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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. We all now we would like to know what our favorite actors and Actresses Submitted for the Emmys, and if they actually should've won or not if compared with the competition

    Let's Begin:

    This Playlist Initiative gave me the idea i know that Scene like a Book, Genie Subimitted That For Both the 1997 Daytime Emmys and The Soap Opera Award (she lost the first but won the Second) wonder what the other Reel WAs


    This Link FrenchBug82 gave me describe the Reels of 2005

    FYI has an excellent collection:

    Feel Free To Contribute as you wish

  2. It's A real Life Problem Thousands of People struggle with it, and Soaps can Both Honor and raise awareness on it or Make It lame and shitty but It's Hardly ever Dull!

    It's a recurring Plotline in Many Soaps, And the probably most famous and Accurate as well as longest running of them all is Victoria Lord Riley Buchanan, 44 years of struggle brillantly done 

    Her Daughter Jessica also has it (What's a pity 'cause that meant a major rewrite on the character's backstory, I would rather Have Natalie suffering from it), So Let's discuss the MANY Multiple personalities cases on Soaps

    Just now, Joseph said:

    It's A real Life Problem Thousands of People struggle with it, and Soaps can Both Honor and raise awareness on it or Make It lame and shitty but It's Hardly ever Dull!

    It's a recurring Plotline in Many Soaps, And the probably most famous and Accurate as well as longest running of them all is Victoria Lord Riley Buchanan, 44 years of struggle brillantly done 

    Her Daughter Jessica also has it (What's a pity 'cause that meant a major rewrite on the character's backstory, I would rather Have Natalie suffering from it), So Let's discuss the MANY Multiple personalities cases on Soaps

    Another Example Kate Howard aka Connie Falconieri on GH 

  3. 4 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    RIP Ivana Trump. Here is her cameo on OLTL.


    She was very pretty in her day, and lived considerably to someone who married a narcissist

    4 hours ago, DRW50 said:



    On 7/7/2022 at 10:48 AM, FrenchBug82 said:

    Scroll down this link and there is the description of the two scenes she submitted







    Thank you thank you so very Much! Now how convenient can that be they even got dates!🤭😆 Wish, they had it for EVERY YEAR! now I'm crossing my fingers to see if I can find those episodes, BTW It indicates 2005 but I've already looked up and the links are actually for 2004 episodes

  4. 13 minutes ago, cassadine1991 said:

    Which episode was Cord’s intro?

    the final one

    btw i'm still curious if anyone knows which scenes/episodes Kassie DePaiva submitted for the emmys in 2005 it's her only indication during her OLTL stint so I'm really curious

  5. i just jumped for a second into 894 for sherilyn because i misunderstood and thought she was on the OPENING Credits, but despite that it was a nice watch I didn't realize that Storm was no less her Husband from GH! Now i know why he was familiar to me! Now i'm wondering if it might've been him who recommended her for the stint, As i predicted they have far more chemistry than Ron and Her

  6. Early Stephanie reminds me of Stephanie Harper from Return To Eden especially the Hair, Also Just finished The Death of Caroline Spencer Forrester, man Joanna really brought that on, i cried a lot and even my mother who knows nearly no english cried too, but then she told me it remembered her of cousin of ours that died the same way..

    Anyway Joanna's performance(s) made me wonder WHY The Emmys didn't give B&B it's due value during it's early years when there was so much better character development than in later years Joanna, KKL and Susan as well as Nancy Burnett and The Original Katie and Donna were all very good in my book (of course Katie didn't have very much to do on those days), of the men only Original Thorne catched my attention he was pretty good too all in all So much talented unrecognized

  7. 22 hours ago, j swift said:

    I don't disagree that the two have very different vibes, so it is jarring to watch Sherilyn as Taylor.  However, if you think about the character as written, rather than portrayed, she makes sense as a casting choice.  I mean, I don't see Sherilyn running around in a Princess Jasmine costume getting kidnapped by a foreign prince, but she could obviously play a logic-based psychiatrist who was a romantic contrast to the more emotionally-driven Brooke Logan.

    Yep! I guess that's one of the advantages of previously playing a Nutjob lmao, And despite my Deep Love for Hunter Tylo who i also just discovered shares her Birthday with me (i knew i loved the woman for a reason) Age wise Sherilyn made more sense to me as an established Doctor than considerably younger Hunter

    13 hours ago, divinemotion said:

    She was ok... but nowhere near the star quality that Hunter got back then... I mean... Taylor had to be really special... to get into these war triangles... She was like the most beautiful woman on Earth back then... and with that intellectual vibe... as a bonus... Really think they made A PERFECT cast for Taylor. 

    Daytime's Hedy Lamarr you mean yep i think so too

  8. 11 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    It was a sheer delight to get to see Morgan Fairchild today & I loved that she called everyone either "Honey" or, "Oh, honey!" Susan Batten's character was as odd as is her reputation! I was glad to hear that company name again, Society Set-ups, doesn't that just sound like a rotten deal coming someone's way?! I just found out that at the end of THE CITY, they wanted MF to come back briefly as Sydney Chase & she would not so they had the "Happy Now" killer do her in!

    Can you tell me where i could watch These new GH episodes??? In Brazil i just can't find it nowhere! Morgan is worth an extra effort

    so why they killed Abigail anyway??? of course she'll probably reappear later 'cause Nobody really dies in Salem but why having her killed now?

  9. 22 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    Well, I didn't see it. Lots of stuff tends to be overlooked or ignored on these threads. I was excited to see the video.  You took the wind out of my sails. Sorry i even bothered replying. 

    17706438 (1).gif

    ??? sorry then it wasn't reallly my intention i just wanted to let you know i guess the lack of a comma made it sound rather rude didn't mean too

    BTW if Cord and Tina is the Focus of your attention the channel reedited and posted new verions of the compilations today that focus solely on them, so those interested can see them from the very beginning

  10. 16 hours ago, robbwolff said:

    Gloria was Lucinda's mother.

    OH THANKS! and Jack Abbott aka Terry Lester played her Brother Then Right? I wish i could see her as Gloria wonder how different the portrayal could be from Lucinda, my readings didn't even get into when the character appeared One place she appeared in Flashbacks in 1993 while IMDB lists Liz as playing her in several 2004-05 episodes

  11. 23 hours ago, Xanthe said:

    Wasn't one of the reasons they cast RKK as Bobby/Shane instead of bringing him back as Sam because Sandra Ferguson didn't want to work with him?


    22 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    I find this a funny thing to answer. One, he refused to come back if it meant playing Sam again. Two, at some point he said he would never work with Sandy again. Three, at some point she said she would never work with Robert again! A fair answer to your question is Yes! and then some more! But, they wanted him, for some unknown reason, and they were willing to come up with that cockamamie corneal transplant along with the dreadful name, Bobby Reno, and then they let MM change him from the get-go. Retired race car driver, just doing work around the house, ma'am, to a citified, urbanite doctor. Sure.

    It would have been Sandy Ferguson, as that's where they were then. And, she & Vicky could've been set up in a triangle with Evan maybe, but not with Bobby/Shane which is in another post. I can't think of anyone but Evan.

    Well i didn't know such details, I just said it because i thought Robert and Sandra had good chemistry back in the day, it would also be nice seeing her rivalize Vicky and somewhat gain some spotlight something that didn't happen since the early 1990's in my opinion that means RKK was kinda troublemaking then doesn't it? i read that despite his great chemistry with Lisa Rinna onscreen they Hated each other backstage

    6 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    What are you thinking was a retcon? Vicky & Jake had an absolute past as a couple & certainly were potentially a supercouple. There was nothing that was retroactively conveniently made up as a romantic background. They were a couple when they first came to town. They grew up together. In their joint past sometimes they weren't romantic & sometimes they were. Personally I didn't care for Vicky & Jake together but that doesn't mean they didn't have tons of fans. Me, I was Jake & Paulina all the way & in like fashion I was Vicky & Ryan all the way. Death interrupted that. Anyway, unless you're thinking of something I do not remember, there was no retcon between Vicky & Jake.

    You're right they just got away from one another for obvious reasons, would you stay close to the guy who raped your twin? But despite that they were just reunited not retconed if anything the retcon was when they tried to create the Marley/Jake/Vicky triangle when Marley went nuts, no way i bought that despite the chemistry between the actors

    BTW I remembered I saw Lindsay Lohan as a Kid in a clip from AW she outshined everyone in the room with her i think she was playing Amanda's child, Pity the producers and writers didn't know what they had in their hands she could've rivalized Camryn Grimes as Cassie on Y&R at the time

  12. 27 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    Awesome find. Very early Cord & Tina. And David & Jenny's big action-adventure story. Love Cord mentioning his half Mexican to Tina.  And how they are from two different worlds. Thanks for sharing this with us. I'm familiar with this channel. But most of the videos up until now have been from 1996. Not one of my favorite OLTL years. Unlike 1986 which is one of my favorite years.  That's when i first started watching in the summer.

    Web capture_4-7-2022_23259_www.womenio.com.jpeg

    well this is the fourth compilation to date i have shared the previous three in this thread a while back the last one included Cord and Tina's First Meeting

  13. On 7/3/2022 at 8:12 AM, Tonksadora said:

    Comparing Goutman as EP at the end of AW & then at the end of ATWT it is absolutely like two totally different people! He even stated in a Q&A with the Digest Editor that he didn't want to hear from the fans, that he knew what was right for the show! An amazing level of hubris.

    No, like most of the older classic shows the earliest parts are missing. First shows were performed live & there was no tape of the day to keep. Then shows made the mistake of using tape over & over. A rule of thumb is that tapes begin to show up aprox. 1979-80.

    Blast from the Past: A WLS Top Blunder: Mismanagement, Final Years, ATWT

    This showed up in my FB memories today & it is so good about what was so bad that it bears repeating or as the case may be, retweeting! Kudos to WLS for capturing it all so well!
    One of WLS Top 25 Blunders
    16. The Mismanagement of the Final Years of AS THE WORLD TURNS
    The first several years of the Chris Goutman era as executive producer of AS THE WORLD TURNS were award-winning and critically acclaimed, full of actors who couldn't praise their leader enough in the press. The final years were the complete opposite. The constant pats on the back were gone. In their place were a lot of confusing casting decisions, rumored turmoil, and the unbelievable mistreatment of the legendary Eileen Fulton. The show that had the most history that was still intact had a leader who could not have cared less.
    Letting the brilliant Larry Bryggman (John Dixon) walk away in 2004 was a huge blow to the show and a definite sign the tide was turning. Seeing his return for a few weeks at the very end of ATWT's run in September 2010 proved what an asset he was and what a hole he left. Similarly, allowing Martha Byrne (Lily Snyder) to leave, and acting so cavalier about it in the media, was infuriating and turned off many fans. Even when the classy Noelle Beck offered to step aside so Byrne could return to ATWT in the final months for a reunion of Lily and Holden, Goutman refused. Firing a returned Scott Bryce, who actually made the character of Craig human despite awful writing, was another head scratcher. We don't know if it was pride, personal grudges, or complete incompetence but this was not the man who turned this soap around in the early 2000s. What happened? And where was Procter & Gamble? They seemed to have lost interest in both their remaining soaps at the time.
    ATWT still showed moments of brilliance in its final years with Maura West (Carly), Michael Park (Jack) and Colleen Zenk (Barbara) leading a cast that gave their all, no matter what story was written. But there was no explaining the act of continuing to introduce new (and mostly unlikable) characters through the final months of the show. There was no justifying the rapid-pace style of editing that seemed to confuse and alienate viewers. And there was no reason to back burner daytime legends such as Don Hastings (Bob), Kathryn Hays (Kim), and Elizabeth Hubbard (Lucinda).
    As for Lisa and Ms. Fulton, what a horrible way to end this soap. All soap opera final episodes are not made alike. For every perfect ending (SEARCH FOR TOMORROW's Jo and Stu come to mind) there is a Paul Rauch stomping on a cigarette or CAPITOL having Sloane standing in front a firing squad. It's not always easy to wrap up a soap in a limited amount of time. But no soap opera had ever had as much time between their cancellation notice and leaving the airwaves as 54-year war horse AS THE WORLD TURNS. The logical ending would focus on Nancy Hughes, but unfortunately the legendary Helen Wagner passed away the month before the show wrapped production. So obviously, the next thought would be the characters of Bob and Lisa, played by Don Hastings and Eileen Fulton, who both joined the cast in 1960 (that's 50 years earlier!). The show got it (mostly) right with Bob and let him have the final words on the air. But Lisa, they couldn't have got it more wrong.
    Why didn't Lisa have some kind of storyline in the final months? Fans had been questioning her airtime for years. But surely, knowing the soap was going away forever, wasn't Lisa entitled to one last hurrah? The producers and writers instead gave her only two scenes in the final episode, as a supporting character in the Lucinda-John reunion and in quite insulting circumstances as well. The character of Lisa is credited as TV's first "bitch" and characters like Erica Kane or Alexis Colby may not have existed without her! That's huge. That's history. So what kind of historic tribute did ATWT pay to Lisa on the last show? They gave her four lines and a sarcastic talking-down-to from Lucinda and John. At the very least, would a phone call from an old flame like Grant Colman have hurt?
    Put them all together, and these decisions demonstrate a lack of respect for AS THE WORLD TURNS as a cultural icon, a lack of consideration of its millions of viewers around the world, and a general sense of contempt for the show on behalf of Goutman and P&G. The consistent and systematic dismantling of this beloved soap through poor management decisions remains a shameful blight in television history, and a tragic example of how ignorance and disdain can ruin an American institution.
    This was the Executive Producer who openly wept at the end of ANOTHER WORLD, but who faced Jen Lenhart, ATWT Editor at Soap Opera Digest, in a 2008 Q&A and told her that he had no need to read fan mail, that HE knew what was right for the show -- not the fans.

    very sad how they didn't give it's due Value to The Great Eileen I always wondered why they never gave Her the proper space respect and importance she deserves after the 1990's wish they did she deserved at least one emmy the same with Liz Hubbard for her remarkable work as Lucinda, and since i mentioned Liz can someone please tell me who Gloria Keller is???? never knew Liz played another character in the show


    Happy 4th of July one more treat to go, but since comments tell me that my main objective (seeing Judith Barcroft as Viki and maybe Niki) will not be possible to reach (apparently she appeared in february) i won't be watching it as closely i was until now, despite The Jenny/David final storyline being very interesting, so those interested i recommend you subscribe to the channel as apparently no one else seems to be sharing it here

    Anyway changing the subject does anyone know what scenes/episodes Kassie DePaiva submitted to the Emmys in 2005??? i was very curious

  15. I'm sorry could someone please tell me if anyoneknows where i could find episodes with Kate O'Mara on this shows 2000's revival, i've seen her in a few things and found her Absolutely Fabulous (no pun intended) by the photos sounds fascinating

  16. On 6/9/2022 at 6:19 AM, Chris 2 said:

    I don’t believe Spelling’s ABC soaps ever transitioned to the cheap “shoot on film/edit on video” method that the Lorimar soaps (and most US dramas) used in the late 80s, so that accounts for some of it. I also think Aaron Spelling understood the value of reruns more than Lorimar did, and whenever I see his shows rerun even today, they look like they’re in great shape from a picture quality standpoint. Whereas Dallas - even for the earlier episodes truly edited on film - looks faded and grainy with all kinds of dust and dirt. I’m guessing Spelling took better care of his library, but wish I knew more details - I’m just speculating.

    Bad news for you i Think they did, i've finished season 9 a few days ago, and there's a lot of Scenes that read as Video despite restoration

  17. Ok So This will only Be avaliable Friday but anyway i Share here in advance because i Believe it will be an interesting 50/50, If i remember correctly the reunion of the Brooks Sisters Has 2 Original Actresses and 2 Recasts so nice chance to compare the Chemistry, it's a Pity There's So Little of Chris and Peggy Brooks around, never saw anything with Recast Chris, Lynne Top i think nor Original Peggy so i'm counting on this Community's Elders for Opinions too


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