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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. Funny i never realized or cared to search but a considerable number of Cast Members of Knots Landing have Birthdays on June:

    Lisa Hartman turned 66 on June 1 (Wednesday)

    Michelle Phillips turned 78 yesterday (June 4)

    Kim Lankford Turns 68 on June 14

    Joan Van Ark Turns 79 on June 16

    Constance McCashin turns 75 on June 18

    Ted Shackelford turns 76 on June 23

    and Michele Lee turns 80 on June 24!

  2. 4 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Married at one time to Ginger Rogers. Dr Kildare in a very popular series of movies for MGM. 

    Conscientious objector in WW2.

    It's a shame the nighttime soaps got little attention from the Emmys. Some excellent performances were ignored.

    Really enjoying the episode breakdowns and discussions. Keep 'em coming!

    Lew Ayres Is one of My All Time Favorites he also co-starred with Jane Wyman on Johnny Belinda, the movie that gave her the Oscar! More Than a Pacifist on WW2 he also gave up a chance at a lucrative contract on TV on a possible TV Version of Dr. Kildare because it would be sponsored by Cigars i'll always respect him for that

  3. 57 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Both are in standard quality. They haven't been remastered. 

    I never understood why the CBS soaps looked worse than the ABC soaps. The DVD releases for Dynasty and The Colbys was better than Dallas, Falcon Crest and Knots.

    thank you so much for the info

  4. On 6/2/2022 at 5:12 PM, Chris B said:

    It’s available for free on Amazon Prime’s Freevee app! You don’t even need an Amazon account if you download the Freevee app. 


    what's the quality? i might give it a shot, an d maybe i'll finally get to watch dallas too

    On 6/2/2022 at 6:13 PM, Chris 2 said:

    I thought it was crazy that Cole and Vicki were willing to abandon their young brother Kevin to Richard (and then some distant counsin) after Maggie’s death. I don’t recall if they ever mentioned Richard adopting him.

    Vicki #2 was going to desrt Maggie when the baby was kidnapped by Meli i wasn't surprised at all

  5. 1 hour ago, allmc2008 said:

    I mean, that is one was we differ LOL

    I HATED CLAUDIA/DIANA. I usually don't hate characters, which is odd. I think it was the way she was played? Remember the actress who played "Annie" on the pilot? If she played Diana I would have loved it.

    But I do remember feeling shew as on the way out when she got the haircut that made her look like a beaver with an afro..

    off topic but why is 'afro' being flagged by spellcheck?

    Karen Allen? humm not sure at least she left Knots for a sucessful Hollywood carreer i remember loving her on The Glass Menagerie (1987) 

  6. On 5/16/2022 at 5:01 AM, Vee said:

    I've felt this for years since seeing her infamous SNL episode and bits of pieces of Dallas throughout my life, but upon seeing multiple full episodes it's official: I have an extremely low tolerance for Charlene Tilton.

    According to Many comments on Youtube many viewers think she would've worked better on Knots, and i'm one of those because i would have loved to see her Going head to Head with Abby (i know she would get at most at Abby's chest ok) and Jill Bennett, but i understand they avoided it because they wanted To keep Gary and Val younger at the eyes of the audience so you have been saved from seeing more of her

  7. On 5/28/2022 at 6:28 PM, Chris B said:

    @JosephI'm going to skip that clip because I'm only four episodes in. Season 9 so far is chilling and I find that I'm loving it. It's probably been 15 years since I last saw this season! One thing I like is that they seem to have a strong handle on the main cast and the new characters are working for me as well. Michael Sharpe and his sister Lauren seem interesting and it's nice to have a new rival for Richard. It's something fresh at least. I love that my girl Emma has a central storyline that affects everybody, instead of a B or C story as usual. It's sad to see her last relationship didn't work out, but I like where this is going. I don't think they've messed Emma up and from memory, the story has a strong pay off for her. 

    Lance the past two seasons has been a revelation. I about died when he told Charley it was disrespectful to walk around the house in his undies, when Lance used to do that all the time. I feel like Pilar is the perfect match for him and they've done a good job of maturing him. I know many hate Pilar because they view her as a Melissa replacement, but the two characters are quite different. Melissa was never the love of Lance's life either, so I don't mind that he's found happiness with Pilar.

    Maggie's death remains one of the greatest and most shocking exits in soap history IMO. I also feel like after watching their relationship develop, it could've only ended in doom. From the moment Maggie got with Richard she fought every sign and instinct that told her to run away from him. I'm enjoying seeing Richard on the bottom and lose everything--his business, his money, his kids and his wife. 

    The only thing that truly saddens me is that Jane Wyman couldn't film this full season. I just know if she was in better health they would've taken Angie to new heights. I'm glad they gave her a strong exit though. Especially with her age I could see other writers simply sending her to Europe  as planned or an off screen accident, but for someone as formidable as Angela, I was glad we got to see her interactions with Charley and her fight. It's added to the terror that character brings and any second Emma is around him I'm worried for her safety.

    I'm going to be sad when this binge ends, but I'm glad they went out trying, whether people like the season or not. It's sad that Dallas started the primetime soap boom and it's the one of the big four that just gave up in the end. Say what you will about the final seasons of FC, Dynasty and Knots, but they at least tried to do something with the time they had left.

    where are you being able to watch it anyway?

  8. From what i know from Bev's portrayal (what's kinda little mostly from Texas where they say she was watered down) she kinda would but not screaming like that she would probably use that condensending tone of voice like i don't like you but you're not important enough for me to scream, but i saw many scenes where Bev's iris didn't pass a possibility to leave a few one-liners and putdowns

    BTW recently i realized that Audrey Hepburn Shares her Birthday with AW wouldn't it be nice if she made a tenure even if small on the show? What Character would you have her playing (i mean from characters that actually existed) 

    someone mentioned "The Secret Garden" recently is that it? what were they planning with this????

  9. ok so my initial idea was just to leave this vid here because it's the Donna on the hall of mirrors and i always wanted to see it so i thought i might leave it in case someone else was curious too

    But i read the most recent discussion a real pity, i was revisiting the Perrinis just about a week ago even found footage with Maeve as Angie, Ray was sweet and handsome in the role, very good actor since he was that young, it's an enormous pity he passed, now i'm kinda sorry for Maeve too, she lost yet another colleague on such short time

  10. On 5/24/2022 at 9:36 PM, Chris B said:

    I just finished season 8 and this has been one of my favorite seasons. It's like a love letter to the early years. The stories were more grounded and rural and I think they did a good job of refocusing the show on the Channing and revamped Aggreti families. For the first time in years we have younger characters that work as well, with Ben, Gabriel and Tommy. Richard and Maggie had a GREAT story arc that perfectly sets up the darkness of her season 9 exit. I loved the way they built up Angela and Richard's relationship only for him to turn on her in the end. The entire kidnapping arc was fantastic. I also enjoyed Ana-Alicia's return as Samantha. She could've been a useful character to keep. And of course this season did a good job of repairing the damage done to my favorite character, Miss Emma.

    Now I'm looking forward to diving into the very controversial final season, then I will give my rankings for the entire series.


    so i didn't know if it was worth putting it up here, but it was posted a few days ago and since you're going to venture on season 9 here's a warning, i think they damaged Miss Emma Again

    Just now, Joseph said:

    so i didn't know if it was worth putting it up here, but it was posted a few days ago and since you're going to venture on season 9 here's a warning, i think they damaged Miss Emma Again

    but strangely i thought she looked good here don't know why

  11. So Gayle Hunnicutt is an actress i adore and she's my all time favorite Irene Adler ever, but it wasn't until now that i discovered she was on Dallas, i searched around and couldn't find much, except she was Called Vanessa Beaumont and Gave J.R. his first born! there's no videos of her except when James reveals he's JR's kid and When James Outs Cally's pregnancy, she doesn't have much to say on either Occasion, since i have such a hard time on finding Dallas episodes can someone tell how she was like and what she was up to and most of all the general opinion on her? i always care about what people think of an actress I care about

  12. On 4/28/2022 at 9:33 AM, Chris 2 said:

    Angie Dickinson, really? She was a little old to play Jane Wyman’s daughter.

    The network getting rid of Ken Olin was a good example of too much network interference with this show (same thing with Nazi treasure). Chris should have been a long term character and member of the family. And I thought his character worked - a nice contrast to Lance. If only they could have done something about his Chicago accent lol.

    But the ratings started slipping with the 1984-85 season, so CBS felt emboldened to interfere.

    I have to agree with the pretty much all of the focus group feedback from season 7.

    nice point, i actually thought Angela was older than Wyman, BTW it would be nicer than 9 years younger David Selby playing Abby Dalton's Big Brother


  13. 1 minute ago, Soapsuds said:

    She was Calla Matthews, Lillian sister.

    Oh it begins to make sense thank you for the info, i wonder if they knew each other from Texas, Tina had a brief tenure there

    3 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Lisby played Calla Matthews, Lillian's sister.  Ross and  Calla were involved around that time.


    5 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    One of My all time favorite GL couples for sure, makes me sad when many greats go away at once, makes one feel like the world is about to end

  14. 28 minutes ago, Vee said:

    This (timestamped below at the proper time) is the moment that will always stay with me for JVD on OLTL. At the edge of the end for both the show (it would go off the air on ABC a week later) and his character and Erika Slezak's, Jerry completely sells this moment beautifully despite a very rushed final story. He speaks on behalf of not just himself and Viki but the show itself, and he's just wonderful:


    OH YES! I've seen a while Ago, It TAKES REAL ACTING SKILLS to sell a scene like this on a budgeted Beyond like that

  15. 15 minutes ago, teplin said:

    Given the anemic ratings of the spin-offs, I'd say the public was none too interested. 

    that was my impression too, pity For Agnes Nixon's Soaps it worked if any of the others worked it might've helped keeping the ratings up

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