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Everything posted by juniorz1

  1. It looks like I won't be able to complete it before my dinner plans- I'm about halfway done, so it should be up sometime between 10 and 11 PM EST tonight!!
  2. Robert Thaler as Pearl Bradford, Jessica Dunphy as Adriana Castillo, Jared Leto as Steve Hall, Justin Hartley as Brandon Capwell (EXT: London, England- The DiMonde Estate) -Marcello hangs up the phone with Sophia and as he's about to head out the door, he's surprised to see Lionel and Augusta there already. He asks what they're doing there and Augusta informs him that she came clean with Lionel and they'd like to help in any way they can. Marcello tells them that time is of the essence, as Sophia has the afternoon alone and Edmund is still planning on taking her away. "What exactly has this guy done to Sophia?" Lionel inquires. "In a nutshell, he's brainwashed her into thinking that she's his deceased wife, Loretta. She has no memories as Sophia and what complicates matters is that Edmund and Loretta have a history with CC. She had an affair with him many years ago, shortly before Sophia was presumed dead the first time, and she ended up pregnant. CC blamed her for his ignoring Sophia during their last months of marriage and refused to have anything to do with the child. Edmund found out about all of this and was furious, though the child turned out to be his anyway. However, Loretta overdosed and died, though the doctors were able to save the baby and Edmund has blamed CC for it ever since." "And apparently," Augusta chimes in "that's where Pamela came in. She found out about all of this, tracked Edmund down, and together, they hatched this plan that allowed him to exact his revenge on CC and she on Sophia." "My God! This whole thing is so bizarre, though with Sophia's history of amnesia combined with the aneurism, I can see how he was able to accomplish his goal." "Yes well, the one good thing that did come of this is that he cured her of the aneurism. Anyhow, we can discuss this on the way there- time is of the essence, as we need her to remember and to get her out of there before Edmund runs away with her." Lionel asks Marcello if he's thought of a safety net, in case that happens. Marcello says he won't let it, but Lionel suggests that they get Sophia an IPhone with a GPS tracking device built in. That way, even if Edmund does manage to get her away from London, they can pinpoint her location. Marcello agrees that it's an excellent idea- he asks Augusta to go and purchase the phone, and Lionel to come with him. He explains that since Lionel is a familiar face with no known history with Loretta, he may be able to jog her memory. They all head off. (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) -Eden thinks back to Bobby revealing to her that Quinn Armitage was behind Cruz's murder. She also remembers his insistence that she not involve the cops. She grabs her purse off the table, takes her keys out of it, and heads to the door. Just as she's about to open it, the doorbell rings. "Who could that be?" she wonders aloud, opening it up. "Kirk, what the hell are you doing here?" "Going somewhere Eden? Have I caught you at a bad time?" "There's never a good time for you to catch me, Kirk. What do you want?" "I'm here to offer my services. I have my entire conglomerate in Mexico looking into Quinn's whereabouts. I have just as much a stake in this as you do Eden- hell, the guy set me up to take the fall, for God knows what reason!" "My husband is dead, Kirk, so excuse me if I don't feel you have as much stake in this as me. Now if you'll excuse me, I was just leaving...." "To go where? You're not involving the police in this, are you? Remember what Bobby said...." "First of all, it's none of your business where I'm going. Secondly, Bobby's cards are played- I know who's responsible for Cruz's murder now and I don't have to listen to a word of what that neanderthal told me to do." "I know that Eden, but I'd hate to see you disappointed when he denies everything to the police..." "I'm not dumb Kirk- and, again, not that it's your business, but I'm not going to the police. But I am going to see someone who can help me track down Quinn." "But I just told you I have my entire conglomerate-" "Am I supposed to be impressed by your conglomerate Kirk? You could hire Sherlock Holmes to track Quinn down for all I care! Besides, I still don't trust you and never will! So again, if you'll excuse me...." "Will you at least let me come with you? Like it or not, this Armitage guy tried to set me up for murder! I could have been in prison for the rest of my life because of him!" "I should be so lucky. But since you're obviously not going to get out of my way, then fine, tag along if you must. But keep your mouth shut and let me do the talking! I don't need you screwing any of this up!" "Fair enough. Mind if I drive?" "No, not at all....you can drive......right behind me.....in your own car." She walks past him and locks up the house, heading to her car. Kirk pauses for a moment and smiles. "Still feisty after all these years...." (EXT: Brandon & Steve's Apartment) -Steve walks into the living room where Brandon is reading the newspaper. Brandon tells him to have a seat, as there's something he wants to discuss with him. Brandon asks him if he's thought about his offer to make some extra money on the side, in addition to the bartending gig. "Of course man. I'll do whatever I gotta to make some extra cash, especially since I'm trying to woo Princess Castillo." "Ah, yes, my sweet step-niece slash step-cousin Adriana. No offense, Steve-O, but she seems a little....how do I put this.....vanilla for your taste." "Yeah, she's not the kinda chick I'm usually into, that's for sure. But I like that about her- she doesn't make it easy on me. Plus, the kid's got spunk. I dig that. So anyway, about makin this bread...." "Of course. Well, as you know, I have some "product" that I need to unload. I'm actually going later tonight to pick up enough to supply half of the city....Primo stuff too bro. And The Lair is the perfect spot to do it at- that's partially why I bought it. But being the owner and a Capwell and all, I have to be discrete about this sort of thing....which is where you come in. You read?" "Yea, I gotcha, but I really ain't got nothin to invest, if that's what you're thinkin...." "No, no, not at all, I'll take care of things on that end, I just need you to help unload. We split the profits 50/50 and use the base amount to re-up. I can get this sh!t all day, every day...today being no exception." Brandon pulls out a fat bag and pours it on the table, as Steve's eyes light up as he looks up at him. "Go ahead man....cut us up some rails..." Steve happily obliges and cuts the mass quantity of cocaine Brandon's poured onto the table into four big lines. The two of them snort them up and Steve tells him it's some of the best stuff he's ever had. Brandon tells him his guy gets it straight from Peru- pure and uncut and the quality is how he makes all the money. Steve comments that the Capwells would freak if they knew what Brandon was up to. "Like I give a damn what they think of me...." "Again, you talk smack about them man. What is the deal there? If I had a family that were stacked like that, I'd be kissin their asses all day, every day..." "Yeah, well, you don't know the Capwells..." Brandon explains that he's the son of Santana Andrade and the late Channing Capwell, emphasis on the late. He tells Steve that before he was born, Sophia had been presumed dead when she actually had amnesia and was living on another continent. Eventually, after a chance run in with her daughter Eden and some therapy, she remembered who she was and blamed Lionel Lockridge for her "death", since she was arguing with him on CC's yacht, trying to break up their affair when she fell overboard. So she hatched a revenge plot to scare Lionel. She showed up in Santa Barbara dressed as a man and put blanks in CC's gun in the study. He explains that she planned on luring Lionel there to give him a good scare. "That's a pretty messed up way to scare someone man!" "Tell me something I don't know. Only it wasn't Lionel she ended up frightening, not at all..." "Then who?" Brandon tells him that, unbeknownst to Sophia, CC found the blanks in the gun and replaced them with real bullets, as he always kept his gun loaded and didn't understand why there were blanks there in the first place. So, when Sophia waited in the study brandishing a gun that she thought was loaded with blanks, she was actually packing heat. She sat in the high backed chair with her back to the door, waiting for Lionel. When she finally heard the door open, she whipped around in the chair and shot the gun. But before she could stop herself, she realized it wasn't Lionel at all she was shooting- it was actually her son, Channing. "So your grandmother shot your father, her own son? Man, I thought only poor people were that nuts!" "So did the police apparently. After she realized what she'd done, Marcello, her step-son arrived on the scene and hurried her out of there, taking her back abroad. The murder ended up getting pinned on some poor shlub, Joe Perkins, and she let him rot in jail for 5 years, until Cruz re-opened the case. She claimed to have had amnesia until Cruz recreated the night and she realized she had killed her own son, my dad. They kept this from me my entire life, until one day I asked my mom about it and she filled me in on the entire story. And after they did this, CC had the nerve to keep me away from my own mother, sending me to live with Gina and eventually marrying her just to get custody of me! He never loved her and kicked her to the curb for Sophia, who had shot his son in cold blood. So you can see why there's no love lost between me and the Capwells." Steve asks how it is that he's not actually a Capwell then and Brandon explains that Sophia lied about Channing's parentage, claiming he was CC's in order to marry him but really it was Lionel's. He tells him that Lionel's mother, Minx, got wind of what Sophia was up to and wouldn't have her child raised a Capwell so when he was born, she switched the baby with the Wallace's child. Therefore, his dad Channing was never really a Capwell at all and thus he's not blood related to CC, Sophia, or any of the Capwells. Just then, someone knocks at the door. Brandon cleans up the table as Steve answers it. "Mind if i come in?" Adriana says. "Princess! Not at all..." Brandon excuses himself, telling them he has some "business" to attend to. Steve asks Adriana what she's doing there and she informs him she just wanted to see him. "Aw, you missed me, huh?" "No...I...well, maybe a little..." He leans in and kisses her passionately. He tells her that he was going to call her anyway, as he has the night off and wants to take her someplace special. She asks where they're going but he tells her it's a surprise. "Aw, come on, I don't like surprises...can't you give me a little hint? Just a tiny one?" "Hmmm, a hint....I dunno, I think I might need some persuasion." She gives him a look and walks right up into his face, batting her eyelashes. "Please Steve....I really want to know....can't you just give me one..(she kisses him).....teenie..(she kisses him again)....weenie..(another kiss).....little..(yet another one).......hint..(one final hot passionate kiss)..." "Wow, you are a persuasive one, aren't ya..." "I've been told.....so....are you gonna give me a hint or what?" "Mmmm....sorry Princess, but that would spoil the fun. Just be ready at 9 o'clock sharp and put on somethin sexy...." "If you don't give me that hint, you'll be pickin me up in SWEATS!" "Ok, ok...one hint. It's some place you've never been before and it's gonna be real romantic....how's that for a hint?" "I like it." He pulls her into his arms, telling her that when the night's done, he'll be in her head for the rest of her life. She jokes for him not to count on it. "Oh no? Don't count on it, huh?!? Face it, Princess....I'm already almost there. When we're in a room together, I'm like a magnet for you, a drug that you can't get enough of. It's just like a drug, in fact.....intense....a little scary....dangerous....but you love every minute of it...." He again passionately kisses her, as she cannot deny her attraction to him. (EXT: Pearl Bradford's Offices) -Eden walks in the doorway and Pearl immediately lights up. "Edie! What a nice surprise! How ya doin gorgeous?" he says, kissing her hello. He then notices Kirk walking in behind her. "What's he doin here?" "Relax, Pearl, he insisted on coming and for once, he's actually on our side...sort of..." "Kirk Cranston? On our side? Is it raining frogs in hell?" Eden explains that she's learned who killed Cruz- Quinn Armitage- but she's going to need his help to track him down. He asks why she isn't going to the police and she explains the whole story of what Bobby told her. She tells him that Quinn set up Kirk to take the fall, which is why he has a vested interest. She gives him the name of Quinn's company and asks if he can pinpoint the location. He says that it should actually be real easy and he can probably find out in a matter of seconds. He enters his information in his computer database and the location pops up. "That's it! That's where your man Quinn is, Edie- London, England!" "London....of course......Gee, Kirk, you've got a whole conglomerate working on this and ol Pearl and his pet laptop here had the answers in a matter of seconds. Again, quite impressive....Thank you so much Pearl! I'll call daddy right away and have him get the jet ready to take me to London tonight." "I'm coming with you, Eden," Kirk interjects. "Uh, no way Kirk. This is the end of the line for you..." "I'm not letting you go alone, Eden, you don't know what this guy is capable of. Besides, I have a thing or two I'd like to straighten out myself with our pal Armitage. You're not going to be able to stop me- I'll take my own company's jet and follow you there if I have to...." "Company jet? Once again, Kirk, I'm not impressed. But if you insist on coming..." "I do." "Fine. Just get packed and I'll meet you tonight at the airport." "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...." Pearl says "No no no no what?" Eden mocks. "There ain't no way I'm lettin you head to London by yourself with pond scum over there. Cruz would strike me down from above if I ever let that happen. Un-uh. No way! If he's goin wit you, then I'm goin wit u..." "I don't suppose I can stop you either can I?" "No chance." "Fine then. Both of you pack whatever it is you think you need and we'll meet at the airport at 8 o'clock. The jet will be fueled and ready to take us. And when I get a hold of Quinn Armitage, he's going to regret the day he ever messed with me and my family!!" THE END.............FOR TODAY
  3. Actually, I'm working on that right now- I'm hoping to get it up by 7. If not, then it should be done by around 11 tonight.
  4. Michael Brainard as Ted Capwell, Nina Arveson as Angela Capwell, Harley Janek Kozak as Dr. Mary Duvall, Heather Lindell as Samantha Capwell, Lane Davies as Mason Capwell, Nancy Lee Grahn as Julia Capwell (EXT: Mason & Julia's Beach House) -Julia opens her eyes and sees Mason lying next to her, just staring at her. She smiles back at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks. "It's just so nice to wake up and see you lying next to me. I've missed you Julia." "You hungry?" "Absolutely!" He reaches over and gives her a passionate kiss. She corrects him, telling him she meant breakfast, though he obviously has something else in mind. She says that she's starving and they put on their robes and head downstairs. Both are surprised to see their table already sent, complete with a bottle of champagne, orange juice, croissants, and bagels. They find a note from Samantha saying that she thought they'd enjoy a special morning and that she had some errands to run. They sit down and begin eating, though Julia decides to bring up a sore subject. "I'd hate to ruin this lovely moment Mason, but-" "Then don't!" he interrupts. "We have to discuss Mary and her missing son, we can't just pretend like the problem doesn't still exist. She's still alive and still hasn't found him yet." "I know. Look, Julia, I want you to know that I'm committed to you, no matter what happens with Mary...." "But you're not just going to abandon her, right? The second she calls with another lead and wants you to go to Palm Springs with her to track him down, you're going to go running..." Mason nods, telling her that he has to see this through, especially after they found out that Mark manipulated Mary's doctors into thinking her due date was further away than it actually was. The child, or rather, adult boy could very well be his. He pleads with her to understand. "Actually Mason, I do. You loved her once upon a time, you may have conceived a child with her, you can't just turn your back on her now, especially with everything that Mark has done." "Then, you're ok with my continuing to help her with the search?" "I'm not sure ok is the word, but I'm supportive of it. But if we're really going to get our marriage back on track, if you're really committed to me and making out marriage work, then I want to be involved. I want to help both you and her- every step of the way. If you have another son out there, then I'm going to be just as much a part of his life as you and she are and it's going to effect my life as well. So wherever the search leads you, I'm going to be right there with you, every step of the way." "Have I told you how much I love you yet today?" "You have, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again..." He tells her that he does and walks over and gives her another passionate kiss. She kisses him back and they run back up to the bedroom, giggling the whole way. (EXT: San Remos Clinic) -Mary sits at her desk, pondering her life without Mason by her side. She looks through the paperwork she was given on her son, growing more frustrated by the second. One of the nurses buzz her and inform her a former patient is there to see her. Mary is surprised to see Samantha walk through the door. "Samantha, HI! How are you doing? You look like you've made quite a recovery!" "I'm doing much better. I wanted to come by and thank you in person for saving my life. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here right now. I truly am grateful for that and I owe you." "Sweetheart, you don't owe me anything! Just to see you back on your feet walking around again is all the thanks I need." Samantha asks Mary how the search for her son is going and she tells her that they've hit a dead end. She's waiting on a call back from foster care in the hopes of locating her son's last family. Samantha asks her if she expects Mason to drop everything again if they get another lead. "I doubt I could stop him, but if he does, that will be his choice, not mine." "So you're not trying to get him back then? You're telling me that you have no desire to be with my father again and that you're not trying to come between my parents?" "Honestly Samantha, I never was. I would have never even told Mason I was alive if you had never been brought into the clinic. Even then, I did whatever I could to avoid them, but your mother found me. I pleaded with her not to tell Mason- you have to understand, I had come back to Santa Barbara many years ago, when you were a little girl, fully intending on reclaiming my life with Mason. But when I saw that he was with Julia and that they had a little girl.... He was happy, Samantha, and I wasn't about to ruin that for him. Not only him, but Julia too- your mother was a friend of mine when I lived here you know." "Yes, I'm well aware, which is why I was shocked that you kept her husband away from her on the holidays, that you spent New Year's Eve with him, instead of telling him to go home and be with his family." Mary explains that she told him many times that he should be with Julia and not her, but he was angry with Julia for lying to him, which she concedes was her fault. She tells Samantha that she never meant for any of this to happen, she would have never even come back had Julia not found her. Samantha informs her that Mason and Julia have reconciled and she'd appreciate it if Mary butted out, including the search for her son. Mary tells her that she can't do that- there's a chance that it could be Mason's child and he has a right to know what's going on. So if she gets a lead, she'd have to inform him about it and leave it up to him to decide if he wants to follow it up with her. "That's actually why I'm here- I have something that may help you find him." "You? How would you-" "A few months ago, A- that's what we call Adriana- met this guy- Steve Hall is his name. Brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes, kind of a vagabond type. Anyhow, she asked him about his background and he told us that his mother died giving birth and his father has been incarcerated since he was born. He moved in with a foster family when he was young, but the parents were dirty- they had, like, 6 foster kids and were only doing it to get money. He lived there for a few years, until they were arrested on drug charges. After that, he moved from home to home, until he finally left the system when he was 16- been on his own ever since. I didn't really think much of it, until dad was talking the other day about what you guys found out in Sacramento and the story he gave sounded almost identical to Steve's..." "My God, everything you're saying- it's almost exactly what I was just reading. Where is this Steve? Will you take me to him? I have to find out if..." "I actually can do you one better. He's already not such a trusting guy, so I didn't think it would be a good idea for you and dad to come bursting into his life with this crazy story. So the other day, we were at the beach with him and I waited until I could find something that I could bring for you to test. I was hoping for a hair, but I think what I have is even better." She opens her purse and pulls out the ziploc bag with the cigarette butt in it. "Here. I made sure I didn't touch it or anything- he was smoking it and put it out. I figured his saliva would be a pretty dead on way for you guys to test his DNA. Hopefully, this will give you the answers you need." "Oh Samantha, I don't know how I can thank you..." "Just have it tested and get the results. I haven't told my father and I'd prefer you didn't either. At least until you're able to confirm that this guy is actually your son. In the meantime, I figured this would buy my parents the time alone that they so need right now." Mary takes the bag and thanks her again. Samantha takes off and Mary stares at the butt, having gone from frustrated to quite hopeful. (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) -Angela stands behind the lobby desk, talking with one of the associates. They mention that Angela isn't looking so hot, her face is kind of flush. Angela insists she's fine. As they continue doing paperwork, Gina approaches the concierge and begins furiously ringing the bell. "Make that was fine. What do you want Gina?" "I thought I'd stop by and we could have a little girl talk." "I really have a lot of work I need to be doing, if we could do this another time...." "It will only take a couple minutes. And I'm sure you're going to want to hear what I have to say." Angela sighs. "Fine, come on back to my office. Lynn, if you need me, just ring me on the speaker phone." They adjourn to the office in the back, as Gina carefully shuts the door to ensure their privacy. "So what is this all about? If it's Gina Jeans..." "No, no, Lily and I are doing just fine without you at the office." "Don't you mean Lily, you and Joann?" "Of course. You know, it's funny, you ruined my daughter's life, her marriage to Ted, yet I've been so busy that I haven't been able to return the favor." "I did her a favor, Gina. Ted wanted me, Ted loves me- it never would have worked with Lily." "Yes, well you know what they say, once a cheater, always a cheater...." "Just what are you implying Gina? Ted would NEVER-" "Oh I'm not talking about Ted. No, no, Ted's a decent, honorable man....well, he was, until he got involved with you. Something here's sure to regret I'm quite certain." "I highly doubt that. Ted's, shall we say, quite satisfied with our marriage," "I'm sure he is, I'm sure he is. It's you I'm more concered about darling. A nymphomaniac social climbing bitch like yourself never gets complacent for very long. I've learned that in my experience in life. The second Ted's attention isn't all on you, your eyes and mind begin to wander, followed by the rest of your body parts, your lower half for instance..." "I really don't have the stomach for your games Gina, so why don't you just say whatever it is you came to say." "Fine- I know that you did the nasty with Warren Lockridge! Saw it all on video- quite the performance, I must say. Paris Hilton, look out! "One Night in Angela" was far hotter..." Angela is stunned that Lily told Gina and asks her what she's going to do with the information. Before she gets the chance to tell her, Ted comes walking in to the office. "Ted, what a surprise! How nice to see you here..." "Oh put a sock in it, Gina- I could hear you two from outside the door. Mind telling me what's going on here? Why are you harassing my wife?" Gina claims that she's actually not harassing anyone, just talking to Angela about her video. Angela's eyes bulge as she realizes that Gina's about to tell Ted everything. She gets up to stop her, telling her she wants to be alone with her husband. "Ted has a right to know about it, Angela. After all, he's as much a shareholder as you are. Lily and I are going to be doing a video promo for Gina Jeans and I was here asking Angela for her input, though she doesn't seem to think it's such a good idea, do you Angela?" "Actually, Gina, if you'd have let me finish, I was going to..." Angela suddenly turns pale white and has a dizzy spell. She asks them to excuse her and begins running through the hotel lobby. "What the hell was all that about?" Ted wonders aloud. "Beats me. She's so on edge, that wife of yours, like there's something bothering her. Something that must have nothing to do with work, as I was only here to give her the courtesy of letting her know about our plans for promoting the line. She is still in charge of it, despite running the hotel for your sister and Joann working on it in her place. Anyway, I best be going, but I'd keep an eye on your wife if I were you, Ted. Something is clearly going on with her- and with her track record, God only knows what that is...." Gina heads out the lobby of the hotel, smiling as she's obviously rattled them both. (EXT: London, England) -Christine serves Edmund, Ashton, and Kelly breakfast in the dining room. Kelly asks if he'll be leaving for Greece today, as Ashton shoots his father a knowing look. Edmund explains that he's actually changed his plans, as he has some things he'll need to work on in the beginning of the week. Ashton informs both of them that he has a full day and perhaps it would be a good time for them to get to know one another. "That would be just lovely! After all, I think it's about time I got to know more about my beautiful daughter-in-law, though I'm surprised to hear that you have to work on a Saturday." "Me too! I was hoping to take in some of the sites with my handsome husband." "I'm sorry darling, but this cannot wait. You'll just have to make due with my father over there..." "Make due she will, after all, where do you think my son got his elegant charm from. We'll have a lovely time. What would you like to do, Kelly? Have you ever been to the Museum of London? It tells the story of the city from early times to present day. It's a quite fascinating look at our history...." "That sounds wonderful, and no, in the few times I've been here, I never have gone." "You really must go, it's quite the experience and educational. Why don't you get dressed and I'll make a call and set up a VIP tour and make lunch reservations for afterwards?" "Ok, I'll do that. I'm looking forward to spending some time getting to know you, Dr. Lavery." "Likewise, I'm sure." Kelly excuses herself and Edmund shoots Ashton a look, asking just what he's up to and why he's insisting they continue staying there, knowing Sophia is just upstairs. Ashton tells him he still has business to conduct and reminds him that Sophia needs to stay put for now, as he has plans of his own for her. Edmund warns him that he better not be planning on letting anyone else seeing her, but Ashton insists that's not the case. He reminds him that he could go up and tell Kelly right now that her mother is in the East Wing, if he doesn't cooperate. Ashton's phone rings and he excuses himself. Edmund heads upstairs and bumps into Christine. He asks if Sophia is in her quarters and she says that she is. He tells Christine that he's going to be gone for most of the day and to keep an eye on Sophia, which she says she will. He opens the door to Sophia's room. "Loretta, darling, I'm so sorry...." "Sorry? For what? Oh, wait, let me guess, we're not leaving for Greece anymore, are we?" "I'm sorry, darling, but something has come up that cannot wait. I hope you'll understand." "I guess I'll have to, though I would like to get back into our bedroom. Are the renovations and painting finished yet?" "Unfortunately, darling, that too is taking more time than expected. But I promise you, as soon as it's all done and I take care of what I need to at work, we're going to take the getaway to Greece." "Promise?" "Promise." He walks over and kisses her, though Sophia clearly isn't as into it as she once was. He tells her he must be going- he'll be gone all day but plans on spending the evening with her. He leaves and Sophia waits to make sure the coast is clear before making a dash for her phone and dialing it. "Marcello? It's Loretta- it looks like we're going to have a little more time.....Edmund's going to be gone all day and I was hoping you could come by..........No, apparently, he's postponed the trip again, for whatever reason, but who knows how long that's going to last. Can you come over right away?..........Alright, I'll be waiting....." Sophia hangs up the phone and goes back to her bed, anxiously waiting on Marcello to get there. THE END..............FOR TODAY
  5. RTSB SUMMER PREVIEW Hey everyone! I know I've been behind in posting episodes, but I will be rolling them out again this week, starting with Episode 101! In any event, I wanted to take this time to give out a preview of what to expect this coming summer. I'm really excited about everything I have coming, as I have much of it planned out in my head. So here goes: CC/Sophia ("Loretta")/Edmund/Pamela This storyline is the one I'm most excited about right now, as many of my readers are. Now that Lionel knows the truth, Marcello brings him to the castle to help jog Sophia's memory. Marcello hypnotizes Sophia to remember parts of her history with Lionel and when he brings her out of it, Lionel is standing before her. Sophia is still unable to get the memories to break through, only recognizing Lionel from the masquerade ball. Marcello gets an idea and uses one last method to try to bring Sophia's memory back and....it works! But Edmund almost catches them and they are unable to break Sophia out of the mansion. Meanwhile, the castle is about to get even more crowded, as Kirk, Eden, and everyone's favorite P.I. head to London in search of Quinn. Ashton insists that they stay at the mansion, blackmailing Edmund with his knowledge of "Soretta." Sophia embarks on a dangerous game with Edmund, as she pretends to be Loretta so he isn't tipped off. Will Edmund catch on and figure out that Sophia has her memory back? To complicate matters even more, one of the Capwell girls spots Sophia in a compromising position with Edmund, setting off a cataclysmic chain of events that changes EVERYTHING! Eventually, Marcello and Lionel travel to Santa Barbara to get CC to help them save Sophia from her captor. But will CC believe anything his former foes have to say?!? This storyline has a climax that you won't want to miss, and the ramifications of what Edmund's done will be felt long after it's over. This is actually going to lead into Sophia's next big story! That's right Sophia fans- don't expect her to come off the front burner when this storyline ends.....because it will just be the beginning of a new chapter for her! Santana/Cruz/Eden/Kirk Eden and Kirk enlists Pearl's help in tracking down Quinn. When they find out his company's headquarters are in London, they all fly there, with Pearl insisting on coming along to keep an eye on Kirk. But Pearl becomes distracted when he overhears Ashton on a phone call and is suspicious of Kelly's new husband. Pearl, ever Kelly's protector, realizes there's more to meet the eye with him and get his hands full there. Ashton helps the trio pinpoint Quinn's location so Eden can confront him. But before she's able to do so, Ashton sets off a chain of events that changes EVERYTHING! An angrier, darker side of Eden has emerged since Cruz's death and this is the one thing that could very well push her over the edge!!! It results in an explosive confrontation that will complicate her life FOREVER!!! Meanwhile, Santana continues to keep Cruz in the dark about the last 25 years, even going so far as letting him think that he has no bioligical children!! Santana realizes that her union to Cruz isn't legal and makes an unholy alliance with Kirk to scheme her way into validating their marriage!! Don't forget, Angel knows that Cruz is alive and at some point has to be dealt with! There's A LOT going on in this story that you won't want to miss!!! Mary/Mason/Julia Samantha visits Mary at the clinic at tells her about Steve, giving her the cigarette butt to run a DNA test. Mary finds out once and for all whether Steve is her long-lost son! Mark gets wind of what's going on and heads to Santa Barbara with Sherri in tow. Told you guys you hadn't seen the last of them!!! Mason and Julia have reconciled, though he hasn't told her yet that he and Mary have indeed made love. Secrets have a way of coming out is all I can say. A paternity test is conducted to find out whether Steve is Mason's or Mark's biological child and the results will effect the lives of Mary, Mason, Julia, Samantha, Steve, and Adriana FOR GOOD! Steve, in the meantime, heightens his involvement with Brandon and The Lair, getting into some shady deals with him. Brandon tells him the whole story of his history with the Capwells and Steve offers his services, if they're ever needed. Brandon & Steve grow very close, which is not lost on Adriana, Steve's budding love interest. This leads into a major story that is set to kick off in late August/early September. I promised a slow build with the younger characters, to establish them and once I've gotten to that point, they will be involved in a major, front burner storyline with some of the established veterans. Ashton/Kelly/Warren/Angela/Ted/Lily This is going to turn into quite an interesting sextet. Lily's blackmail of Angela continues, until Angela gets herself in a life-changing situation that forces Lily to decide whether to reveal what she knows or keep quiet. Her decision is going to have a MAJOR impact on Ted & Angela's marriage, and through some scheming with Gina, she's going to take her machinations even FURTHER! This sets up a dramatic shift in the story, as her scheming will impact the lives of those involved FOREVER and alter both Lily and Angela's relationships with Ted PERMANENTLY! This story has been simmering on the backburner for quite some time and while it will remain a "B" story, it's going to pick up steam and get quite interesting. While the Mary/Mason/Julia stuff slows down, this story will pick up and will suddenly turn into a tale that you won't want to miss! Don't forget, Warren has been flirting with Kelly and doesn't trust Ashton. He will soon find out that Pearl is in the exact same boat and they join forces to figure out what Ashton is up to. But will they figure him out in time? A character from the past also returns as part of this story and can do some major damage! In addition, Rafe is coming back and will be involved in a triangle with Samantha & Lily!! Finally, you're going to find out soon enough that 3 of my storylines have been intersecting this whole time and when it comes together, I think my loyal readers' will be THRILLED that I came back to finish out these stories. If you've been paying attention to everything going on in each storyline, you will realize the full impact of a MAJOR REVEAL I'll be making sometime in the summer that connects them all & twists all 3 storylines in a way that will have MAJOR CONSEQUENCES FOR ALL INVOLVED!!! All this and MORE! THIS SUMMER ON RETURN TO SANTA BARBARA!!!!!!
  6. Thanks Shannon! Welcome back to you too! I think I made you guys wait long enough.....the thing about me & writing is I have to get into a zone and motivated to do it, which I am right now, despite the lack of episodes this week. I have A LOT of story mapped out though, so I'm going to stick with it for a while.
  7. OMG! MELISSA!!!!!! It's SO GOOD to see you here!!!
  8. Sorry I'm behind you guys- I had a busy week. I plan to post 3 episodes this weekend, though I'm not feeling so hot today and may end up holding off til tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for sticking with me!
  9. Obviously I'm running late you guys but episode 101 will be posted sometime tonight, probably pretty late. I have my outlines done for the next 2 episodes and am working on getting the outline done for 103 right now. It makes getting the episodes written and completed A LOT easier for me! Thanks so much for your patience everybody!
  10. Yes, when I re-read it, I caught that and both errors have now been fixed, as well as all the grammar errors and dialogue issues. Definitely re-read it with the corrections sb34. I know it's going to take a lot more time to do so, but it's important that when you read this episode, you watch all of the flashbacks in their entirety, click on all of the links, and the pictures. You can right click them and click on "open in new window." And be SURE to listen to the background music I posted with Mason & Julia's scene- it definitely heightens the impact. Background music and love themes enhance the blog and a certain love theme is about to become VERY important in story. ENJOY EVERYONE!!!
  11. I hope it's worth the wait you guys, as it took me quite a while to write and quite a bit of work finding all of the pictures, music, and flashbacks. Hope you all enjoy it and can't wait to see what you think!
  12. You guys, it's taking me A LOT longer to write this episode than I anticipated. I'm still hoping to have it done tonight, but it will be later than expected.
  13. Just wanted to let those of you who are waiting know that Episode 100 will be posted sometime tonight, likely between 9:30 and 11 PM Eastern Standard Time. Please always check the schedule on the right hand side of the blog- I usually try to keep it updated as much as possible every day! See you then!
  14. ***Be sure and click on everything that is underlined, as those are all the "flashbacks" I'm posting that relate to my current stories*** (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) -Eden remembers back to shooting Robert, mistaking him for Quinn. She also remembers that, in fact, she wasn't the one who shot him, but rather, Flame did, to set up Kelly for the murder. She remembers CC figuring out that Quinn was actually alive and was posing as Robert and turning Quinn in. This chain reaction caused Quinn to have to leave Santa Barbara and Kelly for good, something for which he obviously has never forgiven she and CC for. She's startled when Rafael puts his hand on her shoulder. "Aye, Mija, something is troubling you. Did your meeting with Bobby not go as you had hoped?" "No, he told us the truth. He told us that.....that......oh Rafael, this is all my fault, Cruz's death is all MY fault!" "Mija, that cannot be. You loved Cruz, how could it be..." "Because it is Rafael! Because it is!!.......Cruz's murderer, the man who set him up and put this whole mess in motion....it wasn't Cruz he was getting revenge on....it was...me!" Rafael doesn't understand and Eden explains to him that Quinn Armitage, Robert's twin brother, is the one who set Cruz up and murdered him. Rafael is shocked, not quite sure what to make of all this. Eden tells him of the night in 1990, at the house, where they found out that Quinn had taken over his brother Robert's life. She and Kelly were shocked to see both Robert and Quinn standing in front of them. They taunted her, each one trying to convince her that they were the real Robert Barr. Finally, she could take no more and she shot the one she thought to be Quinn. However, it was actually Robert- she fell into a coma after a car accident and Kelly was put on trial for the murder. She went on thinking she had shot "Quinn" this whole time, until she remembered that Flame Beaufort was actually "Quinn's" murderer. Eventually, CC put it all together and found out that Robert was indeed Quinn, forcing Kelly to send him out of town for good. But since it was Flame who shot Robert and Eden was the one who figured out it was her, Quinn must have blamed her all these years for keeping him from Kelly. Rafael tries to comfort her, but she can't even see straight. She asks if he would give her some time alone and he obliges. When alone, Eden flashes back to she and Cruz at Harbor Cove (EXT: Baja, Mexico: Hospital) -Santana sits over Cruz as he's sleeping. While sitting there, she flashes back to a conversation between she and Eden years before. Santana Confronts Eden The camera fades back into Santana, quietly saying that Eden didn't hold up her end of the deal to stay away from Cruz. Now, it's her turn to have the life with Cruz she would have had, without any interference from Eden. Just then, Cruz wakes up. "What was that you were saying about Eden?" "Nothing, nothing at all. Would you like a drink of water? Something to eat?" "No, I'm fine. Santana.....I want you to know, I'm married to you, I've made a commitment to you and I intend to honor that commitment. Eden made her choice when she married Kirk Cranston and I made mine when I married you...." "I know that Cruz.....and I love you, more than you could ever know. And believe me, I know you're committed to me and I'm not worried about Eden in the slightest." "I hope so." She smiles and affirms that she's not. She tells him that they're miles away from Eden now anyway, living their life in Mexico, and it's been years since they've heard from her. Cruz is shocked and asks what she's talking about, since they've only been married a couple months. "Oh my God! Cruz, you don't remember?" "Remember what? Remember what, Santana?" "Let me ask you this- what year do you think it is?" "1986, probably around April, why? What's going on? Why are you looking at me like that?" Santana shocks him when she tells him that it's actually 2011 and he seems to have no memory of the last 25 years of their marriage. (EXT: Keith & Elizabeth's apartment) -Keith arrives home from work, throwing his briefcase onto the table. Elizabeth emerges from the bedroom and he walks up to her to give her a kiss. She turns the other way, so he gets her cheek instead of her mouth. Keith is disappointed and "innocently" asks Elizabeth what's wrong. She tells him to sit down, that they need to talk. She offers to fix him a drink which he accepts. With both of their drinks poured, Keith asks Elizabeth what's bothering her. "Keith, I'm sorry, but.....I just don't think that this marriage is going to work for me any longer." "Here we go again, you and your back and forth. Lizzie-bit, my beautiful dollface, I love you- I've actually fallen in love with you! There's no reason why we can't-" "There IS a reason, Keith" she says, interrupting him, "and that is that I don't love you, and I don't think I ever will. I'm sorry, I know that's not what you want to hear and I know you really wanted this marriage to work, but it simply isn't going to. I just don't love you the way you want me to, the way a wife should love her husband..." "But you will, if you'd just give me a chance....Give me some time, Lizapoo, and I promise, I'm gonna grow on you. Look how far we've come already! You never thought you could love again but here we are, man and wife, and-" "Oh Keith, will you STOP this, please?!? I DON'T LOVE you! I never did! Hell, we were three sheets to the wind when we got married. And I would have gotten the marriage annulled, had it not been for-" "Operation Consummation...." "Exactly, and it still pains me that you call it that...Really, Keith, this whole marriage has been a farce, a joke to you even! Yes, it was fun getting under Gina's skin and making CC jealous, but none of it was real, don't you see that?" Keith plays dumb, having a pretend aha! moment, and asks her if this has anything to do with CC. She claims that it doesn't, saying that she wants to be completely fulfilled in her life, that she doesn't want to settle. She thanks him because it was he who made her realize that she was worth more than that. Keith pries again about CC, asking if anything has happened between them. Elizabeth claims that it hasn't, but when Keith asks her if she still has feelings for CC, she admits that she does. "Oh Lizziebit, Lizziebit, Lizziebit....when will you learn? That man has done nothing but hurt the women in his life...that is, the women that weren't Sophia. Just ask Pamela or Gina or Megan Richardson or Lydia Saunders or Angela....the list goes on and on my pet. Don't you see that if you get back together with him, all he's going to do is make you feel inferior to Sophia? That you don't measure up? You're never going to be good enough for him, Lizziepoo, you're going to live your life in Sophia's shadow. Is that the kind of life that you want to have? Always being compared to your sister? Being made to feel that you're second choice? Second best? You'll never be Sophia and therefore, you'll never have CC's heart...at least, not all of it!" "Damn it Keith, Sophia is dead and she's not coming back, or did you forget that? And CC deserves to be happy, to get past her..." "And you're going to be the one to help him do that?" "So what if I am?" Keith throws up his hands in exasperation. "You're making a BIG mistake, honey, a BIG mistake. CC Capwell is not the man for you- didn't you get the hint when he threw you aside all those years ago to marry your sister? What makes you think he won't do that again in a heartbeat? Whereas I....I....I love you for YOU! I don't expect you to be something you're not, to live up to someone that you're not. I want YOU, my pet, and only YOU. But go ahead. You go ahead and run to CC Capwell and see what he does. See what he does to you. I guarantee you that when you do, he's going to do exactly what he did to you all those years ago. And you'll come running back to me, begging me to take you back. And honey, all I'll do then is have a good, hearty laugh at your expense and give you a big, fat I told you so!" Keith grabs his suit jacket and heads out the door, slamming it behind him. Outside the room, that patented devilish grin lights up his face, realizing that Elizabeth is doing exactly what he wanted and expected her to. (EXT- A seedy motel outside of town) -Gina arrives at the motel, claiming to have a reservation. The clerk looks her up on the computer and finds her room for her. He has her sign in and turns over the key. He asks her if anyone else is going to be joining her and she smiles that someone will be. "There will be a gentleman joining me, he's about 5'7" tall, brown hair, these gorgeous blue eyes. He's a bit rambunctious and certainly fun-loving. Oh, and I want to leave something at the desk for you to give him...." She walks out to her car and comes back in with a costume, looking like some kind of Spanish Conquistador. The clerk looks at her cross-eyed. "Yeah, well, so what- we're here to have a little fun and this is how we do that. I highly doubt that this is the most outlandish costume you've seen in this place- hell, you got women dressed as dominatrixes in the lobby just waiting to book at an hourly rate. Just give this to the gentleman and have him put it on before he comes up..." "And what will you be dressed as, ma'am? Cleopatra?" the clerk says, sarcastically. Gina pulls out her black wig and puts it on. "The one and only!" The clerk rolls his eyes and hands her the key. Gina then calls Keith, telling him to come meet her. He begins telling her that their plan is working- Elizabeth just asked him for a divorce and wants to go back to CC. She interrupts him, saying she doesn't want to hear the names Elizabeth Wayne or CC Capwell for the rest of the day. He agrees to meet her, asking what room she'll be in. She tells him just to go to the front desk when he comes in and the clerk will instruct him what to do. He begins to ask her what's going on, but she hangs up on him. She smiles and takes out her long cigarette holder and takes a puff. "That, my dahling, you'll have to come here to find out..." (EXT: San Remos Hospital) -Mary sits in her office, staring again at her picture of Mason that she's kept. She thinks back and remembers their relationship over the years. Mary Remembers Good TImes With Mason The camera focuses again on Mary, who is tearing up. She mutters that none of this should have happened. She sobs as she says that had Mark not hidden her away and let Mason think she were dead, she and Mason would still be together and her son would be with them. (EXT: Mason & Julia's Beach House) -Julia sits alone on her couch, thinking about her last confrontation with Mason. She calls herself a fool for thinking that she can just let Mason go, especially when she's so vulnerable. She hears a knock at the door and opens it, seeing Mason on the other side of it. "Julia, we need to talk." "I think we've already said everything that needs to be said Mason." "And I disagree. May I come in?" She nods and lets him in the door. He turns and looks at her, noticing her eyes are red and baggy. "You've been crying..." "Of course I have Mason! Look what's going on! Though I guess I should be used to it by now, considering all the times I've cried because of you over the years." "I'm sorry for that. You don't deserve it, Julia." Mason takes her face in his hand, lightly rubbing his thumb under her eyes. She gently pushes him away. Background Music for the Scene She tells him that she doesn't know why he's there, that nothing has changed with his situation with Mary. He insists that just because he's helping Mary find her child doesn't mean that he loves her any less. He claims that it's something he needs to do and that with all the lies that Mark has told them, there's a chance that the child she was carrying was actually his. He says that he thought she'd understand. "I'm SICK of understanding Mason! I'm sick of it! I'm sick of wondering where you are, if you're with her and what you're doing with her. I'm sick of wondering if you still love her, if you've kissed her, or made love to her. I'm sick of questioning whether my marriage is over, whether it even would have existed had Mary not died, or told you that she was alive years earlier. Most of all, Mason, I'm sick of being ALONE, of dealing with all this ALONE!" "It doesn't have to be that way..." "But it DOES, Mason, can't you see that? I can't live with you and feel guilty every time I question you about why you're going to see her or why you need to go away with her to track down her son. And I shouldn't have to! None of this is MY fault! Yes, I didn't tell you the truth right away when I realized she was alive, but can you blame me? She didn't want you to know! She had every opportunity to tell you for 20 YEARS and she didn't, yet I know for 20 DAYS and I'm the bad guy for keeping it from you?" "You're right, Julia, and I'm sorry for the way I reacted when I found out. The truth is, it isn't you I should be angry at at all- it's her! But..." "You can't be, you couldn't possibly be angry at Saint Mary, could you Mason? So instead, you take out all your anger on me, morally ambiguous Julia." "It wasn't fair to you. It isn't fair, none of this is fair. You're right, Mary should have been the one to tell me the truth, and she didn't, because she saw how happy I was with you and didn't want to disrupt that." "How noble of her...." "But it wasn't noble, Julia, don't you see that? I can- that choice, the choice between she and you, that was robbed from me, years ago. Had she told me then, maybe there would have been a chance for she and I. But she didn't, Julia, she waited 20 years until I found out by happenstance. That's not love, not real love anyway, not how I view it. Love is being honest with your partner, trusting them to make the right choice, having faith in them. But she didn't- she didn't have faith in me and instead kept this secret from me all these years. Hell, the only reason I know that she's alive, that I know the truth, is because of YOU Julia!" "What are you saying?" "What I'm saying is that it's over for Mary and I. Any chance that we had she robbed us of years ago. I HAVE a wife, I have a partner, one that I love with all my heart. There's no room for her in my heart, in my life anymore." He walks up to her and puts one arm around her waist, the other behind her neck. "It's you, Julia, you're the only woman for me! You're the one I belong with. What Mary and I had is ancient history, something I buried long ago. My present, Julia, my present and my future is with YOU. And only YOU!" He pulls her closer to him and looks in her eyes. "Do you mean that? Do you really mean it Mason?" "Yes, of course I do. I've thought about it long and hard- no matter what happens with her son or our son or anything else, it doesn't matter. Because YOU'RE my wife, you're the woman I want to spend my life with. You're the woman that makes me laugh, that I get a charge out of angering. You're the one that I spar with just for the sport of it, you're the woman I want to drive crazy when we're 70 and retired. It's you. It's you Julia and it always has been! I LOVE YOU!" "Oh, Mason..." He then pulls her up to him and kisses her passionately. She pulls away, looks at him, then kisses him back with all her might. He quickly undoes her blouse as she takes off his tie and jacket. He removes his shirt as she slips out of her blouse. He again passionately kisses her and sweeps her off the floor, carrying her upstairs to their bedroom. (EXT: London, England) -Sophia hurries Marcello into her room, explaining that Edmund has told her that he wants to leave in the morning and they need to work hard to figure out just what's going on. She looks at him and realizes that he knows something that he's not telling her. "Dr. Armonti, what is it? What is it that you know that I don't?" "I'm sorry, Mrs. Lavery, but I'm afraid I can't tell you. You need to remember for yourself- even if I told you what I knew, it wouldn't matter because you'd have no memory of it. This is something you need to remember for yourself, or it won't even matter!" "But what if I can't? What if what he's done to me is permanent and I never remember?" "I don't believe that at all- in fact, you remembered some things the other day. However, it was very recent events and they're still locked in your subconcious. Today, I'm going to try and take you further back in time, to help you get to the truth." "Alright then, well let's get to it! We have to hurry, before this thing with Edmund goes any further..." Marcello agrees and sits her down, telling her again to concentrate only on the sound of his voice as he counts back from 30. He says to clear her mind of everything and everyone as he begins counting down. He gets to 1 and snaps his fingeres, putting her in something of a trance. He asks her to think back, to the late 1950s. She remembers being very young and starring in movies, having an affair with Lionel. She then remembers meeting CC Capwell, Lionel's nemesis. She remembers flirting with him and getting engaged to make Lionel jealous. She talks about being pregnant with his child and the day Channing was born, then Eden and Kelly and Ted. When the memories start to get painful and he realizes they're leading up to her "death," he brings her to the late 80s. She remembers marrying CC in front of all her children, though one of them is in peril. She then remembers them breaking up and all the problems they had. He asks her to concentrate and to try and remember them reuniting..... FLASH TO (EXT: The Capwell Mansion) -CC looks at the calendar and remembers that it's Sophia's birthday. His eyes tear up and one rolls down his cheek. Rosa enters the room and finds him crying, realizing that it's because of Sophia's birthday. Rosa tells him he should remember the good times, that Sophia wouldn't want him to think about anything else. The doorbell rings and Rosa goes to answer it. She once again sees Elizabeth standing there. "May I come in?" "I'm sorry, Ms Wayne, or is it Mrs Timmons? Either way, I don't think this is a very good time for you to..." "Oh nonsense Rosa and I'm about sick of you. I'm here to see CC and I know he wants to see me. I know you loved my sister very much and don't want to see him with anyone but her, but she's gone and I'm here and you're just going to have to deal with that. Now may I please come in?" Rosa smiles, knowingly. "Of course. CC is in the living room..." Elizabeth walks past her and finds CC on the couch, staring at a picture of Sophia. He looks up and sees her and she tells him they need to talk. "Elizabeth, I'm sorry, but this isn't a good time..." "But CC, I have some important news to share with you." She looks at the picture he has in his hands. "What's wrong?" "Look, Elizabeth, I know we have plenty to talk about, but it will have to be another time, tomorrow..." "CC, she's gone. My sister is gone and you can't go on like this. You need to pick yourself up and-" "I realize that, but today is a special day, or have you forgotten? It's your sister's birthday!" "Oh.....that's right....I'm so sorry CC, I honestly didn't realize...." "So you understand then that today is not the best day for visitors or for us to talk?" "I understand CC, yes, but if we could just-" "Good, then if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone..." "But CC this is very import-" "I'd like to be alone, Elizabeth. Whatever it is it will have to wait." "Of course." She obliges and heads toward the door, walking past Rosa, who has and "I told you so" look on her face. Rosa goes back into the room with CC, telling him she tried to stop her. He tells her that it's quite alright, and begins thinking of Sophia. He remembers back to when he won her back, years ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgCTRmBy3XM&playnext=1&list=PLC0ABEA97D21CE77D FLASH TO Marcello with Sophia, as she recounts this exact memory, with her descriptive words spoken over the flashback. Marcello gets emotional as he realizes Sophia is remembering, though he's unsure she will when she's not hypnotized. Getting an idea, he asks her to describe the singer and the song, which she does..... (EXT: Lionel & Augusta's Flat) -Augusta comes home to find Lionel dressed in a tuxedo, with a candlelight dinner prepared for her. He pulls out her chair and tells her that he's had the chef prepare her favorites. He tells her how much he loves her and how happy he is that they're still together, after all these years. He reminds her of the ups and downs of their relationship and, most importantly, the fun times they had. He reminds her how she overcame her doubts and insecurities over Sophia and became the woman he always knew she was. He says no matter what, she's the love of his life and he loves and trusts her like no other. Augusta can take no more of his adoration and realizes what she must do. "I can't do this Lionel, I can't keep this from you any longer...you deserve to know, hell, they all deserve to..." "Deserve to know what Augusta? What are you talking about?" "Please understand my love, that I had nothing to do this and if I were able to stop it, I would have. I tried and I tried after I found out but there was nothing I could do. I was frightened of the man and knew he was dangerous. I couldn't figure out a way to get her out of there, to help her, until we got the invitation to Lady DiMonde's engagement party and I saw Marcello Armonti was the man she was engaged to, so I saw an opportunity and I took it...." "I don't understand- what are you talking about darling? What does Marcello have to do with anything?" "He has everything to do with it, don't you see? I knew if she had been brainwashed that Marcello would be the one person that could help her remember, so I sent them invitations as well, to make sure that he saw her-" "Augusta, you're talking in circles- saw who? Who are you talking about?" "Lionel, the masked woman in white at the party, do you remember her?" "Yes of course but..... wait a second, don't tell me you're jealous? Augusta, I simply was intrigued and wondered who she-" "No, no I'm not jealous, Lionel, it isn't that. But the masked woman.....I know who she is. I had to make sure Marcello saw her so he could help her and would help me get her out of there. He did, and now he is.....helping me....." "Helping you do what? Help this woman? But who is she? Who is the woman you're talking about!?" "Don't you see, Lionel, she's ALIVE! The woman is....she's...." "She's who?" "It's SOPHIA, Lionel, Sophia is alive! And in grave danger..." (ENDING MONTAGE) The camera first focuses on Eden, laying in bed alone, clutching THIS PICTURE to her chest. FLASH TO Santana sitting by Cruz's bed, feeding him some ice cream. She smiles at him and wipes a little bit of it from his chin. As she does that, he pulls her in and kisses her. FLASH TO The seedy motel, where Keith shows up at Gina's door in costume. She opens it, dressed as Cleopatra. They roleplay in character for a moment, before Keith passionately kisses her. She stops him, and tells him he's there to serve her. He draws her a bath and she sits in it, with a glass of champagne and a cigarette at the end of the long holder. Keith fans her until she pulls him into the tub with her, passionately kissing him. FLASH TO CC alone in the house, thinking about Sophia. He gets up from the couch and shuts the light, making the house completely dark. He walks up the stairs, alone. FLASH TO Marcello talking with a hypnotized Sophia, as she continues to remember. No sound is heard, as she is explaining to him what she sees, shown in flashbacks FLASH TO Lionel obviously stunned by what Augusta has told him. Though the scene is silent, Augusta is clearly explaining to him everything that has happened with Sophia and how she found out. FLASH TO Mary, sitting alone in her office, with the picture of Mason. She places it back in the drawer and hangs her doctor's jacket on the coat rack. She opens her door, shutting the light behind her, and exits the office. She regains her composure as she walks through the hospital hallway. FLASH TO Mason & Julia's bedroom, as they're making love. Their lovemaking is tender, as it is clear how much he loves her and she him. She smiles as he kisses her and they undress each other in the bed. Again, the scene is silent, though it can be seen that they are mouthing the words "I Love You" to one another. THE END...........for TODAY!
  15. Here are the episode count rankings for our current RTSB cast Total Episodes Aired- 99 1. Lane Davies (Mason Capwell)- 58 1. Marcy Walker (Eden Castillo)- 58 3. Jed Allan (CC Capwell)- 56 4. Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia Capwell)- 55 5. Judith McConnell (Sophia Capwell/"Loretta")- 54 6. Robin Mattson (Gina Blake)- 46 7. Nina Arveson (Angela Cassidy Capwell)- 44 8. Carmen Duncan (Pamela Conrad)- 43 9. Michael Brainard (Ted Capwell)- 41 10. Harley Jane Kozak (Dr. Mary Duvall)- 39 11. A Martinez (Cruz Castillo)- 38 12. Jessica Dunphy (Adriana Castillo)- 37 13. Louise Sorel (Augusta Lockridge)- 36 14. Charles Keating (Dr. Edmund Lavery)- 35 15. Carrington Garland (Kelly Capwell Lavery)- 34 16. Paula Irvine (Lily Blake)- 33 17. Bernard White (Angel Ramirez)- 32 18. Grant Aleksander (Warren Lockridge)- 31 18. Heather Lindell (Samantha Capwell)- 31 20. Margarita Cordova (Rosa Andrade)- 28 21. Deborah Adair (Elizabeth Wayne)- 25 22. Joseph Bottoms (Kirk Cranston)- 22 22. Alisa Reyes (Marta Ramirez)- 22 22. Clive Robertson (Ashton Lavery)- 22 25. Gina Gallego (Santana Andrade)- 21 25. Kim Rhodes (Joann Walsh)- 21 27. Justin Deas (Keith Timmons)- 20 28. Nicholas Coster (Lionel Lockridge)- 17 28. Robert Thaler (Pearl Bradford)- 17 30. Grethen Oehler (Christine Gorrow)- 15 31. Judy Greer (Kathleen)- 14 31. Patricia Mauceri (Carla Ramirez)- 14 33. Russell Curry (Det. Vic Boswell)- 12 34. Justin Hartley (Brandon Capwell)- 10 34. Jared Leto (Steve Hall)- 10 36. Henry Darrow (Rafael Castillo)- 8 36. Carmen Zapata (Carm Castillo)- 8 38. Wolf Muser (Dr. Marcello Armonti)- 7 ***Elizabeth & Keith are lower than they would be because the characters were recast mid-way into the blog. Elizabeth was originally played by Christine Tudor Newman, who was in 12 episodes, and I originally cast Tuc Watkins as Keith Timmons, and he was in 22 episodes. So the character of Elizabeth Wayne has appeared in a total of 37 episodes and the character of Keith Timmons has appeared in a total of 42 episodes.***
  16. Here are the Episode Counts for June '07/May '11 11 Episode Aired in These Months/99 Total Episodes Aired 1. Charles Keating (Edmuund)- 6 (35) 1. Gretchen Oehler (Christine)- 6 (15) 1. Marcy Walker (Eden)- 6 (58) 4. Joseph Bottoms (Kirk)- 5 (22) 4. Carrington Garland (Kelly)- 5 (34) 4. Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia)- 5 (55) 4. Judith McConnell (Sophia)- 5 (54) 4. Clive Robertson (Ashton)- 5 (22) 4. Louise Sorel (Augusta)- 5 (36) 10. Deborah Adair (Elizabeth)- 4 (25) 10. Carmen Duncan (Pamela)- 4 (44) 10. Robin Mattson (Gina)- 4 (46) 10. Wolf Muser (Marcello)- 4 (7) 10. Alisa Reyes (Marta)- 4 (22) 15. Jed Allan (CC)- 3 (56) 15. Russell Curry (Vic)- 3 (12) 15. Gina Gallego (Santana)- 3 (21) 15. Justin Hartley (Brandon)- 3 (10) 15. Jared Leto (Steve)- 3 (10) 15. Bernard White (Angel)- 3 (32) 21. Grant Aleksander (Warren)- 2 (31) 21. Nina Arveson (Angela)- 2 (44) 21. Lane Davies (Mason)- 2 (58) 21. Justin Deas (Keith)- 2 (20) 21. Judy Greer (Kathleen)- 2 (14) 21. Paula Irvine (Lily)- 2 (33) 21. Heather Lindell (Samantha)- 2 (31) 21. Kim Rhodes (Joann)- 2 (21) 29. Michael Brainard (Ted)- 1 (41) 29. Margarita Cordova (Rosa)- 1 (28) 29. Nicholas Coster (Lionel)- 1 (17) 29. Henry Darrow (Rafael)- 1 (8) 29. Jessica Dunphy (Adriana)- 1 (37) 29. Harley Jane Kozak (Mary)- 1 (39) 29. A Martinez (Cruz)- 1 (38) 29. Patricia Mauceri (Carla)- 1 (14) 29. Carmen Zapata (Carm)- 1 (8) Characters Not Appearing These Months: Robert Thaler (Pearl)- 0 (17)
  17. Thanks you guys! I really feel like I'm finding my groove again as a writer- I didn't like how I wrote Augusta the other day and I think I found her voice again in this episode. Looking forward to Episode 100- I'm going to put A LOT of work into that one- it will likely be longer than normal. I want it to be really special, as I've said, a love letter to all my readers. It should be up sometime over the weekend- like I said, I'm taking my time on this one, as I want it to be GREAT!
  18. Nothing- Pamela just teased and taunted her, as was implied today. I decided not to show it, since it was just Pamela playing mind games with Augusta.
  19. Sorry for the delay you guys, but I'm sure you'll agree it was worth the wait. I'm quite proud of this episode.
  20. LOL, I was much the same way last weekend- I got hooked all over again and read it from beginning to end, which is what inspired me to start writing it again! Hope you enjoy the 99th episode! I think it's the most compelling one I've written since I started this up again!
  21. Thanks Tracy! Did you go back and start from the beginning? If you're hooked on the Sophia storyline, you really should. That storyline, along with the Mary/Mason/Julia saga, has been going on since Day 1 of the blog. I LOVE writing RTSB and that particular story. CC & Sophia were never my top favorite characters (I was always more of a Cruz & Eden, Mason & Julia, Keith & Gina, Augusta, and Kelly fan) but I find them so compelling to write for. I'm glad you're enjoying it!
  22. Joseph Bottoms as Kirk Cranston, Marcy Walker as Eden Castillo, Clive Robertson as Ashton Lavery, Carrington Garland as Kelly Capwell Lavery, Judith McConnell as Sophia Capwell/"Loretta" (EXT: London, England) -Edmund heads down the hallway toward Sophia's room but stops when he sees Christine. Edmund asks her if "Loretta" seemed at all suspicious earlier, when she told her that their trip was going to be delayed due to an emergency with a patient. Christine informs him that she didn't seem suspicious at all, though she was anxious to go. She tells him that she was acting quite strangely earlier in the day when she brought her lunch. "What do you mean strange? Like distrustful of me?" "No, not that at all. Mrs. L loves you, that's for certain. So much though, that she's getting pretty paranoid." "Paranoid? What do you mean?" She tells him how "Loretta" accused her of trying to steal her husband, warning her to back off. She says that she insisted that wasn't the case, but "Loretta" didn't believe her. "She called me a BITCH, Dr. L. I thought she was gonna rip me from limb to limb." "Why would she think that you had any interest in me at all?" "I have no idea, Dr. L. Maybe she thinks that I took her spot in your bedroom and that's why you banished her to the east wing? I don't know, but I told her that you weren't even my type and she totally ignored me. She was hollering at me like a banchie! You gotta believe me, Dr. L, I mean, I thinnk you're a nice enough guy, handsome I guess, if you go for that sorta thing. But I don't and never would, but she wasn't having it. She finally just kicked me out and I got the heck out of there." "That is quite peculiar. I'll see if I can get an explanation out of her when I go in there. Thank you, Christine......Oh, and Christine....if you could, please keep my son and daughter-in-law from visiting this side of the castle. The last thing I need is for them to discover our Mrs. Lavery." "Sure thing Dr. L." Edmund enters Sophia's room and finds her sitting on her bed, reading a book. Her eyes light up when he enters the room. "Edmund, darling, it's so wonderful to see you! I've been getting lonely couped up in this room all by myself." "And I as well, believe me. The painting should be done very soon and you'll be able to come back into our bedroom." "Thank goodness! I miss waking up next to you every morning. And, of course, going to bed with you every night." She gets out of the bed and kisses him passionately. "I promise you that it won't be for very much longer. I just couldn't risk you being exposed to the fumes, especially now that I have you back. I just don't want to take any chances." "I understand my darling, though it doesn't make me any less lonely. I thought the plan was for us to go away together, to the villa in Greece." "Yes, well, I had an emergency with one of my patients that couldn't be avoided." "I know, Christine told me. That's just like you, to put the well being of your patients ahead of your own leisure. I do hope that we can still go- I was so looking forward to taking in Greece, with you by my side. I've been in that coma for so long and I just want to experience everything." "Soon, my love, I promise you that. In fact, if everything goes well with my patient, I'm hoping we can leave in the morning, or possibly even tonight." "Oh that would be just wonderful!" "Speaking of my patient, I actually need to get back to them......Just one thing before I go. Christine says that you scolded her yesterday, even got vulgar with her. Something about her trying to steal me away from you?" Sophia explains that she's not sure where that came from, she just suddenly felt this rage and jealousy toward Christine. She says it might have to do with her being lonely and sleeping alone every night. She says that she's going to apologize the next time she sees her, that it was wrong of her to take out her frustration on Christine. Edmund assures her that there's absolutely nothing for her to worry about and gives her another kiss. He tells her that he must be going, but that if she needs anything to just ring Christine. She assures him that she will. He leaves and Sophia's smile turns into a bit of panic. She runs to the door and opens it slightly, making sure that both he and Christine are not around. She takes out the cell phone that Marcello gave her and calls him, telling him that they're going to need to speed up the process, that Edmund is planning on taking her away to Greece that night or the following day. She hangs up the phone and returns it to its hiding place, anxiously awaiting Marcello's arrival. (EXT: Pamela's hotel suite) -Augusta approaches Pamela's hotel room, looking at the paper she has it written down on. She bangs very loudly on the door. Pamela answers, smiling her devious smile. "Augusta, come in! So lovely that you made it...." "Put a sock in it you sociopathic wench, we both know I had to come, especially after that little stunt you pulled with Lionel the other day." "That was quite fun wasn't it? You were shaking in your boots, thinking I was going to out your little paternity secret. Though, I admit, I'd have relished it even more had it been Warren we played our little game with." "What do you want from me Pamela? I haven't told Lionel a thing about Sophia, nor CC. What more do you want from me?" Pamela laughs that while she didn't tell them, she did make sure that Marcello ran into her. Augusta says that they were simply invited to the same party and she didn't have any idea Marcello was Maria DiMonde's fiance, let alone that Sophia and Edmund would be there. Pamela tells her that she's not foolish and Edmund told her that Augusta set up the invitations to ensure they would attend. "Oh, for heaven's sake, I didn't hold a gun to the man's head. He's the one who was stupid enough to bring Sophia out in public. Besides, it was a masquerade ball- he should have made her keep her mask on, like he did at the end of the party, when she ran into Lionel." "Either way, you've been a naughty girl Augusta, and I think it's time that Warren knows the truth about his father..." "Go ahead and tell him if you must, Pamela. He doesn't know Edmund Lavery from J.D. Salinger. But you do that and I'll be at the Capwell mansion so fast your head will spin!" "You wouldn't dare..." "Dare I would! Frankly, it would almost be worth it for Warren to know the truth just so I can expose this little scheme of yours to CC. I'll take great pleasure in watching him choke you until those pretty eyeballs of yours come right out of your head!" "Ah yes, maybe Warren wouldn't care, but how would Edmund feel? You see what he's done to CC for things that have happened a lifetime ago. I wonder what he'd do to you when he finds out that you've been keeping his son from him for some 40 years now." "He wouldn't do a damn thing and we both know it! He reunites with Warren and the tale of Edmund and the Loretta-bot will be front page news! Face it, Pamela, you don't call the shots with me- I know too much and it's enough to bury you. And I'd be all too happy to do it. Now, if there's nothing else, I'm supposed to be having dinner with Lionel, my husband. The man that loves me and has been with me most of our lives. Try as she might have, Sophia was unable to steal my husband from me. Have a lovely evening, Pamela, and hug your pillow real tight as you fall to sleep tonight!" Augusta begins to walk out the door when Pamela grabs her by the arm. "Now you listen and you listen good. You make sure that Marcello forgets all about seeing Sophia or so help me God, I'll destroy you just like I destroyed her. How do you think your precious Lionel would feel if he knew that you've known Sophia was alive this whole time and you did nothing about it? I doubt he'd be too pleased. Now you do what I tell you or I will blow your whole world to smithereens!" Augusta shakes Pamela's hands off her. "Don't you ever lay a hand on me again you miserable old bag. Even if I did go to Marcello and talk to him, there's no way our blonde Oedipus would even consider forgetting about Sophia. Face it, Pamela, your diabolical plot is about to blow up in your face and there's not a damn thing you can do about it! So go ahead and tell the world that Edmund is Warren's father, I don't give a damn what you do. But I will not be blackmailed or threatened by you any longer! I'm not Sophia and I don't have her morality or sense of right and wrong. I'm not afraid you and if you even try to blow my world apart, I'll be sure to fan the flames in your direction, not that you have anyone who loves or cares about you anyway. Even Mason can barely tolerate you and the last shred of feeling he has for you would disappear if he knew what you've been up to. I'll leave you to chew on that for a while. Have a lovely evening, Pamela. ALONE!" Augusta marches out the door and slams it behind her, leaving Pamela looking extremely agitated. (EXT- Edmund's creepy castle) -Edmund makes his way to the living room, where Ashton and Kelly are sipping on some wine. They greet him and Kelly inquires as to how his patient is doing. Edmund tells her quite well and that she's actually being released from the hospital that night. He asks them how much longer they plan on staying. "Well, we were supposed to leave in the morning..." Kelly begins. "So soon? Oh well, that's too bad, but it was so charming to have finally met my beautiful daughter-in-law. It was wonderful to have finally met you, though I do wish we'd gotten to spend more time getting to know one another." "Actually, if you'd let her finish father, you would have found out that your wish is going to come true. My business here is taking a bit longer than expected and we'll be here through the week. Possibly into next. So you see, you'll have plenty of time to get to know my wife, isn't that right darling?" "I hope we're not imposing, Dr. Lavery. This castle is almost overwhelming it's so beautiful and I very much have enjoyed staying here..." "To be honest with you dear, I was going to go on a little get-away this weekend. Work has been so stressful and I was hoping to have some time in Greece to unwind..." "Oh. Well, Ashton, I suppose we could stay in a hotel, if your father has plans." "Nonsense, my love, I want you to get the full experience of staying in the home I grew up in. I'm sure father can alter his plans, perhaps take his vacation next weekend..." "I would, my son, but my villa is rented well into June and this is the only opportunity I'll have to use it for the near future. I'm sure you understand..." "Perhaps Kelly could come with you then? I'm going to be quite busy with work anyway, so it would work out perfectly. This way, you'll have some company on your trip and you can get to know your daughter-in-law, and I can stay here and focus on my work." Kelly smiles and says that she'd love to go to Greece and get to know her father-in-law, though she doesn't want to be a bother. Ashton insists she wouldn't be, though she tells him his father may not agree. She excuses herself to shower before they go out to dinner. Edmunds smiling face turns into one of anger. "What exactly are you up to son, trying to send me away alone with your wife... Why would you..." "Funny, I could ask you the exact same question." "I'm not sure I know what you mean..." "No? You don't? Really? I guess you wouldn't mind then if, after her shower, I took Kelly on a tour of the east wing." "That's not possible, as I told you, it's being renovated!" "Funny, I haven't seen any workers in and out of the house..." "They're under strict orders not to disturb me or my guests." "Oh save it, father, I know exactly why you don't want us visiting that part of the house. I saw her, dad, I saw Sophia!" Edmund is shocked that Ashton knows about his houseguest. He asks how he found her and Ashton tells him that while checking out his old room, he noticed Christine coming out of one of the guest rooms and decided to investigate. He slightly opened the door and saw Sophia. He asks his father what he's up to and he informs him it's obviously revenge on CC. Plus, he cured Sophia of her aneurism. He tells Ashton that he must understand why it's imperative that he get Kelly out of the house before she sees Sophia. But Ashton says that if he wants him to keep quiet, he'll stay as he asks. There's something he wants to use Sophia for, though he assures him that he's not going to let any of the Capwells in on his little secret. Edmund asks what he's up to, but Ashton tells him not to worry about that, just to do as he asks and he won't tell Kelly or CC that Sophia's alive. Edmund begrudgingly agrees, though he's clearly not happy about it. (EXT: A small diner, just outside of Santa Barbara) -Eden arrives at the diner alone as she was asked and looks around for Bobby. She spots Kirk at a corner table and he motions for her to come over. She goes and sits down, still clearly suspicious of him. "If this is some kind of trick or a trap, Kirk, then you're going to be severely disappointed. I'm not stupid or gullible and if this guy feeds me some kind of bull about Cruz, then I'm going to see right through it. If that's the case, then just tell me right now and save us all the time and energy." "I assure you Eden, I have no idea what he's going to say. I was surprised to even get a call from him about this at all. But I figured I'd come, since he insisted and I know you're desperate to find out what happened to Cruzanova. I still care about you Eden, in spite of everything that's happened over the years, and I wouldn't do anything to make your pain any worse than it is. You have to trust me..." "Famous last words. I wouldn't trust you if the pope himself told me that you were being honest with me! And you can care about me all you want, the fact remains that I despise you. I won't let you manipulate me!" "That's not what I'm doing, you have to believe me." She begins to say something back when Kirk looks over and she sees that Bobby is approaching the table. Kirk gets up and moves next to Eden so Bobby can sit across from them. Bobby asks for their assurance that no cops are involved and she promises they aren't. "What about that D.A. lady? You didn't tell her you were meeting me, did ya?" "Of course not- I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize this. That is, if you're actually going to tell me what happened to my husband...." "I am, I am, but I'm gonna need somethin from you..." "Of course you are. Just name it and I'll do it.....that is, if I feel you're telling me the honest truth, I'll do it..." Bobby tells her that once he lets her know who set Cruz up, people are going to be after him. He's already likely going to get probation for giving up Esteban, but he's gonna need protection from his boss for ratting him out. He wants her to convince Julia to help him change his identity and use her family's money to set him up somewhere that he'll be safe from the mastermind. She agrees, saying that if it helps her get the guy who killed Cruz, she's willing to do it. "Alright then I'm trustin you here lady, so I hope you're good to your word." "I am, believe me. Now talk." He explains that a few months ago, after Thanksgiving, he got a call from someone offerring him $250,000 if he successfully kidnapped a girl and held her captive. The person explained to him that he didn't want the girl harmed, but rather, to lure her father into a trap. He agreed and enlisted Cisco's help. He was told the girl was Adriana Castillo and that he'd have to be extremely careful, as her father was a cop. He agreed to do it and was told that once he had her, he'd get a call with further instructions. So, he attempted to kidnap Adriana, but unfortunately, Marta maced him and he was rendered blind, unable to see which girl he grabbed. By the time he realized it was Marta, it was too late- his cover was blown and he knew Adriana's cop father would be protective of her. His boss was livid, until he realized that Marta was Angel's daughter and that Cruz would still be helping him get her back. Marta filled him in on everything with the Esteban investigation in order to make herself useful to him, rightfully fearing that he would kill her otherwise. He was then told to call Angel and convince him to come to Mexico and bring someone from the SBPD, knowing that would probably be Cruz. Angel fell in line, of course. Then he gave Angel specific instructions in order to rescue his daughter. He gave Angel a map to give Cruz, but also gave him a 2nd map to give to law enforcement, which would lead them to the wrong marina. Eden comments that so far, his story is dead on, since that's exactly what Angel did. Cruz was to be lured to a boat and when he stepped on it, Cisco was instructed to cut the ropes from the dock and the boat would automatically start speeding off. When Cruz got on the boat, he would find a DVD of the boss revealing himself to him. When the DVD reached a certain point, an attached timebomb was set to go off, blowing it to smithereens. The entire plan went off without a hitch, and he received his payment, but was never told who he was working for. He didn't get it in cash, though, but instead, a check from a corporation. It was signed, though he knew that the signer likely wasn't the boss, as that would be foolish. He also knew that he was going to need some leverage in case he was caught and looked further into the company. He'd researched it and called, posing as a businessman who wanted to invest. He requested background information on the company before he could make a sound decision, having them mail it to a P.O. Box so as not to tip the guy off. "And today, I received this paperwork," he says, sliding it to her, "Complete with the name of the CEO!" "Wait a minute, how do you know for sure that this isn't forged documentation, that your boss didn't figure it out and edit the names. Obviously, if he gave you a company check, he'd want to be extremely careful about his name being attached to the company, in case the police found it." "Damn, I didn't think of that....I guess I don't know....Well, why don't you open it up and check out the name and see if you recognize it?" "I guess it couldn't hurt. Damn it, I was so hoping...." She opens up the file and begins thumbing through it. She skims it over, not seeing anything about a CEO. Suddenly, her finger comes to the point with the name and she sort of shrieks. "What? What is it? Do you recognize the name?" Bobby asks. "Yeah, Eden, who is it? Who set me up for this?" Kirk says, looking over her shoulder. "I don't believe it.....I can't believe it.....It all makes sense....this is all my fault! This isn't about revenge on Cruz, it's revenge on me!" "Who is it Eden? What is the name?" Eden shivers. "Quinn Armitage!" THE END..............FOR TODAY
  23. You're not supposed to remember those flash forward episodes! All I can say is, keep reading!
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