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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. 9 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    As far as Susan Lucci goes, I'd be surprised if this was an unpopular opinion. I think it's almost universal that people think she was limited. But I wouldn't put the character in that lane. Maybe it's because I think about Vicky Wyndham's Rachel, who is after all, another Erica, just as Mona & Ada are parallel. Nixon had written the AMC show bible & gotten no takers on it when she went to work saving AW & Ada & Rachel fit right in. And, VW never did get her Emmy.

    I give JFP credit for 2 things & only 2 things. 1) In regard to the murder of Frankie Frame at AW there is a name she could name which would take some of the heat off of her but she will not name them. I respect her for that. 2) Zaslow went to GL to get them to write ALS into his storyline & people began to plan out how they would do that until Rauch told them to stop, that it wasn't going to happen, so Zas sued & got whatever secret settlement & then went to OLTL with the same request & JFP made it happen. Sure, lots of people had to be involved in making that happen but she's the only one who could've said LETS GO. I admire her for that. I would be very curious what specifically is said to be her doing at SB.

    Also, JFP called Jess Walton when she got to Y & R to come back after she had basically all but quit. 

  2. Dark Shadows:

    I liked the Evan's cottage..it had that artist vibe to it.

    Guiding Light:

    I liked some of the restaurant sets like Company, Blue Orchid, Diner, and I even liked Millennium.

    As the world turns:

    Mona Lisa

    Bold and the Beautiful:

    I liked the original Logan house set with the living room and kitchen.

    Y & R


    Abbott Mansion

    Victor's, then later Diane's, penthouse.

  3. Rhoc:

    Bravo did a wonderful thing by bringing back Heather.  It made viewers remember how evil she was and how much we liked Shannon Storms Beador. 

    After the way Gina and Emily acted at the reunion, they deserve to be treated badly by their men.  I'll always be team Shane anytime he shades Emily.


    cast reshuffle needed...4 seasons with the same cast is so boring

  4. It seemed like once Meg left that Van's step daughter took over the role of conflict for Van.

    Meg's long awaited return in the 1970s seemed successful and also ushered in another child and ex husband during her time away.  

    I do wonder if rumors of Meg being written out had the show continued were true..who would have taken over as the yin to Van's Yan?

  5. Knots should have ended in 1989.  If you looked at ratings, they were still healthy up till then.  Season 10 seemed like a wrap up...and I think season 11 was shaky because the writers had to figure out new obstacles, or start new stories.

    Dallas lost it's luster by 1987 and maybe had they opted to end the show in 1988..they could have convinced VP to stay on an extra season.


  6. Linda Evan's had a character she could sink her teeth into.  A flawed character that had both positive and negative traits.

    The story I was most liking was the 2 designers finding their way back to one another.  Mini series used to have fun b and c stories that interested me more than the A story.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:

    One thing I would have done differently with Jill's last storyline - and I grant you, it's minor in the scheme of things - but I would have brought back Hunt Block as Peter - still dead, of course, but now as a manifestation of Jill's conscience, plotting and scheming with her, and figuring out the best way to eliminate Val from everyone's lives.

    That might have made (more) sense.  BUT...lol...I would have had Danny and Jill team up at some point.  Ben disappears/is presumed dead, and it looks like Gary and Val are about to reunite, which would make Danny and Jill very, very nervous.  So, as Jill would say to Danny, "You help me get rid of my problem...and I'll help you take care of yours."

    Heck, Danny and Jill could have even hooked up a few times, engaging in some hot, sweaty sex, as they plot how to keep the former Mr. and Mrs. Ewing apart for good.

    Except that wouldn't have fit KL...that would have fit on Dynasty or Falcon Crest.

    I actually think the Jill story in season 10 would have been stronger if we didn't know whether Jill tried to kill Val or not.  Would have made the audience speculate because Val had issues with her mental health..and Jill didn't seem the type to want someone died because she felt threatened.


  8. I think the Waleska story would have worked if it had happened in season 9 right after Ben had 'disappeared' when she was at her most vulnerable since Gary was with Jill.

    And it would have spurred Gary to take action about having it documented he was the father of the twins because he didn't trust Danny nor did he trust Val's judgement.

    So once Danny is removed then the Jill story could have started.

    And I wouldn't have shown Jill trying to kill Val...I would have left it unclear for awhile...and then later shown in scenes that Jill did try to kill her.

  9. On 4/11/2022 at 12:49 PM, Chris B said:

    Thanks for posting Paper Dolls! I always wanted to see the movie and just finished it. It was okay, not great. I enjoyed Alexandra Paul. The best thing is, the channel that uploaded it has tons of TV movies and mini series I’d wanted to see. I will be busy on there for awhile. 

    I actually thought the movie was better than people say.

    The relationship between Taryn and her mom was toxic...and showed some motivation for her mom's domineering ways.  And the last scene was done well by Daryl Hannah.  Acting ice cold, but when Lauri's back is turned...you see the sadness in her eyes.

    And I'm thinking Marc Singer's character had taken advantage of Taryn.

  10. 1 hour ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    I don't think the Waleska story was well-constructed - the "coincidence" that Gary's phone date ended up being his ex-wife was a lazy contrivance - but honestly that's one of the few stories of the latter years that I remember vividly with some great moments - Danny vs Gary in the barn, the hilariously casual way the twins found out Gary was their father, the murder mystery.
    I am curious why there is so much hate for it. There were a lot worse plots around on the show during S11-12.

    The timing of the plot...it happened on the heels of the Jill Bennett story..and was viewed by most as a way to keep Gary and Val apart.  

    Lastly it made Val look like an idiot.

  11. I did think the final season showcased Anne best with her being so insecure about being alone that she pretended to be pregnant and had the loveless marriage to Greg.  And I recall a scene where she went to get plastic surgery and the dr stated she didn't need anything done..that she had low self esteem.

    I also liked Nick coming back..and he was with Claudia because Anne was with Greg.  

  12. Paige as Mack's daughter was an interesting element for Dobson to play..and it was interesting seeing the subtle elements that went on between Paige and Karen.  They weren't close, but Paige knew Karen made Mac happen while Karen knew Paige made Mac happy as well...plus both also tolerated Anne.

    The one thing I liked about Anne being on in the later seasons was that she had moved on from getting Mac back..but had developed a healthy co existing relationship with Mac and Karen.  

    I often think had stronger writers been there in season 12 and 13..those elements would have been explored more.

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