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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. On 2/16/2023 at 8:48 PM, j swift said:

    One of the most interesting things from her book and her press tour was about her getting the job and then the co-host searches.

    She co-hosted on a fluke, the guest Char the Psychic predicted she was pregnant, she really hadn't told anyone that she was actually pregnant, and it went viral.  So, she gets called back, but they kept saying she wouldn't get the job, and it seemed like Regis didn't like her.  But, then six months into her pregnancy they offered her the job, with no money for wardrobe, no paid pregnancy leave, she had to use Regis's hair and makeup team, and AMC wouldn't release her from her contract.

    Then, Regis leaves, without telling her first.  She sits through rounds of co-hosts, and nobody ever asked her who they should hire (despite Regis obviously having a say in hiring her). They hire Strahan and she learns from Page Six that he makes more money than her.

    Then Strahan leaves, again without telling her, and after six months, they asked her to call Ryan to get him to take the job.  She still doesn't know if they make the same money.  And, only got an office when Strahan left.

    Now, I'm sure she makes plenty of money, but the gender gap is remarkable given that the show has relied on her for more than twenty years, eight years longer than Regis was with the show originally.

    Maybe her TvQ rating is lower.

    I think if 3 of her co hosts have quit...I think she's the problem.

  2. RHUGT3

    Gizelle should never be allowed on these shows again.  

    Candiace needs to control her emotions...both Alexia and Marysol were right about her.  Seems like both like her and are concerned/annoyed at her at the same time.

    Porsha is that girl that you smile at and then ignore.  She thrives on attention..but Candiace does have Porsha pegged.  I wonder how Porsha would be if Gizelle wasn't on the trip.

    I think for season 5 and later seasons..6 should be the cap on how many can go.

    Lastly, I've seen no bonding scenes on this season.

    Season 1 had Ramona/Teresa bond, Kyle/Melissa bond, Luann/Kenya bond.

    Season 2 had Taylor/Eva bond, Tamra/Phaedra plus Tamra/Brandi bond...and Phaedra/Jill/Brandi bond.

    I've seen little bonding..just drama and shade throwing.

  3. 5 hours ago, allmc2008 said:

    Was it always planned for Jill to be crazy?

    During the Laura funeral episode/s... the performers were allowed to do some improvising.

    Jill was still mourning her brother that Paige had killed by mistake..so she was at the funeral either drunk or grief stricken with her brothers ashes..and she went at Paige.

    Latham and co saw how well Teri Austin played that and decided to make her go crazy as a result.  

    That was the rumor I heard awhile back

  4. 8 hours ago, Cat said:

    Joanna became the focus in S2 and S3 because she was a 'name' prior to RHOM as a cheesecake model for men's 'lifestyle' magazines like Maxim (remember those?). I felt the show focused a little too much on Joanna's scripted bust-ups with Romain, and was more interested by Lea, Adriana, Alexia, Marysol, Karent, etc., just my personal opinion. Joanna came across mean and always complaining. On re-watches of OG RHOM, I appreciate more what she brought to the franchise (personal drama; friendships with Karent and Lisa), but she was never a fascinating HW to me. I wasn't intrigued by her. She could still potentially bring some drama to the RHOM reboot though -- I just don't want her to dominate 60% of the screen time like she did before. 

    Interesting that Budget Kardashian was the 'name' used for promoting the RHOM reboot and she too leaves me kind of cold. She's got a place in the show, of course, and overall the current RHOM is balanced nicely between all the women. It feels like an ensemble cast.

    Joanna was on dancing with the stars in the states and did quite well..so people knew of her from that.

    I think season 2 had several different people...but the only one really doing stuff was Joanna.  She got on Adrianna's nerves, she was friends with Karent/Lisa/Lea...while also being friendly with Ana.  Ana/Joanna and Lea/Adrianna seemed to be the only link between those 2 cliques.

    Season 3 got rid of Ana/Karent...and added back Alexia...but Alexia wasn't so front and center because of Frankie...so all that was left to focus on was Joanna vs Adrianna

  5. For me, I understand moving characters into different orbits...but I wish that subtle nods to history were consistent when they did interact.

    AW: Rachel/Alice after 1975 didn't always share the same story...but you sensed tensions from 1975 to 1979 when they did interact.  In 1984 to 1985...they were too friendly with one another while in 1989, the two had an understanding with underlying tension

  6. 14 minutes ago, Cheap21 said:

    @Cat I liked Joanna and would love her back but I dont see it unless they paid her big. Alexia was asked about that on WWHL and she made made a good point. She doesnt see Joanna moving back to Miami bc it was never really her home. She's an LA girl and will probably stay there

    Only reason I could even see Joanna coming back was because of the whole Lisa drama...where Lisa stated she wouldn't ever acknowledge Joanna if she saw her in person.

    But she was only in Miami because of her ex so doubt she'd be back except as a cameo.

  7. I remember Empire Valley was first mentioned by Karen/Abby at Lotus Point so I was wonder if it was going to be something recreational/environmentally friendly or a real estate venture when it was conceived... and it just went over the top into some Dynasty type of story with no clear idea on where to go.

  8. With this dropping today, I was reminded of her and Andy's love story..which was realistic from the start to its conclusion.

    She liked him, he didn't look at her like that.  Both ended up dating people not into them (he with Julie and she with Evan)..and eventually they became a couple and married.

    They were a young couple in school with personal demons..with money being a big obstacle for them.  Plus Andy being more focused on his career instead of their marriage.

    And I remember the final straw was when she was injured in an explosion after she confronted the one guy (Hans.. I think).. and Andy was more focused on getting photos of the tragedy than caring that it was her.  

    A realistic end that wasn't due to an affair, psycho of the week, etc.

  9. 2 hours ago, AMCHistory said:

    I want to love Leanna's return but her performance is so stilted. I think a lot of it is the writing/ directing. She seems to be scheming for scheming's sake. How many times can she interlope and say, "did I just overhear..."

    She was a smarter and sharper character in her earlier runs. She was not just a listener/repeater, she was a plotter. Her machinations were memorable. She was the type of character that never needed an excuse to do the wrong thing. Now she's just a nosey yenta.

    See below for an example of Leana's quirkiness in full effect:


    I like she's a gossip..but like you said, she was more than just a busy body.

    She was impulsive, driven and had schemes that made sense once her initial story with Victor concluded.

  10. AMC:

    Charlie Brent (adult).. 3 actors played him from the mid 80s to mid 90s.  He was a idealistic college student, then a pretty boy toy for Erica, then played by an almost 40 year old that looked closer to Erica's age..and was too old paired with Hayley then Cecily (when he was peers with Cecily and not much older than Hayley).

    Liza Colby: Marcy Walker was more tomboy/mean girl, Alice Haining had a mischievous vibe that clashed with MW, and Jamie Lunar had some of the essence of Liza just was too sexy/young to play the part.


    Mike Horton - at least 3 adults played him..all different from one another.

    Jennifer Horton - Missy Reeves pre 2010s was fiesty/energetic...Stephanie C looked like Missy Reeves without any personality...and Cady gives Jennifer personality..but she just isn't Jennifer.

  11. 2 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    They had scenes from 98-99. I forget what initially started their rivalry. All I can think of is that Phyllis was sniffing around Michael by this point, and was jealous of Diane's closeness to him when she was fighting her divorce from Victor? 

    MS and AD had only one scene in 2001. It used to be on here, unless it's saved. 

    Jack is what started their feud.

    He and Phyllis had a fling when Sandra Nelson was playing her...and Diane became interested in Jack again.  Imho, Sandra nelson and Peter Bergman had more chemistry together then he did with Stafford.

  12. Sable was sympathetic even when she was doing something wrong...because her heart was in the right place.

    I always wondered how season 3 of The Colby's would have fared.

    Most likely Jeff/Fallon would have had issues due to the UFO situation..which Miles would take advantage of in order to worm his way back in with Fallon..while dealing with his wife Channing.

    And I imagine Sable would have been caught..and a possible custody battle would occur.  And I do think the adopted mom Adrienne would have aligned with Zachary to keep custody.  She was almost the Claudia of the show.

  13. 6 hours ago, Cat said:

    Forgot to say: I know Cynthia wasn't riveting fun on RHUGT 1 -- that show was all about Kenya’s star turn. However, on a human level, I really felt for her. She was struggling with some stuff, including being let go from RHOA, the feeling that Kenya was pulling away from their friendship precisely because she'd been dumped by Bravo, and the fact that her marriage (which she tried to paint as her blessed second chance at love) wasn't all that. I appreciate that she wasn't trying to hide her emotions behind an Everything's Perfect facade.

    Quite frankly RHUGT 1 made me really not like Kenya at all.  She was age shaming, and using physical force against Ramona... which I remember thinking 'gees Kenya.. you're no better at controlling your emotions then Porsha.. maybe you should get the # of a good anger management person from Porsha'.

    And in regards to Leah on RHUGT 3... I would hold off the love fest for Leah until you finish episode 3 :)

    According to Candiace, this trip was filmed right after season 7 wrapped when she and Gizelle were in an ok place.. which would explain why they were nice to one another on the phone call... but by the end of this trip.. they weren't in a good place again.  And she's been warning the other women not to tell Gizelle anything personal or she'll use it against them.


  14. Victoria on Y & R.. Heather Tom was great, Amelia is passable though non descript.. and Sarah A was the Charity Rhamer (Days Belle) of this show.

    Looking at past soaps...

    Tara on AMC had 4 recasts that diluted the character to the point where she was written out in the early 80s after the final recast failed to take off (The original Tara was memorable to veteran viewers.. and the 3rd Tara was well regarded).



  15. RHUGT season 3:

    First 3 episodes dropped today on Peacock.. and so far, there has been a nice mix of drama/fun scenes.  This is what happens when you have people not afraid to talk about their experiences on the show (looking at you Phaedra), and can speak about topics in somewhat mature terms (looking at you Brandi and Dorinda).

    Leah has alienated everyone, except Candiace so far.

    Heather is evil (trying to get Leah to drink).. and the black eye is talked about.. while she/Whitney are still not in a good place.

    Candiace cries... and she and Gizelle are checking one another.. while she/Porsha seem to be getting along so far.

    Marysol is sick.. so she isn't drinking yet talks only about drinking.. while Alexia has been more sub-dued then what we saw in season 5.



    Melissa is correct that louie is manipulative and untrustworthy...but she's only right because she also is manipulative and untrustworthy.  Like minded people can always suss out one another in an instant.

    Jackie needed to remember why she had a good debut season...because she correctly called out Teresa with facts and got under her skin with ease.  She needed to employ that with newbie danielle in order to have gotten to be in a housewife position.

    Lastly...Delores divorced Frank when he cheated on her.and was able to co parent with him successfully...and the two became friends (Jennifer needs to do this with Bill..imho).  He has always said he was in love with her and knows he blew it with her...which is why he's so bothered about Delores putting more boundaries up...because she has a new guy that she wants to make a go with.  And Frank's girlfriend should be a bit offended that he isn't putting boundaries up with Delores in order to get their relationship a chance to grow

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