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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. I'm happy to hear that Kiki's confessionals were used this season since I heard she had some last season that never aired.

    Regarding Lisa, I have a little bit of sympathy for her.. but at the same time, I don't.  There comes a time someone has to take personal responsibility and not have their head buried in the sand.. which she's always had when it came to Lenny.  

  2. 15 hours ago, Melroser said:

    I'm glad to see that about Anne, but it just makes me wonder even more what the hell was going on that day? 

    I have a feeling it was due to a recurrence of previous mental health issues... made worse by the Pandemic/isolation.

  3. 2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    AMC- I have to say Dimitri, never cared for Jackson. I wish I could see more of her with Tom though just because he was such a cutie.  Erica having many husbands seems very in character for me, others not so much.  Especially when you get into recent offenders.

    GH- Bobbie had four husbands and almost a fifth with Jerry Jax. Jake will always be my favorite.

    Days- how many times has Lucas been married? At least 4.  Sami will always be my preference.

    Y&R- I really prefer Victor with Ashley, but I can’t say that was always the right fit for her.  I liked Brad more for her.

    Oddly in regards to Ashley..my opinion changed based on who played her.

    Eileen's Ashley worked best with Victor and not so much with Brad...imho.

    Brenda's Ashley would have worked best with Brad if she played Ashley during their marriage and her Ashley was almost too confident to be Victor's wife.

  4. I wouldn't say it was a good scene...but it was a good episode based on a stupid story and decision.

    Nursery rhyme stalker was a bad story..and one of the results was the stupid decision to kill Jenna off.

    What resulted was Jenna visiting all the people she had ties/history with (Buzz, Vanessa, Harley, Alexandra, and Holly)...with one scene having India wish she had known Jenna better with Alex stating they would have a lot to talk about.

  5. I'm surprised that the show had positive ratings at that point according to the article.

    I do think moving Maggie out of the diner was probably a good idea though she did have that busybody diner persona down.  It is a shame that the Eve Arden element was abandoned a few episodes into the show instead of maintained up through Barnaba's arrival.

  6. Days:

    I would say Roman's being persumed dead in late 1984 has spurred story that's lasted to this day (including the 1993 John/Marlena affair).

    Marlena being possessed by the devil spurred some plots that resonate today (encouraging Sami to go after Austin when Sami had a moment of guilt/hesitation, showing Kristen that Tony was deceptive..which eventually led to Kristen going to the dark side, and kickstarted John/Marlena's renewed feelings after the affair story in 1993).

    Guiding Light:

    Ed/Lillian's affair..which led to Mo's death thus changing the canvas forever (Lillian visiting Mo's grave in the final week really showed the impact of that affair)


  7. 9 minutes ago, Cat said:

    I meant that the conflict turning physical was unplanned. And unexpected. I don't think either women thought it would go there.

    Yes, the confrontation had been building for a while, and there was a lot of hurt and bitterness between the two because of their friendship. But again, I think they envisioned a face-to-face confrontation that would be impassioned but largely verbal.

    Mia & Wendy is so strange. I feel like the GEBs (Robyn especially) have it out for Wendy, and Mia wants to get in good with them, so she's like "Me too! I hate her too!"

    This is why these shows need to always adjust their casting every season...or else it becomes too toxic.

    I often think Emily/Gina will never be let go because they're boring enough not to become toxic (on OC).

  8. 1 hour ago, Cat said:

    IA it was super-confusing. Monique & Candiace also went from 0 to 100. However, the way production covered that fight, with split-screen at times, breaking it all down second-by-second, gave it clarity and allowed the audience to make up their own minds.

    It was impulsive and unplanned on either Monique and Candiace's parts. Mia & Wendy's conflict? Did not feel impulsive to me.  

    • Robyn, Gizelle and Mia were bringing up Wendy to each other throughout the whole day. It was Get Wendy Day. Almost like pre-gaming the fight. It would be too easy to say that the GEBs were stirring Mia up to get into Game Mode -- it was just as much Mia wanting to 'impress' the GEBs and get on-side with them.


    • Mia's interaction with Jacqueline was weirdly fractious and febrile. She was hyped up and also very obviously laying groundwork for a SL about how she and J are no longer friends.


    • Robyn, Gizelle and Charrisse were watching the Mia & Wendy blow-out like crocodiles licking their chops. None of the three seemed shocked that this happened in any way, and had been pushing for some confrontation bringing Wendy down a peg or two.


    • Mia's interaction at Bar One with Patricia Thomas-Bailey [(c) Housewives Twitter] was very contrived. He came out and said his piece, but Mia was trying milk an additional scene from him for additional justification to Get Wendy.

    BTW Charisse telling Patricia Thomas-Bailey she wants to open a champagne lounge. 

    The-eye-roll GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

    • Robyn filming the blowout, jumping up and down, jeering and telling Wendy she is 'antagonistic'... she is trash and fully involved in getting it to this point.


    • Mia was talking nonsense and Wendy suddenly clocks that this conflict is coming out of nowhere, Mia is working herself up to something, and tells her: "You're doing too much." 


    • The ease with which the GEBs decided this was Karen's fault and she should have diffused things... yeah, they'd been thinking beforehand about how they could craft the narrative to their advantage. And they are lazy, so of course they went back to the S5 well.


    • Very interesting that you mention that Candiace was not there. I also think Candiace might have been the intended target and that Robyn, Gizelle, Mia were hoping to bait Candiace into getting physical first, because she has a very short fuse.

    I caught Wendy once on one of the news channels. A lot of news-show talking-heads are high on the sound of their own voice and LOVE to grandstand. And Wendy was leaning into the Grandstanding big-time during her first season of RHOP. She understood implicitly this was a golden opportunity to be righteously indignant. Sadly, on this latest episode, Wendy has now seen another side of RH confrontation -- when you feel set-up and alone and like everyone has turned on you. It must be horribly humbling.

    Except with Monique and Candiace...it wasn't unexpected.  Things had been simmering for awhile..plus the two had been friends.

    Wendy and Mia..so left field.  

  9. Since the publication was the main backdrop of the show, it made sense that Carrie had to be tied to that locale instead of being branched out into more organic ways.

    In fact, I think a better story would have been to have Carrie be more of an anti fashion girl that is constantly writing columns lambasting the fashion industry.  She could have actually been a decent writer and that could have been how she had an organic way to get Mark's attention since she would have seen his talent vs Stephanie.

    I think the Alex character had a lot of potential.. but perhaps had she been played by a different actress.. that potential could have been tapped.  Also, I did like Peter/Nikki's chemistry and could have been used more effectively in the later episodes instead of the lap dancer.

  10. 1 hour ago, Cat said:

    I was going to mention her, but the cast did such a good job of icing her out and giving her the Danielle Staub treatment that I didn't know if she could ever come back. Also Candiace would never stand for it, and I think Candiace might have more sway with production and more fans in the audience than one might think. The Diamonds & Rosé book about RH has the production EP co-signing this, calling Monique fake and untrustworthy and basically it was a "see ya." So, I wasn't sure Monique would ever be able to return. But you are right: we are two seasons out from her final season, and Monique's shadow continues to loom over proceedings.

    Basically, RHOA are crying out for Porsha, Nene and Phaedrea to return, so RHOP might as well go for broke and getting her back. Otherwise she remains the 'elephant' in the room.

    It all depends on how the women treat production backstage.  It isn't the only factor..but if you have nothing going on in your life or bringing anything to group scenes...then it becomes important.

    I recall Bravo did a special on season 8 of OC... and as it turned out...Gretchen had nothing going on in her personal life, she kept making Tamra the heavy in their team up against Alexis, she also faked the proposal and was not too popular with production.

    In regards to Mia, Wendy, and Candiace...


    Is giving in group and individual scenes...so she'll have to do something truly vile on social media to get the boot.  I'm curious how production feels about her.


    She doesn't gel with the group and not sure about her individual scenes.  She might be a dream to work with behind the scenes with production..who knows.


    She has an interesting backstory and she does provide a nice contrast to the other women.  However, she seems a little too high on herself and seems like she'd be a nightmare to production (and her condescending tone to the designer on Project Runway enhances my theory).


  11. 10 minutes ago, Wendy said:

    At least Massachusetts brings some good news: The AP has called the governor's race for Maura Healey, the first female governor of the state and the first openly-gay candidate to win there.

    Good for MA!

    I moved to MA last year... and a lot of the polls wanted the next governor to be more like the outgoing Governor Baker... which Healey is not.

    She's soft on crime, and some of her previous actions have caused energy shortages in the state that will lead to higher energy costs this coming winter... and she's for mandates (which never work).

    Only upside is that she's for Public transit so maybe she'll focus on updating/fixing the T within Boston. 


  12. 6 hours ago, Cat said:

    I keep hoping that Karen and Candiace find their way back to each other (last year's get-together where Candiace said they could never be friends, just light acquaintances hurt my heart a little). But Candiace isn't as morally flexible as Ashley. She doesn't forgive and she cannot let it go. And by 'it,' I mean when Karen didn't co-sign on the 'Special Snowflake is 100% in the right' narrative in S5, Special Snowflake felt (and still feels) #Aggrieved. 

    So Candiace now laughing over the Huger marriage is no surprise to me. Ashley treated her like complete sh*t for three straight seasons (and how many altercations has she gotten into with Michael Darby?). But the second Ashley pretends to be pals, Candiace is gossiping about the other women ON CAMERA. Candiace may be a wordsmith, but as you say, she is not emotionally intelligent, because Messley is clearly friend to no-one but herself.

    Didn't Karen go to Bravo to get her fired?

    I wouldn't be able to forgive someone that did that.  I'd be cordial, but never more then that.

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