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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. On 8/14/2022 at 1:18 PM, Soaplovers said:

    Her Maggie was unique..not an ingenue, yet not a troublemaker either.  Once she was let go, Maggie lost her way as a character.

    We're talking Maggie Cory Cecile's Daughter Right????? If yes I think Yes Robyn was the Strongest One, Not to Mention had a decent resemblance to her on-screen Parents, Robyn's Maggie had indeed the power to take the Throne away from Jensen Buchanan's Vicky

  2. On 8/16/2022 at 12:48 PM, j swift said:

    As I mentioned above I am watching 84-86 on TikTok, and I have a theory...

    I wonder if Jeremy Hunter was a replacement character for Giles St. Clair

    Here's my totally unfounded, out of thin air, no proof theory.  After the unsuccessful recast of Mike Roy, Giles was brought on as a love interest for Erica, and the third part of a love triangle with Brooke.  The character was intriguing, but mostly portrayed as a himbo, sunning himself in speedos on the roof of the Chandler Mansion.  One of his stunts was that he climbed the building of Erica's office tower.

    Cut to Jeremy, a french stud who also climbed the building to Erica's office window.

    At the time AMC was struggling creatively with recasts of Nina and Liza, as well as the fake Jenny.  So, perhaps rather than recasting Giles, they brought in Jeremy.  Which, of course, proved to be very successful as the character drove story for years both on AMC and LOV.

    Also, justice for Dottie, she deserved to find love, and I would have liked them to explore more of the possible connection of Donna and Cliff.  Benny was remarried too quickly after Estelle and Nina was not a good match for Cliff, so the pairing of the two made sense and there was chemistry.

    I just decided to deep dive on AMC, I enjoyed some 1984, 1988, 1989 today, The second Nina was Truly Crazy but was interesting, Liza #2 was Nice Too,The Ellen/Cynthia Rivalry was riveting! I LOved An scene in which they argue and even change a few words in French, Not to Mention The Cake! Angie was interesting I'm trying to make sense about a clip kinda loose of her being harassed by a Teacher, How Old was she supposed to be? Was she on School or College?

    Also read about Taylor Miller's Return to AMC on 1989, apparently she was cheated into making a 2 week Return just for Nina to Remarry Cliff and Reveal her Kid was really his, The actress Expressed frustration with the decision, and I share it with her! Have Enjoyed Immensely Ellen Wheeler and David Canary as Cindy and Stuart, Also I'm being Introduced To Cindy's Twin Karen, Who I Never Heard Of Before! Not sure if what I saw was her first episode would Love To Know! Does anyone remember her first Scene? Cady McClain is Pretty good since the beginning, in early 1989 she had a great scene with Adam talking About her Baby Sister Della/Delia? I'm assuming she'll turn out to be Melanie, Whe did Paige Turco Join? There's No Specific Date, the only clue I got was she Left GL in February (Would Like to get the Exact Date to that one too) so I can only Assume it was after that

  3. On 8/11/2022 at 2:03 AM, BetterForgotten said:

    Not a DID story, but in these riveting scenes from Search for Tomorrow, Jennifer Pace (played by Morgan Fairchild) has who she believe is the voice of John Wyatt in her head before shooting and killing Jo's sister Eunice. 


    Thanks This Reminded Me of Another One:

    Morgan Fairchild as J. J Roberts (Jordan Jennifer Roberts) and Her Alter Ego Monica on Season 5 of Falcon Crest

    Also I never Knew Alexis Davis has DID



  4. On 8/9/2022 at 1:06 PM, SAPOUNOPERA said:

    At this point (some of) the Newmans could use a rest on Y&R.

    They have been going through the same stories forever. Nick and his boring ladies drama, Victoria and Sharon getting married all the time, Adam is so bad, Abby and Noah haven't even found a real purpose in all these years.  

    I would Do Like this:

    Victoria for once decides to step out from the family drama, Either Take a Vacation or Have a Mental Breakdown etc.

    Nick would stay single by choice for a while, he wants to find new focus for his lfe, with Victoria Out he could throw himself at work, And He would have to learn how to Work WITH Adam for a change

    Abby was born to be a IT Girl but i would give her a real raw deep drama that us mere mortals could have too like being raped for example i could see tons of drama coming from it

  5. 19 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    I have several 1994-1995 episodes that feature Amy. There maybe be more key scenes of her in the July-September 1995 episodes.




    The episode with the party Jack threw is December 10, 1992 on the playlist, but the quality is very poor unfortunately.


    Thank You Very Much! I really appreciate the tips, I might finally kill my curiosity 

  6. I have three Questions, I'll go from the most Superficial to the most Important to me:

    1. Does Anyone know where I could find a relevant scene with the Character Amy Wilson by the Gorgeous and talented Julianne Morris from 1994 - 96????? I would really appreciate it, since I've found so little of her, the most ever was on "The Night of The Exes" from 2014

    2. I asked someone already but this one is a question to all hoping someone will be able to help me, Does Anyone Know Where to Find ANY Scenes with Abby Dalton as Lydia Summers? She was on the Show in 1995 and since the date of what would have been her 90th Birthday is approaching I would like it to make a small tribute to her, together with some scenes of Falcon Crest

    3. DOES ANYONE HAVE Scenes from Jill and Victor's Affair back in 1992???? That Mrs. Newman Poll on YouTube made me wonder if I remembered right or not about them having an affair, I Google and discovered that yes they did and it was in 1992, I would really like to Watch some of it, specially the scenes Jess Walton Described in an Interview, About Jill getting all dolled up thinking Victor would propose only for him to dump her!🤣 and a party that Jack Threw to celebrate she would never be on John's life Again and she had to tell she didn't get married after all! I looked everywhere and nothing! All I could determine is it happened in late 1992 like November - December 

  7. 4 hours ago, jam6242 said:


    My I wanna get there like this, Bill is a Tough Act to follow but a great example to be admired, I thought my Great Grandma 👵 was That but she died at 94 and half crazy, I remember actually feeling nervous when they brought the New Possession Plot because I thought they would have Doug really suffering from Alzheimer's And write him off like they always do, I guess there is Some real magic on DOOL many actors that work There Live Really Long

  8. 7 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    This thread here reminds me of when seventeen years ago when World of Soap Themes (WOST) became a pay site for a $25 annual membership to keep the site going. There was a lot of backlash but I paid it because I wanted to see the classic and other material (YouTube was in infancy) and the discussion board was amazing.

    Now in 2022 I am already paying for Peacock most likely to negligence on my part about ending the free trial as an entire running soap opera is about be put behind a paywall. 

    This will never not be surreal.

    indeed! this always happens here in Brazil for an example, we Have Globoplay a Brazilian answer to Netflix, because it belongs to a TV Station we have accesse to several of it's Telenovelas from way back in the 1970's! and when it stopped only charging a modical tax it had major backlash but i understood why, they were retoring TV Shows over 40 years old, turning some old ones already on the arquives into HD QUality, adding some international shows, I'm watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer for the first time there for example, with the minus they're taking centuries to deliver the dubbed episodes though, but i think it's natural people dislike paying more despite improvement, what is making me angry is they're moving a 57 year old show to streaming just to force fans to subscribe to Peacock Premium and risking the show for some pennys because they don't even want to improve the show for that, they want people to pay the same cheap show they're getting on TV

  9. 15 minutes ago, I Am A Swede said:

    Like Brooke does.

    Steffy's history doesn't exactly give her any moral high ground from which she can judge Brooke, and as far as Thomas goes.... after what he has put Brooke and especially Hope through, I'm surprised she even tolerates him.

    YOU AIN'T LYING!!! I mean sure The Tridge Kids seemed to dislike her since they were little, And One of the most unforgivable acts Brooke ever did was keeping From Ridge he was Thomas' Father BUT by the many clips i've seem, Thomas, Steffy and Phoebe seemed to be happy with Brooke as their mother until Taylor came back and i may be mistaken but i think i even saw a clip wehn the kids rejected her after Taylor came back and She seemed deeply hurt! As Far as i know Phoebe was the only Brooke-grudge Free Tridge kid, Since youth Thomas and Steffy made Brooke's life harder, and not the way she liked it! 

  10. 56 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Maybe this could work out? I mean look at Lucifer and Manifest, they jumped to streaming after they were cancelled. I mean I know it was for their final seasons but the fans screaming at the networks is what made Netflix pick it up, they saw their was a fanbase there for these shows and people WILL jump to their streaming service to watch

    Look at me being optimistic lol

    Either we try being optimistic or go nuts right now, hope's the last one to die, right?

    23 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:



    Very true! They're simply putting the show to risk for what? 5 million dollars? They don't want to give one more penny to simply get a few more Subscribers and dollars that's plain petty

  11. 19 hours ago, carolineg said:

    So I am watching Days on Peacock right now to get used to the new normal lol, and I just have to say Billy Flynn is awful playing a drunk!  When I watch people on soaps play drunk I often wonder if they have ever been drunk in real life.  I did laugh when he was playing with the little toothpick swords in the background though.  Chad/Sonny really do have an intriguing dynamic.  Idk if it's because I have a potential hookup in my head or that is what the actual show is toying with.

    Jada was kind of obnoxious with Xander today.  People should be obnoxious with Xander, but she just came in 5 minutes ago.  Calm down.  I was actually annoyed by her, but she was okay with Eric.

    It's hard to make Jackee boring, but Days managed to do it.  Paulina/Abe talking about his political career is sleep inducing.  Paulina shipping Ericole is weird too.  She doesn't even know them.

    Oh They Reached THAT POINT? My the last I watched Jackee was still fun and the highlight of most episodes

    2 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    He's not a good actor at all. He should've stuck to modeling or done gay/bi/straight porn.

    🤣🤣 poor guy, he was OK with me as Ben but now he just sucks (no pun intended)

    2 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Then again, hiring models who can't act has been a soap staple for a while 😂

    Like Eric! But I would place RSW as the Ron Moss Type

    41 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    What is this?😂😍 Did this happen yesterday?


    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 They're really pushing it aren't they?

  12. 5 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:

    So is Y&R ignoring that it's Jess Walton's 35th anniversary as Jill Abbott? Sigh. 

    Wasn't it In like June? You're right I don't think she got anything! Sigh that Woman may not be my all time Favorite but She sure brought a lot to this show! I can only imagine it is because she isn't on contract 

  13. 4 hours ago, MinnaH said:

    If I didn’t know who was playing Taylor now I would swear by that photo it was Hunter Tylo.

    Why you think they chose her? sure she's a very good actress but Looking like Tylo helped a Lot, and by consequence looking like JMW,  also i believe i've read a while back they once wanted Krista to play Hunter's Sister, just not sure if it was on B&B or not

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