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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. 35 minutes ago, watson71 said:

    Nancy Frangione's return in 1995 was a disaster because of the producers and writers.  AW had tried to get her to return full time for many years to no avail.  Frangione returned in 1986, 1989, and 1993 for short returns, but it finally looked like she was ready to return to the show full time in 1995.  JFP treated her like a day player, listing her with the recurring cast members in the credits rather than signing her to a contract.  Then, when JFP updated the opening credits in March, 1996 Frangione wasn't included because she was not on contract.  

    The writers also did Cecile a disservice first by having her "kidnap" her own daughter to get ransom money.   Then, the writers tried to say Cass was really Maggie's father when much of 1982 was taken up with Sandy or Jamie being Maggie's father.  Cass wasn't even on the show at that time.  Then, Cecile is written out of the show in June, 1996 broke and down on her luck never to be seen on the show again.  

    What a waste of a talented actress and a character with years of history with the show that could have driven storylines for years.

    Exactly, Cecile was a goldmine in plotlines her last tenure was complete waste, I'm sure that a well used Cecile could have prolonged the show's life a little

  2. 7 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Look up Rosemary (and hundreds of others) in the Soap Hoppers thread.

    Ok thanks 

    14 hours ago, danfling said:

    I do know that Rosemary Rice was on The Edge of Night.   I am not sure how lengthy the role was.    She could have been a dayplayer.

      Hide contents

     do know 


    Yes IMDB lists her as playing a character in 1964 probably one of those that only appeared for storyline purposes then vanished 

  3. 9 hours ago, Nicholas Blair said:

    IIRC, Niele didn't interact much with anyone but her brother, whom she did not want to get involved with Amy. She was not paired up with any of the men and did not have a lot of airtime. I thought Betsy von Furstenberg was very good when she replaced Eileen Fulton the first time, but then didn't seem as strong or as involved when she returned to play Lisa another time.

    Well maybe if the show was on air longer they would find something decent for her to do, but who knows

    And thank you everyone for the insights I guess so many questions are pretty boring 

  4. On 9/27/2021 at 8:21 PM, Nicholas Blair said:

    Laurie (Stephanie Braxton) had been married to Ken (Joel Crothers), and I don't recall how Ken exited the show. Braxton and Crothers were both excellent in a storyline about two people who really weren't in love but were trying to make the best of their marriage, with it even being possible that they might eventually fall in love. Some subtle writing and acting there.

    Toward the end of the SS run, a new HW dragged out the old girl-who-falls-for-a-priest storyline. David Gale played the priest, Gary Sandy was his younger brother, and Frances Sternhagen was the woman who had raised them. IIRC, Gary Sandy tries to attack Laurie; it's in a barn, so the priest grabs a pitchfork; Frances Sternhagen rushes in to try to separate the two men and accidentally gets fatally stabbed by the pitchfork. Stephanie Braxton and David Gale played this material well. I believe the couple separated at the end of the show and he went back to being a priest.

    They also used the priest for the old "I Confess" storyline, as handyman Riley (Joe Ponazecki), previously a good guy and a source of comic relief, kidnaps a baby (? this may not be right) and confesses to the priest, knowing the priest will be obligated not to tell.

    I was not too fond of the show at this time. Some of the actors who had kept me interested when I first started watching--Terry Kiser, Jada Rowland, Joel Crothers, Barbara Rodell, Judy Lewis, Linden Chiles among them--were gone. Marla Adams as Belle was still making trouble, always a good thing, and I did like new additions to the cast Bernard Barrow, Dan Hamilton, David Ackroyd, Jeff Pomerantz, and Betsy von Furstenberg.

    I wonder about Betsy Von Furstenberg her character Niele Neeves didn't have much result in my search, I understood she was involved in the artificial insemination storyline

  5. On 8/27/2021 at 12:09 AM, applcin said:

    I was today years old when I found out that this character from ST:TNG's "Who Watches The Watchers" is KLS. 😵 I wasn't (and am not) really familiar with her career so, before watching DS, her name wouldn't have rung any bells with me. Rewatching the episode tonight, I decided to check on the actress' name and now I'm like, whoa, that's Maggie Evans, lol.


    Yes, KLS career was a bit odd after DS, she also played the Ghost of Miss Jessel in TTOTS in 1974

  6. 1 hour ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    Oh I am the first one to appreciate storylines that resemble real dynamic between real people and "real" issues. But I don't think Santa Barbara lacked those either.
    I just don't accept the criticism of SB's campiness at times. That's part of the charm of the genre for me, regardless of the show.

    You said it! If Soaps didn't have OTT moments they would be documentaries, even reality shows tend to be OTT

  7. 5 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    This is a great episode..the 84 stuff post Dobsons-pre Marland was a lot of fun, more freewheeling and light hearted then what is to come. What are these episodes where the backstage guy appears..it doesnt look like the finished product but the credits role.

    Richard Farichild was a psycho who the audience at first suspected of being James (who had fallen out of the plane a few months before) but he wasn't as we see. This was a really good strangers on a train thing that John meets him and casually mentions his old rival pain in the butt Bob Hughes. Richard shoots Bob expecting John to do..something for him..(I forgot that part..) Well Richard begins to fixate  on Babs cause James is gone and she is not a vixen yet so they needed her to do one last damnsel in distress thing. So Margo was wearing a wig to look like Babs to lure Richard out in the open. 

    I love Ariel, who is really, really funny in this and actually Betsy VF is good as Lisa...a little more upidity but it was nice to have a breather from Fulton's jittery, stammering Lisa. If I was  a producer I might have kept BVF (unpopular opinion.) I love pre Marland people being bitchy to and about each other...I love fierce Lyla calling Betsy a slut, (this Lyla is actually interesting..)Lisa and Ariel bitchiness to each other. Marland would have written it as Lyla telling Craig to take the kid back because "Honesty is the best policy, and I am sure Betsy made mistakes but look at her feelings..." Blah, as campy as the show could be at this time the dialoque and the reactions were more realistic then Marland.  I dont know what the hell Lisa was wearing but how nice to see a show with a real budget.

    I liked FT as Brian...(sorry, the guy who replaced him always skeeved me out..) And of course...my high school crush at the time..Jay!


    I wonder if Betsy VF looked like Eileen I searched over and I found 1 episode that credited her but I was appalled that Lisa was Eileen or either they looked VERY much Alike

  8. 17 hours ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    All My Children from 1970 to 76 is what i would die for to see.

    Me too, it would be interesting to finally see the Abortion Storyline, and end my curiosity about Stephanie Braxton as Tara

    12 hours ago, RevaChancellor said:

    I would love to see an oral history book for each of the two last P&G shows like the one that came out a few years ago for OLTL. It would really contextualize the last couple of decades of ATWT and GL.

    Sounds Interesting! And welcome to the community 

  9. Ok I was kinda old timey today watched a little "Mama" (1949-57) I loved Rosemary Rice as the oldest daughter and her biography says that among others she was on OLTL for a time but I couldn't find any further information does anyone know if that's true????

  10. I think I would love to see Lovers and Friends/For Richer For Poorer complete I'm one big sucker for Patricia Barry that said I also would love to watch her years in DOOL as Julie's Mom Addie

    The Early years of General Hospital also sound really good how I would love to see the years Rachel Ames was the Leading Lady

  11. Portia Faces Life began as an American Radio Soap in 1940 and run for 11 years until 1951 the Character being mostly played by Lucille Wall (of General Hospital Fame) then it went to TV for one Single Season starring Frances Reid (later Alice Horton on DOOL) and retooled into The Inner Flame starring Fran Carlton in 1955 and even had an Australian version that run on radio from 1954 to 1970 starring Lyndall Barbour, Isn't it Amazing that a Soap about a Female Lawyer was so well received I think she Deserves to be Discussed

    On the Other Hand in 1937 a Soap based on a novel and a couple of Movies began and run for 18 years, it was Stella Dallas and was about a loving and self-sacrificing Mother Starring Anne Elstner for it's entire run and even if it sounds so much more common it also sounds very nice and even if it didn't became a TV series it also deserves some discussion as both were centered on Women that while on opposite sides were very strong in different ways 

    A Touch of Portia

    And A Touch of Stella


  12. 1 hour ago, Nicholas Blair said:

    Faith Catlin portrayed the shy and awkward Faith which was apparently the original idea for the character. She wasn't bad and she didn't look like a lot of other young soap actresses (a good thing, IMO), although she wasn't at the level of a Kate Mulgrew. Catherine Hicks, a more polished actress, seemed like the nice girl in your English class you'd feel comfortable asking for a date. I was shocked when Hicks was cast as the young Marilyn Monroe in a TV movie, because she didn't seem at all glamorous. Karen Morris Gowdy was more conventionally pretty, and she developed into a capable performer. I liked all three in different ways. As for Nancy Barrett, I wonder which of her Dark Shadows characters she would have used!

    If she she was going on the same way as Catlin, Sweet Charity Trask would have worked well she was a really shy girl, but I guess she wasn't popular with the audience so they had her possessed by some dead actress and turned into a slut LOL

    I also stumbled upon Katherine Justice in her 3 episodes stint but I won't judge such a small stint as good or bad just didn't understood why it happened 

  13. Rosemary Prinz as Penny Hughes on ATWT (1956-68/1985/1986/2000) She was the Teen America loved, the woman no one could replace, she was one half of the the first soap Supercouple, She was Penny

    Susan Flannery as Stephanie Forrester on B&B (1987-2013) the role wasn't conceived for Susan but no one would have done it better than her, she was beautiful, charming, elegant, powerful and no one could put the Slut back in the valley better than her

  14. 11 minutes ago, Frank2803 said:

    Wow going through this thread you tend to forget Alexis was a groundbreaking character 

    There were not a lot of female characters calling the shots in movies, primetime tv, or soaps 

    i think that's Alexis major legacy, Powerful Women being more frequent on Entertainment, not that there weren't any before her but she made this type of woman being more commonly portrayed

  15. Charita Bauer as Bert Bauer on GL (1952-86) from the surname to her performance she enlighted the screen for over 30 years as guiding light Bert

    Susan Lucci as Erica Kane (1970-2011) what's to be said? Erica is Susan, Susan is Erica they merged on one

    Sharon Gabet and Larkin Malloy as Raven and Sky Whitney (1977-84 and 1980-84) they were never as important or charming as in this soap, the bad guys we rooted for

    Ann Flood as Nancy Pollock Karr (1962-84) 

    Mary Stuart as Joanne "Jo" Gardner (1951-86) the name of a Queen preceded that her would reign, and she did as Jo for some glorious 35 years, i think she's the longest serving soap actress on a role uninterrupted

  16. This one is for wishes maybe they can come true and pretty soon, one thing i'm thankful for is that the soap fans of this community can be very helpful in founding videos and sharing informations so why don't have a topic for people express what they would love to see? one episode, one year or one storyline maybe other fan knows where to find it

  17. I was watching yesterday, realized 2 things 

    1. Delia was one big Spoiled Brat totally needy and childish, but her Fantasies were very funny

    2. Given the Proper Development I Think Nancy Barrett could be a very good Faith Coleridge, I'm just not sure as I haven't the privilege to seeing much of Faith Catlin

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