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Everything posted by juniorz1

  1. I actually kind of liked Reese too- it was the rest of his cruddy family that I couldn't stand- BJ, Sawyer and ESPECIALLY Jodie. SB fans already didn't like Kim Zimmer because she was direct competition to Marcy Walker for awards and beat her out for the Emmy in 1987. Why anyone thought the SB audience would greet her warmly was beyond me. I didn't mind Jack Wagner's Warren, but they ruined him for the last 6 months of the show by pairing him with dull as dishwater BJ. I wish they would have just stuck to the original plan & paired him with Carrington Garland's Kelly- they would've been great. I actually liked him with Angela and enjoyed his stories with Cassie and Mason. But by the end, I couldn't stomach him anymore.
  2. And this is where juniorz throws around his executive power. Sorry Mel (and anyone who agrees with this) but I absolutely hated Dusay as Pamela. To me, she's comparable to Judith Chapman's Gloria on Y&R. She was always breathing heavily and overacting in her scenes. I actually preferred Shirley Anne Field as Pamela. But for all intents and purposes, Carmen Duncan is 'RTSB's Pamela. Marj in no way enters into my vision for Pamela. Field, maybe, but I'm sticking with Duncan.
  3. Okay, thanks for the submissions everyone!!! I'm working on it now- sorry, it's obviously a late-night episode. I've taken on a co-writer for this episode & we're collaborating right now.
  4. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm HEAD WRITER: Juniorz1 GUEST WRITER: Tishy ****Be sure to click on everything that's underlined throughout today's special episode. (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ----The camera settles on Kelly tossing & turning on the living room couch, mumbling something about Cruz. She tosses and turns as the camera closes in on her face and enters her mind. "CRU-UZZZZZZZZ, don't DO THIS TO ME PLEASE" shrieks KELLY "I'm sorry Kell. Someday you'll understand. She's my daughter I've got to protect her. You need to let me go." "CRU-UZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!! PLEASE!!! TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!" "I'm sorry Kell, I can't. Even though I'm telling you this has everything to do with BJ, the truth is Eden is alive and I'm going to find her. I'm sorry that I made up this whole story of having a daughter, and an ex from high school who doesn't even know Santana. Truth is I'm going to find Eden, and you were nothing more than a poor substitute. Anyway, just tell em the cockamamie story about me killing Frank Goodman. Yeah, I've only known the guy 5 minutes and everyone knows I don't just go around killing people, but so what? I'm sure someone will buy it....." Cruz stops to look at a destroyed Kelly. Kelly leans in, thinking he's going to give her one last kiss. She is stunned when instead, he takes the last puff of his cigarette and puts it out with his shoe, all the while staring at her. Cruz turns around and boards the plane. "CRUZ NOOOOOOO!!!! WHY CRUZ? WHYYYYYYYYYY!??!?" Kelly says, doing her best Nancy Kerrigan impression. "WHYYYYYYYYY!!??!??" Kelly collapses on the airport runway. RealKelly (CG) is shown approaching the scene, looking at ED's Kelly sobbing and broken. "What is this? What the hell is THIS? Why is Cruz calling her Kelly? What's going on? Could someone please explain?" "I can" a familiar voice says in the background. "Who is that?" "Kelly Capwell, WELCOME to the latest of edition of What Could Have Been Your Life. I'm the host of What Could Have Been Your Life, KEITH TIMMONS!!!!! (surprise!!!)" "Keith, what are you doing here? And why do you look like that?" "I could ask you the same question, considering the scene we just saw. Doesn't even look like you!" "That's because it wasn't me!" "Hey, that's how I felt when I saw myself kissing Elizabeth Wayne last week, but it was most definitely me." "But that makes sense at least. This" She point's to ED's Kelly, collapsed on the runway "THIS makes no sense!!!" "Let's face it Kel, you haven't always been the brightest bulb or made the wisest decisions, so this would be just as fitting." "I'd never go after Cruz. He's the love of my sister's life for crying out loud!" "Well, looking like that, I see why he left ya on that runway, that's for sure. Seriously, Kell, how long had it been since you had a shampoo? " He scrutinizes ED's Kelly ".....or your roots done! Or your eyebrows plucked! Good lord, are those clothes made out of polyester? I don't see what Zorro saw in you in the first place. But if you think that's strange, you ain't seen nothing yet." Keith snaps his fingers and he and Kelly re-appear in the Capwell kitchen, where her father is sitting reading his paper. "Daddy never eats in the kitchen- he always has his breakfast at the dining room table. Now I KNOW something's off....." Kelly stops dead in her tracks when she sees SANTANA dressed in an extremely ethnic looking dress, black and cut off the shoulders, full of white, black, and red ruffles, complete with a white flower in her hair. She wears a bright red boa to cap it off. "LA COOKA RATCHA, LA COOKA RATCHA" she sings as she whips her boa around, eventually sitting on CC's lap, wrapping the red boa around his neck as she plants a kiss on him. "Who is that?" Kelly asks "THAT, believe it or not, is Santana Andrade. She's a knockout, no?" "Santana has never looked like THAT and would never parade around my father, singing in that ridiculous get-up" "Hey, it's your dream. Makes me wonder about how you see yourself Kell. I mean, when you think about, you dreamt yourself up as a dog, yet you've made Santana one hot senorita. Compared to her.....well, in this dream there is no comparison...." They look back up as CC & Santana come apart from their kiss. "Santana, I'm so glad you've come back. Even though you were once married to my son-in-law, had an affair with what I thought was my son, and bore my "grandson" Brandon, there's just something about you I cannot resist." "Ahh, CC, gracias. I love you very much. If Sophia can have her boy-toy, you can have your mamisita, am I right or what?" "Right you are. That's why I'm giving you this ring.....Will you marry me?" "Well, since I am pregnant with your child and all...of course I will!" "PREGNANT? With daddy's baby?" Kelly turns and sees Rosa entering the room. Rosa congratulates Santana on finally trapping CC into marriage. Santana begins to argue with her mother and is stunned when Rosa takes a puff of a cigarette, and puts it out on the floor of the Capwell kitchen with her foot. "Rosa approves of this? And mama...with a boy-toy? She CAN'T be talking about TJ Daniels......" "No, not TJ" "Well then who?" Keith snaps his fingers and they end up in Ken Mathis's apartment. Kelly is stunned when she sees THIS SITE!!!! "Where are my pills Ken? Where are my pills? I NEED the pills!" "Now wait just a minute, haven't you already taken 5 today?" "That's beside the point- I'm comin down and if you let that happen.....well, I won't be held accountable for what's gonna happen...." "Alright, alright. Sit tight my dear, there you go." Sophia takes the pill and drinks down her glass of water. "Thank you, thank you so much. And, to show my appreciation....." Sophia rips off Ken's shirt and he flexes. He picks her up, wrapping her legs around him, and takes her to bed. "This is sick, Keith, even for you......" "Hey, it's your dream. If anyone's sick, it's you...." They turn and see Ken and Sophia basking in the aftermath. "That was quite a workout." "Anything to keep my youth. You know how vein and superficial I am." "Yes and I appeal to both of those qualities, don't I?" "That you do!" Sophia goes to kiss him, then turns and looks at Kelly and Keith. She reaches to the nightstand and picks up a lit cigarette, takes a puff and stands up, putting it out on the floor. "Mama's not vein- she's the most down-to-earth woman I know. And WHY is everybody SMOKING?" Keith snaps his fingers, and they are taken to a High School Reunion. "What's this?" "Cruz's 20th High School reunion." Keith points to Cruz, who's standing with REESE and JODIE Walker. Kelly once again sees her 'ugly self' there with Cruz. She then watches as Jodie pulls Cruz aside and shows him photos of BJ. Cruz remarks that she doesn't look anything like Reese. "That's because she isn't Reese's daughter- she's yours Cruz. She's your flesh & blood." RealKelly looks at Keith. "Is this for real?" "Looks that way, no?" "But if this is Cruz's High School Reunion, then where the heck is Santana? Weren't they high-school sweethearts?" "I thought so too..." They hear an awful noise and look back on at the scene as Jodie wails. "Reese can never know Cruz. But I loved you back then- you were my ideal man. I would've given up everything to be with you but I didn't. I settled for Reese, the hunky football player. I kept thinking that he was going to start beating me some day, but that never came to pass I guess. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you have a daughter......sort of . She's kind of pretending she's a boy right now.... Don't Ask....." "Who IS this woman?" Kelly asks. "She can't be real. Noone could possibly be that dull. And are ALL of those tears really necessary?" "She thought so. Hey, listen, that woman, Jodie Walker, she's a real big deal. She's driven her car off a broken bridge, she's been Amish, she's been cloned, she's the first known woman who received the miracle cure for Breast Cancer. You may not think she's all that, but somebody up there (Keith points up and the camera pans to the producers' booth) obviously liked her." "I think I've had about enough...." "But wait....we haven't gotten to the best part.....the grand finale of all of this....." Keith snaps his fingers and they are taken to a beautiful wedding scene, where couples are dancing, including CC & Sophia. "Now THIS makes sense....." "Just wait....." The camera pans up to the GROOM and....................... GROOM!!!! "Who are those guys? My parents attended a gay wedding?" Warren (Jack Wagner) stops everyone and begins a speech. He thanks BJ Walker for bringing his homosexuality to light, having posed as a boy when she came to town. Though he originally intended to marry her, he states that he realized that he was just re-directing his true feelings for Sawyer onto her. He asks rhetorically what it is her initials stand for? "BLOW JOB!!!" Keith shouts out. Kelly laughs. "Every now & then, you are good for a chuckle Keith..." Warren takes Sawyer in his arms and kisses him. He then reaches toward the table, takes a puff of his cigarette, and puts it out with his shoe. "Warren's gay?" "I know, I couldn't believe it myself. But if that's not weird enough......look at Gina....." Gina dances with Lionel. She has a laugh at Augusta's expense, saying what a fool she was to get committed to an insane asylum leaving Lionel to be a bachelor once more. Lionel smiles and claims he always knew Augusta was eccentric. Gina says that's obviously just rich talk for crazy. She kisses Lionel and is stunned by what she sees when she opens her eyes. "You listen to me Gina Blake and you listen good. In fact, ALL of you are going to LISTEN to ME!!!!" Augusta says, wielding a double barreled shotgun. "I was hitting on my sister's rapist- you don't think that's CRAZY?!? YOU've all wronged me, each and every one of you. Warren- how could you? First, you date a 19 year old victim of child molestation!?!? Anybody else see something WRONG with that picture? If that's not enough, you end up marrying her brother? That's not the son I raised. And you, Sophia, hooked on pills? Sleeping with men 1/2 your age? Actually......sounds about right to me. And Santana- Good God woman, we get it, YOU'RE A PROUD MEXICAN WOMAN. You think you could tone it down a little? And Mason and Julia......where is my sister and her husband?" Jodie points to the walls and Augusta is stunned that the wallpaper has THIS DESIGN!!!! "Wow, Mason looks fantastic. I've never cared much for him but he looks like something right out of 'Dynasty'! Anyway....to continue.....and Kelly.........sleeping with your brother-in-law? That's just sick. And why do you look so OLD? I guess after 3 marriages, it should show a little on the face, but this is ridiculous! Seriously- Get a facial because that has to be the oiliest skin I've ever seen. Oh and the Walkers.....Jodie, Reese, BlowJob, SOY-YOURatotalbore.......I mean, really, how anyone could possibly find you people more interesting than the colorful Lockridge clan is beyond me. But, someone did and because of that, I take great pleasure in what I'm about to do......" Augusta aims her gun and blows them away, one by one. She then points her gun at Santana, blowing her away, followed by Ken Mathis, Dr. Skylar Gates, Connor McCabe, Aurora DiAngelis, Micah DiAngelis, and "Andie". After the smoke settles, Augusta is seen taking a puff of her cigarette, then throwing it to the ground and putting it out with her shoe. "Oh, and don't think I've forgotten about you Kelly. Or your eyebrows. I've saved the best for last. This is for MARLENA, a good friend of Cruz & Eden's. This is for Nancy and Wendy and Shannon and Teri and Roman and Tishy and Junior and Na'Vell and Melissa and Carol and Andrea and Laken and Jim and Nicholas and Ingrid and everybody else who ever gave a damn about this town and the people in it." Augusta moves her gun to the right, first shooting a picture of Pamela K. Long, then shooting one of Paul Rauch, and lastly, shooting a portrait of Susan Lee. She finally takes aim at Kelly (ED). "Say good-bye, Kelly Capwell" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Kelly shrieks as she wakes up on the Capwell sofa. Rosa, Santana, and CC come rushing in. "Kelly, Kelly what is it?" CC asks. "It was awful. I was so ugly and I was in love with Cruz and I wasn't a real blonde. And Santana- you were singing "La Cuka Ratcha" and dancing all over my father. Mama was popping pills and sleeping with a man 1/2 her age. Warren was gay, Augusta had been committed, Cruz had a long-lost daughter and daddy, I kid you not, she was a member of the most boring family I've ever seen, especially considering the families that have lived in this town...." "Relax honey, it was just a dream. Now why don't you go upstairs and head to bed?" "Thank God." Kelly hugs her father and starts to walk up the stairs. She turns around and looks back at the foyer, where she sees CC, Santana, and Rosa simultaneously pulling cigarettes out of their mouths and snuffing them on the floor. Julia walks in and does the same, followed by Eden, Mason, Mary, Ted, Angela, Sophia, and Gina, all following suit, taking a puff of their cigarettes, and putting them out on the Capwell floor, like zombies. Eventually, the whole town is walking in & out of the foyer, putting out their cigarettes, as they pile high on the floor, practically reaching Kelly standing on the stairs. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Kelly screams as she runs up the stairs. THE END..................for TODAY!!! By the way, the 'surprise' at the beginning of the episode is permanent! Check the cast crawl....
  5. Actually, I hadn't. That might be worth looking into, maybe like once a month or every other week. I was thinking about starting an 'RTSB' myspace page, possibly sooner than later. I'll look into the Blog Talk Radio thing though. I like the sounds of that idea. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! I can't believe nobody's mentioned this yet. I don't know who's lame-brained idea it was to put Kelly with Cruz (I PRAY it wasn't the Dobsons!) but they were smoking some mighty fine crack that day. Fantastic Post! The only thing I enjoyed in the final year was the Ted/Angela coupling...........and then they married him off to LILY!!!! As if I didn't hate the last year enough, they actually went & ruined the one thing I DID like!!! :angry: Probably why I re-wrote it!
  6. ICAM! I was excited that Santana was coming back at first. Though she was never my favorite, she always caused some kind of conflict which is why I liked having her on the show. But DeJesus was absolutely DREADFUL as Santana. No, it didn't help that they paired her with CC, but the way Santana acted during her tenure was just so wrong. She played her as a loud-mouthed, flamboyant senorita. She was borderline obnoxious throughout the entire stint and crossed that line on more than one occasion. Santana, to me, was owned by Gina Gallego. She was quiet, reserved, and had zero confidence in herself. She was pathetic in a way but you felt sorry for her because she didn't know how to be any other way. I hated her because she was so needy but at the same time, understood why she was that way. DeJesus is probably a pretty good actress but was COMPLETELY wrong for the part of Santana IMO. They may as well have made her an entirely different character because the story probably would have played better IMO. CC Capwell would never look twice at Santana Andrade. To watch him cavorting around with her was an insult to our intelligence. ETA: The weekly schedule has been updated.
  7. Tomorrow (January 15, 2007) marks the 14th anniversary of the final episode of our beloved 'Santa Barbara.' To commemorate the event, 'RTSB' creator juniorz1 is planning a special episode for Monday. Basically, the episode will be me flipping the bird to Susan Lee (the NBC prez who cancelled 'SB' after giving fans false hope just weeks prior to the announcement), Paul Rauch (the bastard who gave no closure to long-time fans of the show), and Pam Long (probably a decent writer, but not right for Santa Barbara). Basically, the idea is to parody everything that was bad about the final year & particularly the final episode of 'Santa Barbara.' But I'd like a little help. Yes, I do have some specific things in mind I plan to ridicule, but I'd like to know what YOU, the fans of 'SB', HATED about the final year (specific storylines, re-casts, newbies, character assasinations, etc.....) You can post your ideas as comments on this entry or you can PM me on SON. For those of you who aren't SON members but would still like to participate, you can email me at [email protected] The cut-off time for your ideas will be 10 PM tomorrow night. Episode 40 will be posted later than normal to give everybody an opportunity to participate! I know, I know, there's so MUCH to attack about that final year, it's hard to pick and choose. I'm sure you all will come up with plenty of stuff. I'm also kinda curious to see if everybody hated the same things I did! Look forward to hearing from you and don't miss this special episode of 'Return to Santa Barbara' as we continue with our NON-STOP JANUARY!!!!!!!!
  8. I don't think so. It's an all-SON chat room but I don't think it's working right now. I'll PM Errol some time this week and see if I can get some info about the chat room. If SON gets it up & running again, I wouldn't be opposed to scheduling a weekly or bi-weekly chat with everybody! I think it would be a lot of fun. If we can't do it on SON, maybe someone can come up with another place where everybody can go. By the way......the news item is coming. Sorry it's late- had to run an errand!
  9. For one thing, I didn't realize Sophia had such a large fanbase until I started 'RTSB'. As far as her character goes, my opinion of Sophia has not changed. I will say that she is one of the characters that is particularly easy for me to write for & give dialogue to, so it surprises me that 'SB' didn't know what to do with her in the last year & 1/2. IMO, CC & Sophia are the two most fruitful characters on the show, especially since most of their history wasn't a part of 'Santa Barbara'- that gives plenty of leeway. I will say that from writing this, I truly do see Sophia for the heroine that she is. Yes, she made mistakes when she was younger, but who hasn't? ESPECIALLY being so young and an actress, in the limelight for the world to see. The thing about your past is that, no matter how hard you may try to forget some of it, there is always someone there to remind you. By the way, SBGrad, I've gotta know- are you melissa peachey from the CC/Sophia group? If you are, I can start addressing you by name. =) ETA: Just so you guys know, I think the COOLEST thing that's happened because of 'RTSB' is that Santa Barbara is being talked about again and this has given the fans a place to do that! I love that we all have found each other & hope our little community continues to grow. THANK YOU everybody who took the time to register on SON to post comments on 'RTSB'. It really makes me feel good to bring 'Santa Barbara' back in this way for all of us to enjoy.
  10. It's so much fun for me to go out and read everyone's answers. I LOVE how each one is different from the next. Thanks so much for responding! Now, I'll give a quick response to each of you- it may help you figure out some of what's coming. ;-) Oh......and I'm holding off the news item until after the football game- so look for it between 9-10 PM EST tonight!! Tishy- I'm working on some things for Warren right now. His paternity plays into story for a bit so it's too early for the reveal. He's going to get busy soon, and I'm not talking about his flirtation with Pamela either. As for Mary, I've tried to make a point of mentioning Mason sleeping on the couch and that they haven't made love. So I don't think she's crossed any lines, though her intentions in coming back aren't as selfless as she'd like to think. SBGrad- 2 of your predictions will come true. Your answer to #13 and your referral to Elizabeth as Lizzie Borden has me :lol: my asss off!!! Shannon- 1 of your predictions is correct. Interesting that you're the only one who chose Mary, though I tend to agree with you there. The Hal Clark loose end will be tied up when they catch up with Mark. He's going to have some splainin to do. Teri- 1 of your predictions is correct. I'm glad you picked up on the traits I'm trying to develop in Samantha & Adriana. I will say that from your answers, you seem to be very in tune with what's going on on 'RTSB'. Maybe it's because you caught up on the episodes at warp speed and took them in one after another. At any rate, so glad you've found it and are enjoying it. Wendy- 1 of your predictions is correct. I completely understand how you feel about Sophia but the way I've always understood her character is that, while she may be a pillar of society now, she was not at all like that when she was younger. I certainly think the Sophia Wayne of those days is capable of what she did and probably worse. I don't think she'd do something like that now, but back then, I could see it. As for Sophia waking up, it's a process......She's not going to be 'dead' forever but it is going to last a little while. It has to be paced properly for the story to work right. I will say the state she's in now won't last too much longer. Thanks again everybody who responded and look for the News Item later tonight!!!!
  11. Only answering the ones I can. By the way, my answers may not necessarily reflect what's going to happen on 'RTSB'. With that in mind.... 2. Who does Mason belong with in the long-run- Julia or Mary? Honestly, I can't decide. Part of me thinks Julia but another part of me loves the soft, tender side in Mason that Mary brings out. In the long-run, I think Mary is better for his needs but Julia is a better match, if that makes sense. 3. What character do you feel has been written truest to their nature thusfar on RTSB? (try to pick only one, but no more than 3) Keith, Augusta, Angela 4. What character has done something you wouldn't expect them to? Who did it, what did they do & why does it contradict their nature? I'm not too sure about CC giving in so easily to Elizabeth either. But then again, neither are 1/2 the characters on the show! I don't think he can help himself around her. 5. Who is your favorite of the brand new characters introduced on 'RTSB'? I like Marta and Joann best. 6. What character do you think needs to be further developed? Warren, Joann, Rafe, Samantha, Adriana 7. Who would you like to see more of? Joann, Eden, Cruz 9. What storyline keeps you coming back for more? As a reader, I'm most intrigued by everything in CC & Sophia's storylines. 10. Have you noticed any references to specific things on 'Santa Barbara' on 'RTSB'? If so, which ones did you catch? I'll just mention the reference in today's episode, the one Keith made to Kelly about her pushing Dylan out the window. I LOVE Keith Timmons & he's so much fun to write for!!! 11. What character do you feel 'RTSB' could do without? (not who's your least fave, but who seems pretty irrelevant in the story so far) Honestly, I think Rafe and Samantha have the least relevance right now, with Adriana and Warren not far behind. 13. What do you think of the addition of the Ramirez family? Do you think they should stick around? I like them, but probably only as a part of this story. I'm not sure any of them has much long-term value, save Angel. 14. Who were your favorite characters on SB? Eden, Cruz, Julia, Mason, Augusta, Keith, Gina, Angela, Kirk 16. What two characters would you like to see paired up that aren't already a couple? Hmmm, I'm keeping Keith & Joann in the back of my mind. It would drive Gina NUTS! 17. Do you feel that all of the new characters (Carla, Marta, Elizabeth, Joann, Edmund) have been properly integrated with the cast? I agree that Joann could be better integrated, but I'm rolling her out slowly. She'll be interacting more closely with certain characters very soon. 18. Who would you prefer to see comfort CC through his loss of Sophia- Elizabeth, Pamela, Gina, Rosa, Santana, or Joann? NONE of them. That said, I always thought he had a certain spark with Gina and even Pamela somewhat. Not that I'm going in that direction, but I'm just saying! 19. Rank these storylines in order of preference: Mary's Return from the Dead! 2. Edmund & Pamela's Plot against CC & Sophia! 1. Elizabeth/CC/Sophia history visited! 3. Cruz, Angel, their Undercover Investigation and the ensuing kidnapping! 4. Samantha/Rafe/Lily/Ted/Angela and Lily's plots against Angela! 5. Who is Warren's Father? 6. 20. Do you have a favorite 'RTSB' episode? If so, which one was it? Of all my episodes, I was happiest with the Christmas Eve episode. I also liked the New Year's Eve episode and the episode where Cruz & Eden got it on. I'm pretty critical of everything else!
  12. Very good episode Tish. You can really understand poor Mac's pain and again, I enjoyed his scenes with Bobbie. Nice reference to Damian Smith, by the way. I'd forgotten all about him! It amazes me how many SB stars have been on GH. Also, loved the way everything with Alan played out so far- cool little ripple effect there, as one person told the next. I just hope he's okay- it's bad enough the real GH is losing him, I just hope TCOPC won't be dropping him as well!
  13. Very good episode Tish. You can really understand poor Mac's pain and again, I enjoyed his scenes with Bobbie. Nice reference to Damian Smith, by the way. I'd forgotten all about him! It amazes me how many SB stars have been on GH. Also, loved the way everything with Alan played out so far- cool little ripple effect there, as one person told the next. I just hope he's okay- it's bad enough the real GH is losing him, I just hope TCOPC won't be dropping him as well!
  14. 21. Do you listen to the theme song before each episode? I added that one in because I find, to help me get in the mood to write it, I'll ALWAYS listen to the theme song before I start. The theme song makes me light up to this day!
  15. Since everybody seems to be popping in & out tonight and is in a chatty mood, I thought I'd do a little 'RTSB' questionaire. Answer any or all of these SB and RTSB-related questions as honestly as possible. I'm gonna play along too, after I see what some of you think. Even though I'm the writer, I read every episode after they're posted, sometimes repeatedly so. It helps me keep everything straight with the characters- who knows what, who doesn't know what, what's been revealed, etc..... Anyhoo, without further adieu, the RTSB Questionaire : 1. Who do you think is behind Adriana's attempted kidnapping? 2. Who does Mason belong with in the long-run- Julia or Mary? 3. What character do you feel has been written truest to their nature thusfar on RTSB? (try to pick only one, but no more than 3) 4. What character has done something you wouldn't expect them to? Who did it, what did they do & why does it contradict their nature? 5. Who is your favorite of the brand new characters introduced on 'RTSB'? 6. What character do you think needs to be further developed? 7. Who would you like to see more of? 8. What do you think Edmund has planned for Sophia? 9. What storyline keeps you coming back for more? 10. Have you noticed any references to specific things on 'Santa Barbara' on 'RTSB'? If so, which ones did you catch? 11. What character do you feel 'RTSB' could do without? (not who's your least fave, but who seems pretty irrelevant in the story so far) 12. Is there a plot on 'Santa Barbara' that was left dangling that you'd like to see resolved on 'RTSB'? If so, what? 13. What do you think of the addition of the Ramirez family? Do you think they should stick around? 14. Who were your favorite characters on SB? 15. Do you have the same favorites on 'RTSB'? 16. What two characters would you like to see paired up that aren't already a couple? 17. Do you feel that all of the new characters (Carla, Marta, Elizabeth, Joann, Edmund) have been properly integrated with the cast? 18. Who would you prefer to see comfort CC through his loss of Sophia- Elizabeth, Pamela, Gina, Rosa, Santana, or Joann? 19. Rank these storylines in order of preference: Mary's Return from the Dead! Edmund & Pamela's Plot against CC & Sophia! Elizabeth/CC/Sophia history visited! Cruz, Angel, their Undercover Investigation and the ensuing kidnapping! Samantha/Rafe/Lily/Ted/Angela and Lily's plots against Angela! Who is Warren's Father? 20. Do you have a favorite 'RTSB' episode? If so, which one was it? 21. Do you listen to the theme song before each episode?
  16. juniorz1


    Great casting- I could so see her as Sarah Horton. Now if you decide to bring Sarah Buxton's Annie back to the canvas, this could really get fun!!!
  17. juniorz1

    A Couple Returns!

    Well, I wouldn't mind if you decided to keep Eric permanently!
  18. :lol: LOVE it. Not giving anything away though.
  19. Hehe, I actually LOVE that idea. Would be cool for you guys to communicate with each other and talk about 'SB' and 'RTSB'. By the way, I re-posted Episode 39- something went wrong with an edit and the first time I published it, it was missing some very important scenes. I recovered them and fixed the error. Make sure you read the right version- otherwise, you'll miss two KEY scenes.
  20. Haha, I LOVE you guys! The pressure is on........
  21. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND- fade to Edmund's creepy castle-like mansion) ----Edmund sits in his study, looking through his wedding pictures to Loretta. He zeroes in on a picture of them so happy together, feeding each other their wedding cake. He then flashes back to when they were younger. He and Loretta argue about CC, she still insisting he's not the baby's father, she's sure of it. Edmund says he isn't so sure about anything anymore- after all, he never would've dreamed she'd cheat on him at all. Loretta begs him to forgive her, saying their child needs him. Edmund walks out on her, saying the child needs it's father, which he is not sure he is. He then remembers further into the pregnancy, witnessing an argument between Loretta & CC. Loretta begs him to see the possibility that the child she's carrying could be his but he refuses. "That child is nothing to me. When are you going to leave this alone? My wife is DEAD now for God's sake.......and you still refuse to let up. As far as I'm concerned, you and your accusations can go straight to hell- you and your unborn child have wreaked enough havoc on my life. I hold the both of you personally responsible for Sophia's death and frankly, I don't want to see either of you ever again. You're barred from the property and from the office- I've talked to my security and they're well aware. And here..." He hands her some papers. "That, my dear Loretta, is a restraining order. You are not permitted within 100 yards of me at any given time- punishable by arrest. It's actually already taken effect so if I were you, I'd get the hell out of here!" She turns to leave and Edmund emerges, telling CC he will not talk to his wife in such a way. CC blows Edmund off, saying he can have the shrew and that he should be grateful to CC for not pressing charges. Edmund yells at CC for being so vile, asking how he can come in and ruin people's lives and yet accept no responsibility for it? Edmund then returns home to find Loretta sleeping on the couch. He goes to cover her with a blanket and spots an empty pill bottle on the floor. He immediately dials 911, frantically trying to help her. Edmund then flashes to the hospital, where the doctor tells him they'll need to perform a C-section in order to save the child. Edmund watches from outside the room as his child is born. The doctors bring the child out to him, for him to hold, telling him it's a boy. Edmund, holding his son, hears a commotion inside of Loretta's room. He sees doctors frantically trying to save her. He bursts in and screams, demanding to know what's going on. The doctors inform him he can't be in there as they try to re-start her heart. Edmund begs them to save his wife, but to no avail. Loretta passes away. The camera zooms in on Edmund, crying, holding the boy in his hands, fading into Edmund's face now, in his study. A nurse walks in and informs him it's time for the patient's treatment for the day. Edmund tells her he'll be there shortly, as he looks again at his wedding picture with Loretta. The camera fades out, fading into..... (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---Ashton tells Kelly he's so sorry about her mother and not being able to make it back for the funeral. Kelly says that she understands and that it was actually better he wasn't there. She explains that she hasn't told the family yet that they're married. "You haven't? Has nobody noticed the ring on your finger?" "Actually, I've kept it turned the other way....." "Why the big secret? Isn't this good news, a happy occasion? I thought you wanted to be married...." "I do, I do, that's not it at all. You haven't met my father yet.........He's not exactly going to be thrilled that I eloped.....to put it mildly..." Ashton understands, but reminds her that he wanted to have a big wedding and get married in front of the whole world. It was she who didn't want to wait and Kelly remembers, saying that's only going to make it worse. Ashton says that they can tell her father together, if she'd like. He offers to make dinner reservations and she thinks it's a good idea, saying that it isn't easy for CC to be in the house, since Sophia passed away. Kelly gives him the number to the Capwell Hotel, telling him to reserve CC's regular table. (EXT: Parking Lot) ---Adriana struggles as the man continues to force her toward the car. He tells her to relax, that he isn't going to hurt her. She bites his hand and breaks loose for a moment, running back toward the coffee shop. The man catches up with her and grabs her, forcing her back toward his car. He warns her not to try anything like that again, and if she just does as he says, nobody will get hurt. Adriana continues to kick and struggle, trying to scream through his hands. He gets to his car and hits the button to unlock it. As he opens the door, someone runs up behind him. He turns around, asking the person what they want and Marta sprays him with mace. He immediately goes for his eyes, releasing Adriana. Adriana and Marta start to run, but the man grabs one of them without the other realizing it. He pushes her in the car and locks it, still rubbing his eyes and screaming about the burning. He hops in the car and begins to drive. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ----Gina watches as Kathleen shuts the lights in the office. She watches her head to the elevator and head down. Gina emerges and walks toward Kathleen's desk. She looks through the drawers until she finally finds Kathleen's keys. She grabs them and puts them in her purse. She begins to walk toward Elizabeth's office when she bumps into CC. "CC- what are you still doing here? You're usually gone by this hour...." "I had a few last minute......on second thought, I don't have to justify myself to YOU. What are you still doing here Gina? It's Friday- don't you have acquaintances to annoy?" "Actually, I was crunching some of the sales projections for Gina Jeans and I came across something in the books that I wanted to talk to Elizabeth about......She still here?" "She's gone for the day, like everybody else." "I'll have to do it Monday I guess, I just didn't want it to wait until then. Oh well, I best get going" "I'll walk with you- I'm going to meet Kelly for dinner..." "Oh you go ahead, CC, my phone is still in my office and there's a few last minute details I'd like to finish...." CC heads out and Gina goes back toward Elizabeth's office, going through Kathleen's keys to find the match. She finally does and opens the door, walking in and shutting it behind her. (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ----Lionel and Augusta dine with Warren before their flight. Lionel reminisces about their time in Santa Barbara, how nice it was being in his mother's home again. He tells his 'son' to take good care of it and a distracted Warren promises he will. Augusta turns around to see what exactly has Warren distracted and sees Pamela sitting at the bar, sipping a glass of wine. Pamela lifts her glass as though to toast and approaches the table. "I hear the two of you are leaving today....I hope the both of you have a safe trip home...." "You're still in town?!?" Augusta exclaims "What could possibly be keeping you here? Don't tell me...... you think CC is going to look your way now that Sophia has passed!" "Don't be ridiculous Augusta. I've always loved Santa Barbara and I actually have decided to stay......CC be damned! My son is here, plus I have so many loose ends here that need to be tied up. I'll miss Europe but it's time to be close to my family- Mason needs me right now, with Sophia's death and the trouble in his marriage. You can appreciate that I'm sure- if Warren needed you, a pack of wild animals couldn't pull you away...." Warren smiles, saying he's glad that she'll be staying. He says he looks forward to getting to know her and would love to have lunch one day next week. Pamela says that would be lovely and tells him to just call. Augusta shoots her a look. ----Across the room, Keith & Elizabeth swig back a few cocktails. Elizabeth asks him why it is he's taken this sudden interest in her and Keith claims he finds her fascinating, smart, and gorgeous- what man wouldn't be interested? Elizabeth is a bit embarrassed by this, but thanks him for the compliment. Elizabeth tells him that not every man has always thought so, especially when compared to her beautiful sister. Keith retorts that he knew Sophia for quite a while and she cannot hold a candle to Elizabeth. Kelly and Ashton approach the hostess, giving them their reservation. Kelly spots Elizabeth with Keith and walks up. "Can I help you Kelly? Push anyone out of any windows lately?" Keith asks sarcastically. "I see you haven't lost your patent charm. Actually, I just wanted to intoduce myself to your guest.....you're Elizabeth Wayne, right?" "Yes..." she smiles "who might you be?" "I'm Kelly Capwell, your niece...." Elizabeth's smile slowly fades as she continues to shake Kelly's hand. Kelly thanks her for stepping in and saving her family's company. Elizabeth tries to thank her, but Kelly cuts her off, saying she doesn't understand why she had Sophia barred from the building, since they're sisters. Kelly lashes out at her, saying that Sophia spent her last weeks like an outcast where the company was concerned, all because of her. She says that Elizabeth is going to have to live with what she did to her sister just before she died and asks what Sophia could have possibly done to deserve that from her own sister. "I'm sorry Kelly but I'm not going to discuss that with you, especially here. I know you just lost your mother and I'm very sorry about that. But that doesn't give you a right to come in here and cause a scene with me. My reasons for what I've done are frankly not your business- I do have them and I don't feel guilty for anything that I've done. Keith, can we go some place else? Suddenly, I don't like the atmosphere here very much..." Keith obliges and asks for the check as Kelly walks away. Keith admits that he too is curious about Elizabeth's blatant hatred for Sophia, though not for the reasons she may think. Unlike Kelly, he sees Sophia for what she is and never found it very hard to believe that she had a sister who wanted nothing to do with her. Keith tells her that maybe once they get to know each other better, they could compare notes on Sophia one day. Elizabeth thanks Keith for trying to make her smile, but tells him that everything with Sophia is in the past now, especially since she passed away. Keith says that from her reaction to Kelly, it's obvious there's still some real pain there and it might help to talk about it. "Maybe so, but tonight, I'd like to forget all about my sister and her family and just try to have a little fun. You think you can handle that?" "Oh, I don't think it will be a problem," Keith says, as he leans in and kisses her. ---Kelly and Ashton sit at their table, awaiting CC's arrival. Ashton gets a phone call that he must take and excuses himself. Kelly spots her father walking up and gets up and gives him a kiss. "This was a nice surprise- dinner with my daughter. So what's this news you need to tell me? Moving back into the house permanently?" "No, daddy, I'm still getting a place of my own. Actually, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about....." CC is kind of disappointed but asks her to elaborate. Kelly begins talking to him about Europe, how she really fell in love with it and she learned so much about herself there. CC remembers his times there fondly, saying he always feels rejuvenated when he leaves there. Kelly tells him that while she was there, she met a man. CC is surprised by this and asks her to go further. She tells him he's a very handsome businessman she met in London. She says that he's suave, intelligent, and very driven. She admits that he actually reminds her of CC. CC says he likes the sounds of him and that he'd like to meet him someday. "Actually, I'm glad to hear you say that." she says, showing him the ring. "Because he's coming over right now" "My God, Kelly, you're engaged......." Ashton walks up and Kelly stands up next to him as he puts his arm around her. "Actually, daddy, I'm married. This is my husband....Ashton" "You're what? Married? This is your Husband?" "Yes. I'm sorry for you to find out like this, sir, but we just couldn't wait. I tried to convince Kelly, but when your daughter wants something, she doesn't stop....." Ashton says "CC Capwell" he says as he takes Ashton's hand. "Pleased to meet you. Ashton Lavery." CC stops and fixes his eyes on Ashton. "Did you say...Ashton.........LAVERY?" "I did, yes. So glad to have finally met you sir....." CC stares at Ashton, stunned by who he is and trying to process what he's just learned. (EXT: car, driving down the highway) ---The man in black finishes informing his boss that after all was said and done, he's got her and they're heading to Mexico now, per his instructions. The man pulls over to get gas and inspect the back seat. He's stunned to see HER!!!!! "My God, YOU! What are YOU doing here?" "Looks like you grabbed the wrong girl- I'm sure your boss isn't gonna like that..." Marta shoots back, smiling. (EXT: Edmund's Castle in London) ---Sophia wakes up as Edmund enters the room. She asks him where she is and what she's doing there. He reminds her once again that they're in her hospital room in London, where he's continuing with her treatments. Sophia again asks about her family and he insists that they're fine and have no idea that Sophia is ill. Sophia begins to cry, saying she doesn't know how much more of this confusion she can take. Edmund holds her, stroking her hair, telling her that everything's going to be fine and it won't last forever. Edmund tells her that so far, she's responding very well to the treatment and that it's only a matter of time before she's up and about again. Sophia tells him that she's been trying so hard to remember her children's faces and her home, but everything is so fuzzy. Edmund reminds her that it's all part of the treatment, and the trauma her brain is going through because of it and the aneurism. He says for her to be strong and everything will be better soon. He tells her he's going to give her something to sleep while he works once again on her. He gives her a shot and she fades back to sleep. He begins administering the laser treatments, as a sinister smile comes over his face. "I'm not going to let you die, Loretta. Not after all I've done to bring you back. Soon, we'll be reunited and everything will be as it should......" THE END................for the week
  22. Is coming- working on it as we speak. Hopefully, it should be up before 9PM. Also, be on the lookout for tomorrow's news item. There's a very special 'RTSB' episode coming up in which I'll need viewer input. I think you all are gonna love it!!!! Again, don't miss episode 39, to be posted shortly!
  23. Maybe next year! I'm kidding.....she won't be "dead" THAT long! But for the time being, she'll remain "dead." Don't feel too bad- it's nothing compared to what is coming for Cruz & Eden!
  24. Loved the scenes with Maggie, Julie and Doug, but I especially enjoyed the Maggie/Alice moments. Love them together. Cal & Kathereine were....interesting to say the least. I can totally picture Josh Taylor flirting with Terri Garber though. And wow, has Philip "flipped" or what?
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