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Wait. They're in there. You must not have noticed! :lol:
without further adieu= I present my SB top 5s ACTOR: 1. Justin Deas 2. Lane Davies 3. A Martinez 4. Roscoe Born 5. Jed Allan ACTRESS: 1. Marcy Walker 2. Judith McConnell (tie). Nancy Lee Grahn 3. Robin Mattson 4. Harley Kozak 5. Carrington Garland COUPLE: 1. Cruz & Eden 2. Mason & Mary 3. Mason & Julia 4. Robert & Kelly 5. Keith & Gina
As I'm sure all of you have noticed, I've been pretty much MIA lately. I'm super-busy with my job at the moment and probably will be through the summer. Therefore, I've decided to hold off all new episodes until late August/early September. Thank you all for your continued interest & support and I hope to see you all here when RTSB returns. And believe you me, it will. Contrary to what you may have heard, I have NOT lost interest in the blog and it will continue!!! Look for some future postings about upcoming stories, and some news items, as a few changes will be made. We are NOT re-launching- the story will resume from where we left off. Again, thanks SO much to my readers and I sincerely hope you will continue to be readers when RTSB returns!!!!
It's been a busy week, but there will be new RTSB episodes up today & on Sunday. Sorry for the delay- busy, busy!!! I promise to post more frequently. I pledge that there will be at least 3 episodes every week from here on out. Also, starting next week, I'll be updating the WEEKLY SCHEDULE every Monday, as I had in the past. I miss RTSB too and still have TONS to play out. Hang in there guys! <img src="http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />
I'll do my best to have episodes up Friday evening & Sunday afternoon!!
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England) ----Edmund arrives home and immediately begins calling for Loretta. Sophia walks out and greets her husband, asking him what he's so excited about. He tells her that he's had a fantastic day and was able to put in for his vacation. He pulls out two tickets from his pocket. "What are those?" "Our airline tickets- I have a villa in Greece, beautiful, right on the beach. The most beautiful beach you've ever seen in your life. You've been couped up in this house long enough since your recovery, don't you think?" "Greece, huh. Why now?" "Why not now, what do you mean? I've been given the vacation time, you're healthy & stable now- we should be out enjoying life and enjoying each other. I thought you'd be happy about this." "I am. I'm just surprised, that's all- you didn't mention anything like this last night or even this morning," Sophia replies. "You don't sound as though you're happy. Is something wrong? Is it the trip? Or was it something else?" "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired is all. I was a little light-headed earlier, but I think I'm alright. When are we supposed to be leaving on this trip?" "Tonight, in about 4 hours." "Well that is sudden, isn't it? I'm not sure I'm up for making a trip like that tonight...... Couldn't we change the ticket for tomorrow? Or later in the week?" "Since it was so last minute, I was lucky to get even that- I can't change it now!" "I'm sorry, but you may have to- if I can't make the trip darling, then I can't make the trip," Sophia says, then suddenly brings her hand to her head. "Loretta- are you alright?" "I'm fine, fine. I think I'm going to lay down for a little while. Maybe I'll feel better when I get up." She walks up the stairs to her room. Edmund starts heading for the study when he spots Christine. He takes the opportunity to ask her if Loretta has been acting unusually at all today. "Yeah, Dr. L, now that you mention it, she has. Ever since Dr. Armonti left,-" "Dr Armonti? Marcello was here?" "Yeah, Mrs L and he were talking for a while and when he left, she was sitting in the chair, sort of slumped over like. She said she was ok, but I could tell somethin was wrong. Ya think Dr. Armonti upset her? Where is Mrs. L anyway?" "Upstairs lying down. Thanks for your help, Christine. If you would, please make up a batch of your herbal tea for Mrs. Lavery. Tell the other staff members to pack her things for her and to pack for myself as well. We'll be staying at the villa in Greece, so pack plenty of light clothing." Edmund walks into his study and pours himself a snifter of brandy. He drinks it down and an angry look comes over his face. Suddenly, he shatters the snifter in his hand and draws blood. (EXT: Baja, Mexico) ----Kirk stands outside of the police station, desperately trying to complete a phone call. He's annoyed when he gets the person's voice mail but re-iterates that he's been trying to call about the Angel Ramirez problem. Inside, Angel, Marta, and Eden continue to wait in the lobby for an update on the interrogation. "They've been in there for hours- What could be taking so long?" she says, annoyed. "Wearin em down. They ain't just gonna come out and talk- we're talkin career criminals here- it's just the way it is. They gotta push em, negotiate with em." "You would know." "Yeah, he would know," Marta says, jumping in, "What is your point? My father has done everything he can to help, short of giving his own life. And you still treat him like he's trash." "If your father didn't play switcheroo with the maps and defy the police, my husband would be here with me right now." "WE don't know that and even if we did, let me tell you somethin that I know- if my dad hadn't done what he did, I wouldn't be standing here at all. Is that fair? Would you be investigatin this hard then? Would my kidnappers even be in custody if this didn't all boil down to a case about someone that Eden Capwell cared about?" They're interrupted when Julia and Vic emerge from the interrogation. Kirk sees them walk in and flies through the door. "Well? Did they tell you the truth? Did they tell you who did this to me?' he says, approaching the group. "Will you shut up?" Eden yells "Did they talk Julia? Did they tell you who did this to Cruz?" Julia barely looks at Eden, unable to say anything. "Come on, Julia, what is it? Vic? What happened in there?" "Nothing. Nothing happened, unfortunately. We're extraditing them back to Santa Barbara tomorrow morning and taking them before the judge for arraignment. At that time, the judge will decide whether to grant bail." "He wouldn't do that, would he? I mean, they found these guys in Mexico, and kidnapping's a federal offense! You didn't offer them any kind of deal? Julia?' "I received a phone call from the DA's office. According to them, it's a federal case and therefore, we don't have the jurisdiction to offer them immunity. The best that we were allowed to offer was a reduced sentence of 10 years, which we did and they declined." "And the bail hearing?" "Lyman is a good attorney. There's a chance that they'll be granted bail, but I'd imagine they would be watched and monitored 24 hours a day." "So in a matter of 2 days, you're telling me these guys could be out walking the streets again? And never breathing a word to anyone about who set up Cruz?" "They're claiming that these are 2 isolated incidents and one has nothing to do with the other. At least, that's what their attorneys are saying. Bobby and Cisco didn't say a damn word!" Vic says. "Look, Eden, I know you're frustrated. I'm frustrated too, believe me- I want to get whoever did this to Cruz more than you know. But the law says that even guys like them are entitled to a defense and there's nothing I can do about that. I wish there were." "I just can't fathom that whoever did this could get away with it. And they're laughing right now, at me, at the investigation, at my children, at all of it, and it makes me nauseous to think about it. I can't help it though- I think about it before I go to bed, in my dreams, every second of every day I think of this person and the kick they must be getting out of the misery that they have made my existence into. And until they're caught, until somebody is held responsible, I can't rest, no I WON'T rest, the same way Cruz would do if it were me that was set up. If these two low-lifes think that they're walking out of that jail tomorrow, they're in for a rude awakening. Because they haven't met Eden Capwell Castillo, yet, maybe don't even know who I am. But I promise you that after that hearing tomorrow morning, they'll be sorry they ever heard it." (EXT: London, England- Edmund's Castle) ---Edmund finishes wrapping his hand up with gauze. He walks by the bedroom and sees "Loretta" sleeping in their bed. He goes in their room and gently strokes her cheek. She wakes up and is startled. "My God, you scared me." "You used to like it when I stroked your cheek to wake you." "Yes, well, I was having a nightmare and........ do I feel warm? I almost feel feverish..." Edmund puts his hand on her forehead. "You feel fine. I don't understand why you're acting so nervous around me today. There's no need to be, you know." "I know that." "Oh? Then why is it that you haven't seen fit to tell me that Marcello Armonti was here this afternoon?" Sophia is stunned that Edmund knows about Marcello. She claims that the whole conversation was mostly a blur, since she wasn't feeling well. He again asks her why she never mentioned it. "I didn't see any reason to- you came home and immediately, you were whisking me off to Greece. When was there time for me to tell you about a visitor that I had today?" "Perhaps, but I don't want you to feel that you have to hide anything from me, Loretta. You're my wife for heaven's sake, I want you to feel that you can tell me anything." He looks at her and kisses her on her forehead. He begins to walk out of the room when she stops him. "There is something I'd like to ask." "Oh? What's that?" "How long was I in that coma for?" "Now why would you ask something like that?" "Dr. Armonti told me that Lady DiMonde was having me investigated and they found no records of my existence in London. How can that be, if I've been here with you throughout?" Edmund explains that when he brought her to England, her condition was quite grim. The doctors who were treating her thought there was little to no hope and eventually, the hospital refused to continue its involvement in her case. Not being licensed in England at the time, it would have been illegal for him to treat her, so he kept everything off of the records and never declared her as a British citizen. "But you're licensed now...." "Yes, but that doesn't make what I did then any less illegal. You couldn't have been saved without proper treatment. So if you were alive 5, 10, even 20 years afterward, it proves I treated you then. I did what I had to do because I loved you and knew one day, you'd return to me, that I could save you if I persevered. And I did." "Wait, wait a minute. I've been in this coma for how many years?" "37 years, Loretta. 37 years. Why do you think I want to take you on this excursion? To get you away from all this? My God, I've lost out on all that time with you. All I want is to try and make up for even a fraction of what we lost. Is that awful? Maybe you don't understand. Perhaps to you, you might feel like you were only out for a few weeks. But for me, for me Loretta, it was a lifetime!" ----Downstairs, Christine is fixing Loretta's tea when she hears the doorbell. She walks into the foyer and looks around for Edmund and Loretta. When she doesn't see them, she opens the door, stunned to see who's there. "Oh my God! Ashton? Little Ashton? Is it really you?" "Hello Christine. Lovely to see you again." "And who's this you have with you?" "This, this Christine, is my sexy, beautiful, intelligent, sophisticated wife. Kelly Capwell, meet Christine Gorrow." Kelly extends her hand. "How do you do?" THE END........................for now
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Baja, Mexico) ---Eden, Julia, Kirk, and Santana arrive at the station, where Angel is waiting for them in the lobby. He tells them that Vic & Paul just got there and are being briefed by the FBI. Eden asks him where Marta is and he explains that she's in back, giving another statement to the police. Eden apologizes for her behavior toward his daughter, but Angel is understanding, saying he cannot imagine what he would be like if he'd lost Carla in this way. "What are you doing here Santana?" Angel wonders. "It was Eden's idea. They're hoping that maybe I'll remember someone or something from the pier that could be important. Cruz and I grew up together, Angel. I care about him very much and want whoever did this to him to pay just as much as everybody else does." "Nobody's implying that you don't, Santana," Julia says, noting her odd demeanor. Vic then emerges from the back room and Eden runs right up to him. "Well? What's going on? Are they talking?" she frantically asks him. "Slow down, I haven't even gone in with them yet. The FBI have been unable to shake them thusfar and now, they're being represented by a well-regarded California attorney." "Paid for, most likely, by the person that killed my husband. Great," Eden says, disappointed. "While that may be true, Mr. Lyman, their attorney, is binded by California State Law to do whatever is in the best interest of their client. If we present an offer where it's in their best interest to confess and give us information, then Mr. Lyman has no choice but to advise them to talk. Julia- I need you in there with me. If we're going to make any kind of significant offer, they're going to want you to be present and signing off on it," Vic instructs "What about me? I'd like to be there as well," Eden interrupts. "That's not possible- the FBI wouldn't allow it and frankly, Eden, neither would I. You're not trained and you're highly emotional- the last thing you want is to say or do anything that puts this investigation in jeopardy. Trust us, we're gonna get em Eden. We will, but we're going to do it by the book." "Vic's right," Julia affirms, "I know you want to be there and believe me, I understand it. I would be the same way in your position. But the fact remains that procedures need to be followed in order to ensure that we get this guy and put him behind bars." "Santana, come with me. The investigators are ready to take your statement as well. Marta should be out momentarily." Julia looks at Eden and assures her they'll do whatever they can to find out who killed Cruz. She takes her hands and promises her that she won't let Cruz's death go unpunished. Eden nods and releases her to go back. Kirk comes up to Eden and attempts to comfort her, but she shakes him off. "Don't put your hands on me, don't even come near me. Nobody's exonerated you yet and even if they do, I wouldn't want your hands on me or near me ever again. You want to clear your name, fine- but our relationship, or rather, the hatred that I feel for you, that's never going to change." She walks away from him and stares into the window, watching Vic, Julia, and Santana continue to walk back. Angel gives Kirk an inquisitive look. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Gina sees a confused and seemingly upset Elizabeth leaving CC's office. Elizabeth attempts to make a beeline for her office, but Gina cuts her off in the hallway. "Something troubling you, Elizabeth?" "Gina, I'm extremely busy, which you should be too, considering all the build-up given to the Gina Jeans summer line," Elizabeth says. "I've been extremely focused on it actually, which is why I have a spare few minutes to chat with you. Did everything go well in there with CC?" "Everything's fine, Gina, we were just going over numbers for the company, quarterly reports, you know, all that business jargin that you have no grasp of. Now, if you'll excuse me..." she says, trying to push her way past her. Gina once again cuts off her pathway. "What do you WANT?" "You look so upset, I find it hard to believe that a meeting about reports and business "Jargin" would have you so worked up. Look at you, you're trembling. Would you like some water? KATHLEEN! GET Ms. Wayne a glass of water!" "I DON'T NEED ANY WATER, what I need is for you to let me go back to work." "Do you still think about him Elizabeth?" "Excuse me?" "CC, do you still think about him softly from time to time? How his lips used to feel? How safe you felt in his arms? I know what it's like, after all, I married him 3 times. But I've learned to hate the man. But you, on the other hand, every time the two of you are in a room together, you look at him like Rhett Butler just walked in." "CC and I are long over. I'm married to Keith now, or had you forgotten?" "I haven't forgotten, but maybe you have, the way you drool over CC like a teenager. Then you come out of his office looking like you're about to crack. What happened? He reject you again, like he did years ago when he married your sister?" Elizabeth can take no more and slaps Gina across the face. Gina smiles. "Looks like I hit a sore spot." "Go to hell Gina. Just take your insinuations and your jealousy and go to hell. What's the matter Gina? None of your exes want you? They've used you up and moved on to better things? Maybe it's you who's rattled, who's upset. Keith loves me, married me, and CC obviously still carries a torch for me as well. Meanwhile, he can't stand to be in the same room as you." "But Keith can. He's more than happy to be in a room- ALONE- with me." "But he married me, didn't he Gina? And who will you be going home to tonight? You're miserable, lonely, unwedded daughter, your illegitimate laboratory-created son, and a pint of Ben & Jerry's." Gina can take no more and begins choking at Elizabeth and the two women get physical. Elizabeth shoves Gina off of her, sending her flying into the wall. Elizabeth claps her hands together and begins heading to her office, but Gina gets up and runs back at her, twirling her around and slapping her again. Elizabeth takes Gina's hair and begins wrestling her to the ground. Kathleen attempts to break them up, but to no avail. She calls for security and two large guards appear, as Elizabeth & Gina roll around on the floor. The guards finally pull the two women apart as they yell at each other. "He's never going back to you Gina! I'm Mrs. Keith Timmons and it's going to stay that way." "YOU FOOL. You're going to pay Eliza-B!tch. I promise you that. I'm going to BRING you DOWN and I'll be laughing at you when you're at the bottom, not fit to shine shoes." (EXT: Baja, Mexico) ---Marta comes out of the investigators' office, having given her final statement. She asks Eden, who's in there alone, where Angel is and she explains that he's outside. Marta apologizes for her outburst before, saying that she's just frustrated that these guys who kidnapped her could get away free. "We have something in common then, because that's exactly how I feel about Cruz's murderer." ----Outside, Angel walks up to Kirk and warns him that he's keeping his eye on him. "You>? Please, why would you need to keep your eye on me?" "Eden was Cruz's wife, Kirk, and I know for damn sure he wouldn't want you lurking around her. I've gone along with this because I don't want his safety in jeopardy and because I trust Santana. But I don't trust you Cranston. Not for a second- and I think it's mighty suspicious that you know Cruz is alive, considering Eden suspects you're the one trying to kill him." "For the record, I'm not trying to do anything to Cruz, Angel. If I were the one who tried to kill him, don't ya think I would have gone and finished the job by now?" "Maybe, maybe. I'm not sure what your angle is, Kirk. But I know you got one- and don't think for a second that Eden's family or her friends or even I will sit by and watch you take advantage of her all over again. Consider yourself warned." THE END...................for TODAY
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND- Augusta & Lionel's Flat) ---Augusta sits in her living room, pretending to read a book but keeping an eye on the gossip program she has on TV. She's flabbergasted when she hears a loud banging at the door. "Who could that be? The rent's been paid..." The person bangs on the door again, even more loudly. "What THE?!-- If Lionel forgot to pay, another parking ticket...." The person once again bangs on the door. "Alright, alright, I'm coming, keep your knickers on..." Without looking up even, she opens the door, apologizing for her husband not paying their tickets and she'll gladly pay any late fees necessary. She looks up and lets out a gasp. WHO'S AT THE DOOR!!! "Hello Augusta. Been to any good parties lately?" ---Marcello furiously rings the doorbell at the castle. Inside the temple, Sophia calls to Christine, telling her not to worry about the door. She opens it up and smiles at Marcello. "Dr. Armonti, how lovely to see you again. What brings you by?" "Please, call me Marcello. May I come in?" "Of course." Marcello asks if she got her handbag back safely. She says she did and thanks him for sending someone over with it. Marcello disputes that, telling her that he actually dropped by personally but Edmund wouldn't allow him in. Sophia writes it off as it being late, and that she actually got into her night clothes immediately after arriving at home. She says that it would have been inappropriate for her to come down anyway. Marcello is repulsed by the idea of Sophia and Edmund together. "He's my husband Marcello, in every way. Just like Maria will soon be your wife." "How well do you really know your husband, Loretta?" "I've been married to him for over thirty years, I think I know him well enough." "Weren't you sick for a period of time?" "Well....yes, but Edmund stuck with me, through the coma and my recovery. I believe it was his love that kept me alive- he's the reason I'm even here talking with you." "How long were you in a coma for?" "Gosh.....I don't even know how long it was, can you believe that?" Marcello explains that he's asking because Lady DiMonde was an old chum of Edmund's and had no recollection of meeting his wife. When they looked further in the matter, they found out that there has been no record of a Loretta Lavery ever having lived in London. "There must be some mistake." Sophia insists "Believe me, Lady DiMonde's detectives don't make mistakes. She and her colleagues have been investigating Dr. Lavery and his unusual methods for many years now. They insisted that I come and share this with you, to warn you." "But that's absurd- Edmund adores me, he'd never do anything to harm me. I understand your concerns, Dr. Armonti, but you don't know my husband." "Maybe not, but Lady DiMonde does. Very well. All I'm saying is don't take anything he says at face value. He's not to be trusted and no lie is beneath him. And please, please, do not let him take you away from this house. Stay put. It's essential to the invstigation. Loretta, you must understand I wouldn't be here if you weren't my main concern." "I'm telling you there's nothing to be concerned about." "And I'm telling you there is. I best be going, but I'll be in touch. Please, consider what I've said....." Christine comes down the stairs as he exits and notices that "Loretta" looks dazed. "Mrs. L? Everything alright Mrs. L?" "Yes, Christine. Everything's fine." (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ----Ted and CC go over the latest projections for Capwell Enterprises. CC asks how Ted has been compensating for Angela so far, since she's filling in for Kelly over at the hotel. Ted admits he's feeling the pressure, but is working through it. He questions his father about his obvious disdain for Ashton and the rift is causing between he & Kelly. "Son, I have my reasons for how I feel toward your sister's husband," CC says, ominously. "Those being what exactly? He seems to love her enough. He runs a large business over in London, so he's not out for the Capwell money or name." "I don't trust him. You should be keeping your eye on him as well." "I'm more worried about Elizabeth, and the stranglehold she has over this company." "Elizabeth? Why would you be concerned with her?" "Dad, come on, she barred mom from the building, she barely showed up to the funeral before storming out, she made that scene at Kelly's reception, hell she's even married to Keith Timmons now! You don't see her as a potential long-term threat to the company?" "We don't have anything to worry about from Elizabeth, I've known her for many years. She's not out to steal my company away from me or my children." "And this is what concerns me- what is with this blind eye that you're constantly turning to her? Because, seriously dad, if you can't see that Elizabeth is a threat to this company and possibly this family, then you're a blind, blind man," he says, as he begins storming out of the office. "Ted.......Ted!" Ted ignores his father, bumping into Elizabeth on his way out of the office. "Afternoon, Ted" she says, greeting him. Ted gives her a look and then looks at his father, leaving without saying another word. "What was that all about?" she asks. "He's concerned about you possibly having too much influence over the company, that you're out to steal it away, something to that effect. He misses his mother, is what it boils down to." "And I'm the big bad sister that came and cut her out of the company completely. I guess I can't blame him for hating me." "He doesn't hate you," CC reassures her, "You look like you were able to get some sleep, after our little ordeal last night." "Is that what you're calling it?" CC smiles. "It was more than that and you know it." "I'm a married woman, CC." "To a man you don't love. To a man who's only using you for his own agenda." "CC...." "Leave him, Elizabeth. End your marriage." Elizabeth looks at him, shocked by his suggestion. (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND- Lionel & Augusta's flat) -----"Edmund. I...I...." Augusta gulps the words out. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Before Augusta can say anything, Edmund walks past her, into the flat. He comments on what a lovely home she has, and how it would be a real shame if someone came along and wrecked it. "Why would you want to do something like that to an old friend like me?" Augusta asks. "I think you know exactly why, Augusta- last night? The party? Marcello Armonti?" "Yes, what about him?" "He was Sophia's step-son, years ago, was he not? Knows her quite well, cares a great deal about her..." "I don't see where you're going with this or what it has to do with me." "I saw you there last night." "And? So? Marcello is an old friend of mine. How did I know you would bring your Loretta-Bot with you?" "Save it, Augusta, I know everything. I know you sent the costumes, that you visited Marcello before the party. The question is, what am I going to do about you? Pamela tried but she has failed. I'm sure she was nice and easy with you, too. She's much more pleasant than I." "Don't come into my home and threaten me- I'm not some hypnotized woman that is going to bow to your every whim. Consider yourself lucky that I haven't turned you into the authorities. Now GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" she says, pulling Edmund toward the door. Edmund grabs her by the arm and twists it around her back. "Perhaps you weren't listening to me, Augusta. This is not a battle that you will win. What I suggest to you is that you go and talk to your friend Marcello and straighten this whole mess you've created out. And it is only a mess- I'm not giving Loretta up. Not at all and anyone who gets in my way- God help you, because he'll be the only one who can." Edmund throws Augusta to the ground and smiles at her. He tips his hat and shuts the door to the flat. "My God. Sophia is in worse danger than I ever could have imagined.......... My God......With what Pamela knows........So am I......" THE END................for TODAY
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Baja, Mexico) ---Eden and Julia wait silently by their phones for an update on the investigation. Eden asks when Vic is going to be down there, to help with the interrogation procedure. Julia assures her he should be getting in soon, as his plane landed about 15 minutes before. Julia asks where Kirk is and she tells her the police actually had some questions they wanted to ask him, possibly about the frame-up. "Do you think maybe Kirk was really framed? That he possibly could have nothing at all to do with this?" Julia wonders. "I've considered it, but he's hiding something Julia. I've just got to figure out what that is." Julia's phone rings, startling them both. Eden calms down when Julia tells her it's Mason calling. She picks up and asks where he is. "Sacramento? What are you doing there? What happened to New Jersey?...............................................Oh my God! He claimed the baby was his though?...........................................It shouldn't be that hard to track him. They keep excellent records within the foster care system.................................I see.........and they've confirmed that?....................That's all you can do, go and see for yourself. Obviously this is something that shouldn't be handled over the phone. How's Mary?....................................I hope it works out for her too...................Look, Mason, now's not a real good time. I'm in Mexico with your sister and I kinda want to keep the line free.............Ok...................I love you too......" "Julia, if you want to go there and be with him, then...." "Don't even think it. Believe me, I'm no good to him anyway. It's in the hands of the state really." "The state?" "Yes. The baby lived- Mark lied, no surprise there, but now, he's got a wife, who was all to happy to do his bidding for him. Long story short, Mary's baby is a boy and he ended up in the foster care system, which normally would make things a lot easier, but he apparently not only bounced from house to house, but cut off contact with foster care when he was only 16 years old." "Poor Mary. And I take it Mark claimed the baby was his..." "Of course. You know, who'd have thought it Eden? Here we are, 22 years later, and we still have sociopaths like Mark McCormick and Kirk Cranston in our lives. They ought to be locked up together!" "If there were any justice in this world, they would be." (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---Kelly continues instructing the head clerk as to how certain guests are to be treated in her absence, and what to expect from Angela as a manager. She assures her that she'll do fine in her absence and reminds her that when Angela is not around, the responsibility lies with her, re-enforcing that she trusts her judgement. "Going somewhere Miss Capwell?" Warren asks, approaching the desk. "It's Mrs Lavery now, remember?" Kelly says, turning around. "My mistake. You didn't answer my question, Capwell." "Not that it's any of your business, Lockridge, but my husband is taking me with him to London." "Oh. Business or pleasure?" "Both, actually, he has some contacts there he needs to meet with and we're staying with his father." Warren is stunned. "His FATHER? Edmund? Dr. Edmund Lavery?" "He's the one." Before Warren can go any further, Angela interrupts them, apologizing to Kelly for being late. Kelly insists it's fine, but they don't have much time before she's supposed to leave. "Hi Angela. Nice to see you too," Warren says, reminding them he's there. "Warren. Been awhile." "Yes, it has." Kelly takes note of the discomfort between the two. She suggests that she and Angela go into the office and go over her duties. The ladies head into the office, as Ashton comes out of the elevator. He walks up to the desk, doing his best to ignore Warren. Not seeing her there, he turns around to Warren staring at him. "Where's Kelly?" he finally asks. "In the office, with Angela. So what's the plan, Ashton? Whisk her off to England and let your father torture her to get back at CC?" "Is this what you do all day to amuse yourself, Warren? Come up with off-the-wall, paranoid scenarios about my intentions toward my wife?" "I don't think it's so off-the-wall. Tell me, does Kelly even know about your father's history with the Capwells?" "No, she doesn't, not that I haven't given CC ample opportunity to tell her. But he hasn't- because he doesn't want her looking at him with the disappointment that she would. Since it all happened years ago, I don't see any reason to color my wife's opinion of her father." "Or her husband." Kelly and Angela emerge from the office, breaking up the conversation. "Everything alright out here?" Kelly asks them. "Just fine, love," Ashton says, kissing her on her forehead, "Warren and I were just catching up, since I last saw him. Your bags have been delivered to the car. We really should be going, we need to be there at least 2 hours in advance for an international flight." "I suppose you're right. Angela, if you need anything, just call me. If I don't answer, leave a message- I know the time difference is a mess. Warren, nice to see you again." Ashton and Kelly leave. Angela asks Warren what that was all about, between he and Ashton. He only says that he doesn't trust the guy and doesn't think he's right for Kelly, much like Ted isn't right for her. Before she can say anything, he excuses himself, saying he's there to meet Pamela. (EXT: LONDON, ENGLAND- Edmund's office) ----Edmund rushes into his office in downtown London, shuts & locks the door, and immediately begins dialing the phone. (EXT: Pamela's suite) -----Pamela picks up on the other end. PAMELA: Hello? EDMUND: Pamela, it's about time. PAMELA: That was you calling last night? The desk clerk called me in the middle of the night, saying someone was desperately trying to get through. EDMUND: Why didn't you take the bloody call then? PAMELA: I didn't know it was you and it was this urgent. Was is it? Is it Sophia? Has something changed? EDMUND: I'm not sure, possibly. What can you tell me about a Marcello Armonti? PAMELA: Marcello, what would you ask me about Marcello for. EDMUND: Then you know him? PAMELA: Of course I know him- he was Sophia's step-son, the one she lived with when CC thought she was dead. EDMUND: My God. PAMELA: What? What is it? Edmund?.......... My God, you haven't let Marcello see her, have you? EDMUND: Last night......there was a party........I knew it was trouble, I knew it, but Loretta insisted that we go......That man, this Marcello, was the guest of honor, the fiancee of the daughter of a prominent family here.........I introduced them, but introduced her as Loretta... PAMELA HE'S SEEN HER? Marcello has seen Sophia? EDMUND: Yes. But she was introduced as Loretta and he didn't seem to think anything of it... PAMELA: Edmund, listen to me: Marcello would recognize Sophia anywhere. He's fixated on her, he'd do anything for her. You have to take Sophia, take her and go far away from London. Immediately. Edmund sits silently, and slowly hangs up the phone. PAMELA: Edmund? EDMUND? (EXT: Baja, Mexico) ----Eden and Julia are again startled by a knock at the door. Julia opens it and sees Santana standing on the other side of it. "Santana? What are you doing here?" Julia asks. "It's alright Julia, I called her. Come in Santana," Eden says "Hello Eden. How is everything? Have they found anything out?" "They're not saying much....yet. Vic should be getting here soon and we're hoping he'll have better luck. They're, shall we say, a bit distrusting of the law enforcement down here." "But they're definitely the kidnappers?" she wonders "It's definitely them," Julia interjects "Marta Ramirez positively identified them yesterday. She and Angel are actually down there right now, giving more statements." "Which is why I asked you here, Santana. You had the right map- you got there before any of us. Maybe you saw one of them, or saw something you may not have thought important at the time. The FBI have pictures of possible accomplices...." "How can they know accomplices when they don't know who they're looking for in the first place?" Santana wonders. Julia explains that in this case, it was most likely a murder-for-hire, and the actual conspirator probably didn't execute his own crime. The FBI is well schooled on who participates and has a history of participating in these types of crimes, she explains. They're again interrupted when Kirk enters the room, with breakfast. He's shocked to see a nervous Santana talking with them. "I brought breakfast, ladies. Sorry, Santana, had I known you were going to be here, I'd have bought you something." "I wouldn't eat anything you gave to me Kirk. What could you possibly be doing here with them?" "I have a vested interest in this too, Santana. These guys tried to set me up for this fall and I want them caught as much as anyone." "I've asked Santana to talk to the police," Eden interrupts, "Maybe she'll remember something or someone she saw at the pier that day." Kirk begins choking on his coffee at the mention of it. "Something wrong, Kirk?" Julia asks. Before he has a chance to answer, Eden's cell phone rings. She looks and sees that Vic is calling. He tells her that he's going directly to the police station in Baja, since he landed late. She tells him that they're on their way. They begin walking out, but Santana stays still. "You are coming Santana?" "Yes. Yes, of course," a nervous Santana replies, "I'm going to take my car, though. I need to be at work later, so I'll probably have to leave directly from the station." They all pile into their cars and head for the station. THE END................for TODAY
I knew this episode would cause some fury. Had SON not crashed last night, I had another episode ready to roll. Don't worry. Jed will be working with Judith again sooner than later!
I warned you guys that the next episode wasn't pretty!
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Keith sits in Gina's office, watching CC & Elizabeth on the monitor. Gina comes storming into the room, dressed in her black shirt, pants, and sock hat. She demands to know what's going on. "Shhh, butternut, I can't hear them," Keith admonishes. "Hear who?" "CC & Elizabeth who, now will you be quiet...." "But we already know everything about their history together. I don't see the point of-" "SHHHHH!" ---Elizabeth grows frustrated at the situation, as she is unable to get a cell phone signal inside of the elevator. CC pulls the alarm but doesn't hear anything go off. "Shouldn't this thing be on a damn generator?" ---Keith snickers from the office. "He must mean the generator you shut down," he says. ---CC continuously presses buttons and tries his cell phone, growing angrier by the second. Elizabeth begins to laugh. "What is it that's so funny about this?" "You, CC, you never could take it when things were out of your control. I see that hasn't changed over the years." "It hasn't." "I thought it might have, considering the demands I imposed on you when we merged the companies. You pretty much rolled over." "I didn't have a choice." "You? Didn't have a choice? CC Capwell, I think I know you well enough to know that you always have a choice. You chose to go along with it. Why?" "It would've been too risky not to. I was facing an imminent takeover. And I knew that nothing you were demanding could be worse than that. The company needed to be preserved, for my children, for me, for..........." "For Sophia. It's okay, you can say her name, she was my sister. But that's what gets me- if what you were doing was for Sophia, why would you allow me to bar her from the building and to prevent her children from ever inheriting it?" "Because.......Oh Hell, maybe I felt I owed it to you after all these years. I led you on, I let you believe there could be a future for us when I knew that I was going to marry Sophia." "Why, CC? Why did you do it?" "There was something about you, a quality you possessed that Sophia never had. You were meek, but it wasn't just that. I could rescue you, you were vulnerable, always so vulnerable, which appealed to me. Sophia, God love her, was not a very vulnerable woman, especially not then. She was a woman who knew what she wanted and went after it, whether it be with men or in her career. She certainly didn't need rescuing, not by me anyway. I led you on because I was selfish- I wanted the best of both worlds, and for a short time, I had it. It's cruel to say- I was very young then- and I knew that you'd stay at an arm's length as long as I wanted to keep you there. I played on the jealousy between you & your sister, probably making it even worse than it was. But I couldn't give you up....until there was no other choice. Sophia was pregnant and as far as I knew then, it was mine." "But he wasn't your child, was he? I knew, I KNEW she still had something going on with Lionel, but she wouldn't dare admit it to me. You were like sport to her and it sickened me to watch her fool you the way she did. I knew she didn't love you, she only loved the idea of being your wife. Do you even know how much it killed me the day she finally married you? I loved you with all of my heart and I had to watch my sister, who had everything in life that I never did, make you her husband. And she didn't give a damn about you. That's why I left and never looked back- I couldn't watch it. It was too painful." "But that changed. We did fall in love." "Much later. How nice that everything worked out for the two of you. And there I was, having had an abortion that was forced on me at such a young age, with nobody to talk to. No one to help me work through my pain. It shattered me, all of it- I was a shell of myself. Not until I got away from that house, from my father, from Sophia, from you, did I recover any semblance of who I was, but I was broken. And there was nobody who wanted to fix me, not that I would have let them in. I thought I wouldn't ever find anyone- and then I came back here and things actually fell into place for me. I met Keith-" "And you married him. Him. A man who's only going to hurt you more than I ever could." "He makes me happy, CC." "It's a farce. Believe me. I've known the man for many years Elizabeth, I know when he's up to something. He's lived with Gina long enough to have a commonlaw marriage and he ups and marries you? The man is no good for you. He has an agenda." "Oh who the hell are you CC? Really? You hurt me more than any man ever possibly could and you're actually brazen enough to just chalk it up to being young and not knowing any better? I'll take a man like Keith Timmons over a coward like you any day." ---Keith looks at Gina. "Well she has impeccable taste," he smirks. (EXT: The Lair) ---Brandon busily pours drinks & shots for customers behind the bar. He's caught by surprise when a familiar voice orders a Newcastle. He looks up and sees Steve standing there. "And make it snappy!?" Steve jokes "Yeah, haha, funny. I went to business school my friend, not bartending school." "They don't teach you how to use a bottle opener there?" he laughs, as his beer explodes in Brandon's hand. "Yeah, I don't have one, and the ones on the bar are ancient." "Here, lemme show you. It's all about the angle you hit it at." Steve walks back there and pops open his beer. "I used to work at a bar, up in San Francisco." "You lived in San Francisco?" "I've lived all over. Can't stay in one place for too long. Guess I'm a vagabond at heart." "Your parents must be thrilled." "I wouldn't know, since I never knew either one of em. My mom died when I was born. My dad's in the clink. I haven't even met him." "Oh, I didn't know, sorry..." "How could ya? Don't sweat it." "So you used to bartend, huh?" "Yeah, it's been a little while though." "I see. Where you working right now?" "Actually, I'm kind of between jobs, I was gonna talk to you-" "Great. You're hired. Here's a towel. That's Julie and Brian, they're closing tonight and they'll work the point. You'll work with me over here on service." "Can I finish my beer?" "Yeah....when we close. Knock out these tickets and I'll have Brian mix up some shots." Steve smirks and starts working on the service checks. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ---Gina watches CC & Elizabeth on the monitor, eating popcorn with Keith. "You know, I don't know what men see in her. Talk about frigid." "She's vulnerable, muffin, or haven't you been listening?" "She's about as vulnerable as a piranha. Maybe when she was a 16 year old waif, I could buy it. But now? Honestly, I could tolerate Sophia more than I ever could her." "Please! You HATED Sophia, you couldn't even be in the same room with her without getting into a knock-down drag-out fight!" "That should tell you how I feel about Elizabeth. The only reason I haven't ripped her to shreds is because she's the type that would want that, just so she could play victim. In 17th century Salem, they burned women like her." ----Elizabeth apologizes for calling CC a coward, but he tells her it's unnecessary. He says that she was right to be angry with him and that he doesn't have any right to tell her how to live her life, especially in a romantic arena. "It's just.....I can't stand watching him hurt you, prey on you like I know he is." "Much like I couldn't stand watching my sister prey on you. The difference is, I left you alone." "And that Sophia is a completely different human being from Keith Timmons." "CC...." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but how can I stay quiet and watch you make such an enormous mistake with him?" "My marriage isn't a mistake." "Not for him it isn't- it was done purposefully and with malice. He married you when you were drunk and didn't know what you were doing- right there, should tell you something. He, on the other hand-" "Was just as intoxicated as I was, if not more, so he-" "So he'd have you believe. He knew exactly what he was doing when he married you Elizabeth, make no mistake." ---"You're right on the money there," Keith smirks "For being such a b!tch.........she's a stupid b!tch, that's for sure." ---Elizabeth insists that it wasn't like that and CC doesn't understand their relationship. "I understand it perfectly. You own 1/2 of Capwell Enterprises and Keith wanted in on that. So, he married you." "Do you really think I'd be so foolish as to not see through that? He works in the D.A.'s office, he makes plenty of money." "It's not about money, can't you see that? It's about power. And the fact that it's not just any company you own 50% of- it's Capwell Enterprises. He wants it, and he's going to use you to get it. Mark my words." "That's nice to know, that's your opinion of my marriage? I've spent my whole life alone, and I finally open myself up to someone, romantically, and make a commitment and you'd have me believe that that man only sees me as a means to an end?" "That's exactly how he sees you, yes." Elizabeth begins to laugh. "Oh, oh, I supposed you'd have me think that's how any man would see me now, right CC? As a means to an end." "Not every man. Not me." "Oh, and what is it that you see?" "I see the same, vulnerable young girl I fell in love with years ago. I see a bright, vibrant, intelligent woman, but when I look into your eyes, that girl is still there." "That girl grew up, CC. And doesn't need rescuing anymore." "If only that were the case. You need rescuing alright, from the same person you've always needed rescuing from- yourself." CC walks up to her passionately kisses her. She kisses him back a bit, before pulling away. "Don't do this. Don't do this to me. I'm happy with Keith." "I don't believe that. He could never make you as happy as I could make you, not in a million years." "Since when do you even want me CC?" "Since now," he says, as he passionately kisses her again. They pull apart for a second and a teary Elizabeth looks into CC's eyes. They hold the position, gazing at each other, until she allows him to begin kissing her again. She starts removing her dress as CC takes off his jacket and lays it on the floor for them to lay on. He pulls Elizabeth's dress the rest of the way off as she begins unbuttoning his shirt. She frantically works at them as he continues to kiss her. His shirt comes off, as they fall onto the jacket and begin making love. ---Keith pops some more popcorn into his mouth. "Now you know why we did all this, my cumquat." "I do?" "Free Porn," Keith smiles as he grabs another handful of popcorn. Gina picks up a handful and throws it at him, giving him a disgusted look. THE END................for TODAY"
Episodes Aired in April/May: 12 Total Episodes So Far: 88 1. Louise Sorel (Augusta)- 9 (31) 2. Jed Allan (CC)- 7 (53) 2. Marcy Walker (Eden)- 7 (52) 4. Deborah Adair (Elizabeth)- 6 (21) 4. Lane Davies (Mason)- 6 (56) 6. Joseph Bottoms (Kirk)- 5 (17) 6. Justin Deas (Keith)- 5 (18) 6. Carmen Duncan (Pamela)- 5 (39) 6. Charles Keating (Edmund)- 5 (29) 6. Judith McConnell (Sophia)- 5 (49) 11. Nicolas Coster (Lionel)- 4 (16) 11. Carrington Garland (Kelly)- 4 (29) 11. Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia)- 4 (50) 11. Harley Jane Kozak (Mary)- 4 (38) 11. Robin Mattson (Gina)- 4 (42) 16. Matt Cedeno (Rafe)- 3 (33) 16. Wolf Muser (Marcello)- 3 (3) 16. Gretchen Oehler (Christine)- 3 (9) 16. Kim Rhodes (Joann)- 3 (19) 16. Clive Robertson (Ashton)- 3 (17) 16. Robert Thaler (Pearl)- 3 (17) 16. Victoria Wyndham (Maureen)- 3 (7) 23. Grant Aleksander (Warren)- 2 (29) 23. Henry Darrow (Rafael)- 2 (7) 23. Jessica Dunphy (Adriana)- 2 (36) 23. Gina Gallego (Santana)- 2 (18) 23. Justin Hartley (Brandon)- 2 (7) 23. Jay Hernandez (Chip)- 2 (6) 23. Renee Jones (Sherri)- 2 (7) 23. Jon Lindstrom (Mark)- 2 (4) 23. A Martinez (Cruz)- 2 (37) 23. Alisa Reyes (Marta)- 2 (18) 23. Bernard White (Angel)- 2 (29) 23. Carmen Zapata (Carm)- 2 (7) 35. Linda Gibboney (Victoria)- 1 (5) 35. Judy Greer (Kathleen)- 1 (12) 35. Paula Irvine (Lily)- 1 (31) 35. Jared Leto (Steve)- 1 (7) 35. Heather Lindell (Samantha)- 1 (29) RTSB Actors Not Appearing in April/May: Nina Arveson (Angela) (42) Michael Brainard (Ted) (40) Margarita Cordova (Rosa) (27) Russell Curry (Vic) (9) Patricia Mauceri (Carla) (13)
I will Miss Vicky! I really appreciate & look forward to your comments every day Viktoria! I miss hearing from everyone on here, as most don't sign in anymore. (Hint Hint!)
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England- The DiMonde Estate) ---Edmund is bothered by the lingering stare that Marcello and Sophia are engaged in. He breaks it up by introducing himself to Marcello, but Marcello says no introductions are necessary. He's well aware of Edmund's work in the neurological field, being a psychiatrist himself. Maria remarks that she wasn't aware of Marcello's history with psychiatry. "It was many moons ago, my love- in another lifetime, if you will. You see, Dr. Lavery, I haven't practiced in years, but still read up on it. My fascination with it is still there, always will be. And it comes in quite handy in entrepreneurship, as I'm sure you know very well, having your own practice and laboratory." "Yes, of course. Loretta, dear, I don't think we should keep our driver waiting much longer. Again, pleased to meet you Mr. Armonti." "The pleasure was all mine. I do hope we run into one another again sometime. I'd love to pick your brain." "Perhaps." Edmund and Sophia begin making their way to the doorway when she realizes she left her bag on the table with Lady DiMonde. She turns to go and get it, but Edmund grabs her by the arm. "Forget it. I'll send for it in the morning. It's in good hands with Lady DiMonde. Come, I can't wait to get you home and be alone with you." "But I...really....wanted.....oh, I guess it isn't important. Nothing that can't wait until the morning." He turns to her and places her mask back on her face, doing the same with his own. Sophia's face is a bit bewildered, as she's obviously wondering why her husband is acting so strangely. They reach the front of the estate and see a lineup of cars parked. Edmund offers to go and look for their driver and have him bring the car up for her. He tells her implicitly to wait there. She begins removing her mask, but he stops her. "Oh no. The evening isn't over until we arrive home- besides, it's a romantic, no?" Edmund smiles at her as he plants a kiss on her, then excitedly takes off looking for the car. ----Meanwhile, behind her, Lionel and Augusta are walking out of the estate as well, about to descend on their own car, when Augusta sees Marcello motioning for her. She quickly removes her earring and tells Lionel she must have lost it inside. Lionel argues that she won't find it, but she insists that the earrings were quite expensive and she isn't leaving without them. She tells him to find the car and she'll have found it & be out in no time. She kisses him on the cheek and hurries back inside. He begins walking down the driveway when he comes upon a woman in a beautiful white and silver costume. The woman turns around and it's a masked Sophia. "My, what a lovely, lovely costume," Lionel says. "Thank You. It was a gift from Lady DiMonde," Sophia responds. "I'd heard the woman had impeccable taste, though I never believed it for myself. Until now." A shy Sophia slightly giggles, and turns away, slightly embarrassed by the stranger's flirtation. "Lionel Lockridge." "Loretta. Loretta Lavery." ---Inside, Marcello finishes telling Augusta what he plans to do about Sophia. Marcello looks outside and sees Sophia standing outside, waiting for her car. He mentions that she's talking with a man. Augusta's eyes bug out as she runs to the windows next to the door. "LIONEL!!!" Augusta begins running in her heels toward them. "Won't you remove your mask? Your voice is familiar and I wonder if I may know you somehow." Lionel asks. "I don't see how that's possible. I didn't recognize your name." "Nor I yours, but satisfy my curiosity, would ya?" Sophia holds out her hand, showing the ring on her finger. "Sorry, but my husband asked me to keep it on until we arrive home." "You must be a knockout, for him to want to keep you covered up like that." Edmund pulls up in the car, as Augusta comes running down the stairs, calling Lionel's name. Lionel turns around and sees her and begins walking toward her, as Edmund gets out of the car to open the door for Sophia. He asks her who the man was that she was talking to. "It was nobody. Some Lionel, just waiting for his car as well." She looks at Edmund, who's staring at Lionel. "Really, Edmund, he was harmless. Maybe a little too much to drink, but perfectly harmless. Now I thought you said something about wanting to get me home...." He smiles as she gets into the car, but turns at looks at Lionel one more time. There he sees him talking with Augusta. Augusta looks up from her conversation and sees a masked Edmund staring back at her. The camera zooms in on his cold eyes. (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ----Keith is shown, half falling asleep in Gina's office as he listens to CC & Elizabeth continue to go over everything related to the audit. Suddenly, he hears Elizabeth mention not being able to do any more damage tonight. He perks up quickly and grabs the phone to dial Gina, falling from the desk chair. "What Do YOU Want?" Gina asks. "What do I want, what do you mean what do I want? Are you in the electrical room? Are you by the fuse switches like I ASKED YOU TO BE?" Gina pulls the phone away from her ear. "Yes, YES I'm THERE KEITH. There's no need to YELL AT ME. I don't have to help you at all you know. In fact, maybe I won't" she says, beginning to hang up. "No-n-n-n-no, no WAIT, WAIT!" She puts the phone back to her ear. "Are you there?" Keith asks. "YEAH, I'm HERE Keith, though I'm not sure why." "Because you know dollar signs when you see em baby and my eyes are filled with em tonight. Alright, now just stay on the line and wait for my go." "I still don't understand what you this is going to accomplish. Ooooh, the lights are out. That doesn't mean they're jumping into bed together." "Oh the lights are the least of it muffin, believe me. Now wait for my go." CC and Elizabeth walk toward the elevator and wait. There's an uncomfortable, awkward silence between the two until the doors finally open. When they walk in, the camera zooms in on a very small camera in the elevator, then shows CC & Elizabeth in black & white. The camera zooms out of that and shows Keith watching them on his laptop from the office. The elevator begins going down and Keith shouts into the phone "NOW" Gina turns the switches and the lights in the building go out, and CC & Elizabeth's elevator stops. Elizabeth looks around and CC begins banging. Elizabeth asks what happened and he says it's probably just a quick power outage and they'll be moving in no time. They turn to black & white again and the focus again goes to Keith in the office. "No time is right, CC. No time tonight!" Keith laughs, as he pours a bag of popcorn into a bowl and watches the screen. (EXT: London, England) ---Edmund and Sophia arrive home and are greeted by Christine. "Oh the two of you look like you had such a time. So how was it? Did you meet Lady DiMonde? Maria? What was the fiance like?" "It was all spectacular Christine, and I can't wait to tell you about it. Tomorrow. Did you make the arrangements that I asked for Dr. Lavery & I upon our return?" "I sure did, Mrs. L. Everything's waiting upstairs for you." "Wonderful. Now darling, you stay here, until I'm ready for you. Christine, fix him a nightcap, would you?" Christine takes Edmund to the lounge to fix him a drink. Meanwhile, the camera is shown peering through a window as Sophia walks up the stairs. Marcello is then shown outside, watching her. When he cannot see anymore, he begins walking back toward his car but is stunned when he hears a voice from the doorway. "Mr Armonti?" "Yes?" "May I ask what you're doing here, skulking about? I should call the police, have you arrested for trespassing." "My apologies, Dr. Lavery, I meant no harm. It's just....this........" Marcello pulls out Sophia's handbag. "I thought your wife might need it." Edmund walks toward him and snatches the bag. "She may, though there was no reason to bring it tonight. Couldn't it have waited until morning? Why the hurry?" "Lady DiMonde was quite fond of Loretta and insisted I return it to her tonight. She being my soon-to-be mother-in-law, I didn't want to cause her any distress." "Distress? I highly doubt someone would actually be distressed over another woman's handbag." "You don't know Lady DiMonde. What may seem trivial to you and me would be considered first priority with her, especially when it concerns the possessions of her guests. I didn't mean to be any type of imposition. I trust you'll return it to her." "Of course, Mr. Armonti. She's my wife." "Of course. Well I'll be going then. Good night, Dr. Lavery." Edmund turns around and walks away, without responding. He looks down at the handbag and his face becomes menacing and angered. Marcello gets into his car and the driver pulls out. "Don't worry, Sophia. I'll be back. I'll be back for you." THE END..........................FOR TODAY
2 EX-DAYS STARS AND SOAP VET LINDSTROM BITE THE DUST!!!! In a move that should come as no surprise to RTSB viewers, Matt Cedeno, Jon Lindstrom, and Renee Jones have aired their last episodes as Rafe, Mark, and Sherri, respectively. Cedeno was alerted over a month ago about his departure, though found his final scenes (with Heather Lindell's Samantha Capwell) on the cutting room floor. "We experienced a brief hiatus on RTSB and now that we've returned, there just isn't any room for those scenes. Though they may have lead to future storylines for Samantha, the story could be played just as effectively without those scenes. Therefore, we chose to cut them." As for Lindstrom and Jones, both exits are storyline-dictated. Neither was on contract, as their stays were always expected to be short-term, though Jones ended up filming more episodes than originally intended. Surprisingly, no notice has yet been given to Victoria Wyndham. "I've been talking with Vicky," says juniorz1, RTSB's exec producer and creator, "and I still have a few ideas I'm throwing around for her character. Whether they pan out will remain to be seen, but without a doubt, she still has a bit of a role to play in story, so she's still here...............for now." With Maureen still around, does that mean there still may be some story left for her son Mark as well? "There's always that possibility, sure. In fact, don't be surprised to see Mark back for another short-term stay." Don't miss a BRAND NEW episode of RETURN TO SANTA BARBARA tonight around 9 PM.
And here I thought you were a CC & Sophia fan!
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: London, England- The DiMonde Estate) ----Augusta and Lionel are shown among many masked party guests, he dressed as Casanova, she in a boustier reminiscent of 1700s French women. Augusta quickly begins sifting through the people, pulling a reluctant Lionel along with her. Finally, he stops her, asking why she's in such a rush. "Easy for you to say, you're dressed as one of the great male romantics of his time. I, on the other hand, look like I just walked out of a House of Burlesque," Augusta scolds. "I think you look extraordinary. In fact, when I saw the costume in the store, I thought it would suit you perfectly. And show off your....... assets." "It shows off my assets all right- BOTH of them. So far, I've been propositioned, hit on, offered money- extra if I wear the dress, and my derriere has been pinched by eleven- count them- eleven men old enough to have known Einstein personally. I just would like to find Marcello and his bride, congratulate them, and be on our way." She's startled when she turns around and sees Marcello standing in front of her. He greets her with a kiss on each cheek and says hello to Lionel as well. He introduces them both to Maria DiMonde, his bride-to be. Both are charmed to meet her. Marcello then mentions a piece that Augusta had some interest in acquiring years before, asking Lionel if it's all right if he borrow Augusta for a moment. "Take all the time you need Marcello. And try convincing her to stay a while- she's been threatening to leave since we got here." "I'll do my best." Marcello leads Augusta to a study, away from the rest of the party, and asks if she's spotted Sophia there. She says she has not but that it hasn't helped that there are so many people there. Marcello wonders if perhaps Augusta's mind could have been playing tricks on her or if the woman she saw may have just had a striking resemblance to Sophia and nothing more. "Marcello, I've known and loathed the woman for a good portion of my life. Without a doubt, it was Sophia I saw, not some look-alike." "Which begs the question, since you admittedly hate my step-mother, why the interest in helping her? Or are your motivations for coming to me more sinister than they look on the surface? Why not go to CC, if Sophia is truly alive?" "Look, without going into detail, that's not possible. As I told you, she's not herself- she didn't even recognize me. She's been seemingly brainwashed all over again, possibly by a madman. You could be her best, maybe her only chance at coming out of this even slightly remnant of her former vile self." "So why not tell your husband? Again, if your intentions are good..." "For Heaven's sake Marcello, you and I both know that the worst medicine for Sophia in this state would be Lionel- shall we doom ourselves to repeat history? Who would you have dead this time, Ted, Kelly, maybe even yourself?" They are interrupted when Lionel enters, saying a staff member told him where to find the two of them. He asks Augusta if everything is alright and she tells him she was just negotiating with Marcello when they began to reminisce about the past. "Now why would you want to go and do a thing like that?" Lionel deadpans. ---Meanwhile, back in the party, Edmund and Sophia are shown dancing among the other guests. A nervous Edmund suggests that they should be going soon, but Sophia is hesitant. "We haven't even met the guests of honor yet and I'm having such a nice time. Aren't you?" Sophia smiles. "Yes, Loretta, of course, I just don't think all this activity is good for you just yet. You're still recovering you know." "I feel fine darling, better than I ever have. There's no need for you to be so worrisome," she says, again playfully smiling at him. Edmund smiles back at his wife's jab. "Alright. If it's activity you want, then, my love, it's activity you shall have!" He begins swinging her and twirling her around the floor, much to her delight. She matches him step for step, as they continue to ferociously dance across the room, their eyes locked on one another. They get the attention of bystanders throughout the party, including Maria, who points them out to Marcello as he takes her arm once again. Marcello gives Augusta a look from across the room, redirecting her attention toward the couple. Her eyes bug out when she recognizes the costumes of the pair. She looks back at Marcello and affirms that it is indeed Edmund and Sophia. "Wow! Aren't they fantastic dancers?" Lionel comments. "Look how she allows him to lead her.....If you'd ever allowed me to lead like that..." "We'd be stepping on on each other's toes and flat on our backs in no time." (EXT: Capwell Enterprises) ----Kelly is absolutely appalled by her father's comments on the state of her life. She tells him that for the first time in a very long time, she's happy. She's found a man and a love in Ashton that she never thought possible, since losing Joe and Robert. She asks him why he can't just be happy for her. "He's manipulating you kitten, can't you see that? That man, standing next to you, is a predator, just like his father, and you were his prey. Everything he's made you believe about him is untrue and solely for the purpose of gaining your trust Kelly. And he doesn't deserve it. Not one bit of it," CC laments. "You keep saying the same thing about Ashton and about his father, but you haven't yet told me why you think any of that. You say Edmund is a monster and Ashton is just like him, if not worse, yet you don't seem to want to elaborate when I inquire about it. Why is that daddy? Is it because you're afraid I'll find out that Edmund is a monster? Or that he's not a monster at all and the only real monster is YOU?" Kelly says, tears in her eyes. She grabs Ashton and begins leading him out of the room. She stops and looks at her father. "I just want you to know daddy, while I am in London, and when I do meet Dr. Lavery, I'm going to find out just what the connection is between the two of you. I've given you ample opportunity to be honest with me and each time, you've let me down. And I'm going to find out why." She and Ashton pass by Elizabeth in the hallway, as she's making her way to CC's office. She attempts to say hello, but Kelly just ignores her. Ashton acknowledges her and continues leaving with his wife. She then descends on a broken CC, sitting in his chair at his desk. She immediately goes to him and asks him what's wrong. He just looks at her for a moment, without saying anything. He then breaks his silence. "What is it about you women when it comes to love? You can't see the forest for the trees." "We're too trusting of the men we love, CC. We hold them to expectations that they, in reality, could never live up to in the first place. I take it this is about Kelly." "Yes it's about Kelly- he's manipulating her, that bastard, and she refuses to see it. She can't see it. Hell, you could probably relate, since Timmons is doing the exact same thing to you." Elizabeth looks at CC, realizing he's probably right. She suggests that they get to the books, as they have much ground to cover with the audit. ---In Gina's office, Keith & Gina continue listening in on the device he planted in CC's office. "CC's onto you Keith, and from her reaction, it sounds like Miss Elizabeth might be catching on as well." "Which is what makes tonight so perfect." "For what?" "No questions, just take your cell phone and go down to the basement where the main power lines are. Sit there and wait for my call and follow my directions explicitly." "What is this? Why Keith, I want to know WHY?" "For our future, babe. For enough green to make you go color blind. Would you just trust me? Look at my eyes. Those are trustworthy eyes." "More like snake eyes," she snarks "Will you just go?" "Alright, alright, I'm going. But I'm telling you, Keith Timmons, whatever you're doing, it better be good. And it better be OVER. QUICK. Because I'm not going to be patient forever. And I think you can remember what I'm like when I'm impatient." "Will you just go already? We're wasting time. Go. Go. Go." he says, shooing her on her way. She turns around and gives him a disgusted look, but begins making her way downstairs. (INT: The DiMonde Estate) ---The guests all clap as Edmund and Sophia complete their dance, still donning their masks. They are quickly approached by a staff member, who tells them that Lady DiMonde and the guests of honor have requested to meet them. Sophia excitedly follows him, while Edmund is a bit reluctant. They are brought before Lady DiMonde, who requests they remove their masks. She's surprised to see that Edmund was the one who was shredding the dance floor. "My, my, my, Dr. Edmund Lavery- you were the last gentleman I expected to be behind that mask. You must introduce me to your lady friend. I'm quite curious as to who has made you so light on your feet." "Lady DiMonde, this is my wife, Mrs. Loretta Lavery." "How do you do?" Sophia says. "Charmed to meet you dear. Come, let me introduce you both to my daughter and future son-in-law." She brings them both over to meet Maria and Marcello. Marcello's eyes immediately fixate on Sophia as the camera shows her in slow motion, walking toward him. He remains staring at her, and as if it were background noise, Lady DiMonde can be heard introducing them both to Maria & Marcello. Finally Sophia comes to Marcello. "How do you do? Loretta Lavery" she says, extending her hand. "Marcello. Dr. Marcello Armonti. Pleased to meet you," he says, hoping to elicit some kind of reaction out of her. She continues to smile and look back at him, as he's slow to let go of her hand. Edmund notices Marcello's peculiar reaction to Sophia and stares at them both, as they continue staring at one another. THE END.....................for THIS EPISODE
probably late tonight or tomorrow morning. Having key issues right now. LOL
http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm GET SB ON TV!!! (EXT: Mark & Sherri's house) ----Mason drags an irritated Mark back inside, throwing him onto the living room couch. Mason tells Mark he could kill him for what he's done to Mary. "What I've done? You mean saving her life? Or taking her away from you?" Mason stands up to punch Mark, but Pearl holds him back, reminding him that Mark needs to be concious for them to get the answers that they're looking for. Mark looks at his mother, with a desperation in his eyes. "How could you? How could you, of all people, do this to me?" "I'm sorry, Mark. But I needed to do the right thing and this is it. I think you see that though. Letting Mary go on the way she has is......abominable," Maureen says, choking the words out, "and is not at all reminiscent of the boy I raised. What happened?" "I think you know what happened mom. Worked out nicely for you, didn't it? Dad was dead, I killed him, and you didn't have to pay for it in any way. But that's not why we're here, is it? We're here to discuss mine and Mary's child, isn't that right?" he says, smiling at Mary. "There's no way of knowing for sure who's child it was Mark. You made sure of that." "Oh believe me, he was every bit my son..." "HE!?!" Mary exclaims, "I thought I had a little girl, that's what you told-" "Surprise, surprise Mary. You were misinformed." Mark smiles, looking at Sherri. Mary's face fills with rage and she jumps up and lunges at Sherri. "YOU B!TCH! How COULD YOU?" she shrieks as she attacks her. Mason & Pearl jump up and pull the two apart, while Mark sits looking at them with a smile across his face. (EXT: Baja, Mexico- CLINIC) ----Angel is stunned when he sees Kirk & Santana standing over Cruz's bed, but not half as shocked as they are when they see him looking at them. They lock eyes and Angel begins running down the hallway. Kirk takes off after him, with Santana not far behind. The nurses ask Santana if everything is alright and she says fine as she speeds past. Kirk catches up with Angel outside and stops him from going to his car. "Stop! Angel, stop, it's not what you think?" "Are you kidding me? You think I was born yesterday pal? I know all about your obsession with Eden and hatred for Cruz....." "All of that may be true, though some of the same could be said for you. After all, didn't Cruz send you to prison? And when he got out, wasn't he the direct cause of your daughter's kidnapping?" "Yeah, I hated Castillo- for years I hated him. But I wouldn't wish this on him- and working with him and the way he got me out of prison......He was an honorable man. Or I should say is an honorable man." "And you'd be deeply betraying him if you told Eden that you saw him," Santana says, approaching the two. "Santana. You see how it's tearing her up, the way she's treating my family. How could you-" "Because I'm respecting Cruz's wishes. No one can know he's alive, or he'll be in great danger. Until this killer is found and brought to justice, nobody will be safe, especially Eden. If you go to that police station and tell her, what do you think she'll do? She'll come running here to see him and then we'll all be in danger, which isn't what Cruz wants." "So I'm supposed to just say nothing and watch her go on in agony, lashing out and teetering on the edge of......God knows what?" "That's exactly what you do Angel. For Cruz. You think it's easy for me? I was raised with Eden, I was in love with her brother, I can't stand what this is doing to her. But she's alive, isn't she?" "I don't know if I can-" "Oh drop the innocent act Angel, you had no problem trying to pull a switcheroo with me with those maps. This is child's play compared to that. Don't you think you owe it to Cruz?" "I wanna talk to him." "That's not possible. He's in and out of conciousness and today has been a particularly traumatic day for him. You're just going to have to trust me." Angel looks at Santana, then looks Kirk up and down. He gets in his car and takes off for the police station. (EXT: Baja Police Station) ----Marta emerges from the interview room, shaken and disturbed. Eden looks at Julia and they approach the distraught girl. "Where's my dad?" she asks. "He had to leave for a little while, he'll be back shortly," Julia responds, "Are you alright?" Marta nods that she is. "Was it them?" Eden asks. "Was it the same two guys who kidnapped you? Did they get the right ones?" Marta again nods at her. "You gotta understand, Mrs. Castillo, I feared for my life from these guys." Eden gives Julia a disbelieving look. "Lady, for someone so affluent, you're a really dumb woman. These guys were trying to take your daughter. I stopped them. I messed up their whole plan and then they had me, the wrong girl, of no use to them. If I didn't do everything that I did, I would've been dead months ago. I understand you lost your husband in the deal and I'm real sorry about that. I am. But I did what I had to do in there to stay alive and I won't be judged by you or anyone else for doing what I did. You woulda done the same thing if you was me." The lead investigator then comes out and tells them that both men are being interrogated. Eden tells them to offer them whatever they want to get to Cruz's killer. He tells her they're being less than forthcoming and no matter what, have to pay for their crime. Julia shows them the authorization from the SBPD, explicitly saying that offers are to be extended going as far as immunity for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for Cruz's death. Marta is appalled by what she hears. "You mean these guys, that I just identified, that they could go free after what they did? What kind of bull-" "What kind of BULL is it that my husband is dead? Is that what you were about to say? Because that was the end result of your little kidnapping, Marta. You were let go without a scratch on you and my husband was blown to smithereens!" Eden turns to the investigator. "Offer what you can. I want whoever did this held accountable, no matter what you have to do." The investigator nods in affirmation and says he'll do his best to keep them posted on the interrogations. He heads back to the interview room, as Angel arrives on the scene. Marta runs and hugs her father, sobbing a little. "Marta, my Marta, are you alright? What happened?" "It's them, papa, it's them. It was the guys-" "Ay, mija, shhhhh, shhhh, it's okay now. I'm here." "They're gonna get away with it because of them. They're gonna get away with it!" Angel asks what Marta is talking about and Julia fills him in. Marta is stunned when Angel takes the news in stride, saying they need to do whatever they can to make sure Cruz's murderer is punished, even if it means Marta's kidnappers going free. (EXT: Newark, New Jersey) ----Mason and Pearl are able to pry Mary and Sherri off of one another. Maureen looks and sees her son continuing to smile at the scene. "You laugh at this? Look at the pain you've caused these people Mark, the torment and the agony they've suffered for years. All because of you, my son. Where is the good in you? How can you not feel compelled to do what's right, especially since you say you loved this woman." "He doesn't know the meaning of the word, Maureen, at least not the Mark I've always known," Mason snorts. "And the only word you can understand, Mason, is revenge. It's what drives you, always has. Bruises your ego a bit to know that somebody turned the tables on you for once, doesn't it? You want the truth? I may regret what this has done to Mary, but don't think for a second I regret keeping her away from you. It was the best thing I could do for her and that baby. I respected her wishes and didn't dare raise our son. But I wasn't about to let you have any influence over his life." "You keep referring to the child as yours, but I still see no proof of that." Mason retorts. "Oh, it's my son Mason, but you don't have to take my word for it. After all, if it were my son, why would you even care about him? Oh, that's right, because you "care" so much about Mary. That's why you manipulated her into prosecuting me in open court, much against any will of her own." "So where is he, Mark? Where is my son?" "Quite honestly, I don't know. He bounced from foster home to foster home for many years, but when he turned 16, he left the system and hasn't been seen since. You can check with the state of California for his records." "What's his name, Mark?" Mary asks. "Actually, that changed from home to home. He would claim to want to reinvent himself wherever he went, and swiched his first and last names as he bounced around. Again, the state will confirm what I'm telling you. He's alive, I'm certain of that. I've researched the deaths of young men around his age in California and some of the US over the years and none match up. But that's it. That's all I know." "Are we supposed to believe all this Mark? You hid and sent us on a wild goose chase because you know absolutely nothing? I'm not buying it." "Believe what you want Mason, I don't give a damn. The records in California will back me up. He's out there, somewhere he's out there, alive. But keep in mind this is my son you're looking for, Capwell. Mine and Mary's- nothing will ever change that. You're looking for MY son. MINE!" Mason looks at Pearl and Pearl nods his head affirmatively. Mason pulls back and decks Mark, sending him across the couch and leaving his lip bleeding and face red. "That was a long time coming," Mason says, as he, Pearl, Mary, and Maureen exit the house. THE END........................til later