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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. On 4/5/2022 at 6:19 PM, ironlion said:

    Didnt realize Diane was on the show as late as 2004, or that she ever interacted woth Dru. By 2005 alot of charachter orbit bubbles burst and we started seeing fresh interactions like Jack and Dru or Malcolm & Sharon.


    I'd forgotten Dru and diane interacted.  I think it was shortly after this that Diane was dropped.

  2. I think Gary and Val took a long time to reunite because she and Ben were popular together.  I remember my parents saying Val was too good for Gary..and that she had more in common with Ben.  Both were writers, both jogged,  both loved the ocean, and both had a quirky sense of whimsy.

    I actually liked him with Abby better.

  3. Nolaobics.. I'm sure was just a stop gap until Nola/Quint got another story...but Lisa Brown quit the show.  

    I do think the scenes of Nola feeling wistful about leaving Springfield to go with Quint always interested me.  On the one hand, she was leaving for a new adventure outside Springfield...but it was just as she was finally being happy in Springfield and trying a new venture.  It was a sign that reality sometimes doesn't match the fantasy.

    From what I recall, Long said that she had to write off the Reardon's because the performers left the show when their contract ended.

    I think Kobe was the big issue at that point...imho

  4. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Filming out of sequence makes It much easier to group scenes when it comes time for editing in the post, which also means that it is more cost effective. I can imagine, however that it would mess with an actor’s sense of continuity, especially if an actor has done a very intense scene, or has to begin with a very intense, having done something completely different in an out of sequence set of scenes shot previously.

    That screen shot is hilarious.

    Should I watch this episode? I still have yet to see it.

    She is in control most of the time.  

    She did explain a bit the reasoning behind why the show made David have amnesia, plus said she was close to the actress who played Ariel (even mentioning where she was living now).


  5. Would the show have been better off doing what Paper Dolls did when that show went to series....which was retell the story from the start?

    That way, the new performers could make the characters their own.

    Jennifer O'Neil was an interesting choice for the Linda Evans character.  Totally different vibes.

  6. 5 hours ago, Cat said:

    The answer is always Melbourne!! And maybe Vancouver and Sydney next (I'd go for Vancouver). Cannot speak on Durban or Johannesburg.

    So excited for Potomac filming with ALL the women, past and present. Even Cha Cha!

    In other news.... Kyle is 2-3 faces away from morphing into LVP... and her master plan will finally be complete!


    Wow...lesson to quit while ahead in regards to surgery.

    I actually thought she was cute with her orginal nose..and her odd fashion choices.

    Money does sap you of your individuality 

  7. I would have thought killing David off in 1991 would have opened the character of Ellen up to new story...but alas not to be.

    I do remember Ellen had an issue with the  in vitro story...and she expressed it clearly to Emily, Susan, and Larry.  Even Susan remarking how horrible she was as a mother in law and wasn't going to stand for her interfering.

    I think the last time she was on was Thanksgiving 1998...I'm not sure if that was when Lorraine Broderick was writing..or if Leah Laiman was writing by then.

  8. Atlanta:

    Sheree is back...she and Kenya always had a fun shade throwing feud.  Maybe she can teach Drew how to be thirsty in a fun way.

    Drew is Atlanta's answer to OC's Gina....in that I'm not sure why she's there.

    Kenya vs Kandi????  I hope and pray that happens.  

  9. Diane being back is wonderful, but Mari Jo would have made more sense especially with the Keemo element.

    AD as Diane was confident and strong willed.  Even when doing desperate things like sperm gate, she played it as her ensuring her nest egg and also having a baby that she wanted.  And she played the scenes of her being a mom quite well.

    SW as Diane was confident, but she had a neurotic undertone to how she played the character.  She could be confident/professional..but could also play out the desperation better than AD.

    MW as Diane...yikes.  bad casting choice.


  10. 5 hours ago, Cat said:

    Her snarling, inexplicable hatred for Alex and obsessive gaslighting (preventing her from speaking numerous times) is lowkey stressful to re-watch. I'm not even going to touch on the chemically-imbalanced crazy, or delusions of her own 'stardom'. I'd rather check out if Cindy Barshop and the vajazzle spas have moved into lasering!

    Would love to see Jules back. Gone too soon IMO, and she had more story to tell, but Bethenny wanted her and Luann out after S8; Bravo didn't want to get rid of Lu, so Jules was dropped to appease the Beast.

    Speaking of Lu, and this might interest @DaytimeFan from a financial POV -- apparently Luann is not doing the Legacy show. She got a spinoff with E! when things were so uncertain with RHONY. Rumor has it she was not pleased about being moved from the mothership and lowballed on the salaries. Some unsubstantiated accounts suggest the OGs are being offered $100K for RHONY: Legacy. I don't know if that's per episode or one sum for the whole season, but it is lower than they were getting on RHONY proper. (I'd still snap up the $$ if it was me, though. 3 months work for what many earn in a year).

    I agree with never understanding Kelly disliking Alex so much.  Out of all the women, Alex was the nicest to her.  And I do recall some Simon/Kelly hijinks once or twice in season 3 before Scary Island.

    I'm going to be honest and say Bethenny's return to NY was the start of the decline.  Not because she was back, but because the producers gave into her demands so much.  She worked better as part of an ensemble than as the star.  Also, she quit on them in short notice..and the show has suffered since with a lack of focus.

    Same thing is happening with OC with Heather.  Maybe the producers want to kill the franchise so they brought back Cruella Deville.

    And I think it's better to take breaks in filming.  Allow the women to resume their lives 

  11. Frankie worked best in scenes with her family (Sharlene, Josie, etc).. and with her best friend Ryan.  She and Cass didn't do anything for me at all as a couple.


    By the time Depriest took over as headwriter, Frankie had been watered down so much.. that I didn't blame her for assuming Frankie was at fault and wrote her out.  

  12. 1 hour ago, Taoboi said:

    It's funny that Andy want to say all of that NOW, but however actually doing it BEFORE a lackluster season that I still haven't finished yet. But in terms of THIS news...I would say my reaction is like the tweet below...


    Now don't get me wrong. That was my first reaction for sure and I can see the benefits of doing it, but still...what happen with Ramona hangs over everything...and it makes me side-eye the interviews Eboni have been giving where she says POSITIVE things about Ramona.


    Add on that one article about RHOD coming back next year probably on Peacock and I got nothing.



    Ramona... I can't help but like her.  She's her own worst enemy, and I have to say Kenya was evil to her during the girls trip... and got some people back to rallying for Ramona.

    Eboni and Ramona actually got along during the season of NY... which is interesting to me.

    If the OG version of NY does wells on Peacock.. I'd love an OG version of OC (Vicki, Tamra, Jeana, Lydia, Lauri, Lynne, etc).  :)

  13. My neck of the woods finally did away with the mask mandates 3 weeks ago in Boston.  And cases are low so I don't see an issue with taking a breather from being caution for awhile.

    I think N95s should be more widely available for those in need of masks, and there are some promising therapeutics that need to be ramped up and distributed.

    Lastly I do think it's horrible people wearing masks are being give grief for wearing them.  However, it's karma because mask wearers were being horrid to people not wearing them 24/7.  I think respect goes both ways here.

  14. 4 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    My sister put it so well.  She's never liked Osaka (neither have I actually), but my sister's words yesterday were so appropriate.  She said "My Lord what's wrong with her NOW!!?  What does she want NOW?"    Very simple, but I think that's what everyone is thinking and that's the attitude she's cultivated among the public.  Maybe without even knowing it.  I think that's how we all feel, LOL.

    It gets to the point where people stopped feeling sorry and start rolling their eyes at someone.   It reminded me of when Taylor Swift kept exclaiming how she couldn't believe she won.. even though she'd won every award one year.. it was like 'um sweetie that doesn't work anymore'.

  15. 13 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Glad you referenced that.

    If 80's Days supercouple adventure could have incorporated more of that 70's sensibility....

    Only time I think 80s Days incorporated the 70s sensibility was in the Shane/Kimberly/Eve situation.  Put those 3 in a scene together at their house and you didn't need stunts or gimmicks.  It wrote itself.

    Eve finding her dad...wanting her real dad and mom back together... she and Kimberly taking one step forward and two steps back.  Relatable and good counterbalance to the Stefano action stories.

    And Patch/Kayla's 1988 wedding was epic..because there was a build up to them being together.  It had heart and emotion.

    And Jack and Jennifer also had an organic start with him mentoring her and she helping him open up to love himself and her.

    Days in the late 80s had so much depth and heart.

    Maybe the advancement of technology has hindered our ability to dig beneath the surface. 

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