Okay guys, as nervous as I am to do it, it's time. I have decided to bring back "Return to Santa Barbara" and finish what I started nearly 4 years ago. I know it's been a while and the interest may not still be there, but I'm gonna go for it anyway. For the next couple weeks, I'm going to re-read the blog from beginning to end to help refresh my memory about where I was in the storylines. I still have the same ideas in my head of how I want things to play out but I need to see how far I've gotten in each story. I took the liberty of deleting all of the entries post-July, as I did a flash forward that I never intended to do in the first place. The stories will go back to the regular pacing that I had originally mapped out. I am very excited to do this again & I hope that some of you will return to go along on this ride with me. To all who were hooked before- I sincerely apologize for leaving you all hanging and I hope this will make up for it. I hope to see all my girls (and guys) here again for all the fun. So Sherri, Shannon, Viktoria, Melissa, Teri, Nanc, Dawn, Roman, Amello, Wendy, and everyone I forgot to mention- I hope to see you back here. Spread the word you guys! "Return to Santa Barbara" is coming back with a vengeance! Expect to see new episodes beginning in late May/early June, though I'll be sure to keep you posted. In the meantime, how about you all join me in Re-Reading the old ones to get us all refreshed for the new ones??!? CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL AGAIN......and re-launch the 2007 Best Drama Series SONBC Award-winning serial "Return to Santa Barbara!"
Coming Soon.......