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Everything posted by juniorz1

  1. It doesn't sound dumb at all- if you didn't watch the first 2 years of SB or 'Generations' you probably wouldn't know her. The actress is Linda Gibboney, the original Gina on SB and formerly Jessica on Generations.
  2. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! No spoiling the fun- start at the beginning- NO JUMPING TO THE END!!! (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---Kelly directs the catering staff in the banquet room, instructing them that she wants everything just so for this dinner. Kelly explains that the entire Castillo and Capwell family are going to be there and, because of the solemn occasion, she doesn't want any problems for the family and as little disturbance as possible. They get to work setting up and she turns around and sees her husband standing there. "You're quite cute when you're bossy, you know that?" Ashton smiles "This is a surprise. I thought you weren't going to make it until later- that you had meetings." "I wrapped all of that up early- I think it's more important that I be here with my wife, don't you?" She smiles for the first time that day as Ashton kisses her. He asks if there's anything that he can do to help and she tells him she has everything covered. Ashton asks if she's going to wear what she has on, irritating her slightly. "I haven't exactly had time to primp myself- And for that matter, why should it matter to you what I have on?" "Cute when she's annoyed too. Actually, if you would've let me finish, I was going to tell you that my meeting was with your tailor- and she put the finishing touches on something I bought for you for this occasion. It's upstairs in the penthouse.." "Ashton, I couldn't possibly leave, Eden's expecting me and I want everything to go perfectly..." "Not to worry, my love, I'll handle all of that- you've been on your feet working on this all day. Go upstairs, take a nice hot shower and put on something brand new. I think it will do you a world of good." "How did I get so lucky? Where have you been all my life, Ashton Lavery?" "Waiting for you to show up." he answers, leaning in and kissing her again. She then heads upstairs, with her dress. (EXT: Plane flying Overhead) ---The pilot comes on over the loudspeaker and says they're making their descent into Santa Barbara. Mason looks at Mary, who's quietly fallen asleep by the window. He gently nudges her, telling her they're about to land. She sits up and fastens her seatbelt. Mason comments that she hasn't said anything all day- she was quiet over breakfast and has slept the entire flight. "What do you want me to say, Mason?" "Anything, really- what I can't handle is this silence I've gotten from you since last night. We made love, Mary. We need to talk about that." "We were both low last night, Mason. We'd been on a wild goose chase and we were leaving with not much more to go on than we had to begin with. And in our weakness, we comforted one another." "It was more than that and you know it." "You're married Mason- to Julia. You made a commitment to her, a lifetime commitment- what happened last night doesn't change that." "What are you talking about? It changes everything!" Mary tells him that she intends to continue to live her life without him. She informs him that she's going back to work at the clinic and she thinks it's best if they keep their distance for a while. Mason asks her where that leaves their investigation and she says that Pearl can handle it. Mason isn't fooled, telling her that the Mary he saw in Florida wouldn't give up so quickly, and certainly would want to handle Mark and Sherri personally. "Revenge has always been your forte, Mason. It's never been mine." "Maybe not before....but c'mon, after all the torture he's put you through- I can't imagine not wanting a little revenge....You're fooling yourself if you think you can walk away from this...and from me.....so easily..." "I've done it for 20 years Mason, what makes you think I can't now?" They are startled when the plane touches ground, having been so ensconced in their own conversation. (EXT: Angela's Condominium) ---Angela emerges from the master bathroom, still fastening her earrings. She looks in the mirror to make sure she looks just so. She looks at her watch and wonders where Ted could be. Ears ever-ringing, Ted picks that moment to come bursting through the door downstairs. "ANGELA?!? ANGELA!?!" "I'M UPSTAIRS GETTING READY" Ted charges up the stairs and tiptoes to the room, holding his hand behind his back. He smiles at his wife who's doing her best to be coy and ignore him. He steps directly in her personal space, bringing his face close up to hers. As she turns to her left to disconnect eye contact, he whips the a dozen yellow roses out with his right hand. "Yellow roses.... My favorite. They're beautiful...." "Not half as beautiful as you!" he says planting a passionate kiss on her, which she soon pulls away from. "I'm still mad at you- 12 yellow flowers aren't gonna make it up to me...." "Nothin happened between us. We're just friends, Angela..." "Then why didn't you just tell me you were with her?" Ted smiles and says that it wouldn't have been half as fun this way. Angela doesn't understand and he tells her he likes it when she's jealous- always has. "You mean you were just playing with me?" He looks away, feigning guilt. "It's not funny Ted! Do you have any idea what that little twit you were engaged to has been putting me through?" "Who, Lily? Why do you let her get to you babe?" "I don't know, she pushes my buttons...." "I was hoping I could push your buttons myself...." He begins hungrily devouring her. "Ted.....Ted.......We've got to go dinner, your sister's expecting us....." "She'll understand if we're let- We're newlyweds..." Ted begins devouring Angela's neck, causing her to moan with pleasure. After all the time she spent getting dressed, Ted has her dress on the floor in seconds flat. She carefully unbuttons his shirt and reaches to hang it on the bedpost. "What are you Doing? What's gotten into you? We don't have clean sex, wife or no wife" Ted says, tearing off his t-shirt. Angela quickly undoes his belt and tears his pants off of him before he literally throws her onto the bed, hurling himself on top of her. he kisses her passionately as the roll around in their beige Satin sheets. (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---Eden arrives at the banquet room with Adriana, wearing no makeup and a dour black pantsuit. Her eyes are swollen, as though she hasn't slept in days. Adriana, meanwhile, is done to the nines. Adriana comments that everything looks so beautiful. "Kelly's worked very hard to make sure everything's just right." Ashton says, emerging from the background. "And where is she Now?" Eden asks. "Upstairs, changing, she should be down any minute. I gave her a break with the staff." "How thoughtful of you." Eden says, sarcastically. "You'll have to excuse my mother, Mr Lavery. She's just upset...." "Don't speak for me, Adriana- I'm an adult and perfectly capable of communicating exactly how I feel when I say something." "It's alright, Adriana. I understand it's a rough time for all of you..." "And talking as if I'm not in the room certainly won't help matters!" Eden interjects. Before things get any worse, Kelly arrives at the banquet room and calls to Eden. Eden turns around and immediately begins to cry when she sees her sister. They walk up to each other and embrace, Kelly brushing Eden's hair gently. "You're gonna get through this darlin. We're all here for you, especially me." Eden continues to sob, describing to Kelly the scene she came upon in Mexico and trying to explain everything that happened beforehand. Kelly continues to stroke her sister's hair and tell her that everything's going to be alright. She's with her family now. Eden asks when the others are supposed to get there- Kelly explains that CC and Rafe have gone with the driver to pick up Rafael, Carm, and Carmen. Kelly also tells her that Ted's flight should have gotten in an hour ago and that Mason's should be arriving any minute. Eden asks about Julia, who arrives on cue with Samantha. Julia walks up to Eden and takes both of her hands in hers. "How you holding up....." "I'm doing my best, Julia, I'm trying...." Eden says as she again chokes back tears. Samantha embraces her cousin and tells her that if there's anything she needs, she can count on her. Adriana quietly whispers that what she needs is to get away from her mother for a little while. Samantha suggests she stay at their house tonight and Adriana leaps at the offer. Samantha asks where Chip is and Eden pipes up, wondering the same thing. Adriana tells her that she talked to Chip earlier in the day and he wasn't going to be able to leave until the morning. Eden asks why and Adriana explains that Victoria isn't up to making the trip and her nurse can't come stay with her until the morning. Eden is disappointed that the whole family will be there except for Cruz's son. She's distracted when everyone begins arriving- CC walking in first. "DADDY!" Eden says, her voice cracking as she walks up to him. "Princess." he responds, taking his eldest daughter in his arms. Behind him walk in Rosa, Rafe, Rafael, Carm, Ric, and Carmen. Eden is especially surprised to see Ric, who she didn't think was going to make it. "I was able to work it out at the last minute, thank God. I couldn't imagine being any place else." He kisses his sister-in-law on the cheek and immediately walks up to Kelly. He greets her with a light peck on the lips, surprising her. She introduces to her husband, Ashton. "Nice to meet you." Ashton says. Ric says nothing back. Mason, Ted, and Angela arrive, each greeting Eden and giving their condolences. The whole family is floored when Brandon walks in. Everyone is all smiles to see him, even on such a dour occasion. Brandon gives Eden a huge kiss and tells her he's so sorry about Cruz. Eden says that she's surprised that he made it, since he hasn't been back in town for quite some time. "Cruz helped raise me for a while there, and he was always a part of my life. I had to be here Eden. I couldn't let him pass without seeing you and making sure you were okay." "I appreciate that- my you're so grown up. I remember when you were just a little boy, running around playing hide and seek in the mansion........You look good, Brandon. And so much like your father..." The family begins taking their seats and the long rectangular table. They all sit down and Rosa leads everyone in a prayer for Cruz. She speaks beautifully about what a loving, giving, generous, and courageous man Cruz was before closing out with a prayer in Latin. Everyone begins eating their food. Eden looks over at Adriana, saying that she's disappointed that Chip wasn't able to make it in. Adriana says he had no other choice, he had to take care of his own mother. "He should be HERE! With us....." "Who should Be here?" A voice says from the corridor. Eden slowly gets up from her seat and sees her gorgeous SON!!! standing there. She begins to choke up and runs to the middle of the room to hug the son she and Cruz raised. She tells him that she's so happy he's there and comments that she didn't think he'd be able to make it. "I didn't think so either, but we worked it out..." "I'm so happy that you did. Kelly- can you have the service staff bring another setting? We're going to have 1 more for dinner..." "Actually, 2..." Chip says. "2? What are you talking abou-" She cuts herself off when she sees Victoria Lane wheel herself in in her electric wheelchair. "Hello Eden" she says. "Hello..........VICTORIA!!!!!!" THE END.............for today I'm DYING to see your comments on this re-cast!! Also join me in chat at : http://www.freewebs.com/ccandsophia Also, join us for the radio show tonight. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/santabarbaratalk (646)652-4802 The show only lasts one hour tonight, but we're gonna take as MANY of your CALLS as possible!
  3. ......happens TONIGHT at 9:15 PM when the NEW Victoria Lane makes her debut. For the first time ever, I'm posting an episode at an EXACT time- Be there!!!! This is an episode you DON'T WANT TO MISS!!!! I'll be in the Chat Room LIVE from 9:15 through the radio show tonight, so be sure to come & join me to discuss this historic RTSB event!!! RTSB CHAT ROOM!!! Of everything we've done on RTSB- The Mud Fight, Sophia's Collapse & Subsequent Death, Mary's Return from the Dead, Mark McCormick's return, Kirk Cranston revealed as the man behind the takeover, Cruz's Horrific Death in the Boat Explosion, The Final Year of SB spoof, Justin Deas' return as Keith Timmons....... THIS. TOPS. THEM. ALL!!!!! Be there for the Action on "Return to Santa Barbara" tonight at 9:15 PM U.S. Eastern Standard TIME!!!! And don't miss the after-party on TALKIN SANTA BARBARA! with Greg & Melissa LIVE at 10 PM! PS- Please don't hurt me Tishy! Only 3 hours to go!
  4. Lily is 'celebrating' the fact that she videotaped Warren & Angela having sex. However, the only person she has to celebrate with is Joe Smirnoff!
  5. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England- Heathrow Airport) ---Augusta drops her purse, her mouth gaping open as she watches Sophia and Edmund say their good-byes to Pamela. They begin to walk outside. She instructs her driver to quickly pull up the car, keeping an eye on Sophia & Edmund. The two of them pull of in their car. A few seconds later, Augusta's driver pulls up, getting out to put the bags in the trunk. He takes his time organizing them so they fit properly. "Oh, for heaven's sake, just throw them in there......we can't waste time!" she exclaims. The driver throws the rest of her bags in the trunk and slams it shut. He hops into the front seat and she commands him to catch up with Sophia's car. "Who's Sophia?" "Nevermind who Sophia is, just step on it!!" (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Joann is startled to see Kirk Cranston sitting at her desk. She asks him what he's doing there and he smiles, silently taunting her. "I mean it Kirk, what are you doing here? If CC or Eden found you here....." "I don't think we have to worry about Eden coming into the office anytime soon, Joann. I thought you'd be happy to see me..." "Happy? Why would I possibly be happy to see you? Our relationship was over months ago- that, I couldn't be happier about.." Kirk agrees that she probably shouldn't be pleased to see him. He glances at the file she's still holding and asks her if she's impressed with his work. She retorts that it's more irritation than anything else. Kirk tells her she should be more than irritated. "Is that supposed to be some kind of threat?" she asks. "I don't know, Joann. You tell me. You really played me for a sucker, didn't you? Baiting me to go after Capwell Enterprises, using me and my connections to get you inside the door, all so you and Elizabeth could make your little power play. Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" "Again, I must ask, what is it that you want Kirk?" Kirk smiles that he doesn't want anything.......for now. He'll keep CC in the dark and she'll continue working at Capwell Enterprise, like normal. But there will come a time where he will need her to do something and when that time comes, she'd better do exactly as he says or he'll blow her out of the water. "I'm not afraid of you Kirk." Kirk stands up and grabs her by the arm. "Well you should be Joann. You definitely should be because I can and will destroy you, so I suggest you can this little spitfire routine you're giving me and start acting like a good little minion. I'll be in touch." He releases her and exits, leaving behind an upset Joann. (EXT: Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office) ---Elizabeth storms into the office demanding to see her husband. The secretary gives her a hard time, telling her that Keith is on a conference call and asked not to be disturbed. Elizabeth informs her that she doesn't care if he's on the phone with Sandra Day O'Connor, he's going to see her right now. "It's okay, Meredith, I'm through with my call- I'll see Mrs. Timmons." Elizabeth storms past him, shooting him the evil eye. "I like hearing you refer to me as your husband. Has a nice ring to it- My wife.....My husband...." "Ex-husband has a far nicer ring to it." "What flew up your Donna Karan?" Elizabeth informs him that she had an interesting chat with Kathleen earlier. She tells him that she knows that he listened in to her conversation with CC at the office and that Gina was the one who found the copy of the will. "You set me up, I don't believe you- you went to CC with all of this, knowing full well what he was going to do. You made him think that I told you about him willing the company to Channing IV and gave you a copy of the will. Why? Why the hell would you-" "Now wait just a minute. I did no such thing- yes, I went to CC about the will. Yes, I taunted him and got a rise out of him- it''s what I do..... But if he thought that you were behind it all, he came up with that idea all on his own." "You're saying you didn't? That you didn't even imply it." "That's what I'm saying. Look, Lizzie-Bit, I like you- I've liked you since the day I met you- I wouldn't do anything to make you look bad in front of the old man." "And why should I believe you?" Keith smiles his devilish grin and tells her he's her husband. She gives him an annoyed look. "If you can't believe that, believe this!" he says, grabbing her and pulling into a heated kiss. They break apart, leaving Elizabeth breathless. She tries to stay mad, though Keith's winning smile doesn't do her any favors in that department. She finally cracks a smile. "C'mon, let's get outta here. I want to take my wife to dinner." (EXT: The Lair) ---Rafe and Samantha arrive and take a seat at one of the tables. They order cocktails from their server. Samantha tells Rafe that if he doesn't feel up to being out, she'll understand and they can go home. Rafe insists that it's good for him to get his mind off of Cruz, if only for a little while. Samantha takes his hand, telling him that his brother was a fine man and a wonderful uncle. Her attention is redirected at Steve, who she sees across the room, drinking a beer with a friend. "Isn't that the guy that drove A to Mexico?" she asks Rafe. He turns around and spots Steve. "That's him..." Rafe picks up his drink and begins walking over to Steve, with Samantha following closely behind. He asks Steve if he remembers them, which he does. "What were you thinking up and leaving with my niece like that? She could've been hurt or killed- there were people after her, you know!" "Your niece has a mind of her own- she wanted to go, she was worried about her dad, so I took her. Period. And I made sure she was safe..." "I bet you did" Rafe replies "HEY!" Samantha interrupts. She directs her attention toward Steve. "You'll have to excuse Rafe, here. He's a bit of a worrywart. I'm Samantha Capwell, Adriana's cousin." "Nice to meet you. Steve. Steve Hall." Rafe is about to ask him some more questions when he's distracted by someone causing a ruckus at the bar. He looks to see who's causing the commotion and is surprised to see it's Lily. Lily yells at the bartender, insisting that she's fine to have another drink, that she's celebrating. Samantha rolls her eyes. "What's she celebrating? A lifetime of eternal loneliness of her own making?" Rafe ignores the comment and approaches his ex. "Lily, don't you think you've had enough?' "You're days of deciding what's enough for me are long over, ever since you KNOCKED UP THAT SLUT!" "Will you keep your voice down? You're making a scene!" "Get the HELL away from me and I will." "He's only trying to help you Lily. God knows why. C'mon Rafe. Leave her be. Don't choke on your next drink, Lily. May I suggest a shot of Everclear?" Samantha taunts as they walk away. Lily insists to the bartender that she's fine, but he doesn't see it that way. She demands to speak to the owner. The bartender says that it's fine by him, since he's the one who cut her off. A man taps on Lily's shoulder. THE OWNER "BRANDON!" Lily exclaims. "Hello sis!" (EXT: London- an outdoor cafe) ---Edmund and Sophia sit at a private table, enjoying their lunch. Augusta attempts to get the maitre'd to sit her nearby, but he informs her the entire area has been reserved for a private party. Augusta takes her seat, until he's out of site. She makes her way to the privated dining area, hiding behind a bush as she watches Sophia and Edmund. "I have something for you." he tells her. He takes a long rectangular shaped box out of his pocket and hands it to her. "Edmund, really, you've done so much already, this isn't necessary." "Nonsense, quite the contrary- I couldn't do enough for you my sweet Loretta." She smiles back at him and begins unwrapping the box. "Loretta?!?" Augusta whispers under her breath. Sophia's face lights up when she opens the box and it's a gorgeous sapphire and diamond necklace. She marvels that it's so beautiful, but too much. Edmund says it's not nearly as beautiful as she is and wraps the necklace around her neck. He tells her that he has something else for her as well and hands her an envelope. Intrigued, she opens it up and is delighted to see there are two tickets to the theatre inside. "You always loved going to the theatre." "I do, I do. And it's a production of 'I Hate Hamlet.' " "Yes, it's a small touring company. They're performing it in the States in May, but doing a short run here in London first. A good friend of mine is the lead." ( ) Edmund tells her that after lunch, he's instructed the driver to take her to meet Christine at a local boutique to pick out a dress for the occasion, while he picks up his tuxedo. He tells her that he'll be by to pick her up at 6 PM sharp. Sophia is thrilled with all of the attention and tells Edmund that he's the best thing that ever happened to her. She smiles and leans in and kisses him. Augusta cannot believe her eyes, and scurries out of the private area. She bumps into the maitre'd. "I told you that you couldn't go back there." "Yes and I should have listened to you- but now that I have, I have no appetite to speak of." She walks out toward her car and dials her phone. "Lionel!...........Awful. I'll never fly that airline again. They lost one of my bags and the employees couldn't have been ruder........Listen.......I wasn't being difficult, will you shut up and listen to me? How would you like to see a show tonight?" THE END........................FOR TODAY
  6. Ooooh, I like the Britney Snow idea. With all the GL gals I mentioned, you'd think I would've thought of her!
  7. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND) ---Edmund wakes up in bed and sees Sophia sleeping peacefully next to him. He gently brushes her hair out of her face, causing her to twitch and flutter her eyes. She is pleases to wake up to the site of her husband staring adoringly at her. "Good Morning, my love." He leans in and softly pecks her on the lips. She smiles back and asks him if he slept alright, which he assures her he did. She smiles and leans in to kiss him again. As the kiss gets more passionate, Edmund pulls back and rises up out of bed, opening the drapes. "Why do you do that?" she asks him, rising up out of the bed. "Do what?" "Pull away from me like that. Every time we've gotten intimate since I woke up, you've..." "Yes, I know, but please, don't read into that. I just want everything to be........perfect, both for you and I. I just want to be sure that we're both ready." "I'm certainly ready. It's been a while, you know.......Of course you know, what am I saying? This must have been torture for you." "You don't know the half of it," he smiles as she puts her arms around him and plants another kiss on him. He again pulls away from her. "You've got to get dressed. I have a full day planned for us..." "Oh you do?" "Yes, yes, after we ride Addie to the Heathrow, I'm taking you to this....well, it must be a surprise........I thought it time that you get out of this stuffy old castle, no?" She smiles and is thrilled by the prospect of spending the day with her husband. He calls to Christine and has her take "Loretta" to find something to wear. Christine smiles that she'd be happy to and walks Sophia down the corridor to her former dressing room. Sophia is overcome by the way the room is made up. "My God!" Sophia exclaims. "What? What is it Mrs. L?" "It's exactly like the dressing room he had for me in our home in Santa Barbara." "I know- isn't it remarkable? It was one of the first things Dr. L did when he bought the castle. Nobody, including myself, has been allowed inside since the renovations......well, until you started comin out of your coma Mrs. L. Then we all had to help fill the closet.....as you can see..." Sophia smiles. "I owe him so much- just look at this! It's spectacular." She begins rummaging through the clothes. "Don't just stand there, Christine, I'm going to make this a day Dr. Lavery will never forget- so let's find something that will knock his socks off, shall we?" "You're the boss Mrs. L!" (EXT: The Ramirez House) ---Marta is angered by Eden's threats against her father. "You B!tch! You're not doing ANYTHING to my father, especially after all he's done for the SBPD...." "All he's done? What he's done, little girl, is make sure that their finest officer was killed mercilessly. And I want to know WHY. Why? Why did you do it Angel? After all Cruz was doing to help you- getting you out of jail, helping find your daughter- how could you set him up like that? How could you?" Angel tells Eden to calm down and invites her to come inside to talk. Eden is only further enraged that he's telling her to calm down after what he did to Cruz. Angel explains that he didn't have any other choice- and that if she'll listen, maybe she'll be able to understand that. "I doubt that. But talk- I'd certainly like to hear what you have to say for yourself." Angel, Carla, Marta, and Eden walk inside the house and sit down around the kitchen table. Carla puts on a pot of coffee as Angel tells Eden the truth, explaining that Adriana was the intended kidnapping victim. Marta steps in, verifying that, and telling Eden how she was treated at first. She throws it in her face that the only reason that she ended up kidnapped is because she saved Adriana. When the men realized their mistake, she thought that they'd let her go, but they wouldn't hear of it. She says that they were going to kill her, so when she heard them talking about Cruz, she spoke up about Angel's investigation. "Which would explain how they got their cover story- right from the horse's mouth!" Eden muses. "What could I do? They were going to kill me Eden, and then come after your daughter. I had to do something...." Angel continues, explaining that the kidnappers let him in on the secret, telling him that the only way his daughter was going to live was if he followed their instructions completely. Marta interjects that she had no idea that anything like that was discussed. "You had no idea? This is the first I'm hearing of any of it- why wouldn't you confide in me mijo? How could you leave me in the dark when our daughter's life was at risk?" "Because I knew you wouldn't go along with it- that you'd try to stop me or think of another way." "And what does that tell you Angel?" Eden asks "If your own wife wouldn't approve of what you're doing....." she shakes her head in frustration. "Yes, yes, I know, I went over it in my head a thousand times, but these guys.....I knew they meant business. They had no use for Marta and this was the only way to make her useful to them. If we didn't go along with it....." "You could have told Cruz- You should have told him. He could have helped you- you guys could have saved Marta and-" Angel cuts her off, telling her that was impossible. Marta was not to be released until Cruz was at the marina. He explains that he was forced to mislead the police- because if there was any trace of them at the marina with Cruz, Marta would have been executed; he comments that those were the exact words they use. He says that as things progressed with Cruz, he began to feel guilty, which is why he gave Santana the correct map. Eden says that Santana told her that he gave her both maps, but he explains that he had handed her the right one, but she second-guessed him when she found the decoy map as well. Angel insists that he didn't think that Cruz was going to be killed. "Oh, come ON, Angel, what else did you think they were going to do to him?" "I don't know- kidnap him, rough him up, negotiate with him- honestly, I never thought that he'd end up dead...." "But he did end up dead, didn't he? And you didn't do a damn thing to stop it- not that you didn't have the opportunity. You CHOSE not to help him and for that, I'm gonna make you pay!" Marta interrupts her, telling her that Angel felt awful- so much so, that they turned around and headed for the marina. She says that he was devastated when they saw the scene- the exploded boat, firetrucks, cops, rescue workers. They took up in a hotel and when they got definite word that Cruz was the man who was killed, they went to the investigators in Mexico and told them everything they knew- just this morning, in fact. Eden asks why Angel isn't under arrest then and he explains that he told the authorities that he didn't know the map that he was giving them was a decoy, having never seen the map that Cruz had given him. Angel begs Eden not to say anything. She ignores him and begins to walk out. "Eden- Eden, WAIT! What are you gonna do? Please, I'm begging you...." "It's going to take more than begging to make up for what you've done to me. Why don't you beg Cruz? He's the one you helped MURDER!" She gets in her car and hurries off, leaving a nervous Ramirez family in her wake. (EXT: Plane flying overhead) ----Augusta sits on her flight, reading a magazine article. The pilot comes on the speaker, saying that they're making their descent into Heathrow. The flight attendants walk down the aisles, making sure everyone is buckled in. They stop at Augusta's row, in first class. "Mrs. Lockridge" "Yes?" "I'm sorry to bother you ma'am, but the captain is about to land. All seats must be in the upright position." "I have a back condition and it's bothering me terribly. Couldn't you make an exception?" "I'm sorry ma'am, but we're landing. All seats must be upright, no exceptions...." "It's a matter of two inches...(she squints to read her nametag) Tracy ( ) I really don't see why you're making such a fuss." "I'm not the one making a fuss Mrs Lockridge. I'm simply doing my job..." "You do many things simply, don't you Tracy? Simple hairdo, simple outfit, simple occupation, simple vocabulary..." "Simple solution." she leans down and presses the button on Augusta's chair, catapulting her upright. "See you on the ground Mrs Lockridge" she says as she takes her seat, leaving an annoyed Augusta behind. "That girl's probably never been in an upright position in her life!" FLASH TO ---Edmund, Pamela and Sophia arrive at the airport. Sophia is wearing an ice pink sleaveless sundress, smiling arrogantly at Pamela. The driver takes Pamela's bags to check-in and Edmund offers to walk her in. Pamela says that she'll be fine, but Sophia gets out of the car and insists on it, saying that they'll both see her off. Edmund tells Sophia that it isn't necessary that they both go, but Sophia won't have it. "That's alright Edmund. I'm happy to see your friend Addie off..." "Thank you Loretta. I must say, you're looking especially lovely today. Special occassion?" "Yes, actually. My wonderful husband here has an entire day planned for us, isn't that right dear?" Edmund nods and Sophia gives Pamela a confidant smile. "That should be just lovely," Pamela says, as they walk toward the door, "I couldn't be happier for the both of you, I truly do mean that Loretta. I know we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but after seeing how happy you've made Edmund and the joy you've brought to his life.......well, if Edmund's happy, then I'm happy for him. I do hope that someday we might become friends..." "Perhaps" Sophia replies curtly. FLASH TO ---Augusta at baggage claim with her driver. She is annoyed when the cart stops rotating before one of her bags has arrived. She asks the attendant if the machine is stuck, but he informs her that all of the luggage from her flight has been unloaded. She tells him that's not possible because one of her bags is missing. "Believe me, it's not only possible, it's reality. What's possible is that your bag got lost. Take it up at the counter." "What is it with the people that work with this airline? Don't they teach you how to treat your customers?" "Yeah, lady, they teach us, only they don't tell us that we're going to have to deal with 100s of people like you every day. Good luck findin your bag. Have a nice day. " An annoyed Augusta heads up toward the information counter. When she reaches the apex of the escalator, she glances to her left and is stunned by what she sees- There, in the flesh, is her nemesis Sophia Capwell- alive and well. She looks at who she's with and is stunned when she sees Pamela and Dr. Lavery. "My God- it can't be.....Sophia? What's she doing with Edmund Lavery?" THE END.....................for TODAY
  8. According to IMDB, Onasch was born February 10, 1982. So she's a bit older than 18 but could possibly pass. I don't know though....with the age you're going for... Crystal Hunt (ex-Lizzie, GL) might be good as well. She's born Feb 5, 1985 so she's closer to the right age. Also, Alison Hirschlag, whom I mentioned, was born July 8, 1984, so she's not too far away in age either. Lastly, if you're only making her 18, how about considering btinging Carly Schroeder back? She's born October 18, 1990, so she's 16 now and will be 17 by year-end. Wouldn't be that much of a stretch for her to play 18.
  9. Dunphy would be great as Serena. Stephanie Gatschet could be good too......and with Passions going off the air, you could throw Emily Harper into the mix. Allison Hirschlag (ex-Lizzie, GL/Julie Barr's daughter) might be worth looking at as well. And, though she's more strawberry blonde than blonde, I always liked Kim Onasch as Jennifer on ATWT.
  10. juniorz1

    PCE: Episode 2

    Nice pacing. I like how a lot of characters played their part in this tragedy- Maxie by drugging Lucas, Bobbie by hitting Brandon, Noah by covering for Bobbie, Lucas for his lack of self-control (even if he was drugged), Dillon for crossing the line with Lucas.........the list goes on & on. Excellent storytelling. And Mac was being so sweet today.........liked it when Mac was a sweet guy (when was that again? 1994?). Who knew GH could keep me entertained?
  11. juniorz1

    PCE: Episode 1

    Poor Brandon is right- what a horrible way to go.....betrayed by the one you love only to be hit by a drunk driver! I personally never could stand Bobbie so I hope Mac locks her up and throws away the key. As for Noah.......SHE AIN'T WORTH IT HOMEY! The red-headed slut should pay for her mistakes. I only hope that Tiffany is there to see what a mess she's made of Lucas's life and ensure that she pays for what she's done. I know, I know- I'm kind of a one-trick pony with GH. GREAT EPISODE Ryan and team! Way to kick off the new arc!
  12. This is ONE occasion where you can go ahead & build yourself up for it. It's THAT good!
  13. RTSB ADDS TWO HUNKS, LOSES 1 It's OFFICIAL! The roles of Brandon Capwell and Chip Castillo have been cast! This week, RTSB welcomes Justin Hartley (ex-Fox, PSNS) as Brandon and Jay Hernandez (Six Degrees/ Crazy/Beautiful) as Chip Castillo. Though both are returning to town for Cruz's funeral, there's a bit of mystery surrounding each character.............like where the hell have they been? "Chip has been taking care of his mother, Victoria Lane, who has been recovering from a terrible car accident," says juniorz, RTSB's creator & exec producer, "Victoria will be back for the funeral as well, but her casting is being kept under wraps until her debut." This is not the first primetime/film star that has taken a role on RTSB recently- Jared Leto also recently began appearing as the mysterious Steve Hall last month. For now, however, it's been revealed that the plans for Chip are short-term at the moment, though that could change down the line. Hernandez and the new Victoria Lane debut on Wednesday, March 21. Both roles are recurring. So what's the story with Brandon? Last we saw, he was a sweet pre-teen boy, loving and accepting of his family and friends without question. Any chance that's who we're getting back this time around? "Brandon's done a lot of growing up. He has recently come into a considerable amount of money, since he turned 25," states juniorz, "He's grown into quite a different man than he was a boy. It's going to be deja vous at the Capwell house, as though Channing Jr. has come back from the grave. I'm really excited to start writing for him and glad that I held off bringing him on until now. The more I thought about the character, the more ideas I was able to come up with for story. Channing's presence was one that was always felt on SB (er, real-SB anyway) and I think it's about time that presence was felt on RTSB." No specifics were available at this time about Hartley's premiere date, other than it is sometime this week. Mr. Hartley has been placed on contract status, effective immediately (see updated cast list). In other news, as what probably will come as no surprise to readers, Matt Cedeno is OUT as Rafe Castillo. Though Rafe was prominently featured in early episodes, we haven't seen too much of him of late, as his story sort of fizzled out. "It's no secret that I changed course with Lily when RTSB started. Unfortunately, a consequence of that was Rafe's storyline went out the window. I wasn't overly pleased with the Rafe/Samantha pairing so I backburnered it. There's lots of story planned for the series, but Rafe doesn't fit in too much with that. That's not to speak ill of Matt Cedeno or his portrayal, which I was quite happy with. But the character just doesn't work. Truly, he never did......" Expect Cedeno to stick around for another couple of weeks. He's set to last appear in late March/early April. Make sure you check out Return to Santa Barbara THIS WEEK for Hernandez & Hartley's debuts. And, of course, the NEW Victoria Lane......
  14. 1) In this blog, what couples are your favorite? Scott & Alexis, Sonny & Brenda 2) What character or characters would you like to see more of? Of course, I'm a Tiffany Hill fan first, so I'd like more of her. Also, some more of Tracy, Lucy, and Ric wouldn't hurt. Other than that, you feature most of the characters I really like. 3) What characters should I cut my losses with and move them to other storylines or even write them off the blog? I never formed any sort of attachment to Justus, so I wouldn't mind seeing him go. Georgie & Ned are a couple others I personally don't care for. 4) With Sam McCall back as a full Cassadine, where would you like to see her go from here? Do you want to see her as a bad girl or as a victim? I want Sam McCall to be the badass b!tch she always should've been. Certainly don't want to see her as a victim... 5) One of my focuses was to incorparate the Quartermaines and the veterans more. Am I acheiving this goal? If not, what would you like to see? Yes. The Quartermaines have always been supporting and I feel that that's how you write them, which is far better than the window-dressing Guza uses them as. We see Laura regularly, Mac, and Bobbie, all of which are ignored on the show. So I think you're doing a fine job of incorporating the Qs and the vets. 6) The main storylines going forward for the next few months will be the Spencers/Cassadines, Brenda and Ned's custody fight, Robin/Patrick/Sarah/AJ, the breakup of Lucky and Liz and Alan's rehabiliatation. The umbrella storyline that will incorparate most of the characters will be the Spencers/Cassadine. What storyline is your favorite and what is your least favorite. My favorite has been the custody battle and everything Brenda. You have a real knack for writing her, and she was always one of my favorites. I also am enjoying the Alan storyline and the fallout from the Lucky/Liz breakup, especially that Liz is finally being knocked off her pedestal. 7) Any characters that you would like to see fall in love or lust? I think an Alexis/Scotty/Tracy triangle would be a lot of fun. Add Jax to that mix & we could really have some fun. I've also always thought that Ric/Carly would be an interesting pair, especially since it would make Sonny's blood boil. Finally, I'm in the minority, but I've always wanted Jason/Carly to get back together, so I'd definitely be interested to see that. 8) If you have any storylines that you would like to pitch, let me know, I may use them with your permission. In other words, what would you like to see happen? Tell me what you like in general and what you dislike in general. Hmmm, I'll have to think about this one, but anything that I mentioned above would be fun! I think you have great ideas Tishy, so it's fun to kinda just go along for the ride & see where you take us! Keep up the good work.
  15. Patrick is a NASCAR fan? Well, I used to think he was cute! Loved Brenda & Robin talking about Carly. Can't wait to see Brenda & Carly really go at it, especially with Brown back in the role.
  16. Really enjoyed it Dusty (yes I know- WAY late to the party! ) I love that you addressed the Mike/Lily kiss and LOVED psycho Dana. And that last scene.............. Amazing ending to one of my favorite SONBC blogs! I know my viewership has been sporadic of late, but anytime I check in, it's always enjoyable. I'm going to miss it.
  17. Excellent episode- could feel the impending doom from the beginning. Though I knew it was coming, I couldn't look away. Hope Dillon getting his jollies was worth all this!
  18. juniorz1

    S&L: Episode 138

    Wowzas! Great episode! Looking forward to reading the next one, the ending to the arc. And Dillon & Lucas...........fire. Red-hot. ESPECIALLY with Justin Bruening & John-Paul Lavoisier in the roles. :wub:
  19. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: The Ramirez House) ----Carla tries to insist to Eden that Angel & Marta haven't come home yet, but she doesn't buy it. She storms past Carla, calling for Angel & Marta, opening the doors to each and every room looking for them. "They're not here, Eden. I don't appreciate you tearing through my home, disrespecting it and me. Now I told you they aren't here....." "If they're not here, then where are they Carla? Because I'm not leaving here until I have some answers!" "Please, will you just calm down? I told you, they are not here- they haven't even been home from Mexico yet...." "Why not? I know she's safe and sound, Carla, so where ARE they? Running.....from me? I know what he did, Carla. I know about the maps. I know that Angel was probably in cahoots with these guys from the beginning. How could you let-" "YOU know NO SUCH THING! How dare you accuse him of something like that- we were worried SICK about Marta. I didn't know if my baby was dead, brutalized, raped.......you can't imagine the thoughts that have entered both of our minds. And for you to come here, hurling these accusations, as if he or I knew something or had something to do with our own daughter's kidnapping is..........Look, I know you're upset right now. I read about Cruz and I'm sorry for your loss. But that doesn't give you the right to come here and harass me or my family. Now I'd like you to leave..." "UPSET? Don't tell me about accusations Carla- your husband participated in this, deliberately confusing the police, myself.....Cruz could have been saved, he could have lived had Angel, for ONCE in his life, done the right thing. Cruz was helping him- helped him get out of prison early, was helping him try to put his life together- he was doing nothing but good for Angel and helping him rebuild his life..." "Which Cruz destroyed..." Eden doesn't let that pass, telling Carla that Angel made his own choices and chose a life of crime. She reminds her that Angel wasn't so innocent, dealing drugs, holding up the clinic- he was anything but honorable...until prison reformed him. Or at least they thought it had. Eden agrees to leave, but warns Carla that she'll be back. They head to the door and as they walk out, they see Angel and Marta pulling into the driveway. "Well look who got home..." Eden says to a worried Carla. (EXT: New York City- La Guardia Airport) ---Ted is annoyed when he & Laken arrive at the airport and sees that his flight has been delayed. She suggests they grab some lunch in the airport restaurant. He mentions that a beer would do his nerves some good. They sit down at the table and order drinks. Laken comments that she never realized that he was so afraid to fly. Ted says it's more of a patience issue- he's ready to get back home. "I suppose you would be quite anxious to get home, what with everything that's going on...." a familiar voice says from behind a newspaper. "MOTHER!?" Augusta lowers the newspaper & reveals her face. "Surprise!" Laken asks what she's doing there and she tells her daughter she's there for what was supposed to be a short layover from her trip to Chicago. Instead, thanks to all of the delays, she's spending 1/2 a day in the airport. Laken asks why she didn't call & Augusta says she tried, but got Laken's voice mail. She sits down, asking what exactly the two of them are doing in New York. Laken explains the situation, but Ted interjects, asking Augusta what she meant by 'everything that's going on'. "You haven't heard? I'm surprised nobody's told you...." "Told me what, Augusta?" "You may as well know- Cruz, you're brother-in-law- he was killed in Mexico a few days ago. They received confirmation it was him, just the other night...." "Oh my God. I've got to call Eden- why wouldn't anyone tell me!?! .... Excuse me...." He gets up and excuses himself from the table. Laken lays into Augusta, telling her she knows what she's doing. "Good heavens, Laken, his brother-in-law died.......he should know...." "And you were just dying to tell him, weren't you? Honestly, I would have thought that after grandmother died, this feud between the Lockridges and the Capwells would have died with her. But you and dad, hell even Warren- all of you just insist on perpetuating it, don't you?" "Honestly Laken, you're overreacting. There were no sinister alterior motives behind my telling Ted. I can't believe you'd think me so cold as to think I'd use Cruz's death to cause disruption in the Capwell family....." "Are you kidding mother? You wrote the book- daddy and you both. Whatever feud you guys want to have, if you want to continue acting like the Capulets and the Montagues, you all go right ahead. But leave me out of it. I have no desire to be part of any more tragedies that this feud is sure to cause!" Laken gets up from the table as Ted's walking back. He asks where she's going and she tells him she suddenly isn't hungry. He looks at Augusta, then walks away with Laken. Augusta goes back to her newspaper and begins to laugh. "Sophia as Lady Capulet?!?!" she laughs. Over the speaker, a man announces that the flight for London, England is now boarding. She pays her bill and heads toward her gate. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Elizabeth and Joann go over the latest figures for the company. Joann laughs that she can't believe that Elizabeth is married to Keith Timmons. Joann warns Elizabeth to be careful of Keith, telling her of Keith & Gina's investigation into who CC willed the company to. Elizabeth asks Joann what she's talking about, and Joann explains to her that Keith was fishing around shortly after the takeover, trying to find out exactly what Elizabeth's stipulations were. Joann tells her that she was very coy with Keith, but he was obviously curious. "What exactly did you tell him Joann?" "You have to understand, I was in a precarious position- he was going to go to CC about my involvement with Kirk, which, even though my true loyalties were with you, would still probably cause me to be fired or worse. And it would've looked suspicious at the time for you to keep me......so I told him what I knew.....or at least, what I thought was safe for him to know, which that the contract you two entered into had.....stipulations..." "But you didn't give him a copy of the contract or the will?" "No, absolutely not. I thought he could find those things out on his own...." Elizabeth immediately buzzes Kathleen into the office. She asks her if she's seen any suspicious behavior from Keith or Gina.... "They're behavior is always strange, Ms. Wayne....." Elizabeth asks specifically, telling her to think back to a little over a month ago. Kathleen remembers letting Keith man the phones one day, after he tricked her into going to another floor for CC. Elizabeth asks if there's anything else- and it dawns on Kathleen that she saw Gina snooping around the office late one night, acting very suspiciously. She remembers thinking it odd because she's never seen Gina in the building at that hour. Elizabeth asks her if she can remember exactly when it was and she does right away- it was the night before Ashton & Kelly's wedding reception. "That little weasel...." "What, Elizabeth? What's wrong?" "What's wrong? He set me up, that's what's wrong......He pressed CC's buttons, knowing exactly what would happen- Why would he DO such a thing? That man- that SNAKE!" Elizabeth storms out of the office, leaving a baffled Joann & Kathleen behind. (EXT: The Ramirez House) ---Angel and Marta get out of the car, and Carla runs to her daughter. They have a tearful reunion, with Carla kissing her on the forehead over and over, then hugging her husband. Angel looks up and sees Eden standing there. "Eden!" "Hello Angel, Marta- Welcome Home. (sarcastically) It must have been so awful being taken away from your family like that, huh?" "It was. But thanks to my dad............and your husband, everything turned out ok...." "For you maybe, but meanwhile, the two of you exchanged MY husband's life for your own..." "I don't-" Marta starts to say. "Don't you dare, don't you dare try and tell me that you don't know what I'm talking about. I wasn't born yesterday. Did you really think I wouldn't be able to piece it together? That I wouldn't try? After my husband DIED?........ If I were YOU, Marta, I'd enjoy this little reunion you're having right now. Because I'm going to make sure your lying father there doesn't see the light of day ever again!" (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Joann walks back into her office, shutting the door behind her. She pours herself a cup of coffee and notices a new file has appeared on her desk. She picks it up and opens it, finding a form letter addressed to the board of directors. She reads it out loud, as it outlines all of her wrongdoing, including helping Elizabeth. "What is this? Who would DO this? Who put this here?" She crosses to her phone and dials Kathleen, asking if she's seen anyone come out of her office. Kathleen insists that she hasn't. Joann thanks her and hangs up the phone, nervously staring at the paper, wondering who could be blackmailing her. She hears a light snicker and looks up, realizing for the first time that the chair at her desk is turned backwards. Slowly, it turns around, revealing the man in the chair....... Man in the Chair "Oh my God!" "Honey, I'm home!" THE END...............FOR the WEEK!! Don't forget- Radio Show- TODAY!!! 3 PM EST - Talkin Santa Barbara! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/santabarbaratalk The # to call in is (646)652-4802 If you don't wanna call, but still want to be heard, we'll also be taking questions in the official 'RTSB' chatroom here: http://www.freewebs.com/ccandsophia/
  20. Yeah Tiff was out of line, but damn- I've seen Monica punch before. It ain't pretty.
  21. GREAT episode Tishy! You know how I love Scolexis! Most inspired pairing ever. Loved Lucky putting holier-than-thou Elizabeth in her place. And most of all, Sonny and Brenda- YOWZAS! I could picture those dimples on his face when he woke up. Excellent episode...almost caught up!
  22. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---CC stews at the dining room table, reading the newspaper article on Cruz's death. Rosa comes in from the kitchen with his breakfast and peeks over his shoulder to see what he's reading. "I feel so terrible about Cruz.......I've known him since he was a small boy- was like another son to me.....Have you heard from Eden?" "This morning. They're coming back today. Frankly, I'm not sure how much more this family can endure.......first Sophia, now Cruz....." Rosa takes his hand, telling him that she misses Sophia very much. She tells CC that she can appreciate what he's going through, having lost Ruben herself, and can relate to the emptiness he must feel inside. She also reminds him that he's gotten through this once before, many years ago, and he will again. He quickly flashes to kissing Loretta. The doorbell rings and Rosa is surprised to see Ashton standing on the other side of it, alone. CC calls to her, asking who it is, and looks up to see that it's Ashton. "Hello dad" he says. (EXT: Baja, Mexico- HOTEL) ---Eden sits at the table alone, staring out the window. She hears someone trying to open the door and Julia finally is able to push it open, handing Eden a cup of coffee. She asks Eden how she is, pointing out that it's a dumb question. "Ready to Leave....." Eden responds shortly. "I can imagine. As soon as Adriana is out of the shower, we'll go. I'd think you're anxious to get back." "I'm not. I'm dreading it. I'm dreading walking into that house, knowing he's never coming home to me. Dreading seeing my father, and Kelly, Ted, and Mason and the looks in all of their eyes. But most of all, I'm dreading getting into my bed, lying down, and seeing.........that empty space next to me on the bed that Cruz used to occupy." Julia gives her a concerned look, but Eden quickly stops feeling sorry for herself, showing a steely determination to get to the truth of the matter. Julia asks her what she's going to do. "I don't know, Julia, I honestly don't. But I'll tell you what I'm not going to do....................Stop. I am not stopping until I know who did this to him, to us, and I've brought them to their knees. They are going to regret the day they ever...........EVER came near me or my husband......." Julia looks up and sees Adriana has emerged from the bathroom. Eden turns around and sees her daughter, telling her it's about time she got ready. Adriana warns her mother not to take her anger out on her, and that she's just as anxious to get home as she is. Eden tries to apologize, but Adriana tells her to leave her alone and storms outside. Eden gives Julia an annoyed look. Adriana walks down the parking lot, and spots what appears to be Steve's car. She approaches it and sees he's sleeping in the driver's seat. She smiles and walks up to the open window and blows in his ear. He smacks his ear and itches it, tossing back to sleep. She holds in a laugh before blowing again, this time waking him up. "Good morning" she says. "Yeah....." "What are you still doing here? I thought you were going to leave last night, after we got the results...." "I was.....thought about it.......then I got to thinking..." "About what?" "About you......thought you probably could use a friend....so......" "So you came back here and slept in your car outside? Why didn't you knock? I would've let you-" "I didn't want to disturb your mom. She's got enough goin on, you know?" Adriana tells him to wait there and walks back to the hotel room. He watches her from his car, arguing inside with her mother. She comes flying back out, slaaming the door behind her, and jumps into Steve's car. He tells her that he thinks she should probably just go back with her mother. "Funny, I don't remember asking you what you thought. Drive." He gives her a look and she holds his stare. He turns the key in the ignition and begins to drive. "You know Princess, you don't have to get b!tchy about it....." "Oh you are just ASKING for a miserable ride home, aren't you?" He cracks a smile and she looks at him, as if to warn him. Still staring at her and smiling, he floors it, sending her back on her seat with a pained expression. (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---Kelly gives instructions to the girls working at the front desk. She tells them that her sister should be there later in the day and the press most likely will be there to hound her. She explains to the manager exactly how she wants security handled. She also tells them that some of Cruz's family will be coming into town, many of which will be staying at the hotel. She says that there will be further, specific instructions for those guests when they arrive. They all then separate and when they part, she sees Warren Lockridge standing at the desk watching her. "Warren- Hi! What brings you by?" "I'm actually having breakfast with Angela but I thought I'd stop and see you. If you've seen today's paper, you know that I've heard about Cruz......." "Yes." "He was a good man and a good friend of mine. And the best damn cop this town ever saw. How are you holding up? How's your sister?" "I haven't seen her yet, but I can only imagine. She's supposed to get back from Mexico today...." "Tell her I'm thinking of her and very sorry for her loss. Anyhow, just thought I'd say hi and see how you were." "Thanks Warren. I appreciate it..." Warren walks over to the restaurant, spotting a rough looking Angela. He sits down with her at the table. "What's with the sunglasses?" he asks her. "I slept with my contacts in last night...." "You? Wear contact lenses?...." "Yes, Warren, I wear them.....Nevermind that...." "Sorry, I just never knew...." "Well now you do." Warren tells Angela that after the way she kicked him out the night before, he was surprised to hear from her. He tells her that he figured she just used him for his body and would never call. Angela tells him to keep his voice down, to which he responds that it shouldn't matter, since her marriage is over anyway. He then looks down and spots the wedding ring back on her finger. "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about...." she says. From a distance, Kelly walks by and sees them sitting together. She muses that they look sort of intense and wonders what they're discussing. (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) ---CC tells Ashton he obviously has him confused with someone else. He turns around and shows Ashton the back of his head. "See? See? No ponytail......Not your father...." Ashton remarks that CC should calm down, since he was only referring to him as such since he's his father-in-law. CC instructs him to call him Mr. Capwell or CC but he is not to call him dad. "It looks as though I've hit a sore spot..." Ashton says. "No sore spot. My children call me dad and they are the only ones." "Which ones? Only the ones with Pamela and Sophia, or are the illegitimate ones allowed to as well?" "Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Ashton says that CC always seems to have had a new child springing up over the years. He mentions Greg, Channing IV, and the possibility that Warren could be his son, which CC refutes. CC asks Ashton how he knows about all of this, mentioning that it doesn't sound like Kelly to be going over private details of his life. Ashton agrees, telling him that he's gotten the information on his own, over the years. Ashton says that CC would be surprised by just how much he knows. "You don't know a damn thing about me son..." "Son? Now why is it you can call me son but I am forbidden to call you dad? Why would that be.....It wouldn't have anything to do with the affair that you once had with my mother?" CC stares at him, dumbfounded. "Cat got your tongue? You didn't think I knew, did you? Well....I know plenty. I know that your affair caused my mother's suicide, and almost caused me to not even be born. And I also know that, up until a few weeks ago, you really had no idea whether or not I was really your son.................ISN'T THAT RIGHT, ROSA?" "Leave her out of this....." "I agree, she should have had nothing to do with any of this, but you had to make sure nobody found out what you were doing, didn't you? Tell him Rosa. Tell him how I caught you and gave you my hair myself. Tell him I knew the whole time what he was doing." "You think you're smart, don't you Mr. Lavery?" Rosa asks him. "So you could do what, have some kind of grand reveal, similar to what you're about to do now, where you tell CC he really knows nothing at all about your DNA? I may not say much, Mr. Lavery, but I'm not a dumb woman and not so easily intimidated as women your age. Did you really think I'd be so foolish as to take that hair you handed me to CC?" Ashton looks at her, stunned by what she's saying and CC stands smiling at him. "So you see, su-.....Ashton, you don't know half as much as you might think" CC glibly informs him. (EXT: Car, driving in Santa Barbara) ---Eden is shown driving her car alone, having gotten back in town. She pulls her car to a complete stop, parks, and gets out of the car. The camera focuses only on her walking, not showing where she's going to. She is shown knocking. The door she's standing in front of opens and she comes face to face with the person she's meeting. PERSON WHO OPENED THE DOOR "I suggest you go and get your husband and daughter, because we're going to have a little chat. And I'm not leaving until I've gotten the truth out of both of them." THE END....................for NOW
  23. http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!!! (EXT: West Palm Beach, FL- Sherri's APT) ---Mason, Mary, and Maureen hurry up the stairs to Sherri's apartment. When they get there, they run into the superintendent, who's locking Sherri's door behind him. "What's going on?" Mason asks Where are the people that lived there?" "Moved out this morning. Interested?" "The only thing I'm interested in is the people who lived there and where they've moved to." "Can't help ya there, all I know is they're gone. Paid to break the lease and split...." Mason is devastated by the news and becomes enraged. Mary attempts to calm him down but he says he needs some air and heads down the stairs. In the meantime, Mary approaches the super and asks him if he wouldn't mind if she did take a look at the apartment. He tells her the condition probably isn't the best, but she insists it doesn't matter, saying she'd like to just get a feel for the place. He agrees and lets she & Maureen in. Soon after, he gets a beep from a lady down the hall, saying she's having trouble with her pipes. He leaves the ladies alone and Mary searches frantically for clues. She searches through everything, but finds nothing. She's frustrated when she sees that Maureen isn't even looking. "I'll find him Mary. I always do. He'll contact me or she will- one of them will slip up. It may not be right away, but in time...." "In TIME? All there's been is time, Maureen. Over 20 years now, I've been waiting, trusting your son, only to find out that he's LIED to me repeatedly. Even now, just when I think I have the truth, and I can put all of this behind me......It all turns out to be another one of his sick manipulations. Well Mark has lied to me for the LAST TIME! He kept me apart from MASON, He's kept me from MY CHILD- All for what? FOR WHAT? Just to make ME miserable- after everything he'd already done to me, you'd think he'd have some kind of heart, a conciense. But your son, your Mark. He's a MONSTER! And I'm going to make him PAY for what he's done to me, you mark my words....." Maureen and Mary head out of the apartment building, empty-handed, and join Mason in the car, taking off for their respective hotels. (EXT: The Lair) ----Keith and Elizabeth walk into the bar, without a care in the world. He orders them a round of Manhattans from the bartender. Keith comments that he used to know the owner of the place and Elizabeth asks about him. Keith tells her about TJ and his relationships with Sophia......and Kelly. "That's SICK! I knew she was low, but really......... well that's my sister for you, never satisfied with what she has...." "And what GENE did you get Elizabeth?" Gina says, walking up behind the two of them "Only being satisfied with what isn't yours?" "EXCUSE Me? Last I looked, you weren't wearing a wedding ring...." "Ladies, Please, We're in a Public Place....." "OH SHUT UP!" they say in unison. Elizabeth tells Gina that she & Keith don't owe her any explanations for their behavior. She tells her it wasn't anything they planned....it just sort of happened. She admits at first, that she wasn't going to go along with it, but has opted to give Keith a chance, which he asked for. "A Chance? Like you're some kind of Prize? You really are quite pathetic, you know that. And to think, when I met you, I thought we could be friends.......You kicked Sophia out of the building, had CC by the throat- both admirable qualities...." "You and I? Friends? Oh, Gina, really, I know you must admire me at all, but I know trash when I see it. You leech onto men and use them for their wealth and their status, without having anything of substance to offer yourself!" "You B!TCH!" Gina goes to throw her drink at Elizabeth, but Keith steps in the way and ends up with a face full of Cosmopolitan. "Pink always was your color, Keith. Enjoy CC's leftovers...." Gina storms out of the Lair. Elizabeth takes a towel from the bartender and begins cleaning up Keith's face. She thanks him for taking the drink in the face for her. He comments that he's her husband, he has to be good for some things. "Seriously, about that, Keith, do you really think this is working? I mean, honestly, why are we going on with this charade? Look how upset it's gotten HER!...." "Give it time- I'm an acquired taste. And besides.....I thought you liked me...." "I do kind of like you Keith, you can be quite charming, even sweet when you want to. But that doesn't mean...." Keith brings his finger to her mouth. "It's a start." He gives her a peck on the lips and smiles. She smiles back, at the very least, entertained by the mischievous district attorney. (EXT: London, England) ---Edmund and Sophia sit nestled together on his living room sofa, in front of a small fire. Sophia apologies for her behavior toward "Addie", saying that she shouldn't have gotten so jealous, or let "Addie" get to her. Edmund insists that it was fine and believes that "Addie" was taunting her on purpose. "Without question. What did she mean when she said if she wanted you right now, she could have you?" "To be honest, my love, I have no idea. She may think that in her head but it couldn't be further from the truth. She was a great friend to me when I was ill, but my feelings for her never went further. It was always you, my love, you that I was waiting for." Sophia smiles and remarks how safe she feels with him, sitting there in his arms. He assures her that she'll always be safe with him. She asks him to take her out the next day, maybe to the theatre, but she's dying to get out of the house for an evening. Edmund tells her he'd love to, but he'd promised "Addie" that he'd ride her to the airport. Sophia is annoyed, asking why she can't hire a driver. Edmund soothes her, saying that he's already promised and doesn't go back on his word. "I understand. It's one of the things I love so much about you" she says. He leans in and kisses her. She asks him if he wouldn't mind if she went with him to take "Addie" to the airport. Edmund is hesitant at first, but cannot resist Sophia's charms. He kisses her again and she asks him to stay in the master bedroom with her tonight. He looks her in the eyes and asks if she's sure; she nods in affirmation. He takes her hand and walks her up the stairs, passing Christine. "Those two....." Christine begins choking up "It just warms my heart to see them together again..." (EXT: Angela's condominium) ---Warren brings Angela inside. She complains that it's hot in the condo as Warren gets her a glass of water. She drinks it and thanks him for taking such good care of her. He tells her to think nothing of it, he's happy to be there for her whenever she needs him. She tells him that he's such a good guy. "Why did we break up again?" she asks. "Honestly......I can't remember......" "Well whatever it was, chalk it up to Angela's stupidity with Men: Beginners' Edition." He reassures her, telling her that she's a married woman, so she must be doing something right. "Not for long...." she says, removing her wedding ring. Warren insists that Ted loves her and she'll see that when he comes back to town, but she's adamant that the marriage is over. She tells him that Ted wants a saint, like his mother, even moreso now that she's passed. Probably someone more along the lines of Laken. Warren insists that his sister is not a saint. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?!?!" she muses. She walks up to Warren, running her hand down his face, telling him she was a fool to ever give him up. Warren tells her he thinks it's the Gin talking and suggests she go lie down. He leads her into her bedroom, where she immediately walks to the window and opens it, saying it's so hot and she needs air. "What YOU need is rest...." he says. But he stops dead in his tracks when she begins removing her clothes. (EXT: West Palm Beach, Florida) ---Mary sits in the room, alone, thinking about everything that Maureen told them. She thinks about everything that Mason said about what Mark did to them. FLASH TO Mason, sitting at the bar, having the exact same thoughts. FLASH TO Mary also thinks about her conversation with Maureen inside Sherri's apartment. She stands up and walks out the door, heading downstairs. FLASH TO In the bar, Mason nurses his drink, thinking back on his times with Mary. He then begins thinking of all of the conflict with Mark, including everything surrounding the rape. He then remembers Mary's death, and all the pain he went through. Additionally, he remembers being on the run for Mark's murder. When he comes to, he sees Mary standing before him, tears in her eyes. "Why did he do it to us Mary? How could he do this?" "I know Mason, I know..." She gently rubs his shoulder. "When I think of what we've lost, how we've been manipulate, lied to, had our whole LIVES turned upside down because of him...........And the thought that he could get away with it, that he thinks that he has...........When I see him....(he begins breaking down).....I'm gonna make him PAY, I'm gonna make him hurt the way that I hurt right now, the way I hurt when I thought I lost you.... I'm gonna make him feel all of those dark places, all those thoughts that I had......He's going to feel MY pain, OUR pain, for what he did to US! I'm going to make sure of it...." "I know. I know you will, Mason, and believe me, I understand how you feel- violated. Like you didn't control your own destiny, like your life and all of the choices you're supposed to make were made for you.....And it leaves you.....broken...." "Oh, Mary...." "Let's go upstairs Mason, get some sleep. We're going back to Santa Barbara tomorrow and we'll go from there..." He looks at her as she begins to back up. She takes his hand and he lets her lead him upstairs. FLASH TO (London,England) Sophia and Edmund lie in bed, passionately kissing each other. Suddenly, he stops. "What's wrong?" she asks. "Nothing's wrong....everything's perfect....." She goes to kiss him again, but he stops her. "We have all the time in the world, Loretta. Our whole lives are ahead of us. But tonight......I'd like to just hold you in my arms.....would that be alright? It's been so long since I...." She gently takes his arm and wraps it around her, smiling and closing her eyes. He kisses her softly on the side of her forehead while he holds her. FLASH TO Angela approaches Warren, now completely naked. He tells her she doesn't know what she's doing, but she claims to be very much aware. He insists that it wouldn't be right, but she shushes him, putting her finger on his lips and telling him that it couldn't be more right. She passionately kisses him on the lips. He pulls back, looking into her eyes. He grabs her & kisses her again. She rips his shirt off as he lifts her up and tosses her on the bed, climbing on top of her... FLASH TO Mary and Mason enter the hotel room. Mary walks into the bathroom to freshen up and when she comes out, she sees Mason sitting at the table, looking at the information from Pearl. He crumples it up and throws it in the garbage. He angrily stands up and turns around and sees her watching him. He walks directly up to her. He looks at her, with pain in his eyes, and caresses her cheek with his hand. He passionately kisses her. She gives in and kisses him back. He begins undoing her dress and leading her to the bed. She unbuttons his shirt as they fall onto the bed together. Things begin to get heated, until Mary stops herself. "We can't do this Mason. It isn't right.....It isn't fair to...." "Don't talk to me about fair Mary. What isn't fair is that after all we went through together, you were taken away from me. I want you. I NEED you..." She looks him in the eyes and begins kissing him again, unbuttoning his shirt the rest of the way as they begin to make love. FLASH TO Angela and Warren, rolling around in her bed, giggling and laughing. Suddenly, the scene goes from color to black & white. The camera then zooms out from the black & white scene, revealing it to be on a cell phone screen. It then pans to Lily, outside Angela's window, videotaping she & Warren. "Gotcha" THE END......................for TODAY!! Don't forget- Radio Show- TONIGHT! 10 PM EST - Talkin Santa Barbara! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/santabarbaratalk The # to call in is (646)652-4802 If you don't wanna call, but still want to be heard, we'll also be taking questions in the official 'RTSB' chatroom here: http://www.freewebs.com/ccandsophia/
  24. Not giving anything away, but both pairs make love tomorrow!!!!!
  25. You're not supposed to like Victoria, silly. I do think you'll prefer this actress over Meadows. And I'm pretty sure NOBODY will be disappointed!
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