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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. On 4/16/2022 at 4:30 PM, FrenchBug82 said:

    I actually thought she was pretty good on Titans, dreadful as that show was.

    She strikes me as someone for whom getting Baywatch was a career drawback in a way.
    Because of the pretty typecasting and the lazy acting it required, her projects after that were of lower grade than I think she would have been capable of had she focused on her craft for a few years after leaving OLTL. She had the basics and with a few more serious roles under her belt, she could have been a very strong lead for a good drama.

    YEAH! Her Performance was strinking i see her and now i think she's machinating something lol just like Alexis

    On 4/11/2022 at 12:26 AM, Joseph said:

    which Melinda? 1970's, 1980's or 1990's Melinda, i get the impression she was rebooted every decade

    Curious Tought was there another Masquerade Ball since 1981? i seen to have a memory of Dorian in a 18th Century gown, but i guess it wasn't from 1981

    not that anyone cared but i found it some shade fest

    Calling All Fans Take a Trip Down Memory Lane, See Carla, Claire Malis as Dorian, Christine Jones as Viki and More


    in case anyone does not know 2 channels



  2. 22 minutes ago, slick jones said:

    You can find all of this in SOAP HOPPERS. There's a list of the actors and the pages that you can them profiled on on  the first page of the thread. Actors that appeared multiple times on the same show can all be found in the actor profiles.

    humm i didn't consider this aspect, but that would be kinda colateral right? this thread is specific for that

  3. 1980 Press Photo Actress Christine Jones of Television's "Ryan's Hope" |  eBay

    Christine Jones Has Quite a History with OLTL, She Played Nurse Sheila Rafferty in 1975, Victoria Lord temporarily both in 1981 and 1983 (WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT), She Also Played Pamela Stuart Buchanan from 1985 to 1987 and again in 1988 and 2001 as well as an unnamed cougar Who was keeping David Vickers, She also Played Amy Gifford in AW (and then in LOvers and Friends) before playing Janice Frame, the fact is she wasn't the only one another example is Kim Zimmer before Reva, Echo or Nola She played Bonnie Harmon on OLTL first, then Echo this thread is about cases such as that feel free to share your thoughts

    Example #3: Andrea Evans on Y&R as Patty in 1983-84 and Tawny Moore in 2010

  4. What about Dynasty's TRACY??? Deb was great as a schemer

    On 2/10/2022 at 9:54 PM, Soaplovers said:

    Cynthia Watros leaving doomed  Kelly....Cady was all wrong for the part.

    I know on OLTL, that Nora's sister came on as a therapist..and she seemed so calm and serene..complete opposite of Nora's more sarcastic vibe.  There were hints they were estranged..but after awhile she vanished.


    now i know


  5. On 3/9/2022 at 6:10 AM, Orea Mou Kiria said:

    The Nikolai "Kolya" Rostov would have been a much better Prince Michael.
    (You probably don't get this from this gif)

    he was a great Jeremiah on The DS reboot, BTW does anyone now where i could find any Promos with Frankie? i wonder how they were "selling" her

  6. On 4/17/2022 at 9:38 PM, Vee said:

    Lee Grant! Did she ever do another primetime soap (not counting Peyton Place)?

    NO, The Nearest she got was a TV Film/Miniseries called The Million Dollar Face from 1981 that sounded like a Pilot

    On 4/17/2022 at 9:51 PM, Khan said:

    I don't think she did.  But she should have!

    I could see her coming aboard DYNASTY, for example, as some long-ago love of Blake's, with love child in tow.

    Ha, i always pictured that secretary of Cecil's Being that LOL, i mean Cecil's ex with a love child by him who would eventually try to fight for a piece of the fortune 

  7. On 4/17/2022 at 9:49 AM, Chris B said:

    I’m not far into it, but I finally started the mini series and this is *so* good. I feel like I’m going to regret it because this will make me want to find the series even more.

    It’s so odd seeing Linda Evans outside of the static acting and perfection of Krystle Carrington. 

    good writing vs bad writing huh?🤭

  8. feel free to speak your mind on such matter, as long as your chosen character was featured in a show that lasted less than a decade, as you feel like, well if this show went on longer this character would be truly iconic and well known to this day,

    example: Reena Bellman Cook Dekker and Paige Marshall Carrington both from Texas, i know they could've been Daytime Icons, if that soap endured more time, Just the Fact Lisby Larson's Paige could actually hold her Own against Beverlee Mckinsey's Iris shows she could've been one of Daytime's Great Schemers, Same for Reena she was a sexy, scheming Woman who was getting a great treatment in Layers, she could've been great too

  9. 4 hours ago, Chris B said:

    Thanks for posting Paper Dolls! I always wanted to see the movie and just finished it. It was okay, not great. I enjoyed Alexandra Paul. The best thing is, the channel that uploaded it has tons of TV movies and mini series I’d wanted to see. I will be busy on there for awhile. 

    I'm having a great time with that channel too, I was so happy when it posted Bare Essence, i believe it also answers requests, was wondering if they could find any other short lived primetime soaps

  10. 14 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Kim was pretty much front burner and popular when Patty played the role.

    I wonder how she approached it and what the audience reaction was?

    Did they perhaps delay some story points until Kathryn returned?

    i'd love to see at least a photo of Patty as Kim as I've always known Patty to be blonde.Did she wear a dark wig to play Kim?

    i came across it when i searched i don't there's more at least not that i've seen i was curious tooVintage Soap Opera Archives — Afternoon TV Stars - May 1976 - As The World  Turns

  11. 24 minutes ago, SFK said:

    ‘70s. Her backstory was that she suffered a fall from a horse which paralyzed her arm, ending her piano career. Not sure how she later regained the use of her arm.

    Wikipedia lists her as practicing day and night on the late 1970's and trying to recapture her career what destroys her marriage but failing and losing it again, thanks for the info i sure would've liked to see some of those

    2 hours ago, Marco Dane said:

    this isn't exactly new, it was previously posted on George Meyer's channel not sure if it's still on, with a couple of other 2 1977 episodes Both with Kathy Glass as Jenny, as well as the Last Cathy Craig and a rare glimpse at THe original Karen Wolek and Claire Malis' Grey Dorian

    54 minutes ago, Vee said:

    They remodeled Cathy into a '70s-era feminist writer when they aged her up, I believe. That's the angle on the character.

    well later she became Melinda 2.0 i belive when the last actress came in 

    59 minutes ago, Bright Eyes said:

    @Marco Dane Thanks for posting that episode.

    It's always a treat to see characters I've really only read about to see how they are truly portrayed. 

    I can see why Jenny ended up leaving the Sisterhood for Tim as Tom Berenger was gorgeous. I had no idea he was so gruff, and Tony such a pig. I wish Cathy got her chance to slap him. Anyone else kind of see a resemblance between George Reinholt and Jonathon McClendon, who played Chase Jannings on DAYS

    I always had the impression Cathy was kind of neurotic, but Dorrie Kavanaugh's version comes off very cool as well. It's fascinating that we got to see a time so close to when Megan devastatingly passes away. We're also apparently close to Steve Burke's exit as well. Can someone tell me how his story ended? Seeing him for the first time as well, Bernie Grant as Steve comes off mature, but kind and secure in himself, so I can understand how Viki could have fallen for him.

    It's too bad we couldn't see Carla do more, but it was still nice to see her, and Doris Belack as Anna feels so effortless. It must have been a huge loss when she left the role.

    Cathy was Neurotic on 2 accounts she began as a teen who later turns into a Drug Addicted and near the end she was mentally unstable ultimately she lost it, Dorrie was Great when i first saw this I WAS AMAZED, because i only knew her for her mute Role on DS

  12. On 7/10/2020 at 12:36 PM, Soapsuds said:



    On 7/8/2020 at 5:46 PM, DramatistDreamer said:

    These scenes and clips seem fairly jumbled but I did notice this scene with a nightmare sequence, in particular, which I have no recollection of.  Also, a few minutes after this, there is a scene where Sabrina gallops away on a white horse, nearly knocking over Frannie and Seth, who sees Sabrina for the first time.


    what were those???????

  13. On 4/8/2022 at 8:23 PM, danfling said:

    I did not see her as Leslie on The Guiding Light, but I never cared for her when she replaced Geraldine Court on As the World Turns.  Maybe if she had played another character (and I know that seducing her sister's husband was a part of the storyline that was written), but I could never stand to watch her.  I did, however, enjoy the scenes of the tornado that struck where she was.   (Was that the Wade Book Store?)


    On 4/9/2022 at 9:43 PM, robbwolff said:

    Kathryn Hays did not replace Geraldine Court on the As the World Turns. It was Gillian Spencer who replaced Geraldine Court as Jennifer Hughes.

    ok, so i googled and comfirmed kim was originally played by Kathryn, Patty McCormarck played the character for an extended period in the 1970's the fact is Kim was like Lisa she began Diabolique and later turned Good the trouble perhaps is that her trasition was far quicker than Lisa's

  14. On 4/9/2022 at 1:52 PM, Chris B said:

    I plan to have fun with these final four seasons, which I know will be different due to new staff and their various changes. Starting with season six, this is very fun to watch and I see why it worked at the time. 

    On one hand it is extremely cheesy and dated with the synthesizer and ultra 80s fashion. I now get the Miami Vice reference. It’s very style over substance. All of the characters are written paper thin and whatever characteristic they’re going to show is dependent on the storyline. Melissa and Lance are soulless whores, Chase is a hot head bastard, Vicki pouts and Angela quips. With that said, it moves fast and is very amusing. 

    I also really enjoy the Kim Novak mystery. It has no business working, but it’s fun for me as a big Hitchcock fan. 

    oh yeah the Kit Marlowe Story it's fun, and seeing her going against Angela, holding back her will to roast The Old Lady and manipulating things on Angie's back i do enjoy it even forgetting Kim was a Hitchcock Blonde

  15. On 4/5/2022 at 11:18 PM, SFK said:

    Michael Zaslow and Krista Tesreau both played for real on the show.

    Sonya and Melinda Cramer were pianists.

    which Melinda? 1970's, 1980's or 1990's Melinda, i get the impression she was rebooted every decade

    Curious Tought was there another Masquerade Ball since 1981? i seen to have a memory of Dorian in a 18th Century gown, but i guess it wasn't from 1981

  16. If were Letting it go into Kathryn's pre-ATWT years here are two moments of her great acting in her youth total opposites


    9 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    RIP to the one and only Kathryn Hays. That face, that voice...she was an icon of CBS Daytime and embodied literally every thought that crosses my mind when I think of "grandma's stories."

    The more of early Kim that we can get our hands on, the better. I'd be happy to just see that very short tag scene of Kim and Jennifer from the end of a 1974-1975 episode one more time, with Kim's ENORMOUS hair taking up half the frame.

    i just googled maybe Kathryn wasn't around in 1975-76, She was absent for a while and Patty "Bad Seed" McConmarck subed for her for a considerable time, like they did with Betsy von Furstenberg as Lisa in the 1980's

  17. 7 hours ago, dc11786 said:

    I think we know of at least two attempts to bring back Meg in the 1960s. The first was around 1963-1964 when the Phillip Holden / Kay Logan were characters. Meg was suppose to return as the head of real estate office I believe. This was in some soap opera history book that had monthly summaries based on projections. 

    The second attempt was later around 1968/1969 around the time Roy Winsor had taken control of the writing room. Meg was suppose to return when Sarah Dale was on her death bed and then was to stick around to go after money from the sale of the family home if I recall correctly. 

    At some point in the 1960s, Winsor felt that his shows needed to extend beyond the small circle of characters that had previously dominated his shows. This was around the time the Ames family started to fade out on “Secret Storm.” I wonder if this had any impact on Meg’s return earlier in the decade. Obviously, by the end of the decade, this course seemed to be reversed and the Ames came back to SS and Meg was slated for a return. 

    wonder why, maybe they couldn't find a suitable replacement

  18. 17 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I posted it on the ATWT thread a while back. 

    how ago? i went ack 10 pages didn't find

    2 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    i remember seeing it some time ago she's fabulous, she's so classy

    she was also a lovely bride

    1 hour ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Would kill to see very early Kim where it was clear Irna was using the character as a vehicle for her own life. 

    i believe some early 1970's episodes have popped up lately on youtube maybe you'll get lucky if you search

  19. 9 minutes ago, divinemotion said:

    I was bored 4 hours ago and I started watching Another World without ever watching anything... I started with a playlist from 1991-1992 - Episodes from May 1991 and let me say... 4 hours later... I should be sleeping... and I am binge watching and scared if may continue like that for hours. IT IS ADDICTING. Amazing storylines. I feel like I've found something very exciting. Well... hello there people. Did I start watching at a good period? Also... is there a place where I can find more episodes... I am hooooked.

    Eddie Drueding doesn't have playlists but if there's a channel fo AW that's it

  20. Does anyone have when she met Sabrina the first time??? i always wondered how it is, Kathryn was beautiful talented elegant, and versatile if you look for her Western days i can find her in totally opposite characters Sweet Prudence on Bonanza and "Tornado Frances" on The High Chaparral not that apart in time, i never got to see much of her on ATWT but loved what i saw She'll Sure Be Missed RIP To a Lovely Lady

    PS: i must get away from soaps every time i get interested in a particular performer death strikes😭 

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