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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. 44 minutes ago, Cat said:


    RHUGT 2 was very enjoyable, and it felt like visiting with old friends. I would not mind this same cast to come back together again at some point down the line. Maybe in an Andy-hosted reunion. The fact that it was held at Bluestone Manor, which meant cameras were even in the bedrooms, grounded the viewer in that pleasantly familiar vibe. It may also have gone some way to explaining Dorinda's behavior.

    I may have called Brandi a 'natural heroine' on this show. It is certainly a slightly odd statement considering Brandi's past with the RHs, and she is definitely thirsty to return. Nevertheless, in the context of RHUGT 2 by itself, I felt she was bringing me along with her emotions and story, and I felt for her. Maybe 'anti-heroine' is a better term for her. Like a true Scorpio, her bedroom looked like a hurricane had been through it. Her burgeoning friendship with Tamra and Vicki was nice to see, because they used to hate each other for years. 

    Imagine if Brandi, Vicki, Tamra and Taylor all went to RHOC to join Heather and Shannon? That would actually be a pretty solid cast with plenty of history.

    Like you, I really enjoyed Phaedra, but her obfuscation when it came to talking about her marriage and why she left RHOA was evident. It got to the point where it felt like Phaedra lies very easily -- she lies as she breathes, and for no real reason that I can understand. It underscores how shady she is, and towards the end of the RHUGT run, I wondered if everything she had said was just words.

    Dorinda. This show really exposed all her faults. I'm not sure if the past two years she has done any self-reflection on why the RHONY fans turned on her. Like you, though, I think she has a heart, but we are seeing all facets to Dorinda, and not all of them are perfect.

    Taylor fizzled. And Jill struggled to stand out. I thought it was very Jill when she narcissistically complained that no-one chose her to sleep with among the group. 

    I thought having it at Bluestone manor was a bad idea.  Neutral location would have been better.

    Plus, I was with Vicki that it was in the middle of nowhere and nothing to do.  At least the Hamptons would have provided some fun whoop it up moments.

    And I moved to Mass last year and no one goes out.  I think all vacations should be at fun places.

  2. I think why Jack and Sally worked was because of the opposites attract element.  Plus, she wouldn't have judged him for his past unlike Stephanie.

    I will say I thought Zach and Felicia were spirited off canvas so soon.  Partly because it was interesting to see Stephanie disapproval of the relationship...while Zach was one to call out her hypocrisy.


  3. 8 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Yep. Pretty much.


    And no matter how good Porsha and Gizelle are, we all know her need to produce...and hatred of Monique...will probably result in just what we want to see...Porsha vs Candiace.


    Twitter will be beside themselves...and I will be sitting there with popcorn.

    Porsha is a void...and would distract Candiace from reading and dragging little girl and bad weather.

    In fact, Porsha shouldn't have ever been hired. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Only a handful of soap stars have the crossover fanbase in horror, like Barbara Crampton (who has a very strong career in horror film/TV these days and really doesn't need to come back to daytime, though I wish she would). Kelli Maroney is known more for her beloved genre work while being reviled on daytime. Others like Kevin Spirtas, Scott Reeves, etc. have it and have done their share of appearances or BTS documentaries but aren't as visible. Horror fans never forget. It did my heart good when OLTL went off the air and Kassie DePaiva, who was so heartbroken about it, started doing more cons for Evil Dead II and was fully embraced.

    I do wonder why Cardille never did more daytime, but I guess there was the stigma and I have no Idea if she even acts today.

    Yeah, back when OLTL was on the air...a fan did ask about Evil Dead 2..and at the time she said it was her earliest experience..but didn't talk much about it...so I'm sure once soaps started dying, she embraced it more.

  5. 14 hours ago, Vee said:

    Yeah, I know one of her soap roles did that but I didn't know which one. Cardille was tough as nails in Day of the Dead, so seeing her on a soap is interesting for me; she is not a glamourpuss or conventional heroine/villain.

    Based on promo pics, it sounded like she was more like a tortured 40s film noir character.  A life of hard knocks..and she and Raven sparred alot due to Logan.

    I do agree she was tough as nails in Day of the Dead..and atypical of female leads in 80s horror movies. It's probably why she has had lasting appeal in the horror movie genre.

    Horror movie fans are as passionate as soap fans.  Shame 1978 episodes weren't available so we could see more of her work on EON.

  6. On 7/4/2022 at 11:17 AM, DRW50 said:

    Yes. Lori left a few months before the story concluded. Sharon Gabet replied that Lori knew where the role would end up, so I guess that isn't why she left. 

    This is all I see online of her work as Winter:

    She reminds me a lot of Melanie Smith. I do wonder how she would have played out the last few months. Stephanie Braxton really goes hogwild at times, although this works overall. Similar to the Claire Bloom/Lynn Milgrim situation on ATWT

    From what I understand, Lori C found that the story bought up past abuse she'd suffered in her past so she asked to leave the role.

    I think she would have played those final months with less hysteria and less soapy/OTT.  Just in that scene you shared, she was more low key and seemed almost defeated/worn out over being dealt a bad hand.  

    Had she stayed, I think she would have played that beat making the audience feel sorry that she was dealt a bad hand yet again and would root for her to be guilty.  And I think she would have been more sinister as she went after Nicole in the studio.. and since her Winter had chemistry with Logan Swift... his refusal to admit her loved her would have beem more impactful

  7. 16 hours ago, Faulkner said:


    Makes sense.

    Jenn didn't pop at all.  Had she been cast in the earlier seasons (season 1 to 4) she would have fit better.

    Noella was on the opposite extreme..she was too much.  Had she toned it down a bit, and sharpened her reads against the others better..she might come back.

    Here are some rumors about season 17.  You may hate her, but Alexis did have Heather's number in season 7..and she triggered Heather so much with her comment 'Angelina Jolie is a real actress' when talking of Heather's acting career 


  8. 1 hour ago, Taoboi said:



    And the damage control continues...already dropping sneak peeks to next week...but it DOES explain while someone might be silent tonight...


    And just in case..








    ETA: Annnnd OOPS. Get your fellow producer, Garcelle!!! Put her on Front Street! And like Sheree got that back.

    Vyle Kyle strikes again.

  9. 24 minutes ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    Sooo, I think Kyle is literally the worst.  And worst of all, she doesn’t shine in any situation—almost everyone else’s home scenes are better and none of her “friendships” with the other housewives feel genuine (bc she is a snake!).  However, like others have already noted, the drama between the three sisters and whatever that mother obviously put them through is THE story of the show.

    But I don’t get the Kim love.  Kyle weaponized her sister’s alcoholism on national tv, which is obviously shameful.  And Rinna won’t “OWN IT” that she capitalized on a moment of weakness (the ride to game night) and made a years long story out of doubting Kim’s sobriety.  Which is also shameful.  But Kim IS an addict who is incapable of taking any accountability for like anything in her life.  As someone with a complicated relationship with alcohol, I want to identify and empathize with her… but I have never seen a shred of humility in her and she uses her recovery as a shield to not answer for any of her very real transgressions, drunk or sober.  I hate to say it, but I think she’s a pile.  And apart from being quirky in the early years (that feels gone now), I find her even less charming than Kyle.  Just my opinion 😕

    Regarding Kim...she was the Disney girl in the 1970s.  She was the Lindsay Lohan...in Disney movies and on her TV shows.  So I think the Kim love stems from that.

  10. 8 hours ago, Cat said:

    Mauricio looked a complete tool. "I think it's great what she said." Oh? Really? How is "get the f*ck outta here" great exactly? He's never been the sharpest tool in the shed.

    Also Dorit "one hundred percent" making it clear that as it was someone else's kid, it was a-ok, but not her own, of course. One rule for the clique, another for everyone else. Erika has these women running scared. But mostly it's about working an angle, and currently it suits Kyle and Dorit to back Diana and Erika if it means sticking it to Sutton / Garcelle. Fools. 

    Like @Chris B I also think Kyle got advance word. She said when this season started that this might be her last, and I wondered whether something was coming up which made her look bad. Well, now we know. And it's two different scenes in the same episode. 

    Oh well. There go our theories of Kyle and Garcelle quietly working together, lol. :ph34r:

    If limogate from season 1 didn't make Kyle quit..nothing will.

  11. EF was punished for speaking her mind at how the show was being handled.  Goutman seemed to hold grudges...so much he vetoed Noelle Beck's suggestion to have Martha Bryne come back for the final episodes.

    Marland was at ATWT 7+ years...I think the longest he was head writer at a show.  I think he should have left in 1989...and maybe gone over to AW

  12. @VeeIt's interesting that you talk about how Val leaving him at the end of season 3/early season 4 started Gary's downward spiral.  It underscores the dysfunctional bond that exists between the two.  From watching Dallas and earlier seasons, Val is a pillar of strength.. and anytime she's fallen apart, Gary was unable to man up to be a pillar of strength for her.

    And it isn't an accident that during most of season 4, Val was more assured/stronger willed once she tossed Gary out.  It's only in the last few episodes of season 4 and being back in his orbit does her more fragile tendencies come back out.

    As was hinted in 'Three Sisters' and explored in more detail in season 6, you'll see that Gary not being in Val's life doesn't cause her downward spiral... but losing her children is what causes her downward spiral.  

  13. 7 minutes ago, Taoboi said:



    So watched Episode 3 and 4 in one sitting. 


    First...Nina. It just occurred to me that Nina is from Dallas, right? And when she was sitting here talking to Caroline about her friend Claudia...it clicked? Wasn't Nina casted in what was going to be RHOD's reboot with Claudia Jordan???? Which of course made me go...does that mean Caroline knows Claudia Jordan, too? And then given who is showing up this week...it's not far-fetched either. Things that make me go hmmmm. And I agree with @NothinButAttitude...I like Nina's Zaddy. He could get it. 


    These two episodes have been interesting to watch. I feel like everyone is giving so much to play with. Sara's background. Lesa's fashion show and watching her building her brand, the whole time we see her friendship with Ayan shining through. Brooks also working to build an empire and honestly showing so much for someone who is so messy. Nina brings the wealth that I would expect Caroline to have brought back in the day on LoL. 


    But...that is probably why I might have to disagree with everyone else on her. Yes, on LoL, Caroline was the HBIC and ran everything. She knew the game in that world and how to play it. But it's becoming clear here this is a new world and a whole new game. She is NOT the only Alpha anymore. The tricks...like icing out someone...that would work on LoL are not going to work here. And like EricFake's current tagline on BH, that makes her even more dangerous. 


    And dangerous...is STILL interesting. She is still somewhat transparent like she was on LoL with her losing her business. You can see that in this actual organic storyline about what happens when your young husband wants babies and you...are older and in a different stage of your life. However like I said...her attempt to ice out Ayan...yeah NO. She is too much the star, too much connected, and there is no way to do that when no one is going to bow down to her over Ayan. However...her targeting Lesa next...another move Caroline learned on LoL is also going to end badly for her, either. Nice attempt to keep herself relevant on a show with alphas, but she has miscalculated. And the plot twist of Sara being the one to tell on her to Ayan and Lesa was truly a chef's kiss. 


    Outmatched? Time will tell. Outclassed? From what I've seeing of Lesa...YES. 


    Sorry, Queen Bee.


    CAROLINE. Like I said above, Sergio asking for a child while she is long pass wanting one, like Sanya and Ross over on RHOA, is some organic drama. And it would be fascinating to watch because they are going to have some hard talks as well. Speaking of hard talks, it would be nice to see Caroline dive more into her work life post-LoL. Like I mentioned, she lost her company on that show. So she's...an influencer now? Seems like a downgrade to me. Though given what she is an influencer on, that does explain her face. Outside of that...who is Caroline Stansbury in this world? Sadly...no one. She needs to step it up. I do not think feuding with Lesa is the right move, but it should be fun to watch if COLLEGE HILL proved anything.


    AYAN. THE STAR!!! The last two episodes have continued to soften her nicely. And I love seeing it. Like I said, I love seeing her friendship with Lesa and her being a boss at the fashion show and having her back was great to watch. I even liked that she can be feuding with Caroline, but still able to have a conversation with her husband. See? She ain't all bad. And her frenemy relationship with Brooks is a hoot. Will her truce with Caroline stick? Probably not. Especially since Lesa is feuding with her. Should be fun to watch.


    MILAN. Over the last two episodes, all I saw was a real businesswoman and that was fascinating for me to watch. She was so sound. She was so motivated. And STILL being a mom. I am single and have always found it hard to get a work/life balance so especially lately as I appear to be at a crossroads, I liked to watch it. And in these episodes we got a little bit more of a picture of her husband. He seem plain to me tbh. But watching them have a disagreement...God, he loves that woman. And...he has a nice bubble. :D Okay, he's kinda foine with that accent. Just seeing Milan in her element at the fashion show was dazzling. There's just something about someone living their dream. It's...inspiring. And she also has an element of being able to feud *cough*collegehill*cough*. That mess that Caroline started...not a good look since Lesa has been trying to make peacemaker I felt between her and Ayan. And Lesa looked like she's good to go toe to toe with Caroline. 


    BROOKS. Speaking of businesswomen, it sounded like Brooks had a sound business plan. That said, all she really brought was messiness. And I live for it. But she did not do much this past two episodes.


    NINA. I admit that the RHOD thought is making me side-eye her. That said...that party was the biz-ness!!! And the scene with her Zaddy and that license plate. WOW!!!!  She most definitely screams wealth. And I LOVE her obsession with french fries. SAME.


    SARA. This lovely enigma. I loved getting more of her backstory in Episode 3. So she literally not only changed her personal life, but her professional life as well. And she did not even have to. She just followed her bliss. Le sigh. Again, given my own life this week that is just awe-inspiring to me. And her at the photoshoot...GIRL, YOU BETTER FLIRT!!! LOL!!! And she looked breathtaking in the red. No need to doubt. ;) That said...Ooooo at her being messy by telling Lesa and Ayan what Caroline said about not going to the fashion show. Spicy.


    And this week brings Shady Phae Phae. Can't wait. 

    Only time I liked Ayan was when she and her hubby were walking hand in hand remembering how they met..how her family didn't approve of him.  She was being human and not that exhausting parasite she's portrayed elsewhere.

    I'm going to be honest and say the reason she and Stansbury don't click is because both of them are too much alike to appreciate the positives in one another.  It's why both Nina and Sara are friendly with both because both of those women are less likely to want to be HBIC.

    Lesa was upset when she thought her husband was talking down to her..but he was giving her sound business advice.  She tends to talk down to him.  Her sons are adorable though.

    Caroline B is messy...but she does love her son and is ambitious about building a brand.


    This show is so interesting with the different backgrounds of all the women along with their family lives, that the petty dramas aren't needed.

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