Yes. Unfortunately, as this was being planned, my father was taken to the ER and ended up spending 6 weeks in the hospital, which ended with him having a major surgery called a "Whipple." He was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer Stage 2, but luckily, it was all encapsulated in the tumor, which was removed, along with half of his insides. He's just come home and it being just he, my mom, and I living here, it's been A LOT of work for me and has taken up much of my time. He is recovering and within the next 3 weeks, he should be A LOT better than he is now and should be more self-sufficient.
In any event, all of your prayers would be appreciated!
As for 'RTSB', while it's been on hold, that hold will soon be ending. I plan on a re-start towards the end of May/early June. I will pick up right from where I left off. It may start out with only a few episodes a week instead of 5, but it will still continue. As soon as I'm positive of the return date, I will make the announcement.
It's been so long and had so many false starts I wouldn't blame you if you were sick of me and felt like ditching me and the blog altogether. Thank you all so much for your continued interest, as that is what inspires me to write.
So sorry it took me so long to get back to you but as you can see now, I've had my hands quite full. Looking forward to the continuation and you all posting your thoughts. When I announce the date, I plan to do a fun little exercise that will get you all involved again before the show gets going that I think everyone will enjoy.
Until we meet again (aka, sooner than later),