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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. Eva said she wanted to be an actress, but got a job until her acting career took off.

    She kept her day job because her role on Y & R didn't pay enough to not work her other job...so she did both jobs.  Cost of living is high in LA so I don't blame her for keeping both jobs.  

    Maybe she could have phrased it differently, but EB is known to bully people.  And I think he was jealous she found lasting success outside daytime.

    And he used to not know his lines back in the day (if stories are true that Peter Bergman told him to know his line hence leading to their confrontation years ago).

  2. Eileen Davidson on Y & R is definitely a chemistry killer except with Victor.. though she had great chemistry with Ronn Moss on B & B... and she had good chemistry with Drake H and Eric M on Days when she was Kristen.  Maybe it's Y & R that's the problem... and not Eileen since she seemed to generate good romantic chemistry on B & B/Days, good rival chemistry on B & B/Days (Brooke/Marlena), and great friendship chemistry on Days (Billie/Jennifer).

  3. RHONJ

    This is the start of a new NJ with the demotion of Jackie., hiring 2 newbies and a new friend of.

    I hope next season will continue this transition by saying bye bye to Melissa and maybe Margaret.


    Eboni always seemed like she couldn't help liking Ramona despite her best efforts not to for good reason. 


  4. And then Walsh merged with M & A to become Walsh-Montgomery in order to combine their assets in order to battle World-Wide.  

    In fact, I remember that Lucinda had tried to secure Damian's business.. and I think she went to see him to find out why he opted to sign with Walsh and discovered he was married to Lily.


  5. On 3/6/2023 at 12:34 PM, Broderick said:

    I'm sure Eileen Davidson wanted something "dramatic".

    To me, her very best scenes are more of the "everyday variety".  For instance, there's one scene where Terry Lester's Jack is giving her a sermon about how worthless Brad Carlton is, and the whole time Jack is talking, she's fanning her face with a manila file folder like she's burning up in frustration.  When Jack finally leaves, she exhales so hard her bangs rise up off her forehead, and she takes her thumb & index finger and does the "gun-to-the-head" suicide gesture.

    There's another scene where Terry Lester's Jack is presenting her with a dossier about Tim Sullivan, and she tosses it into the fire, rolls her eyes, and prances out of the room. 

    Those are the types of scenes where she REALLY excels in my opinion.    

    Eileen worked best in business stories and when Ashley was pissed at someone...though she had the fragile element as well that made people like her.  My mom used to joke that Eileen could teach a master class on losing her mind because she was so convincing.

    And I remember by the mid 90s, Nikki wore black to a dinner that she was forced to invite Sharon to when she was dating Nick.  And I remember she also did needle point as well during this period.

    I think Bell almost seemed as if he was writing Nikki to be like a Kay...except always at the ranch and drunk sort of like how Kay was in the early years while married to Philip.

  6. 6 hours ago, Darn said:

    To the detriment of the entire program.

    Deciding to re-center the show around these two immoral, selfish, histrionic criminals irreparably damaged the fabric of the show and only recently, with age creeping up on both of them and lead stories waning, is the canvas getting something of a balance. Now they feel like part of a whole and not the whole damn thing.

    For AMC I’ll name two: Zach and Kendall, Ryan and Greenlee. Only one of these characters was likeable or sympathetic or played by a charismatic actor (Kendall), the other three were unwatchable narcissistic a-holes played by actors either trying too hard (Mathison) or actors who’d sleepwalk through their scenes (Rebecca Budig and that jackass who somehow got them to make Myrtle’s death have entirely too much Zach). So naturally they made them the stars of the show.


    Victoria and Billy’s pairing, which existed solely because of the alleged chemistry between Toothy Bedhead and Toothy Blockhead, did neither character any favors and they’re STILL trying to recover from it years and recasts later. Warping your show around what some small but vocal subset of fans think is “hot” is why soaps are where they are today.

    I liked Ryan and Kendall as a couple...two lost souls coming together.  It also helped humanize Kendall and it was what made people start to think of her as Kendall vs SMG

  7. Yeah..maybe a soft reboot of Miami will be in order for season 6.  The reunion snippets seem to indicate it's going in a toxic direction.

    That's the one thing I always liked about OC...they never have the same cast more than a season...though I question the wisdom of Gina being on so long though.


  8. 22 hours ago, Taoboi said:



    For me...the highlight of Part 2...


    The giggling. The reactions. The 'oh, s#$%'. Andy's head spinning like it was a tennis match. The double receipts. It was giving a western showdown and I hollered.


    It was so good that I had to watch it twice. Part 2 for me was on the same level as Part 1. Part 1 was a good start. Part 2...was a free-for-all.


    And I thought Monique shattering Gizelle was back at the Season 5 Reunion! Look at Candiace dragging Gizelle. And IMHO *Charisse*Rightfully so*charisse* And she started on her neck all the way through the first part. And no amount of Andy trying to give Gizelle the RHOA Last Reunion (that I still need to watch) Marlo edit got in her way. Her and Wendy tag-teaming Gizelle with Reactions was hilarious. Also hilarious was the gang-up on Gizelle that followed. Did Hades freeze over where half of the cast came for Gizelle at a reunion??? Unmask that trick and keep her unmasked.


    And not to be left out...since we know she goes where Gizelle goes, following her like a puppet (c)La Dame Grande, Production continued to come for Robyn Juan's Roommate. Andy ALSO taking pot shots on her was the cherry on top for me. After YEARS of a cast member mentioning it only for Production and Andy to glaze over it, they all are FINALLY bringing up the umbrella incident, flashbacking every chance they could. They brought up her finger in Ashley's face at OZ. And they had a reciept for every moment Robyn That Heffa lied. And what made it awesome...was that they KEPT on that with her. Especially Andy, bringing up the umbrella every chance he got. They are honestly over her. 


    I would say the only false note was the Colorism talk. I know a lot of the online commuity wanted this talk. And I definitely fell colorism exist. But does it with THIS cast? I feel like Candiace and NY's LuAnn about that. I would say not colorists, but classist if anything. Did we not start the show with lessons about etiquette? And that does come from a form of elite? That said...that doesn't mean that I liked that Gizelle and her shadow were being willing blind to what Candiace and Wendy were saying. She was VERY clear. And it shouldn't have taken La Dame speaking up for them to acknowledge a little bit of that. It reminded me of everyone attacking Kenya at the S8 Reunion just because they could and only Kandi vouched for her with the Miami trip incident. Distasteful.


    And that cliffhanger ending? Yassssssss!!! I know we all know I am (was?) a Messy Mia fan. And I like Jacqueline as well. So watching their friendship go left has been fascinating to watch. That said...DOUBLE RECIEPTS!!! Lord, I fell out. lol. 


    LA DAME. She didn't really do much in Part 2, either, but WHAT SHE DID DO...counted. And we got a bit of humor with Andy trying to throw shade at her, but she of course returned served. Nice try. ;)  I liked her joining in on the gang up. That Girl Robyn tried to throw her into the middle of some drama and got dragged like SHE...ALWAYS...DOES. And of course, she was the only one to get people to see Candiace's point of view during the colorism talk. I do hope that Part 3 show what that reunion clip showed of her getting it from all sides. An absent Dame at a reunion is not a activated Dame.


    GIZELLE. Where she can't say s#it because she ain't got s#it sums up her this part. Now that she was given a platform to defend herself, what does Gizelle do? Nothing with it. Candiace gave her a chance to defend herself. Andy tried for a good redemption edit and tried to humanize her. But what does Gizelle do? NOTHING. She deserved to be dragged. And it said something that people started to come for her. Heck, even Andy came for her. I will give him his credit because I hollered when he said 'no, we are talking about it now.' No time for Gizelle being obtuse. We are at the REUNION...drag or get dragged. She was really coming across horribly. But not as horribly as...


    ROBYN. HER SHADOW. Oooh Guuurl...they are sooooo over you. The edits. The flashbacks. The pressing on the necks by all parties. I lived. And then she wanted to start some mess between Candiace and Wendy when Wendy was truly just expressing her feelings about what a friend really is. Only person being jealous is...well...you. In fact, GIRL, BYE.


    ASHLEY. For what it's worth, she at least tried to understand what Candiace was saying during the colorism talk. Outside of that, she was pretty mute this part.


    MIA. Mia, Mia, Mia...smh. If she is coming back next season with her broke A, she really will have to be a little more...real. Because she was a whole clown in Part 2. I hollered at Candiace giving her the angry parent SHUT UP. I was right there with Wendy on that. Sitting there trying to deflect Candiace from Gizelle's well-deserved dragging (shades of Monique, the binder, and her complete focus on dragging Giz to Hades and back). So I was surprised she pounced in on the gang-up on Gizelle later in the episode. Only to think not be able to hold her own against Wendy later on. And then the coup de grace...Jacqueline and the receipts!!! OMG...that moment was delicious. I was Candiace giggling and Andy's head dotting like watching a tennis match. I mean...Messy Mia DOES give content...and her tagline explains away all of this...but yeah, she can be exhausting. That said...BRING ON THE BATTLE ON THE TWO RECIEPTS!!!


    WENDY. The Doctor and the Rat-A-Tat team-up continued to be everything. I don't know if they talked before the filming, but they were really moving like a set of twins...taking on all the fakes. I loved Wendy giving the educational read that YES...this IS a pattern with Gizelle coming for people's family. Yes, Wendy was real in her feelings about Candiace's friendship with Robyn That Heffa and how fake of a friend Robyn Gizelle's True Friend kinda is. And yes, she gathered Robyn easily because it was the very truth. and of course, laughing off Messy Mia trying to deflect with Peter...because at this point...who will believe Mia over a professor that is always on TV in debates? #winning 


    CANDIACE. Not as much as Part 1, but still rocking the MVP for the Reunion. If this was her last season, she really has been taking it to the GEB and anyone trying to help them (looking at you, Mia and Ashley). And she waited long and hard to do so so you know what...Team Candiace because it was about time someone called Gizelle out for her fakery. Well call out again. I liked her explaining herself in the colorism talk even if it fell on deaf ears. And she stayed given us moments. Love to see it.


    That said...let me get into Part 3. I do hope that since it's extended it does not get like Part 3 of the Season 5 reunion though. 


    Bring on the Battle of the Reciepts!!!



    The colorism talk was a good 1st step...but I spend agree I don't think the cast has that issue as much.

    Classism is a big issue with Karen/Gizelle being big examples of that on this show.

    And I do agree Ashley was understanding what Candiace was saying.  I think the only reason Ashley understood was because Ashley has gone through something similar (being bi racial).

  9. 1 hour ago, Cat said:


    I know people must be in shock at the VPR news that exploded today -- I don't even watch the show, but gotta give it to those milennials for likely reinvigorating Bravo"s future ratings-- but I wanted to give props to Miami which is almost single-handedly keeping Peacock afloat.

    A perfectly judged finale. Marina, as we all knew she would, dumping Lisa for her precious son Lenny. His new paramour is also Russian, so I guess that works for her. Julia & Martina on a loved-up date was poignant given what we now know is Martina's cancer diagnosis. Adriana meeting world-famous producer Emilio Estefan... my jaw dropped. He is legitimately HUGE. I only know Fiyah and the Miami theme song in her repertoire, but they are both great songs so I have hope for the one he will produce.

    This is a great cast so I hope Peacock doesn't dump anyone. Some unkind people on social media have advocated for Julia to go, but I really hope she doesn't. She brings kindness and a quirky normalcy to the show. I'm still not convinced Larsa and her pot-stirring is the be-all. What other SL did she have, apart from her grey skyscraper apartment?

    Marysol looked so petty not accepting Adriana's apology. Alexia, I can understand. But Mary Sunshine has always had one eye on what she thinks gives her leverage on the show. 

    I would dump Marysol because she's just creepy to look at, and she's a little too rehearsed/boring for me.... and I would get rid of Larsa because she really adds nothing at all except the sleaze factor



    Time to clean house on this show.  If you have to make up a story to be on the show, then maybe it's time to part ways and allow other new blood to come in.

    New Jersey:

    I like the new additions.. and hopefully this is a signal that Melissa will be going bye bye after this season.


  10. Gabrielle Upton seemed to be the writer that moved Arlene out of the Ben/Betsy/Meg realm into Ray's orbit.  And then created Mia to be the conflict in that relationship..when Arlene spent a good 2 years in that role as the spoiler.

    Labine created that conflict, Depriest made it more messy by installing Arlene's mom as an employee of Meg I think. And I think the follow up writers carried that on until Upton came on.

    By 1980, was there any mention of Arlene's past ties to Ben/Betsy..or was she completely separate from that orbit?

  11. RHOP:

    Robyn does her job well as a side-kick... but she should have brought a bit of her life onto the show instead of keeping it off camera.

    Gizelle needs to go because she doesn't offer anything except causing drama... and Ashley has that covered.

    Mia is a bad fit and has had her 2nd season try out, time for her to exit stage left.

    Karen.. has she really said or done anything so far?

  12. On 2/21/2023 at 8:31 PM, dc11786 said:

    I think this was when Gabrielle Upton was on her way out the door and Cathi Abbi was brought on board. Upton had introduced a bunch of younger characters including Andy Marriott, who seemed to be an attempt at another Ben Harper type rich playboy lothario who was sleeping with most of the younger females. There was also unremarkable characters like Michael Blake, the veteran who was interested in Cal, Mary Jane Owens, who I think was a nurse, Sheree Manning, who was one of Andy's conquests, and a few others. The period following this is the infamous "Bambi Brewster saga" era so it wasn't an immediate improvement until May, 1979, when Jean Holloway was dismissed and Ann Marcus came in and really reset the the show with Dana Delaney's Amy Russell and really emphasizing the college set. 

    And from what I heard kept Bambi and used her properly.

    It's a shame Ann Marcus wasn't given more time to work her magic because the last few episodes I saw on YT seemed to reflect a show tying up old stories/threads from previous writers while introducing some modern new characters like Amy... and that final scene when Arlene walked away from her verbally abusive husband gave me hope that she was finally waking up to the fact that she could do way better then him.

  13. I know that Dr Sara was gone by late 82/early 83... but was there still a place for her on the canvas other then being the local talk to, or the resident therapist?

    Other then her previous romantic ties to Justin, I could only see her being a talk to... though I do imagine she would have a field day having Reva, Roxie, and India as patients.

    I think changes truly needed to be done by 1983 because a lot of the stories/characters started by the Dobson's were starting to become stale by 1983... just wish that the balance nicely established in 1983 and 1984 were maintained instead of having to endue rough transition years circa 1985 to 1987/8.

  14. On 2/26/2023 at 3:48 PM, Forever8 said:

    From Barbara Crampton's IG - Y&R throwback to Leanna meeting Katherine Chancellor for the first time!


    This type of scene is missing from Y & R, and other soap operas nowadays.

    When you had a character from the haves (Katherine) meeting a character that wasn't a have not, but fighting for their piece of the pie (Ms. Love).

    And on that subject of a Have meeting a character working to get a piece of the pie...here was Victor and Drucilla's 1st meeting.


  15. Fox did have one soap briefly in 1990..Tribes that aired after 3 PM.

    Problem was the network was too new and they didn't have country wide coverage at that point..but the cities it did air in had healthy ratings that were slowly growing.

    I think by the mid 90s, Fox was large enough that they could have had a soap or two in the daytime.  

  16. I will say I think it was more Kobe that was the problem then Long.  Hope, Amanda, and Hilary were written quite a bit before they were ushered out suddenly.

    In regards to the Holly/Roger connection when they returned... I do know Curlee had convinced Long to bring them back..but it wasn't her that wrote the Adam Malik story nor his storming Philip/Blake's wedding (she didn't like it...but it fit with Roger).

    And I'll be honest that there was a change in writing for Holly once Long left the show..that in some ways hindered the character.  

    I was surprised she was less neurotic, more assertive in 1989/90.  After 1991, she became more neurotic and kind of a victim.  Not sure if that was due to Curlee and co..or if that was JFP's influence.

  17. 15 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I'm not defending Griffith, but we have no idea if this is a mental health thing so much as clearly cutting costs to the bare minimum and Griffith being foolish enough to think he can do it all himself. Or it could be CBS/Sony pushing for it as well.

    I remember Gazzaniga from working on the PP soaps (I think they ended up one of the final de facto HWs near the end as PP kept cutting people to save their dwindling funds). I think Michael Conforti was one of the guys credited for the early youth writing for Dillon and Georgie at GH, though I may be wrong. I know Jeff Beldner's name but not from where.

    You are correct that Marin Gazzaniga was going to be the new head writer of PP's OLTL had it continued.  She had been one of the final people that had done the soap writing program at ABC before it was discontinued and apparently she was contributing well in the writers room.

  18. On 2/21/2023 at 3:21 PM, Joseph said:

    One more for the list, gosh this is proving to be a far richer task than I thought!

    Talk about wasted potential....I was hoping this would have been long term...but with the bad writing and GF unable to play the hard edges... the character didn't last.  You would have thought someone could recall that AMC tried a similar character in the early 90s and when she couldn't play the vixen..turned the character into another Laura.

  19. I recall when Roger first came back, he was paired with Sonni...and the actors worked well together.  Two outcasts finding one another...while it wisely moved her out of the Josh/Reva orbit.

    I often wonder what would have happened if Michelle Forbes hadn't quit..would the Holly/Roger 1990 talk been less a way to make them viable as a future couple...and more of a form of closure 

  20. I think Mindy having Roger's baby would have provided more long term story threads.. and be an added element in the Billy/Roger fued vs having Hart come on as the long lost son... and would have been a physical reminder to Alexandra of what Mindy did to her and Roger (since Alexandra had always been warm/nice to her before the affair).

    On 2/13/2023 at 9:12 PM, antmunoz said:

    You are correct. I interviewed Kim for a local paper in 1985, and she told me that she was vehemently opposed to Reva’s suicide attempt.  She lost that battle and had to play it. 

    The Cain story was also supposed to be different. He was supposed to be a true mountain man whom Reva would civilize and tame.  Kim was intrigued by this. (She always embraced the most bizarre storylines because she got to ACT!!! and play something different, and I get that.) This isn’t what we got, though.  The show moved away from this story rather quickly. Kim didn’t like it either, and she and Jerry Lanning weren’t really hitting it off or setting the world on fire. 

    Of course, the story, like so many others on GL (Susan Piper/Carrie Carruthers; Reva is Rebecca/Catherine; Reva gives up a son, Dylan/Jonathan), was repeated when Reva was stranded on the island by Annie with Sean, who had a way off but didn’t want to let her go, although his obsession was less than Cain’s. 

    I could see Kim would think this.. but given the year that Reva had (Josh had left, she lost her baby, she was divorcing HB, then lost Kyle to Maeve due to her being pregnant).. I understood why Reva was at the absolute bottom emotionally.. and thought ending it all would be the answer.

    I think had Pam Long not left in early 1986, she would have had Reva learn to love herself, stand on her two feet, etc... and she wouldn't have reunited Josh/Reva right away when he returned in late 1986... which really damaged Reva's character...imho.

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