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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. 2 hours ago, teplin said:

    From IMDB (so I can't vouch for its reliability):

    Esther and Richard Shapiro, the creators of DYNASTY, are friends of former head writer Harding Lemay. They not only named their family after Lemay's super bitch Iris Carrington, but the Krystle-Blake-Fallon triangle was borrowed heavily from the Rachel-Mac-Iris story. The Shapiros have also claimed they modeled Joan Collins' Alexis after the super glamorous Iris.

    Thanks! Anyway, Feels Good to be right 😆

  2. I don't think Jessica was nonsense considering they went into a very very touchy subject for the time BUT I do think Eileen Might've Felt wasted considering how Front Burner she was up To Cricket's Banquet, it probably wasn't the single motive for exit, but it probably helped, anyway, i do think leaving was best for her, She showed how versatile she could be, maybe if she stayed on, She wouldn't have been able to prove it, Sorry but In My opinion except for her Occasional Mental Problems, Ashley is a pretty one Note Character most of the time

  3. 31 minutes ago, divinemotion said:

    I am finally feeling like I gave something after just saying thank you to all you guys... this community is full of amazing people. Thank you again

    Well i know you already contributed much more than me for quite some time, you usually have some very good insights, you just made a bigger one now

  4. 22 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Speaking of Alex...yeeeeah, watching the scenes. I would say it was too soon to bring RSW back. I miss the days on this show especially when if you were going to do a recast, you let there be some time between actors/actresses and I remember DAYS being especially good at that back in the 90s. Actor gone, so build up the other characters/stories and bring them back at just the right time of dramatic tension. 

    Right, Days used to be very good at it, we know they sometimes took years but had success in finding the "Right Pattern" for recasts

  5. 2 hours ago, slick jones said:

    Saw this article title:

    As General Hospital Cheers Rebecca Herbst’s Liz-aversary, Fans Cry Foul: ‘So Where’s Her Special Episode?’


    #firefrank will never give Elizabeth any kind of shot. He proves his dislike every time he sticks his pets to take over her stories.





    That Face Also says "I should've gone To DOOL When I Had The Chance" We can't say Abby was ever on the same situation

  6. 9 minutes ago, divinemotion said:

    Guys good news. I finally traveled and found my old old laptop and I am currently adding tons of missing episodes from 2003 2004 and 2005... I think I have about 150 200 episodes that are missing. I will try to add everything soon. Just to say I an sorry for a little mistake... I added  3 or 4 episodes in a 2003 folder that were already uploaded. The repeat episodes can be deleted by the admin. I am happy to finally give something to all of you.


  7. One More reason to hate JFP! Remember How Eica's Rape was a plot device for CENTURIES on AMC? Rape trauma never really goes away, they could try something like that with Elizabeth too for example, she was raped around the time she joined right? Couldn't they ressurrect the subject? Actually i mentioned on the Classic thread they could do this with Michael, why not with them jointly? they both go expierences that make them relive their respective assaults, join a support group for rape victims, and that would be juicy material since how difficult it must be to a man to admit suffering this kind of aggression, and as i don't think they're related they could get close, it's just an idea but at least it would be about them not as two plot devices

  8. At Least with This New Adam, it's More Timeline Accurate, I Liked the other ones but i hope they stay with This One, He's from 198somithing right? At Least He's 10 years younger than either Amelia and Joshua, On real time i believe he was 13 years younger the Vicky and 8/7 years younger than Nick, My the Newman Children's timeline is pretty messed, No One can Mention how Abby was Conceived and rub it in on Ashley because SORAS made her an entire decade older than Kyle

  9. 6 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Yes sorasing Nick so soon ultimately was short sighted.

    Nick was born in 89 and was a  teen lead 6 years later and married by 97.

    To fill the gap Billy was then sorased to be the new teen in 99 when again he was only 6 years old.

    If the writers had been a bit more creative the show would be in better shape later on.

    Maybe Matt Miller's son shows up in GC looking for his dad who has vanished. He stays with Victor and Nikki as a surrogate son and plays out the Nick stories.

    Jennifer Foster was born in 1981 and could have returned in the mid to late 90's. She could have fallen for Brock's previously unknown son, thus setting Kay and Jill against each other in a variation of Mac/Billy.

    Re Cricket : do we have any episode counts from that time to see if she actually led the appearance counts or did it just seem that way?

    Not to mention that for years his Big Sister was Younger Than Him! The Natural Difference Between Victoria and Nicholas was What? 5 years? Now it's 1 year

  10. 54 minutes ago, DemetriKane said:

    She had a good reel, fighting for custody of her grandson and dropping pills on the stand lol. I don't remember the exact day, but during the first half of 2009. I will say mid January.

    Oh, Thanks, i researched 2006 and her emmy reels where from december so thanks now i'll look for this one

  11. 4 minutes ago, ironlion said:

    It's crazy how much of OLTL's entire run featured Viki's DID. Though the Jessica/Tess plot isn't popular amongst many longtime viewers, I did appreciate that Tess had more of a fleshed out story than Nikki. Nikki just wanted to escape Viki and cause trouble. Tess wanted her own life. She had her own romance away from the entire town with Nash, and viewers got to actually spend time with Tess as a separate entity compared to Nikki. 


    Yes this is the one Aspect of The Tess/Jess situation i think was actually superior to Viki's DID, Pity Bess didn't Get as Much tiem to be explored like Jean Randolph once was

    Also not the best quality but Showcases a bit of Abby's DID, i might be wrog but i think it was Also part of The Actress' Emmy Reel That Year

  12. I posted a simplified version of My theory on Facebook but i believe This would be a better place to discuss it


    It has bugged me a LONG time, but there's quite a few coincidences:

    In 1972 Iris came To Town after Jet-Setting In Europe for Years, She decided she wanted Former Husband Elliot CARRINGTON back, But He Has Since Been Involved with His and Iris' Son's ,Dennis, Governess Alice Frame, A Young Lovely, Loyal, Blonde SweetHeart, who came from a Lower Social Level

    Pin on Bye Bye Soaps

    Then Came Mac and Rachel, When Her DADDY, decided To Marry a significantly Younger Woman, whom she considered a Gold Digger unworthy of Him she gave her Stepmother Hell, and Made everything in her Power To Break Then Up, as Well as Marrying a Loving Man who she didn't really appreciated until she basically lost him

    Tribute to Soap Star Beverlee McKinsey on the Anniversary of Her Death — Another  World, Guiding Light Actor | Soaps.com

    We Love Soaps: The CW Planning a 'Dynasty' Reboot With 'The O.C.' Producers  Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage

    Now will you tell There's Huge Parallels Between Dynasty and Another World? Iris was Both Alexis AND Fallon! Not To Mention The similarity on those photographs

  13. 11 hours ago, divinemotion said:

    I think so too.. it was also the last year the show was surprising and over the top in a good way. I myself loved the disgusting Pose sex scandal of 2010. Then I think Thomas and Brooke were really entertaining for a while but... it the story went sour by the end. 2012 really was the beginning of the end. The new Bridged aka Hope and Steffy were eating the shows oxygen... no Stephanie and no Ridge... and Brooke in a repeat 2001 2002 sex scandal with Bill... it just was recycled. I never think of BB after 2011 as BB. It's a different show for me.

    Yeah they should try to do different things, introduce New Characters, Try to actually partially fill the voids left (Like, we Know Stephanie Can't Be Replaced BUT They Could try to Create a Character To Fill Part of The Matriarch Void instead of Have One of Eric's Sugar Babies saying they are the "Forrester Matriarch" just because they're married to Eric the Pseudo-Patriarch, Pity they droped The Possibility of Taylor getting that Job back in 2013 she was the best choice), Try to give some viable Business Storylines, Try To have actual Fashions again,  Maybe that's not the place to say but i think i had some ideas that might've worked to give the show some new blood,

    Imagine: I had in mind Eric kicking Donna when Quinn asks him to give their marriage a new chance, or else she would give a Hell on Court on their divorce, but i think that's not viable anymore, anyway for whatever reason he kicks her, Donna Wises Up she looks herself in the Mirror and Realizes her Age and Her Place as well as her potential, she's not going to be his doormat anymore, In a little reunion with Kate and Brooke she says she's giving Eric up for Good, They wonder if she will actually be able too, and Brooke incentives her to try once more, mentioning Quinn's Demands on the Divorce in Case Eric didn't agree on a reconciliation, Things he couldn't afford to give/lose, Donna says Flat out "It's Not my Destiny to be with Eric, And I'm Sure don't have 30 years to try to make it be, much less him!" Brooke is apalled, Donna Leaves For Paris trying to Find Herself, and Begins a Business Venture "Logan Fashions/Models", While In LA, Miss Brooke thinks she has a rash on her Breast, Turns out to be a mass, She has breast cancer! As she waits to see what she'll have to do to get better and dreading the possibility of a Mastectomy she tries to Keep the truth from everyone despite her anguish, She later discovers she will have to only go through Chemotherapy, She breaks the News, It would be a Perfect chance to force Character Growth on Brooke, facing the Possibility of Dying as well as losing Her looks, She would Wise up herself and try to make peace with the family for Once, Say A true and Heartfelt "I'm Sorry" To her Kids, And Taylor's as well, not to mention the long Line of Men adn Women she hurt along the way, well cutting a bit as she is entering remission, she has an anxiety crisis and is Consoled by Deacon, Ridge walks in and misinterprets the situation, but doesn't say anything, He enters into an affair with Taylor whom Brooke Has recently reconciled with, She walks in on them on the Office but goes out unnoticed, she decides to trust Ridge and holds Out the truth about the remission a little bit just to try to get the truth about the Kiss she saw from him, she gives him opnings for about a week, but then she walks in on them again and Storms in To confront them both, She lashes out and when Ridge confrots her about the Deacon Situation she plainly tells about the truth and says that his lack of trust was no excuse for him to betray her if aything he should've Confronted Her, She then says "SCREW DESTINY" too, It's time for a new beginning somewhere else, she throws a party to announce her remission, as well as her divorce from Ridge, she then says The Only Forrester Things she wants Now are her kids, she proceeds to sell her shares of Forrester to other members of the family as well as the House Ridge Gave her, My Last Scene for Brooke would be On the Airport Before landing the Plane to Paris, after saying goodbye for ALL THE PEOPLE SHE LOVES, She leaves one last message to RJ, whom she tried to reconcile for the past few months despite his unwillingness and his preference to stay at his Boarding School, She then goes away, On the Next Episode We are told The Plane Crashed...

    Continues.... (If Anyone Likes IT)

    Now Changing Subjects, What was The Year Susan Flannery decided Her Acting was enough? Up to 1995 from what i Saw She still looked Great, But somewhere along the way she kinda gave up on herself, i don't know her looks changed kinda quicly, The character's Style didn't Match Susan's New Personal style, i know she had cancer at a time and that's what eventually led her for That Grey, short spiked Hair Style and Not so flattering Clothes, but was it the only reason she increasigly Preferred less glamorous?

  14. 1 hour ago, will81 said:

    Lol, yeah. Even as a kid I would ignore her scenes, so I often forget she was in it so much. I pretty much skip her scenes on re-watch unless it is neccessary to view them. I did the same with Josh Morrow as Nicholas. I rarely paid attention to anything he was saying and only tuned into his scene partners, haha

    In saying that I don't dislike Lauralee Bell, but Cricket is often annoying or worse, not interesting. 

    Oh Now i know why Terry Lester Complained! I've never got into the late 1980's properly, i didn't see anything wrong with her on the handful of episodes from 1983-89 episodes i spotted her in, So i guess Cricket only turned interesting after the rape 

  15. 9 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Anyway, I don't really think Chad Duell looks like Billy Warlock.  I think he looks closer to Sean Kanan, but Drew Garrett looked a lot like Sean Kanan/Steve Burton.  Honestly, I don't know who Chad Duell looks like, but there are a lot of Carlys and AJ's to choose from so he probably looks like a combo of one of them lol

    Yeah Maybe You're right, But if a Carly would be his Mother in think i would go with Tamara Braun

  16. 16 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Mac Carey and later Frances Reid were billed on every ep of Days. Did anyone else have that perk?

    On DOOL? No One that i Know of, But I Think Deidre Hall, Susan Seaforth Hayes, Bill Hayes and Suzanne Rogers were deserving candidates of such Accolades

    also this stayed in my mind, it may just be me but I think that when they cast Chad Duell, They had the Wrong AJ in Mind

    A.J.Quartermaine | Hospital tv shows, Billy warlock, General hospital

    Michael Corinthos - Wikipedia


  17. 1 hour ago, JAS0N47 said:

    That's what I call my posts about old episodes!  There is no literal vault, although they must keep the masters of the episodes, as well as the scripts, somewhere!!

    oh ok thanks, it's just that i'm frustated at Miss Goldie's Channel being brought down and i couldn't save the older episodes including a great 1979 one

  18. On 7/29/2022 at 6:19 PM, Melroser said:

    This return of Cecile's was such a waste. 

    I KNOW! It was so desappointing seeing Cecile poor, desperate, kinda beaten up. The True Cecile would never allow herself to get to that point

  19. 4 hours ago, Michael said:

    IMO Jake was a much better fit for BB than Stefan. He worked decently enough as Stefan, but it was an emergency recast and he didn't really feel like the (terrible) character Tyler Christopher had established at all. If they hadn't made TC's Stefan a rapist, I probably could've gone along with it -- but they had already written to the point of killing Stefan off by the time BB started airing, so then they scrambled to create Jake to give him a character with a clean slate. It all went off the rails when they rushed him into DiMeraLand instead of allowing him to be the rough outsider. Do they really think bringing him back as a rapist is going to be the hit they're swinging for?

    I Don't know, at this point DOOL is already the Land where all can happen yet all is predictable, if i ever went to work on DOOL my most certain reaction would be: "Looks like i'm going to the craziest town in America"

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