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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. 2 hours ago, David_Vickers said:

    Ron and Co hopefully will be, but DAYS will continue, many people stream.  Rob Wilson will continue I guarantee maybe as Alex, but hopefully as Ben.  IF Ciara and Ben return, they could bring back original Ben instead, Justin Gaston, most recently Temp Chance on Y&R

    He's Melissa Ordway's Husband right?

    2 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    I think we all would lol




    i would take the next plane to the USA🤣

  2. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    I'm two days behind and the only thing appealing about the show is will they or won't they pertaining to Sonny and Chad.  Seeing Jackee and Kate is great but the rest of the show is trash. The backstage drama is better than the actual show.

    i guess that's the question on everyone's minds now, Will Chad and Sonny hookup? otherwise nothing seems that interesting, i still would like to watch though, 

    the show's dynamic is way to slow and uninteresting from i am being able to see and have heard here, If CBS wants that to draw attention to Peacock they would have to at least give them a bigger Budget, if Ron cared at all he could have asked for some more money for the show, Even Trash needs a budget to be reasonable, the cheap trash they're doing doesn't draw much public to tv much less to streaming, I wish they could've brought Kristian Back as well as Kassie DePaiva as Eve too, just for a short while to stir up drama for a while, i would like if they brought Kristian Alfonso solely as Gina, she is better at playing evil, But The Actual Gina ressurrected by Rolf, Older and Wiser She would Go head to head Against the DiMeras, imagine a loop in Stefano's Will Giving her Powers on DE, Then by the end, Greta would come back and reveal her paternity, Stefano or John? either would cause drama, and Gina would die for good, together with DR. Rolf, and we could have the peace of Mind no one would Come back from the dead for a while

  3. 9 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    So I just finished up with the Catalina storyline and I'm curious, was there any specific reason why they had Scott die on B&B instead of Y&R? Was it meant for ratings or something?

    How did the fans react? Did they like it or hate it?

    Good point, why they killed Scott on B&B? Was it supposed to be a prop to justify Lauren staying on that show?

  4. 4 hours ago, dio said:

    i mean... why not. I think it would be pretty iconic if Sami returns to Salem... possessed by the devil. 

    That would be good, but I really didn't want the Devil back so soon, I wanted to the show to find some balance between Science Fiction and Human Drama before jumping another Shark like that, but with so many pre taped shows I think we won't have a choice

  5. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    He'd get it cancelled like ever other show he was HW.


    Imagine that LOL Vikki The Elderly Stripper

    1 hour ago, INFJWill said:

    Definitely Sharon

    I know she's messed but Both Bipolar Disorder AND DID? Of Course ReRon knows no limits, we really seem to have settled that Days is Probably either End Or Change Completely, maybe is my fear of change but I'm freaking out on The subject 

  6. 9 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    I was just gonna post that LOL 

    Yeah knowing them "past episodes" is probably last year lol

    Or at most the Last Decade, I still think that if they wanted Money and Increase Peacock Subscribers all they had to do was uploading Classic Days of Our Lives Episodes 1965 - 2005 seems to raise a lot of interest, Or Episodes of The Past Soaps, Instead to save a few Pennys they're basically condemning Days 

  7. 2 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Yeah she's called Belle Brady lol



    2 hours ago, PSPCindy said:

    Why can't Stuffy be happy her husband, who actually wants her and only her, is alive?  She still is pushing for her criminal, pathetic Mommy to be with Daddy, who is married.  I find it so amazing that the Tridge brats forget when Mommy was off being dead, Brooke loved them and treated them like her own.  Now they hate her and want to destroy her life at any opportunity.

    Imagine if the show wrote true and logical angst instead of unbelievable, white-washed crap.

    I would've like If they mentioned that once in a while, I remember the kids adored Brooke up to Taylor's Resurrection, I remember watching scenes with them happy that RJ was their brother, Suddenly Taylor's Back and it was like "We don't need you anymore!"

  8. 12 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I really hope Corday and team are secretly planning the finale/ending of this show on the down low, so when NBC/Peacock cancels it with little notice, they're prepared to go out with some dignity.

    All soaps, please reference how Neighbours ended last week in Australia/the UK! 

    They probably are or will be in the near future with an enormous pain in my heart I have to admit Soaps are not meant for streaming, Here in Brazil we recently had an Attempt at one with all the liberties mentioned, swearing nudity Semi-pornographic sex scenes and it still didn't work out

  9. On 8/3/2022 at 12:29 AM, carolineg said:

    Unless I am mistaken.  I absolutely could be.  But on Monday's episode (or possibly Friday's) Dex, Michael, Brando all were in that horribly white stairwell at GH talking, but Brando caught Michael and Dex talking while entering from the side door saying GH Level 1 and he was previously at the gym like a minute before.  Then Dex was immediately back at the gym after that nonsense was over so I assumed it's on GH's first level/basement.  Otherwise it's very, very close to GH and Brando and Dex like to use a creepy entrance to get into GH instead of walking in the front doors.  Idk, maybe that's what some of the money that Sonny donated to Stone's AIDS wing went to.

    Makes sense yet, soaps do seem to have teleportation transports for so long one can never be sure

  10. 28 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    Right, but this isn't Star Trek, it's a soap. And the depth of stories a la the '60s through maybe the early '90s, was forever gone because of that "science fiction". Days started in the realm of reality. It should have STAYED there.

    Not Disagreeing with that either, I myself long wanted DOOL to go back to human drama, if I had the chance to write for that show that would've been my first move, some SF doesn't hart much but Ron made it being solely That! This Is a soap as you said! Not Stranger Things!

  11. 9 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    @Joseph @AbcNbc247 @dragonflies

    I just don't like him. He comes off very smug to me.

    Oh I really not what you mean, and I'm sure considering I had hours to think lol, But I think it has more to Do With Bill Jr. Than Brad

    9 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I get it. I have similar feelings about Lindsey Godfrey 😂

    9 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I was so excited when Days picked her up after BB fired her but god she annoys me to no end on Days.😂 I want her gone!😂

    I get that one too urgh, was initially excited for both her and the Character finally coming to Canvas after so long, and with a rare deaging but Sarah annoys me, of course not as much as Renée did, Philece must've rolled on the grave, and the hair she sports there almost never makes her any favors

    9 hours ago, j swift said:

    Beyond any reaction to the actors, I find that Xander/Gwen has more routing value than Xander/Sarah.

    I would rather see two lost souls working together, than a guy without many heroic qualities trying to save a frail woman.

    They must've felt they could've work a Bope or Skayla type of pairing Bad Boy falls for good girl and is reformed, but they really couldn't, I prefer Hot Jackass Xander with Wicked Witch Gwen

    7 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    LOL cute!!



    Krista seems to be a breath of fresh air like KKL, I guess they probably work well, I would love if the writers would try a Frenemie energy for them

  12. 4 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Oh that's right I had forgotten about it.

    I almost did too, but with that article also had another one talking about Deidre's Original Y&R and how they could've worked on bringing her to the show as Barbara and reveal she was Katherine's Daughter, this one was old from like 2010 when Deidre and Drake were out of DOOL and Tucker wasn't established yet, I loved it and I'm sure it would have been what Bill Bell would do if he were alive at the time

  13. 9 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    I was just coming to post this. I thank this Twitter poster for saving me the trouble. And I will say something controversial: Ron may have put the final nail in the coffin, but James E. Reilly took this show from somewhat fantastical but still grounded in romance and family and, for all the SHORT-TERM gain, forever eroded the show's very foundation, allowing a copycat like Ron to capitalize on that.

    In the end, I think the whole Possession [!@#$%^&*] helped this show's quality slide, and this is the end result.

    (I said it would be controversial!)

    I both agree and Disagree, While at least his work was science fiction with an edge, This show sure probably wouldn't have entered that direction without him

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