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Everything posted by juniorz1

  1. It's ready in my head, so it's coming..
  2. It's coming. Things have slowed down on the personal life front (FINALLY!) but tomorrow is a busy day. Look for it to be posted either late tomorrow night or Friday. Maybe, if I have the right amount of time to put into it, I'll get it up tonight. I have to say though it's time to get more of the characters that haven't appeared in the new episodes yet on and get their stories moving so that will be the next one. The SB stuff has to keep moving for the London stuff to climax properly.
  3. I wish Melissa were still reading, because if she read this episode, I think she'd know EXACTLY where I'm about to go. Hint, hint.
  4. (EXT: London, England- Edmund's Creepy Castle) --Ashton sits in the living room, on the phone, and learns of Eden, Kirk, and Pearl's impending arrivals. He smiles and says that it's time that everything be put in place so he, Kelly, and everyone else can live "happily" ever after. Kelly enters the room, able to catch the last part of his sentence, and he hurries off the phone. "Happily ever after huh? I thought that was already decided on our wedding day, Mr. Lavery." "Oh, it was, it was, Mrs. Lavery. I just got some news that should delight you and perhaps give you some pleasure during your downtime on our extended stay here in London. I'm sure you're about tired of my father, Christine, and all the construction on the East Wing by now." "Actually, I find your father quite fascinating. A bit mysterious, but he never ceases to hold my interest. So......what is this happy news that is supposed to bring me such delight?" "Your sister is actually on your father's jet, on her way to London right now. I've invited her....and her friends to stay here with us. At the castle." "Oh? And what friends are you talking about? Julia? Mary?" "Actually, they're both men. Pearl Bradford, that old friend of yours and my #1 fan, and Kirk Cranston." "KIRK CRANSTON? Eden is coming HERE.....with Kirk Cranston? What the hell would possess her to bring that man here....let alone on daddy's jet?" "I sense there's some sort of history there." "Oh, not much. Just that they were married years ago. And he attempted to kill her. Multiple times. And gaslight her. And kidnapped her...and Cruz....again, multiple times." "Doesn't sound like the ideal travel companion." "My point exactly. It's all so strange. Why would Eden leave her children, Cruz's parents, and daddy, to come to London with Kirk Cranston, of all people?" "Sounds like you'll have plenty to discuss over dinner tonight. They should be arriving before then and I've asked Christine to prepare a special meal for all of us....and our guests." "Guests?" Edmund says, entering the room. "Yes, father, guests. Kelly's sister, Eden, and a couple of her friends will be arriving later. I hope you don't mind that I've taken the liberty of inviting them to stay here. I figure there's plenty of room for everyone. It is a CASTLE, after all." "Kelly, would you be so kind as to give my son and I a moment alone?" "Of course. Obviously my husband here should have discussed this with you first. You've been very gracious to let us stay here as long as you have. I hope you don't feel too put out that Ashton here has invited my sister and her.....friends to stay. He's just trying to make me happy is all, as he always does. I'll go and get a cup of tea from Christine in the kitchen. Would either of you like anything?" "Nothing at all my dear, the privacy will be quite enough." Kelly exits the room, muttering to herself about Eden, Kirk, and :Pearl being the oddest of combinations. Back in the living room, Edmund glares at his son. "Just what are you up to? It's been hard enough keeping Kelly away from her mother....now you've got her sister coming as well? Just what in the devil are you up to?" "I suggest you listen and listen good. If you want this charade of a life that you've created for yourself and your pod in the East Wing to continue, you'll do everything that I ask of you tonight. Otherwise, I'll expose you to the Capwell girls, who will surely go running to daddy...." "You wouldn't dare. You wouldn't risk your marriage to Kelly Capwell, that I know." "You're right, I wouldn't. And you'll understand things as they unfold today. You just do exactly as I say or this whole thing will blow up in your face tonight father. Do I make myself clear?" "Why you little.....just who do you think you are speaking to me this way? How dare you assume that I would go along with this, risk everything FOR...my God, if your mother were alive...." "I thought she was. Upstairs. In her private bedroom. Isn't that the double entendre you're leading right now? You're just going to have to trust me for now father. As for now, I must be going. I have some business to attend to. Please, keep Kelly entertained while I'm gone. She seems to find you.....fascinating. If only she knew just how interesting the life you're really leading right now really is...." Ashton exits and as he leaves, Edmund takes out his phone and dials Pamela. "We've got trouble. Big trouble." (EXT: Lionel and Augusta's London Flat) --Augusta sits in her satin robe, staring at her husband across the breakfast table. Clearly uncomfortable, she attempts to break the ice. "Well that went rather smoothly yesterday." "Those aren't the words I'd use if I were you, Augusta. How dare you keep this from me for as long as you have. How dare you!" "How dare I? After what that woman and your tawdry affairs with her have done to me over the years, you should consider yourself lucky I clued you in at all." "Lucky?" "Yes, lucky. I couldn't care less about Sophia and the last thing I want is for you to go waltzing down memory lane with her. But, I did the noble, unselfish thing and told you the truth. I thought you'd be rather proud of me." "Proud?" "Yes, proud. What is with these one word inquisitions you're spitting at me? If I had my way, that woman would have stayed dead and buried where she belonged. Ironic, though, isn't it. Here we are, 34 years later, and it's 1979 all over again. Sophia is operating under a false name, with no previous recollection of her old life, Marcello is her only confidante....it's de ja vous. Only this time...well, I'm not quite sure I understand the logistics of it. She didn't fall off a yacht for pete's sake, she was pronounced dead. By Saint Mary Duvall of all people and there's no way Sister Mary would lie about this sort of thing. You have to give credit where credit is due....Edmund has pulled off quite the caper here. I think you'd rather enjoy his torturing of CC, if it didn't involve you're quintessential love, Sophia, that is. And here I am, allowing you to play hero to the tawdry slut you cheated on me with and created that.....circus performing son of your's with. And the only reason he's even alive is because your mother switched the babies all those years ago. Otherwise, Sophia would have shot your only child with her." "Thank you, Augusta, for the refresher course and the lovely walk down memory lane. Well one thing is clear- I couldn't get through to her. And if I can't get through to her...there's only one other man who can....CC!" "Lionel, have you gone mad? Did you not listen to the history course that Marcello gave you? CC has a past with Loretta as well as Sophia. His involvement could make this situation more chaotic than it already is and worsen Sophia's condition, which God knows is the lassst thing you'd want to do." "He has a right to know that his wife is alive, Augusta. Whether I like him, hate him, respect him, or not, he loves her and is grieving for her. It isn't right that we keep this from him." Augusta walks across the table and hits Lionel on the back of the head. "Would you get your brain wired back in, Lionel? We need to put Sophia first here and involving CC is only going to cause a bigger mess than this already is. I suggest that we at least wait until we here from Marcello before we do anything rash. Where is that "dame" of a mother of yours when I need her to talk some sense into you? We at least need to wait until we hear from Marcello first. At the very least, he did put that tracking device in the suitcase, so we'll know- Sophi--Loretta's--oh whatever the hell that tramp is calling herself's whereabouts are at any given time. Patience, dear. I doubt this is the last we've heard from Marcello." (EXT: Lady DuMonde's Mansion) --Ashton is greeted at the door by the butler and requests to see Marcello at once. Marcello swiftly enters the room and wonders aloud what Ashton could want with him. Ashton suggests that they talk somewhere in private. He explains that he accidentally stumbled into Sophia's room and realizes what his father has done and wants to right the wrong. Marcello admits to a knowing Ashton that he already knows about Sophia and is trying to jog her memory. Ashton quizzically asks if anyone else knows and Marcello tells him only Lionel and Augusta. "Doesn't Sophia have a history with the Lockridges?" "A long one- she had a forbidden love affair with Lionel for a good portion of her life." "Well couldn't you use that and your hypnosis techniques to kick start her memory?" "I've already thought of that and I tried it yesterday, but Sophia and Augusta exchanged words and Loretta....Sophia got cold feet. She's truly convinced that she's your mother." "My mother-in-law is brainwashed into believing she's my mother. Sounds like something out of a soap opera." "You'd think so, but this has happened before, and the last time it did, it caused insurmountable, permanent damage to the Capwells, especially to Channing, Eden, and CC" "Of course. Well, if I could get you in to see her again tonight, do you think you could get Lionel to come alone?" "I'm not sure. Augusta can be a handful and she'll want to come but.... I can try." "Try you will, if you want to bring Sophia back. And you will succeed. You seem a smart man, Marcello. I'm sure you can come up with a good reason to bring Lionel to the castle on his own. Here" Ashton writes down his phone number. "This is my cell number. You call me when you're on the way. Try to make it around 7:30, as we will all be at dinner at that time and it will be much easier to sneak you into the mansion." "All of you?" "Yes, my father, my wife, her sister..." "Eden's going to be there?" "Yes but she'll be at dinner. I haven't told Kelly or any of the Capwells about Sophia because.....well, because my wife has told me the sordid family history and I'd hate to put any of them through that again before Sophia realizes that she's....Sophia. I'm disgusted by what my father has done- it could damn well ruin my marriage and there's no way in hell I'm going to let that happen. You just follow my instructions and I'll make sure you're able to see Sophia. Now, I must be going, as my father will soon be wondering where I am. I was very careful not to be followed. I don't want him to have any idea that I know about this, nor that I'm helping you." "I appreciate it Ashton You're doing a good thing." "Yes well, I hope so and I do hope that everything goes as planned. Now as I said, I must be going." Ashton sees himself out and immediately dials his phone. "Ok, it's all set. I hope you're ready for everything that's about to happen." The camera pans to a man in a suit, sitting in an office, without his face being shown. A familiar, English accented voice is heard on the other line. "Oh, I'm ready. I'm more than ready." They hang up and the camera pans up to the mystery man..... (THE END......For TODAY)
  5. How coincidental that you say that. I'm writing the next episode right now.
  6. LOL I've been a busy bee but things should get back on track this week. I always have stuff going on in my personal life that you guys aren't clued in on and believe me, this last year and a half there's been a [!@#$%^&*]-ton. I was just brainstorming episodes today on a long walk. I have quite a few climaxes coming up until each storyline finally reaches its pinnacle. But everything that I've tried to clue you guys in on is about to start coming together. For those of you that followed from the beginning, I'll be curious to know if you saw any of these developments/denouments coming. Most were planned from the beginning, but 2 of them I decided on as I started writing (one of which I officially decided on as I started up again this year). But the important things that I've been cluing you guys in on from the beginning are what's coming this week. Now would be a good time for a re-read, since I've taken a short break. The more invested (or re-invested) you are in the stories, the bigger & better payoff you'll get. I do, however, now understand why soaps are written by TEAMS and not just one writer. My GOD, it's A LOT of work!
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