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Everything posted by juniorz1

  1. Haha, I LOVE you guys! The pressure is on........
  2. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND- fade to Edmund's creepy castle-like mansion) ----Edmund sits in his study, looking through his wedding pictures to Loretta. He zeroes in on a picture of them so happy together, feeding each other their wedding cake. He then flashes back to when they were younger. He and Loretta argue about CC, she still insisting he's not the baby's father, she's sure of it. Edmund says he isn't so sure about anything anymore- after all, he never would've dreamed she'd cheat on him at all. Loretta begs him to forgive her, saying their child needs him. Edmund walks out on her, saying the child needs it's father, which he is not sure he is. He then remembers further into the pregnancy, witnessing an argument between Loretta & CC. Loretta begs him to see the possibility that the child she's carrying could be his but he refuses. "That child is nothing to me. When are you going to leave this alone? My wife is DEAD now for God's sake.......and you still refuse to let up. As far as I'm concerned, you and your accusations can go straight to hell- you and your unborn child have wreaked enough havoc on my life. I hold the both of you personally responsible for Sophia's death and frankly, I don't want to see either of you ever again. You're barred from the property and from the office- I've talked to my security and they're well aware. And here..." He hands her some papers. "That, my dear Loretta, is a restraining order. You are not permitted within 100 yards of me at any given time- punishable by arrest. It's actually already taken effect so if I were you, I'd get the hell out of here!" She turns to leave and Edmund emerges, telling CC he will not talk to his wife in such a way. CC blows Edmund off, saying he can have the shrew and that he should be grateful to CC for not pressing charges. Edmund yells at CC for being so vile, asking how he can come in and ruin people's lives and yet accept no responsibility for it? Edmund then returns home to find Loretta sleeping on the couch. He goes to cover her with a blanket and spots an empty pill bottle on the floor. He immediately dials 911, frantically trying to help her. Edmund then flashes to the hospital, where the doctor tells him they'll need to perform a C-section in order to save the child. Edmund watches from outside the room as his child is born. The doctors bring the child out to him, for him to hold, telling him it's a boy. Edmund, holding his son, hears a commotion inside of Loretta's room. He sees doctors frantically trying to save her. He bursts in and screams, demanding to know what's going on. The doctors inform him he can't be in there as they try to re-start her heart. Edmund begs them to save his wife, but to no avail. Loretta passes away. The camera zooms in on Edmund, crying, holding the boy in his hands, fading into Edmund's face now, in his study. A nurse walks in and informs him it's time for the patient's treatment for the day. Edmund tells her he'll be there shortly, as he looks again at his wedding picture with Loretta. The camera fades out, fading into..... (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---Ashton tells Kelly he's so sorry about her mother and not being able to make it back for the funeral. Kelly says that she understands and that it was actually better he wasn't there. She explains that she hasn't told the family yet that they're married. "You haven't? Has nobody noticed the ring on your finger?" "Actually, I've kept it turned the other way....." "Why the big secret? Isn't this good news, a happy occasion? I thought you wanted to be married...." "I do, I do, that's not it at all. You haven't met my father yet.........He's not exactly going to be thrilled that I eloped.....to put it mildly..." Ashton understands, but reminds her that he wanted to have a big wedding and get married in front of the whole world. It was she who didn't want to wait and Kelly remembers, saying that's only going to make it worse. Ashton says that they can tell her father together, if she'd like. He offers to make dinner reservations and she thinks it's a good idea, saying that it isn't easy for CC to be in the house, since Sophia passed away. Kelly gives him the number to the Capwell Hotel, telling him to reserve CC's regular table. (EXT: Parking Lot) ---Adriana struggles as the man continues to force her toward the car. He tells her to relax, that he isn't going to hurt her. She bites his hand and breaks loose for a moment, running back toward the coffee shop. The man catches up with her and grabs her, forcing her back toward his car. He warns her not to try anything like that again, and if she just does as he says, nobody will get hurt. Adriana continues to kick and struggle, trying to scream through his hands. He gets to his car and hits the button to unlock it. As he opens the door, someone runs up behind him. He turns around, asking the person what they want and Marta sprays him with mace. He immediately goes for his eyes, releasing Adriana. Adriana and Marta start to run, but the man grabs one of them without the other realizing it. He pushes her in the car and locks it, still rubbing his eyes and screaming about the burning. He hops in the car and begins to drive. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ----Gina watches as Kathleen shuts the lights in the office. She watches her head to the elevator and head down. Gina emerges and walks toward Kathleen's desk. She looks through the drawers until she finally finds Kathleen's keys. She grabs them and puts them in her purse. She begins to walk toward Elizabeth's office when she bumps into CC. "CC- what are you still doing here? You're usually gone by this hour...." "I had a few last minute......on second thought, I don't have to justify myself to YOU. What are you still doing here Gina? It's Friday- don't you have acquaintances to annoy?" "Actually, I was crunching some of the sales projections for Gina Jeans and I came across something in the books that I wanted to talk to Elizabeth about......She still here?" "She's gone for the day, like everybody else." "I'll have to do it Monday I guess, I just didn't want it to wait until then. Oh well, I best get going" "I'll walk with you- I'm going to meet Kelly for dinner..." "Oh you go ahead, CC, my phone is still in my office and there's a few last minute details I'd like to finish...." CC heads out and Gina goes back toward Elizabeth's office, going through Kathleen's keys to find the match. She finally does and opens the door, walking in and shutting it behind her. (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ----Lionel and Augusta dine with Warren before their flight. Lionel reminisces about their time in Santa Barbara, how nice it was being in his mother's home again. He tells his 'son' to take good care of it and a distracted Warren promises he will. Augusta turns around to see what exactly has Warren distracted and sees Pamela sitting at the bar, sipping a glass of wine. Pamela lifts her glass as though to toast and approaches the table. "I hear the two of you are leaving today....I hope the both of you have a safe trip home...." "You're still in town?!?" Augusta exclaims "What could possibly be keeping you here? Don't tell me...... you think CC is going to look your way now that Sophia has passed!" "Don't be ridiculous Augusta. I've always loved Santa Barbara and I actually have decided to stay......CC be damned! My son is here, plus I have so many loose ends here that need to be tied up. I'll miss Europe but it's time to be close to my family- Mason needs me right now, with Sophia's death and the trouble in his marriage. You can appreciate that I'm sure- if Warren needed you, a pack of wild animals couldn't pull you away...." Warren smiles, saying he's glad that she'll be staying. He says he looks forward to getting to know her and would love to have lunch one day next week. Pamela says that would be lovely and tells him to just call. Augusta shoots her a look. ----Across the room, Keith & Elizabeth swig back a few cocktails. Elizabeth asks him why it is he's taken this sudden interest in her and Keith claims he finds her fascinating, smart, and gorgeous- what man wouldn't be interested? Elizabeth is a bit embarrassed by this, but thanks him for the compliment. Elizabeth tells him that not every man has always thought so, especially when compared to her beautiful sister. Keith retorts that he knew Sophia for quite a while and she cannot hold a candle to Elizabeth. Kelly and Ashton approach the hostess, giving them their reservation. Kelly spots Elizabeth with Keith and walks up. "Can I help you Kelly? Push anyone out of any windows lately?" Keith asks sarcastically. "I see you haven't lost your patent charm. Actually, I just wanted to intoduce myself to your guest.....you're Elizabeth Wayne, right?" "Yes..." she smiles "who might you be?" "I'm Kelly Capwell, your niece...." Elizabeth's smile slowly fades as she continues to shake Kelly's hand. Kelly thanks her for stepping in and saving her family's company. Elizabeth tries to thank her, but Kelly cuts her off, saying she doesn't understand why she had Sophia barred from the building, since they're sisters. Kelly lashes out at her, saying that Sophia spent her last weeks like an outcast where the company was concerned, all because of her. She says that Elizabeth is going to have to live with what she did to her sister just before she died and asks what Sophia could have possibly done to deserve that from her own sister. "I'm sorry Kelly but I'm not going to discuss that with you, especially here. I know you just lost your mother and I'm very sorry about that. But that doesn't give you a right to come in here and cause a scene with me. My reasons for what I've done are frankly not your business- I do have them and I don't feel guilty for anything that I've done. Keith, can we go some place else? Suddenly, I don't like the atmosphere here very much..." Keith obliges and asks for the check as Kelly walks away. Keith admits that he too is curious about Elizabeth's blatant hatred for Sophia, though not for the reasons she may think. Unlike Kelly, he sees Sophia for what she is and never found it very hard to believe that she had a sister who wanted nothing to do with her. Keith tells her that maybe once they get to know each other better, they could compare notes on Sophia one day. Elizabeth thanks Keith for trying to make her smile, but tells him that everything with Sophia is in the past now, especially since she passed away. Keith says that from her reaction to Kelly, it's obvious there's still some real pain there and it might help to talk about it. "Maybe so, but tonight, I'd like to forget all about my sister and her family and just try to have a little fun. You think you can handle that?" "Oh, I don't think it will be a problem," Keith says, as he leans in and kisses her. ---Kelly and Ashton sit at their table, awaiting CC's arrival. Ashton gets a phone call that he must take and excuses himself. Kelly spots her father walking up and gets up and gives him a kiss. "This was a nice surprise- dinner with my daughter. So what's this news you need to tell me? Moving back into the house permanently?" "No, daddy, I'm still getting a place of my own. Actually, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about....." CC is kind of disappointed but asks her to elaborate. Kelly begins talking to him about Europe, how she really fell in love with it and she learned so much about herself there. CC remembers his times there fondly, saying he always feels rejuvenated when he leaves there. Kelly tells him that while she was there, she met a man. CC is surprised by this and asks her to go further. She tells him he's a very handsome businessman she met in London. She says that he's suave, intelligent, and very driven. She admits that he actually reminds her of CC. CC says he likes the sounds of him and that he'd like to meet him someday. "Actually, I'm glad to hear you say that." she says, showing him the ring. "Because he's coming over right now" "My God, Kelly, you're engaged......." Ashton walks up and Kelly stands up next to him as he puts his arm around her. "Actually, daddy, I'm married. This is my husband....Ashton" "You're what? Married? This is your Husband?" "Yes. I'm sorry for you to find out like this, sir, but we just couldn't wait. I tried to convince Kelly, but when your daughter wants something, she doesn't stop....." Ashton says "CC Capwell" he says as he takes Ashton's hand. "Pleased to meet you. Ashton Lavery." CC stops and fixes his eyes on Ashton. "Did you say...Ashton.........LAVERY?" "I did, yes. So glad to have finally met you sir....." CC stares at Ashton, stunned by who he is and trying to process what he's just learned. (EXT: car, driving down the highway) ---The man in black finishes informing his boss that after all was said and done, he's got her and they're heading to Mexico now, per his instructions. The man pulls over to get gas and inspect the back seat. He's stunned to see HER!!!!! "My God, YOU! What are YOU doing here?" "Looks like you grabbed the wrong girl- I'm sure your boss isn't gonna like that..." Marta shoots back, smiling. (EXT: Edmund's Castle in London) ---Sophia wakes up as Edmund enters the room. She asks him where she is and what she's doing there. He reminds her once again that they're in her hospital room in London, where he's continuing with her treatments. Sophia again asks about her family and he insists that they're fine and have no idea that Sophia is ill. Sophia begins to cry, saying she doesn't know how much more of this confusion she can take. Edmund holds her, stroking her hair, telling her that everything's going to be fine and it won't last forever. Edmund tells her that so far, she's responding very well to the treatment and that it's only a matter of time before she's up and about again. Sophia tells him that she's been trying so hard to remember her children's faces and her home, but everything is so fuzzy. Edmund reminds her that it's all part of the treatment, and the trauma her brain is going through because of it and the aneurism. He says for her to be strong and everything will be better soon. He tells her he's going to give her something to sleep while he works once again on her. He gives her a shot and she fades back to sleep. He begins administering the laser treatments, as a sinister smile comes over his face. "I'm not going to let you die, Loretta. Not after all I've done to bring you back. Soon, we'll be reunited and everything will be as it should......" THE END................for the week
  3. Is coming- working on it as we speak. Hopefully, it should be up before 9PM. Also, be on the lookout for tomorrow's news item. There's a very special 'RTSB' episode coming up in which I'll need viewer input. I think you all are gonna love it!!!! Again, don't miss episode 39, to be posted shortly!
  4. Maybe next year! I'm kidding.....she won't be "dead" THAT long! But for the time being, she'll remain "dead." Don't feel too bad- it's nothing compared to what is coming for Cruz & Eden!
  5. Loved the scenes with Maggie, Julie and Doug, but I especially enjoyed the Maggie/Alice moments. Love them together. Cal & Kathereine were....interesting to say the least. I can totally picture Josh Taylor flirting with Terri Garber though. And wow, has Philip "flipped" or what?
  6. The baby died? WOW! This is gonna get good...... I love "Roo"! Fun way to kick off what looks to be a dark story for Georgia. And here comes Willow to stir up trouble for Jan.....
  7. Oh, Lionel & Augusta won't be off 'RTSB.' Note the locale they're heading to.
  8. DUH! I totally get why Mac desperately needed Bobbie. That could prove interesting- POOR MAC! I continue to LOVE how you write Scott Baldwin! Putting him in a story with Alexis- Genius! The sparks are already flying! Can't wait for the debate....
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANNON!!!!!!! http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---Kelly sits in the living room, looking through an old photo book. Rosa walks by, stopping when she sees Kelly looking at old pictures of Sophia. "Your mother was quite beautiful when she was young, wasn't she?" "Yes, she was." "You know, it's so nice having you home Kelly. It's been a big help to your father and I know your mother enjoyed having all of her children here for the holiday...." Kelly begins to cry and Rosa hugs her, apologizing for making her sad. Kelly tells her that it's alright, she's just so happy that she was able to make it home for Christmas. Originally, she planned to stay in London, but changed her mind at the last minute. Rosa says Santana was in a similar situation- she wasn't sure if she was going to be able to get the time off and at the last second, she was able to take the time away. Kelly asks Rosa if her mother confided her condition in her and she admits that she did. Rosa tells her that she tried desperately to get Sophia to tell the family, but she refused, not wanting to worry them. Rosa is then interrupted by the doorbell. Rosa offers to get it, but Kelly insists, saying she needs to stretch her legs anyway. She opens the large wooden door. "PEARL!" she exclaims. "Yeah, it's me, come here kid!" Kelly runs into his arms and he gives her a big hug, lifting her off the floor. She invites him inside and Rosa offers to make a pot of coffee for them. "I'm sorry I haven't been by sooner.....I heard about your mom...I can't believe it..." "None of us can. It was so sudden...." "I wish I had known sooner cuz you know I would've been here in a heartbeat. All of yous have been real good to me over the years and I should have been there to pay my respects....." "It's alright, Pearl, we understood. Cruz told us you were visiting your mom for the holidays." Pearl asks how it happened and Kelly goes into detail. Pearl says how awful it must be for Mr. C. He mentions that he saw Mason earlier. Kelly inquires what Mason wanted with him and Pearl explains that Mary was with him, and they hired him on. Rosa comes out with the coffee and the three continue to commiserate. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Keith sneaks up on Gina in her office and starts kissing her neck. She turns around to see him. "Well, look what the cat dragged in...... Nice of you to call last night, Keith." "I'm sorry, peanut, but it was definitely worth my while..." Gina asks if he found out why Elizabeth reacted the way she did to Gina being Channing IV's mother and he admits he didn't but found out something far better. He tells her that when he arrived at the Capwell Hotel, Elizabeth was in an intense conversation with Lionel. Keith says that he caught her saying something about it being Lionel's idea for her to make a play for CC in the first place. Gina can't believe that Elizabeth would go after her sister's husband so soon after her death, but Keith corrects her, saying that it sounded like they were talking about the past. If that's the case, and Elizabeth was with CC first or even had an affair with him during his marriage to Sophia, then it would certainly give her reason to hate her sister. Gina wonders how Channing IV would fit into any of it. "Would you stop worrying about that and pay attention- if any of this is true, then....." "Then what Keith? So what- SO WHAT if Elizabeth and CC were involved- Who CARES? How does any of that effect us?" "I'm not sure yet- that's why we've got to find out more.....I'm gonna take her out again tonight." "AGAIN? What for? What could you possibly accompli....." "Not me, muffin- You. You're going to break in to her office while I keep her......tied up...." (EXT: District Attorney's Office) ----Julia tries to concentrate on her work but ends up more frustrated than ever. She thinks back to: MARY'S DEATH(the first 2 minutes or so should suffice, before....) Suddenly, she's snapped out of it as she hears a commotion outside of her door. "I'm her SISTER, damn it, and I'm going in there whether you permit it or not.............No? I can't, huh? Lady, I'm going to count to 3 and if you're still standing there, I'll plow right through you...........You don't? TRY ME! 1........2............3......." The secretary jumps out of the way as Julia pulls the door open, with Augusta racing through, full speed ahead. Julia tells her secretary that it's alright, she'll see Augusta. Augusta howls that she'll go another round if she likes and Julia slams it shut. Julia asks Augusta what she's doing there and she explains that she and Lionel are leaving for London later on that day. Augusta says that she really doesn't want to go, especially with Julia in the state she's in. Julia claims to be fine and insists that Augusta not worry about her. "You're not fine, Julia. This is me you're dealing with. You know I saw Mary at the funeral...." "Oh?" "Yes and I thought it was time she and I had a little chat since her resurrection." "Oh no. Please tell me you didn't.............Augusta?.................Augusta, what did you do?" "I just told her that it was sort of ironic that she had risen from the ashes as Sophia had become them...." "YOU SAID What??" "She wasn't too keen on it either. But I thought it was time someone tell her you don't stay dead for 20 years only to show up and inflict chaos onto the lives of those you left behind." Julia tells Augusta she doesn't need her fighting her battles for her but Augusta disagrees, asking Julia if she would have said those things to her. Julia admits that she wouldn't have, but that doesn't give Augusta any right to do it for her. Augusta asks if she's spoken with Mason and she tells her that she kicked him out of the house. "That couldn't have been easy." "Of course it wasn't, but he has feelings for her. He admitted as much. He needs to explore them, and then there's the matter of the baby....." Augusta says she thought her baby died and Julia explains that Mason isn't so sure. He also seems to be in denial of the fact that Mark is actually the father. Augusta reiterates that her sister is far too good for that man, saying she doesn't know what she finds appealing in him in the first place. "I love him, Augusta. God help me, I love the man." Augusta hugs her sister and asks if she's sure she doesn't want her to stay in town any longer but Julia INSISTS she go back with Lionel and that she'll be just fine. She has Samantha, and her friends and family. Augusta bids her sister farewell and heads out of the office. "Bye Mrs. Lockridge" the secretary says as Augusta walks by. "You KNEW who I WAS?" The secretary laughs. "You little twit- your days here are NUMBERED, mark my words little girl....." (EXT: Coffee Shop) ----Marta tells Adriana that she must be the apple of her father's eye and that he'd do anything she asked. Adriana informs her that, while that may be true, he wouldn't allow her to interfere in police business. She tells Marta that he hates it when her mother does it, so she's learned it's best to try to stay out of it. Marta suggests that maybe they're going about this the wrong way- that, if they can somehow get more evidence against Carlos, then Angel wouldn't have to testify at all. She claims to know some guys who deal with him and maybe she could get them to talk or use them to find information. Adriana tells her that sounds dangerous, and Marta tells her that sometimes, you've gotta take risks to get what you want. Adriana doesn't think it's a good idea and refuses to go along with it. Marta says she can't believe after all this, all her father put her through, that she can't help her with this. The girls continue to argue as the camera pans back to the man in black, watching them. "Yeah boss," he says into his phone, "they're still together. Yeah, she's a hot little number, looks just like her mama..... I KNOW how important it is boss, I'm just waiting for them to separate so I can get her by herself.......I don't want nothin goin wrong neither......" (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Keith leaves Gina's office and sees Joann walking down the hallway at the same time. "Mrs. Cranston- Oh MRS. CRANSTON?!?" "Will You Shut UP!!!! Someone might hear you....You're lucky that nosy secretary is out on her lunch break.....What do you want, Keith?" "Just a quick word......in private." Joann directs him into the break room. Once the door is shut, she lays into him, telling him never to call her that again, much less bring up Kirk's name, ESPECIALLY at the office. Keith taunts her, asking if she's afraid someone might find out her little secret. She reminds him that he'll be exposed as well......and he calls her bluff, telling her to go ahead and expose him. The takeover is done with, he doesn't work for Capwell, has no friends in the family, so he has nothing to lose. She, on the other hand, has everything to lose: her job, respect, credibility, not to mention that, having double-crossed Kirk, she'll need all the friends she can get. "What do you want, Keith?" "Information. About Elizabeth Wayne." Joann claims to know little to nothing about Elizabeth, having just met her. Keith responds that they seem to have built up quite a business rapport in such a short amount of time. She says they think alike and Keith says that he'd bet on that. He asks specifically why someone in Elizabeth's position would have any interest in Capwell Enterprises, since she obviously didn't help them out of family loyalty. Joann again plays dumb, saying his guess is as good as hers, all she's worked with were the financial negotiations. Keith mentions that there seemed to be a standstill for a short amount of time and asks if there was a reason for that. "There was a stipulation she had that they couldn't agree...." Joann stops herself. "A stipulation? In what? What, the contract between them? What did she want that the old man wouldn't give in to? TELL ME!" "Honestly, I don't know. All I know is that if he didn't agree to her terms, the whole deal was to be null and void. But CC made a point of having the contract sealed once it was signed......the only people ever to see or have access to it are he and Elizabeth....Now if you don't mind, I need to get back to work." "Yes, of course. Oh.....and Joann...." she turns to look at him "Thanks....you've been very helpful......" She snickers, then turns back around and exit. "Stipulation huh? What are the two of you hiding old man?" (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ----Kelly, Pearl, and Rosa continue their conversation in the living room. Kelly catches Pearl up on everything that she was doing in Europe, and all the places she visited. Pearl gets a text message on his phone and tells them he has to be going, that it's a lead on one of the doctors Mason & Mary are looking for. The doorbell rings as Kelly walks Pearl to the door to see him off. She opens the door and sees THIS MAN "Hello darling" He walks up to her and gives her a passionate kiss. Rosa and Pearl stand watching, Pearl trying to contain his jealousy. "Ashton, what are you doing here? I thought you couldn't leave until later this month....." "I was able to finish up my business early and.......Here I am. I got in this morning." "THIS MORNING? Where have you been? Why didn't you come here sooner?" "I had some calls I had to make, business to attend to that sort of thing. Boring stuff darling." "Um....Kell.....aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?" Pearl interjects. "Oh, I'm so sorry.......Pearl Bradford, Rosa Andrade, this is Ashton Lavery.............. my husband(!)." (EXT: Coffee Shop) ----Adriana & Marta continue to argue, with Adriana trying to reason with her. Marta insists that she's doing it, with or without Adriana's help. She furiously stomps off. Adriana hesitates a moment and goes after her. Marta runs furiously as Adriana tries to catch up with her. Marta takes a quick turn and Adriana ends up going the other way. The camera pans to a man's feet, in black shoes, following one of the girls. Marta is shown still running, looking behind her to see if Adriana is still following. Adriana is then shown, looking from side to side, trying to find her friend. Marta stops and turns around, heading back toward the shop. The man's feet are shown again. He keeps pace with the girl he's following, his steps moving as frantically as hers. He gets closer and closer until he finally catches up with her. He reaches out and grabs her, covering her mouth with his hand. The camera pans up the girl's body to her face to reveal it to be........ HER!!!! THE END................for today Don't miss Episode 39, the last of this week. I may post it early, so be on the lookout for it. Expect a twist, as well as the final piece of Edmund's past with CC to be revealed!!!!
  10. juniorz1


    Loved the whole promo KR, but that ending was Priceless!
  11. I'll do my best to sum it up for you, in simple terms. Lionel knew Elizabeth from years before and he was the one who gave her the idea to make a play for CC. I haven't explained exactly what he did yet, but that's the idea of it. It's also implied that he was a friend to her after the abortion as well.
  12. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Cruz & Eden's House) ---Adriana tells Eden about the gift she brought for Marta. Eden scolds her daughter for going over to the Ramirez home and asks why she even went in the first place. Adriana explains that she went to High School with Marta and knew about Angel's release. She then tells Eden that she overheard her conversation with Cruz about Angel being locked up for Christmas and felt bad for Marta. Eden admits that she felt the same way for Carla, but they can't be seen going over to their home, since it only puts them in further danger. Adriana apologizes for what she did, but still insists she didn't feel right about what happened. Adriana starts to leave, and Eden asks her where she's going. Adriana tells her mother not to worry and flings the door open, surprised to see Carla Ramirez standing there. "Mrs. Ramirez- HI!" Adriana says, startled. "I was about to knock, I'm sorry, is your mother here?" "Sure, she's inside. I'm kind of in a rush but Happy New Year to you Ms. Ramirez." "Same to you." Eden motions Carla in and asks her what this visit is about. Carla tells Eden of how Cruz railroaded Angel into testifying against Carlos. Eden says that doesn't sound like her husband but Carla insists it's the truth. "He told my Angel point blank that if he didn't testify, the District Attorney wasn't going to drop the charges..." "But Julia is the D.A. and that definitely doesn't sound like Julia. She's my sister-in-law and a good friend of mine- she would never do something like that...." "Well she did, and Angel is downtown with your husband right now, giving his statement. She's probably right there in the room, with them. The idea of Angel doing this for the SBPD in the first place was for him to get out of the system, not for him to get further mixed up in it. I've known Carlos and his people for many years- I've seen what they're capable of. I've seen young people, sons and daughters of good friends of mine, killed or imprisoned because of him. If he knows that Angel turned on him, or even suspects it, there's no telling what he'll do...." "Carla, I don't know what to...." "If anything happens to Angel or my daughter because of this....... I'm holding your husband accountable! Why are they doing this to me Eden? WHY? All I've ever wanted is my family together again....and I was so close...." Eden stops her, telling her not jump the gun on any of this. Eden says that if they're insisting Angel testify, there must a very good reason behind it. She assures her that Cruz & Julia wouldn't let Angel take such a risk if they weren't going to protect him. Carla retorts that she doesn't know that and asks Eden to find out what's going on. Eden grabs her purse and keys, telling Carla that's just what she's going to do. Carla asks where she's going & Eden tells her downtown. "I'm going with you." "You can't- you shouldn't be seen there, it's probably bad enough that Angel is. Go home and I'll call you as soon as I find out anything....." (EXT: Capwell Hotel) ----Mary walks out of the bedroom in the suite, still putting her earrings on. She sees Mason sitting in front of a file, reading intently. She walks up and joins him at the table, asking him what he's reading. She looks over his shoulder and sees that he's going through the file she had kept on him. "Where did you find that?" she asks him. "It was sitting in the desk drawer here. You kept all of these clippings and photos of me? Why?" "I don't know really. I guess it made me feel like I had you with me still, even if we weren't together. It also helped me remind myself why I couldn't tell you that I was alive. I knew you had a life of your own, and I had one as well. So.....you still haven't told me what happened with Julia last night. Obviously things didn't go well, if you spent the night on the couch here again..." Mason tells her that it was quite the opposite, saying that Julia was very understanding of what he needs to do right now. He says that they were very open with each other and didn't hide their feelings to protect one another. Mason admits they were a little too honest and it hurt. He explains that he told Julia that he still loved Mary, though he loves Julia as well. Mary says that couldn't have been easy for Julia to take and Mason says that it wasn't, which is why she kicked him out. "I didn't leave at first, nor did I want to. But it wasn't just about me- it was about Julia- her needs and being fair to her....' "You think it's fair to Julia that I've turned up alive and her whole world was turned upside-down?" "Of course not. Life isn't always fair, Mary, as you and I both know. Would it be fair to her if I continued living with her as if nothing's happened, wondering what might have been with you? Not to mention not knowing about our baby......" "I told you Mason, the baby was Mark's, not your's." "According to him, yes. According to Mark, the baby was his and was stillborn shortly after your accident. But again, we have yet to find a trace of records in San Remos....... Did you speak to any of the doctors on staff? Dr. Stanley?" "Dr. Stanley is the chief resident and has been with the clinic longer than anyone. Even he wasn't a part of the staff when I was there. It seems everyone who was there at the time is long gone. I do have some names of people who were working there then, but I have yet to locate any of them...." Mason says that the key to everything is Mark. Why would he go to such lengths to fake his death and if the bones during the Hal Clark investigation weren't actually Mark's, then who's were they? Mason hammers it in that none of these things make any sense and Mary agrees, saying she had no idea what Mark was up to as far as faking his death was concerned. All she knows is that when she finally woke up, he was still there with her, taking care of her. Mason says they're going to get to the bottom of everything Mark did, and he's enlisted help. Mary asks what he means and he tells her to come with him and find out. She grabs the paperwork she has from the hospital and takes off with him. (EXT: SANTA BARBARA POLICE DEPARTMENT) ---Angel finishes giving Cruz & Julia his statement. Julia thanks him for coming in and Angel fires back that he wasn't given much of a choice. Julia apologizes for what they had to do, but tells him without his testimony, all of his undercover work would have been for nothing. Carlos would have gone free and with the charges dropped against Angel, it wouldn't have taken much for him to figure out that it was Angel who set him up. "Yeah, and giving statements and testifying in open court is going to make it harder for him to put it together? You're some piece of work lady." "HEY!" Cruz scolds "Don't talk to her like that. None of this is Julia's fault..." "Yeah, well, she can sit at home tonight and not worry that some thugs are gonna rob her or terrorize her family because of this case. I'm not that lucky.... You two just don't get it, do you? Carlos behind bars or not, people are still out there, working for him. Less organized people- some who won't think twice about killing someone over twenty bucks or bad drugs. Putting him in prison doesn't solve your problem- it just displaces it. And I'm the one who has to deal with the aftermath, not either of you. So don't tell me how I can talk to anybody, Castillo." "Listen, Man, nobody told you to hold people at gunpoint 20 years ago. Nobody made you get hooked on drugs and start selling em. You did that all on your own my friend. Instead of complainin about having to come in here, why don't you be try bein a man for your family for once and do what you gotta do to be with em?" "Be a man for my...... Don't you ever, EVER talk about my family, Castillo. I would have been with them long ago if it weren't for you, so don't you question me now. Everything I'm doing is for them and to protect them. If we're all through here, I'm going home to be with my wife....." Angel flings the door open to leave and sees Eden standing on the other side of it. "Angel." "I'd keep that husband in line if I were you, Eden. He doesn't want to be on my bad side," a menacing Angel tells Eden. "What was that about?" "He's just upset about testifying is all......what are you doing here?" Eden realizes that Carla was right and confronts Cruz & Julia about it. They tell her that they didn't have any other choice, that Julia's office was being pressured by all sorts of government officials to convict Carlos and they wouldn't take no for an answer. Eden can't believe that they actually forced Angel in the manner they did and Julia politely tells her that unfortunately, that's how the system sometimes works. Eden tells them about Carla's concern for her family and Cruz assures her that the SBPD is giving the best protection possible. Eden then asks Julia if she's spoken to Mason and Julia calmly says that she has and she'd rather not talk about it. Julia excuses herself, leaving Cruz and Eden alone to talk. Eden worries that if Angel thinks his family is in danger from Carlos' people, who's to say they aren't in danger as well. (EXT: Bradford Investigations Pearl Bradford, P.I.) ---Pearl Bradford sits at his desk with a pencil held lengthwise in his mouth, furiously typing at his computer and working on a case. He's startled when Mason knocks at the door and walks in. Mary emerges from behind him and Pearl smiles at her. He can't believe his eyes and gives her a huge hug. "I'd heard rumors of your death were greatly exaggerated......" Pearl says "You heard correctly!" "Well, welcome back, you look great! So, what do I owe this visit Mason?" Mason explains to Pearl the story behind Mary's coma and the supposed death of their daughter. Pearl listens intently and agrees that much of it doesn't add up. He too finds it peculiar that Mark went to the trouble of faking his death. He asks them what information they have and Mary gives them a list of doctors working at the clinic while she was there, as well as the name of Mark's mother, Catherine, and her last known location. Mason tells him that ultimately he thinks they need to find Mark but any of these doctors could be of great help as well. Pearl agrees and says he'll get to work on it immediately. Mason tells Pearl to spare no cost- he wants Mark found no matter what the price. "That's what I've always liked about you Capwells- you've got the dough and you're not afraid to cough it up when you need to." Mason writes Pearl a check. "This should be enough to get you started." "Started? That's enough to pay off my mortgage! Don't worry yous guys, you're in safe hands. Mark McCormick, look out. Cuz here I come....." (EXT: Coffee shop) ---Adriana arrives and orders herself a latte, taking her seat and waiting for her guest to arrive. Marta comes bursting through the doors, dressed in a bright red tank top and tight jeans. All the men in the room take notice as she orders a black coffee and takes her seat with Adriana. "Thanks for meeting me." Marta says. "Yeah, well, my parents already are freaking on me for going to your house. They said we shouldn't be seen together, considering what's going on." Marta thanks her for coming anyway and tells her everything that she heard Cruz tell Angel. Adriana is shocked by her father's tactics but wonders what exactly they can do about it. Marta tells her that they need to stop them from going any further, before someone gets hurt. Adriana agrees that her dad might have gone too far but says that there's very little that either of them can do about it. It's police business and they're not going to listen to two young girls. "We'll just have to find a way to MAKE them listen." Marta tells her. The two girls continue to talk as the camera pans back, to a man in dressed in all black, wearing black gloves, watching the two girls. He dials his cell phone while continuing to watch the girls. "Yeah, boss it's me......yeah, she's right here, with some other girl.....Oh it won't be a problem. She looks like a feisty one, but I doubt she'll give me much trouble. In fact, from the sounds of what they're saying, this may be easier than we had thought......." THE END......................for TODAY
  13. juniorz1


    Poor Melissa! But good for her for smacking Frankie but good. I really liked Jeremy & Jan's scenes in the basement- good for you for showing Jan as a human being again! I also LOVE what you're setting up with Cassie & Abby- it's like a throwback to the Belle/Shawn/Jan story, only with far superior writing. And any day that someone knocks Carrie Brady down a peg or two is A-OKAY by me!
  14. Uh oh. What has Emily done now? Always happy to see my Susan.
  15. Cute scene there with Lulu, Dillon, Laura, and Tiffany. I like that you're turning Emily into a b!tch. Only thing is I'm not really a Peyton List fan, and while I don't like Natalia either, it would be interesting to see how she'd play Emily if written like this. Oh and the ending....what could Mac possibly want with BOBBIE? Bobbie is such a pain- never could stand her. Can't wait til she runs into Tiff!
  16. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: Keith & Gina's Condominium) ----Keith stops by Gina's after work to let her know about the call from Elizabeth. Gina catches up with him as well, telling him everything that she discussed with CC. Keith isn't surprised that she was unable to get him to budge. "I'm telling you, there's something going on there," Gina insists, "I've never seen CC act like this around any woman......save Sophia." "May she rest in peace." Keith chimes in. "Funny, I had a different saying in mind." Keith tells Gina to let him worry about Elizabeth. He explains that they may have to keep things low key for a while so he can pursue Elizabeth. "Low key? I think you have low key down pretty well- how long has it been now and I still don't have a ring on my finger...." "Honey Bun, I thought we agreed that marriage doesn't really suit our goals and things were fine as they are....." Just then, Lily arrives home, interrupting their talk. Keith uses her entrance as an exit line for himself, slipping out of there before Gina can stop him. Lily asks what his swift exit was about, but Gina brushes it off, claiming it's just Keith being "Keith" Gina changes the subject, asking Lily how her day was. "Productive" Lily says, vaguely. Gina asks her daughter what exactly that means and Lily shows her the photographs she took of Ted at the office. While Gina admits it's underhanded to blackmail Ted during such bad times, she has to admire Lily's determination. Though she might not completely approve, Gina admits that she's relieved that Lily sees the Capwells for what they are. Lily agrees, but lets Gina know that her primary target is actually Angela. Gina asks if there's anything she can do to help, and Lily tells her there just might be somewhere down the line. If she does need it, she'll be sure to call on her. (EXT: Mason & Julia's House) ---Mason arrives home and finds Julia sitting home alone, waiting. He asks where Samantha is and she informs him that she's next door with Rafe & Adriana. Julia tells Mason that she thinks it's about time they discuss the situation that they're in, though Mason is hesitant. "I know it's not easy, Mason. Believe me, I'm not looking forward to it either......but there are things that we need to get out in the open and I need you to be 100% honest with me." "Like you were with me?" Julia apologizes again for what she did. She admits that, while Mary did let her think that she had a life that Julia would be ruining, her reasons for keeping it him were more selfish than not. Mason agrees with her on that, but Julia doesn't let him get away with that. "Selfish or not, Mason, I'm human. I knew how you felt about Mary once upon a time- hell, I was around for it. And while I know how you feel about me, there was a part of your heart that you never let me inside of, a part that I knew was Mary's. You made no secret about that. It's intimidating and frustrating knowing that a part of your husband belongs to another woman, even if she's deceased. There's always that part of him that you cannot reach- that's hard for any woman to accept, and I feel I did my best. But seeing her. In front of me. Alive..... In some surreal sort of way, it was like I had wished my worst nightmare on myself and it was coming true. What's worse was knowing that for you, it would be a dream come true...." "A dream come true- You think this has been EASY on me? You have NO idea what I'm going through, and you obviously don't know my dreams. Yes, when Mary first died, I was devastated and wished she'd come back. But I fell in love with you Julia, you. And though I admit you're right that a piece of my heart was Mary's, I gave myself to you, opened myself up again, and I no longer had to wish for Mary to come back. Because I had you. And I trusted you. And you lied to me repeatedly for WEEKS! Do you even know what that's like for me to deal with? Justify it however you want, you lied to me." Julia stands silent, taking in Mason's words. Julia tears up and worries that this is going nowhere fast. She asks Mason point blank if he still loves her and he says of course he does. "But what about Mary? Do you still love her Mason?" He looks away from her. "Look at me, you LOOK at ME damn it. Do you still love Mary?" He stares at her, unable to say the words. "Just say it Mason, please. Say it!" "YES! Yes, I Love Mary. I love her too......" (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---CC, Eden, Kelly, Ted, Angela, and Santana sit at the Capwell Dining Room table, eating dinner. Kelly comments on what a beautiful ceremony it was and CC agrees. Eden notices that CC isn't eating his food and he admits to not having an appetite. Rosa walks in and puts an end to that. "CC you have to eat, appetite or no appetite. Sophia wouldn't want you getting weak- she'd want you to be strong, for your family." CC starts to say something in his defense but Rosa continues to stare him down. CC gives in and cuts into his chicken. Santana asks Eden where Cruz is and she mentions that he had to work late. Santana tells Eden that Gina mentioned to her that Angel Ramirez had been released from prison. "Gina? How did she...." It dawns on Eden "Keith!" "Must have been." Santana replies "Why would she bring that up to you?" "Oh, she was just making some snide remark about my past. I didn't think much of it until mama told me herself. Are you okay with it?" "Wait a minute, hold on a second.....Angel Ramirez has been released? Does Cruz know about this? Why the HELL is this the first I'm hearing about it?" CC asks Eden insists that it's nothing to worry about, telling them she's met Angel's wife and his daughter now and they're thrilled to have him home. Eden tells them that prison seems to have reformed Angel- from what she's seen, he's a changed man. CC doesn't understand how it is that he was released from prison in the first place and Santana admits to being curious herself. Eden claims to not know anything about that, only that Cruz has promised her that she's safe and she trusts him. Kelly remarks that it's good to see CC with his mind on something else, even if it is worrying about his daughter. Ted remarks that it just doesn't seem right that they're all sitting there, eating and talking, with Sophia's chair empty. He gets up to excuse himself and Angela follows him into the foyer. "TED, Ted wait....' "I'm sorry Angela, I gotta get out of here, I can't be here right now...." "I understand, I do. If you want to leave, let's go. Start the car and I'll tell the others good-bye for us." Ted thanks her, telling her he doesn't know what he'd do without her. She replies that he won't ever have to worry about that now that they're married and he kisses her. He leaves and Angela re-appears in the dining room. "I'm really sorry everyone, but we have to go. Ted....He just...." "It's okay Angela," Kelly interrupts "We're all having a hard time with mama's death. I think we all understand why it would be hard for Ted to be in the house right now- We grew up here, ate many dinners at this table throughout our lives. Just tell him we all love him and if he needs us.....we're here." "Thanks Kelly, I will." (EXT: Capwell Hotel- BAR) (Announcer: The role of Elizabeth Wayne is now being played by Deborah Adair.....) ---Elizabeth sits at the bar in a black cocktail dress, sipping on her martini waiting for Keith to arrive. She is surprised to when a man approaches her, asking if she's Sophia's sister. She turns around and is stunned to see Lionel Lockridge. "Hello Elizabeth." "Lionel. It's been a long time." "It has. Surprised to see you at Sophia's funeral, considering everything that I've heard lately" Elizabeth tells Lionel she doesn't owe him any kind of explanations, since they haven't spoken in years. Lionel admits that while she may be right, she should never forget who was there with her during the whole mess with CC & Sophia. Elizabeth reminds him that she hasn't forgotten, especially since he was the one who put the idea in her head in the first place about CC. Lionel admonishes her for her behavior at Sophia's funeral, saying that if she couldn't be respectful, she shouldn't have come at all. Instead of being an adult and saying good-bye to her sister, he says, she made the whole thing about her. "Face it Elizabeth, he chose Sophia, she's who he wanted to spend his life with. There was nothing your or I could have done about it then, and to make issue of it now, all these years later.......You're pathetic!" Elizabeth slaps Lionel across his face. "How dare you! How dare you call me pathetic, knowing what they put me through, and the role you played it all. You're as bad as CC, blinded by this false image you have of Sophia. Tell me, does your wife know how you feel about her?" Keith, who has been listening in, interrupts them, asking Elizabeth if Lionel is bothering her. She claims that she's fine and Lionel was just leaving. Lionel concurs with her and takes off. "What was that all about?" Keith asks her. "I really don't want to get into it. I've had a long day and I'd like to unwind, if it's all the same to you." "Sounds perfect." Keith replies. "And may I say while I have a thing for the business attire, you look......amazing to me right now." Elizabeth blushes and thanks him. "Bartender," he says, "another Martini for the lady and a whiskey on the rocks for myself." Keith smiles smugly, giving Elizabeth a look with a twinkle in his eye. Elizabeth smiles back, looking quite curious about what's underneath Keith's suit. (EXT: Mason & Julia's House) ---Julia sits on the couch, still reeling a bit from Mason's admission. Mason returns from upstairs and sees his wife, looking strained sitting there. "Are you angry?" "No. I'm not." Mason asks where they go from there and Julia claims that she's not sure. She tells him that she wants to be fair to him and though she loves him and is committed to their marriage, she realizes that things are more complicated than that. Mason insists that he loves her and wants to be her husband, but Julia isn't so sure. She points out that if that were true, he would've been around for Christmas, or at least called. He would have been there at midnight to kiss her on New Year's Eve. But both of those times, he was with Mary which has to make her wonder. Mason defends himself, saying that he had just found her again, and he was confused. "And what, you're not confused now? Mason, you just admitted to me that you're still in love with her, or have you forgotten?" "I didn't say 'in' love with her. I said I still love her." "That's the English language for you- full of double, triple, hell quadruple meanings. Sometimes I wish we only spoke Spanish. Things would be a lot simpler if we could use intonation rather than words to get our meaning across sometime...." "What are you talking about?" Julia realizes she tends to get off-topic when she doesn't want to face something. She asks Mason what Mary's told him about the baby and he admits that he's not sure how true her story is. While he doesn't believe her to be lying, he has to question why Mark went to such lengths to make everyone think that he was dead. Plus, he has yet to see any records of Mary's hospital stay, which he finds peculiar, especially since she is now on staff at the very same clinic. Julia admits that both of those things are curious. Julia asks how he plans to find out the truth and Mason informs her that he thinks the first step is to track down Mark. Julia agrees, but says he could be anywhere. Mason says he'd travel the earth to find him if it meant finding out about his baby. Julia realizes that, while they never found out who the father actually was, Mason considers Mary's child to be his own. Julia tells Mason that they should have some time apart. Mason disagrees, saying that isn't what he wants, but Julia is insistent. Julia thinks that if he wants to find the baby and find answers, that's what he should do, and that he and Mary should do it together. Mason doesn't understand. "Let me spell it out for you then, Mason. I'm giving you space- you need to figure out how you feel about her if I'm ever going to know where I stand. I think you want answers and that you're entitled to them. But it's something that's about you and Mary- it's not about me. So I'm kicking you out. Get out of here Mason, please. Please Go." Mason looks into his wife's eyes, not budging. Julia begins to well up. "PLEASE, PLEASE don't make this any harder on me than it already is. Get out, Mason. GO!" Mason walks through the front door, leaning on the door behind him, then looking back through the window at Julia. He goes to his car and pulls out, leaving Julia alone. Once he's gone, Julia collapses onto the couch, picking up a pillow and squeezing it in front of her as she bawls. THE END.....................for TODAY!
  17. Very interesting Teri. I had problems with the MRI machine being rigged as well but I knew that the readings had to be falsified in some way. I didn't know how to technically explain what he did, so I kind of glossed over it. But what you said is basically what I had in mind, just wasn't sure how to get it across. Oh......and the next episode is tonight, in an hour or so.
  18. IN: OUT: In a move sure to shock some 'RTSB' viewers, executive producer & creator juniorz has fired Christine Tudor Newman and replaced her with Deborah Adair as Elizabeth Wayne. Adair takes over the part beginning today. Why the sudden change? "We wanted someone who people might be a bit more familiar with than Christine. While I love and admire her work and thought she was brilliant in the part so far, I had to take a step back from my own thoughts and think about how others see Elizabeth. Right now, those who are unfamiliar with Christine are probably having a hard time picturing Elizabeth, which only works against me. There aren't many online pics of her and the two that I have found don't represent the quality I want for Elizabeth. Deborah Adair may not have many more pictures than Newman, but hers have the quality I want for Elizabeth. Additionally, Adair was always my second choice for the part and the past couple of weeks, I've been toying with the notion of bringing her on, with the character of Elizabeth in mind. The more I thought about her in the part, the more I realized how right she is for it. I'm thrilled to have her on board!!" explains juniorz. Elizabeth hasn't been too heavily featured up until now, but her story seems to be picking up again. All of the scenes of the abortion and her history with CC & Sophia have been re-shot with Adair, and will probably air again at some point. Don't miss Adair's debut on Episode 36 at approximately 9 PM EST TONIGHT as 'RTSB' continues with its NON-STOP JANUARY!!!!
  19. juniorz1


    Phew! All caught up! This was a nice breather from all the action of the past few episodes. Nice character interaction and development.
  20. Great ending King! And let me tell ya, I love that Eric said he'd do anything for Kristen to keep their secret.
  21. juniorz1


    I know. I was really torn as to who I wanted it to be only because I like Frankie with Melissa. But.......I'm still thrilled it was Frankie! Maybe we'll get a triangle out of this. I still every time it's mentioned that Austin is Sami's lawyer. Not because it's dumb, but because it's exactly the kind of bone-headed thing that Peck's Austin would do. At least you're obviously writing to your actors!
  22. juniorz1


    I LOVE that Julie is on the front-burner in your blog. I had a feeling she'd get mixed up with Megan- it's gonna get good! Can't wait to catch up on the next eppies! ICAM! I'm excited for Willow's storyline.
  23. Just got caught up. Very nice kick-off to the week guys. The Marlena stuff is intriguing and very well done. Right now, that's my favorite storyline you have going, even ahead of the MCF. Also, nice twist with the Bo/Roman ISA mission. Makes total sense.
  24. juniorz1


    Hmmm, I have to think about this, though I admit that Janelle was my first thought as well. When I come up with some good ones, I'll let ya know. Definitely curious about this mysterious "Ashley" character.
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