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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. I wonder if there's some Gay Men on TPTB of DOOL if there's a Soap that still has no shame in Exploiting the Male Body is Days of Our Lives, I mean seriously!

    6 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    I found today's episode just as dry as yesterday's. The mugger's facial expressions had me cracking up. 


    That means another Ericole Reunion is on the way? (Gosh these name combos are so weird to me😆)

    Can't they get Eric another Woman? They sure have no trouble getting Nicole a Man

  2. 4 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Guys, it looks like copyright police struck again. That awesome Ms Goldie channel got taken down.

    AWW NUTS! Can't believe It! I was Going To Save The Pre'1992 episodes this weekend, Had just begun 2000 and enjoyed it, You Know what's worst??? It's probable She doesn't even Know yet, she said she was going to Her Mother's House where there's basically no wifi according to her, imagine going out for a few days and find out over A Year's work lost

  3. 22 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    A lot of collectors will not share their stash for free. They guard it vigorously and only agree to send out copies to other collectors who have something rare which they, themselves, want. Or they are interested in making money, and turn selling episodes to fans into a business.

    To each his own, of course, and if folks want to pay for copies of vintage eps, that's their perogative.

    It's been my experience, however, that if you are patient enough to wait, the material that sellers are asking money for will eventually end up being distributed for free by other fans whose main priority is to share the love.🤗

    I'm so Hoping You're Right and that We'll all be able to watch those soon, like that secret storm one, My I would Go to The Moon if i FINALLY got to see Marla Adams as Belle

    He IS Selling Now, But like @Frenchfan I'm ruled out 'cause i Live Outside the States too


  4. And a Simple Channel done by some Random Guy from God Knows where just did so much more Effort Than The Official Channel (they are posting episodes with Bobbie Eakes now, so why not include her?)

    The Episodes in Portofino were Just Gorgeous, i Miss On Location Shootings, i wonder if Venice were as Beautiful, I've just seen the Brooke/Thorne Proposal, that was one of the most beautiful ever!

  5. On 7/20/2022 at 2:33 AM, sheilaforever said:

    Totally agree! The 2017 Spectra revival could have easily intertwined with Macy's legacy

    In My Opinion if Macy was Alive at the time Sally Jr would probably be her kid not some long lost niece

    On 7/21/2022 at 2:23 PM, Videnbas said:

    Absolutely. Thorne's history with the Spectras went a lot deeper than his history with Brooke. And since they made him a designer it would have been natural for that to play into his storyline. 

    You know it would really make sense, With Thorne being Spectra's Lead Designer would work with the antagonism they tried to build with Thorne and Ridge, as he wanted to undermine Ridge and prove he was more competent then why not do it out of Forrester

  6. 15 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I thought Catherine Burns was very good as Cathy Craig. When she was replaced by Amy Levitt, I accepted it begrudgingly because AL was okay, but then, when Levitt was replaced by Jane Alice Brandon, I was displeased because (IMHO), JAB was a weak and rather annoying actress. Dorrie Kavanaugh was excellent and lasted the longest in the role. Jennifer Harmon was fine, but after all the recasts, I felt the character had been burned out and needed a rest. I would have been really disappointed if Strasser had been the upteenth recast. She was born to play Dorian.:)

    Over the years, various actors have made known their bitterness over the meager pay they were given on OLTL in the show's early years. The anger seemed to grow in the mid-1970s, when ABC hired Jacquie Courtney and George Reinholt at salaries substantially higher than what even the most popular veteran actors of the series were receiving. According to some actors who spoke out, ABC told them, "Take what we offer or leave." When you're a vet earning $20,000 a year and see brand-new actors coming aboard and starting at $35,000...that's demeaning. Nancy Pinkerton, Doris Belack and others quit over the insulting money disparity.

    Thanks, that's very interesting Cathy Craig will always intrigue me as Viki's Original Nemesis

  7. Humm I didn't get much into the later years of AMC which means The character of Krystal Carey to me was nothing but Babe's Mom Erica Slapped (yeah that's really all I've seem of her) BUT today is Actress Bobbie Eakes's Birthday (I never knew before she shared her birthday with KKL, and they called Joanna Johnson the twin lol) and I know She was nominated for The Emmy for this Role at least twice, so is there any scene of hers someone would recommend? And I'm always open for Info on Emmy Reels that's why I Started that thread

  8. Humm i actually loved this little tribute The Channel To K. T. Stevens, she's not an actress we usually think about when we Think about Y&R ao it's Grand Dames, but when you see her work you realize it's not her fault


    36 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    @Broderick Vanessa Prentiss lasted 5 1/2 years, that's a pretty good arc for a villainess. K.T. Stevens didn't act much after Y&R but from what I've seen of her Y&R work, she had primetime soap matriarch energy. She was written off Y&R just when primetime soaps were taking off but for whatever reason a regular primetime soap role for her wasn't meant to be.

    Speaking of Golden Age Hollywood actresses, was the casting of Dorothy McGuire as Cora Miller considered a big get for Y&R?

    I think she might've done a Nice Miss Ellie, but I don't know she also might came across as too tough, BBG was so good in Balancing both Traits, as the comment section on one of the videos mentioned She would've done an Excellent Ann Douglas, i can only Imagine Her and Susan Flannery Going Head to Head as Epic, that is if The character have been introduced sooner, i could see her in the drama During 1988-92 With The Cheating Eric Drama, her presence might've help us relate to Stephanie Better

    Pity Dorothy wasn't willing to make a long Term appearence Cora would've certainly be a Good Addition to The Newman Household

  9. On 7/24/2022 at 2:52 PM, Dr Neil Curtis said:


    this is one of my favorites!

    Ok i give up, what was the story on This One?

    3 hours ago, j swift said:

    Yes, awhile ago someone posted scenes from Claire Malis's stint as Dorian.  She had a scene with Peter where they discussed the origin of the portrait.  Of course, it was a different library set from the one we remember, as well as a different Dorian (and Peter, and Karen...). 

    Thank You, But I had already comfirmed my doubt, i shared a photo of a Magazine Page with Nancy Pinkerton as Dorian by the side of The Portrait, totally different from Robin's Version, and According To @vetsoapfan Claire Malis version was Basically The Same as Nancy's with Just Her Face on It, So I wonder How Robin got her portrait to be so different

  10. 13 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I thought Tommy Lee Jones as Mark Toland was really hot. The story with Mark and Dorian accidentally killing a patient named Rachel Wilson and then letting poor Larry be accused of the crime was gripping. (Well, to be fair, Dorian ended up in a coma, so she couldn't confess.) The original conception of Victor Lord was interesting. He was an authoriation and no-nonsense, but the idea that he would later be revealed as a degenerate was appalling. I thought Vinne Wolek and Wanda Webb were cute together. Eileen Seigel was a bit of a pain in the butt, but her son Tim was a sex god. Cathy Burns was an excellent Cathy Craig. When Cathy's daughter Meghan (by Joe Riley) died while Viki was driving...that was another engrossing plot.

    After Carla had been romantically linked to Jim Craig, TPTB changed the actors from Robert Milli to Nat Polen. That was just so wrong. EEK! I adored Nat Polen, but the idea of him and Ellen Hollty as a pair just did not seem feasible. The show dropped all references to their past, I believe, and Carla and Jim were then only platonic friends.

    What I remember most about Ed's and Carla's wedding is that there a bunch of African-American guests whom we had never seen before, but who supposed to be friends of the happy couple.

    Did you know that Dixie Carter played Dorian for a while, and that Ester Rolle played Sadie?

    Claire Malis was excellent as Dorian. It's a miracle with all the recasting of the role, there was never a weak actress playing Dorian.

    My pleasure! I could chat about vintage soaps all day!

    Then Another Question, What Actress was Your Favorite Cathy Craig? I was going to Ask You before but it escaped my mind at the moment, Dorrie Kavanaugh's take on Her, in the one episode i've seen her, Was good but Reminded of Dorian, Suddenly I saw why Agnes Nixon wanted RS as Cathy

  11. 10 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I thought Malis' Dorian was  more vulnerable than eith NP's version or RS's version. I liked Malis a lot. She could still be a shrew, LOL, but she had her soft moments.

    IIRC, Malis' portrait  as Dorian had her in the same pose and outfit as Pinkerton, with just the head being different.

    Thank You so much for this, So Nice to know those Things, I'm Fascinated By Malis' Dorian, but have seen so little, but that's the impression i got, She was Far More Grey Than Either Pinkerton or Strasser, and thanks for the info on The Portrait nice to have an idea, my i really could do an Art Gallery just with Soap Portraits if I Got The Chance

    Thanks for all the Infos Again

  12. 6 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I know you are quitting the battle, but she was good in those Emmy scenes.  It just feels like something Belle would never do.  Belle should be an optimistic that believes in love and she's just going to pull the plug on her mom?  It's realistic, but does she not even know the miraculous powers of John/Marlena's love? Storm's Belle was a wholehearted believer in this, so it feels wrong.

    I remember Martha being pretty good on GH.

    I'm Quitting but Just For a while, I'm Finishing a 2007 Playlist and I think She's Good, I also checked out 2018, that's why i stated she deserved her Nod Fair and Square, If I Get to Mid 2008 and Don't heat her I'll Be Back In This Battlefield hehehe

    As for GH Youtube seems to Agree With you she was good, Maybe the hair color might affect acting abilities after all

  13. 3 hours ago, Vee said:

    Rafelson was a legend in his own time - in addition to his many great films, as part of BBS, he and his compatriots produced The Last Picture Show and the brilliant doc Hearts and Minds. His follow-up to Five Easy Pieces, The King of Marvin Gardens, is maybe my favorite of his films and still underrated. I'll be watching his Head and/or Stay Hungry tonight, though. 

    I still have the Criterion BBS set in storage back in NYC. I need to get it back.


    Oh How ironic, The Monkees Just started showing here where i live, i was actually enjoying that show, RIP

  14. 38 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    What scenes were she nominated for? I don't even remember lol

    i remember the one in which She talks to John That she is suffering as much as everyone for having to watch her Mother die but felt like she was doing the right thing, This was after Marlena got Shot during the Wedding in 2018 and entered in a coma, and Belle found her Living Testament

    Let The Emmys Speak For Themselves, but i'm quitting this battle 'cause i just realized I'm not very Qualified to Defend Martha, I'm deep Diving On her DOOL Time for the First Time So I might Get tired of her in the future, But Tell Me, was she any good On GH?

  15. 9 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    It's all subjective, of course, but I found TVD a little more refined and reserved than LB. LB came across as warmer, and she became my preferred Meredith. This is NOT to say that I disliked TVD. I did think she was good. Like on The Guiding Light, I found Mart Hulswit warmer and more appealing as Ed Bauer (and he was my favorite), but I would not claim that Robert Gentry was untalented...just different.

    GS was excellent as Viki, and she had chemistry with everyone, but ES really made the character her own, and her chemistry with Lee Patterson was off the charts. The second Viki, JD, was not as awful as legend would suggest, but she was just...colorless. Think Linda Borgenson as Alice on Another World, or Ann Hamilton as Mindy on TGL. Temporarily adequate, but not star material.

    Yes, when Nancy Pinkerton left the show, the portrait of Dorian was recreated to feature Claire Mailis' head.

    OLTL was very lucky that every single actress cast as Dorian was a fine performer, and they all had chemistry with Courtney, although because the Courtney/Strasser pairing was my sentimental favorite, I liked their interaction best.

    No, Jacqueline Courtney joined trhe show while Nancy Pinkerton was still there, and the actresses shared a dressing room for a while. There's an episode on youtube in which Pat is crying in the hospital courtyard over Tony Lord, and Pinkerton's Dorian approaches her and wonders if she's all right.

    And yes, Pinkerton played Dorian during the period of Victor's death.

    Thank you so much for the Infos

    Just One More Thing what was your impression on Claire Malis as Dorian, was she much Different in her portrayal than Nancy and Robin? And was her portrait much different from theirs? We could see Nancy's and Robin's have nothing in Common

  16. 2 minutes ago, slick jones said:

    Tanya Peterson    dated Rick; friend of the "Four Musketeers" 

                   Hilary Edson    1983-84

                        Barbara Ring    1984-88

    from the GL Cast list thread page 120

    Edson went on to appear in other soaps



    GUIDING LIGHT          Tanya Peterson           1983-84

    GENERAL HOSPITAL      Tanya Roskov Jones     1984-87

    ANOTHER WORLD         Stacey Winthrop Singleton    1989-91

    GUIDING LIGHT          Dr. Eve Guthrie   (Wyland)     1992-95 

    Appeared in two episodes of TITANS as Barbara in 2018


    LETTERS TO JULIET     Receptionist  2010

    TRUST     Jill the Bartender     2021



    Thank you very much for the info, I remember Hilary but I don't think it was her so it must be this Barbara Ring

    Also i just checked my memory told me Fiona Hutchinson Played a Tanya on GL, Wikipedia confirmed, any chance it's the same character?

  17. Martha's a good actress but the writing doesn't really favor her (or anyone most of the time) and I'm saying it because 1. I thought she deserved her Emmy Nomination in 2019, I've seen the episode,

    2. Her Style is fairly different from how the character is written, they had to test it over and see if they could find a balance, maybe explore Belle's psychology a bit, maybe in a deep and long delayed FULL CONFRONTATION with Sami, They always loved having Sami Vs Carrie but never really explore the low-key antagonism between Belle and Sami

    I would love to see a confrontation on the Style of Dancin' Days a classic Telenovela here on Brazil the two sisters who are the protagonists get physical in a deserted Disco and finally open up about they're feelings 

  18. 13 hours ago, danfling said:

    I am pretty sure that Nancy Pinkerton had left the show prior to the arrival of Pat Ashley.     I began watching shortly after the Vernon family was introduced to the show.  I remember the original Dr. Will Vernon, but the original Samantha had already left and had been replaced by Julie Montgomery.   (I cannot locate the name of the original actress.)

    I was watching when Victor Lord died.   Nancy Pinkerton may have played the role of Dr. Dorian Cramer Lord at that time.


    Irrefutable Proof

  19. 15 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Arlene Dahl played Lucinda on One Life to Live.Frustrating that they would make such a mistake.

    Now she can Compete with the WRONG PHOTO for Margerite RAY last year they put the wrong Mamie

    17 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Arlene Dahl played Lucinda on One Life to Live.Frustrating that they would make such a mistake.

    I'm certain other daytime performers were missed. And why use that ancient picture of Donald May when there are plenty of photos from when he played Adam.

    Peg English was Pheobe's sister-in-law, Brooke's mother. although it was revealed later that Peg was not Brooke's birth mother.

    Thanks for the info, I wish I could watch her with Warrick and Barr but I think it's difficult thanks anyway now I have one doubt less

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