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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. On 1/12/2022 at 8:06 PM, ironlion said:

    To my surprise Queens was actually decent, much better than Our Kind of People. It just can't find an audience though.

    One thing I believe daytime used to better at than prime time is slowly building up a continuous plot. Primetime serial dramas like Riverdale seam to eat through plot way too rapidly. Primetime soaps seem to be limited to romance, business and occasionally crime storylines where as daytime gives you a variety of melodramatic plots.

    If you look at 80s primetime soaps like Dallas and Knots Landing...they had various plotlines at different places and there were slow builds.

    I think for a primetime soap to work, you need a soap writer in the writing room that understands pacing and payoffs. 

    Queens had potential, but burned through soap plots too quickly 

  2. RH of Miami

    Season 4 is so like the original format of the show.

    Adriana gives me bunny boiler vibes..and I'm sure her son is relieved not to be around her.

    Alexia is a bridezilla lol. Her life is a telenovela and a movie of the week.

    Marysol and Kiki are perfect friends of housewives 

    Larsa is trying to be a single mom..but her jewelry seems non descript.

    Lisa having no nanny lol. Now she gets what most middle and working class moms go through.

    Julia...hmmm..not sure about her.

    Nicole seems almost normal.. even with her issues with her dad.

    Least fave part was the contrived pajama party.  Show doesn't need this element....that element actually has harmed the franchise 

  3. 15 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I just binged the three most recent episodes of RHOC and I still am enjoying this season. It's not super fast and drama packed, but I feel they're giving us enough and I enjoy the personal storylines. The only HW I have an issue with is Dr. Jen. I don't like her, I don't dislike her, I feel nothing. I often forget she exists if she's not in a scene. She adds nothing and I can't retain anything from her, she is just there. Noella, on the other hand, is flawless. She is a total mess and I love that she's one of the few that has Heather's number. Gina and Emily are clearly kissing Heather's ass to be in the "in" crowd and I've seen nothing to suggest they like her on a personal level. When it comes to Noella's sit down with Heather, I believe every word she said. Based on what we actually saw and various interviews Heather did, we know she threatened to quit the show if they went forward with the lawsuit storyline. I absolutely believe that Heather threatened Nicole off camera, threatened production and everything else Noella suggested. Where Heather's genius comes in, she's good at manipulating situations and an EXPERT with her words, so it'll be interesting to see her make Noella look crazy so her claims aren't taken seriously.

    On another note, I wanna give props to the Queen of Miami for getting a regular, in person episode of WWHL, when the actual official cast all got smushed together in a group episode. I'm curious how they'll handle the reunion considering Adriana is central to all the drama. The first seats should be Alexia and Adriana based on content, but I'm sure it'll be Alexia and Larsa. I also think Adriana needs to be out there the entire time and can't be brought out later as a friend. She is too central to the show not to be on the couch the entire time. They made an exception for Luann in season six of RHONY and they should do the same here.

    As for Salt Lake City, I'm very shocked that Andy says there are 5-6 episodes left. This is a looooooooooooong season for a second season. On one hand I feel it's too long, but since this is Mary's swan song, I'm glad we have a few more episodes with her. I'm very curious about this "shocking" moment he's teasing in the next couple episodes. From Twitter insiders who are aware, the twist apparently will be worth the wait. 


    Heather is not a genius, she's a Karen and what's wrong with humans.  We need a Lydia to call out Heather's delusional narcastic ass.

    People tell Gina not to trust Heather, but has anyone stopped to think that maybe no one should trust Gina.


    Reunion looks are a hot mess...Heather's dress looks the best.

    Whitney's dress is as cheap as she is.

  4. 19 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    YES! As I posted on another thread about the Cynthia Watros interview, the problem is not even that his comments are inane, it is that he gives them IN THE MIDDLE OF guests telling anecdotes. It is as if he either is not listening at all or he doesn't understand the anecdote being told and how wait for the kicker works.
    And some actors*resses keep going but some get distracted or are polite (or get discouraged) and never finish some of their stories.

    It is the conversation equivalent of laughing halfway through someone telling you a joke. 

    I am never connected live during those but I wish people in the chat would tell him "Let her finish". If he is not aware he is doing this, maybe that would end up cluing him in.

    I was in one of the lives, and I posted in the live chat that he needed to be quiet until the guest was done talking..and to stop interrupting.  Some posters agreed with me..and I'm sure he saw all of that.

  5. Alan picks the oddest times to interrupt.  I could understand if the conversation was not flowimg, but it's always when a guest is telling a story.

    And it's usually when a female panelist is talking.

    I'm curious how Sarah will be on 1/13.  She's pretty outspoken so I hope she bull dozes over her Alan.  I loved her on VR troopers and Cold Case.


  6. Actually if I recall...Sheila was originally meant to be short term.  Perhaps as a temp road block for Scott/Lauren.  

    During that time, it seemed like Bell was also hinting at a Paul/Lauren/Scott triangle with Scott jealous of her friendship with Paul.  While Cassandra was put off by Paul and Lauren's connection as well in 1990.  

    Obviously Bell opted to do the baby switch.  I'm wondering if he noticed the sparks between the two actresses and decided to switch gears on his plans.

  7. It's weird that Depriest became anti woman...because watching her brief stint on the Doctors....she seemed able to write women as somewhat strong willed and intelligent.

    I do think she did somethings well in her stint..yet also had some misfires.

    MJ was weakened quite a bit..but that was partly due to the change of actress.  When the new actress took over, MJ still had a backbone..but the new actress had a more passive take on the lines.

    She killed off Zane..but did bring back Mitch...and he caused friction for Rachel/Mac/Felicia.

    And she started Sam and Amanda...though was a waste making him related to Mitch.

    And Vicki/Jamie/Lisa did start under Depriest...but that didn't get much depth until Harding Lemay and Donna Swajaski took over...but by then Joanna Going was on her way out.

    And the whole Reginald thing was a rewrite.  Pre Depriest, Donna was written as being close and loyal to her dad.  Per a few conversations between Peter and Donna.


  8. 3 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    I get that , but at the time had Lauren thought Paul was dead, it would have been a great motivation for her to marry Scott (to me, that never came across as a great love match) Then when Paul is discovered to be alive it sets up a natural conflict b/w Scott and Lauren as he wonders whether she married him for the right reasons or as just a way to deal with Paul's death.

    I always figured he went to Lauren as a rebound after finding out Cricket was his half sister.  He always held both Lauren and Sheila to high standards..due to his repressed feelings for Cricket.

    In fact, I viewed Scott as the start of declawing Lauren.

  9. I do recall the Jill/Kay feud was rested for a year or two..until Jill was serious with John and Kay dropped by to visit Jill.

    Jill vs Kay when Adair was playing Jill had a different element because Adair had a sweet exterior so that Kay looked unhinged while Jill looked innocent.  It's probably why the feud didn't become revived until Dickson came back in mid 1983 as Jill.

    There's a channel on YT uploading episodes of Y & R...and I was surprised at some of the character interactions.

    I knew Traci and Lauren fought over Danny in 1983/4...but I was surprised Traci and Danny still interacted up to 1986..with Traci being almost a big sister to Cricket.

    When did Traci and Danny stop interacting with one another?  By the early 90s, you wouldn't have known the two had previously been married.

    And I was watching Brenda Dickson's last episodes in summer 1987..and saw Lauren/Danny as one another's dates..with Nina playing on Phillip's insecurities when it came to Cricket and Danny.

    I'm curious as to when Lauren and Danny stopped interacting..since by the early 90s you wouldn't know the two were friends.

    And to this day Paul/Lauren are a couple that I wish had reunited..though I loved how they were still friends and would celebrate their anniversary long after the two divorced.  And I liked that when Paul faked his death in 1989..he told Lauren he was still alive.

  10. @Taoboi


    Mary is so reminding me of Kim Richards.  Quirky, says odd stuff, yet will drag someone when they come for her.

    Seth is fine :) I follow his Instagram for the occasional shirtless video.

    Whitney is a homewrecker, but if she were smart...she'd be minding her marriage since he'll probably cheat on her soon enough.


    I sometimes watch Kelly Dodd's reviews on the episodes..and she said Shannon doesn't have allies on the show so she's playing nice in those scenes.

    Emily and Gina have to pot stir because what else can they offer. 

    With Shannon/Heather..they can feature their teen kids...Noella is a hot mess..while Dr Jenn has the shirtless hubby..plus can be seen at her job.  

    So all that's left is to stir the pot

  11. Brenda's Jill was cold and sarcastic..but there were moments when 70s Jill came out.  I often think Jill and Katherine's whole dynamic shifted when Jess Walton took over.

    Before Jill and Katherine would trade insults and putdowns...but Jess' more intense take on Jill made them start to get physical in their fights.


  12. Does anyone think Mick would have worked had a different actor played him?  

    I hadn't seen season 3 for awhile..but I recall he still wanted Kristen...but was also being pursued by Macy (pre Thorne)...while Donna kind of liked him..yet also knew he was leading Macy on.  I'm wondering had a different actor played Mick..if all that would have continued instead of all that being dropped.

  13. I didn't have a problem with the number of kids Sable and Jason had.  I think they should have had Bliss be off screen as being away in school..and introduced later.

    Monica was an interesting character in the 80s..she was written how Fallon Dynasty should have been written.  A female operating in a man's world.  I think her season 2 arc with her former flame, son, and Adrienne was strong.  Adrienne seemed more like Claudia in terms of being an outsider.

    Sable was a grey character and in season 2 had agency with her job in the arts.

    Season 2 of the Colby's seemed to correct some of the errors of season 1...and was focusing more on the arts and entertainment industry..less on the oil industry.

    Miles had potential but raping Fallon was a no no.  His relationship with Channing had promise..and oddly I think the actress would have been a better Fallon recast Emma Samms.

  14. 35 minutes ago, Cat said:


    Thank you for doing a BEST & WORST 2021 list in the light, fun spirit in which it was intended!

    Looking back on mine, I feel mine was too downbeat and 'End of Days.' So, to you and everybody here who read it, I apologise.

    There are lots of things I love about the RHs -- after all, I watch multi-hours of RH programming each week, so I'm not about to stop anytime soon! My negativity was very premature. I think the Covid situation has been getting me down the last few weeks and affected my general outlook. :wacko:

    I'm glad you went for stuff like "Best new housewife with trainwreck potential" / "Most Sympathetic housewife" / "Ugliest personality." These are the categories that actually matter when we are talking about these shows.

    ITA about Noella. I'm still not sure whether Sweet Bambi in the Headlights is an act, or if she really got thrown into the deep end without a clue! I would also add Mrs. Martina Navratilova, aka Julia of Real Housewives of Miami in the "Best new housewife with trainwreck potential" category. I don't know where this is going but whew, girl, way to mess up your marriage to an adored and respected tennis icon.

    ITA about Tiffany, I think she has a sweet heart and honestly, I think she and D'Andra would have headed up a S6 RHOD reboot, so well-received was she by fans.

    I had a "Worst New Housewife" segment good to go, but honestly, there were a lot of people filling that list, and Drew was at the top, followed by Leah (well, second-season wonder, but who's counting) and a host of others. So I deleted. But please know that Drew's worstness has not gone unnoticed by me! I also had a Worst Overall Housewife (and that was Kelly Dodd).

    Yep, Shannon is giving Tamra a taste of her own medicine -- and that's one reason I want Tamra back on OC. The other is that Tamra stirs the pot in a genius way. She is a born EP.

    As for Terri... LOL. Yeah. I get a not-inconsequential amount of joy hating on her sanctimonious ass wherever I can on this thread! It's illogical, but... :whistling: 

    ETA.: And in the "How Would I Save RHONY" category, I would put 'hire back Heather, Carole and Aviva.'

    Heather said she'd never go back after her visit this past season.

    To save NY, you need some new blood.  Someone that has a love and passion for the city and actually lives in the city.

    You need an Alex type that lives in Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, etc.  Someone fun to shake up the boring status quo.  Lean and Eboni were attempts at that...but neither were fun or interesting to me.


    Not sure Julia on Miami has train wreck potential.  I still have Anne Heche vibes..and Martina so doesn't like Adriana lol

  15. My mom, when she was alive,  said that the show needed some strong younger characters to offset the veterans.  She said too many restless characters, not enough young characters.

    However, she said her only nit pick was that the new characters needed to be played by people that could act.  And she said most of the younger characters were played by unmemorable performers (she loved Hilary though).

    In regards to the best years of Y & R...I would say 1991 to spring 1992.

    During that period, there were 3 strong stories going on at different speeds so the viewer was never bored:

    David Kimball story 

    Nikki's alcoholism



  16. @Cat


    I always forgot about Teddi...so she never annoyed me.

    I think Drew on RHOA is the new Teddi.  She lacks presence in photos, has no charisma, nor a personality.  Cynthia, at least, had the beauty and fashions to compensate for her more low key approach.


    Ugliest housewife (personality)(tie).

    Adriana (RHOM) and Heather (RHOC).

    Both of these women need to have their asses whooped.


    Most Sympathetic housewife:


    Tiffany (RHOD)

    I felt so bad for her.  She was an introvert that got thrown in with the wolves.  I remember thinking that the other women couldn't read social cues because she wanted to be left alone and no one would respect her boundaries.


    Housewife regaining my sympathy:

    Shannon (RHOC)

    What made her popular originally was that she was an under dog for season 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.  

    Maybe Heather being back has a silver lining because Twitter is not liking Heather and I'm seeing some team Shannon tweets.


    Best new housewife with trainwreck potential:

    Noella (RHOC)

    Wow, she just seems so eager and emotional.  She'll be eaten alive....yet she's the only one offering anything interesting so far on OC so far.


    Lastly, I love that it was Shannon that gave Tamra a taste of her own medicine.  After the crap Tamra pulled on Gretchen, Alexis, Quinn, Jeana, etc....nice to see someone pull that on her...and it being Shannon was icing on the cake.

  17. I haven't watched Y & R nor B & B for awhile....so imagine my surprise at the following:


    Lily as CEO of Chancellor?!?!

    Why waste a wonderful actress Mishal by keeping her prisoner with Devon?  Amanda should be mixing it up with Billy.

    Phyllis/Nick/Jack = yawn

    Chelsea/Sally should be allies.. not enemies.  Even Jill back in her vixen days had friends.

    Michael is not Lauren's soul mate.


    B & B

    Sheila causing Brooke's to fall off the wagon... that is consistent with Sheila.  She did the same thing to Macy back in the 90s.

    Taylor being back sounds interesting.. but I fear Brad Bell will go back to his usual tricks.

    Katie/Carter sounded promising.. but now Carter is being paired with Paris?

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