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Posts posted by Soaplovers

  1. It seemed with the Brooks daughters, Bell had them in holding patterns moreso with Chris than with the other 3.

    Wes Kenney coming in 1982 was a godsend because he could be objective and tell Bell what was working and not working.  In 1982, the William's family appeared to have more staying power then the Stevens family so it made sense why Wes said to deep six that family.

    Even when the William's family faded out by the latte 80s, Mary William's was more effective in a recurring element than any of the Stevens family.

  2. Erica kind of was a mentor type in the 80s with Jenny, Greg, Dottie..and later Kendall in the early 90s (before she was revealed as Erica's daughter).

    I wish Erica as a mentor could have continued...Broderick had set up Gillian as someone that looked up to Erica in 1997...I just didn't understand why that didn't continue.

    Josh could have easily been a son figure for her..maybe made her wonder if the baby she lost with Phil..or the baby she aborted..would have been like Josh.  Would have given Erica some much needed dimension that had peeled away in the last decade or so of the soap.

  3. I remember Scott was paired 1st with Connor..but I can't recall what caused them to break up.  

    I did think Scott and Lucinda had loads of potential..with Lucinda and Lisa not being keen on one another.

    And I do remember Ellen still had presence until the mid 90s.  She seemed to be a mother hen to Courtney, Rod/Josh, etc...which made sense since she didn't have a strong foundation with her mom.

    And I do think instead of bringing back Dani in the 90s, one of Annie's kids could have stayed with her in the mid 90s..and been the 3rd wheel with Nikki/Ryder.  

  4. I liked seeing Heather and Shannon with their kids.  With 2 of the women now having teens..it reminds me of early recipe OC.

    My theory on Emily and Gina lasting:

    Emily is the show's attempt at a newer version of Jeana.  Weight struggles, self deprecating sense of humor, odd marriage arrangement with hubby.  Only thing missing is her kids are too young.

    Gina is what I imagine Vicky was like back in the 80s and 90s... a California transplant, basically divorced and starting over again.  Time will tell if she will be like Vicky and build her own nest egg with a business...but i will say she has the best confessionals and facial expressions.

  5. According to early reports, if you've had a previous infection, or been vaccinated...if you get the Omicron variant...you will have a mild case like the flu.

    However, if unvaxxed...well...chances of hospitalization increases.

    So if vaxxed...relax and enjoy your holiday.  If unvaxxed, proceed with caution.  Sadly the reverse will happen

  6. From what I've read in regards to mutations, usually viruses will mutate to become less severe and more contagious.

    If the milder cases in South Africa were generally younger and unvaccinated, then maybe Omicron is proving that theory true in this case.

    And the 1st generation vaccines were more about preventing severe symptoms, hospitalizations, and death then it was preventing it from infecting you.

    I think down the line this will be a annual covid shot..much like the flu shot is annual.  The flu pandemic took up to 3 years before it became endemic...so I suspect covid will eventually be like that as well someday.

    Also, I've has covid plus the vaccine...so I'm feeling more secure then most.

  7. It's odd with how dowdy they dressed Ellen in the 70s..when by the mid 80s..she had a more youthful look again.

    There were moments when Ellen would be fiesty..but it seemed like the show didn't know what to do with her.  I figured when David was killed off in 1991..that it would open up some new avenues to explore..alas not to be.

  8. I think Caroline was Ridge's true love and Brooke got him by default.

    I think Ridge went for Taylor initially because she wasn't like Brooke nor Caroline. And she was someone new that didn't have the baggage of Caroline...plus Brooke was with Eric by the time he was able emotionally to date.

    Regarding Macy, what was everyone's favorite love interest of hers outside of Thorne?  I liked her with Grant best...and I think anything given to Macy after that was an insult to her character.

  9. Ivana dating Thorne after Dylan choosing Jessica...then stalking Macy before Anthony kills her.  Then Macy and Anthony's showdown was awesome as well.  Last time Macy received decent writing and focus.

    I thought beefing up the younger set with Jasmine and Michael was smart...but neither character was used well.

    Sheila's departure was a long time coming and was satisfying...but I would have waited a year or so before being back.

    Wasn't 1995 when Bill Bell left the day to day stuff to his son..proving talent isn't inherited 

  10. RHUGT:

    Kenya vs Ramona:

    Both were in the wrong.  So Kenya can call Ramona a peasant, make fun of her, etc....but if Ramona says 'F U'..then that isn't alright?  Kenya is a classist and ageist....while Ramona is classist and entitled.

    And interesting that Kenya laid her hands on Ramona.  Now she knows what Porsha felt at the reunion years ago.  If someone saying FU to you drives you to lay your hands on someone..maybe follow Porsha's lead and get anger management.

    Luann isnt a pushover...but she is a snake.  And let us not forget how rude Luann was to the help back in her countess days.  And Luann..you have a mug shot so drop the high and mighty act.

    I'm with Melissa...enjoy the carbs :)


  11. 5 hours ago, MichaelGL said:

    Guiding Light 

    Ed Bauer played by Peter Simon in 2002

    Vanessa returning in 2002 for the anniversary episodes as well. 

    Honestly 2002 had plenty of returns I was shocked at, including KT as Mindy. 

    A deSORASED Susan 

    Nola and Bridget Reardon for the last episode. 

    Add in Roger and Holly in 1988/9. 

    My mom knew once Blake was revealed as Christina that Holly would be returning (and she was excited when she appeared at the end of the 1988 Xmas episode).

  12. Taylor was an observer..kind of an outsider to the dramas of the Foresters, Logans, and Spencer's.  

    I liked that about her...and that seems her main function up to 1994 when she first left the show.

    When her dad and brother come on in 1992, you kind of understand why she's the calm and cool observer one.  She was the peacemaker in her family.  Speaking of which, it's a shame her brother Zach never came back to the show in all these years.

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