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Yes, yes, it's been a while, no? But not to worry SB/RTSB fans- RETURN TO SANTA BARBARA returns this weekend with brand new episodes. Curious about what's in store for you faves? Find out here! Gina/Keith/Elizabeth/CC Keith has been manipulating Lizzie for some time now. He's up and married her and has pushed to remain married to her. Just what is he up to? All will be revealed in the coming episodes, as CC & Elizabeth find themselves together in a moment of weakness. But has Keith gotten in over his head? Is he actually falling for Ms. Elizabeth along the way? If he does, where does that leave Gina? A loose cannon, which is where she does her best work. Santana/Cruz/Eden/Kirk/Joann Eden's investigation into Cruz's murder leaves her further on edge. Finally, the identity of his 'murderer' will be revealed and is a name that should be familiar to long-time SB fans. Look for Eden to track down the 'killer' to London, England (where else?). But a cataclysmic, unexpected occurance sends Eden into a tailspin, resulting in an explosive showdown! Will she end up vulnerable to Kirk? Look for a major twist to this storyline somewhere down the road in June- something that ups the stakes and changes EVERYTHING!!! As for Joann, I'm toying a little with her character right now. There's a couple of directions her storyline could end up going in my mind, but needless to say each one is more scandalous than the next! McCreepy/Soretta/Christine/Pamela/Lionel/Augusta The masquerade ball is HUGE as Marcello will discover his once stepmother alive and once again, brainwashed. But what will Marcello do with this knowledge? He is the key to unlocking Sophia's memories and seems to want to right the wrongs he's done to the Capwells years ago. To this end, he'll be a surprising ally to a former enemy. Augusta, in the meantime, can't seem to forget about seeing Sophia and will try to free her on her own, with disastrous results! And don't expect Lionel to be pleased when he finds out what she's up to. Pamela also will continue pulling strings in Sophia's life, furthering her conquest for CC. Albeit, a misguided one. Ashton/Kelly/Warren/Angela/Ted/Lily A surprising sextet emerges with these characters, as they find themselves becoming knowledgeable on the transgressions of the others. Ashton & Warren will develop quite the rivalry, as Warren becomes more serious about his pursuit of Kelly. In the meantime, Lily begins torturing Angela with what she knows, which arouses Kelly's and then Ashton's suspicions. Angela ends up completely backed against a wall when some unexpected news comes her way, which could alter her life and marriage forever. Just how far will Lily go to ruin Ted & Angela's happiness? In June, she does something that makes Gina look amateurish! Adriana/Steve/Brandon/Samantha/Chip Very excited about the possibilities for the younger set, now that they've developed some. Brandon is his father's son, that will be clear as things go around. Aspects of Steve's personality that aren't so likable will be revealed to the audience. Designer drugs will be running through the Lair, but just who's running them? Brandon has big plans for himself and doesn't care who he hurts or steps on to get the justice he feels his father was never given. Expect an interesting meeting between he & Marcello that could eventually turn dangerous. As for Samantha, she's reeling from Rafe's leaving and the rift developing in her parents' marriage. She'll make some surprising choices, that will put her smack in the middle of all sorts of peoples' lives. Julia/Mason/Mary/Mark/Sherri/Maureen This story comes to a head as Mason & Mary have tracked down Mark and have the leverage they need to get answers.......and they'll get them in spades. Their child's identity will be revealed and the name and character is one that is already familiar to RTSB readers. When the dust settles, who will Mason choose to be with? Julia has taken an uncharacteristically passive approach to Mason's relationship with Mary thusfar. Expect that to change. All this & More when RTSB RETURNS this WEEK!!!!
I'm pleased to announce that the SONBC Award nominations came out last night. For those who don't know, the SONBC awards are for the fan fics here at SON. Not all participated, but many did. Here are the nominations bestowed on RTSB: Outstanding Supporting Female Character Carmen Duncan as Pamela Conrad Outstanding Supporting Male Character Tuc Watkins as Keith Timmins Outstanding Leading Male Character Jed Allan as CC Capwell Outstanding Leading Female Character Nancy Lee Grahn as Julia Wainright Capwell Outstanding Storyline The Attempted Takeover of Capwell Enterprises and Subsequent Introduction of Elizabeth Wayne Outstanding Drama Series Return to Santa Barbara I'm thrilled to have any nominations at all and pleased that 'RTSB' went over so well with the judges. For a full list of the nominees, check out the SONBC section in the SON forums. Winners will be announced May 21. As for RTSB's return, look for a full May Sweeps preview to be posted tonight!!! Episodes will either return tonight or tomorrow!!!
I'm so sorry about the lack of episodes lately everyone. It's definitely not from a lack of me wanting to continue writing it. Last week and this week are two very busy work weeks for me and those that I live with seem determined to keep me off the computer when I am home. Today, I work all day through fairly late tonight. Tomorrow, same story. I'm going to try to put out 2 episodes before late tomorrow night, but I can't guarantee I'll make it. Just know that next week, RTSB will resume a normal schedule, instead of this an episode here, an episode there crap. Thanks to everyone who's been waiting for it for your patience. I hope you all will continue reading the episodes when they're posted this week and when we return to a semi-normal schedule next week.
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England- Messenger service) ---Augusta comes running into the small shop and startles the dainty young man behind the desk. She rants and raves about having made a terrible mistake and how Lady DiMonde is going to have her head. The clerk tries to calm her down but she's like a tornado. "You don't understand- the masquerade ball is tonight! Lady DiMonde wanted everything to be just so for sweet Anna's engagement party, but... oh what a fool I am! Can you help me? This invitation......it was supposed to have gotten there last week....I thought I mailed it with the others but I....I....oh...." "It's alright ma'am, it's okay, I can help you." "You can?" "Of course, no need to be so dramatic. I'll gladly courier it over there myself and send your apologies." "Oh thank you, thank you so much." "Now just fill out this paperwork here and we'll be all squared away." "I don't know how I can ever repay you, thank you. You're a lifesaver!" (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---CC finishes going over the plans for Gina Jeans with Joann. CC tells her that he wants Gina to be kept extremely busy for the next couple of weeks. When Joann inquires as to what he's up to with Gina, he reminds her that Gina is never to be trusted and at the moment, he needs her neutralized. The best way for him to do that is to keep her occupied. "One thing about Gina, say what you will about her, but she takes pride in whatever she does, however trivial or vile it might be to people like you and me. She'll put her blood, sweat, and tears into fifty dollars worth of denim, especially if it has her name on them. Mark my words." "You don't think she'll wonder about why I'm working her so hard?" "That's the beauty of it, Joann, you just have to give her the ball. She'll run with it all on her own." "True. This is Gina we're talking about." Kathleen interrupts them and informs CC that his son-in-law is there to see him. "My son-in-law is dead! How insensitive can you-" "Your other son-in-law," Ashton says, stepping in front of Kathleen toward Joann "I'm terribly sorry, I don't believe we've been formally introduced. Ashton Lavery. I'm Kelly's-" "Yes, I know who you are Mr. Lavery, pleased to meet you. Joann Walsh. And I was actually just going. I have some....matters to attend to downstairs. CC." "Thanks again for your help Joann." Joann leaves and shuts the door behind her. "One of your newer minions CC?" "What do you want Lavery?" "Actually, I was dropping by to fill you in on a little trip I'm going to be taking with my wife." "You're not going anywhere with my daughter. This marriage was a mistake from the beginning, one Kelly has clearly entered into blindly." "Oh, but this should be an eye-opening trip for her, I'm sure. We'll be visiting my father in London, as well as attending to some business I have there." "Over my dead body. Kelly under no circumstances will ever, ever come within a hundred miles of that man. I'm going to make certain of that. You can count on it." "This should be good- and how do you plan on doing that?" "Don't you worry about it my boy. I've dealt with men more clever, more diabolical, more capable and charming than yourself. But know that when I'm done, Kelly will have no desire to meet your father. And your marriage will be over." "Who do you think you are?" Kelly says, entering CC's office "Kitten." "The days of me letting you run my life ended years ago, daddy." "And look at the mess you're making of it. Maybe it's time you start listening to your father. For once." (EXT: London, England) ---Sophia finishes helping Christine out in the kitchen. Christine muses that Dr. L should be arriving home shortly and likes his lunch promptly. The doorbell rings and Sophia offers to answer it, but Christine insists. She tells Sophia to watch the fish on the stove, because if it's overcooked, it will lose it's flavor. Christine rushes to the door and the clerk from the messenger service stands there with an envelope and two zipped outfits. "Can I help you?" "Yes, I need to speak to the gentleman or the lady of the house." "Sorry to disappoint you, but if ya didn't notice, this is a castle here. The gentleman and the lady don't come to the door for any individual. Who let you in at the gate? Solicitors are prosecuted by-" "I'm afraid I've misrepresented myself. I'm actually delivering an invitation and costuming for tonight's masquerade ball given by Lady DiMonde..." "Lady DiMonde? Oh my, it's Anna's engagement party today, isn't it? I was reading about it at the newstand this morning." "Yes, Lady DiMonde deeply regrets the tardiness of the invitation. Apparently, someone from the help misplaced it, and, well..." "Oh believe me I've been there." "She hopes that Dr. Lavery & Mrs. Lavery will accept the costumes as a token of her apologies." Christine takes the envelope and the costumes. The man reaches out for his tip and Christine reaches out and shakes his hand. "Christine Gorrow. It was a pleasure meeting you too sir. I'll make sure Dr. L gets this." The clerk tries to explain but she shuts the door on him. Sophia comes down the corridor and tells Christine that the fish is ready. She looks at the envelope in Christine's hand and the clothing. She asks Christine what it is & she excitedly explains that Edmund & she have been invited to a huge high society event taking place that night. Sophia asks if Edmund often receives such extravagant invitations, but Christine says he mostly keeps a low profile. Sophia unzips the dress & mask and remarks how gorgeous and intricate the ensemble is. She presses it against her as Edmund walks through the door. "It's beautiful Loretta, wherever did it come from?" "Lady DiMonde, Dr. L. You and Mrs. L here were invited to the big engagement ball tonight." "Funny, it's a little late for such an invitation, quite unlike her to send something like this on the day of the event. Are you sure it's from her?" "That's what the messenger told me." "Must have been the little man on the way out." Edmund directs Sophia to put the dress back, saying that it isn't something that they should attend. Sophia is disappointed, saying that the whole thing sounds so grand and romantic. Edmund says he had wanted to just spend a quiet evening at home, with just the two of them. Sophia says that sounds nice, but it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. "At least let me try it on, darling. It just seems like she's gone to all this trouble, we could at least accept such a lovely gesture." "But I barely know the woman, aside from seeing her at some charity functions and her contributions to my research, but it's been years..." "Her daughter's engaged, darling, she wants the world to celebrate with her. Please. Can I at least try it on? If it doesn't fit or you don't like how it looks on me, we don't have to go..." "That's not fair, Loretta, you know if you put that on I'll...." "I'll be right back. Come Christine. Help me with my hair. Your lunch and the mid-day newspaper are sitting on the dining room table for you darling, as you like" Sophia says, kissing him on the lips & dragging Christine up the stairs. Edmund unzips his count-like costume and looks again at the invitation. He phones the messenger service that delivered them, but the clerk informs him that the employee who delivered to his address hasn't returned yet. Edmund hangs up, again looking at the invitation. (EXT: Newark, New Jersey) ---Pearl drives Mary, Mason, and Maureen down the suburban roads toward Mark & Sherri's house. Everyone in the car is silent, anticipating the confrontation. Pearl receives a phone call and is told that more activity on Sherri's credit card has come in, indicating that they're still in Newark. Pearl tells a relieved Mason and Mary the good news. They anxiously ask Pearl how much further it is and he tells them they're actually about there. Pearl pulls just past a small white house with black shudders. He asks Maureen if she's ready and she assures him that she is. Maureen gets out of the car and walks back toward the house. She rings the doorbell and Sherri answers. "Maureen." "Hello Sherri- how are you?" "Fine, we weren't expecting you, come in, please...." "Is Mark here?" "He actually isn't home yet, but should be in just a little bit. Can I get you something to drink?" "No, I'm fine." Sherri asks Maureen what brings her to town and she explains that she'd recently contacted Mark. She said that by the tone of his voice and what they discussed, she was sure that he wasn't doing very well. Sherri asks what she means and Maureen specifies about her visit with Mason and Mary. "Yes, they came to see me too. It was strange seeing her again, after all these years. My goodness, I remember when she was brought in and what a wreck Mark was. It was such a miracle seeing her doing so well, so healthy. It was just a shame what I had to tell her about her child." "What, that you had to LIE to me?" Mary says, entering the room. "Mary!....What are you-" "The jig is up Nurse Rhodes. Or is it Nurse McCormick?" "Mary- I-" "Save it. Save it Sherri. After all I'd been through, after what Mark put me through- How could you? How COULD You?" Mary says. Mary raises her arm and slaps Sherri square across her face, sending her to the floor. "Oh my God!" Mark says from the doorway. They turn around and see him running back toward his car. He jumps in, turns the key in the ignition and throws it in reverse, but he's cut off by Pearl & Mason, who block him in the driveway with the rental. Mason gets out of the car and approaches Mark's window. "You're not going anywhere Mark. Not when I'm done with you." THE END.........................for TODAY
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Mexico- Baja Police Station) ---Eden, Julia, and Kirk arrive at the police station and are told by Angel that Marta was just taken down to see the lineup. Eden warns him that his daughter had better do the right thing and identify them. Angel shoots back that he won't have her attacking Marta when she comes out, nor will he allow her to pressure her in any way. "You are in no position to be giving out orders," Eden reminds him, "All it takes is one word from me and you'll be back behind bars for the rest of your miserable life, isn't that right Julia?" Julia nods in agreement and Angel backs off. Kirk asks the desk officers how long the lineup should take. They tell him it depends on how quick Marta is to identify and how smoothly it goes. Kirk tells Julia and Eden he has a business contact he needs to meet with and will meet them back at the station later in the day. "What's the matter Kirk? A little nervous you'll be implicated?" Julia asks. "Oh, Ms. Wainright or is it Mrs. Capwell now? If I were so worried about that, why would I be here, in Mexico, with the two of you right now?" "So you can watch over every second of this investigation. And the reason we allowed you to come is so we can watch you," Julia fires back. Kirk ignores her and heads to his car. Julia asks Eden if she should follow him, but Eden tells her it could end up being dangerous. Angel chimes in and offers to do it. Eden doesn't think she can trust him, but Angel pleads with her, saying he just wants to make things right where Cruz is concerned. "My husband is dead, Angel. Nothing will ever make that right." Angel tries to apologize again for the role he played but Eden won't hear it. Julia appeals to Eden, saying that someone should be following Kirk at all times and even if Angel may not be their ideal candidate. Reluctantly, Eden gives in and Angel takes off after Kirk. (EXT- London, England- Lockwright Hotels) ---Lionel arrives back at the penthouse to see that Augusta has already returned from her trip. He remarks that, for traveling such a long distance, it was an awfully short trip. Augusta says that she was able to get all of her meetings done in a day and Warren was busy at the newspaper. She says that she was anxious to get back to England and away from Capwell-land. She pours herself a mimosa and offers him one, which he declines. "By the way, we received our usual late invite to Lady DiMonde's annual masquerade ball. I was actually about to call and tell her we wouldn't be able to attend...." "Every year, this woman. She obviously never wants us there, since our invitation always seems to be lost in the mail..." "Yes, well since you're here, maybe we should attend this year." "Lionel, why would I want to socialize with that decrepit old bag? I have no desire to....." "Check out the invitation. Apparently, this year, they'll also be celebrating her daughter Anna's engagement to an old friend of ours." "Let me see that," Augusta says, snatching the envelope out of his hand. She reads it and is stunned when she sees the name of Anna DiMonde's fiance. "My God. Do you think it's really him?" "Oh, come on Augusta, how many people on this earth do you honestly think have THAT name?" "This could be the event of the season!" Augusta grabs the invitation and her purse and begins heading toward the door. Lionel asks where she's going. "To RSVP, of course. Call the costume rental while I'm gone. Rent something extravagant." He smiles. "Seriously Lionel, extravagant. We're not going to another event dressed as Shari Lewis and Lambchop. I'll be back shortly." (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Elizabeth stops by CC's office and confirms their meeting after work hours. CC cannot believe that they have to go through an audit for both companies and complains that everything was in the proper order. Elizabeth tells him that obviously isn't true, otherwise they wouldn't be going through this process. She says the best thing they can do is just take care of it and move on. CC asks how things went with Keith. "To be honest, CC, I have to wonder if we're giving Keith too much credit or just being flat out paranoid. When I confronted him, he really didn't seem to have a clue what the hell what I was talking about." "You're not giving him enough credit, Elizabeth. He's manipulative liar, just like his little girlfriend." "If you're referring to Gina, they're long over and have been for a long time. She herself was perplexed, asking him what he was doing married to me." "It's all an act, Elizabeth, for your benefit. I'm telling you, be..." "Frankly, CC, I don't really give a damn what you're telling me. I went through emotional hell once because of you, I'm not about to do it again. You know, I've never married, never had any children, never had a family of my own- I shut myself out from all of that. I saw my family life, with my father and my sister. And she was the one who got all of that for herself, everything that I wanted, she took and made her own. Now I finally have a chance at something that's mine and mine alone. I'm telling you, I'm not going to let you ruin it. You've ruined enough for me in this lifetime." Elizabeth storms out of the office, leaving a guilty-feeling CC behind. "Damnit Timmins, what are you up to with her?" ---Meanwhile, in Gina's office, Keith & Gina listen in on the conversation on the speakerphone. "I'd like to know the same thing myself," Gina muses. "But don't you see, it's working perfectly! She believes your reactions because they're real." "Maybe, but CC sees right through it & seems determined to make her see through it too." "Precisely." "Right, precisely.......... wait, what do you mean precisely?" Keith gets up and starts walking out of the office. "Keith......KEITH! What are you talking about? KEITH!" (EXT: Baja, Mexico- Clinic) ---Angel finishes tailing Kirk to a small clinic outside of town. He stays in his car and watches Kirk walk into the clinic. Now inside, Kirk tracks down Santana. She's stunned when he comes up behind her & quickly pulls him into a break room. "What are you doing here? Are you crazy? We shouldn't be seen together, Kirk." "Relax, Santana, I just came to warn you. Eden and Julia are back." "In Mexico? What are they......oh, it's about those kidnappers being caught isn't it?" "Exactly. I think it's time we act. How is our patient doing?" "The bandages are being removed right now. He still has to undergo some more skin grafts, but he's gotten more alert, though he still isn't speaking. He wakes up now and then though." Kirk demands that Santana take him to the room, but she doesn't think it's a good idea. Kirk ignores her and takes off for the room, with Santana following him in hot pursuit. Kirk gets to the room and sees that the bandages have been removed, though the patient is still sleeping. Santana catches up with him there and advises him to get out of the room before he wakes up. Meanwhile, Angel roams the clinic hallways, looking into each room until he comes to a site that stops him dead in his tracks. There he sees Kirk & Santana standing over a badly burned Cruz Castillo. (EXT: London, England Mansion) ----Augusta pulls up to the DiMonde estate and is greeted by a valet. She asks if Anna & her fiance are in, that she would like to congratulate them. The valet informs her that only Ms. DiMonde's fiance is in the house. "Perfect. I'd love to see him as well. We're old friends, from Santa Barbara." "I don't recall him mentioning living in the US." "Oh, he didn't, he just passed through town from time to time," she smiles. She's greeted by the butler at the door and is informed to wait in the study. She walks in, pours herself a glass of brandy and sits down in front of the large desk. Slowly, the tall chair behind it turns around to reveal THIS FACE!!!! "Hello Augusta." "Hello Marcello. Congratulations on your engagement." THE END.....................for TODAY
Note: unfortunately, like RTSB, this interview is entirely fictional When SONBC's Return to Santa Barbara killed off it's central hero, Cruz Castillo, we smelled a rat. After all, RTSB had already fooled us once with Sophia- were they going to play that game again, just a few weeks after her death? Fast Forward to April- Months have gone by and we have yet to see Cruz or his portrayer since the fateful day that boat exploded. Is this for real? Or just another clever trick? We sat down with actor A Martinez for his thoughts. SONBC: First thing's first- Is Cruz Really Dead? Martinez: I just found that out myself. When I was written off, I wasn't sure if I'd be coming back as Cruz's ghost, Cruz, or a completely different look-alike. I just finished the first script and started filming. It's great to be back. SONBC: You didn't really answer our question... Martinez: You noticed. All I can say is by the end of this coming week, you'll know for certain. SONBC: We also couldn't help but notice that you weren't pre-nommed for one of the SONBC Awards. Martinez: I wasn't. Marcy & I discussed it and chose to keep our names off the ballots this time. We both thought that others deserved recognition, particularly Lane, Jed, and Judith. I don't think any of them ever received any type of award for their work on SB, which is a shame since they're all tremendously talented actors. SONBC: Why the leave in the first place? Martinez: I needed time off to film "Raines." It was one of the stipulations in my contract from the get-go. Luckily, it worked out within the landscape of the writers intentions for the first year. Or, maybe not so luckily, depending on how you look at it. SONBC: That one was downright cruel. Martinez: Yeah, well, I'll admit it's kinda fun knowing something that you don't know. And dying to know. SONBC: Can you say who you've been working with since you've been back? Martinez: There's been some stuff with.......actually, wait. You're not getting me buddy, not through the back door. No comment. How do you like that? SONBC: Don't say we didn't try folks. Fine- one more and we're outta here- Any chance you'll be doing any 'revealing scenes on 'RTSB'? You know, like the ones we've seen with Mark Collier on ATWT, Don Diamont on Y&R, Daniel Cosgrove on 'GL' etc...? Martinez: You really go for the jugular, don't you? I think I may be a little past my prime in that area but I'll say that I'm willing to do whatever the 'RTSB' script calls for. SONBC: Talk about a note to end on Martinez: Pun intended? SONBC: What pun? Martinez: End SONBC: As in back end? Martinez: Bingo. SONBC: Thank You, Mr. Martinez, for giving us a much better note to end on.
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: Gina's Condominium) ---Lily sits on the phone, talking with Gina. Someone knocks at the door & little Channing crosses to answer it. Lily reiterates to Gina everything that she's found out about Angela. When Gina apparently questions her about proof, she assures her she has it, having photographed & taped the two of them together on her cell phone. She asks Gina's advice on what to do about the situation, whether to blackmail her or go staight to Ted with what she knows. Lily agrees that biding her time and thinking things through could prove advantageous in her current situation. She hangs up the phone and asks Channing who was at the door. "I was at the door Lily," Rafe says, startling her. "Rafe, hi! What are you doing here?" "Weren't expecting me huh? I was dropping in to tell you good-bye and that I was leaving for Mexico in the morning. But now, I don't even see why I bothered..." He turns to leave, but she grabs his arm. "Rafe wait. Please....." "For what Lily? For you? I stopped waiting for you long ago and I can see that I made the right choice. You're consumed by this...this fixation you have on Angela and Ted- it's eating you alive. I don't even recognize you anymore- blackmail? Videotaping people's private lives?" "After what she did to me? After how she trashed my wedding and my relationship? The two of them humiliated me, Rafe. In front of this entire town- in front of my mother, in front of Channing, in front of all his family and our friends." "And I understand that, but at some point, you gotta let that go and move on with your own life. We finally, finally had our chance..." "We still could, if you'd just let me-" "It's not me you're hung up on, can't you see that? I'm not even sure if it's Ted, but it's definitely not me you want. Ya know Lily, I really hope you get it together. I really do. I'd hate to see you throw your life away for Ted Capwell and Angela Cassidy. The Lily I knew was better than that...." Rafe turns and begins to exit. Lily pleads with him to wait, to listen to her but he keeps on walking. She watches outside as he gets on his motorcycle. She yells to him to come back as she begins to sob but he ignores her and speeds off on his motorcycle. Lily falls into sobs outside the door. Little Channing sees this and goes and comforts his sister. (EXT: London, England) ---Sophia and Edmund finish up their breakfast as Christine comes in and tells Edmund that he has an urgent phone call from Ms. Lowell. Edmund hurries out of the room to take the call and Sophia begins questioning Christine about the nature of Edmund's relationship with Addie while she was in a coma. "Mrs. L, what does any of that matter now anyway? Dr. L is over the moon in love with ya, I should know. He wouldn't go near that socialite," Christine firmly states. "Then why does she keep calling him here? First she visits and stays here, with the two of us so shortly after my having come out of a COMA! I played along and was as cordial as could be, but he must have remembered how I felt about having guests stay in our home, especially when I'm sick." Christine reminds Sophia that she was more than a little chipper when she came out of that coma, which is why it probably didn't even occur to Edmund that she wouldn't be up to having houseguests. Sophia accepts the explanation, but is still adamant about understanding their relationship better. Christine says that while they were very close while she was under, it never amounted to anything romantic. "Dr. L's heart is always with his beloved Loretta and always has been. He never gave up on you, Mrs. L, and his hard work paid off. Ms. Lowell would be a poor man's substitute for you, don't ya think?" --Meanwhile, Edmund takes Pamela's call in the study. She informs him that she was able to stop Augusta from going to CC. Edmund asks how she managed to do that but she's evasive, telling him all that matters is she's off their back and won't be a problem any longer. Edmund asks how she can be sure that she won't go to Lionel. "If you knew and understood the dynamics between those three, Edmund, you wouldn't even have to ask that question. Just trust me when I say that never in a million years would Augusta tell Lionel that Sophia's alive and she knows about it. I'd bet my life on it." Edmund coldly informs her that may very well be at stake, if Augusta causes him any problems. Pamela shoots back that he ought to keep in mind who came up with this entire scheme in the first place. She tells him that she won't be threatened by him and if they are indeed found out, he'll have nobody but himself to blame. She hangs up on him and a menacing, cold look comes over Edmund's face. (EXT: Bradford Investigations PEARL BRADFORD, P.I.) ---Mary and Mason arrive at Pearl's office. He sits at his desk, smoking a cigar. "Pearl, you do know it's illegal to smoke inside public buildings now in the state of California?" Mason asks. "Arrest me. But, if ya do that, I won't be able to tell yas where Nurse Sherri Rhodes and Mister Mark McCormick have been hangin out since leaving West Palm Beach...." "Puff away," Mary says, taking her seat. Pearl says that he had no leads for a bit and was mainly checking into large-scale east coast hospitals, since Sherri has seemingly been attracted to them for years. He assumed she wouldn't use her real name, since she was likely aware that they were looking for her. In the meantime, he checked with some contacts in New York about tracking Mark & Sherri's credit cards. When none of that was panning out, things seemed hopeless, but then he thought of something: cell phone records. He called his friend over at a tracking company and was able to locate them by their phone usage. Mary asks where they are. "Newark, New Jersey," Maureen says, walking into the room. "Maureen, what are you doing here?" Mary wonders. "I promised you that when Mark contacted me, I'd be in touch. But Pearl beat me to it- he called me once he ran the trace on their cell phones and suggested that I call and bait Mark. I played along with him, God help me, and let him think I hadn't given you two any information." "What did Mark say?" Mason asks her. Pearl passes him a cigar. Mason takes it and stares at it. Mary stares at it as well, as her face grows hopeful when she realizes it's meaning. "He told me specifically what he & Sherri told you, matched exactly what you said to me. I told him I'd only agree to go along with him if he told me the truth- otherwise, I'd expose he & Sherri and everything they'd done. I said that I had to know for sure if I was a grandmother, if indeed the baby did live. He didn't say much, but he admitted it. It was strange hearing him say it- it took me right back to when he was a little boy and realized that he'd killed his own father." "What else did he tell you?" "That's all I could get out of him- he quickly became paranoid and desperate, worried that I was out to get him or working with authorities, taping the conversation. I insisted that wasn't the case, but he hung up right away." "Great. He's probably long left Newark by now." "Oh no- ya see, when I had my buddy track his phone, I also had him check out the billing. And it's paid with a credit card in Sherri's name, one that's still active. In fact, her last purchase was.............$20.93 Shell Gas Station, Newark, New Jersey." "My God. When do we leave?" Mary asks. "I took the liberty of booking us on the next flight out. We leave in 2 hours." "Pearl you're a genius! If you had shaved this morning, I'd kiss you right now!" an ecstatic Mason says. Pearl opens up a bottle of champagne and lights Mason's cigar, celebrating Mark's impending downfall. THE END.................for TODAY
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Eden walks down the stairs with her suitcases. Rafael sits on the couch reading the newspaper article about Marta's kidnappers' arrest while Carm makes breakfast in the kitchen. Carm pours Eden a cup of coffee and asks if Adriana is coming home. She explains that she stayed the night at Samantha's but should be by any minute for breakfast. Rafael is reminded that Chip called and said he'll be by shortly with Victoria. Eden groans at the mention of her name and hears a knock at the door. She's pleasantly surprised to see Rafe standing on the other side of it. Rafe informs them that he's actually there to talk to Rafael about his offer to stay at his home in Mexico and tend to the business so he and Carm can stay with Eden. He tells him that he's thought about it long and hard and has decided it's the best thing for him right now. "I'm overjoyed to hear you say that son! I've been worried about you- I haven't heard much from you since the funeral." "I've been doing my best to put it far out of my mind, you know, but being here, being in this town where his stamp is on everything and everyone I see..." "I know how you feel Rafe," Eden interjects, "Believe me, everywhere I go......." "I hear from A that you're going back to Mexico today." "I am.......I can't rest, you know, until..." "There's no need to explain, Eden, believe me. I can only hope that you'll find the answers that you need, that we all need. Being around you guys these past months.........well, it's not hard to see how my older brother fell in love with you." The moment is interrupted by Chip's arrival with Victoria. "Baby, Hi!" Eden says as she walks up and gives him a hug. "Victoria." "Hello Eden. Thank you for having me over." "I didn't have much choice..." "The place looks great, even newer than I remember it. Hello Mr & Mrs Castillo, Rafe." They exchange pleasantries and sit down to breakfast. They ask Rafe to join them, but he tells everyone there's a few loose ends he needs to tie up before leaving in the morning. Eden's cell phone rings and after picking it up, she excuses herself to the living room. "Kirk- I told you not to call me until............Of course I haven't changed my mind, have you heard from me?.............They're fueling up the jet now, meet me there at 10:30, just as I said............." She returns to the table. "Sorry about that everyone, the pilot was just letting me know we're all set to go. Actually, I should be leaving pretty soon now, I hope A makes it over before I leave." "You sounded upset talking- I hope everything's alright" Victoria says "Everything is fine Victoria, I'm just a little anxious is all." Victoria nods and continues eating her eggs, unconvinced. (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---Warren enters the lobby and sees Kelly standing behind the desk. He approaches the maitre'd and asks if his mother has arrived for breakfast yet. When he finds out she hasn't, he walks over to the counter and gets Kelly's attention. "Mr. Lockridge, good morning, what brings you by?" "I'm supposed to be meeting my mother for breakfast, but she's not here yet, so I thought I'd come over and say hello to you." "Augusta? What's she doing in Santa Barbara?" "I'm not quite sure, to be honest with you. All I know is it was a real quick trip because she's leaving today. You never really know with mother." "Don't discount yourself- you have quite a bit of your mother in you. I hear you had drinks with my husband the other night." "He told you about that?" Kelly is defensive, saying they have an open relationship and don't keep secrets from one another. She tells him to back off of Ashton and their relationship, but asks him why he's not fond of her husband. Warren says that he doesn't trust Ashton and isn't sure she should either. Kelly again asks what it is about him that Warren doesn't trust. "How much do you know about him Kell? About his family, his background? What has he told you?" "Just that his parents used to live in Santa Barbara years ago and that his mother died when he was born. His father took him back to his birthplace in London and he's been raised there ever since." "How much have you been told about him? Have you even met him?" "Not yet, but Ashton and I are planning on visiting sometime next month. You know, one thing that was odd is my father vehemently protested me even meeting Dr. Lavery, but he claims that he didn't know him when he lived here, only that he's read about him. Have you come across anything like that? Is there something you're not telling me?" Before Warren has the chance to open his mouth, Pamela approaches Warren at the counter and says hello. Warren is caught off guard to run into her and ceases his conversation with Kelly. Pamela tries to greet Kelly as well, but Kelly walks away from them, ignoring her completely. Pamela fawns all over Warren and he asks about her trip to London. She tells him while it was wonderful to be there, Santa Barbara is her home now. She asks what he's doing there and before he can answer, Augusta comes through like a storm trooper. "Get away from my son!" "Mother!?!.." "Quiet Warren. I'd ask you to join us for breakfast, Pamela, but human flesh isn't on the menu." "Always lovely to see you Augusta. Have a safe trip to London- give my regards to your husband," Pamela says, walking away. "Warren, I'm asking you....no, telling you, stay away from that woman. She's poison to everything she touches." "She's not that bad, mother." "No......she's worse." Warren asks Augusta what exactly she's doing in town and she explains about meeting with some contacts. Warren asks if it has anything to do with the property that she & Lionel recently acquired in town. She's surprised he knows about it and he reminds her what he does for a living. "I take it Lockright Hotels is coming to California." "We'll see. We'll see." Kelly approaches them at the table. "Augusta, I just wanted to say hello real quick. What brings you to town?" "Business matters, and to see my beautiful son, of course. I heard about Cruz. Please tell your sister that Lionel and I both are so sorry for her loss. Have they found anything out about who's behind it?" "Not yet, but she's determined. She's actually leaving for Mexico today to take part in the interrogation of the suspected kidnappers. She's beside herself- we all are. It was bad enough losing our mother, but now Cruz too? It's too much for her I think and I don't think she'll be able to even start to move on until she has some answers." Augusta gets a guilty look on her face at the mention of Sophia. Kelly excuses herself back to work, but tells Warren to stop & see her before he goes. Augusta remembers Pamela's threats from the night before. "I've got to do something," Augusta says to herself. "What? About what?" Warren asks Augusta is startled that he heard her. "Oh, nothing, just thinking out loud, that's all." She starts eating her breakfast, with Warren looking at her a bit suspiciously. (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Eden prepares to leave on her trip, still without having seen Adriana. She finally shows up at the house with Julia, just as Eden is getting ready to go. Carm, Rafael, Adriana, and Chip all say their good-byes to Eden before she heads out the door. She walks to the driveway and doesn't see the driver there. "That's funny, I could have sworn I saw him pull up a minute ago..." "He did," Julia says, walking up behind her, "but I sent him away, told him he wasn't needed." "What? Julia why would you-" Eden looks at Julia's car and sees the suitcase in the back seat. "Oh no, Julia, I told you last night.." "I know what you said last night, Eden, but I'm sorry, I'm not letting you go alone with him, no two ways about it." "Julia-" "I mean it and if you want to get to your father's jet before it leaves, I suggest you just agree to let me go with you, because we're not leaving here until you do. Cruz would be livid with me in the afterlife if he knew that I just let you go off to Mexico, ALONE, with Kirk Cranston. And I really don't want to hear it for all of eternity." "Really Julia, I can take care of myself." "I'm sure you can but Kirk Cranston is not your average travel companion. You need at least four eyes watching him at all times, or you might miss something. Now are you going to argue with me? Or are we gonna go?" "But I thought Mason came over last night- don't you wanna-" "Your brother has a lot to sort out before we can just jump back into our marriage. He needs to find out what happened to his baby and to Mary all those years ago and I understand that. But I'm not a part of it and frankly, I don't want to be. We're wasting time here, stop changing the subject....." "Alright, alright, let's go, we gotta hurry." The two jump into the car and head for the runway. THE END........................for TODAY
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Augusta forcefully tells Pamela to let go of her but Pamela refuses. Augusta warns her that she's not someone that Pamela wants to screw with, to which Pamela says the same for herself. "Oh come off it Pamela, really, you've always been weak. At times, borderline insane, a border you've crossed on some occasions in the opinion of some. I could tear you apart before you could squeak out Sophia's name." "I'd be careful if I were you Augusta- don't underestimate me. You'll be sorry if you do...." "What's that supposed to mean?" "How quickly we forget....." "Forget what?" "Nevermind, tell me Augusta, I heard you recently visited Edmund in London. Now what on earth could that meeting have been about?" "You know damn well what it's about- I saw her, Pamela, I saw Sophia, so the little game you and Dr. Hyde there are playing is about to be over." "Now why would you want to do that Augusta? What could you possibly gain by telling CC?" "It's the decent thing to do, Pamela- he thinks his wife is dead for God's sake! Kelly, Eden, and Ted think they've lost their mother......again! It's a cruel game you're playing, especially knowing what we both know about Sophia and her history." "Decent? Augusta, you wouldn't know decent if it were staring you in the face- everything you do has a motivation behind it. But no matter. You won't be telling CC a thing." "Oh no? And how do you plan on stopping me?" "Please, follow me to my suite and I'll gladly outline it for you. I certainly think we can come to an........ understanding, at the very least. Be there in an hour- no less. Or you'll regret it. Oh and Augusta.......don't do something stupid like telling CC in the meantime. I can promise you that would do anything but serve your purpose." Augusta watches Pamela leave in the elevator and considers her offer. (EXT: Mason & Julia's Beach House) ---Mason waits in the driveway for a minute, staring at the front door to his house. He then looks in his back seat, at one of his suitcases. "Ladies and gentleman, the ever-presumptuous Mason Capwell," he sighs, looking back at the house. He finally gets up the courage to get out of the car and walks to the door. He finally gets up the gumption to ring the doorbell and Julia promptly answers. "Honey- I'm home!" he says to her forcing a smile as she stares back at him, unfazed. She allows him into the house and asks what he's doing there. He says it's time that they talk. She agrees and asks about his trip with Mary. He fills her in on the details they learned about Sherri, Maureen and Mark McCormick. She's shocked that Mark is still alive and Mason explains the bones to her. Julia isn't overly-impressed with the explanation. "That explains that part, but what about Sister Sarah? And Sister Agatha? You weren't there Mason.....why would they lie to me? Why take up all of that time to manipulate me into buying one version of Mark's death and have me realize another "truth"? It doesn't make sense." "Unless Mark was coercing them or threatened them. Who knows the lengths he went to? I knew Mark was a conniving bastard from the day I met him, but who knew he was this smart and this calculating? Julia, Mary, Pearl, and I have talked to dozens of people and we still don't know for sure whether the baby lived or died and if she was even mine in the first place!" "I'm sorry. That must have been disappointing for both of you." Mason flashes back and remembers making love to Mary. Julia snaps him out of it, asking where he was just then. He tells her that he doesn't want to talk about Mary or his trip to West Palm Beach any more- he wants to talk about the two of them and their marriage. "Suddenly you care about that." "I've always cared about it Julia, you know that. I'll admit I was hurt and angry when I found out you didn't tell me about Mary. But I understand a bit more now- Mary told me that it was at her insistence and that your motives were unselfish." "That's not entirely true, Mason. Yes, Mary didn't want you to know but you and I both know that nobody tells me what to do and what not to. I was afraid. Afraid of losing you, afraid that you still loved her. Afraid that you would want to be with her over me." "Julia...." "It's true Mason- I'd always thought about what your life would have been like had Mary not died, but I never dreamed that my delusions would become a reality someday. Because I knew the kind of love that you and she shared, that perfect, pure, once-in-a-lifetime first love kind of thing. And that's not what we have, not that what we have isn't special because it is, but in a much different way. That scared me. Everytime I'd look at you, I'd look into your eyes and try to see into your heart to see if she was still there. Now that I've seen the two of you together, clearly my fears weren't unfounded. So go ahead and lay it on me, Mason, I'm prepared. It's alright, you know, I'm a strong woman. I can handle it." "One of the many things I love about you Julia- you are strong. You're smart, accomplished, beautiful, and you're especially sexy when you're wrong, which you are in this case." "I am?" "Yes, you are, you couldn't be further off-base. I want our life back Julia, I want our marriage back, I want you back....." "And what about Mary? Where does she fit in? And the daughter you may or may not have with her?" "Obviously, I'm going to continue to work with Pearl and with Mary on finding her and finding out what happened to her." "Oh..." "But I want you with me Julia, I want to deal with this together, every step of the way." "That's so like you Mason, wanting to have your cake and eat it too." "If you have cake, why wouldn't you want to eat it? Is this fruitcake we're talking about?" "Don't try to joke around Mason, you know exactly what I mean. You can't have it both ways. Did you ever stop and think how painful it might be for me to help you and she on this search that's bound to only bring you closer? Or how it might hurt Mary to see us together on a daily basis, during such a traumatic time? I understand you have to see this through- believe me I do, but you'll have to do it without me..." "Julia!" "I'm sorry Mason, but I mean it. Can you tell me that she's out of your heart completely? That you have no feelings for her at all and are completely 100% totally devoted to me? Honestly?" "Julia...I..." "You can't. You can't Mason. Until you can do that, I'm sorry, but there is no future for the two of us. I'm letting you take this journey with her and to have this time with her- use it. And use it wisely. Don't make hasty decisions that all of us could end up regretting in the end. Really, I have nowhere to go right now, but that doesn't mean that I'll just take you back automatically. If you choose me, if you choose to be with me, then and only then can we start rebuilding our marriage. But Mason, you haven't made that choice yet, at least your heart hasn't. I can tell by the way you're looking at me right now- I see it in your eyes. Now please, please go." Mason slightly nods his head at her and walks out of his house. He looks back as he walks to his car, then looks at his suitcases in the back seat. "The ever-presumptuous Mason Capwell," he says as he gets in the car and drives away. When she sees he's gone, Julia begins dialing her cell phone. "Eden, it's Julia..............Yes, CC called me a little bit ago........Well I agree with him- you shouldn't be going alone, besides, don't you think you'd be better off having a lawyer with you?............Kirk!?!? CC didn't mention anything about that..........Do you know what you're doing?............But Kirk? Eden, he's tried to kill you- more than once! What makes you think you can trust him?.............. I see.......I understand, but let the record reflect I think it's a risky strategy..........Alright, well be careful, please, and call me as soon as you find out anything about Cruz......" (EXT: BAR) ----Joann sits at a table, nursing her martini. Kirk sneaks up on her and scares her to death. She asks him what all of this is about, since she's already helped him with an alibi. "Oh, I'm just taking out a little insurance policy, since I'm going to be out of town for a bit..." "Music to my ears- where you heading? Siberia? One can only hope....." "Actually, I'm going to Mexico.....with Eden." Joann begins to laugh. "You're joking right? Why would Eden possibly take you with her?" "Plain and simple: I have resources and connections there that she does not. And I have a vested interest in finding the real killers too...." "Yeah, because you were set up, right? Tell it to someone that doesn't know you, Kirk." "But I didn't do it, Joann..... I killed nobody, unlike yourself!" Joann gets quiet and tenses up at the mention of it. "Oh, you didn't think I knew did you? I know everything Joann, I know who you are, what you've done and what you're likely up to now. Really, I do applaud you. It's amazing how you've seamlessly integrated yourself in town.......and at Capwell. It's a scheme that's nothing short of brilliant, one that I might have thought up myself, if I weren't so vain." "I don't know what you've dreamed up in that head of yours Kirk, but it couldn't be further from...." "What? The truth? Oh Joann, as I told you, I have vast resources. The second you left I investigated you but when you double-crossed me concerning Capwell, I really zeroed in. I thought, why? What does she possibly stand to gain by helping Elizabeth rather than myself? And then my investigator brought me the "sealed" records of Dr. Alec Davis and I found out exactly what you were gaining." Joann looks nervously back at him, as he gloats about finding her out. She asks him what he wants from her and replies that it's quite simple: stay out of his business and keep her mouth shut. She has no reason to expose him and as long as she doesn't, he'll show her the same courtesy. He tells her that he's absolutely positive that they can help each other out as he brushes a tear away from her face. He smiles at her and again congratulates her on her duplicity. He leaves, and Joann takes a gulp of her martini. (EXT: Pamela's Suite) ---Augusta knocks on the door and Pamela greets her and allows her in. Pamela thanks her for coming, telling her that she's made the right decision but Augusta shoots back that she hasn't made a decision at all. "But you haven't told CC?" "No......at least, not yet...." "And you won't..." "How can you be so...." "Tell me, Augusta, how was Edmund when you confronted him about Sophia?" "Excuse me?" "Edmund? How did he react? Was he like how you remembered him when he lived in Santa Barbara?" "A far cry- he was quite mad. I'm sure the two of you have quite a lot in common." "And the two of you as well...." "I don't have a thing in common with that man...." "Except for one thing, right Augusta?" Augusta shoots her a look. Pamela continues. "What he's done with Sophia is quite insane, I agree. He was supposed to help her, yes, but keep her under until I decided what I wanted done with her. He chose not to do that, no no. Quenching his thirst for revenge on CC was far more important to him than following our plan and keeping the risk of either of us getting caught. Isn't that interesting?" "It's quite intriguing, all of it..." "Revenge. Hatred. They're powerful things and some people harbor resentments for years without being able to let them go." "You should know." "Yes, maybe that's true. But you have all kinds of issues with Sophia and have for a long time...." "But I wouldn't do this to her. I wouldn't do this to the Capwells, no matter how much I hate them, none of them deserve something like this." "That's you, Augusta, that's you, but obviously, OBVIOUSLY, that's not Edmund Lavery. I mean, this is something that happened thirty years ago, yet here he is, still hungry, thirsty for that revenge..." "I don't understand why you're going on about Edmund....." "Oh come on Augusta, we both know what I'm driving at. Afraid to say the words? It's been so long, I bet you can't even say them out loud...." "I really don't know..." "Fine. No matter. I'll simply do it for you. Here's my point Augusta- if Edmund could still be this angry over what happened all those years ago with Loretta, which, arguably, wasn't all CC's fault.........and this is something he's known about for years, that's eaten away at him." "I still don't get where...." "Oh come off it Augusta. Here's some food for thought: Just how do you think a man like Edmund would react if he found out that he has a son that has been kept from him for almost forty years?" "You wouldn't dare...." "Oh but I would Augusta, I would dare. Nevermind Warren, I'd go straight to Edmund and tell him exactly what you did. And Dr. Edmund Lavery isn't someone who's bad side you want to be on- just ask your good friends CC & Sophia. So the game is over Augusta, for you anyway. You don't have a card to play so I suggest you take your deck and go back to London and keep your mouth shut about everything you saw. Or suffer the consequences. The choice is yours." THE END.....................for TODAY
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office) ---Keith walks up to his wife and attempts to greet her hello with a kiss, but she pulls away. "Are you crazy?" "Why so frigid, sugar plum?" Elizabeth tells him that she just came from CC's office and the two of them, together, figured out exactly what Keith did. Keith plays dumb, but Elizabeth refreshes his memory, detailing how he played CC and learned intimate details of their past through the phone in the office. Keith asks Gina to leave the two of them alone, but Elizabeth insists she stays, as she has a few questions for her as well. Keith wonders why he would bother to do any of what she's saying. Elizabeth outright accuses him of baiting CC into having the argument with her so he could listen to every word of it. "Again, for what I ask you, FOR WHAT?" She holds up her hand and shows him the ring. "For this Keith. For this." "Hold it, hold it, wait a minute. You think I went to all this trouble all to get you to Vegas and MARRY you? Why? WHY? Why would I care to start arguments with you & CC if I intended to marry you?" "You used it Keith. You used my vulnerability, got me to Vegas, got me drunk and married me. All so CC couldn't have me, so you could take what's his...." "What's his? Honey, I don't know if you noticed or not, but the rocky, stars in the sky, blinded by a cloud storybook love story is what he's had with your sister for the past 35, 40 years. Not You. Sophia. Why would you think that marrying you would get to CC? How would I be accomplishing that?" "I....you mean......oh Keith, come on, you know!" "Know what? Lizzie-bit, I haven't the foggiest what you're talking about- paranoid conspiracy theories to commit marriage? Taking you from your brother-in-law? None of it makes any sense..." "I.....I.....but you...." "But I nothing. Sweetheart, love cakes. My Lizzie-bit. I married you for you. And because I'd had about 10 manhattans, but that's beside the point now. I thought we were past all this- you know I love you- what more do I gotta do to prove that?" "I...I" "Oh shut up!" he says as he passionately kisses her. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---CC takes a call from Eden in his office. "Princess, how are you what happened?..........I was just about to leave but tell me, I want to know..............................................................Oh my God? When are you leaving?................I'll go with you........Nonsense Eden, there isn't anything here that can't wait................Well I'm coming over there, we'll talk when I get there......." CC gets up from his desk and prepares to walk out when he sees Pamela standing in the doorway. She asks CC if he minds if she comes in. "Mind? Of course I mind, not that you give a damn...." "Oh, CC, it's wonderful to see that you've gotten your spirit back. I've been so worried about you these past months...." "I don't need you to worry or do anything related to me, Pamela. Now, if you'll excuse me, my daughter needs me...." CC tries to make his way out but she blocks his path. He asks her just what it is that she wants. "Aren't you going to comment on my hair? Don't you like it?" "Has the bleach you used on that head of yours seeped into your brain?" "I just thought you'd notice is all, seeing as how you always did prefer blondes," she says, staring at a picture of Sophia. "Pamela, I don't have time to go in circles with you like this. Eden needs me...." She gently brushes his face with her hand. "What is it? What is it about her? What did she give you that I never could? Even now, with her dead and buried, you still make me feel as though I'm living in her shadow." "Her shadow? You wouldn't be within fifty feet of her shadow, Pamela." The phone rings and CC turns to answer it. "Hello........yes.........What? HOW is that possible?..........They were sent in over a month ago.........AJ? Who the hell is he?.........Oh, Mr. Quartermaine no longer is working for us.......Sir, I have a lot going on right now, my son-in-law just died, isn't there someone else who.........Yes, I understand. Have you called Ms. Wayne as well? .......Alright......" He hangs up the phone. Pamela asks where they were and he says that he was just leaving. Pamela tries to get him to continue the conversation but he pushes her aside and begins walking down the hallway. As he does, he sees another woman approaching him- Augusta Lockridge! "CC....CC we need to talk." "Not now Augusta, I have more important matters to tend to." "But it will only take a few minutes CC, please. This is something you need to know." she says as he continues walking. He hits the elevator button and she gets desperate. "Don't you want to hear what I have to say? For God's sake CC, it's about SOPHIA." CC's face turns very serious and he stares Augusta down. "I've had enough of you women popping up today, wanting to talk about things that happened years ago. I've already had to contend with her for the past 20 minutes!" he says, motioning to Pamela. "I've had enough, ENOUGH for one day. My wife is dead and buried. Can't you all let her and me and our life together rest in peace?" The elevator doors shut and he's gone. A frustrated Augusta looks around her and sees the stairway. She pauses for a minute and begins racing toward it, before Pamela grabs her arm and turns her around. "Oh no, you're not going anywhere Augusta. Not until we've had a little chat." (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Eden is frantically packing clothes for her trip in the bedroom. The doorbell rings and she yells for Adriana to answer it. When it rings again, she calls for Carm and Rafael. There's a pause and she goes back to packing, until the doorbell rings for a third time. Annoyed, she stops what she's doing and races down to the door and opens it. "Mason. What are you doing here?" "Hello to you too sis." "I'm sorry. Please, come in." Mason enters and comments that she's out of breath. He asks her what she's doing. She tells him of the developments in the case- the suspected kidnappers have been detained in Mexico and she, Angel, and Marta are going down there to identify them. Mason asks why she's going, commenting that she's a bit over-involved in all of this. "He's my husband Mason. His killer is still out there and could still be after Adriana or Chip or me. How can you not understand..." "Don't misunderstand me Eden- I can empathize with what you're going through. But your children need you, your family and even Cruz's family need you here. Don't you think you ought to let the police and the FBI do their job? Don't you think Cruz would have wanted that?" "Of course he would Mason! If he were here, he'd be telling me I'm nuts for running back and forth from there, for going after the kidnappers and going head on with Kirk. But he isn't here, Mason. Cruz isn't here- He's been taken away from me, from all of us! And whoever is responsible for that is going to be head accountable. I don't care if I have to travel the world to find them, I'll do it, just as he would have done for me. I will find whoever did this and make sure that they are held responsible for what they did to him and that justice is served." She begins to cry and Mason takes her in his arms, telling her that it's alright and apologizing to her. "I'm just worried about you Eden, we all are. You've been through so much in your life-it makes me scared. You were away for so long and fought so hard to come back to all of us. Now I loved Cruz, and I miss him terribly. But Eden.....I don't want this tragedy to overtake your life and cause you to lose control again. Or worse." He continues to embrace her until they finally come apart. "So what are you doing in the neighborhood anyway Mason? Just dropping by out of nowhere? You know, Julia's right next door. Now that things have settled down, maybe you should go over there and talk to her." "What gave you that idea? I came here to see you." "You came here to stall Mason, which is what you always do when it comes to conversations that you don't want to have. Why don't you just go over there and talk to her?" He gives her a look. "I'll be fine, really, I'm fine. Now go over there. Go on. I'll see you when I get back..." Eden leads a reluctant Mason to the door. He pleads with her to talk a few more minutes and keeps asking if she's alright. She says she'll be fine and insist he go to Julia. She locks him outside and heads back to her room. (EXT: Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office) ---Gina is disgusted by the site of Keith and Elizabeth going at it and rolls her eyes at both of them. When they continue to kiss, she gets further agitated. "Will you two get OFF one another?" she says, pulling them apart. "Do you not need air to survived like the rest of us? I'm talking to you VELDA!?" Elizabeth gets a call and starts to panic over the phone as Gina and Keith look on. She nervously tells the person that what they're saying can't be right. She asks them if CC has been informed and gets an affirmative. She hangs up and abruptly tells Gina and Keith that she needs to leave. Gina asks if it's something with the company but Elizabeth brushes her off, telling her it's not of her concern. Keith asks if he'll be seeing her at home. She thinks for a moment about it as he smiles at her. She cracks and says "all right" telling him she'll probably be late at the office and not to wait up for her. She leaves and Keith flashes Gina his winning smile. "What?" she says, as he rolls his eyes around and begins to whistle. "What is it? What are you DOING Keith? I have a right to know!" he ignores her and continues walking out of the room... "Keith....Keith.......KEITH for GOD'S Sake what is it?" he continues exiting down the hall as she stands in the doorway of his office "Fine....FINE just go....but don't expect me to BE here waiting for you to come back!" THE END..............for the week!
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Kirk & Eden arrive at the offices and ask Kathleen if Joann is in. They're told she's in a meeting with CC and instructed her not to disturb them. Eden explains that it's an urgent matter and she's sure that her father won't mind. Eden reluctantly brings Kirk with her and bursts into CC's office. "Baby, what is this? What the hell is he doing here?" "I'm sorry daddy but we need to talk to Joann. You too actually- any chance you can get the security tapes from the day the boat exploded? We need them as soon as possible..." "Of course....what's going on? Has there been any word on the investigation?" "No, not yet, just trying to rule out some suspects...." CC wonders how the security tape is going to rule out anyone, since obviously nobody that works there killed Cruz. Kirk chimes in, saying that he was in the building that day and actually spoke with Joann. CC wonders why he would be there in the first place and he explains, but CC doesn't understand how he ended up talking to Joann. "I happened to come across him, CC. He was acting suspiciously and I'd never seen him in the office before, so I asked him what he was doing here. He explained who he was, but wouldn't really divulge much about what he was doing. I told him Eden wasn't here and sent him on his way- I didn't think much of it until now, when the two of you walked in together." Eden thanks Joann for her honesty, but to be sure, she still wants to see the security video. CC gets clearance for her to go down and view it for herself. Kirk says he's going with her but CC won't have it. "If I don't go, what's to stop her from saying I'm not on the tapes at all and burning them? Your daughter is more interested in seeing me fry than finding her husband's killer..." "How dare you say that to me! You know Kirk, I am sick and tired of you pushing my buttons. Everywhere I go lately, it seems you're right there, questioning me about all of this and how I'm handling it. It only makes you look more suspicious. And if you think that we're going to give you access to Capwell Enterprises security, then you're further gone than even I imagined. Now I'm going down there, alone, to watch the tapes..." "And I'm supposed to trust you?" "You can jump out that window over there for all I care. Or you can sit here and wait until I get back. Up to you..." Eden leaves him in the lobby and CC tells Kathleen to keep her eye on him. (EXT: The Lair) ---Ashton takes a seat at the bar and orders up a whiskey and coke. Brandon sees him sitting there and tells the bartender he'll drop off Mr. Lavery's drink personally. Ashton finishes up his phone call, ordering the person on the phone to take care of things, wanting them just right. "Ouch, I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that call." "Yes, well, at times you have to be stern in business, to get what you want. I'm sorry, Brandon is it?" "Yes, we were introduced the other day, albeit not under the best circumstances. And believe me, I know what you mean about being stern...." "I'm sure you do- this place didn't re-open itself after all, did it?" Ashton offers to pay for the drink but Brandon insists that it's on him. Ashton thanks him. There's an uncomfortable silence, before Ashton breaks the ice, asking how exactly Brandon is related to the Capwells. "I'm not.....by blood. My father was the late Channing Capwell, Jr." "Ah, I see. Kelly has told me some about him, but it's a subject she doesn't seem to be all that comfortable with...." "I can understand why. My father's life and death has always been a sore subject in the Capwell house..." Before Ashton can further inquire, Warren arrives and takes his seat next to Ashton, apologizing for being late. Ashton tells him it's quite alright, that he was just getting to know Brandon. When he goes to point at him, he sees that Brandon has disappeared. Now alone, Warren orders up his scotch and Ashton asks what exactly this meeting is about. "I thought we should get to know each other a little better....." "What if I don't care to know you any better than I already do?" "A sense of humor- I like it.....No I was just curious about how you and Kelly met, your courtship, how long you got to know one another, you know, those sorts of things...." "I don't really see how any of that is your business. Kelly is my wife, you're not her father or her brother, and if she considered you enough of a friend, she would have told you all of those things yourself. Or you'd ask her. Don't you have a hobby? Some sort of newspaper you run?" "Funny you mention it- yes, yes I do. The thing about news reporters, Ashton, is we have access to all kinds of information." "Most of the best reporters do. Is this all leading somewhere I hope? Because, as you may have guessed, I'm quite a busy man and now that I'm a Capwell, I don't think it would be wise to be seen with the eldest Lockridge child." "Don't worry. I'm not really a Lockridge......long story." Ashton finishes his drink and begins to get up. Warren gets up and grabs him by the arm, turning him around. Ashton warns him to get his hand off of his arm. "Now that sounded almost threatening Ashton, like something that would come out of the mouth of a cold, calculated person. Like someone who might thrive on revenge, who might, say, seek out and marry the daughter of the man who he and his father blame for his mother's death.....Sound like anyone you know?" "You're way off base Warren, it's not at all like that..." "No? Then how about you tell me how it is?" "But that would spoil you fun, now wouldn't it? Something else about reporters- they thrive on the chase, gathering information and from that data, finding the story that translates out of it. So why don't you be a good reporter and go get your story?" "That's what I'm doing...." "If you expected to get it from me, then you're grossly mistaken, not to mention obviously desperate because what you have right now amounts to nothing. Zilch. Nada. Now if you don't mind, I'm late to meet my wife....." Ashton takes off and Brandon asks Warren what all of that was about. Warren tells Brandon he doesn't trust Ashton and tells him if he sees him acting oddly in any way to please not hesitate to call him. Warren heads out, leaving his card with Brandon. (EXT: Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office) ---Gina bursts into Keith's office and demands answers. She tells him she's sick of being in the dark and wants to know exactly what he's up to with Elizabeth so she can help. "Cupcake, when are you going to understand that the more you know about what I'm doing with Elizabeth, the lesser the chances of it working?" "I don't understand that. I can help you. We make a great team, Keith, we always have.....until you up and married Morticia...." "And I need you to be a part of that team by remaining completely in the dark. The less you know, the more real your reactions will be, which is what I need babe- genuine, raw, animal emotion..." "One more week of this and I'll give you more raw emotion than you can handle. Sorry, not the way it's going to be. I want to know what you're up to with her and I want to know NOW!" "Actually, I'd like to know that myself," Elizabeth says, entering. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Kirk sits in the lobby, with Kathleen staring at him eagle-eyed. "You know, if you lost the glasses, took down your hair, and de-frumped your clothes, you wouldn't be half bad to look at either." "Save your charms for someone they'll work on, Kirkie. Mr. Capwell has told me all about you and I'm not takin my eyes off ya so you might as well just sit there..." Joann comes out and pulls Kirk into the break room. She thanks him so much for ambushing her at the office, especially in a meeting with CC. He tells her she covered beautifully and there's no way CC suspects a thing. He tells her if she continues to behave like a good girl, she shouldn't have to worry about him for much longer. Joann says that he'd better make good on his end of the deal. He asks her if she was able to replace the security videos in time and she nods that she has. They hear Eden arriving once again in the hallway, talking to CC. She stops when she sees Kirk and Joann approaching. "Well...?" Kirk asks. "Well your story checks out, Kirk- you were there on the tapes, just like you both said..." "I hate to say I told you so, but maybe now we can focus our energies on finding the real perpetrators..." "WE won't be doing anything, Kirk. And FYI- you're not off the hook..." "But you just said..." "Just because you were here doesn't mean that the people who blow up your yacht weren't following your orders. And you would be just sick enough to show up here, at my family's company, just to provide yourself with an alibi...." She's interrupted when she gets a phone call. "Hello.....CARla? What is it? What do you want.......They did? When?.....I'll be right over........" she hangs up the phone "I've got to go..." "Was that about Cruz?" CC asks. "Have they found out anything new?" Kirk wonders. "Two men were brought in to custody this morning- they're suspected to be the guys who kidnapped Marta.............. You look a little worried there Kirk...." "Oh believe me Eden, I have NOTHING to worry about...." "I guess we'll see about that....won't we?" THE END..............................for TODAY
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Elizabeth walks into CC's office, telling him she has some things she needs his signature on. He asks why she didn't just leave the papers with Kathleen, and she says that she wanted to deliver them personally. "I heard about your son-in-law CC and I just wanted to offer my condolences. This is an awful time for you and your family, what with Sophia gone and now Cruz.... If there's anything you need, whether it be at the office or just a friendly ear to talk to....I just wanted you to know that I'm always available." "Thank you Elizabeth, but I have my daughters and Rosa to help me through it. I'll look these over and get them back to you as soon as possible. If there's nothing else...." "Actually, there is...." Elizabeth questions him about what Keith told him, asking if he flat out said that he got a copy of the will from her. CC smiles. "Trouble in paradise?" "I'm just trying to get my facts straight CC, that's all." "If you're listening to Keith Timmons, you're going to have quite a problem doing that...." CC tells her that though Keith didn't come out and say anything, it was quite obvious that he wanted CC to think Elizabeth was his source. He tells her how Keith taunted him and how angry he got, causing him to explode at her that night at the party. He stops himself. "My God, he played me like a fiddle," CC realizes, "He wanted me to have it out with you that night....but why? What's in it for Keith?" "That's what I'm going to find out. Thanks for your help, CC, I'll let you get back to work...." She begins to walk to the door but CC calls out to her. "You know Elizabeth, I don't know why you married him in the first place, but if I were you, I'd seriously consider ending that marriage. I've known Keith Timmons a long time and no matter what he tells you or how he charms you, he's a predator. He's always after something and once he gets it, he'll toss you aside without a second thought...." She stands there with her back to him for another moment before leaving the office. (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---Eden stops in to see how Kelly is doing. Kelly spots her sister and directs her to a table on the outer edge of the attached restaurant. Kelly finishes her work and sits down with Eden. She tells Eden she wishes she could sit and have lunch with her but she's got a convention at the hotel that's left her completely swamped. Eden tells her it's alright, that Mason is actually coming down to meet her. "Has there been any word from Mexico?" Kelly asks. "Not yet and frankly I'm sick and tired of waiting. I can't just sit around and not do anything, especially if my family could still be in danger. I can't even sleep right, knowing this person is still out there whoever he is...." Eden is distracted when she sees Kirk Cranston making a fuss with one of the girls at the hotel counter. Kelly turns around to see what she's looking at and witnesses the commotion herself. Eden starts to get up, but Kelly stops her. "Just stay there....Let me handle this...." "Why is he even staying here?" "He's a part of the convention that I was just talking about....Let me take care of Kirk..." Kelly walks up to the desk and asks Kirk what exactly the problem is. "So nice to see you too Kelly. I was just explaining to this nice young woman here that there was a problem with my key and that I needed a new one, but it seems some sort of flag has been put on my account..." "Yes I put it there- I didn't want you having any time of keys made or anything that gave you access to the hotel without my approval. Do you have the old key Kirk?" He pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to her and she heads to the back to make him a new one. Seeing that he's alone, Eden seizes the opportunity. "What is it about you and places that you're not wanted Kirk? You're like a moth to a flame..." "I guess the friendliness runs in the family.....I think I've had enough humiliation and accusations from you for one week, Eden. It's not 1985- you're not the center of my universe anymore. So why don't you save it." "I'll save nothing- and I'll stop at nothing until you're behind bars for what you did to my husband..." "I've already told you, I had nothing to do with that! I wasn't even in Mexico at the time, as if you don't already know..." "What do you mean by that?" "I was at Capwell Enterprises that day, trying to warn you about your precious Cruz and what he had gotten himself mixed up in...." "What?" "That's right- you're precious long-lost Erik Estrada? I tried to HELP him once I got wind of what the underground syndicate that I've been trying to tell you about was up to..." "Right- you came to Capwell Enterprises to try to save Cruz? What kind of fool do you take me for?" "Don't believe me? Why don't we take a drive down there then and you can see for yourself..." Kelly comes back out and sees what's going on. She tells Kirk to stop harassing her sister, but Eden stops her, telling her it's actually alright. She tells Kelly to let Mason know she had to run, that something came up. Before Kelly has a chance to stop them, Eden and Kirk are off. (EXT: Capwell Hotel, Room 308) ---Mason waits at Mary's door, armed with a dozen roses. She opens it and invites him in. "The flowers are beautiful Mason, but I'm not sure what they're for...." "Can't I get flowers for a beautiful woman without their having to be some alterior motive behind it?" Mary places them in a vase, but tells Mason he should be getting flowers for his wife and working on repairing their relationship. Mason asks how she can expect him to do that, when he hasn't yet fully gotten a grip on his feelings for her and what they mean, not to mention they're still searching for answers. Mary asks if he's heard from Pearl and he says he has, that he checked local newspapers in Sacramento and found the articles about Jim McCormick's death, all of which seem to point to Maureen telling the truth. Mason thinks they should be a bit more weary of her, considering she is Mark's mother and wonders why she's come forward with all of this information suddenly, when it seems she's been holding on to it for years. Mary doesn't pretend to know what could be behind Maureen's decision to open up to her, but either way, they don't have many other options besides trusting what she says is the truth. Mary asks if there was any news on Mark and Sherri's wherabouts, but nothing has been found out about their location. "Then there really isn't much we can do right now. If there's nothing else Mason, I have some things to do today..." Mason notices the luggage in the living area. "You're moving out?" "I'm moving into an apartment actually, not far from here. My landlord had already rented mine out but put me in touch with an agent who had something closer to here. I move in today. I'm also going back to work at the clinic. I need to get my life back Mason and so do you...." "What if the life I want is with you?" "Mason.....you and I both know that's not what you really want. You love Julia and you always will, which is what got me through all of these years apart from you. It's not good for us to be living in the past, living in this fantasy..." "What about what happened in Florida? Was that just a fantasy too?" "No....it wasn't. It was special for me too Mason.....but it just can't be like that. We were both vulnerable, frustrated and we needed each other, so we reached out. But, honestly Mason, if I had to do it all over again.......I wouldn't. All it's doing is making things more complicated, making them harder. You know I love you and I probably always will....but.....our time is passed and it's not good for me to keep thinking there's some kind of chance...." "But there could be..." "No there can't Mason, aren't you listening to me? I couldn't have you, not like this, not at Julia's and your daughter's expense. Not after all I've gone through to prevent any of this from happening in the first place. You love her. You need her. You've been without me for the past 20 years and you've gotten along just fine. You can continue to do that. I'm sorry if none of this is what you want to hear, but it's the way it's gotta be. Now I want you to go..." "Mary..." he reaches his hand out to her face but she pulls it away. "Mason, please, please, just.....go...." Mason gives her one last look and sadly walks out of her room. Mary chokes back her tears and continues packing up her things. In the hallway, Mason bumps into Pamela. "Mason, darling, are you alright? I heard about Cruz- I'm so sorry...." "I'm fine, mother- when did you get back in town anyway?" "I could ask you the same question.....was that Mary's room you're coming from? How is she? Any luck with finding your daughter?" "No mother, we had no such luck....if you'll excuse me, I'm on my way downstairs to meet Eden for lunch..." "She just left, dear, I saw her walking out the door....with Kirk Cranston...." (EXT: London, England- Heathrow Airport) ----Lionel and Augusta stand in line to check in. "I still don't understand why you've got to go to Santa Barbara- we were just there!" "I told you Lionel, I want to check on the construction of the hotel, see how it's coming, and there are a couple of contacts that I really need to meet with..." "All of that can be done over the phone.....besides, I thought we were trying to keep a lid on the fact that we're even opening the hotel in Santa Barbara, so CC doesn't get wind of it..." "I'll be plenty discrete about what I'm doing there, but it's important that I do these things hands on. Besides, I want to see my son. I don't see why you're being so inquisitive anyway..." "It's just that you've been acting.....well, strange lately...." "Strange?" "Well.....more strange than usual..." Augusta finishes checking in and tells Lionel that he's being paranoid. She rushes off to the security line and kisses her husband good-bye before making it through the checkpoint. "You're up to something, Augusta, and I'm damn well gonna find out what it is....." THE END.....................until LATER!
Through the past week, fans of the SONBC drama "Return to Santa Barbara" have been left hanging. Is Cruz really dead? Will Mason & Mary find their child? Will anyone ever find out the truth about Sophia? Or is it Edmund & "Soretta" forever? All these questions hung in the minds of RTSB fans, but there was one that particularly stood out- "Will we ever find out?" We tracked down RTSB exec producer and headwriter juniorz, who's been a bit of a recluse of late, and got the answers. SONBC: Welcome Back! juniorz: Thanks for having me again. So what's up? SONBC: You tell us- RTSB has been on hiatus for a WEEK! juniorz: I did give some indication that there would be a bit of a hiatus, yes. It is ending though, as of right now, beginning with a double episode to be posted tomorrow! If I can get it going, one of them may even be ready tonight! I've been busy with my job, the holiday, and my birthday over the past week & weekend. Each time I'd try to get an episode up, something else would come up. Honestly, I've missed it. But during the week, I added some things to the RTSB myspace page, including repeat episodes. SONBC: Repeats? juniorz: Yes, for those who are getting into RTSB late, I'm taking the time to repeat the episodes from the beginning, with direct links from the myspace page, http://www.myspace.com/returntosantabarbara . The first four episodes are already posted and have gotten a few hits over there & here. SONBC: And what about those that are current? What's the scoop with the new episodes? juniorz: As I said, I'm kicking that off with a double-episode tomorrow, followed by an all-new Talkin Santa Barbara! There's a lot of ground to cover this month, since there's a big May ahead. SONBC: Any May Sweeps Previews? juniorz: There will be a special May Sweeps Preview put out later in the month. I can't give previews for every story until I'm sure of how far I can move them along. SONBC: The last episode featured a lot of the new generation. Can we expect to see more of that? juniorz: Somewhat- they're not going to take over the show, per say, but they'll be featured more heavily than they have been thusfar. With the introduction of Steve and re-introduction of Brandon and Chip, they younger set has been re-invigorated. I have lots of plans for Brandon, but it's going to be a sort of slow build. There are high points coming up in other stories that will take up a lot of time so it's the only way it works anyway. BUT I will say that the slower the build and longer it simmers, the better the end result of the story. SONBC: So what can we expect when RTSB returns? We couldn't help but notice a spike in Nina Arveson's (Angela) air time.... juniorz: I was actually surprised myself how much I wrote for her last month! But it was essential to lay the groundwork for her storyline. The Lily/Ted/Angela/Warren storyline is more supporting than anything, but it is kicking into gear a bit. Much of the focus of this month will be Eden's search for answers about Cruz's untimely "death." SONBC: Is Cruz really dead? We can't help but notice A Martinez is still listed in the cast.... juniorz: A Martinez needed time off to shoot episodes of "Raines." It's something we knew about going into the series. It just worked out that the story I had planned called for him to have time off anyway. He'll be back. Whether he's actually alive.....I'm not saying yet. But you'll know for sure either way in the next couple weeks or so. SONBC: How about Mark McCormick? You took the time to write him in, but he's only appeared twice so far! juniorz: That's the other story that's really going to move this month. Expect to see Victoria Wyndham re-appear as Maureen this week and Mark & Sherri should return sometime later in the month. SONBC: Interesting. This whole Mary/Mason/Julia triangle has been pretty evenly balanced so far. We wish it could go on forever... juniorz: Mason is going to make a final choice very soon, but that doesn't mean complications won't arise down the road. I have a HUGE summer storyline planned for that triangle, something that changes everything. It's funny, because the whole story I've come up with stems from my being tired of writing Mason so nice. It's been very natural, since this is how he is around Mary, but I for one am sick of it. So being the sick freak that I am, I've come up with a situation that will bring Mason's anger and dark side back to the forefront. I'm actually salivating at the thought of it right now. SONBC: Sounds good. Now we'd be remiss if we didn't ask about Sophia & McCreepy.... juniorz: That storyline is also hitting a boiling point- in fact, this is the story that's going to really explode in May. A character from the past will be returning and all kinds of castle-goodness is planned. It's been so much fun writing the second arc of this storyline- I'm surprised how much I myself enjoy the Edmund/Sophia dynamic. And I LOVE Christine. No matter what happens, Christine isn't going anywhere. Plus, I finally have gotten Lionel & Augusta into the mix with this story and they will remain very much a part of it through the next arc. SONBC: Last question. Ashton Lavery- we know the guy has angles, but we can't seem to make him out yet. juniorz: Ashton's agenda is being given out a piece at a time. Eventually, all of the pieces will come together and there comes a point where you'll go "Now it all makes sense..." I'm hoping people don't figure it out beforehand because I want there to be a shock when I get to the first of many climaxes with him. But as I said, things are being put out there about him one piece at a time. Expect to start seeing more of him, along with Joann. She's another one who's had her hand in a lot of pots but hasn't been very heavily featured. I'm making a concious effort to write more for Ashton, Joann, and Warren, so expect to see them. SONBC: Any last-minute tidbits? juniorz: Check the cast list for some changes. "Six Degrees" was cancelled last week, so we were able to sign Jay Hernandez to a contract. Expect Chip and Victoria to stick around town for a while. Also, though Shell Danielson isn't listed with the recurring players right now, she's not gone forever. Laken is another one who will be worked in as I go. Additionally, Gina Gallego has been bumped up to contract status. Thanks juniorz! Don't forget to check out Return to Santa Barbara this week on SONBC!
I've been crazy busy with starting my new job, etc.... Episode 78 will be up Friday night!
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England) ---Edmund and Sophia lie in bed, listening to Augusta rant downstairs. Sophia is curious as to who this woman is and what she wants. Edmund tells her it's someone he knew long ago, from when they lived in Santa Barbara. Sophia asks if she knew her but Edmund insists she didn't, as he puts on his robe. "Where are you going?" she asks him. "Downstairs to get rid of that woman..." "Ok, I'll come with you...." "No,no,no that isn't necessary my sweet Loretta. I don't want her upsetting you and God only knows what she'll do in the state she sounds like she's in. I just got you back, my darling, I don't want anything to jeopardize that, especially her..." He kisses her on the forehead and starts heading down the flights of stairs. He can hear Christine and Augusta arguing as he makes his descent. He finally makes it to the foyer. "I'm sorry Dr. L- she shoved me! Right into the door! I had to pause a moment to get composed ya know and then she starts yelling, screamin like a banchie..." "It's alright Christine, it's fine. Would you mind pouring Mrs. Lockridge and I two glasses of brandy?" "It's going to take more than some expensive liquor to shut me up, Edmund." "Charmed to see you as well Augusta. Come, join me in the study. I see we have much to discuss...." She pauses and he motions for her to follow. She finally does and he shuts the door behind him. Augusta immediately goes to the door and checks the knob, opening & shutting it. "What on earth are you doing?" "Ensuring that I don't wake up thinking I'm your dead mother." (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Eden and Adriana arrive home from the funeral. Eden immediately walks to the picture of she & Cruz on the end table next to the couch. She picks it up and stares at it, gently stroking it with her thumb. She falls onto the couch, still clutching the photograph. Adriana takes a seat next to her. "You guys look so happy there." "Believe me, it took a while for us to get there. This was taken before you were born, right after our third or fourth engagement...." "I know you're gonna miss him, mom. We all are. And I'm sorry if I haven't been the best daughter lately- it's just, it's hard you know. First grandma, now dad........Sometimes I forget that you just lost your mother and your husband." "And vice versa, A. You've had to put up with a lot from me lately...." Adriana smiles and takes her mother's hand. Her cell phone then rings and she sees Steve is calling. She gets up from the couch and walks toward the front door to take the call. "Hey princess- how are things at the palace?" "Depressing as all get-out. It's been a long day for both of us...." "How'd you like to get your mind off it?" "What do you have in mind?" "A few of us are up at the Lair- your cuz Sammy and Uncie Rafe." "I don't call him "Uncie" Rafe..." "Yeah, well, they're here, and Brandon's here.....Thought you could use a little time away from home..." Adriana hears noises in the background. "What is that?" she asks him. "Will YOU GIVE ME THE PHONE?" Samantha snarls.... "A.... Hi, it's me, seriously, you should come down here..." "I shouldn't leave my mom...." "Oh come on, you've been there with her all day through this, you deserve a break..." "True....alright.....I'll figure it out..." She turns around and sees Eden standing behind her. "Mom.....I....." "It's alright. Go ahead and go- be with your friends. It's been a tough day on you and, frankly, I could use a little time alone...." Adriana thanks her mother and kisses her good-bye. (EXT: London, England) ---Christine brings the two glasses of brandy in to Augusta & Edmund and leaves the two of them alone. Augusta smells the glass carefully and puts it down. "Now Augusta, don't be absurd. What do you think? That I had Christine drug you? Why would I ever do something like that to you?" Augusta picks the brandy back up and takes a gulp of it. "I don't begin to even attempt to understand how your mind works Edmund, especially now. Just what the hell have you done to Sophia?" "Saved her life, for starters...." "By making her family believe she's dead and turning her into your ex-wife's reincarnation?" Edmund explains that he treated Sophia for her aneurism and had her complete consent for everything that he did, including faking her death. Augusta doesn't believe him, until he shows her the documents that Sophia signed when they began the treatment. He tells her that Sophia wanted her family to believe she was dead, in case the treatments were unsuccessful. Augusta still is disbelieving, saying that it all sounds awfully out of character for Sophia. "Believe what you want, Augusta, it's right here in black and white...." "That doesn't explain this- there's no way Sophia agreed to this, no way at all...." "But she did....it was part of the treatment, her hypnosis. It sped up the progress we were making and eventually, she was actually begging me to hypnotize her. I didn't have a choice. I promised my patient that I'd help her and that I'd do whatever it took to save her life..." "You can't be serious.........Dr. Lavery, you can't expect me to believe that Sophia allowed all of this.....That she's actually happy with the result....." "She's quite happy Augusta, or didn't you get a close enough view of that at the theatre last night?" Augusta looks at him, shocked that he knows. He tells her that Sophia told him all about their rendezvous in the ladies room, remarking that it was a foolish move on her part to introduce herself at all. Edmund questions what Augusta would even get out of it if she blew the whistle. Sophia then appears in the room, asking Edmund if everything is alright. "Everything is fine, Loretta. Mrs. Lockridge was just leaving actually, weren't you Augusta...." "My God! You're the woman from the play last night..." "Yes that's right, I am. You ran off in such a hurry....." "I'm sorry, but I don't know you and as I said, you obviously had me confused with someone else...." "There was certainly confusion yes." Sophia walks up and kisses Edmund, asking him to hurry back upstairs to bed to be with her. "As I said So--Loretta, I'm just going so you & your little cumquat there can go back about your business........" Augusta says as she's walking through the foyer. "Oh, Good-Bye Christine. So lovely to have met you- I'm sure we'll see each other again..." Augusta finally gets outside alone....... "What do I get Edmund? The look on CC Capwell's face alone when he sees his wife cavorting around with you is entirely TOO delicious to pass up.." (EXT: The Lair) ---Brandon orders a round of drinks for Steve, Rafe, Samantha, and Chip, who just arrived. Steve asks Brandon about his heritage, saying his last name is Capwell and asks if he's related to Samantha and Adriana. "Actually, the Capwell in my name comes from my step-mom, who was Gina Capwell at the time." "Lily's mom- I saw her in here with her last week- kind of a looker for an older lady......So you're Lily's brother..." "Not really. My mother is Santana Andrade and my dad was Channing Capwell III...." "Oh. So you are a Capwell then...." "It's a little more complicated than that...." Samantha interrupts. "Put it this way- there's no Capwell blood running through my veins, yet my father's blood is on their hands. Probably why they gave me his entire estate as a consolation prize. Not, of course, until I turned twenty five. I guess you could say, thanks to them, this place is back open and you guys are gettin a free round of drinks..." Steve smiles, not about to argue with him. He looks up and sees Adriana approaching the group. He calls her over and she greets everyone. Rafe asks how Eden is doing and she tells him she's doing as well as can be expected. Samantha asks if she's chilled out any and she nods that she has. Brandon says that she was close with his dad and hopes that she feels better soon. He excuses himself from the group. "That was strange..." Adriana says. "What?" Steve asks "Brandon bringing up Channing like that.....He's been dead for years, since before either of us were born." "He died before Brandon was even born?" "While Santana was pregnant," Samantha interrupts, "He was actually talking about him before you got here A. It was pretty weird- he said the Capwells have his father's blood on their hands, or something to that effect. I know we haven't seen him in years, but I don't ever remember him talking like that when we were kids." "Honestly, I didn't think he knew about it. When I found out by accident, one of the first things my mom told me was not to say anything to Brandon about it...." "So his dad wasn't really a Capwell but your grandfather left him Channing's chunk of the Capwell money?" "He didn't find out that Channing wasn't his son until many years after his death. He still looks at him as such and wanted very much to be a part of Brandon's life and for Brandon to have everything that Channing was to have..." "Interesting..." Steve says. He looks at Brandon behind the bar as a waitress hands the group another round of shots. They all toast and Steve continues to watch Brandon, who raises his shot glass and takes his shot. (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TL8gQD3-ug ---Eden sits on the couch, looking through her wedding album. Her eyes well up with tears as she looks at all of the pictures of she and Cruz through the years leading up to their wedding. She remembers back to their many happy times together. First she thinks back to dancing with him at Joe & Kelly's wedding, then him finding her in the bath tub at the cabin. She remembers him rescuing her in Aqualand and finally reuniting with him on the beach. She fondly recalls returning home from being presumed dead and swimming to him in the cave. She finally remembers their wedding and the vows they took. The camera fades back in to Eden, looking at the photo album and crying. "I don't know how I'm gonna do this Cruz......You were always the strong one...you could handle this or at least show me how to handle it, but I'm so lost without you.......Give me the strength please to go on, for our daughter and our son...." She hears a knock at the door and a look of wonder comes over her face. She opens the door and sees Carm and Rafael standing on the other side. "We're sorry to show up like this, dear" Carm says, looking at their suitcases, "I didn't want to be presumptuous, but I thought we could help out around the house for a little while, until you get on your feet again. With your mom gone and now Cruz..." Eden puts her arms around Carm and sobs. "Thank you....thank you......Of course I want you here, both of you..." Rafael puts his arm around Eden as well as she looks up into the air and lips the words "Thank You Cruz" THE END...............for TODAY
A total of 13 episodes Aired this month. Actor (Character)- Episodes for the Month (Total Episodes, out of 77) 1. Nina Arveson (Angela)- 9 (42) 2. Judith McConnell (Sophia)- 8 (44) 2. Marcy Walker (Eden)- 8 (45) 4. Michael Brainard (Ted)- 7 (40) 4. Lane Davies (Mason)- 7 (50) 4. Charles Keating (Edmund)- 7 (24) 7. Grant Aleksander (Warren)- 6 (27) 7. Joseph Bottoms (Kirk)- 6 (12) 7. Jessica Dunphy (Adriana)- 6 (34) 7. Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia)- 6 (46) 7. Harley Jane Kozak (Mary)- 6 (34) 7. Gretchen Oehler (Christine)- 6 (6) 13. Jed Allan (CC)- 5 (46) 13. Matt Cedeno (Rafe)- 5 (30) 13. Margarita Cordova (Rosa)- 5 (27) 13. Carmen Duncan (Pamela)- 5 (34) 13. Carrington Garland (Kelly)- 5 (25) 13. Justin Hartley (Brandon)- 5 (5) 13. Paula Irvine (Lily)- 5 (30) 13. Louise Sorel (Augusta)- 5 (22) 21. Henry Darrow (Rafael)- 4 (5) 21. Linda Gibboney (Victoria)- 4 (4) 21. Jay Hernandez (Chip)- 4 (4) 21. Heather Lindell (Samantha)- 4 (28) 21. Peter Love (Ric)- 4 (4) 21. Robin Mattson (Gina)- 4 (38) 21. Patricia Mauceri (Carla)- 4 (13) 21. Clive Robertson (Ashton)- 4 (14) 21. Marisol Rodriguez (Carmen)- 4 (5) 21. Victoria Wyndham (Maureen)- 4 (4) 21. Carmen Zapata (Carm)- 4 (5) 32. Deborah Adair (Elizabeth)- 3 (15) 32. Shell Danielson (Laken)- 3 (11) 32. Gina Gallego (Santana)- 3 (16) 32. Jared Leto (Steve)- 3 (6) 32. Alisa Reyes (Marta)- 3 (16) 32. Kim Rhodes (Joann)- 3 (16) 32. Bernard White (Angel)- 3 (27) 39. Justin Deas (Keith)- 2 (13) 39. Richard Eden (Brick)- 2 (2) 39. Robert Thaler (Pearl)- 2 (14) 42. Nicolas Coster (Lionel)- 1 (12) 42. Russell Curry (Vic)- 1 (9) 42. Judy Greer (Kathleen)- 1 (11) 42. Scott Jaeck (Cain)- 1 (1) 42. Rupert Ravens (Danny)- 1 (1) Actors Not Appearing in March A Martinez (Cruz)- (35) Renee Jones (Sherri)- (5) Jon Lindstrom (Mark)- (2)
You won't, Viktoria. The next installment will be tonight! (before you even get back here I'm sure Vicky )
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---Many of the attendees of Cruz's funeral have gathered for a late luncheon at the Capwell house. Rosa and some of the caterers from the hotel staff set out all sorts of intricate platters of food for the guests to enjoy. The Castillos arrive and Eden immediately goes to the family, apologizing for her outburst at the end of the funeral. "It's quite alright, Eden. It's a painful time..." Carm assures her "Yes but I shouldn't have upset everyone the way I did." "You've done nothing sweetheart," Rafael interrupts "None of this is your fault- you're not responsible for Cruz not being here with us and you don't know who is, much like the rest of us. It's frustrating." "And Kirk Cranston had no business showing up at my brother's funeral," Ric chimes in. ---Across the room, Victoria comments to Chip on what a lovely service it was. Victoria laments that his father was a wonderful, honorable man and didn't deserve a fate like this. She starts to reminisce about their days as a couple when Chip excuses himself to get something to eat. "Something I said?" Victoria asks herself. "For Heaven's sake- his father just DIED, Victoria," Julia says, walking up, "and it's not as though he's unaware of his heritage, both incarnations for that matter. Don't you think it might make him a bit uncomfortable to hear you talk about his father in a romantic way?" "Why should it? I'm his mother...." "You never really change do you? You're the same, manipulative woman you were 20 years ago. Here's a dose of reality for you Victoria: Mothers take care of their children. They are there for them in times of good and bad, when they scrape a knee, their Kindergarten graduation, their first report card.......... You can't even take care of yourself. Never could. Even now, he's the one taking care of you. The only real mother he's ever known is Eden. And he knows exactly how you used him to get to her..." Julia says, before walking away. "And how about the years Eden spent selfishly away from her family in Europe? Everyone conveniently forgets those....." ---Ted and Angela talk with CC across the room about Capwell Enterprises. Ted says that his trip to New York couldn't have been better and was exactly what he needed. CC is happy to hear that it went so well. "How was Laken, by the way?" Warren says, coming upon the group. "I haven't heard from her much since she went back to New York...." "You saw Laken while you were in New York?" CC asks increduously. Angela becomes uncomfortable with the conversation but Ted continues with it. "Yes, I did, briefly...." "Briefly? From what I hear, you two were out painting the town red..." "It wasn't like that Warren. She's been a good friend over the years and I was glad to spend some time with her, especially after what happened with my mother...." Warren spots Eden across the way and walks off, ignoring Ted's statement. Ted wonders how Warren would have known that he even saw Laken in New York. CC says that he probably heard it from her itself. Brick then approaches the group and Angela uses his arrival as an excuse to get away. Brick apologizes to all of them for not attending Sophia's funeral and asks if they received his donation and the flower arrangement. "We did but that still doesn't excuse you not being here for your own mother's funeral...." "I guess in your eyes it wouldn't CC. Thanks to you, my mother and father, and this feud between the families, I never even had the chance to be raised by my own biological mother, nor develop the feelings one naturally would have for their mother...." "But you were given that opportunity later in life Brick. And you chose not to do so...." "Can you blame me CC? Ted? Honestly? How would you feel if you found out that you were switched at birth and that your real mother ended up shooting and killing the man that was supposed to be you, thinking he was your father? Not exactly the coziest of homes to join, wouldn't you say? I made a choice to honor the people who raised me, the Wallaces, and I don't regret my choice. Now I'm sorry that Sophia is gone, I really am......but she was never my mother...." Brandon is shown in the background, sipping on a glass of Pinot Noir. "Salud, Brick. Salud." (EXT: London, England) ---Edmund awakens first and daydreams about the previous night with Sophia. He looks at her, so peaceful and beautiful lying on the bed and tiptoes out. He puts on his robe and quietly walks downstairs to speak with Christine. Christine sees Edmund and immediately pours him a cup of coffee. "Mornin Dr. L. Didn't expect to see you up this early. How'd it go?" "Perfect. The entire evening was so perfect- it was wonderful to finally be with my wife once again, after all this time." "You two were always magic. Mrs. L couldn't stop gushing about you while she was getting ready. Reminded me of the old days, with the old Mrs. L." "You and me both, which is why I want this morning to be just perfect. I'd like all of her favorites prepared and.." "I'm well ahead of you there, Dr. L. Should be ready in a jif actually...." "Excellent. Don't set the dining room table though- set our plates up on the serving cart. Mrs. Lavery and I won't be leaving the bedroom today- We are not to be disturbed..." "10-4 Dr. L. Though I was looking forward to girl talk....." "Tomorrow, Christine. Tomorrow." He takes the cart up the elevator and wheels it into the bedroom. The aroma immediately awakens Sophia, who is quite impressed with the entire display. She puts on her robe, kisses Edmund good morning, and sits down to breakfast with her husband. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ----Joann works diligently in her office, when Kirk surprises her at the door. "What are you doing here? Are you nuts? What if someone saw you?" "Relax, Joann, the Capwells are all mourning their beloved RoboCop. Nobody else here knows me...." "What do you want?" Kirk explains to Joann that he needs her now. Joann is not surprised, mentioning that she didn't think it would take him long to cash in on his blackmail. "You know me so well, for a woman who never gave a damn about me. Something has....well...come up..." "Let me guess- Eden." "How'd you know?" "Is that question really necessary?" "That's right- I forgot that you USED it to manipulate me into the bogus Capwell takeover attempt, silly me..." Kirk explains Eden's behavior toward him since Cruz's death. Joann says she couldn't blame her, claiming that he probably did have something to do with it. Kirk assures her of his innocence, but says that the same assurance won't work on Eden. What he needs is an alibi...... (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---Angela confronts Warren about his big mouth in front of Ted. Warren refuses to apologize for his actions, saying that Ted doesn't deserve Angela, especially after how he's treated her. "Ted and I are working on our problems. My marriage is none of your business, Warren." "You made it my business when you slept with me!" "Will you keep your voice down? That was a mistake- I was vulnerable, I was upset, and I'm sorry it happened. But it's not something that's going to happen again...." "Everything alright here?" Kelly says, walking up. "Is he bothering you Angela?" "No, not at all.....excuse me...." Kelly asks Warren point blank what exactly is going on between them. Warren insists that it's nothing, they're old friends and it's upsetting him to watch how her brother treats her. "You also used to be lovers, Warren, or did you think I forgot that fact?" "That was long, long ago Kelly. Besides- I'm more interested in you....." "Don't turn this around, Warren and I'm a happily married woman, thank you very much....." "Yes" Warren says, looking at Ashton with Eden and Adriana, "And such a charming fellow, that one...." "You don't know him...." "I know his type- charming, smooth talking, pleasant accent.....He's pulling the wool over your eyes, you and your family's Kelly- he's up to something and I promise you it has nothing to do with loving you and your best interests...." Warren says, walking away. Kelly's eyes become fixed on Ashton, who's talking with Eden and Adriana. The camera moves to focus on their conversation. "I'm very sorry for your loss and so sorry I never had the privilidge of meeting Cruz. It seems as though he was quite beloved by everyone he knew...." "He was. If you'll excuse me, I have to make a speech to the guests....." "I don't get why she's so cold with you, Mr. Lavery." Adriana says. "Please, Ashton.." "Oh, sure, Ashton....she's tough on everyone right now. I'm her own daughter and she barely has a kind word for me since dad was killed......" "That's not right- you're going through just as much of hell as anyone....you need your mother right now...." Their attention is re-directed to Eden, who thanks the entire group for coming. She says that though the pain is unbearable, it's helped so much to be with Cruz's family and friends on the occasion and she takes comfort in knowing that he touched all of their lives. She tells them that Cruz is there with her today, within all of them. She again thanks them all for coming. (EXT: London, England) ---Edmund & Sophia are shown in bed, laughing and cackling as they kiss underneath the covers, rolling around and such. Meanwhile, downstairs, the doorbell is ringing continuously. Christine finally gets to the door and answers it, seeing Augusta standing on the other side. "May I help you?" she asks Augusta. "Yes, I'm here to speak with Dr. Lavery. Could you get him please?" "I'm sorry, but he's upstairs with Mrs. L and they're not to be disturbed...." "Mrs. L? You and I both know that Mrs. "L" has been dead for many years...." "Not the old Mrs. L. The new Mrs. L....." "The new Mrs. L? What planet are you from?" "But that's what she is- the new Loretta...." "If you don't mind, I suggest you march up there and break apart Dr. L and the Loretta:2007 and tell him that Augusta Lockridge is here to speak with him....' "As I said, they're not to be disturbed...." "Get out of my way, you twit.." Augusta says, shoving Christine aside and walking into the foyer. "EDMUND? EDMUND LAVERY?!? It's AUGUSTA LOCKRIDGE DOWN HERE and I SUGGEST YOU GET YOURSELF DECENT AND COME DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT. OTHERWISE, I'LL BE CONTACTING THE PROPER AUTHORITIES FASTER THAN YOU CAN SAY SOPHIA WAYNE CAPWELL!!" Augusta turns to Christine. "Consider them Disturbed!!!" THE END..............FOR TODAY
It was a very hard episode for me to write, I'll say that. I wanted to do it justice and it ended up taking longer for me to finish this episode than any of the ones I've posted up until now.
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Julia finishes putting on her earrings as Eden comes down the spiraled staircase. Her hair is pulled back tightly, her makeup and her dress subdued. The only jewelery she wears is her wedding ring. "Thanks for staying with me last night. I don't know what I would have done without you the last few weeks, Julia," Eden says. "Don't think anything of it- I wouldn't have been anywhere else. And it's been nice to not have to focus on my own problems for a while..." "Mason's still staying at the hotel...." "Yes, by my choice. He needs to sort some things out and until he does that, we can't go on pretending as if his feelings for Mary don't exist." "He loves you Julia." "Let's not talk about Mason- there's enough going on today as it is without worrying about your brother's state of mind....." Eden's face grows long. "Oh Eden, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...." Eden tells her that it's quite alright, there's no need to walk on eggshells around her. She looks at her watch and says they should be heading to the church so she can be there to greet people as they arrive. The doorbell rings and Eden is pleased to see Chip standing on the other side of it, dressed in his suit. Her eyes well with tears at the site of him. "You remind so much of your father standing there.... I'm so proud of you." She takes him in her arms and hugs him tight. He asks where Adriana is and she tells him she stayed with Samantha and is heading to the church with her. Chip asks who she was going to ride with and she says she was planning on driving herself or going with Julia. He insists that they allow him to drive them both. She nods in agreement and the three of them take off for the church. (EXT: Gina's Condominium) ---Gina is impressed with how chipper Lily seems to be. She asks what it is that has her daughter so happy, but Lily is vague, only saying that karma has a funny way of repaying people. Gina gives her a half-confused look as the doorbell rings. "After seeing you in action the other night, I'm not sure I want to know what you mean by that..." Gina says as she's walking to the door. Gina stops dead in her tracks when she sees who's standing on the other side. "BRANDON!" Gina raps her arms around the boy she raised as her own, now very much a grown man. She brings him in and tells him how handsome he looks in his suit. She realizes that he knows about Cruz and is going to the funeral. He asks why she isn't dressed to go, but she claims she won't be attending. "Why not mom? I was hoping you'd be there with me.....I could barely stomach CC yesterday and when they're all together like that as a group....Mason is the only sane one in the bunch!" "You really are my son, aren't you? I would do anything for you Brandon, you know that, but I don't think I ought to be there- we all know how the Capwells feel about me- and if it happened to any one of them but Cruz I wouldn't care......but I wouldn't to do anything to disrupt his service." "What about Channing? Shouldn't he be there? He's Eden's brother...." Gina explains that Channing spent the night with CC and is attending with his father. Brandon is impressed with his mother's newfound maturity. "Don't be fooled," Lily interjects "She's just taking the day off...." Brandon asks why Lily isn't going, since she used to have a thing with Rafe. She explains that is exactly why she doesn't want to be there, reminding him about their encounter at the Lair. "What encounter?" Gina interrupts. "UH-Oh" Brandon says "How long have you been in town Brandon? And YOU!" she motions to Lily "Why didn't you tell me your brother was here?" Brandon explains that he's actually been in town on business and informs her that he actually bought the Lair and has been working on the remodel and the opening. Gina laments that it's been going on for months and Brandon explains that he didn't want anyone to know he was in town or that he bought the Lair until he got things rolling. Gina is disappointed that he hasn't called and he promises he'll make up for it. Brandon checks his watch. "You should get going, the service is starting soon, I don't want to keep you. Give Eden, Adriana and the Castillos my best." "Are you sure you don't want to come with me mom? Victoria Lane will be there." "That's quite alright, Brandon- I had a lifetime's worth of Victoria Lane when she lived in Santa Barbara when you were little. Keep an eye on your brother for me. I love you." "I love you too." He kisses his mother and sister good-bye and heads for the church. (EXT- Chapel) ---Eden, Julia, and Chip arrive at the church and are surprised to see that Adriana and Samantha are already there. Adriana explains that she wanted to get there early and be sure everything was set up and ready to go. She apologizes to her mother for not staying the night before, but says it was just too painful to be there another day. Eden nods silently and walks into the church. She sees Cruz's casket with his picture above it and loses it. "Oh Cruz." she sniffles "It wasn't supposed to be this way, Julia. We were supposed to grow old and grey together. I was supposed to take up knitting, he fishing.....We were going to spoil our grandchilden rotten, take them for ice cream, buy them Christmas gifts and sing Happy Birthday on their first birthday.......How can I do any of that without you darlin?" She begins to sob and Chip takes her in his arms and tries to comfort her. He takes her and sits her down while Adriana greets the Castillos. Carm looks into the church and sees Cruz's casket and his picture, decorated with white Lilies. She removes her glasses and wipes away a tear. She looks over and sees Eden sobbing in the front row and immediately walks toward her. She motions for Chip to let her be alone with Eden. She takes her seat next to her and takes Eden's hand in hers. "He loved you with all his heart Eden- he told me so every chance I got, not that I needed to. I could see it, the way you made his eyes light up. The way he smiled at you, a way that I'd never seen him smile before. It was the exact same way that his father used to smile at me." "I know I wasn't the daughter-in-law you envisioned..." "Nonsense. My son loved you- you made him the happiest he'd ever been, which made me love you. You're like a daughter to me, Eden. You're everything I could want in a daughter-in-law and more." She clutches Eden's hand and kisses it, looking her in the eye. She sees some more people arriving and looks back at her daughter-in-law. The two of them get up together and greet the arrivals- first CC, Channing IV, Ted, and Angela. Warren shows up next to give his condolences, offering the same from his family. Kelly and Ashton come in around the same time as Mason, along with Mary and Brandon. Mason tells Mary that he's glad she decided to come, while Julia looks on from a distance. Then Pearl shows up, which causes Eden to lose it all over again. Pearl takes her in his arms. "Oh Edie..." he chokes back her name "I know- I'm gonna miss him too, I know..." he says, trying to soothe her. Vic shows up with the guys from the police force, all of whom wanted to pay their respects to their superior, co-worker, and friend. Chip greets Victoria and takes her to her place in the church. Eden is shocked when Brick Wallace shows up and remarks she hasn't seen him in ages. She gives him a huge hug. CC isn't as warm, commenting that he had hoped that Brick would have been at Sophia's funeral. Kelly hushes her father up, saying that it isn't the time and takes Brick inside. Rosa arrives with Santana and Danny. Eden marvels at how grown up Danny is and remembers when Cruz helped him kick his addiction to drugs and helped him with Angel. Eden chokes on the name and begins crying again, with Danny taking her in his arms. Cain surprises Eden and is able to calm her down. Everyone begins taking their seats and the priest begins the service. As he speaks, each attendee is shown individually- Eden, Adriana, Chip, Victoria, Mason, Julia, Mary, Kelly, Ashton, Ted, Angela, Warren, CC, Channing IV, Vic, the force, Pearl, Carm, Carmen, Rafael, et all. The time comes for the eulogy and Eden gets up to do it. As she takes her spot, the Ramirezes arrive and quietly sit down in the back as Eden begins to speak. "I never really imagined I would have to do this.....Thank you all for coming, though it doesn't surprise me so many showed up. Cruz was a man who was loved and admired by every person he ever touched.......(her voice starts to crack, but she regains control)......You know, years ago, when I was presumed dead in a plane crash, Cruz stood up here and did this and I honestly don't know how he.....(she begins choking up) got through it...........I'm up here trying to talk about him, trying to remember him but words just won't do him justice. Nothing I can say can adequately describe the kind of man that Cruz Castillo was. I could stand here, using all kinds of adjectives. Loyal. Honest. Dependable. Caring. Noble. Heroic. Strong. Handsome. Loving. None of these words begin to do him justice. He's the best person I've ever known (she says through sobs)- the best friend I've ever had, the best husband I could imagine.....And his death is needless.....It serves no higher purpose......When a person dies of natural causes, one can look to God for answers. You can say to yourself- it was their time.....but Cruz (she chokes)- It wasn't his time, you know- He was just taken- ripped away from all of us, all those who loved him and who need him here with us right now......I need him......And I wish I could accept it...God, I wish I could accept it, but I can't. I can't accept that this was supposed to happen, that his was how he was supposed to die (flash to Santana)........I'm so sorry, to all of you, that I didn't stop this from happening, that I couldn't prevent it somehow....Our love has seen us through all kinds of things...At times, it was the only thing that did get me through......And though I could say that I'll hold that in my heart forever and treasure every memory.....Most of you know me, I'm too (she chokes up again) selfish for that...I want him here, I want him with me and his family who love him so much. It shouldn't be this.....(she chokes the word "way" out before falling into a complete sob) Adriana and Chip get up and go to their mother. The two of them escort her down the stairway as everyone in the church sobs watching the horrific site. Chip remains strong, but Adriana is a mess. As they lead Eden to her seat, Kirk Cranston arrives and takes a seat at the back of the church. His presence immediately catches Eden's eye. Her tears suddenly stop and her face fills with rage. "NO! OH No, GET OUT OF HERE!!!" she says as she's charging down the aisle at Kirk. "I said GET OUT OF HERE you bastard, you don't belong here..." She looks next to him where Marta, Angel, and Carla are seated. "NONE OF YOU DO!!! You KILLED Him!!! All of you MURDERED MY HUSBAND, each and every one of you and you have the nerve to show up at his FUNERAL?" "Eden, I'm sorry, we were just.." Carla says before being cut off. "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! Your husband......he could have prevented all of this but he didn't did he? No, no, not Angel Ramirez. He hasn't had an honest day in his life. And YOU!" she says, looking at Kirk. "I know you DID THIS! I KNOW YOU HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS! And you're going to pay when I find out.....I'll kill you Kirk, I'll KILL YOU!" "Eden, really, you should calm down.. I didn't have anything to.." Kirk says Eden closes her fist and punches Kirk in the face. "I SAID GET OUT OF HERE!! TED! MASON! GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!! ALL OF YOU GET OUT!!! NOne of you care about him....none of you loved him....get out!! GET OUT!!!" Carla tells Angel they should leave and they take Marta and begin to walk out. Mason and Ted help Kirk up and take him on his way. "GET OUT! gET OUT! You don't care....YOu killed him! MURDERERS!! !MURDERERS!!!" she shouts through sobs. Eden collapses into sobs onto the floor and CC rushes to her and raps his arms around her, comforting a very broken Eden. THE END.........for TODAY
I couldn't agree with you more. In times of grief, the family always looks to Mason for composure because he's the only one that has it. She needs him more than she realizes.
Yes, DH, sort of. Edmund brainwashed her into thinking she's his deceased wife, Loretta. The Capwells believe she died in January, when her aneurism burst. (Edmund manipulated things to make it look that way)
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: The Capwell Hotel- Banquet Room) ---Chip explains to Eden that he wanted to be home as soon as possible and the only way for that to happen was to bring Victoria with him. He tells her that he hopes she isn't upset. Rafael and Carm spring from their chairs and greet their grandson, admiring how much he reminds them of Cruz at his age. He thanks his parents for the compliment and everyone takes their seats again at the table. Eden shows Victoria to her place, quietly speaking with her. "This is a family dinner, Victoria, for Cruz's family & mine. You should have gone to your room in the hotel.." "I'm the mother of Cruz's only son, in case that's slipped your mind Eden. I loved him once too you know and I wanted to come and pay my respects." "Which you could have done tomorrow at the memorial service, but that wouldn't get under my skin enough, now would it?" "Contrary to what you believe, the world doesn't revolve around you Eden. Every decision I make isn't related to you- to be quite honest, I haven't even thought about you in years. Chip barely mentions your name when we're together..." Eden doesn't let Victoria get to her, sitting her at the end of the table with Ted, Angela, Mason and Julia. Everyone once again resumes their meal. Eden dotes on Chip, asking him how he's been and when he's coming back home. He tells her that Victoria has another month or so until she should be able to get around on her own. Eden is disbelieving, saying that she's in a wheelchair. Chip explains that she can walk, her legs are just very week and the wheelchair is more convenient. Eden nods and gives Victoria an inquisitive look. On the other end of the table, Victoria asks Mason & Julia how they've been since she's left, asking about Samantha. Samantha waves, telling Victoria that she's right there. "Oh my goodness, you're all so grown up now- all of you. I remember when the three of you were all teeny tiny little babies." "How nice for you," Samantha says. "Could you pass the salt?" Victoria struggles to reach for it. "Oh, I'm sorry, I should have asked someone else- dad would you mind?" Samantha smirks at Victoria. Mason gives his daughter a look before passing it to her. "So- Mason- 20 years it's been now for you two huh?" "Give or take a couple marriages....." he answers. "I see you still have your trademark wit." "It's a curse." Victoria goes on about how wonderful it is to see them still together, though she knew they would be. She tells them she's happy that everything seems to have worked out for them. Julia gives an uncomfortable nod, then gives Mason a look. (EXT: London, England) ---Edmund pulls up the long driveway to pick up his "wife." As the car approaches the front of the castle, he sees Sophia in a long ice blue gown, beaded and satin at the top, with flowing chiffon at the bottom. The dress is cut off the shoulders and she wears the sapphire necklace he gave her around her neck. The driver lets Edmund out of the car and he's dressed to the nines, in an old English black tuxedo complete with a top hat. He walks up to Sophia and takes her hand and kisses it. "You take my breath away Loretta." "You look pretty handsome yourself there." "Shall we go?" He extends his arm out for her and she hooks hers around his. "We shall." The two of them get into the limousine and take off for the theatre. (EXT: London, England- Theatre) ---Augusta and Lionel take their seats on the balcony. Lionel tells her he's quite charmed that she wanted to go to the theatre again, remembering when they used to attend regularly. "Yes, well I've always wanted to see I Hate Hamlet and I've heard this production is spectacular." Lionel smiles as she begins fidgeting with her binoculars. He watches her grow frustrated as she tries to get them to stay still to look through. He tries to get her to hand them to him, but she pulls away and continues fidgeting, still unable to get them to work. "Will you hand them to ME Augusta?" Lionel says, taking them from her and fixing them. She thanks him and takes them back, looking through them at the crowd below. "What are you looking at? The show hasn't started yet...." "I'm people watching, Lionel- the orchestra, the people below and such..." "People watching? Since when do you care about watching people?" "What are you talking about- I like people watching. We sit outside at restaurants and I look around at people, in the park.." "The park?" "Yes, the park Lionel, I visit the park sometimes..." He gives her a look. "Well I DO!" She looks back into the binoculars and sees Sophia sitting down with Edmund. She's startled and lets out a "Hehhh" noise. "WHat? What is it? Let me see those...." "No! A man just spilled his drink on his date, that's all...." she says, staring back into them. Lionel watches his wife, wondering what she's really up to. (EXT: The Capwell Hotel- Banquet Room) ---Everyone finishes their meal and the guests begin dispersing throughout the room. Rafael and Carm speak with Rosa, asking if Santana will be in town for the memorial service. Brandon's ears perk up and asks when his mother will be coming. Rosa informs them that she had a late shift at the clinic, but she should be arriving the following day. Carm says she remembers when Santana was young and she and Cruz attending their prom together. Carm begins to choke up at the memory of her son and her husband comforts her, and suggests they get settled in their room. Kelly walks up and offers to show them and Ric upstairs to their rooms. Ashton approaches, offerring to come with them, but Kelly tells him she can take care of it on her own and encourages him to stay with the rest of the family. Kelly calls to Victoria and Chip, telling them she may as well show them up as well. Victoria hesitates, as she's talking with Mason, Eden & Julia, but Chip insists that she needs to rest, after the drive and all. "You're right- he takes such good care of me this one. Whatever you say son, let's go..." Chip walks up to Eden and gives her a hug. "Let me just get her settled, mom, and I'll come back down." She nods in approval as Kelly escorts them upstairs, with Ashton following to kiss her good-bye. CC walks up behind him. "You're smothering her, Lavery, just like your father did your mother..." "Don't you dare talk about my father, CC" CC ignores him. "She can't even have a free second away from you? Don't you trust her? Or are you not as confident in your marriage as you'd have all of us believe?" "Oh, CC, I'm sure you'd love for that to be the case. But the fact is your daughter is in love with me and I her, and not a damn thing you say is going to change that. In fact, I encourage you to try.....it only seems to make Kelly want me more..." CC raises his hand to slug him but Rosa walks up and stops him. "Don't let him get to you CC- especially today." "And there your are again, Rosa" Ashton says, over-pronouncing her name. "You're like a bad penny, you know that?" Across the room, Adriana tells Eden that she'd like to spend the night over at Samantha's. Eden tells her that she was hoping that she'd be at the house with her, since the memorial service is the next day. She can't believe that Adriana would even consider not being at the house with her. "It's just for a night...." "You do want you want Adriana- if you want to go to Samantha's, go right ahead. Leave me alone in the house without you or your father there. You're what's important- you and your wants." "It's so hard for me to be there, mom, you know? I just really need to get away from there for a while..." "Again, your needs. You don't think it's hard for me to be there? It's hard enough with you there, but alone? You think I don't want to get away? From the pain I feel every time I see the furniture your father & I picked together, living in the house that he built for the two of us and you and Chip?" "Let her stay at my house Eden- Mason's staying in the hotel tonight, so they can stay at my house and I'll come stay with you." Julia says interrupting. "I guess that would be alright...." Eden says softly. "Thanks Aunt Julia!" Adriana says, as she and Samantha leave. "You're being awfully hard on her" Julia says. "I don't mean to be- it's just, with everything that's going on and what's happened...." "I know, I know you're stressed. Why don't we get out of here and take you home? It's going to be a long day tomorrow...." "Sounds like a good idea to me, mom" Chip says, walking back in. Eden smiles and beams that her son is all grown up. Eden asks if Victoria is settled in and Chip says she's fast asleep, which is what Eden ought to be doing. Eden says that she cannot sleep much since Cruz's death. Chip insists that she try and she smiles and promises that she will. She begins to leave with Julia when Mason stops them, saying that he'd like to have a word with his wife. "Not now Mason." "We need to talk Julia.' "And we will, but this isn't the time. It will have to wait until after tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm taking your sister home." They leave and CC walks up behind Mason. "She's not going to put up with you running around the world with your ex-fiance forever, son. Julia is your wife- don't you think it's about time you started acting like it?" "The day I take start taking advice from you, dad, I'll commit myself. Like you did my mother." Mason says, as he exits. "Perhaps one day you could give Mason advice on breaking up a marriage, CC. Something you're quite educated in I believe," Ashton says as he walks out. (EXT: London, England- THEATRE) ---The show ends as Augusta and Lionel stand up to applaud. She sees Edmund and Sophia leaving through her binoculars and begins scurrying to get down there. Lionel cannot understand her rush, but he insists they hurry so they can beat traffic. "Augusta, there are thousands of people here..." "All the more reason we should get a move on now pick up those lead feet Lionel." They hurry down the stairs and she spots Sophia from a distance going to the ladies room. Augusta tells Lionel that she has to powder her nose before they go. "I thought you were in a hurry...." "This can't wait Lionel, now stay here...." She walks into the elegant ladies room and sees Sophia standing in front of the mirror, primping herself. She smiles a devious smile. "Lovely show, don't you think?" Augusta says, expecting Sophia to recognize her. Sophia turns around and looks at a smiling Augusta. "Yes. It was wonderful." "Surprised to see me?" Augusta smiles. "Excuse me?" "Oh you can cut the double talk. What the hell are you doing here?" "I'm sorry, but do we know each other....." "Do we know each other? Who are you trying to kid Sophia?" "Sophia? I'm sorry, but you must be mistaking me for someone else. I'm Loretta. Loretta Lavery." Sophia says extending her hand. A flabbergasted August takes it and shakes. "Augusta Lockridge" is all she's able to get out. "Nice to meet you Augusta. If you'll excuse me...." Sophia begins to walk out. Augusta realizes Lionel could see her and yells for her to wait, but it's too late. Augusta walks out of the ladies room and stops cold when she sees Lionel standing immediately outside the door. "You mind telling me what that was about?" Augusta plays dumb, asking what he's talking about. She's relieved that he's wondering how she's out of the ladies room so quick. "The line was so long.....I'll just hold it until we get home. Speaking of which, come on! We have traffic to beat!" She grabs his arm and runs him out of the theatre. (EXT: Edmund's castle) ---Sophia and Edmund arrive at home. She thanks him for such a lovely evening and he kisses her passionately. She suggests they go upstairs, telling him to go to the bedroom while she freshens up. Edmund walks into the room and is enchanted when he sees candles are lit throughout and there are rose pedeals covering their bed. He turns around and sees Sophia standing in a long blue silk negligee. "You like it?" "How did you do all this?" "I spoke with Christine before we left and had her set everything up. I wanted it to be perfect. You made today so special for me, I wanted tonight to be special for you." "Every night with you is special Loretta." She walks into his arms and passionately kisses him, removing his jacket and his vest. Their kissing grows more intense as she begins unbuttoning his shirt and leading him to the bed. They lay down on the bed and continue to kiss very passionately. Edmund stops for a second, running his thumb on her face and looking into her eyes. "Are you sure you're ready?" he asks. She smiles at him. She stands up at the side of her bed and removes the negligee. "I've been waiting for this for many years, Edmund. Don't make me wait another night." He grabs her and brings her close to him. He looks at her for a second and kisses her passionately on the lips, bringing her back down on the bed with him . The two of them kiss and careen on the bed as the camera fades to black. THE END................for now Nothing definite, but a second episode MAY be posted later tonight- I'll update the schedule sometime in the evening to let you know if it will air tonight or tomorrow.....
SONBC's Return to Santa Barbara will be back this week with 6 Brand New Episodes, the first of which to be posted late tonight or Monday morning. Lots is happening this coming week, including part 2 of the family dinner in the next installment. Here's a preview of what's in store for the week: Edmund continues to lavish Sophia with extravagance! Edmund & Sophia play a game of cat and mouse with Augusta! Santana leaves her patient for the memorial service! Cruz's memorial service takes place! Eden has a meltdown! Kirk begins insinuating himself into the investigation.....and Eden's life! Pearl has an update for Mason & Mary! Maureen McCormick shows up in Santa Barbara! Lily's torture of Angela begins! Ric & Kelly share a moment! Adriana turns to Steve! Brandon exhibits behavior similar to that of his late father! Also, to warn everyone in advance, RTSB will experience a brief hiatus the week of April 2, due to conflicts with work. 1 or 2 episodes will probably still be posted, but it certainly won't be a full week. Don't miss this week's brand new episodes of RETURN TO SANTA BARBARA on SONBC.
I think Kristen Meadows played it perfectly as well, but when I said she might be coming back......A LOT of people were like "NOOOOO!" "Please Not Victoria.....at least, not Kristen Meadows!" Here's the link: Victoria Casting Call Comments I must disagree with you though- I can SO imagine Linda as Tori.