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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. Rhonj:

    Margaret is the stirrer of drama..and she does it in a non toxic way unlike Jennifer A

    Jennifer A is too toxic...and she's another one that I understand why she was cheated on.  I feel for her hubby Bill.


    Danielle..promising start and it's nice to see she's connected to the cast.

    The other Jersey newbie...not sure yet...give me more family scenes with her and her lumberjack hubby.

    Melissa's kids have grown!?!  I think she's partly to blame for the issues with Teresa..but I also think Joe isn't blameless at all.

    Delores is to this show as Cynthia was to Atlanta and Jeana was to OC... less drama, yet still likable.

  2. Marland tenure was so boring.  

    One thing I noticed about any show that he head wrote, the dialogue was so unrealistic and wordy without any sort of emotion.

    It's jarring seeing the show go from the fast paced energy of Depriest to the slow paced boredom of Marland.  Why he was given a year I'll never understand.


    I remember my mom watching this commercial (which came on during her soaps) and wanting to know where the fountain of youth was.  Gotta love the early 90s vibe :) 



    And I used to love these commercials.   The reason she maintained a career was that she hustled.

    Just now, Soaplovers said:


    I remember my mom watching this commercial (which came on during her soaps) and wanting to know where the fountain of youth was.  Gotta love the early 90s vibe :) 



    And I used to love these commercials.   The reason she maintained a career was that she hustled.

    RIP :(

  4. 6 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I’ve heard about these development deals and it just sounds like a trap to lure in a rival soap star or keep someone around. While some did manage to get a TV movie or two, I don’t recall many (if any) getting a successful prime time show on the air. I recall Terry Lester had a similar deal when he left Y&R. I’m not sure if his was tied to a daytime role as well though. 

    Susan lucci was the only one that managed to make some head way with hers...with her tv movies in the 80s/90s, guest stint on Dallas...and her occasional Hot in Cleveland guest spots.

  5. Nina slapping Phyllis was so satisfying.. and made me wistful that there weren't any other memorable Phyllis vs Nina pileups in the past especially in the 90s when Phyllis was a thorn in the bug's side (and you know she told Nina about her.. because Nina would throw shade on occasion).

    For me, 1990 to 1992 were my favorite Y & R years.. because you had 3 huge stories that were were in various stages (David Kimble, Nikki's alcholism, & Sheila Carter) during those 2 years (1989 was kind of the seeds for all 3 stories with David wooing Nina after Jill turned him down, Jack/Nikki eloping, and Scotty/Lauren getting married though he was a bit put out with Paul being a presence in their lives as her good friend).

    1993 had the Victor being persumed dead.. which briefly got Jabot back to the Abbots and Hope being introduced... plus the whole Ryan/Nina/Victoria/Cole story started after it was getting going in 1992.

    After that.. the show seemed to have some strong stories, stories that went nowhere, and a repeat story that wasn't as good the 2nd time (John/Jill remarrying, having Billy, Jill cheating again, then another divorce story that became the two just co existing as a couple in name only, and finally peacefully divorcing when Bill Bell wanted to introduce the Dennison clan... with two daughters not liking Jill .. a bad repeat of Ashley/Traci not liking Jill back in the 80s).

  6. When people talk about Reva driving off the bridge (suffering from post partum depression)... I always remember this set of scenes as a very very small child..and my mom having to explain what was going on...as she rooted for Reva to climb up the ladder.

    One of the commenters on this video mentioned Kim Zimmer didn't get this story...but it seemed in character for Reva...who always jumped first and asking questions later.

    And what was interesting was the voices she heard as she was in the water (where she was loving herself...and voices of her future kids).  Sadly this was just as Pam Long was leaving the show the first time so we didn't get to see what her plans were for Reva post suicide attempt.



  7. I remember the late 80s (around 1988 or so) on DAYs when you had the magic of Patch/Kayla and their beautiful wedding on the boat.. and Cruz/Eden's wedding as well.  Those were memorable times for late 80s NBC soapdom.

    The late 80s and early 90s was the last time that soaps were consistently good.. even the worst quality at the time (SB, Loving, AW) were tons better then the content that is considered suitable nowadays.

  8. 1 hour ago, kalbir said:

    Going way back, Y&R Ashley learning she was the result of an affair between Dina and alcoholic Brent Davis. Yes in a way it was a dust off of Lorie Brooks parentage reveal a decade earlier. The initial impact of Ashley's parentage reveal is that it lead to so many storylines that still impact the canvas. The downside though is that it was largely forgotten after the initial storyline. Also John Abbott never found out that Ashley wasn't his biological daughter.

    Which made spermgate all the more out of character for Ashley.. since there was no way Ashley would ever keep the secret that Victor was Abby's real father from her daughter.. especially knowing the extreme trauma and questioning of identity that it caused Ashley back in the 80s when she found out that John Abbott (the man who raised her after her mother deserted/abandoned her) wasn't her real father.  I couldn't buy that she would subject her daughter to that same fate.


    7 hours ago, carolineg said:



    Bo being Victor's son.  That was reveal created long lasting drama for Bo and the Bradys. 



    I agree Bo being Victor's child was a pretty great story.. and it was interesting that it came out because Caroline's daughter Kimberly had her own whose the daddy situation with Victor and Shane.

    It also kept Victor/Caroline tied together because of their son.. and that connection would come up here and there throughout their times on the show in the 80s/90s/00s... with Caroline's husband always feeling threatened by that (best example was the aborted John(Roman)/Diana when Caroline had a heart attack.. and Victor came to see her then tried to sneak out only to be caught by Shawn).



    Aaron/Holden reveal- Good/neutral

    This resulted from a drunked one night stand after Holden/Lily had a fight.. and Caleb/Julie had a fight.  With people wondering if Caleb or Holden was the father.. with the reveal of Holden motivating Andy to have his name put on the birth certificate as the father.

    Then you had Iva adopting Aaron.. Holden over-hearing that he was the father, confronting Julie then getting mugged/losing his memory... then months later learns again at Aaron's 2nd birthday party that he was the father.   It was a 3 year story that sadly got dropped after Holden came back in 1997 and revealed he sent Aaron to live with Caleb/Julie in Seattle.  

  9. It seemed like 1980 was the show attempting to keep the show as it was when Lemay was writing it...but the problem was only Lemay could write that way...and the 90 minute episodes was too much of a chore to watch.

    I watched a long time ago the episodes when Nancy F assumed the role of Cecile...and she was alot more subdued in her portrayal....and while she did the 80s style of acting well, the early months of her stint was a lot more understated.

  10. 1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    Aldrich was absolutely dreadful in the role and once the show realized it she just faded away into the background until they simply wrote Victoria for like 2 months until HT returned. 

    HT has also directed some episodes of Dynasty 2.0 before it ended I wonder if she has directed other primetime shows. 

    I could easily see either Sarah Buxton or Jamie Luner as Phyllis. Buxton would’ve been entertaining in the role as Stafford pretty much stopped acting after 2006 or so lol.

    Billy has pretty much become the Mike Horton or Tom Hughes of our time with so many recasts. I’m not sure who would make a good Billy besides bringing back David Tom because the writing for Billy has been bad for years now.

    Shame the show didn't do that with Heinle

  11. 2 hours ago, Michael said:

    Yeah, if we ever got rid of Heinle, we'd probably get Rebecca Budig as Victoria or something.

    I don't really think Christie Clark would've been the right recast in 2005, or even now. She just projects a different air than what Victoria is supposed to be. I've always wanted to see Clark play a REAL bitch with an edge, though!

    I wasn't watching Y&R during her brief stint, and I can probably guess the answer, but what did people think of Sarah Aldrich as Victoria?

    She had the potential... remember all those times she decked Sami LOL

    Aldrich was blonde and pretty.. but the show didn't write anything for her.  She was basically a background character from the get go.  Apparently the show asked her to re-audition for the part and she bolted.   Which was for the best because she did have a nice 2 year run on Port Charles as Courtney later on and Heather Tom reprised the role.. so it was a win win.

    Heinle is a lifer on Y & R sadly... she should have been Katie on B & B instead of Heather Tom (who I thought seemed more suited to playing original receipe Donna on B & B).

    Honestly, I don't know who could effectively play Victoria from the crop of name soap actresses... I almost think an unknown would be better.

  12. Salt Lake City:

    I'm going to be honest and say that Bravo and Andy Cohen no longer is in tune with the majority of the viewers anymore.

    I think the pandemic has made people less enthralled with drama and fighting...and the housewives and Bravo don't understand that they need to adjust course.

    No way would I believe these 4 are friends in real life anymore after 3 seasons.  I could believe Lisa/Meredith were once friends (the hot mic moment was Lisa being hurt/frustrated with Meredith not being her friend...and I think Meredith shut her out because she knew Lisa was a surface friend).

    Heather and Whitney were genuine in the 1st 2 seasons...and now that friendship is over.  I think this drama was partly manufactured for story..and then became reality.  Obviously the two didn't watch Rhony in season 3 when Jill pulled that drama stunt with Bethenny..this damaging their friendship forever.

    With that said, Coach Shah was involved in the fraud..but covered his tracks...and I think Meredith is afraid her buried bones will be exposed by Jen Shah so she's pretending to support her..imho



    Alexia and Marysol have a problem with Nicole for a few simple reasons... She's young, has a husband that doesn't seem to be in the closet, and has a career that she earned by going to school.  Neither of those women will admit to it, but that's my instinct.

  13. 11 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    That Brandi story is effed-up. But Bravo ultimately encourages such behavior by not stopping it (e.g. Michael Darby continuing to appear on Potomac).

    Because Michael was doing it to other men.  If he did that to one of the women, he would be banned from appearing and maybe face consequences.

    I'm surprised Brandi was removed, but she'll still be welcome at Bravo.  If it had been a man that did that to Caroline..he would be cancelled and charged. 

    I have a feeling Caroline won't press charges...but won't want to be around Brandi.

  14. 3 hours ago, Cat said:

    @Soaplovers @DynamiteKiddo we may have been wrong about the cause of this altercation!

    @DynamiteKiddo Drinking is definitely an issue for Brandi because it ramps up her aggression. This article doesn't mention drinking but IMO it's likely that was involved.

    Brandi does seem to like dipping her toe into that pond.  Remember in season 2 of UGT she hinted at wanting to loosen up Vicki by making out and Vicki was like 'no, not going to happen'.  

    So I'm not surprise she tried that with Caroline.  She doesn't respect boundaries and I hope she suffers consequences for this.  

  15. 4 minutes ago, Cat said:

    Brandi always gets overconfident, goes too hard and messed up her chance. (Since RHUGT is shaping up to be a chance for ex-RHs to refain a spot on a RH franchise).

    Meanwhile, no-one is talking about RHUGT 3 which hasn't even aired yet!


    Because I bet it wasn't so toxic...it'll be hopefully be fun with a bit of drama.

    If the ex wives club seasons is a way to see if they can return to the main shows..that would explain why Dallas won't ever have representation (OG Cary said she would do UGT if asked, but wouldn't ever join a main show again.)

    Brandi should be banned from Bravo programming because she is uncomfortable to watch, she has the maturity of a toddler and the emotional maturity of one as well.  No wonder Eddie cheated and left her.

  16. 1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    LOL. Outlandish for sure but I thought it was fun. Obviously having so many recasts (Alex, Billy, Mindy x2) in an important storyline hurt it overall but at the time and still do I enjoyed the Who Shot Roger story complete with Roger being alive in Holly’s basement (the bullet was still in him?) and stalking the town in secret. The biggest disappointments of course for me was wasting Bess Lowell and of course lame Geoffrey Scott’s Billy, who of course ended up being the shooter. Maybe if JC had still been around it would have been better, but the conclusion ended up on a whimper and when Billy returned to town in 96/97 we had both Parlato’s Roger shrug it off. 

    I do remember the who.shot Roger story..with Blake.handing the police the Springfield phone book when asked if he had any enemies who wanted him dead.

    And I recall that we didn't know Roger was in Holly's basement..neither did Holly.  She thought it was Eve stalking her (and in her defense, eve did break the front door window to unlock the front door when confronting Holly about accusing her of stalking her.).

  17. 3 hours ago, Vee said:

    Doing a bit of a Dobsons deep dive this lazy, hazy weekend, as their incredibly intricate and labyrinthine plotting - especially on GL with the Spaulding/Marler quad and saga - and the overall haunting mood of their era and Marland's (heavily inflected by the Ritournelle/light through trees opening setting the tone IMO) has always stayed with me since the days of WOST.

    I see the Spauldings came on en masse in late '77 and am enjoying looking in on that. I've said this before but I always found Elizabeth Spaulding in particular to be a spooky, ethereal character they should've brought back when Phillip went dark in the 2000s (along with Cindy Pickett as Jackie, who I've always liked whenever I saw her in an old episode). What I am curious about is this: Jackie and Justin allegedly both came on in spring-summer '76. What were they doing for most of the year and a half before the Spauldings, the central axis of their future story, finally arrived?

    I was looking at some of the monthly summaries French Fan posted of those months leading up to the Spauldings arrival.

    It looks as if Justin came in mid 1976 as a new doctor at Cedars, who was the former fiance of Dr. Sara Mcintrye.  He had broken up with Sara to marry Jackie, so Sara was not receptive to him for awhile.  He was not popular with the doctors due to his attitude though he did help to treat Sara's husband Joe.

    Once Joe passed away, Sara started to warm up to Justin and they were starting to date again.  Around November/December 1976, Jackie arrives because her father is ill and Cedars is where they plan to go from Chicago.  Jackie tries to entice Justin to get back together, but he refuses so she makes a play for Mike Bauer in the first months of her time in Springfield.


  18. 3 hours ago, j swift said:

    To me, the thing that's so remarkable about Harley dancing in the Hold on to Love opening is that they could have never planned it.  It is an edit from an episode that works perfectly with the rhythm, movement, and visuals of the opening.  We later saw other soaps try to capture the same idea, but it was truly like magic in a bottle.

    tanyia22 - Guiding Light opening theme 1992-Hold on to Love [QRigYtZTNCM - 640x480 - 0m28s].pngtanyia22 - Guiding Light opening theme 1992-Hold on to Love [QRigYtZTNCM - 640x480 - 0m29s].png

    Harley...back when she was fun and spirited.  I always remembered thinking something was missing once Beth E left the show and her portion was removed.

    2 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    @Vee The name of the 83-90 theme is “My Guiding Light” by Rob Mounsey, who  of course went on to compose Hold on To Love. A little history from Daytime Themes & Openings:


    In the fall of 1981, Procter and Gamble decided to change the openings on most of its soaps to make them more competitive with the dominant ABC soaps and to update their visual look. As part of the change, Guiding Light briefly went disco.

    A new splashy disco-style theme by Jack Urbont now accompanied a main title that started with a burst of light from the middle of some round, amber-colored abstract glass sculpture. What followed was a parade of clips from the show featuring action-packed scenes and close-ups and two-shots of all the main characters. The sequence ended with a return to that abstract light sculpture as the title of the show came up in gold and white metallic wedge-like italic letters.

    The end credits, which were now set against a revolving abstract glass sculpture with twinkling lights, remained in the same gold and white Helvetica Bold setup as before. However, except for three main cast members (Charita Bauer, Millette Alexander and Don Stewart), the cast was now billed in alphabetical order. The strict ABC order setup for the cast credits remains in effect to this day.

    The short-lived Urbont theme and its accompanying opening and closing visuals debuted by no later than January 4, 1982.

    When Gail Kobe took over as Guiding Light's executive producer in March of 1983, she quickly instituted a more sweeping overhaul that included new cue music by Elliot Lawrence Productions and a new theme song.

    The new theme, "My Guiding Light" by Rob Mounsey, was originally done in a full-orchestral Eb major arrangement. This new theme debuted on August 22, 1983, after a run of only about 400 episodes for the Urbont theme!

    While the basic look of the opening montage and closing end credit visuals remained the same, there were changes such as slower transitions from one clip to another in the opening cast montage and a thinner form of Helvetica type for the end credits.

    From the fall of 1985 to the October 1986, a synthesized C Major arrangement of "My Guiding Light" was used over the opening, and different arrangements of the theme were used over an end credit "beauty shot." (The end credit beauty shot lasted until the spring of 1986, when Joseph Willmore took over as executive producer.)

    In October 1986, a high tech dance arrangement of "My Guiding Light" debuted over a new opening visual, which had the by-then familiar cast montage and the title of the show, in the same lettering design as that introduced in 1981/82, now set in a clear transparent glasslike sculpture against a blue sky background. The dance arrangement of "My Guiding Light" lasted until the summer of 1989, when it was replaced by a musical setting similar to 1985/86.

    From October 1986 to the summer of 1989, the end credits were set against a white background, but they were now in black and gold Korinna semibold lettering. Then the format changed to gold and white Korinna semibold letters against the same blue-sky background as the main logo.

    I loved the bouncy 1986 to 1989 arrangement best of the 3 mixes... because it seem hopeful and energetic (and GL always had a playful spirit in the 80s in contrast to the more earnest ATWT).

    Though the 1983 to 1985 version was sweeping and powerful.

  19. Salt Lake City... seems to have a lot of questionable characters in their cast of players it seems.

    Jen Shah bilking the elderly

    Jennie's Facebook posts

    Angie K's questionable photo friends... Lisa's designer label choices.

    Heather seems off her rocker so who knows what kind of dealings this girl has going on that hasn't come to the surface yet.

    And former housewife Mary also possibly being a cult leader.. and let's not forget her ignorant/borderline racist remarks about Asians and Hispanics.


    And here I thought the OC and Dallas wore the crown for questionable toxic behavior... who knew Salt Lake City was coming for that crown.



    Karen (or La Dame as all of you refer to her) is over-rated... and her day of being exposed will come one day.

    Ashley is messy.. and I pity any man that dates her post Michael... because she will be the stereotypical single mom that is more toxic than appealing.

    @Taoboi Reason Candiace isn't engaging with the women outside of Wendy is because she actually has a life to live that doesn't revolve around the show.



    I don't know if this had been discussed... but Ana from season 2 was on some podcast and she was really throwing shade against Marysol.  Which might actually make Marysol interesting/relevant enough to get that lead housewife role come next season maybe?

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