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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. The common thread in all these relationships is Taylor.

    Perhaps maybe Taylor look within herself to see what she can fix about herself before she throws herself into another relationship.  It comes a time when someone needs to understand that they're responsible for their bad taste in people.. and not blame others.

  2. I will agree that Cidre was able to craft some strong scenes such as the scene where the men were helping a calf be born... but she also seemed to not understand that one of the strengths of the original Dallas was the breakfast scenes out by the pool, the dinner scenes in the dining room, and also the post dinner drinks in the living room/family room.

    Those scenes were where the family would talk about Ewing Oil, the ranch, and also their family/marital situations.  There could have been scenes with Bobby/Ann/Sue Ellen trying to have conversations with Christopher/John Ross/Pamela... and the generational divide between conversations and technology.

    There were ways that a competent show runner could have updated the show to the 2010s and still had it be Dallas.

  3. Nina Webster on Y & R was a runaway pregnant teen that had her baby stolen by shady Rose.   She was supposed to be part of the teen summer story and then would be written off... but she ended up coming back weeks later found homeless by Chris/Philip... and she ended up a major focus in the late 80s through the 90s as the everywoman that was tied to the Chancellors

  4. GL:   Jenna Bradshaw.  She was only intended as a 3 month role as a jewel thief with prior ties to Mallet... but she became a lead for while in 1993/4 (where she managed to take Spaulding E away from the Spauldings for several months).

    AW:  Lorna Devon:  Was just a spoiler for Matt/Jenna and even was going to be written out in late 1991/early 1992 before she was revealed as Felicia's long lost child with Lucas.

  5. Problem with the new Dallas was Cynthia Cidre did see it more like a crime drama..when the show should have been more like a family drama at heart.

    She did say that she wrote character driven scenes..but TNT forced her to cut them.  And she admitted not knowing that if Sue Ellen won her race to be governor that she would be in Austin..not Dallas (however, two governors of Illinois lived in Chicago and not in Springfield...so I could have seen the show doing the same thing with Sue Ellen).



  6. Cynthia Cidre admitted never seeing the original..and that each writer would view sections of the original show...so that could explain why the show seemed so disjointed with the self contained/soap structure.

    I would have maybe did the more self contained format in the 1st season back...at least till we knew all the younger characters in adult form...while having Bobby/Sue Ellen/Jr crew keep the soapy aspect going since we all knew them.

  7. She was there for about 9 to 10 months... and she was involved with Jimmy Smits.

    I will say that Santana did get a good exit where she decided to start over in a new city and on the flight out of Santa Barbara ends up being hit on by a good looking guy.. and she laughs/smiles as she looks out the plane window saying good bye to her past and hello to her future.

  8. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    Luann and Sonja update The Simple Life for a new generation (featuring a certain late ‘80s pop star/dancer/choreographer-turned-reality TV judge).


    As long both focus on the fun..I'm in.

    Luann and Sonja have always had a fun relationship going back to season 3 where they were trading barbs as Jill Zarin was on speaker phone and being ignored by Luann/Sonja (during Sonja's 1st appearance on the show).

  9. 19 hours ago, Khan said:

    That makes sense, @Soaplovers.  I think the producers should have addressed that issue, too.  Val had been through every parent's worst nightmare.  Getting the twins back seemed to put a nice bow on everything, but it really shouldn't have.  We should've seen Val struggling even after getting Betsy and Bobby back.  Val should've been paranoid about losing them again to the point where she refuses to leave the house without them or have them sleep in another bedroom.  And Ben should've been beside himself (again) over how to handle the situation.

    Of course, being the cruel bastard that I am, I would've had Ben convince Val to leave the twins at home with Lilimae or one of Karen's sons for an evening out with Mack and Karen, only to have Ben and Val return home that night to discover that the twins have been abducted yet again.

    We did see a hint of that during Val's 'poor Jill' rant after Jill spoke to the twins and asked them not to tell her.

    And let's not forget the whole reason for Val's breakdown was thinking she lost her 2nd chance at being a mom after having Lucy taken from her.  And add to that no one believing her that she heard the twins cry..and you just knew she would crack.

    She could survive losing Gary both times since she managed to pull herself up by the boot straps and made a life for herself...but losing her 2nd chance at motherhood (not from the babies dying, but being stolen)..out of the question.

    In fact, season 8 Jean Hackney story would have been a bit better had she threatened to harm or take the twins due to Ben not adhering to her orders to kill Greg.  So Val would resent Ben..Ben would do anything to protect Val/twins..and Laura/Val's friendship would be affected.  And perhaps I would have killed Ben...who died to protect Val/twins.

    And it would be an organic obstacle for Val/Gary since she would always put Ben on a higher pedestal then Gary going forward...and feel guilt for resenting Ben.

  10. 23 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Douglas Sheehan was great with Joan Van Ark, but Val could be so damn exhausting, lol.  JVA blamed the Lechowicks for turning Val into the "village idiot," but I think the character assassination, for lack of a better term, had happened long before.

    I think it started in season 6 with Val's nervous breakdown after losing the twins.  I don't view it as character assassination..but of untreated mental illness and enabling of said behavior (by Karen and co).


  11. 17 minutes ago, Cat said:

    You're not the few -- a lot of people feel that way. Speaking for myself, I love the OG RHONY cast and am looking forward to seeing them again... but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't trepidatious about Dorinda. She kind of ahs exhausted my tolerance for her, and has deep bitterness/jealousy issues to work through still. And, of course, there's Ramona. 

    I'm open to the reboot also and a diverse cast showing more of NYC as it actually is. What's crazy is watching early seasons of RHONY and the women sneering at Alex for living in Brooklyn. This was just before interest rates were slashed to 0% in 2008, blowing up real estate values to mega levels and damning a slew of New Yorkers to Generation Rent. Suddenly, Manhattanites with savings were like "Brooklyn is where it's at." And now 2-3 members of this reboot cast are wealthy Brooklynites.


    How Dare You GIFs | Tenor

    LOL many New Yorkers have substance (she says as an ex-New Yorker).

    Lots to unpack in your post about UGT, Brandi being problematic, and Gizelle being allowed to run RHOP ragged. About the latter, I'm not sure what is going to happen this coming season, but surely the GEBs are on notice? Because that behaviour trying (and deeply failing) to pull the wool over Bravo and the viewers' eyes -- it's not sustainable for them.

    Not sure I would throw out all reality shows, although it does feel like a pendulum has swung and viewers are returning to scripted content again. Personally, I enjoy both scripted and 'reality.' As far as the RH franchise itself is concerned... I have my worries, sure. Brian Moylan recently referred to it as "late-stage Real Housewives" so there is that feeling of end days. I'm trying to enjoy the shows while I still can, and hoping for a creative turnaround. Miami has given me a glimmer of hope in that regard. There can be second chances.

    I know there are great people that live in NYC, I just wish they were selected to be on Housewives instead of what they keep picking LOL  Although I do faintly remember Jenna and she seemed cool.

    I think the housewives franchise might need to go back to basics and select women that have actual lives going on outside of the group.  In the early version of the franchise (OC, in particular).. there were more individual narratives with some over-lap of group interactions.  Perhaps maybe go back to reality and not 'heightened reality'.

  12. The new NY trailer....other then diversity of race, it's still filled with vapid and shallow women.  Maybe that's just NYC...all looks and no substance.

    And if they're still airing season 4 of UGT after what Brandi allegedly did...then season 5 will be aired irregardless of what goes on.

    And let's not forget all the classist things Gizelle said and did on season 3 of UGT (plus attempt to ruin men's reps with lies)...and she's still allowed to stay in the housewife fold.

    Which is why maybe it's time for reality shows to exit stage left. 

  13. Plus, Ms Zeman was in a front burner coupling with Rick Springfield on GH so that could be another reason why she would get a mention when she passed.

    As others have said... Susan Lucci, Diedre Hall, Anthony Geary, Genie Francis, and probably Eric Braedon will get mention if any of them pass away.  It's all because all of them were known outside the soap world.

  14. Most of the songs in the top 10 on Billboard are not actually traditional songs.. they seem more like songs that would thrive on TikTok.   However, most people still want songs that have structure, lyrics and a bit of depth.  Miley's song was #1 for awhile and it was the only song for awhile in the top 10 that actually sounded like a song.

  15. 28 minutes ago, Cat said:

    @Gray Bunny @AMCHistory @Taoboi @Faulkner @DaytimeFan


    So @AMCHistory sounds like Lu, Dorinda and Ramona were out celebrating the news.

    Glad Sonja's in it. Would have loved to see Heather, Carole, Aviva, Bethenny, Tinsley, Jules and/or Eboni join the cast, but beggars can't be choosers. I can take or leave Kelly and Kristen.





    Trailer for the nu-RHONY (they threw Andy in there too):

    I understand why Kristen was cast because you need a normal person to balance out the crazy of the others....and Tinsley must truly be done since I heard she was rumored to be on this.

    And I agree about Teresa on Jersey especially if you recall how she was in season 1.  She was the fun and ditzy housewife with her shopping trips to the boutiques with her princesses..and her friendship with Dina (who also said she was not prepared for how toxic it got in season 1 during filming).

    If you recall how low key and sweet Teresa was on UGT... she looked like she wanted to make friends (and she was even nice to Ramona...and they had a nice bonding scene as well).

  16. 9 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Considering that The Colby's never established it's own identity, coming off as Dynasty lite, what do you posters think they should have done with a spin off to overcome those issues?

    At the time, with Dynasty riding high,ABC obviously wanted to replicate the mother show's success and thought more of the same was the way to go. But the casting, writing and timeslot didn't help.

    Should Jeff have been the character to move over? If not who? Or if it was Jeff should his family have been structured differently?

    You guys always have great ideas, so put your talents towards your take on a Dynasty spin off!

    I would have looked at David Jacob's playbook on how to make a spinoff (Dallas was about oil and a rancher family in Texas while Knots Landing was about several upper middle class people in suburban California). and made the spin off somewhat different from Dynasty.

    Instead of setting it in Calfornia.. I would have chosen a setting less used like the south.  A southern gothic prime time soap where you would encounter lots of corruption and a wealth that differed from the wealth of Denver.   Maybe set it in New Orleans.

    If were to have spun off a character, I probably would have spun off Dominique or Fallon (played by Pamela Sue Martin) to be the lead.


  17. Laura, in an indirect way, was the element used to revamp/fix the show in season 13...by bringing up the Meg story..plus having a red headed woman that claimed to be Laura's mom come into the picture.

    @Khanwhile I agree it's a shame she's no longer acting...I think quitting the business and venturing into a profession that isn't ageist was wise.  By doing so, she still looks like herself..she's aged gracefully and is doing something that benefits society (mental health).  

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