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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bmrPTEbp6A (EXT: Cruz & Eden's Beach House) ---Eden finishes packing up her things and heads to the door. She opens it, surprised to find Julia standing there. "Julia....What are you doing here?" "I see I've come at a bad time. What is all this luggage Eden? You're not thinking of running out of town are you? I know this is hard for you Eden, I went through it once when I thought Mason was dead, but running away isn't the answer. Believe me. You're going to need the support of your friends and your family right now and---" "Relax, Julia. I'm not running away, just taking a little trip, that's all. Daddy's jet is waiting at the airport for me and if I don't get a move on...." "What? Your father's flight will leave without you? What's going on Eden? I know you, I see that look in your eye. You're up to something." Eden explains that she has found out that Quinn Armitage is the one who set Cruz up and killed him, and that she's tracked him to London. So she's going to confront him and hopefully, bring him to justice once and for all. When Julia interjects that isn't something she should be doing alone, Eden tells her she's not. Kirk will be accompanying her. "Over my dead body. There's no way in hell I'm letting you go anywhere alone with that man. Cruz would strike me down from-" "Heaven? Funny, that's exactly what Pearl said, which is why he's insisting on coming with me. I'll be fine Julia, I promise, and Pearl will be there. Plus Kelly and Ashton are already in London, so I'll have plenty of support." "I'd still like to come. You and Cruz are my best friends you know and I've been in this with you from the beginning. And don't even think of trying to talk me out of it." "I wouldn't dare. But Julia....is this really about Cruz and me? Or are you the one that's running.......from my brother.....again...." Julia explains that she can't help it. Just when she thinks things are going well with Mason, Mary comes up. Over and over and over again. She can't help but think that Mary is the true love of Mason's life and she will never to be able to measure up to that. "Even if we do get back together Eden, how can I know that's there's not a part of him that wants to be with her? She was his first love, probably the love of his life. How do I compete with that? She's always going to be there, running into him, giving him those longing looks. You know she still loves him and I can see that part of him, a big part of him still loves her. I didn't marry Mason to share him with someone else. I want all of him. Heart, mind, body, and soul and I won't settle for any less than that." "Then fight for him Julia. Fight for him. I had to fight for Cruz for years. Santana, Victoria Lane, Elena, Sandra Mills, the list goes on and on. But in the end it was worth it. We had 20 magical years together that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world for. And that man who took him away from me.....he's gonna pay. I'm gonna make sure of that. Life is too short Julia. We take so much for granted. Picking out our own clothes, being able to eat when we're hungry, being loved and loved back in a way we never dreamt we could. The kind of love that you and my brother share is worth fighting for. And the Julia Wainright I've always known has never backed down from a fight. Why start now?" "How is it that you know just the right thing to say?" "I learned from the greatest man I've ever known." She looks at her watch, "I really do have to go Julia. Are you going to be okay?" "I always am." "Please just think about what I said. Mason is a lot of things, but a fool isn't one of them. He lives in the present and thinks of the future. He knows what he has with you and there's no way he's just going to throw all of that away for a 25 year old romance." (EXT: Edmund's Creepy Castle) ---Marcello, Lionel, and Augusta rush to the door Sophia told them she could sneak them into. When they signal her phone, she runs down and opens the door. Lionel is stunned to see Sophia standing before him. "My God. It's true. Sophia.....how..." "My name is not Sophia. I don't believe we've met. I'm Loretta. Loretta Lavery." "I see. Well it's a pleasure to meet you Soretta....I mean Loretta. This is my wife, Augusta." "Augusta? Actually we've already met, haven't we?" "Yes, at Lady DuMonde's ball. How have you been?" Sophia asks Marcello why he's brought these people with her and he tells her he was hoping they could help jog her memory. Sophia is confused about how total strangers could refresh anything and grows uncomfortable with them all being there. "Are you ready for the hypnosis?" "Actually, I've changed my mind. To be honest, I'm starting to believe you have me confused with a completely different person. I've been remembering more and more about my life and none of you are a part of it." "If only that were true," Augusta interjects. "And what, pre tell, is that supposed to mean?" "For as much turmoil as you've caused, it's laughable for me to hear you even utter those words.. Not a part of our lives. You only ruined mine, or at least tried to. On several occassions. Frankly, I'm starting to feel sorry at my attempt to even help you. Stay Loretta for the rest of your life for all I care. I'm sure you'll be very happy with Dr. Jeckyll and Vera." "Excuse me? Nobody speaks to me like that in my home, certainly not some commoner I've barely ever laid eyes on..." "Commoner......why you....." Lionel holds Augusta back as she goes to lunge for Loretta. "Perhaps peasant would be a better word for the way you''re acting. All of you please leave. This was all a huge mistake. Please just go." "But Sophia, please, we're only trying to help yo-" "Stop calling me that. My name is Loretta Lavery and it's going to stay that way. I don't trust any of you, not a one. Oh, and Marcello. Here's your phone. Take it. I want no part of this anymore. Edmund makes me very happy and I him. He'd never do a thing to harm me. He's the kindest, gentlest man I've ever met in my life. I don't see why I ever fell for your lines and your connery. Go on. TAKE IT! Take it and get the hell out of here or I'll have security THROW YOU OUT!" "Who, that dolt maid of yours? We've already met. Wow. Even brainwashed, you're still the same sanctimonious bitch you always were. I, for one, am happy to go and never have set eyes on you again. Oh and congratulations by the way. Dr. Lavery is a lovely man. I'm sure the two of you will be very happy together. Come on Lionel." "But I-" "She's made herself quite clear. It's time that we leave. She obviously doesn't want or need her help. Besides, I'm sure CC has already moved on......with a much younger woman, if memory serves. Younger and more beautiful. Do be well though Loretta-Bot. Send pictures- create a Facebook page. And please, tell Dr Lavery I'm quite impressed with his work." Marcello convinces Lionel that Augusta is right. Nothing is going to get accomplished with Sophia as agitated as she is and they'd best go. But while Sophia is distracted, he slips a tracking device into her suitcase. (EXT: Santa Barbara airport) ----Pearl and Kirk patiently wait at the airport for Eden to arrive. "You know Kirkie, Edie's never gonna look twice at you, contrary to what you think." "This isn't about Eden, believe it or not. It's about clearing my name. I've worked hard to rehabilitate myself and that man has risked me and my reputation." "Reputation? Kidnapping? Gaslighting? Attempted murders? Although, that shot you took at Gina...... Your reputation speaks for itself Kirkie boy." "Maybe so. At least I have had a wife. When was the last time you dated a woman who didn't feel sorry for you? And we both know you're not coming for Eden. You're coming because you're still pining for Kelly Capwell. And that ship has sailed my friend. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a business call I need to make" Kirk walks off as Pearl watches suspiciously. He dials the number and waits for the answer. A mystery voice answers on the other end, "Ok, everything is in motion. I've done my part. Eden is on her way to London. Now it's time for you to hold up your end of the deal." "Oh don't worry Kirk. By the time I'm through, Eden Castillo will never be the same." THE END........For Today
INTRODUCING THE NEWBIES (And RETURNEES) of 'Return to Santa Barbara'
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
Stupid life got in the stupid way. We're still a go, I just now got computer access in my new place. Stay tuned.... -
INTRODUCING THE NEWBIES (And RETURNEES) of 'Return to Santa Barbara'
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
The fire has been lit. I just need the time to sit in front of the computer and begin writing it. but please, LIGHT AWAY!!!! -
The OFFICIAL RTSB 2013 PREVIEW and INTERVIEW with Creator JuniorZ1 (Greg Ziobrowski)
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
Correction, Wendy. The best soap opera in the history of the genre. -
The OFFICIAL RTSB 2013 PREVIEW and INTERVIEW with Creator JuniorZ1 (Greg Ziobrowski)
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
I think I handled it in the best way that I knew how. ] Anyhow, been doing some extra storyline research and crossing my ts and dotting my i's, but RTSB is still coming guys. I just love making you wait just a little bit longer..... Because I KNOW it's gonna be worth the wait! Bwahahahhahahahha! -
INTRODUCING THE NEWBIES (And RETURNEES) of 'Return to Santa Barbara'
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
Don't worry, I have WAY too much story planned not to write it. It's kicking it off that's always the difficult part. -
INTRODUCING THE NEWBIES (And RETURNEES) of 'Return to Santa Barbara'
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
Greg had a tough, crazy, and unusual weekend that ended with him planning exactly how his stories are going to go and exactly how he is going to get certain actors and characters to start interacting based on where the stories are going. It became pointless and painful to start this back up on the anniversary of the death of my beloved 'SB' so instead, I'm starting it on the Anniversary of the first Monday that SB didn't air, which was the 3rd Monday in January (Martin Luther King Day). -
INTRODUCING THE NEWBIES (And RETURNEES) of 'Return to Santa Barbara'
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
It's like somebody up there wants this to be a slow roll. I spent the majority of yesterday walking and crying, not exactly the best way to bring back the humor, warmth, and intrigue of our beloved 'RTSB.' I don't care if God himself strikes me with lightning today, episode(s) will be posted!!! -
The OFFICIAL RTSB 2013 PREVIEW and INTERVIEW with Creator JuniorZ1 (Greg Ziobrowski)
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
If you guys really want to know what derailed the new episode, check out THIS THREAD: http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/topic/46563-gh-gl-atwt-sb-brand-new-interview-with-bridget-dobson/ I've been busy defending SB & Bridget Dobson to a bunch of schmucks who probably aren't worth my time anyway! LOL -
The OFFICIAL RTSB 2013 PREVIEW and INTERVIEW with Creator JuniorZ1 (Greg Ziobrowski)
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
Are you kidding?!? It's a THRILL to have people salivating for it to come back. I see Shannon, Wendy, and Viktoria have recently visited, and they are fans from 7 YEARS ago! Now all we need are Sherri, Dawn, Roman, Tishy, and (my favorite and former Talkin Santa Barbara! co-host) Melissa! -
I just noticed what you said here, all those years later. If you thought Marj did a good job when Pamela first came back for Cruz's trial, then it's not Marj you like at all. Shirley Anne Field was the original Pamela and played her during Cruz's trial and was FAR BETTER and more believable than Marj. Marj was the Pamela that poisoned Kelly, blackmailed TJ, and took part in the whole oil rig storyline. She was AWFUL. Her best work came in 1991, during the Dinner Party sequence, when the Dobsons had returned. But she had A LOT of help from the writing and collaboration with EXCELLENT actors (like Jed Allan, Judith McConnell, Gordon Thomson, and Marcy Walker, all of which lead the sequence). I usually catch things like that, but I guess it took me 6 years to notice. Too funny!
The OFFICIAL RTSB 2013 PREVIEW and INTERVIEW with Creator JuniorZ1 (Greg Ziobrowski)
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
I will probably be doing some recapping within the episodes to help viewers, both new & old, familiarize themselves with where we're at in the stories. And unfortunately, it was just life that got in the way today. As I said, when you read the Lockridge storyline, I think you'll begin to understand that I have A LOT of personal sh!t on my plate at the moment. But not to worry. One more day won't kill you guys, after a 6 YEAR wait! And there WILL be 3 new episodes this week, I promise! For real! -
INTRODUCING THE NEWBIES (And RETURNEES) of 'Return to Santa Barbara'
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
Because it dawned on me that the storyline I had planned for him was something too dramatic for Jason Brooks to play. I wanted to make Warren a bit sexier (for you guys- I think Grant Aleksander is FREAKIN HOT), but Jason wouldn't have been right for the story I have planned for the Lockridges. Warren actually has 3 storylines he's going to be involved in now, once the Lockridge storyline kicks off. I really wanted to switch it to Robert Kelker-Kelly, because I find him to be such a sexy, soulful actor, but he doesn't look the part. In the end, I decided that Grant really embodies everything I need in an actor to play Warren right now. And I'm sorry the episode still isn't posted you guys. I fell asleep this afternoon and now, I've been busy setting people straight about Bridget Dobson on this board. Sorry, but I couldn't allow the members of this board to sully Bridget's name on the 20th anniversary of the death of her baby. Don't worry, though. RTSB is still back and I'll still have 3 episodes this week, they'll just kick off tomorrow and run through the weekend. -
INTRODUCING THE NEWBIES (And RETURNEES) of 'Return to Santa Barbara'
juniorz1 posted a blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
New Contract Players (from L to R, top to bottom): Matt Cedeno as Rafe Castillo, Shell Danielson as Laken Lockridge, Kristen Meadows as Victoria Lane, Victor Webster as Chip Castillo, Maura West as Joann Walsh New Recurring Players/Special Guest Stars (from L to R)- Beverly Archer as Christine Gorrow, Roberta Bizeau as Flame Beaufort, and Roscoe Born as Quinn Armitage -
juniorz1 commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
No, the Head Writers were Bridget & Jerry Dobson, who had just returned. It feels like Patrick Mulcahey to me, though I'm sure Thom Racina would attempt to take credit for it if he read this blog. -
Can anyone tell me who wrote this scene? It's one of my all-time favorite SB clips. Everything Cruz says is so poignant and true to life. I miss writing like this on soaps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31o11RMb1nY
Glad you enjoyed the repeat. As NBC used to say, if you haven't seen it, it's new to you! Always happy to see a new comment in here!
juniorz1 posted a blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
You guys are gonna have to settle for just the repeat today. I had forgotten about a round trip drive I had to do to Gainesville today to get some dental work done, so I'm just too exhausted to write the new one. But don't worry. I'm gonna post some fun stuff for everyone's enjoyment tonight, starting with a repeat of Episode 40, one of the classic 'RTSB' episodes and certainly one of my all-time favorites. And the brand new 'RTSB' episode WILL air tomorrow (check out the updated SCHEDULE on the right side) http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/blog/60/entry-3234-episode-40/