent, thoughtful Kelly is being written for her and hopes that if she's ever replaced, at least the actress won't be able to crack on Kelly's IQ. SONBC: Ok, ok, sheesh. By the way, LOVE the radio show. juniorz: You have good taste. We even have a time slot now- Wednesday nights, 10 PM. We're actually working on scheduling a weekend afternoon episode, so our friends overseas can listen live and even call in if they'd like. SONBC: Is Cruz REALLY DEAD? juniorz: There's a body..... SONBC: Where the hell is Mary's daughter? juniorz: Somewhere in this room..........kidding. I have a few twists planned in that story so keep your guard up when reading. Just when you think it's going one way, it could end up heading in a whole new direction. SONBC: Out of Time. Lightning round over. By the way, congrats on the ratings! juniorz: Thanks. I'm just happy that so many have checked it out and continue to stick with it. Hopefully, they'll be around throughout the entire run of 'RTSB', however long that might be.
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT:London, England Edmund's Castle) ---Edmund sits in his study, taking down notes. He stops for a moment and remembers Loretta, thinking back on when they were newlyweds. Suddenly, CC begins invading his memories and all he is able to see is CC walking off with his wife. He shakes himself out of it, standing up from behind the desk. He remembers implanting Sophia's mind with Loretta's memories of CC, completing his work. He comes back to the present, cracking an almost sweet smile. He hurries out to the hall and walks up the main staircase, heading toward Sophia's room. He quietly creaks open the door and sees her, looking as beautiful and peaceful as ever in her bed. He walks up to her and sits beside the bed, watching her sleep. "Wake up my sweet. It's time....." (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---CC sits at his desk, frustratedly looking over the figures he's been given. He buzzes Kathleen and informs her to call a board meeting and to include Lily in it as well, since they're going to talk heavily about Gina Jeans. Kathleen obliges. Angela knocks on CC's door and he calls her in, with more than a hint of irritation in his voice. "I'm sorry......bad time?" she asks. "Of course not, come in.......I'm sorry if I sounded...." "It's quite alright CC- no need to explain. I take it you were looking over the latest figures...." "Yes and needless to say, I'm not happy...." "I didn't think you would be. Actually, I was trying to set up something up with Gina this week, but with Ted being out of town and all, I'm kind of on overload...." CC agrees, saying that she's overextended right now, since she's doing all of Ted's work in addition to her own. Angela tells him that it was nice having Kelly around to pitch in for a couple of days, but since she's going to be focused on the hotel from now on, she ended up with 3x the work she was doing just 2 weeks ago. CC laments that while Angela is a brilliant businesswoman, he expertise generally lies more in marketing than finance. Right now, marketing strategies aren't what's plaguing Gina Jeans- it's finances and budgetary issues. (EXT:West Palm Beach, Florida- Captain Joe's) ---Mason, Mary, and Pearl arrive at the restaurant. They are seated and try to wait patiently for Sherri. Mason begins to get nervous, thinking that she stood them up, but Sherri walks up to the table just as Mary calms him down. "Sorry I'm a little late...." she says. "It's alright- I was just saying I was afraid you weren't coming at all...." Mason says. "To be honest, I almost didn't. You've gotta understand- I've got a lot on the line here....." "I'm not quite sure I follow that.." Pearl says. Sherri explains that Mark threatened her if she ever spoke a word about the delivery. She says that when Mary came out of her coma, Mark found her and made it clear that she was not to ever have any contact with her. Pearl asks when it was she last heard from Mark and she tells him it was actually very recently. He told her that Mary had gone home to her ex from years before and revealed herself to be very much alive. "It was almost sick, the way he explained it.... He kept saying that had he had control over the situation, that none of this would have happened. He even went so far to say that he wouldn't have fought so hard to save you if he knew things would turn out like this. He was very hurt that you still didn't want to be with him when you woke up. I know you had a relationship beforehand, and things weren't so great between you when you went into the coma...." "We were divorcing...." "Yes. But you have to understand, from Mark's point of view, you were still very much his wife for those 4 years that you were sleeping. He spent every day with you, every hour he was awake, every ounce of himself 100% dedicated to saving and preserving your life." Mary can relate in a way, having patients that she went through similar situations with. She tells Sherri that though she was very grateful to Mark for all he did, there were many things that had happened in the past that he couldn't undo. She looks at Mason, who realizes she's speaking of Mark's raping her. Sherri tells her that she's misunderstanding her- while she can see where Mark's coming from, it's quite clear to her that he's as unstable as they come and that Mary most likely is better off without her. She asks Pearl how Nurse Hodges is and Pearl tells her she's great, spry for her age. Sherri smiles and says that sounds just like the Nurse Hodges she remembers. "As nice as this little saunter down memory lane you're taking is for you, I'm really quite anxious to find out what took place in that delivery room twenty one years ago. Because something tells me that it's not as black and white as Mark would have Mary believe...." Mason says, staring Sherri down. Sherri looks back at him nervously, as Mary scolds him for his behavior. "It's alright, Mary. That is why we're here, after all. You have a right to know the truth...." (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ----The board meeting commences with Gina, Lily, Angela, CC, and Joann in attendance. CC goes over the grim sales figures for Gina Jeans. Gina tries to get defensive, saying that everything will turn around as soon as the spring line is rolled out. CC shoots back that she's way over budget right now for the line and cuts are going to be made. "That's fine. Angela, Lily, and I will sit down and work it all out for you..." she says. "Actually, I've taken Angela off Gina Jeans. She's carrying enough of a load as it is with Ted out of town. I'm assigning Joann to Gina Jeans...." "What? JOANN? What does she know about Gina Jeans? It's MY division. Mine and Lily's. She's worked for this company for all of 2 months and I'm expected to consult with her on something I've put 15 YEARS into?" "That 15 years, Gina, will all be for NOTHING if these profit margins remain as stagnant as they are.... You'll be consulting with Joann on everything involving Gina Jeans, effective immediately. The budget, creative decisions, marketing campaigns- you name it, she's going to be in on each and every decision made over there. Is that clear?" "Clear? I'll tell you how..." "Yes, Mr. Capwell. It's clear. We have no problem working with Joann and look forward to her input. Welcome to the team." Lily says, walking up to Joann and shaking her hand. Elizabeth walks into the meeting, asking what's going on. "Well, look who decided to show up to work!?! Didn't they teach you in business school that you don't buy companies and jet off for parts unknown for days on end?" Gina taunts. "Hello to you too Gina." she turns away from her. "CC, I actually thought we could go over a few things that went on while I was a way, catch me up a bit if you will....?" CC looks at her, remembering their last encounter. "Have Angela go over it with you." he says, coldly. "I wanted to talk to you, CC, if you don't mind..." CC nods and tells her to set something up with Kathleen. They hear a commotion outside. "I don't care about their meeting. I have something I've got to give to MY WIFE!!!" "Timmons..." CC says "What the hell could he want? His WIFE?" He turns his attention to Gina. "Well don't look at me....." Keith comes bursting through the board room door, with Kathleen following close behind him. "I'm sorry Mr Capwell, I tried to stop him...." "I'm so sorry to interrupt your little pow-wow, but Lizzie-Bit left this in the car. It looked important, so I thought I'd run it in....I'm sorry, pumpkin, I know we said we'd never bother each other at work......" "Pumpkin?" CC says "What's going on here?" "You haven't told em?" Keith asks Elizabeth. "Told us WHAT?" Gina exclaims. "Well we might as well tell em, sweet cakes, they're gonna find out sooner or later. You're looking at Mr. & Mrs. Keith Timmons right here....." "WHat?!?!?" CC says. "That's right, Mr & Mrs Keith Timmons, Keith & Elizabeth Timmons, whatever you wanna call it. We're hitched. Tell em, honey." "It's true," Elizabeth says, uncomfortably. "Aren't ya gonna say anything CC? Like congratulations? After all, this makes us........practically......FAMILY!" (EXT: West Palm Beach- Captain Joe's Restaurant) ----Sherri recounts the time and energy that Mark put into Mary's recovery. She remembers being very young, only an intern, and quite impresses with the passion Mark put into saving his wife. She thought it so noble at the time, so basic that a man would fight tooth and nail for his wife's survival. She says that it was always his intention to save them both. She remembers a time early into Mary's coma when Mark should have delivered the baby, as Mary's health had taken a turn for the worse. He believed in his heart that he could save her without having to induce labor. Sherri remembers him working tirelessly, round the clock, trying all kinds of different medications and even resorting to natural healers to control her infection, so he wouldn't have to deliver the baby. But unfortunately, the infection was too far advanced and finally, she was able to convince him to induce labor. He refused, locking himself in Mary's hospital room and not allowing anyone else to work on her. Sherri remembers how frightened she was at the time, not just for Mary, but for Mark. She could see that his behavior was unhealthy and wanted to do something. She recalls that she and Mark had bonded, and he'd taken a shine to her at the time. She spoke with him through the door, pleading with him and reasoning with him, telling him that he'd never forgive himself if he came this far and ended up losing them both. Though he was fearful that the baby would never make it as early as it was, he agreed it was Mary and his daughter's best shot. She says the two of them then performed the surgery together, she as his assistant. It took hours, as he was quite meticulous on every little detail, not leaving one thing to chance. "And finally, after all the work, she was born. Your little girl was delivered......but something wasn't right, I knew that right away." "What do you mean?" Mary asks. "Well, Mark was so worried about the baby being born prematurely, that it was too soon. According to him, you were only at 5 and a half, maybe 6 months. But the baby.....the baby was....." She stops, obviously getting nervous about what she's going to say. "Was what?" Mason presses "The baby looked to me to be......full grown. She looked like a healthy, normal little girl, like a baby would look after being fully developed.......At 5 1/2 months, the baby should have been tiny, organs likely not functional.....but your girl.....she was 6 lbs 10 oz, and took her first breath all on her own, something we weren't expecting....." (EXT: London, England- Edmund's mansion) ----Edmund sits by Sophia's side, reading a book. He hears her start to moan and get antsy. Her face starts to twitch and she slowly opens her eyes. The camera takes on her viewpoint, as she looks at a blurry Edmund. Sophia gets her composure and things are brought into focus. "Good morning" Edmund says. She continues looking at him confused. Suddenly, she seems to realize who he is. Her face slowly changes from that of confusion to contention. She smiles. "Good morning darling" THE END................for the WEEK!
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!! (EXT: Baja Mexico- DAWN) ----Eden sits on the dock alone, with an afghan from the car wrapped around her, dangling her legs over the water. She looks at the empty B6 slot and watches as another team of divers jump into the water. Julia watches her from afar, holding two paper cups filled with steaming coffee. She walks up to her friend and takes a seat next to her, handing her the coffee. Eden wipes a tear from her face as she takes it from her. "Thought this might help keep you warm. Who knew Mexico got this cold, even if it is February?" "Thanks. I appreciate it. You don't have to stay with me, you know." "Yes, I do. I'm not going to leave you like this. Besides, it's not as though I have much that can't wait right now in Santa Barbara. Any word on Cruz?" "None. This is so......frustrating, you know. All I can do is sit here and wait. But what am I waiting for exactly? Them to find signs of his death? His clothes? His body?" Eden stands up and begins to walk away a bit. "It's so morbid. I keep thinking, he can't be dead, there's no way. I know, I'd feel it. But then.......but then.......I can't leave. I can't move- physically. It's as though something inside of me is telling me to wait, to stay here, the answers are here. But Julia...." her voice begins to crack. "I'm not sure I want answers........because if.....if.....Oh God Julia, what am I gonna do?" She begins to sob and Julia walks directly up to her, to comfort her. (EXT: California Highway- The Mexican Border) ---Adriana grows impatient as she and Steve wait to go through customs. "What, do they gotta know everybody's entire life history here? It's only Mexico, it's not like were travelling to Israel!" Steve laughs at her frustration. "You think it's funny? My dad's life could be on the line here...." "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh....it's just......you're cute when you're angry...." "Cute? You think this is cute? Because the longer we sit her, I promise you, the CUTER I'm gonna get...." "Look, you think I like waiting in this line princess?" "Why does everyone call me that?" Steve gives her a look. "Ok, Ok, I guess I can see where they get it...." "Oh you guess?" "Listen, buster...." "Buster?" "You've known me for like, 5 seconds, so I don't think you have any room to..." "Drive you into another country? Probably not. But I'm doin it...." Adriana realizes she's acting like a brat, considering what Steve is doing for her. Adriana asks what he suggests they do to pass the time and he says they ought to try getting to know one another. She announces that she'll go first and asks Steve how long he's been in Santa Barbara. He claims not long at all, that he's kind of lived all over the state. Adriana asks him where he's from and he says he actually is from California originally, having bounced from San Francisco to Santa Monica to San Jose to San Diego to Sacramento to Long Beach, etc... Adriana asks why he moved around so much and he tells her he was always going from foster home to foster home. She asks about his real parents and he claims he was told his mom died when she gave birth to him. Adriana asks about his father and he tells her he's been in jail as long as he's been alive, though he's never had any contact with him. Steve clams up a bit at how personal the conversation has gotten and changes the subject, telling Adriana he ought to call her friends and tell them where she went, as they must be worried about her. Adriana tries to press him a little more but he brings her finger to her lips, and directs her to her phone. She looks at him, half tenderly, half annoyed, and begins dialing the phone. (EXT: West Palm Beach Hospital) ---Pearl, Mary, and Mason arrive at the hospital where Sherri works as she's about to get off from her overnight. Pearl pulls out a sheet of paper he put notes on, saying which floor she works on. On the elevator up, Pearl instructs Mary and Mason to stay behind while he approaches Sherri, saying that if she feels ganged up on by the three of them, she most likely won't talk. They agree to back off. They arrive on the fourth floor and Mason and Mary head to the coffee & snack room while Pearl looks for the employee lockers. He's disapointed when there's no sign of Sherri and asks a nurse at the station if Nurse Rhodes is still around. She asks who wants to know & Pearl gives her his name. She tells him that Sherri got off about 5 minutes before, though she hasn't seen her leave. "Sherri who?" a woman says, walking up behind him. "Sherri Rhodes- you know her..." "I'm Nurse Rhodes. Is there something I can do for you?" "Actually, yes, there is." Pearl digs in his pocket for a picture of Mary. "Recognize this woman?" Sherri stares at the picture. "What is this about? What do you want? Who sent you here?" "I just wanna asks you a few questions about her and her baby, that's all...." "If you think I'm dumb enough to fall for this, you're sadly mistaken. All of that happened years ago. You can tell your 'client' Mark that he can go to hell and to leave me the hell alone...." Pearl tells her he doesn't know what she's talking about. She tells him to cut his act, that she knows one of Mark's lackeys when she sees one. Sherri says that she's moved on from that part of her life and asks Pearl once again to please tell Mark to leave her alone. Pearl tries to insist that she has everything all wrong, but she starts storming toward the elevator. "That man has done enough damage to my life." "He's done enough damage to all of our lives," Mary says, walking up behind her. Sherri turns around and is startled to see her former patient in front of her. "Hello Nurse Rhodes. I'm Mary Duvall." "I know who you are.............So he was telling the truth after all, you did make it......" "Yes, I did- everything was pretty fuzzy when I woke up, needless to say, but I survived. Thanks to Mark. And Nurse Hodges. And everyone who was there, working for my recovery, including you..." "I'm just glad things turned out the way they did and you're okay. I know I just said some harsh things about Dr. McCormick....but honestly, Ms. Duvall, I've never seen a doctor so passionately try to save his patient. He worked day & night, coming up with new treatments, ideas, to bring you out of your coma...." Mary reiterates that she appreciates all of their efforts, but she's not really there to thank her. She needs some pieces filled in about what happened during the birth of her child and through Pearl's efforts, they were able to track down Nurse Hodges, who told them that Sherri was in the delivery room. "Yes, I was." "Please, then, please, I'm begging you, for my own piece of mind..... I need to know what happened that day....." "Look I don't know if I should...." Mason interrupts her. "Please. We've come a long way to see you- this child could very well have been mine, and we have every reason to believe that Mark would do something underhanded if that were the case. We need your help..." "Alright, I'll help you. I'll talk to you. But not here, not now." "Why not now?" "It isn't safe, necessarily. Mark knows exactly where I am, and always seems to have people keeping tabs on me. There's a restaurant, on A1A, seafood called Captain Joe's. It's right on the waterfront, by the piers, you can't miss it. Meet me there tonight, 5 PM. I'll tell you everything you want to know." She heads into her elevator and as the door shuts, Mary puts her hand in to stop it, and thanks Sherri once again. (EXT: Baja, Mexico- PIERS)(Be sure and listen to the music......especially Sherri & the other C&E refugees.....) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT7Vmv0TyhM ---Eden continues sitting, by herself, staring into the water below her. She thinks back, remembering the dinner she had for Cruz just before Christmas and the two of them making love. She thinks back further, to their wedding day, her in her enoumous white Satin gown and he in his old-fashioned tuxedo, marrying in front of the water, with all of their family and friends present. She remembers swimming into the cove when she was able to walk again and first coming back to him from her ordeal with Cain. She comes back to the present, with her eyes welling with tears. FLASH TO In the distance, Julia stands at the end of the pier and watches as the divers signal that they've found a body. Julia watches, horrified as she sees them bringing up something resembling a human, burnt beyond recognition. FLASH TO Eden brings her head up, and sees Julia standing at the end of the pier. She looks to see what she's watching and sees that the search team has found something. She begins to stand up when she feels a hand on her shoulder. She turns around to see Santana. Eden begins to get emotional, which makes Santana well up as well. Santana gives Eden a big hug. FLASH TO Julia, watching the boat with the search team heading toward shore. FLASH TO Adriana and Steve pulling up into the marina, in his car. Adriana goes flying out, running through all of the officers, looking for her mother. She spots Eden in the distance, hugging Santana and begins to run toward her. FLASH TO The search team head, getting off the boat. Eden & Santana see him speaking with Julia and Eden stands frozen as they begin walking toward them. Adriana spots her mother again, and begins walking swiftly toward her. Eden notices that the man with Julia is holding something in his hands. He walks up to her and the action goes silent, besides the background music. He shows her the object he's holding- a plain, gold ring. She's shown taking it from him and staring at it, her face squenching up, her eyes tearing. She collapses to the ground, sobbing with the ring in her hand as she realizes what it means. Adriana runs up to her mother and holds her. She's shown asking what's wrong and a distraught Eden shows her daughter the ring. Adriana looks at Julia, Santana, and the search head's sad, stony faces looking back at her. She again brings her attention to her mother, who's clenching the ring, sobbing. She hugs her mother tightly, as a single tear drops from her eye. THE END..................for today
That was SO cute Dusty! Loved it! You really seem to thrive when you write these fun 'special' TWOO episodes.
Great job on the pre-noms you guys! I actually like that you've got Dee in supporting!
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!!!!! (EXT: Baja, Mexico) ---Eden and Julia continue driving down the road, heading toward what they think is the marina that Cruz is at. Eden is troubled when she sees emergency vehicles and police cars speeding in the other direction. "Julia, something's not right.......why would all these police cars be heading away from the marina?" "I'm not sure.....maybe it's unrelated...." Eden notices a cop car in an upcoming gas station and directs Julia to pull over. They jump out of the car and run into the gas station, looking for the officer. Julia asks him what all the commotion is about and he mentions a disaster at the marina. "But the marina's the other way...." Eden says. "There's marinas in both directions lady." "Oh my God. Does any of this have to do with an international kidnapping?" "I'm not at liberty to...." "My husband was heading up the investigation, officer. He could be in trouble. Please, tell me what you know....." "Honestly, lady, I don't know much, but it does sound like the case this is related to...." Eden asks him how far down the road the other marina is and he tells her about 20 miles. She and Julia race to the car and head off. (EXT: Coffee Shop) ---Adriana sits with Samantha and Rafe, impatiently waiting for word on her mother. Rafe tries to ease her worry but she's inconsolable. She insists that her mother should have called by now and the longer she goes without hearing from her, the worse it gets. Samantha can relate, saying she hasn't heard from Mason since he's left town and she can't help but worry about what's going on with he & Mary. "Your dad could be getting back with his ex. Big deal. My father could be DEAD for all I know. It's not the same thing." "You're right, it isn't, I'm sorry, I was only trying to...." "Well don't try Samantha, I don't need anyone cheering me up. What I need is my dad to come back, safe and sound....." Adriana excuses herself to the ladies room. Rafe apologizes to Samantha for his niece's behavior, saying she's just tense. Samantha reminds him that she's known A for her entire life, so she knows she gets prickly when she's worried, not to mention a little unpredictable. Meanwhile, Adriana literally bumps into a guy on her way to the restroom. "HEY!" he says to her. "I'm sorry, I should be watching where I'm going......" "It's alright, don't worry about it. I couldn't help but overhear ya talkin with your friends in there. That sucks about your dad." "Yeah. Thanks, I guess..." Adriana can't stop looking at the quiet, soulful looking guy, and his piercing blue eyes. "I'm Steve. Steve Hall." "Adriana Castillo, nice to meet you." "Likewise. So, Adriana Castillo, anything I can do to help? Make ya feel better? Put a smile on your face?" "You could drive me to Mexico." Steve cracks a smile but Adriana continues looking at him. "You serious?" She keeps looking. "Where in Mexico you talkin, anyway? How far?" "Just Baja- that's where he is....." Steve ponders it for a minute and ends up agreeing to take her down there. He asks when she wants to go and she suggests they leave right away. They begin making a bee-line for the door when Steve stops and asks Adriana if she's going to go and tell her friends where she's going. "I can call them from the road, please, let's just GO!" The two of them head for his car and take off. (EXT: Mexican Highways) ---Angel and Marta continue driving down the Mexican highway. Angel asks Marta again about her ordeal and she claims everything was fine, especially after she gave them the information they needed. Angel asks what she's referring to and she tells him how she told them about the entire investigation so they could use it as a cover for her kidnapping. "YOU did that Marta? You put that idea in their hands?" "I was trying to survive, papi, doing what I had to. I knew I was disposable to them at that point and I had to think of a way to make myself useful. They would have killed me otherwise. I guess we're not the only ones that Officer Castillo has messed up over the years...." "Hush up, Marta. Cruz wasn't responsible for my being in jail- I did that all on my own. Yeah, he was the one that sent me there, but he wouldn't have been able to do that had I not committed any crimes. He doesn't deserve this...." "And I deserved being separated from my father for all those years?" "No, mira, of course you didn't. You were innocent in all this. But you can't go on hating Cruz and the Castillos for something that really wasn't his fault. It should be me you're mad at, not Cruz." "But I love you daddy." Angel offers that he loves her too and should have put her first from the moment she was conceived, which he didn't. He says he was a different man then, but that prison changed him. He also insists that he no longer blames Cruz in any way for his own misfortunes- Cruz was only doing his job. He admits that, since the investigation began, he's gotten to know Cruz and like him. "Which is why I can't believe that I.......that I......... allowed this to happen." Angel gets a crises of conciense and promptly turns the car around. "Papi, what are you doing?" "I'm gonna make this right.......Or try, anyway. (EXT: Mexican road) ---Eden and Julia continue speeding down the road, hearing the sounds of police sirens as they go. "I have a bad feeling about this Julia, a really bad feeling...." They approach the marina and see that the entrance has been sealed off, with cops swarming the place and people not being allowed in. They jump out of the car and approach the blockway. The officers inform them they cannot let them through, but Julia informs them she's from the Santa Barbara DA's office and the crime scene could be related to a case they're working on there. The cop asks for identification and she shows it. He says she can pass, but not Eden. Julia tells him that Eden is the wife of the man in charge of the investigation and she'll be going in with her whether he likes it or not. The cop insists that his superiors have given him strict orders. "Then you can give you 'superiors' my direct line and they can contact me personally if they have any kind of issue. But make no mistake, she's coming in with me...." He lets them pass and they begin running toward the main source of all the commotion. Julia starts asking around, looking for the guys that were supposed to be backing Cruz up in the investigation. They find out that they're by the main site of the explosion, B6. "Explosion? Oh my God!" Julia and Eden race up to the site and can see the refuse distantly in the water, as well as divers and all sorts of helicopters casting lights on the water. Julia is directed to the person heading up the investigation and she and Eden ask what's going on, and where Cruz is. "Who are the two of you?" "I'm the Santa Barbara district attorney, and this is his wife, Eden Castillo. We had reason to believe he was being set up and came as quickly as we could to try and warn...." "You're the wife? You should come with me...." "Why? What's going on? Where's my husband?" "Please, just come over here with me." "I'll do no such thing, you can tell me right here. Julia is a close friend and my sister-in-law, you can talk in front of her..." "I'm sorry, ma'am. I am. We have reason to believe he was on board the ship when it exploded." "That can't be- that can't be right, there's no way....." "Witnesses report seeing a hispanic man, 5'9, dark hair & complexion, well-built, wearing a flannel shirt, tight jeans, and a sport coat- looked like an investigator- board the ship before it took off.....I'm sorry Mrs. Castillo. Your husband is gone." "No. It can't be . Please, there must be some mistake, he couldn't have been on there.... maybe he got off...." "I'm sorry ma'am, but all witnesses that we've interviewed so far said nobody was seen going on or off or even near the ship before the explosion. I really am very sorry. The divers are looking for remains now. We did everything we could....." "EVERYTHING YOU COULD? EVERYTHING? My husband would be alive right now had you done everything you could, how can this be happening? You were supposed to be backing him up, watching him, what happened? WHAT HAPPENED?~!?? HE CAN'T BE DEAD- PLEASE !!! What happened? WHAT HAPPENED?" She sobs and Julia takes her in her arms, trying to calm her down and show support. She's shown comforting her.......through binocular lenses. The camera zooms in on Kirk, watching them with his binoculars. "Oh, he's gone Eden, you can count on that. But not to worry. Kirk will make you feel all better." He laughs as the camera goes back to Julia, comforting a distraught Eden. THE END............for TODAY Don't forget- Radio Show- TONIGHT! 10 PM EST - Talkin Santa Barbara! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/santabarbaratalk The # to call in is (646)652-4802 If you don't wanna call, but still want to be heard, we'll also be taking questions in the official 'RTSB' chatroom here: http://www.freewebs.com/ccandsophia/
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
Thanks so much for the help TERI! I'm going back now and picking the younger actress and supporting actor choices. I really want to be careful with the Lead submissions- there's going to be A LOT of competition between the blogs in those categories & I want to be sure to choose scenes that will stand out. Oh....and if you're not an SON member, feel free to email me at [email protected] with any suggestions! Especially in the LEADING CATEGORIES, as I'm submitting them last. I assume some of you have some strong feelings about those contenders & I'd like as much input as possible before making the final decision. -
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
THANKS TERI!!!! And welcome back! I miss you when you're not around- hopefully, you can listen or even call in to the radio show tonight!!! -
Since Episode 55 OH-SO-OBVIOUSLY was meant to be a cliffhanger Friday, I'm being a poop and making you all wait another day for the next one. That, and I have the day off tomorrow and no car. I'll adjust the schedule accordingly. In the meantime, time for some NEWS!!!! Drew Hamilton, an SON member and SONBC enthusiast (that's the nickname of our blog network), has kicked off the 2007 SONBC Awards, just in time for Emmy season. Basically, he's doing it like the Emmys, where each blog pre-nominates 2 actors in each of the major categories & submits scenes from the actor's best episode of 2006. Only episodes that were posted in 2006 count, so the eligibility goes up to my New Year's Eve episode (was actually posted New Year's Day, but was intended as a 2006 episode). I've consulted Mel, my co-host, and Wendy about the pre-nominations, and am going with my gut, along with their input. But I still need some help! The only episodes I've submitted are for Best Show & the 2 Best Supporting Actress contenders. I have NOT decided on the episodes for the performers submitted in the other categories. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Again, only episodes up to the New Year's Eve show are eligible. Without further adieu, I give you the 'Return to Santa Barbara' Pre-Nominee roster for the 2007 SONBC Awards. Best Younger Actor: nobody on RTSB is eligible. Best Younger Actress: Alisa Reyes as Marta Ramirez and Heather Lindell as Samantha Capwell Best Supporting Actor: Tuc Watkins as Keith Timmons and Michael Brainard as Ted Capwell Best Supporting Actress: Harley Jane Kozak as Mary Duvall and Carmen Duncan as Pamela Conrad Best Lead Actor: Lane Davies as Mason Capwell and Jed Allan as CC Capwell Best Lead Actress: Judith McConnell as Sophia Capwell and Nancy Lee Grahn as Julia Wainright Capwell Best Storyline: The Takeover of Capwell Enterprises/Introduction of Elizabeth Best Show: Episode 26: The Mud Fight! For my Supporting Actress entries, I submitted EPISODE 9 for Harley Jane Kozak (Julia finds out that Dr.Beckman is really Mary!) and for Carmen Duncan, I submitted episode 31 (New Year's Eve). Again, any help you guys could offer me in choosing episodes for the other categories would be greatly appreciated! See you tomorrow, for Episode 56!!!!
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: BAJA, Mexico) ---Cruz is shown driving down the off-road, looking down at the map. He slows down, thinking he may have missed a turn. He looks over the map closely, once again. "Where the hell am I? If I'm headin to a dock, I should see water by now..." Meanwhile, Kirk stops behind him, staying far enough behind to remain out of sight. He opens up his laptop and types that Castillo has stopped driving. The person asks if he's still headed in the right direction and Kirk replies that he is. They advise Kirk to wait it out. He pulls out his binoculars and sees Cruz, sitting in his car, staring downward at the unfolded map. "Come on Castillo......just ten miles and we're there.....don't stop on me now..." (EXT: The California/Mexico Border) ---Eden and Julia sit in the line of cars, waiting to go through the customs tollway to get into Mexico. Eden complains about the long line of cars and Julia tries to pacify her concern. "Julia, my husband's life could be on the line here, I'm sorry but I'm gonna be a little bit edgy....' "You don't have to apologize, Eden. But frankly, complaining isn't going to do Cruz or us any good. Call the SBPD again- see if Vic's been able to get word to Cruz yet.....Hopefully, we'll be hearing from Santana soon..." Eden complies and immediately calls Vic as they continue to wait in the line. She asks the operator to put her through to Captain Vic Boswell and she obliges. "Vic! It's Eden..........Have you been able to reach Cruz yet? .......... I know, the same thing's been happening to me......Any luck with the Mexican authorities?...........Good, and they have the maps ? ........... They'll be in touch as soon as they've caught up with him though, right?....................Alright, well you call me as soon as you hear something............I will, Vic." Julia asks what he said and Eden tells her they've been unable to reach Cruz as of yet, but the authorities in Mexico are on their way to the site as they speak. Julia is relieved to hear that, but Eden says she won't feel alright until she's heard from Cruz himself. "You will Eden. Don't worry. We're gonna hear from him....' Eden gives Julia another worried look and turns to her front to see the line they continue to wait in. (For added effect, go to the following link & play the song titled "Hello rub n tug" over the rest of the episode.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQscy564WJs&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL0F4DC854586BB80A (EXT: The Royal Flamingo Hotel, Room 207) ---Angel is shown sitting in the room, staring at original copies of both maps. "C'mon, call..........let me know my baby girl is alright...." Meanwhile, outside of the hotel, Santana is shown pulling into the parking lot in her car. She looks down at her notes, with the room number on it, and races up the outside stairs, turning the corner to head toward the room. She finally arrives at room 207. She knocks at the door. She waits a second, then starts furiously banging. "ANGEL! Open UP!! NOW!!!" Angel opens the door. "Well, well, well, Santana Andrade, it's been a long, long time. How are you mami?" "I didn't come here to stroll down memory lane with you, you know why I'm here........I need the map......." "Alright, alright, I'll get it. I was only trying to say hello...." He walks toward the desk to retrieve the map, opening the drawer with both maps in it. He is slow to decide which map to give her, which arouses Santana's suspicions. She begins to walk toward him, and he quickly chooses a map and slams the drawer shut. He goes to hand her the map, which she snatches, staring him right in his eye. "What are you hiding Angel?" "Hiding? What are you talking about hiding? I've nothing to hide...." "Oh you don't?" "That's right, I don't...." "Then I don't suppose you'd mind if I took a look in that desk drawer there." "Actually, I would....." "Really? Why exactly? Something in there you don't want me to see?" "I'm warning you Santana...." "Get out of my way....." She storms right past him, opens the drawer, and finds the other map. She holds it up to him. "What's this? Another map? Why are there two? Which one is the one Cruz followed?" He just stares back at her, remaining silent. "ANSWER Me! Which one DID HE FOLLOW ANGEL?" Angel stares at her sternly, clenching his jaw. "These people.....they're dangerous Santana.....All I want.....All I've ever wanted is my daughter home, safe, where she belongs....." "At the expense of Cruz? What kind of monster are you? You would actually exchange someone else's life, someone who's trying to help you?" "I'd do anything for my baby girl....." Santana looks at him, disgusted. "You're pathetic. If anything........I mean ANYTHING happens to him, you're going to have to answer to me. And you're not going to like what I do about it either." She storms out of the room and runs to her car, staring at both maps. (EXT: Mexican Roads) ---Cruz starts his car again and continues following the dirt path, heading in the correct direction. Kirk sees him start up again and proceeds to follow cautiously behind him. He quickly types in the laptop that Cruz is back in motion. He continues to slowly follow behind him..... FLASH TO ----Julia and Eden continue driving down the Mexican road, quickly approaching Baja. Eden begins to panic that the sun is already down and she hasn't heard back from Vic or even Santana. Julia tries to keep her calm, saying they're almost there, and if worse comes to worse, they can head directly to the hotel. Suddenly, Eden's phone rings and she sees that it's Santana. She answers the phone and asks Santana what's going on. Santana gives Eden the name of the dock and the directions to it. Eden thanks her for all her help and Santana tries to tell her about the decoy map. The connection begins breaking up before Eden can understand what Santana is saying. They are then disconnected. Eden tells Julia where they're heading and gives her the directions. Julia wonders if there isn't a faster way to get there from where they're at and uses her ONSTAR Navigation system to find out. Eden impatiently waits for the service to respond..... FLASH TO (EXT: The Royal Flamingo Hotel) ---Angel sits at the small table in the room, with the lights out and drapes open, as he sips on a beer. Suddenly, he hears a car screech in the parking lot and he jumps to his feet. He runs out the door and sees Marta being pushed out of a white pickup truck, which promptly speeds off. He runs down to the parking lot and scoops his daughter in his arms. "Mija, thank God you're okay. Did they hurt you? Are you hungry? You must be starved......I'm so relieved you're okay....." "I'm fine papi, I'm fine.....' FLASH TO ----Cruz, pulling up to the docks, staring at the overwhelming amount of boats. He looks over his directions as he races out of the car. He looks for the boat slot number and sees that it's B6. He sees he's at "A" and sees the arrow pointing toward B. He heads down the row until he gets to B6. He's stunned by what a large yacht it is, compared to some of the other slots, which house merely speed boats. He looks again at the directions to make sure it's correct and promptly boards the yacht. He races on to the deck, looking for the entry way. FLASH TO ---Kirk pulls into the docks, gets out, and sees Cruz running toward the ship through his binoculars. He races back to his car and types on his laptop that Cruz is about to board the ship. FLASH TO ---Santana, following her directions, confused as to why she doesn't see any water. She finally does spot the ocean and makes a turn. FLASH TO ---Eden and Julia, racing down the highway as Eden navigates Julia off the exit for the marina. FLASH TO ---Cruz finds the entryway to the inside. As he begins to head down the stairs, he feels the boat begin to rock as it moves causing him to stumble a bit. He gets back on his feet and continues walking down the stairs, suitcase in hand, still armed. He draws his gun when he sees the room he's going to is fairly dark. He sees a dim light in a corner, illuminating a small table. On it, he finds a DVD titled "DETECTIVE" He flips on the light switch and sees a television with a DVD player attached. FLASH TO ---Santana, racing down the docks, until she gets to B6, which is empty. She sees a Mexican sailor nearby and, in Spanish, begs him to help her, saying that her friend is in trouble. He balks at first, saying he doesn't want to get mixed up in any trouble. Please she begs, pleading with him. He's resistant until she gets an idea. She slyly moves her ring from one finger to another and holds it up, pointing at her ring finger. She tells him it's her husband and she has to help him, saying she'll take his boat with or without him. The man agrees to help her. She boards the speedboat with him and they race off. FLASH TO ---Cruz on the yacht, popping the DVD in the player. Very quickly a face comes on the screen, and a muffled voice says. "HELLO CRUZ" "My God" Cruz says. "It's you." FLASH TO ---Santana, on the speed boat with the man. She sees a large boat not far in the distance and asks the man if it looks like the one in B6. The man assures her it is, saying he'd recognize that ship anywhere. SUDDENLY...............As Santana and her friend draw closer on the speed boat, the ship they're staring at............ EXPLODES!!!!!!!!!!! THE END................for TODAY!!!!!!
UPDATE: Haha, so I worked 16 hours Saturday (meeting at 8, shift started at 10:45 AM, ended 12 AM). Then, I woke up Sunday for another shift, got home early (3 PM) and slept from then until 2 AM! U wanna talk about beat...... In any event, 'RTSB' will return tomorrow (Monday) with no loss in story!
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!!!! (EXT: Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office) ----Eden is frantic after realizing that Adriana was indeed the attempted kidnapping victim and feared the worst for Cruz. She grabs her keys and says she's going down there. Julia tells her she doesn't think it's safe and they should contact the authorities immediately. Eden looks outside and sees the sun beginning to set. "There isn't any time Julia, I've got to get down there- I have to warn him." "I'm going with you, mom." Adriana interjects. "Absolutely not- you'll be doing no such thing....if these guys were after you in the first place, Adriana, then that's the last place you need to be. You're going home with Samantha....." "You can't go alone, mom. Let me come." "She won't be alone." Julia interrupts. "I'm going with her." Rafe arrives and sees Eden and Julia rushing out of the station. He asks his sister-in-law what's going on and she instructs him to take Adriana home and stay with her. He asks why and she claims that there isn't any time to explain- just do it and she'll call him when she can. Eden and Julia rush out and Julia insists on driving. Rafe asks Samantha and Adriana what's going on and Adriana tells him she finally remembered everything. Rafe is furious that they didn't tell him what was going on and that he should be the one going down there. Samantha offers to stay with Adriana and let him go ahead. "I appreciate the offer, but....my brother would kill me if I let his little princess outta my sight. I just pray to God they get there in time...." (EXT: Baja, Mexico GAS STATION) ---Cruz radios to his backup, asking them if they've picked up the maps from Angel at the hotel. They tell him they're just arriving there now. He says he's gassing up and is going to go on ahead from there. He warns them to be discreet and not go directly to the docks where he's meeting these guys. They promise their utmost discretion and tell him to be careful. (EXT: The Royal Flamingo Hotel, Room 207) ---Angel looks at his copy of the map. He flashes back to talking to the kidnappers and promising to make good on delivering Cruz in exchange for Marta's safety, without any interference. He goes to the desk drawer and pulls it out from its hinge, revealing an enveloped taped up inside, underneath the surface. He opens the envelope and unfolds another map, with different directions on it. Leaving the real map behind, he takes the decoy with him to the 24 hour copy & fax store across the street. He proceeds to make the copies and return to his room. (EXT: The Roads of California) ---Eden desperately watches the sun setting as she & Julia speed along the winding Californian highways as she holds her cell phone tightly next to her ear. "Come on Cruz.....Pick up.......Please Pick up................Damnit...Voice Mail.....again..........Julia we're never going to make it in time." "Try the hotel again....Angel should be back by now....." Eden dials the hotel and asks for room 207. The phone rings. No Answer. It rings again. No Answer. FLASH TO Angel, watches the phone ring, with a sickened look on his face. FLASH TO Eden again talks to the front desk clerk, telling her to leave an urgent message from Eden Castillo and gives her cell phone number. Eden begins to panic, saying that she feels so powerless, that there's nothing she can do, no matter how she tries. Julia tells her not to give up and asks her if she knows anybody who lives in Mexico. "Santana- That's It! She doesn't live too far from Baja, I don't think. I don't have her num......Wait, I'll call Rosa, she'll have it." She dials the house. "Rosa?.....Rosa it's Eden......Look, I don't have a lot of time, I need to get in touch with Santana, it's urgent- I need her number....." She takes out her pen and furiously jots down the number. She quickly hangs up and immediately dials Santana's phone. Santana answers and the screen splits between the two, as Eden explains everything that's going on with Cruz and asks Santana how far she is from Baja. Santana says she can be there in half an hour, quicker if she speeds. Eden gives Santana the name of the hotel and the room number that Angel should be in. Eden tells her to please hurry. "Don't worry Eden" Santana assures. "We're not going to let anything happen to him. I promise you that. Just keep the faith- I'll do whatever it takes for Cruz, you know that. I'll see you when you get down here...." Eden hangs up and says that although she feels a little better now that she's gotten a hold of someone, there still isn't a lot of time. She again dials the hotel room, and this time, Angel picks up. "ANGEL!! Thank God! You've got to listen to me.....Cruz is in danger- he's being set up- the kidnappers were after Adriana all along, not Marta..." "What? What are you saying? That can't be, Eden, why would they keep Marta then? And why the demands about my testimony?" "I don't have any of the answers Angel but I'm telling you, something is not right. You've got to go after him- you have to stop him." "I'm sorry Eden. I can't do that." "What do you mean you CAN'T?" "They're supposed to drop Marta off here once Cruz makes the exchange.....I'm not leaving here until my baby girl is back in my arms...." "Aren't you listening to me? It's a SET UP! You're not going to get Marta back at all if you don't warn him...." "You haven't told me anything as to why and even if you did, I have to go by what they're saying. My daughter's life could depend on it. I'm sorry Eden, but you'd do the same thing in my situation......" "Can you alert his backup then?" "They've already left to follow him- I have no way to reach them- Cruz has the radio with him, that's how they're communicating right now, since they're more reliable than cell phones in the area....." Eden insists he has to do something but he tells her his hands are tied. She then tells him that Santana Andrade is on her way there and asks if he still has a copy of the map. Angel freezes for a moment, wrestling with his conciense as he hears the desperation in her voice. She again screams, pleading with him to answer her. He admits he does have one copy and agrees to give it to Santana upon her arrival. She thanks him and tells him she hopes everything with Marta turns out alright. They hang up and she exchanges a nervous look with Julia as they continue speeding down the highway. (EXT: Mexico- roads) ---Cruz is shown travelling down an off-road, looking down at the map as things get a little bumpy. A car is shown following not too far behind him. The camera zooms into the driver and reveals it to be Kirk Cranston. Kirk stops and pulls off as he sees Cruz following the dirt path. He receives a typed message, asking him his location. He replies that he's just outside of the docks, about 15 miles or so. The person types back, asking if the target is in sight. Kirk replies that the bait has been taken and Cruz seems to be driving right into the trap that's been set. "EXCELLENT" is typed back to him. Kirk closes the lap top computer and smiles. "After today, Castillo, after today, you will no longer be a nuisance to me or anyone you've encountered. And finally, after all these years, Eden will be back where she belongs........with me!" THE END...............for today
Yayyyyy! We're back!! Episode 54 will be posted later on tonight....
That will most certainly be addressed......
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!!! (EXT: West Palm Beach, Florida- Upscale Hotel) ---Mason and Mary dine in the hotel restaurant, waiting for Pearl to get there with Sherri. Mary says she's exhausted from all of the traveling and delays they experienced the day before. She thanks Mason for coming along with she and Pearl on the trip and admits to being nervous about meeting Sherri for the first time. Mason asks if she remembers Sherri at all, since she seemed to remember Nurse Hodges but she tells him that Sherri was long gone before she woke up, this being the first she's ever heard about her. Mary says that she's so angry with herself for never checking out Mark's story in the first place, for trusting him. "It's not your fault- you had no way of knowing when you woke up that I thought you were dead- I can't imagine what you must have thought, with only Mark there with you. And to find out how he fought for you and kept you alive for four years- he manipulated you Mary. He had every tool he needed to do so, and of course, the necessary prey: a trusting, honest, loving woman. He knew exactly what he was doing and if our child has been alive all of these years, it is his fault we don't know about her, not yours." he consoles "I can't help it though- I should have known Mason, never to trust him. I should have wondered about her- my God, she could be anywhere....." "If she's out there, Mary, we'll find her. I promise we will." Just then, Pearl comes flying into the restaurant, asking Mason if he can have one of his muffins. As he begins scarfing it down, he says Nurse Rhodes wasn't at work, having switched her shift with another nurse. Mason asks Pearl if she may have been tipped off that they're looking for it and Pearl says it's possible, though also possible she innocently switched the shift. Mary asks if he was able to find out when she'd be working again and Pearl says he was able to get on one of the hospital computers and see that she'll actually be working the overnight. (EXT: MEXICO- The Royal Flamingo Hotel er, El Flamingo de Royale ) ---Cruz prepares for his rendezvous at sundown. Angel thanks him again for all his help with Marta and just hopes that everything works out as it's supposed to. "With any luck, we'll have your little girl back by the end of the day, safe and sound, and these guys will be behind bars." "If I don't get a hold of em first....." "Now don't go doin anything stupid, man, like followin me when she gets here. The last thing any of us wants is you gettin into any more trouble with the law...or worse. Let me take care of these guys. And believe me when I say that I will take care of em, man." Angel agrees but retains a copy of the map, to give to the proper authorities if they don't make good on the deal with Marta. Cruz packs up the suitcase with hundred dollar bills and looks over the paperwork that they asked for. He sees that everything is in order and straps himself with his brown leather suspender-like gun holster. He takes the suitcase and paperwork, grabs his keys, and heads out. The camera zooms in on Angel. "Good luck Castillo. Good luck......" he says, with a pained expression on his face. (EXT: Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office) ----Julia sits at her desk with her reading glasses on, looking over some paperwork when her secretary buzzes her, telling her that Eden Castillo is there to see her. Eden walks in and asks Julia if she's heard anything about the investigation. "Actually, I just got off the phone with Vic Boswell. A meeting has been set up, between Cruz and one of the kidnappers....." "There's more than one?" "It seems as though there's at least two involved, as the other is to drop Adriana off at the hotel to Angel. The exchange is supposed to take place at sundown, in about an hour or so....He's going to be alright Eden- it's Cruz we're talking about here. He's been doing this for years- it's in his blood." "He's meeting with them alone?" "Yes, but he has plenty of backup from the local authorities who will be close by, keeping an eye on things." Eden is relieved to hear that he won't be handling everything on his own. Eden asks Julia how she is, telling her she knows about Mason's trip. Julia says she's doing her best to be strong, especially for Samantha's sake. She says she'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried about her marriage. "It's an impossible situation and frankly, I'm more worried about your brother than I am myself. No matter what he does, he's going to have to hurt one of us by being honest with us both, none of which is Mason's strong suit. And his mother's antics of late aren't making matters any better...." "You're right. I've been so wrapped up on everything going on with Cruz and with Adriana I haven't even stopped to think about Mason, what he must be going through..." "Not to mention your mother's death, Eden. It's not an easy time for anybody- you don't have to apologize for not dropping everything when your half brother goes on his semi-annual tailspin......Although this time, I fear it could have much further-reaching impact than his previous episodes...." Eden comforts her, telling her that both of their husbands are going to get through it and emerge stronger than they were before. Especially having two strong, faithful women that they're married to. Adriana bursts into the office with Samantha, telling Eden & Julia they need to talk, it's an emergency. "Dad's in trouble, mom. Please, you've gotta believe me.... They weren't after Marta, mom...." "Adriana, we've been through this- we just have to have faith in your father. And according to their demands, it seems as though Carlos and Angel are their only reasons for doing this." "I can't explain any of that, but you've gotta LISTEN TO ME, PLEASE!!!! When they were taking me, mom, when they were taking me, they said that my 'cop father would have me home good as new in no time, not to worry' " "I'm not quite following you...." Julia interjects. "Don't you get it? They were taking ME at first, before Marta maced them. If they knew dad was a cop....." "Then they knew it was you they were taking...." Eden realizes. "EXACTLY! Which means...." "He's being set up. MY GOD! Julia, He's being SET UP!!!" (EXT: West Palm Beach, an apartment) ---A woman is shown putting on her white jacket, with the nametag saying Sherri Rhodes, R.N. She walks out into her living room, where her live-in boyfriend is sitting on the couch. She finishes packing her overnight bag and pours herself a cup of coffee for the road. Her boyfriend gets up out of his seat before she leaves. "Now, remember everything we talked about," a familiar voice says. "Don't worry. I know exactly what to do...." She walks up to kiss him and when they part from the kiss, the camera dramatically, in slow-motion, zooms into the face of the boyfriend- HIS FACE!!!!!!! THE END..................for today! Sorry it's late!
Yay! Thanks for bringing back the hottest DiMera KR. Peter Blake RULES! Can't wait til he gets to mix it up with Kristen again.
Well guys, Gary (from the radio show of the past 2 weeks- he's bankboy18 on SON) caught up on ALL 52 episodes this weekend and even took the time to email me his answers, since his SON account still isn't validated & he's unable to post. So, without further adieu..... GARY'S POV: 1. Who do you think is behind Adriana's attempted kidnapping? Carlos Esteban 2. Who does Mason belong with in the long-run- Julia or Mary? Julia 3. What character do you feel has been written truest to their nature thusfar on RTSB? (try to pick only one, but no more than 3) Gina, Keith, CC 4. What character has done something you wouldn't expect them to? Who did it, what did they do & why does it contradict their nature? Ted, dumping Lily and marrying Angela. I don't think Ted would ever do that, HOWEVER, i wasn't a fan of Michael Brainard playing Ted, so i guess it's possible. 5. Who is your favorite of the brand new characters introduced on 'RTSB'? Joanne Walsh 6. What character do you think needs to be further developed? Joanne 7. Who would you like to see more of? Gina & Keith 8. What do you think Edmund has planned for Sophia? Keep her imprisoned in his home and think he is still married to Loretta 9. What storyline keeps you coming back for more? Gina & Keith 10. Have you noticed any references to specific things on 'Santa Barbara' on 'RTSB'? If so, which ones did you catch? Keith asking Kelly if she pushed anyone out of any windows lately. 11. What character do you feel 'RTSB' could do without? (not who's your least fave, but who seems pretty irrelevant in the story so far) Carlos Esteban 12. Is there a plot on 'Santa Barbara' that was left dangling that you'd like to see resolved on 'RTSB'? If so, what? I want Brandon to return and reignite the Gina/Santana fued 13. What do you think of the addition of the Ramirez family? Do you think they should stick around? It's taking me time to get used to them, but i like the mother and daughter 14. Who were your favorite characters on SB? Gina, Kelly, Eden, Julia 15. Do you have the same favorites on 'RTSB'? Yes 16. What two characters would you like to see paired up that aren't already a couple? Joann & Keith, Gina would be pissed 17. Do you feel that all of the new characters (Carla, Marta, Elizabeth, Joann, Edmund) have been properly integrated with the cast? Yes 18. Who would you prefer to see comfort CC through his loss of Sophia- Elizabeth, Pamela, Gina, Rosa, Santana, or Joann? Elizabeth 19. Rank these storylines in order of preference: 1-most popluar, 6 least popular 2-Mary's Return from the Dead! 3-Edmund & Pamela's Plot against CC & Sophia! 1-Elizabeth/CC/Sophia history visited! 5-Cruz, Angel, their Undercover Investigation and the ensuing kidnapping! 4-Samantha/Rafe/Lily/Ted/Angela and Lily's plots against Angela! 6-Who is Warren's Father? 20. Do you have a favorite 'RTSB' episode? If so, which one was it? Gina, Augusta, and Sophia at the mud spa 21. Do you listen to the theme song before each episode? no, but i did play it once ;-) Certain characters i hear theme music in my head from the show
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND Edmund's Castle (Dungeon)) ----Edmund watches Sophia while she sleeps peacefully in her room. He thinks back to the night before and her response to the hypnosis. He remembers feeding her more of Loretta's memories, that of her childhood and marriage to Edmund. Only one part of her memories hasn't been implanted: the affair with CC and birth of Ashton. Edmund realizes that while implanting Loretta's memories thusfar has gone smoothly, replacing Sophia's memories of CC with Loretta's could prove trickier. He walks over to the side of her bed and runs his finger down the side of her cheek, gently stroking it. "A woman with such beauty and grace should never be subjected to the likes of CC Capwell. He'll never hurt you again, my love, I promise you that." He kisses his fingers and gently dabs them on her forehead before leaving her to rest. (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ----Ashton sits at his table talking forcibly to the person on the other end of his cell phone. He tells them that he expects that they will take care of it by the end of the day or their job is on the line. Kelly walks in and the host directs her to Ashton's table. She comes up from behind him and takes her seat, startling him. He again warns the person that they'll do as he asks or they can look for work elsewhere. He hangs up the phone and apologizes to his wife. "I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that. Who was that anyway?" "Business- someone from our Tokyo office trying to wiggle their way out of meeting an extremely important deadline........Oh, I don't want to bore you with it. Needless to say, they're taking care of it. How are you love? How is it to be back at the office? Hectic?" She tells him it's actually been quite calm there, since Elizabeth left for an impromptu vacation. Ashton speculates as to whether it has to do with her apparent confrontation with CC at their reception. Kelly admits to having had the very same thought, though she doesn't really give much credence to what Pamela says. Ashton says he thought it interesting that she seemed to be acquainted with his father. "Which is more than I can say for myself- when do I get to meet my own father-in-law?" "Soon, actually, if you'd like. I'm going to have to go to London for at least a few days soon, to check on operations and things of that nature. I'd love for you to come along- if he's up for having the company, perhaps we could even stay with my father. I think you'll have an appreciation for the house- it's this old-world, desolate castle, very English." "It sounds wonderful." ----Across the room, Warren dines with Pamela. He mentions that Elizabeth has been MIA from Capwell Enterprises since the party. Pamela re-iterates that she was telling the truth that night- CC did something to upset her. Warren remarks that it seems that every few years, a new scandal from that time period emerges about the Capwells. "Yes, well, CC and his father were not exactly upstanding citizens. I would think your mother and grandmother might have educated you on some of that......" "Of course- and I've seen enough first-hand myself to know those people are capable of anything." Warren asks Pamela how well she knew Augusta when she was married to CC. Pamela dodges the question a bit by saying that as a Capwell, she didn't exactly befriend any of the Lockridges. She know of Augusta- who she was and all, but they weren't exactly close. Warren wonders if, to Pamela's knowledge, Augusta had any extramarital affairs in those days. "Your mother was always quite........how shall I put this........worldly. There was gossip of her penchant for other men, particularly the younger ones. But that's all it ever amounted to......at least from my perspective............This is about your father, isn't it? You'd like me to help you find him..." "You did live here at the time and I've come to trust you, Pamela. I figured if you knew anything, anything at all, you'd help me out." "I wish I could - I do, but unfortunately, I cannot." Warren understands, though he admits to being frustrated at being back at square one. Pamela suggests that he's opening a can of worms that doesn't belong open. After all, Lionel raised him and has been his father in every way that counts- it's not as if he hasn't had the presence of a father in his life. He sees her point of view but says that it's about knowing where he came from- the truth that has been hidden from him and possibly his father for his entire existence. (EXT: Mason & Julia's Beach House) ----Adriana tells Samantha she's quite impressed with all of the progress she's made, remarking that soon, she won't need physical therapy or Rafe. "Oh, I think I'll still be needing the therapy a little longer, but thanks for the encouragement A- I do feel as though I'm getting stronger every day....." "Glad to hear that." "So what brings you by?" Adriana tells her she's just worried about her dad and can't really talk to her mom about it. Samantha asks her why and she explains that her parents have it set in their heads that Marta was the intended kidnapping victim, no matter how she insists that isn't the case. Adriana can't for the life of her figure out why anyone would want to kidnap Marta, especially if only to blackmail someone into not testifying against them. "I mean, if they're going to go to the trouble of kidnapping her, why not try and get the charges completely dismissed?" Samantha agrees that it doesn't make much sense. "And now my dad is down in Mexico trying to help her....he could be playing right into somebody's hands.......he could get hurt...or worse!" "I can see why you'd be worried- you can't help but worry- hell, I'm worried sick about my father right now and he's just in Florida. But your dad's a cop- he can handle himself..." Adriana stops cold, something about Samantha's words triggering her memory. "A?!?......A.?!?" "Oh my God. That's it- Samantha, THAT'S IT! I remember!" (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ----Warren and Pamela finish their lunch and Warren insists on paying the bill. She thanks him very much and says she's going to retreat to her room for a hot bath and some rest. She gets up to leave and spots Ashton and Kelly sitting in the dining room. She walks up to their table and interrupts them mid-conversation. "I'm sorry to intrude on your lunch but I just wanted to apologize for my behavior the other night...." "You can save your apologies Pamela," Kelly says "Do you even know the damage you do at times? Our mother just died and you publicly trash her during my wedding reception? A simple apology doesn't exactly cover it....." "No, it doesn't, you're right. But it's a start, no?" Ashton says that her ears must have been ringing because they were just talking about her. She asks in what context and he tells her that he was surprised that she had been acquainted with his father. She says they weren't very close, but she did know him when they lived in Santa Barbara and has she said, read very much about him in Europe. Kelly says he's quite remarkable and she's anxious to meet him. "Meet him? You mean you haven't met him yet? Your own father-in-law dear?" "No I haven't, but we're going to be rectifying that soon, isn't that right love?" "Really ? He's coming back to Santa Barbara?" "No..." "Well then how do you plan on meeting him?" "Not that it's any of your business, but Ashton and I are planning a short trip to England." "Oh?" Pamela says, stunned. "Well that should be nice- he's such a lovely man. Do give him my best when you see him, Ashton. Anyhow, I'll let you two get back to your lunch." Pamela keeps her composure, but when she turns to walk away, her face fills with panic and worry. (EXT: Edmund's Castle) ----Sophia awakens and wanders seamlessly into the living room area, where she sees Edmund studying his notes carefully. She walks up to him, choking back the lump in her throat and holding back the tears in her eyes. "How long did I sleep?" "Oh, probably a good 12, 13 hours. Not uncommon with your condition and as a side effect to the treatments we're giving you here." "No wonder it feels like I've been asleep for days- I have!! I don't know how much more of this I can take Edmund- my short term memory has all but disappeared and I ......I.... just everything seems so hazy and confusing. For instance, I automatically knew you'd be in this room and to come find you here.......and I knew exactly how to get there, yet I've never been here before in my life and frankly, it's quite intricate..." Edmund writes it off as her just being more familiar with her surroundings than she had thought. As far as everything being hazy, he assures her that, after their next session, all of that should clear up. She asks how things are coming with her aneurism and he tells her she'll be as good as new in no time, which is music to her ears. He asks her if she'd like to go ahead and begin their session, rather than waiting until later in the day, saying it should bring some relief to the symptoms she's describing. She agreees and tells him she'll go into the office and wait for him in there. She heads off to the room, and a smile appears over Edmund's face. "It will be complete. After today, after all these years. finally, you'll be back with me, back where you always belonged. It's time the tables turn - and your murderer suffers the same way that I have suffered for all these years. But no more.........because you will have come back to me, Loretta. My sweet Loretta." THE END............for the week
Thanks Steve! That story is about to get cookin actually. I LOVE Angela and I love Nina Arveson...............and I totally could see where she (Angela) would be comparable to Kimber. You always say that you enjoyed the last year of the show- were you a fan of the Ted/Angela stuff as well? I know that was the only thing I liked in the last year..........and they didn't even end up together. I'm sad that I couldn't get things going on Monday & we had the blog outage yesterday b/c I had some big things planned for this week which I can't build to in just 2 episodes. Oh well though- that's just gonna make next week that much better.
As all of you know, SON had yet another outage yesterday, causing RTSB to be pre-empted. I had lots I was building to this week which is why I kept re-scheduling to make it a 5 episode week. Unfortunately, now, that won't be happening. With the way I have everything paced (and you all know I'm a stickler for pacing), everything works out better if I do 3 episodes this week instead of 4. So I'm keeping Friday as an 'off' day for 'RTSB' and will post this week's final episode tomorrow, as scheduled. Next week, all should be back to normal!!! I know it sucks, but we'll deal. TGIF everybody! See ya tomorrow!!!
Total RTSB episodes in January: 20 JAN TOTALS (totals to date out of 51 episodes) 1. Jed Allan (CC Capwell)- 14 (37) 1. Robin Mattson (Gina Blake)- 14 (32) 3. Michael Brainard (Ted Capwell)- 13 (32) 3. Carrington Garland (Kelly Capwell)- 13 (17) 3. A Martinez (Cruz Castillo)- 13 (32) 6. Nina Arveson (Angela Capwell)- 12 (30) 6. Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia Capwell)- 12 (34) 8. Lane Davies (Mason Capwell)- 11 (37) 8. Marcy Walker (Eden Castillo)- 11 (31) 10. Jessica Dunphy (Adriana Castillo)- 10 (22) 11. Deborah Adair (Elizabeth Wayne)- 9 (9) 11. Justin Deas (Keith Timmons)- 9 (9) 11. Paula Irvine (Lily Blake)- 9 (23) 11. Judith McConnell (Sophia Capwell)- 9 (31) 15. Margarita Cordova (Rosa Andrade)- 8 (22) 15. Alisa Reyes (Marta Ramirez)- 8 (11) 15. Bernard White (Angel Ramirez)- 8 (20) 18. Grant Aleksander (Warren Lockridge)- 7 (20) 18. Matt Cedeno (Rafe Castillo)- 7 (23) 18. Clive Robertson (Ashton Lavery)- 7 (7) 21. Carmen Duncan (Pamela Conrad)- 6 (26) 21. Charles Keating (Dr. Edmund Lavery)- 6 (12) 21. Harley Jane Kozak (Dr. Mary Duvall)- 6 (22) 21. Heather Lindell (Samantha Capwell)- 6 (20) 21. Louise Sorel (Augusta Lockridge)- 6 (17) 21. Tuc Watkins (Keith Timmons)- 6 (23) 27. Nicholas Coster (Lionel Lockridge)- 5 (11) 27. Kim Rhodes (Joann Walsh)- 5 (12) 27. Gina Gallego (Santana Andrade)- 5 (7) 30. Judy Greer (Kathleen)- 4 (9) 30. Shell Danielson (Laken Lockridge)- 4 (7) 30. Patricia Mauceri (Carla Ramirez)- 4 (9) 33. Joseph Gallison (Dr. Ben Normandy)- 3 (5) 33. Christine Tudor Newman (Elizabeth Wayne)- 3 (12) 33. Robert Thaler (Pearl Bradford)- 3 (7) 36. Russell Curry (Lt. Vic Boswell)- 1 (8)
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: BAJA, Mexico- Royal Flamingo Hotel- Room 207) ---Angel and Cruz sit at the small round table together, playing cards and drinking coffee, trying to pass time. Angel throws his cards down in frustration, saying he can't do it anymore. "They said to make sure we were here before 5 PM yesterday- we did that. Why haven't we HEARD anything from em yet? It's been an entire 24 hours now and still....no contact....." "I know you're frustrated Angel, I do man. But there's nothing we can do about it right now......these guys are in control of the situation. But that will change. Mark my words, it will change." Angel tells Cruz that it had better change, because he's sick of every action in his life being dictated by someone else. Though it was something he had to deal with in prison, now that he's out, he says he wants no part of it and just wants to be with his family, including his daughter. Cruz promises him he'll have that opportunity, he just needs to be patient. Cruz re-iterates that they have to make contact with them, in order for their demands to be met. He says that the kidnapping is just a means to an ends, and as long as they think they're getting what they want, the kidnappers know it's in there best interest to keep Marta alive and well. The phone rings. The two men look at it before Angel picks it up. "HELLO?" "Ramirez? That you?" "Yeah, it's me- where's my little girl? I want to talk to her....." "Not so fast Ramirez, you'll be seeing her soon enough. Your little Marta is just fine- a feisty one, but we couldn't ask for a better hostage. Bobby and I - we're gonna kind of miss her. A real firecracker...." "Don't you talk about my daughter like that....." "Can it. Now listen up- there's a little restaurant about 2 miles down the road from you- Go there, eat your meal and await further instructions....." "How-What restaurant? How do I know which...." "Check the menu outside your door." Cisco hangs up and Angel & Cruz retrieve the menu from the front door and head to the car. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Angela throws open the door to her office and sits down angrily at her desk. Ted comes racing in behind her, asking what's wrong. "What's WRONG? How can you even ask me that Ted..... You've been so distant since your mother died- we haven't made love in weeks. You won't talk to me- you completely shut me out, and all of a sudden you're jetting off to New York as if you don't have a care in the world?" "It'll be good for me- good for us I think. I admit that everything you're saying is probably true. But it has nothing to do with you Angela, believe me. It's just something I'm going through...." "That I can't help you with- do you know how frustrating that is? But that's not all it is- it's who you're turning to. First, it was Laken while she was in town. And now, now it's Lily it seems. Apologizing to her? Dancing with her so closely at the party, in front of your entire family? Do you have any idea how that made me feel? Like an outsider, like I didn't belong with my own husband at a party given by his family." "It was nothing, Angela. You're really making too big a deal....." "Oh I am, am I? Then what exactly was going on in her office yesterday, when I came down?" Ted asks what she's talking about and Angela tells him she saw them flirting in her office- she saw him tickling her. Ted insists that they're just friends, as they were before. They weren't always a couple, which is partly why he feels so badly for hurting her. Angela reminds him just what Lily has tried to pull ever since the wedding and can't believe that he can't see through her. Ted tells her it's because there's nothing to see- he's the one who's trying to make amends- Lily has made no effort. Angela cannot believe that Ted can't see how manipulative Lily's become. "What I can't believe is how you're acting- you know my mother just died and it's been rough on me. I don't need this Angela- I don't. Whatever animosity you and Lily have one another is between the two of you- don't involve me in it. As for the trip, yeah, I'd like some time away. Not just from you, but from everything, everyone- this could be good for me but all you can see is how it affects you. I'm sorry Angela, but it's not about you- Now I have to get going. I hope you'll do some serious thinking about your actions while I'm away!" "MY actions?" "Yeah, spying on me an Lily for starters..." Angela is infuriated by his accusation and further bothered that he admitted that he does need time away from her, in addition to everyone else. She asks him if he plans on seeing Laken in New York and he's insulted that even crossed her mind, since it hadn't crossed his. He insists the trip is purely business, maybe some sight-seeing. Angela says that while he may act innocent, he's the one who pitted she & Lily against each other in the first place, and questions whether he enjoys it, since he seems to perpetuate it. Ted admits to having enough at that point and walks out of the office, slamming her door shut. Lily is outside, getting ready to meet with Angela about Gina Jeans and asks Ted what's the matter. He tells her he doesn't have time to get into it- or he'll miss his flight to New York. Lily wishes him a safe trip and peeks in on Angela, who's obviously upset. Lily smiles. (EXT: LAS VEGAS, Nevada- 24 Hour Chapel) ----Keith and Elizabeth come barreling into the chapel, looking for the minister. Keith tells Elizabeth to slow down and she says she'll do no such thing- they're taking care of this today. Keith says that she's sexy when she's determined. Elizabeth glares at him and begins repeatedly ringing the bell. Finally, the elderly woman who was throwing rice at them, Clara, appears. "Can I help you........Oh, it's the newlyweds! You here to pick up the wedding photos?" "What? Photos? No we're not here to pick up any photos- Where's your son?" "Who?" "The minister- your son, he's your son isn't he." "Oh you must mean Clarance- he's napping right now, somethin I can help you with?" Elizabeth tells her that it's Clarance she needs to speak with- she wants to see his license and qualifications. Clara says she has them right there and pulls them out, commenting that 1/2 the state of Nevada is licensed to perform wedding ceremonies. Elizabeth says that it can't be legal- or recognized in other states, but Clara says that everything in the business is legitimate. Clarence appears, rubbing his eyes, still donning his Elvis wig and dressed in a blue sequined jump suit. Elizabeth looks him up and down, appalled by his very presence. "You. YOU! How could You do this to me? What have you done? What, do you just let anybody get married....?" "Actually, miss, I did my best to talk you out of it, honest I did. Even the gentleman there, your groom...." Elizabeth shudders at the word "He even tried to talk some sense in ya. But you went on and on about some CC Cantwell, and how you was gonna show him- you mentioned him on the interview part of the DVD too- did ya see it? Pretty good camera work for $39.95...." "My entire wedding cost under 40 dollars?" "Yes Ma'am" "I think I'm going to be sick....." Elizabeth is adamant that the marriage cannot be legal but Clarence tells her otherwise. He tells her that legally, she and Keith are very much married. He offers that they could get an annulment, like one of his previous clients, Brittney somethingrather.....the genie in the bottle girl. "An annulment. Of course. I guess that will have to do." "I can see one problem with that, Lizzie-Bit!?" "What's that? And don't CALL me that..." "Well you can only get an annulment if that marriage wasn't consummated. And we.....well.....we definitely consummated. At least I did." Elizabeth feels herself getting sick to her stomach as Keith, Clarence, and Clara have a good belly laugh at his joke. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ----Lily walks into Angela's office and asks her how things are. Angela jumps out of her seat and begins to physically remove Lily from her office, saying she has nothing to say to her. Lily says that Ted had plenty to say to her at the party and the day before in her office. Lily gloats that Ted is waking up to who Angela really is and she couldn't be happier about it. Angela tells her that she isn't threatened, that though Ted is having a rough time, he still loves her and wants to be with her. "Yes, he wants to be with you so badly that he's jetting off 5000 miles away for a week at a moment's notice. And to New York of all places- great city for lovers, no? But did he even invite you to go along?" "He's going to be very busy, Lily...." "I'm sure he is. After all, doesn't Laken Lockridge live in New York? I imagine he'll be spending some time with her....." "It's a business trip Lily..." "Well there's always time for socializing in the city that doesn't sleep, no? I can't imagine anyone going there and not taking some time out to enjoy the city....." Lily laughs that by the time Ted comes back, Angela will be no more than a divorce proceeding to him and she can't wait to see it happen. Angela goes to slap Lily but she catches her hand. "Un-uh. Not today, lady. You just remember what you've done to me and think who should be slapping who here. You're lucky I haven't completely torn you apart yet....." Angela laughs. "Seriously Lily, as I told you before, you're way out of your league. You don't want to mess with me...." "I'm not afraid of you Angela. Not one bit. Actually, I think it's the other way around- you're terrified right now. Of me. Of losing Ted. But most of all, you're afraid of yourself......or at least the real you. The thing about you Angela is that I don't have to do a thing- you'll find a way to wreck your life all by yourself.." Lily releases Angela's hand and gloats her way out of the office. (EXT: Baja, Mexico) ----Cruz and Angel eat their Mexican fiesta, attempting to enjoy the food. Angel is antsy about who's going to meet with them and what they're going to find out. He's frustrated that they've finished their meal and have heard nothing yet. Cruz goes to pay the check but Angel tells him to wait- they need to stick around. Cruz says they don't have to leave- he's just taking care of the bill. When the waitress brings it back, a paper slips out when Cruz opens it up. They unfold it and it's a map, with instructions on it. They say for the SBPD rep to meet them at the warehouse, with all of the sign and sworn affadavits as well as $250,000 cash. Angel says he wasn't expecting them to ask for so much money but Cruz says the SBPD and the DA's office have given him full authority to meet their demands. The instructions say for Cruz to meet them the next day, after sundown, while Angel is to wait at the Hotel for instructions on where to pick up Marta. It also says that they'll be in contact first thing in the morning. "Well....this is it I guess......You ready?" Cruz asks. "Ready as ever" Angel replies. The camera fades over to Cisco, talking to his boss on the telephone. He tells the person that everything's gone according to plan and Castillo took the bait and came down with Angel. He says that it's all set for the next day. "After tomorrow, boss, Cruz Castillo will be taken care of....." "Good" the muffled voice says "And the first phase of my plan will then be complete......." THE END..................for TODAY Don't miss the radio show, Talkin Santa Barbara with Greg & Melissa LIVE Tonight at 10PM EST. Link at the side of the page, under the cast list. Hope to see you there!
Haha, I had a feeling that SOME of you would be relieved at Keith & Elizabeth's wedded bliss! On a side note- don't you think Deas & Adair would be dynamite together? Makes me kinda glad I re-cast both characters before marrying them! I mean, this was always the plan, but for some reason, in my mind, it works better with these two than it would have with Tuc & Christine playing the parts.