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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. 1 hour ago, ironlion said:

    Firstly Sandra Nelson and secondly Michelle Stafford were better as Phyllis.

    That's So Nice To Read considering i just can't help but wonder how Sandra would've done so many of Phyllis Scenes, especially from 2012 to 2020, I don't know But I Think The cold Calculation she Gave The Character Would've Been Superb to watch again

  2. On 8/31/2022 at 11:52 PM, soapfan770 said:

    I wasn’t quite sure where to put this so I’m creating a new topic. Randomly @DRW50 this list has poor Melinda Fee on here of all people. 

    Let me know if anyone wants to read the full write-ups. Note that even though Tognoni made it as #1 the author was much kinder towards her than some of the others on the list. 

    12. Shari Shattuck as Ashley

    11. Heidi Mark as Sharon

    10. Scott Seymour as Billy 

    9. Lachlan Buchanan as Kyle

    8. Robert Newman as Ashland

    7. Melinda Fee as Jill

    6. Darius McCrary as Malcolm

    5. Reprised David Tom as Billy in 2014

    4. Burgess Jenkins as Billy

    3. Amelia Heinle as Victoria 

    2. Melissa Ordway as Abby

    1. Gina Tognoni as Phyllis 

    LOLOLOL My this List is pretty questionable on so many levels, Shari i can accept, i have nothing against her but I Know most fans hate her in the part, and If anything she lacked the Allure of The Other Ashleys, In all she was pretty miscast

    Heidi Mark Doesn't Count, The Character of Sharon didn't have an Identity yet, and of what was to be done then IMHO she did very well

    I can't give an opinion on Seymour or Buchanan as I don't Believe I've seen them in Action

    Robert Newman? Oh Please he hardly had time to get accostumed in the role before getting axed not to mention he came right in the middle of The Character's storyline Climax, he seemed to be getting the right vibes by the time his time was to end, Pity he didn't stay, He would've done a nice Partner To My Fair Vixen Diane, I'm Getting tired of her being alone against Half the Town

    @soapfan770I agree with You wholeheartedly, Melinda Was A Temporary and was there for no more than a week and If Anything IMO She did nicely, she really had Brenda's Mannerisms

    On Amelia and Melissa I'd rather blame the Writers especially on Melissa They Cast Her and suddenly Abby was a whole new person, I Like a Theory I read somewhere for Amelia, She Lacked Bill Bell's Guidance while Heather Tom had It For Most of her Tenure, In A Way that's why Sarah Aldrich seemed more familiar with the role during her short stint than Amelia when she came in 2005, Not To Mention Amelia Seems so Much Nicer than Her Victoria

    I Rest My Case! Gina Tognoni was an Excellent Phyllis!!!! She Won an Emmy! How's she the worst recast?

  3. On 4/5/2022 at 11:23 PM, SFK said:

    @Joseph those screen caps are from the opening credits when the show went to series, or at least, the opening credits of the German dub found on YouTube. I’ve wondered if the Sarah Vaughan song by Billy Goldenberg from the miniseries was used for the series.

    Apparently Yes!!!

    I'm So Glad I Found This


  4. I decided to give Ryan's Hope a real chance but it is kinda hard with so many of the early episodes missing from YOUTUBE could someone help me with that??? is there a place where i could watch those first 50episodes without being interrupted???

    BTW a doubt a while back i tried a later storyline of "The Proud and The Passionate" (now that's a lame title LOL) and found it interesting especially Judith Barcroft as Barbara Wilde/Maggie but the episodes ended and I understand it's because the SoapNet Episodes ended, Would someone be so kind to tell how her story concluded? Was she really Invalid?

  5. 1 hour ago, vetsoapfan said:

    As far as I recall, Katherine Justice only played Hope for a few months in 1977. She replaced Robin Mattson. To be honest, I found both Mattson and Justice to be rather bland in the role, as was Tisch Ray, who had played Hope for a bit before Mattson. TGL didn't have luck casting the character effectively until Elvera Roussel took over in 1979. Hope was written as a bland, colorless "baby girl" heroine who was, IMHO, pretty tedious. Thank heavens for Roussel and much improved writing in the early 1980s.

    I would Love a few More details, But i knew Katherine was Some kind of "Clean House REcast' they probably only brought her in to finish Hope's Storyline and Write her out, Funny You praised Elvera Roussel, I read so many comments saying she was a Dull as watching paint dry, but i never had anything against her, not to mention find her beautiful

  6. So I was having A "Columbo" Marathon This Weekend, But despite seeing 5 movies and several familiar faces one didn't Leave my Mind: Katherine Justice who appeared in the first Columbo movie Ever "Prescription For Murder" i knew I've seen her before, She subbed as Faith Coleridge in Ryan's Hope 1979, but looking Around she also did Falcon Crest and PLAYED HOPE BAUER ON GL BACK IN 1977!

    I thought she was a Temp Considering She was Far older than the character was supposed to be but according to my research she was There for a While, So Does Anyone Remember Her???????? Was She Any Good? Why She was There??? @vetsoapfan?

  7. 16 minutes ago, Tonksadora said:

    Some people are looking at this video as an opportunity to say Bon Voyage to Anne again. Note that she breaks the fourth wall, winks at the audience & blows the audience a kiss! Vicky & Ryan when she's leaving

    Thanks! I've seem one that was posted the day of Anne's Death that's basically just the last part, even shared it on Facebook because the Bon Voyage and Kiss were so touching, Nice seeing it on A Context 

  8. 23 hours ago, AlexGrimaldi said:

    3 promos to launch Dynasty in Italy (1982)


    Then Let Me Inclume My Country too!

    A promo for The Launch here in Brazil back in the 1980's! They wanted it To Rival The Hyper Success Globo had Showing Dallas (They did Show All 14 Seasons and Even rerun it!) Unfortunately it wasn't as successful here, as much as I know it didn't made past Season 2, and I only know that because Of a Dubbed Clip with Heather Locklear as Sammy Jo!


    Now The Reason I Came Here, Let's All Try to save it Please



  9. On 8/25/2022 at 2:53 AM, althea-davis said:

    I just got a membership on RetroTV to watch The Doctors & I'm liking it a lot so far.  I like Rita Lakin's writing style. It's barebones but also crisp somehow. Nick seems so pompous. I actually prefer Dr. Rice over him. I gather Nick was a fan favorite but so far, I can't stand him. Will he evolve over time, or does he stay as unlikeable as he appears to be right now during the tale of knocked up Althea?

    Speaking of Althea, Elizabeth Hubbard is just so good. I can see a little of Lucinda in her but yet the character is different enough from her ATWT one that I don't get them confused. I really like Maggie. Bethel Leslie is in the role right now and I am going to hate to lose her in the next several months or so.

    Great show! 

    I know you won't repent, for the short while I could enjoy the privilege of watching in the Now defunct WatchTheDoctors site I was hooked it's very good stuff that aged quite nicely

  10. On 8/21/2022 at 10:24 AM, Aback said:

    Came across these scenes dubbed in Italian. Have you guys ever seen them?


    I didn't thanks! I've seen Capitol, GUIDING Light and Loving Scenes in Italian, but Never AW very interesting 

    On 8/24/2022 at 7:02 AM, Tonksadora said:

    Paul Michael Valley (Ryan Harrison) has had successful surgery & is recovering nicely.

    Finally Good News!!! That's really nice

  11. Why Not? Maybe by a miracle, Someone from the Production sees it and tries to realize one or two of our ideas but let's all be honest on what we think would be great for The Milestones of these 2 shows that are now less than 6 months shy

    Me? Oh, On Y&R some Fosters, and Brooks, and Maybe some of the Greats that started on this show reappearing, and some of the classic Music Cues and Sets Appearing

    ON GH? I Honestly don't think i Know Enough to state an Opinion

  12. I Knew Abby Dalton's Birthday (in This case her would be 90th) was in August but apparently it already happened, anyway some nice clips have been posted, including one from the original Pilot! Which is great considering there was nearly no Julia scenes on Youtube

    And This One Has such a Bonus:


  13. 3 hours ago, ~bl~ said:

    Where are you viewing Joseph?

    I'm gonna answer all then:

    1980 I've only seen on YouTube not that much around

    1984 I'm seeing part on YouTube and Part on Internet Archive

    1988 All On Internet Archive

    1989 On Internet Archive too the guy who posted there even put a great Text on the synopsis and Backstage insights 

  14. 7 minutes ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    Sorry, but Anne Heche does not get a pass because she was good on AW 30 years ago or because she was nice to fans and remembered her soap roots. She destroyed a woman's home! Look at the video of Anne's car. Thank GOD she didn't hurt people. She was out of control. I'm sorry she was mentally ill but that is no excuse for putting so many people in harm's way and destroying a home. That woman has a great claim against Anne's estate. I say sue sue sue. A drugged up woman slamming into your house and destroying it? No excuse.




    You do realize you're talking almost as she meant it right? Do you think Anne wanted to Hit her car against a House and Cause an Accident? Of course the woman is entitled to financial restitution for the damage her property suffered but pinning it all into a woman who not only suffered a lot of pain but is also dead now isn't gonna help

  15. 38 minutes ago, ~bl~ said:

    Where are you viewing Joseph?

    Which Part? 1980, 1984, 1988 or 1989?

    6 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Yes, Nina's 18th birthday was celebrated with a costume ball.  Daisy had already been introduced, and established as Nina's mother shortly before the ball.  But, it was during the party that Palmer realized Daisy was in Pine Valley and hunted her down with his very scary german shepherds.

    I don't know if it was due to her diabetes (which seemed to magically disappear after she lost her virginity to Cliff), or she was just sheltered by Palmer, but Nina was never shown in high school, despite the fact that she would have been just a bit younger than Jenny, and perhaps close in age to Tad, given that he was matriculating at PVU during Daisy's trial for Zach's murder. 

    I would speculate that given Nina's romance with Cliff, who would have been in his mid 20s at least, they didn't want to emphasize Nina's youth.


    In the scenes on TikTok, there's no painted portrait, but there is an 8x10 in the living room of a woman who was supposed to be Daisy, but it was just a picture of Taylor with a wig.

    Thanks for all The Info, do you have a link or something for those scenes from Tiktok? Or maybe an idea where the scenes where taken from? 

    11 minutes ago, j swift said:

    Today's thought after watching 1985-1986. Cliff drunkenly slept with Sybil the moment Nina rejected him due to her fears about loosing her eyesight, and later Nina slept with Matt the moment she thought Cliff was dead.  Some love affair!  These two hop into bed with other partners the minute their back is turned.  Nina did it with Zack, Steve, and Matt, all the while claiming her love for Cliff. 

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 True! NINA was so sheltered by Palmer to turn out to be quite the little Slut! I only forgive her because she married Cliff Way Too Young, he however should've been a little more responsible! At Least Nina never picked an ugly Man in her life

  16. One More Question🤣 The Famous Ball from 1980 In Which Daisy was Introduced was Miss Nina Courtland's 18th Birthday/ Coming Out Party Right? Did Nina Ever go to School or something like a normal Teenager?????? Also I distinctly remember reading about Daisy having a Portrait of hers hanging on Courtland Hall, that was basically Taylor Miller with Dark Hair, I'd it true? Does anyone have a picture of it?

  17. On 8/8/2022 at 8:49 AM, victoria foxton said:


    Gl's Unsung Star, The Vet that never had her turn to Shine, her biggest Storyline was the one that made everybody hate her, MY Poor Lillian/Tina

    On 8/17/2022 at 2:04 PM, Forever8 said:

    Another Locher interview coming up

    Actress Toby Poser will join me live in The Locher Room on Wednesday, August 24th at 3 p.m. EST / 12 p.m. PST. Toby will be here to talk about her artistic collaboration with her husband and two daughters working together on Wonder Wheel Productions. Wonder Wheel epitomizes a can-do attitude toward independent filmmaking: as cast and crew, they write, act, and shoot; they produce, direct, edit and score it all.

    Uh the "Bad" Amanda

    Would Love To Know The Last Airing of Paige Turco as Dinah Marler, also Does anyone have Scenes With The First Dinah Jennifer Gatti? (Wasn't She Y&R's HIV/AIDS victim Keesha? Then she was a black woman playing a couple of White Folks' Daughter? Or was she like a Suspected, White? I'm just no good at this kinda thing)

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