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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. I Guess the Fact that he did a Good Job Being Recast in a Role LONG played by someone else Like Clint Buchanan and actually working out and Being Accepted Shows how great an Actor He was and Is, His Work will live on forever and ever

    59 minutes ago, Tonksadora said:


    aww he looks so young and sweet, never saw him this young before

  2. On 4/21/2022 at 8:51 AM, ltm1997 said:

    I’m looking for anyone that has episodes or edits of Y&R that aren’t already in circulation from January 1976-September 1981, January 1983-March 1984, and from May 26-June 5, 1989. They could be in any video format (VHS, DVD, Beta, etc.). I’m mainly looking for episodes and edits featuring the following characters:

    January 1976-September 1981

    -Kay, Jill, Liz, Suzanne, Nikki, Eve, Julia, Victor, Derek, John

    January 1983-March 1984

    -Kay, Jill, Nikki, Lauren, Eve, Julia, Patty, Jack, Victor, John, Traci

    I’m looking for the full episodes of May 26-June 5, 1989.

    If you’d feel more comfortable messaging me privately, feel free to do so.

    Depends if By Edits You Mean Clips these two channels might Help


  3. 2 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    Opinions, all:

    Flamingo Road - Morgan Fairchld as Constance Weldon Semple Carlyle

    The City - Morgan Fairchild as Sydney Chase, Female, Yr 1 (She just stayed the one year.)

    The City - Jane Elliot as Tracy Quartermaine (married to Soleito but didn't take his name), Female, Yr 2

    The City - Roscoe Born (RIP) as Nick Rivers, Male, whole show

    PC - I cannot do it. Too many people. Too good. Leads changed because of the new method they tried.

    GEN - Kelly Rutherford as Samantha Whitmore

    What shows am I not thinking of? I've had great tenure with our short-lived beauties. I didn't see enough of either RH or LOV. I rarely saw Primetime. Is Paper Dolls one in this category? If so, I name Morgan Fairchld a third time!

    SB - Robin Wright as Kelly Capwell

    Pacific Palisades - Michelle Stafford as Joanna Hadley


    On PC i enjoyed Elizabeth Barrington

    No Paper Dolls wasn't Mentioned Yet, But I Agree with you i've seen a little of The City and Enjoyed Sydney, i didn't watch Flamingo Road but read that Constance scored high among the All Time Bitches #37 i believe, I guess Morgan is Iconic in All she does i guess i didn't mention that yet because I thought it would sound like favoritism, Racine was Amazing as played by Her too, much better developed that in the Pilot movie, It was all on Youtube a little while ago but unfortunately the channel was brought down, If You Saw The Monroes (1995) you can nominate someone too

  4. 13 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Another World 1979

    Olive Randolph set fire to Alice's cabin -John Randolph died.

    That is featured on the first video in this thread


    2 hours ago, Darn said:

    Kevin should have never recovered from this. He terrorized two characters who should have been the future of the show in statutorily raping Lily and giving her an STI and then trying to kill Colleen. Instead he went on to become a lead while Colleen is dead and Lily has had nothing to do in years.

    That said, the shoe was on fire (forgive the pun) at the time.



    2 hours ago, Darn said:

    Kevin should have never recovered from this. He terrorized two characters who should have been the future of the show in statutorily raping Lily and giving her an STI and then trying to kill Colleen. Instead he went on to become a lead while Colleen is dead and Lily has had nothing to do in years.

    That said, the shoe was on fire (forgive the pun) at the time.


    Never understood it either, Kevin should have burned together with the Restaurant, now how much of an hypocrite  he has to be to blast adam for his actions

  5. On 4/30/2022 at 5:02 PM, Soapsuds said:

    Warner Archives overseer Daphne Dentz, the senior vice president of emerging formats, mastering, and content, explained their current process. “We are preserving our entire library,” she said. “It doesn’t matter what movie or television show, we will have a digital copy of that within the next many years. Nothing will ever be lost once it becomes digital. I think that we are in a moment in time where we want to restore everything in the library, and every title may not get a full 4k restoration, but it will definitely get a new HD master. And then as soon as that’s available, it’s gonna be in the marketplace.”

    I really Hope They release at least the early seasons until October i wanna commemorate Barbara Bel Geddes Centennary watching the Best of Miss Ellie in HD, Please!

  6. https://www.welovesoaps.net/2010/02/catching-up-with-judith-barcroft-part-2.html?m=1

    So I was reading this interview with Judith Barcroft who temporarily played Viki in 1986 or 1987 and she said she played a few scenes as both Viki and Nikki, since the woman is a daytime legend I'm even more interested in her brief tenure now, since Temporary christine Jones was Amazing I'm not afraid of trying to watch her, but does anyone know of any places where there's scenes with her available?

  7. 2 hours ago, Xanthe said:

    According to the AWHP 1988 synopsis The Love mansion burned down in February and I guess Donna miscarried soon after. Also at that time they talked about Reginald's having starting a fire to cover up his murder of Elizabeth years ago and also pass it off as a suicide?

    Little Kevin Thatcher was in two separate fires in 1984. David Thatcher started a fire in his house for the insurance money and had to save Kevin. And then at Christmas the tree in the Matthews house caught fire and Mark Singleton had to regain the ability to walk in order to rescue Kevin from that fire.

    thanks the info really helped


  8. Found The Full Episodes of the 1992 WildWind Ball for Natalie and Dimitri's Engagement that Climaxed on the Revelation of Angelique don't remember seeing the full episodes before so i'm sharing


    7 minutes ago, j swift said:

    The images of The Chateau fire on another thread reminded me of how amusingly generic the names of the businesses were in Pine Valley.  We got The Chateau, The Valley Inn, Erica's the disco, and my favorite The Boutique.  Perhaps they were named in order to avoid product placement fees, but they were uniquely plain.

    Of course, that would exclude the Glamarama.

    Actually The Chateau is the less generic there

  9. 19 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    @Joseph can't take out the Chateau Fire. It's stuck there forever and ever. Didn't notice that you had posted it. BTW great topic for a thread. Totally forgot that the Chateau was destroyed yet again in a gas explosion.


    it's quite alright, thanks for the second scene, glad you like the topic, i have two more in store as soon this one gets "cold" 

    4 hours ago, Soapsuds said:




    The Real Thing happened on the Season 7 Premiere


    4 hours ago, Khan said:

    Why did Claudia just stand there and watch as the flames engulfed her and her room?  Why didn't she at least attempt to flee and get help?

    See, that was one of my biggest issues with DYNASTY.  Their characters always looked flawless, but they could do the most asinine things, lol.

    Some People say Claudia just gave up, Because she didn't have anything to live for, made sense to me until hearing Jackie's testimony saying she tried to escape but got trapped what actually made me sad

    2 hours ago, Melroser said:

    More AW:

    Northwoods Inn fire...


    There's also the time that Grant staged his shooting and the place caught on fire while Amanda (Christine Tucci) was upstairs. Evan (Eric Scott Woods) rushed in and saved her. 

    Would like to see the other one you mentioned too, thanks for this Clip, i knew there were other fires in Bay City Including the Love Mansion Getting Burned Down a few times in the 1980's but when i searched i couldn't find any so i went with the one i always remembered

    2 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Falcon Crest had two fires....


    Anna Rossini is the reason i decided to do this one, Also There's The Fire That Killed Melissa Aggretti


    2 hours ago, I Am A Swede said:

    Actually it had three.....


    YES! Just wish Melissa didn't die, her leaving was one of the shows biggest losses


    2 hours ago, Jagger1966 said:

    Claudia actually did try to escape the La Mirage fire on Dynasty albeit off-screen.  It took something like 11 or 12 episodes of season 7 for Blake to be exonerated of starting the fire but eventually Jackie recounted To Krystle how she saw Claudia open the door of her room and then the flames shot out from behind her.  That's how they were able to determine that Claudia started the fire.  I hated that plot device because of a) how badly the show treated Pamela Bellwood who had just given birth and b) for killing Claudia in such a grisly manner especially considering the fact that she was an original cast member.

    She would've been better off being Killed on the Moldavian Massacre

  10. 19 hours ago, Efulton said:

    The story i imagined would be Jamie and Alice working together and becoming close friends with some confusion about their feelings but never crossing the line and having sex.  Rachel would be jealous, her insecurities about Alice would resurface and should would make a big mess out of everything.

    in that case i think it could've worked brillantly, i wouldn't oppose them sharing one or two kisses either, with the right writing i think those May-December romances can be some of the Most Beautiful ones, also Kinda off topic but i remember how i rooted to Brooke and Thomas on B&B to be together, as long as it was written with taste not another "The Whore of Beverly Hills Strikes Again" case

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