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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. 40 minutes ago, Michael said:

    That's a good way of putting it. Stuff happens, but it doesn't necessarily change anything. 

    I think they do a decent job retroactively tying threads together, but it doesn't feel like long-term story -- it feels like, "Well, this happened, and this also happened, and I guess we can make them dovetail in a way that brings stuff together," but it would be so much more satisfying and gripping if it felt like it was intended that way all along.

    Example: all Abby Went Through before Getting Killed, And Her DID didn't resurface

  2. 22 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    I added it.


    I just wish people shared more Y&R in general. The B&B fans uploaded so many episodes!


    By the way, let me mention if anyone has VHS tapes send me a PM and I will convert them and upload them if you don't have a VCR.

    THANKS! I wish I could help, I actually remembered I saw the 1996 episode with Shick's First Wedding in FULL HD on Internet Arquive that I believe still isn't on the Vault and was going to share here as I don't have a clue how to put that on the Vault, but I searched over but I didn't find it.m is there a possibility that was deleted? I thought that didn't happen on Internet Arquive, I'll see if can find it through Twitter as I believe someone tried to share it on the Vault's Page

    30 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    I added it.

    Oh The Quality Is Amazing!!!! Thanks Again!

    I'm thinking about trying to introduce Y&R to some friends and Family here on Brazil, Y&R is here Solely Known as Julius' Soap for the Popularity of Everybody Hates Chris, As DOOL is Known as Joey's Soap because of Friends, I'm trying to make some subtitles so they can understand it, and The Incredible Quality Episodes are the Ideal Material, So You gave Me a Bigger Gift than I can Say!

  3. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    As much as I hate Gwen, I hope she doesn't turn out to be the killer. That would be a huge letdown 

    i like the actress, i feel Gwen is a Mess, what makes her interesting, if she killed Abby, she's doomed to disappear, but even if i'm trying to accompany the show the way i can i have no clue whatsoever

  4. 32 minutes ago, chrisml said:

    I am a Dark Shadows newbie. Do fans recommend starting the series from the beginning or starting at the Barnabas story?

    The beginning is pretty slow, but very very nice, is black-and- white and all but sounds like an old noir movie, very complex in the beginning until it builds towards supernatural with the Widows Ghosts and Laura and finally Barnabas, you can skip to him right away but you will miss some interesting plot points and stories, it all depends on your patience for old time drama

    This Dailymotion Channel has most of The Early years, it's good quality from DVD tranfers


  5. 5 hours ago, AMCOLTLLover said:


    shame they are not in English coz there are a lot of episodes from this soap

    I KNOW! i understand a little italian, and is a torture because it is  amazing, the Paula Story Alone would be a super binge watching material

  6. I'm still not 100% with New Summer, I'm Very accostumed with the previous one, but she is very effective in my humble opinion, she'll probably win me over someday

    4 hours ago, dragonflies said:


    yes, those were great times, no wonder the show has Grand Prime-Time Specials, if they tried to do it again now, their best would still be inferior to that one

  7. 2 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    I'm glad to see Tanner front and center, long overdue!!! I wonder if KKL not on as much cause of her broken ankle?

    well the rest can only do her good, yes they could go full Lila Q. and have her sitting on all her scenes but i guess Home Rest is the best for a quick recovery, B&B usually prefers Brooke Up and About

  8. 5 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Robert Scott Wilson should get acting lessons from him. And I'm not joking!

    That's In my Opinion why there is the Younger Actor/Actress Category, Children and Teenage Actors usually have a totally different energy than grown-ups, In my perception as an actor/Actress grows older they try to restrain their energy more while a kid usually jumps in and gives it all

  9. 1 hour ago, ironlion said:

    Are we gonna get a y&r style anniversary episode for Elizabeth?? Furthermore are they allowed to use Steve Burton's images as flashbacks including Jason would be critical to Liz's history? 

    Would be nice if Johnathan Jackson, Audrey, her sister Sarah, Ric and Xander could all make an appearance. Emily's ghost too perhaps. 

    Oh BEAUTIFUL DREEEAAAMM, that would all be awesome but I unfortunately doubt it will happen, Herbst must be really well paid or have many Debts to pay To Tolerate that kind of Treatment 

  10. 5 hours ago, Efulton said:

    Harding Lemay talks about this Shapiros in this interview.

    MLH: Well, you had a beautiful and extremely intelligent actress playing that part.  She preceded the Alexis character on DYNASTY.
    LEMAY: Two prime time soaps took names from my characters.  The Ewings were on DALLAS; the Carringtons were on DYNASTY.

    MLH: Sounds like the creators of these series watched ANOTHER WORLD.
    LEMAY: Oh yes, the Shapiros, David and Esther.  I knew them.




    Thanks! Also I finally got a Picture of the Iris &Mac Portrait! Yay!


  11. 5 hours ago, Broderick said:

    Maybe not.  But it struck me as silly, because her storyline was so fantastically divorced from the realities of the disease she supposedly had.  While most people suffering from AIDS in the real world were concerned about their CD4 counts, viral loads, and opportunistic infections, Jessica just breezed around glamorously marrying one patriarch, and then having everyone step aside graciously so she could be reunited with the father of her Precious Little Child.  Once she'd completed all the items on her to-do list, she lay down and died without any signs of thrush-mouth, Kaposi sarcoma, or AIDS wasting.   It seemed to be nothing more than another "human interest" story for Cricket, without any of the agony we'd all seen associated with the real virus that had killed our friends.  

    Oh my I didn't knew details, that sounds awful! I thought they were a more realistic considering The Keesha History just a decade later being pretty realistic, what a disservice!

  12. 9 minutes ago, sheilaforever said:

    What a super weird period on the show. There was something with Amber skiing (taking pictures of Bridget????) and that was the Exit story of Adrienne Frantz after 8 years. wTF!? Then you had the Morgan story which was quickly wrapped up (unfortunately), Sydney Penny got Linda Gray as her mother (this was huge for me!) - and by late April everything changed: Taylor was back! I was in utter shock.

    I was actually most disappointed with The Morgan Story, they also secured Pat Crawley to play her mother (despite a tad too old) and it was all so quicly, also disppointing Linda was in for just a few episodes, she was basically there to disaprove and make Stephanie sound like a saint with what she did to her own daughter, but didn't have any story of her own, 2005 for me is "The Year In Between" it was a mess! And is nearly like it went from being one show to another along the way, also featuring Stephanie's Craziest Moment: Prompting Brooke to Commit Suicide

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